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Sec. 1 General Requirements ................................................................................................................ 5
Sec. 2 Conditions of Assignment of Freeboard ................................................................................. 10
Sec. 3 Freeboard .................................................................................................................................. 11
Sec. 4 Special Requirements for Ships Assigned Timber Freeboards ................................................ 25
Sec. 5 Zones, Areas and Seasonal Periods ......................................................................................... 27


The present edition of the rules is a reprint and it includes amend- Revised chapters will be forwarded to all the subscribers of the rules.
ments and additions decided by the board in June 2000 and supersedes Buyers of reprints are advised to check the updated list of rule chap-
the January 1992 edition of the same chapter. ters printed in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.1. to ensure that the chapter is current.
The most recent amendments to the rules came into force 3 February
Corrections and Clarifications
This chapter is valid until superseded by a revised chapter. Suple-
ments will not be issued except for minor amendments and an updated In addition to the above stated rule amendments, some detected errors
list of corrections will be presented in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3. Pt.0 Ch.1 is have been corrected, and some clarifications have been made in the
normally revised in January and July each year. existing rule wording.

Comments to the rules may be sent by e-mail to

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© Det Norske Veritas
Computer Typesetting (FM+SGML) by Det Norske Veritas
Printed in Norway by GCS AS.
Rules for Ships, January 2001
Pt.3 Ch.5 Contents – Page 3


SEC. 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................... 5 I. Effective Length of Superstructure .................................. 20

I 100 Regulation 35 .................................................................. 20
A. Classification..........................................................................5 I 200 Interpretations .................................................................20
A 100 Application........................................................................5
J. Trunks ................................................................................. 20
B. Documentation ......................................................................5 J 100 Regulation 36 .................................................................. 20
B 100 Freeboard plan...................................................................5 J 200 Freeing ports ...................................................................21
J 300 Trunk height.................................................................... 21
C. Application.............................................................................5 J 400 Continuous hatchways .................................................... 21
C 100 Regulation 2 ......................................................................5 J 500 Openings in bulkheads.................................................... 21
C 200 Freeboards greater than minimum ....................................5
K. Deduction for Superstructures and Trunks .................... 21
D. Definitions of terms...............................................................6 K 100 Regulation 37 .................................................................. 21
D 100 Regulation 3 ......................................................................6
D 200 Discontinuous freeboard deck, K 200 Interpretations .................................................................21
stepped freeboard deck .....................................................7 L. Sheer .................................................................................... 22
D 300 Thickness of sheathing......................................................7
D 400 Moonpools ........................................................................7 L 100 Regulation 38 .................................................................. 22
D 500 Lower freeboard deck .......................................................7 L 200 Superimposed and enclosed poop or forecastle .............. 22
D 600 Bridge or poop ..................................................................7 L 300 Raised quarter deck......................................................... 23
L 400 Sloping ends.................................................................... 23
E. Load Line Marking...............................................................8 L 500 Height of superstructure..................................................23
E 100 Deck line (Regulation 4)...................................................8 L 600 Length of trunk ............................................................... 23
E 200 Load line mark (Regulation 5) ..........................................8
E 300 Lines to be used with the load line mark. M. Minimum Bow Height ....................................................... 23
(Regulation 6) ..................................................................8 M 100 Regulation 39 .................................................................. 23
E 400 Mark of assigning authority. (Regulation 7)....................9 M 200 Interpretations .................................................................23
E 500 Details of marking. (Regulation 8) ..................................9
E 600 Verification of marks. (Regulation 9)..............................9 N. Minimum Freeboard.......................................................... 24
E 700 Assigning, marking and recording of subdivision N 100 Regulation 40 .................................................................. 24
load lines for passenger ships (SOLAS Reg. II-1/13).......9
FREEBOARD ..................................................... 10
A. Application.......................................................................... 25
A. Information to be Supplied to the Master .......................10 A 100 Regulation 41 .................................................................. 25
A 100 Information to be supplied to the master
(Regulation 10) ...............................................................10 B. Definitions ........................................................................... 25
B 100 Regulation 42 .................................................................. 25
B. Conditions concerning Strength and Arrangement.........10
B 100 General ............................................................................10 C. Construction of Ship .......................................................... 25
C 100 Regulation 43 .................................................................. 25
SEC. 3 FREEBOARD...................................................... 11
D. Stowage................................................................................ 25
A. Types of Ships......................................................................11 D 100 Regulation 44 .................................................................. 25
A 100 Regulation 27 ..................................................................11
A 200 Hatch covers....................................................................13 E. Computation of Freeboard................................................ 26
A 300 Freeing ports for type B-60.............................................13 E 100 Regulation 45 .................................................................. 26
A 400 Deck cargo barges...........................................................13 E 200 Interpretations .................................................................26
A 500 Access openings on barges .............................................13
B. Freeboard Tables ................................................................13 PERIODS ............................................................ 27
B 100 Regulation 28 ..................................................................13
B 200 Ship length above 365 m.................................................18 A. Zones, Areas and Seasonal Periods .................................. 27
C. Correction to the Freeboard for Ships under A 100 General ............................................................................27
100 m in length ....................................................................18
C 100 Regulation 29 ..................................................................18
B. Northern Winter Seasonal Zones and Area..................... 27
C 200 Interpretation...................................................................19 B 100 Regulation 46 .................................................................. 27

D. Correction for Block Coefficient .......................................19 C. Southern Winter Seasonal Zone ....................................... 27
D 100 Regulation 30 ..................................................................19 C 100 Regulation 47 .................................................................. 27

