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Mineral exploration can be done using various geophysical methods like the gravity
and magnetic methods. This is due to the variations in the density and magnetic
properties of the underlying minerals. Gravity method of survey measure density
anomalies while the magnetic survey measure variations in the magnetic field. The
both methods have a lot in common; the presence of a magnetic high gives a gravity
high while a magnetic low gives a gravity low. Minerals can best be explored using
the magnetic method which entails the determination of depth to the magnetic
anomaly or to the basement (Grauch and Benjamin, 2009). The instruments used to
measure the earth’s magnetic field are called magnetometers. What is actually being
measured is the intensity or field strength of the earth’s field. This is measured in
Tesla (T). Since the objective of the magnetic method is to detect relatively small
differences from the theoretical value of magnetic intensity, these are measured in
NanoTesla (nT) or gammas (γ). Today, most magnetic surveys are made from
airplanes. The aeromagnetic geophysical method plays a distinguished role when
compared with other geophysical methods in its rapid rate of coverage and low cost
per unit area explored (Grauch and Benjamin, 2009). The main purpose of the
aeromagnetic survey is to detect minerals or rocks that have unusual magnetic
properties which reveal themselves by causing anomalies in the intensity of the
earth’s magnetic field. Aeromagnetic surveys measure the total intensity of the
Earth’s magnetic field from an aircraft as it follows a regular pattern of flight lines.
The measured magnetic field data are processed to remove time varying external
fields and are corrected for noise from aircraft movements. The effects of Earth’s
primary magnetic field are removed to produce magnetic anomaly data that isolate
subtle variations related to geology. These subtle variations are produced by the
distribution of magnetic minerals (normally magnetite) in the ground. The
distributions are commonly related to particular rock types. Thus, analyzing the
magnetic field measurements to determine this distribution gives clues to subsurface
geology (Gadallah and Fisher, 2009).


The study area lies between latitudes 8o00ʹand 9o00ʹN and longitudes 11o00ʹ and
11o30ʹ E covering an approximate area of 48,400m2 in North-eastern Nigeria. The
area is characterized by rugged terrain. It is one of the crystalline pre-Cambrian
basement blocks in Nigeria. The area was subjected to periods of regional
metamorphism, tectonism and magmatism which led to the development of fractures
and faults as well as the emplacement of intrusive and dyke structures (Ofoegbu et.
Al., 1996).
FIG 1.1: Location Map of Jalingo and its Environs.


The climate of Jalingo and its environs is classified as tropical. In winter, there is
much less rainfall in Jalingo than in summer. The average annual temperature is 27.9
°C in Jalingo. In a year, the average rainfall is 958 mm. Between the driest and
wettest months, the difference in precipitation is 217 mm. During the year, the
average temperatures vary by 6.3 °C.


Jalingo and its environs is highly heterogeneous and multiethnic with close to eighty
indigenous ethnic groups speaking different languages. Some of these groups are too
small numerically, thus posing the problem of political insignificance in a
democratic polity. Some of the major ethnic groups include Fulani, Mumuye, Jukun,
Jenjo, Kuteb, Chamba and Mambilla. The major occupation of the people is
agriculture, and other primary activities like fishing, pottery, clothweaving, dying,
matmaking, wood carving, embroidery and black smithing. The culture of the people
in the state is as varied as their ethnic groups.


There has been some publications on the depth to basement or magnetic source
bodies of Jalingo and its environs in the Upper Benue Trough. Kasidy and Nur
(2013), carried out a 2- dimensional technique of Spectral analysis and Hilbert
transformation of aeromagnetic data over Jalingo and its environs. The result from
spectral analysis conducted indicates two source depths. The deeper magnetic source
varies between 437 m to 2617 m. While the shallow magnetic source ranges between
123 m to 436 m. The result of Hilbert transform was used to delineate lineaments
from the analytical signal map. They also tried to estimate the Curie point depth and
the heat flow. The Curie point depth obtained varied between 24 to 28km and the
geothermal gradient varied between 21 and 23 OCkm-1, while the heat flow values
ranged between 53 to 61 mWm-2. They observed that the results were consistent
with the existing geothermal and geotectonic regime in the area. Spectral analysis of
the data in conjunction with heat flow values revealed an almost inverse linear
relationship between heat flow and Curie depths. The study however showed the
possibility for moderate geothermal resources to exist in the study area.


