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Int. J. Morphol.

34(1):237-243, 2016.

External Morphological Features of the Gills of Ichthyophis

bannanicus Embryo (Amphibia, Gymnophiona)

Características Morfológicas Externas de las Branquias del

Embrión de Ichthyophis bannanicus (Amphibia, Gymnophiona)

Shaoquan Meng*,**; Yongjian Bei**; Guifen Li**; Ronghui Lu***; Baomin Qi*** & Defeng Wu***

MENG, S.; BEI, Y.; LI, G.; LU, R.; QI, B. & WU, D. External morphological features of the gills of Ichthyophis bannanicus embryo
(Amphibia, Gymnophiona). Int. J. Morphol., 34(1):237-243, 2016.

SUMMARY: The gills of Ichthyophis bannanicus have yet to be investigated. This paper describes the external morphological
features of the gills of mature I. bannanicus embryos exhibiting three pairs of gills on their neck region. Each gill is composed of an axis
and filaments. In newly released embryos, the filaments and the axis form at approximately 90° relative to each other; eventually, this
angle decreases and the color of the gill fades. The filaments on the axis are arranged alternately, and their spacing varies. The mid-pair
of gills is significantly longer by nearly twofold than the front and rear pairs. Likewise, the lengths of the front and rear pairs of gills are
not significantly different (P >0.05); for the same pair of gills, the lengths of the left and right parts are not significantly different (P
>0.05). The number of filaments is greater in the mid-pair of gills than in the front and rear pairs (P <0.05); the number of filaments in
the front pair is not significantly different from that of the rear pair (P >0.05); the number of filaments in the left part does not significantly
differ from that of the right parts (P >0.05). Results showed that the gills of I. bannanicus embryo are more similar to those of other
species in Ichthyophiidae than to those of species in other families.

KEY WORDS: Amphibia; Caecilian; External gill; Morphology.


The members of Gymnophiona, also known as have been rarely investigated; as such, the external
cecilians, are difficult to observe because they live morphological features of I. bannanicus remain unknown.
underground and because they exhibit nocturnal habits; thus, Therefore, we investigated the morphological features of the
these animals are rarely known (Gower & Wilkinson, 2005). gills of I. bannanicus embryos to provide useful baseline
Ichthyophis bannanicus is the only representative of information for the subsequent studies on the development
Gymnophiona found in China (Fei et al., 2005). I. and physiology of the respiratory system of I. bannanicus.
bannanicus belong to Ichthyophiidae, and the population
of this species is relatively small and mainly distributed in
Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guangdong in China (Ye et al., 1993; MATERIAL AND METHOD
Wen, 1998). Ichthyophis larvae are aquatic; by contrast,
Ichthyophis adults are terrestrial, and these adults particularly
live in tunnels. Thus far, studies have focused on the Materials. We found a clutch of 23 I. bannanicus eggs in
embryonic gills of two caecilian divisions, namely, the suburb of Beiliu in Guangxi, China, in our field work in
Caeciliidae, such as Gegeneophis carnosus (Ramaswami, July 2014. The clutch of eggs was washed by rain and
1954), and Ichthyophiidae, such as Ichthyophis bombayensis partially exposed; the mother was still protecting the eggs.
(Jadhav, 2010). However, the gills of I. bannanicus embryos To prevent these eggs from being washed out or from being

College of Life Sciences, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian, China.
College of Life Science & Technology, Yulin Normal University, Yulin, Guangxi, China.
College of animal science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian, China.
This research was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 31260509), the Program for Excellent Talents
in Guangxi Higher Education Institutions (Grant No. 13-3), and the High-level Talents Scientific Research Starting Fund of Yulin Normal University
(Grant No. G20130003).

