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Technology Integration Models

Rebecca Anderson - MCE Candidate

Universal Design for Connectivism Substitution, Technology Technology Technological

Learning (CONN) Augmentation, Acceptance Model Integration Matrix Pedagogical Content
(UDL) Modification and (TAM) (TIM) Knowledge?
Redefinition (TPACK)

Compatibility​: The notion of compatibility is derived from Rogers’ (2003) work on the diffusion of innovations and refers to the alignment between
a technology integration model’s design and existing educational and pedagogical practices.


Not a one size fits all Based on the use of Continues to provide Offers a model for Matrix explores 5 Addresses challenges
approach - it is about the internet for new those exploring different areas for the to integrating
catering to the networking/learning. research/thinking, whether technology is use of technology for technology then offers
different needs of Scope could be wider. connecting with others a worthwhile student outcomes - solutions to this.
learners, so is through blogging. investment. active, collaborative,
compatible with a Very constructive,
range of teaching flexible/adaptable authentic,
approaches. making it easy to align goal-directed. Able to
with different contexts. pick and choose what
suits best for the

Scope: ​The concept of scope deals with the depth of questioning inherent in a model and the intended purposes for integration.


Again, not a one size Technology is not at Simply offers a guide Questioning is based Builds on the Useful for more
fits all approach, UDL the centre of this to the way that around decision relationship between focussed problems in
looks at how digital model - accepts technology is making in terms of technology, the terms of technology
technologies can be different learning integrated - does not integration of digital teacher and the integration (that is, not
integrated for a range theories, then consider the whys and technologies - not the student. Offers a global approach).
of purposes/needs. explores how effects integration how or why. various criterias, and
technology can impact may have. methods of achieving
these. States learning different parts of the
is being affected by matrix.

​ he concept of fruitfulness is derived from Kuhn (2013), who explains that a good theoretical model should “be fruitful of new
Fruitfulness: T
research findings . . . [and] disclose new phenomena or previously unnoted relationships among those already known” (p. 75).


Theoretical basis, Connects different Researchers are Based on research, Developers offer a Good example of
combining learning theories, continuing to explore though critics have range of services and fruitfulness - starts
neuroscience and social structures and this framework and found many pitfalls resources that help with three domains
learning theories. technology. Explores present findings with this. build on the model and then explores
these connections through blogs. and its theoretical how these can
and relationships. base. overlap to create new
domains. Explores the
complex knowledge

​ echnology plays different roles in different models. As alluded to in the discussion of scope above, technology can be seen
Role of technology: T
as a means to an end or as an end itself. Some models view technology as a means for achieving socially valuable ends or for improving
learning, while other models may treat technology integration itself as the goal.


Technology as a Technology is at the Technology is at the Simply a decision Technology, the Technology and
means of supporting centre of this model - centre of this model. making tool when teacher and the teacher knowledge at
student learning - as a way for students deciding whether to student are all at the the centre of this
technology used as a to network and implement heart of this model. model.
means of connect with learning. technology.
representation, action
and expression,

Student outcomes: I​ n our current culture of high-stakes testing and mandatory improvement, discernible student outcomes are of great interest
(chapter 10), and much of the rhetoric surrounding technology integration focuses on improving student achievement.


Focuses on the use of Authentic learning No clear descriptors Simply a decision Focussed around the More focussed on
technology so that networking help of how each step of making tool when student - what they teacher and their
learning is accessible engage students and integration affects deciding whether to are doing and how the pedagogical
to ALL students. provide different student outcomes. implement technology teacher can help them knowledge/use of
Looks at assessment pathways for learning. - more helpful for get there. technology to affect
for learning to help teachers/management student outcomes.
ensure students are than students.

Clarity: ​Clear models are simple and easy to understand conceptually and in practice, while unclear models are confusing and may be


Clear rubrics Some argue that Four very clear Unable to find survey Clear indicators Clearly shows three
provided, with a large connectivism does not indicators of questions. throughout the matrix. different domains and
amount of information connect social integration. this create their own
provided on each theories, theories of domains.
area. learning and the
digital age together

● All criteria can be found at the following resources:

Kimmons, R. & Hall, C. (2016). Emerging Technology Integration models. In G. Veletsianos (Ed.), ​Emergence and Innovation in Digital
Education​ (pp. 51-64). Edmonton: AU Press.

● The links at the top each page provide information about each framework.

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