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I. Circle the correct verb form. If both forms are possible, tick ( ) the sentence

1. A: Why are you looking so worried?

B: I´m sure I´m going to get / I´m getting lost

2. A: Do you have any plans for this weekend?

B: Yes, I´m going to visit / I´m visiting my grandparents on Sunday.

3. A: I´m going to Poland next week.

B: Really? Do you think it´s going to be / it´s being cold?

4. A: My brother has a job interview in London.

B: Oh. Do you think he´s going to get / he´s getting the job?

5. A: What time´s the train?

B: At 7:15. Don´t worry. We aren´t going to miss / aren´t missing it.

6. A: We´re going on holiday next month

B: Are you? Where are you going to go / are you going?

7. A: How do you get to work?

B: I usually catch the bus, but tomorrow I´m going to drive / I´m driving because the buses are on

8. A: Your girlfriend drives too fast.

B: I know. I´m sure she´s going to have / she´s having an accident one day.

II. Choose going to or present continuous future for these sentences. If two answers are possible,
write them both.

1. I……….my teeth, have a wash, and go to bed. (brush)

2. Be careful with that plate! You………… it! (break)
3. My parents ………. with us for the weekend, (stay)
4. Who's ….him the news? (tell)
5. Hurry up! We …. the train! (miss)
6. How many people ….. today? (arrive)
7. They …….Nick at 10 o'clock tomorrow, (see)
8. I …… to the seaside next weekend, (go)
I. Complete with the correct form “present continuous” or “going to”

1. I __________________________________ (play) basketball tonight with Tom and Ann.

2. He ________________________________ (have) an operation next week.
3. It’s very cold. I ____________________________________ (light) a fire.
4. We _______________________________ (have) lunch with some friends tomorrow.
5. My nephew __________________________________ (come) to stay with me next week.
6. We __________________________________ (take) the children to the seaside this summer.
7. I __________________________________________ (read) you some of my own poems.
8. Are you going to the match next weekend? Yes, my brothers ______________________________ (play)
9. The inspector ____________________________________ (ask) you a few questions.
10. Mr. Pitt ___________________________ (work) abroad next year. He told me that.

I. In three of these sentences, the present continuous is possible. Re write them with the present
continuous form.

Jack is going to arrive at 4:00 I’m going to learn Spanish one of these days
I’m going to fly to Glasgow tomorrow Al’s going to tell me about his problems
We’re going to spend next week in Ireland Are you going to answer those letters?

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