MENG, S.; BEI, Y.; LI, G.; LU, R.; QI, B. & WU, D. External morphological features of the gills of Ichthyophis bannanicus embryo (Amphibia, Gymnophiona).
Int. J. Morphol., 34(1):237-243, 2016.

trampled upon, we placed, fed, and observed these eggs in Color. The newly released gills were bright red; the gills
a safe place. The clutch of eggs, along with the mother and initially appeared plump (Fig. 1A) and then gradually turned
a small amount of soil where these organisms were found, pale; the filament ends eventually folded (Fig. 1B). The entire
was brought to the laboratory and placed in a glass jar. On gills turned white after approximately 20 min.
the second day, we collected six eggs while the mother was
away from the eggs and used these eggs in other studies. Length of the gills. The length of the gills of the mid-pair is
On the fourteenth day, we collected eight eggs when the nearly twice the lengths of the front and the rear pairs. The
embryo matured to around stage 35 of the embryonic front and rear pairs of gills were relatively short, and their
developmental stages of I. kohtaoensis (Dünker et al., 2000) lengths were not significantly different (P >0.05). Likewise,
to investigate the external morphological characteristics of the length of the left and right gills of each pair was not
the gills. The nine remaining eggs were hatched by the significantly different (P >0.05, Table I).
mother in the nest.
Gill axis. The gill axis refers to the middle axis of the gill; the
Observation and measurement of the external axis base of the front and rear gills vertically grows from the
morphological features of gills. The eight eggs were rinsed lateral neck skin and then sharply stretches forward and
with 0.7 % saline to remove the attached sand and were backward. The axis base of the middle gill also vertically grows
placed in a Petri dish containing 0.7 % saline solution; the from the lateral neck skin and then sharply stretches backward
short stem (Breckenridge & Jayasinghe, 1979) of either end (Figs. 1A and 1B). The gill axis bears many filaments. The
of the capsule was clamped with a tweezer, and the diameter of the axis decreases from the base to the tail; at the
membrane was torn gently to release the embryo. The end of the axis, one to two filaments grow (Figs. 1A, 1B and
embryonic gills were observed and photographed; afterward, 2, Table I).
the embryos were placed in a paraformaldehyde-pentanedial
fixative solution containing 4 % formaldehyde and 2.5 % Number of filaments. The number of filaments of the different
pentanedial to fix the tissues for 24 h at 4 °C; the gills were gill pairs vary; among these pairs, the middle pair contained
observed and photographed under a stereoscopic microscope the greatest number of filaments, and this result significantly
(Nikon-SMZ800). The sizes (length and width) of the gills differed from that of the front and rear pairs (P <0.05); by
and filaments of the eight samples were measured using contrast, the number of filaments of the front pairs differed
ImageJ. The length of the gills was measured from the base from that of the rear pairs, but this difference was not significant
of the gills to the longest filaments of the tail; the width was (P >0.05). Likewise, the number of the filaments of the left
obtained from the diameter of the base and the tail. The and right gills of one pair did not significantly differ (P >0.05,
filaments were sampled from the base, the middle, and the Table I).
tail of the axis; three samples were randomly obtained from
the filaments extending forward and backward for Development of the filaments. In the newly released embryo,
measurement (six filaments in each part). The length of the the filaments and the axis form nearly a right angle relative to
filaments was measured from the base to the tip; the width each other (Fig. 1A); the angle gradually decreases to less
of the filaments was obtained from the diameter of the base than 50° (Fig. 2). The filaments grow in alternating patterns
and the tail. The data obtained from the eight samples were on both sides of the gill axis, and few of these filaments grow
analyzed using SPSS19.0. in pair (Figs. 1A, 1B and 2). The distance between two adjacent
filaments is uncertain; distance may be great or small; in some
instances, filaments are tightly connected to each other (Fig.

