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Name ID

Name: Fatima Ali ID: H00328602 Lesson plan 1

Unit of inquiry-
Who we are-Lets be friends.
Circle-Greeting and warm up:
-Singing song for good morning.
-Singing the song of the 7 days.
-Revise the letter they took it last week.
-Know the sound of letter ”d”.
-Find things in the classroom that start with letter”d”.

Key concepts:
Connecting, Thinking, Communicate.

Follow up Activities:
Name ID

Maths Activity: Language Activiy: Art Activity: I observe this Computer : Games/Blocks
Materials on the Clay
box. Drawing the dinosaurs.
*Aims: They will
*Aims: develop *Aims: They will improve fin motor improve fin motor
their cognitive skills by drawing skills.
skills and
cognition. *Detail: The children will take a *Detail: The children
picture of the dinosaurs and draw it will use a card that
on a paper.
*Detail: The child written in it letter ”d”
finds on the box and takes clay to make
some of the the letter. Them they
materials and sort -Paper will put the clay on the
them if it starts -picture of dinosaurs letter.
with letter “d” or
no with a paper *Material:
that written on it -Cards with the letter.
letter “d.” -Clay
Things on the box:
Name ID

Circle time two reflection:

Ask the children about their drawing.
1-What did you draw? A dinosaur.
2-What is this letter? They say the sound of the letter “d”

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