The 337 - Lesson Plan A

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Sarah Donis
2. Area A
3. Freeze and Justify
4. Objective: Student will acquire risk taking abilities, spatial awareness,
characterization, communication, and creative movement.
5. Materials needed: N/A

6. Description of Game:
a. Pick a leader and a few students to be the actors.

b. Actors walk around the space, constantly changing the shapes of their bodies,
exploring unusual poses (consider adding instrumental music to help their

c. The leader at any point can call out “Freeze!” at which point all the actors
freeze in their current pose.

d. The leader calls out a name and asks them to “Justify” their pose. For instance,
a kid posed with their arm raised high above their head might be “cleaning
cobwebs from the ceiling” or “raising his hand in a classroom” or “playing
basketball and just threw and 3 pointer”.

e. It is the actor’s job to imagine a situation in which their pose makes sense.

f. After the leader asks about 2 or 3 kids to Justify, unfreeze everyone and let
them walk around again, posing and contorting some more. Repeat!

7. Side coaching: Remember keep moving when you are an actor, be creative. Do
not be afraid to do moves or positions you have never done. It’s more fun
when you are creative and are outgoing. Have fun with it.

8. Questions for Students: Did you have fun playing this game? What are some
thing you had to do during the game? How did you feel when you were the actor?
How did the leader feel? Is there anything you wish we could have included in the
game? Would you want to play this game again? What was the most creative
improvisation done during the game?

9. Did the students try different movements? Did they feel comfortable enough to
try different things? Did they have fun? Should we play this game again? What
could we differently? Can we improve the game?

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