Size of the filaments. The filaments are mostly cylindrical

Composition. The gills of I. bannanicus consist of three except the relatively flat region connected to the axis. In an
pairs: front, middle, and rear pairs; the gills are located on individual, the longest filament is commonly located in the
both sides of the neck (Figs. 1A and 1B). Each pair consists middle axis of the mid-pair of the gills; by contrast, the shortest
of the left and right gills. I. bannanicus possesses six gills, filaments are found in the tails of the three pairs. The length
namely, left front gill (LF), right front gill (RF), left middle of the filaments at the base of the axis and in the middle part
gill (LM), right middle gill (RM), left rear gill (LR), and of the mid-pair of the gills did not significantly differ from
right rear gill (RR). Each gill, which resembles a feather that of the corresponding filaments in the front pair (P >0.05);
(Fig. 2), comprises an axis and filaments. An enlarged gill conversely, the length of the filaments at the base of the axis
also resembles a ramus tree; hence, the gill is also called a and in the middle part of the mid-pair of the gills significantly
ramus. differed from that of the corresponding filaments in the rear
MENG, S.; BEI, Y.; LI, G.; LU, R.; QI, B. & WU, D. External morphological features of the gills of Ichthyophis bannanicus embryo (Amphibia, Gymnophiona).
Int. J. Morphol., 34(1):237-243, 2016.

pair (P <0.05). The lengths of the filaments in the tails of the of the filaments in the middle axis did not significantly differ
axis of the three pairs of gills did not significantly differ (P from that of the filaments in the base (P >0.05). By contrast,
>0.05). Likewise, the lengths of the filaments in the the length of the filaments in the middle axis significantly
corresponding parts of the axis of the left and right gills in a differed from that of the filaments in the tail (P <0.05, Table
pair did not significantly differ (P >0.05, Table II). In a gill, II). The diameter of a filament decreased gradually from the
the length of the filaments in the middle axis was greater base to the tail; in the tail, these filaments end with a finger-
than that of the filaments in the base and in the tail; the length like structure (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Fixed LM
gill of mature I.
embryo. The gill
appeared like a
white feather, the
angle of inclination
is small.
The filaments are
mostly alternate
and the spacing
between filaments
is varied, and the
filaments form a
finger-like shape.

Fig. 1. A) Gill of a newly dissected mature embryo of I. bannanicus.

The gills are engorged and scarlet, the filament nearly perpendicular to
the axis; the gills growing vertically from the neck sides extend sharply
forward or backward. B) Embryonic gill 20 min after removal from
the egg capsule. The color faded, the filament crimped, and the angle
was reduced.

MENG, S.; BEI, Y.; LI, G.; LU, R.; QI, B. & WU, D. External morphological features of the gills of Ichthyophis bannanicus embryo (Amphibia, Gymnophiona).
Int. J. Morphol., 34(1):237-243, 2016.

Table I. Size of the gills of Ichthyophis bannanicus (Mean ± SD, n= 8).

Length (µm) Breadth (µm) Number of filaments
Base Tail-end
LF 6269.39±979.21b 442.75±22.57a 117.37±17.88a 35.33±3.78b
RF 6359.35±1076.94b 453.06±129.37a 85.85±24.07a 36.00±5.20b
LM 10779.51±1223.83a 455.69±49.22a 99.27±57.34a 68.33±5.69a
RM 11788.86±1979.33a 391.58±39.52a 120.64±7.70a 63.33±5.51a
LR 6497.96±1164.78b 250.84±28.74b 95.61±11.00a 42.00±4.58b
RR 6547.06±837.10b 258.96±28.43b 136.14±36.18a 38.00±4.00b
Note: Multiple comparisons using LSD test. In each column, different lower case letters indicate significant
difference between gills (P <0.05); identical lower case letters indicate no significant difference between gills
(P >0.05). For abbreviations, see the Results.

Table II Length of the gill filaments (µm) in different parts of the axis in each gill of Ichthyophis bannanicus (Mean ± SD, n= 48).
Base 1693.26±642.78aA 1993.52±440.02aA 1617.71±703.68aA 1647.89±475.31bA 1176.35±579.97aB 1367.89±214.27aB
aA A aA aA aB aB
Mi ddle 1945.93±288.66 1891.89±539.18a 2115.84±519.74 2235.95±597.82 1545.66±251.56 1586.27±311.31
bA bA bB bA aA bA
Tail-end 1093.24±163.47 1 171.23±281.74 688.85±335.35 1272.25±118.31 1118.04±174.21 1036.78±80.50
Note: Multiple comparisons using LSD test. Different lower case letters in the same column indicate significant difference (P <0.05) between gill
filaments in different positions in the axis of a gill; identical lower case letters indicate no significant difference (P >0.05) between gill filaments in
different positions in the axis of a gill; Different capital letters on the same row indicate significant difference (P <0.05) between gill filaments in the same
gill axis positions in different gills; identical capital letters indicate no significant difference (P >0.05) between filaments in similar regions of different gill