E. Correction for Depth ..........................................................19 D. Tropical Zone ..................................................................... 27

E 100 Regulation 31 ..................................................................19 D 100 Regulation 48 .................................................................. 27
E 200 Interpretation...................................................................19
E. Seasonal Tropical Areas .................................................... 28
F. Correction for Position of Deck Line ................................19 E 100 Regulation 49 .................................................................. 28
F 100 Regulation 32 ..................................................................19
F. Summer Zones .................................................................... 29
G. Standard Height of Superstructure...................................19 F 100 Regulation 50 .................................................................. 29
G 100 Regulation 33 ..................................................................19
G. Enclosed Sea ....................................................................... 29
H. Length of Superstructure ..................................................19 G 100 Regulation 51 .................................................................. 29
H 100 Regulation 34 ..................................................................19
H 200 Superstructure recess and extension. ..............................19 H. The Winter North Atlantic Load Line ............................. 29
H 300 Sloping end bulkheads ....................................................19 H 100 Regulation 52 .................................................................. 29
Rules for Ships, January 2001
Pt.3 Ch.5 Contents – Page 4

I. Corrections to the chart ..................................................... 29

I 100 General ............................................................................29
Rules for Ships, January 2001
Pt.3 Ch.5 Sec.1 – Page 5


A. Classification ships whose constructional features are such as to render

the application of the provisions of this Annex unreasona-
A 100 Application ble or impracticable shall be assigned freeboards as deter-
mined by the Administration (see C202).
101 The rules in this chapter apply to all ships above 24 m in
5) Regulations 10-26 (Sec.2) inclusive of this Annex shall ap-
length, except for ships of war, pleasure yachts not engaged in ply to every ship to which a minimum freeboard is as-
trade and fishing vessels. signed. Relaxations from these requirements may be
102 The requirements are in compliance with the Protocol of granted to a ship to which a greater than minimum free-
1988 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines board is assigned on condition that the Administration is
1966 (ICLL). satisfied with the safety conditions provided (see C201).
(6) Regulation 22(2) (Ch.1 Sec.11 K101 or Ch.2 Sec.11 K101 as
103 Text from the ICLL is printed in Italics. appropriate) and regulation 27 (Sec.3 A100) shall apply only
to ships the keels of which are laid or which are at a similar
104 Where any regulation refers to "the satisfaction of the stage of construction on or after the date on which the Pro-
Administration", DNV's or IACS interpretations are given in tocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention on
connection with the item in question. Load Lines, 1966 enters into force.
105 If any parts of these rules are subject to discussion or Guidance note:
misunderstanding the ICLL text shall apply.
The Protocol is in force from 3 February 2000.

B. Documentation (7) New ships, other than those specified in paragraph (6),
shall comply either with regulation 27 (Sec.3 A100) of the
B 100 Freeboard plan present Convention (as amended) or with regulation 27
(Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.5 Sec.3 A100,
101 A freeboard plan covering the arrangement and design January 1992) of the International Convention on Load
of the following items treated in this chapter are to be submit- Lines, 1966 (as adopted on 5 April 1966), as determined by
ted for approval: the Administration.

— doors C 200 Freeboards greater than minimum

— side scuttles and windows
201 Where freeboards are required to be increased, because
— hatches of such consideration as strength (Regulation 1), location of
— ventilators shell doors (Regulation 21) or side scuttles (Regulation 23) or
— air pipes other reasons, then:
— scuppers, sanitary discharges and garbage chutes
— sea inlets and outlets in connection with unmanned ma- a) The height of:
chinery space
doors sills (Regulation 12)
— freeing arrangements
— guard rails and bulwarks hatchway coamings (Regulation 15(1))
— gangway, passageway, under deck passage and life line sills of machinery space openings (Regulation 17)
— timber deck cargo fittings
— doors in side shell, bow and stern. miscellaneous openings (Regulation 18)
ventilators (Regulations 19)
air pipes (Regulation 20)
C. Application b) the scantlings of hatch covers (Regulation 15 and 16)
C 100 Regulation 2 c) freeing arrangements (Regulation 24) and means for pro-
tection of crew (Regulation 25)
1) Ships with mechanical means of propulsion or lighters,
barges or other ships without independent means of pro- (For all Regulations referred to above, see Ch.1 Sec.10 and
pulsion, shall be assigned freeboards in accordance with 11)
the provisions of Regulations 1-40 (Sec.1-3) inclusive of
this Annex. d) windows and side scuttles.
2) Ships carrying timber deck cargoes may be assigned, in
addition to the freeboards prescribed in paragraph (1) of on the actual freeboard deck may be as required for a super-
this Regulation, timber freeboards in accordance with the structure deck, provided the summer freeboard is such that the
provisions of Regulations 41-45 (Sec.4) inclusive of this resulting draught will not be greater than that corresponding to
Annex. the minimum freeboard calculated from an assumed freeboard
3) Ships designed to carry sail, whether as the sole means of deck situated at a distance equal to a standard superstructure
propulsion or as a supplementary means, and tugs, shall height below the actual freeboard deck. Similar considerations
be assigned freeboards in accordance with the provisions may be given in cases of draught limitation on account of bow
of Regulations 1-40 (Sec.1 -3) inclusive of this Annex. Such height (Regulation 39 Sec.3 M100).
additional freeboard shall be required as determined by the
Administration (see C201). (IACS LL51 to Reg. 2.5)
4) Ships of wood or of composite construction, or of other ma- 202 Freeboards for sailing vessels and wooden vessels will
terials the use of which the Administration has approved, or be assigned in each case.

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