In a typical structure of gymnophiona gills, each in eggs are red; however, Breckenridge and Jayasinghe did
caecilian embryo contains three gills in each head side except not record the color of the gills of newly hatched larvae. Jadhav
the gills of Typhlonectes (Peters, 1874, 1875; Parker, 1956; found that the gills of newly hatched I. bombayensis larvae
Taylor, 1968; Wake, 1969; Nussbaum & Wilkinson, 1989; appear bright red; after 15 h to 20 h, the color of these gills
Wilkinson, 1989; Sammouri et al., 1990; Exbrayat & Hraoui- fades. The gills then detach from the sides of the neck. The
Bloquet, 1991, 1992; Hraoui-Bloquet & Exbrayat, 1994; gills of I. bannanicus embryos are similar to those of I.
Wilkinson & Nussbaum, 1997) and Chthonerpeton bombayensis larvae in terms of color and color change; in
(Lieberman, 1939; Parker) with a huge sac-like gill on both particular, the gills are bright red for a particular period after
sides of the head. However, Jadhav observed that the gills of the gills are removed from the egg capsules (Fig. 1A) and then
I. bombayensis larvae grow in the sides of the neck; this gradually turn white after approximately 20 min (Fig. 1B).
finding is consistent with our observations, which showed
that the three gills of I. bannanicus embryo grow on each In the mature phase of Caeciliidae embryos, the mid
side of the neck (Figs. 1A and 1B). Researchers found that gills of Gymnnopis multiplicata are almost twice longer than
the gills grow on both sides of the head; Jadhav and our the front and rear gills (Wake); by contrast, the mid gills of
group revealed that the gills grow on both sides of the neck. Hypogeophis rostratus are slightly longer than the front and
However, we have yet to determine the factor causing this rear gills (Brauer, 1899; Marcus, 1907). In Gegeneophis
difference. We assumed that this discrepancy is attributed to carnosus, the front and mid gills were nearly equal in length
interspecific difference, but this possible reason remains and were longer compared with the rear gills, which
uncertain because some images, Figures 2D, 2E, 2F, 3J, and contained few filaments (Seshachar, 1942; Ramaswami). In
3K (see in Dünker et al.) and Figures 5c, 5d, and 5e (see in Caecilia orientalis, the front and rear gills were larger
Breckenridge & Jayasinghe) of the gills of caecilian embryos compared with the mid gills (Pérez et al., 2009). Among
or larvae in previous studies reveal that these gills grow on these Caeciliidae species, the gills of their embryonic gills
the sides of the neck rather than on the sides of the head. develop differently and their sizes vary, except G.
multiplicata whose gills are similar to those of I. bannanicus.
The color of gills has rarely been described. By contrast, the gills of the mature embryos or larvae of
Breckenridge and Jayasinghe observed that the embryonic gills Ichthyophiidae are almost the same. Among these gills, the

MENG, S.; BEI, Y.; LI, G.; LU, R.; QI, B. & WU, D. External morphological features of the gills of Ichthyophis bannanicus embryo (Amphibia, Gymnophiona).
Int. J. Morphol., 34(1):237-243, 2016.

mid gills of I. bombayensis are the longest (12 mm), followed gills of I. bannanicus was equal to that of I. kohtaoensis
by the front gills (6.7 mm) and the rear gills (5.3 mm) (see Table II in Dünker et al.). However, this comparison is
(Jadhav).The morphological characteristics of I. glutinosus inaccurate because the sample size used by Breckenridge &
gills are similar to those of I. bombayensis; in particular, the Jayasinghe is unknown. Although the sample size of Dünker
mid gills are the longest (12.5 mm), followed by the front et al., is 3, we have yet to determine whether the number of
gills (6.5 mm) and the rear gills (5 mm) (Breckenridge & filaments in Table II (see in Dünker et al.) is obtained from
Jayasinghe). In I. kohtaoensis, the mid gills (12.5 mm to the left or the right head side of the gills because the number
16.0 mm) are twice longer than the front and rear gills of filaments in the left and right gills in a pair differs (Table
(Dünker et al.). We observed that the morphological I). For example, Dünker et al., provided Table II (see in
characteristics of I. bannanicus are similar to those in Dünker et al.) and showed that the middle gills of a larval
previous studies; in particular, the mid gills of I. bannanicus sample in the 25th stage contain 50 filaments; however,
were nearly twice longer than the front and rear gills (Table whether this figure refers to LM or RM gills is unknown.
I). Thus, the gills of the mature embryos or larvae of Second, the size is different; the size of the gill filaments is
Ichthyophiidae caecilians did not exhibit significant very complex because this parameter includes the size of
interspecific variation. Conversely, the morphological the filaments in the same position on the axis of different
characteristics of the gills of the mature embryo of gills and the size of the filaments in different positions on
Caeciliidae caecilians show significant interspecific the axis of the same gills. Breckenridge & Jayasinghe and
variation. This finding is consistent with the conclusions Jadhav did not record the length of the gill filament; instead,
presented by Dünker et al.; Dünker et al. concluded that Breckenridge & Jayasinghe and Jadhav only described that
Rhinatrematidae and Ichthyophiidae are basic groups of the gill axis tapers from the base to the tip, and the filament
Gymnophiona, whereas Caeciliidae is a highly derived on the axis shortened as this axis tapers. Furthermore, Dünker
evolutionary branch. et al., stated that the number and length of filaments in the
mid gills are greater than those of the front and rear gills.
Seshachar concluded that the rear pair of gills is the Breckenridge & Jayasinghe and Jadhav described the size
shortest among the gill pairs of the embryonic gills of of the filaments on the same gills; conversely, Dünker et al.,
Ichthyophiidae. However, we observed that the rear pair of described the size of the filaments on different gills. The
the gills of the embryonic gills of I. bannanicus was slightly sizes of the filaments from the same position of different
longer than the front pair; despite this finding, the difference gills of I. glutinosus (Breckenridge & Jayasinghe) and
was not significant (P >0.05). Furthermore, distribution of I. bombayensis (Jadhav) have not been provided. Likewise,
the length of the rear gills differed greatly among the the sizes of the filaments from different positions of the same
individuals in a clutch (Table I). Our conclusions and those gills of I. kohtaoensis (Dünker et al.) have not been specified.
of previous studies may be affected by a small sample size We found that the length of the filaments in one part of the
because Caecilian species samples are not easily obtained. axis of different gills differs; for example, LF or RF exhibited
If the sample size is very small, such as one or two samples, the longest filaments found in the base of the axis, followed
conclusions may be inaccurate. Nevertheless, our findings by LM or RM, and the shortest was observed in LR or RR.
are consistent with those of Brauer, Breckenridge & The filaments in different parts of an axis of a gill varied in
Jayasinghe, and Dünker et al., that is, the differences in the length. For example, in LM or RM, the filaments in the mid
lengths of the gills of I. glutinosus, I. kohtaoensis, and I. part of the axis were longer than those in the base and tip of
bannanicus are evident (Table I). the axis, although the filaments in the base were longer than
those in the tip. Moreover, the differences in the length of
The axis, which is an important component of the the filaments in the tip of gills were not significantly different;
gill, has been rarely described. For instance, Jadhav found in a gill, the filaments in the mid axis were longer than those
that the axis is cylindrical with a broad base and gradually in the base and tip (Table II). Third, in terms of shape, the
becomes smaller toward the tip; this description is widely filaments are cylindrical and as fine as silk in caecilian
accepted. However, on the basis of the quantity, size, shape, species, except for Typhlonectes and Chthonerpeton, which
and manner of the development of the filaments, which are do not exhibit filaments. Breckenridge & Jayasinghe reported
one of the most important parts of gills, we obtained results that the tip of the filaments in I. glutinosus is expanded into
that differ from those of Breckenridge & Jayasinghe, Dünker a "knob-like" end. We also observed "knob-like" filament
et al., and Jadhav. First, in terms of quantity, the number of ends in I. bannanicus, although the "knob-like" filaments
the filaments in the axis was greater in the embryonic gills were less than that of the finger type. Careful examination
of I. bannanicus (Table I) than in the gills of I. glutinosus revealed that finger-like end was the true appearance,
(see Table III in Breckenridge & Jayasinghe); conversely, whereas the spherical end was a false appearance, which
the number of the filaments in the axis of the embryonic was caused by the distortion of some filaments. Fourth, are
MENG, S.; BEI, Y.; LI, G.; LU, R.; QI, B. & WU, D. External morphological features of the gills of Ichthyophis bannanicus embryo (Amphibia, Gymnophiona).
Int. J. Morphol., 34(1):237-243, 2016.

the differences in manner of development. In I. kohtaoensis, bannanicus. In addition, the filaments in I. bannanicus
the filaments were perpendicular to the axis (Dünker et al.), mostly occur in the axis in alternate and rarely in opposite
whereas in I. bannanicus, this condition was observed right fashion (Fig. 2).
after the removal of the embryo from the egg capsule and
for a short period only. The filaments and axis of the newly
released embryo were at approximately right angle relative ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
to each other; about 20 min later, the angle slowly adjusted
to less than 50° (Fig. 2). The duration of angular adjustment
coincided with the color change, suggesting that a certain The authors are grateful to Li Jianda, who contributed
association exist between the two. Possibly, adequate blood to the discovery of the research samples. We appreciate Prof.
flow into the gills caused the orientational relationship Shoukun Wang's generosity in providing measuring tools.
between filament and axis and resulted in the bright red This research was financially supported by the National
coloration of the gills; inadequate blood flow into the gills Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 31260509),
reduced the angle of inclination of the filaments and caused the Program for Excellent Talents in Guangxi Higher
the gill to whiten. In terms of gill development, Dünker et Education Institutions (Grant No. 13-3), and the High-level
al., reported nearly uniform spaces in between filaments in Talents Scientific Research Starting Fund of Yulin Normal
I. kohtaoensis, whereas the size of spaces differed in I. University (Grant No. G20130003).

MENG, S.; BEI, Y.; LI, G.; LU, R.; QI, B. & WU, D. Características morfológicas externas de las branquias del embrión de Ichthyophis
bannanicus (Amphibia, Gymnophiona). Int. J. Morphol., 34(1):237-243, 2016.

RESUMEN: Las branquias del Ichthyophis bannanicus aún no se han investigado. En este trabajo se describen las característi-
cas morfológicas externas de las branquias de embriones maduros de I. bannanicus, que exhiben tres pares de branquias en la región del
cuello. Cada branquia está compuesta de un eje y filamentos. En embriones recién liberados los filamentos y la forma del eje es de
aproximadamente 90° respecto a la otra; finalmente, este ángulo disminuye y el color de las branquias se desvanece. Los filamentos en
el eje están dispuestos en forma alternada y su separación varía. La media de par de branquias es significativamente más larga, por casi
el doble que los pares anterior y posterior. Del mismo modo, las longitudes de la parte delantera y posterior de pares de branquias no son
significativamente diferentes (p >0,05); para el mismo par de branquias, las longitudes de las partes izquierda y derecha no son
significativamente diferentes (p >0,05). El número de filamentos es mayor en el par medio de branquias, que en la parte delantera y
posterior de pares (p <0,05); el número de filamentos en el par frontal no es significativamente diferente de la del par trasero (p >0,05);
el número de filamentos en la parte izquierda no varía significativamente del de las partes derechas (p >0,05). Los resultados mostraron
que las branquias del embrión de I. bannanicus son más similares a los de otras especies en Ichthyophiidae que de otras especies.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Anfibio; Caecilian; Branquia externa; Morfología.


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