The major aim of this study is to estimate the average depth to magnetic sources, i.e.
the depth to magnetic anomaly in the aeromagnetic map of Jalingo and its environs.
The objectives include the following:

1. To delineate the magnetic contours of the terrain on the aeromagnetic map.

2. To determine the magnetic highs and lows.
3. To obtain the depth to the basement.



Jalingo and its environs is located in the Northern Benue Trough underlain by
Gneisses, Migmatites, and Jurassic intrusive rocks of younger granites (Nwajide
2013). The geology of the area has also been described (by Kasidy and Nur, 2013,
Offodile, 1977,) to be made up of the Precambrian basement complex rocks, which
are considered to be undifferentiated basement mainly gneiss-migmatites complex,
remnants of Meta sediments and Older Granite. The basement complex rocks
mineralogically consist of Quartz, Feldspars, Micas, Hornblende, Diorite and
Granodiorite. These rocks outcrop at Jalingo, Kam, Bakundi, Sarti, Baissa, Bali,
Tissa, Monkin and Tola. The Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, which include; rocks of
Pindiga, Yolde formation and Bima sandstone outcrops in the North-western part
around Gidan Shanu, Amar, Bangule, Gassol, Bantaji and Wuriu. The Tertiary–
Recent Volcanic rocks, which consist of Basalts, Trachyte and Rhyolite belonging
to Cameroon volcanic line outcropping around Kiri, Ruru Sama and Fillinga. Bima
Sandstone, which overlies the basement complex at the base of sedimentary
succession, was derived from granitic rocks (Offodile, 1977). The lower beds of the
formation are invariably Felspathic. The Yolde Formation is a variable sequence of
calcareous sandstone and shale, which marks the transition from continental to
marine sedimentation. Pindiga formation is a sequence of Marine shale with a
number of limestone beds towards the base of the Formation. The Tertiary- Recent
volcanic rocks in the study area consist of the Basalts, Trachyte, Rhyolite, and newer
basalts of eastern arm of Cameroon volcanic line.


The regional geology has been studied by (Offodile 1977).The Jalingo sheet
produced is geologically located Eastern Nigeria Basement. On its north-west
corner it encompasses a small portion of the Middle Benue section of the Benue
Trough. The main lithological units exposed in this area are migmatites from the
Migmatite – Gneiss Complex (MGC), Pan African granitoids (OGp) and some
minor occurrences of basalts to the south east.
FIG 2.1: The Regional Geology over the Jalingo Sheet (black rectangle) and
surroundings (From NGSA’s 1:2,000,000 National Geology Map).


The topography is highly diversified (Nwajide, 2013). It is marked by undulating

lowland of the eastern Muri plains. This is broken intermittently by high rising hills
such as the Kungana, Fali and Bali hills which developed on sandstones. Standing
above the 350m contour, the hills are developed on both sedimentary and crystalline
rocks. Usually, hills on sedimentary formations tend to have flat tops due most
probably to lateritic capping. On the other hand, the hills which developed on
crystalline rocks consist of dome shaped inselbergs. The Mambilla Plateau is a
unique topographic region with some of the largest and highest mountains in
Nigeria, with peaks reaching over 1840m. The Chabbal Hendu, for example, is over
2000m above sea level. The Plateau which developed on basement complex rocks,
measures about 96km along its curved length and 40km wide, and bound ed by an
escarpment which is about 900m high in some places. The Mambilla Plateau forms
the watershed from which the major drainage systems in Taraba State take their
source. Rivers Benue, Donga and Taraba (from which the state derives its name) are
the dominant drainage systems which flow across the Muri plains to drain the entire


A magnetic field can be described by magnetic lines of force that are invisible.
These lines can be thought of as flowing out of the south magnetic pole and into
the north magnetic pole. A compass needle aligns itself along the magnetic line
of force that passes through it. If the compass needle were free to move vertically
as well as horizontally, it would point vertically downward at the north magnetic
pole, vertically upward at the south magnetic pole and at intermediate angles away
from the magnetic poles. Figure 2.2 illustrates the earth’s magnetic field. A compass
needle aligns itself along the line of force passing through it.
FIG 2.2: The Earth’s Magnetic Field.

In addition to these known variations in the magnetic field, local variations occur
where the basement complex is close to the surface and where concentrations of
ferromagnetic minerals exist. Thus, the primary applications of the magnetic method
are in mapping the basement and locating ferromagnetic ore deposits.
Today, most magnetic surveys are made from airplanes. While flying over a
predetermined path (usually, a set of parallel flight lines), the magnetic field is
continuously recorded. The raw magnetometer readings must be corrected for
diurnal variations and other known causes of magnetic intensity variations. The
residual field is determined by subtracting the theoretical values for the area of
survey from the corrected magnetometer readings. The residuals are plotted on a
map and contours of equal gammas are drawn as shown in fig. 1.4. Closed contours
indicate magnetic anomalies caused by local ferromagnetic bodies or anomalous
depths to the basement. Interpretation is similar to that for gravity except the bodies
of various geometrical shapes at different depths differ in magnetic susceptibilities
rather than densities.

FIG 2.3: Aeromagnetic Map Showing Magnetic contours

and Flight lines



The aeromagnetic data used for this work were originally acquired as controlled
maps of total magnetic intensity on a scale of 1:100,000 topographical series
compiled from Federal Surveys of Nigeria. The Survey was conducted along series
of NW- SE profile with a flight line direction of 1500 /3300, Nominal flight line
spacing of 2 km, a nominal tie line spacing of 20km and an average flight elevation
above terrain of 500ft. The geomagnetic gradient was removed from the data using
the International Geomagnetic Reference Field Formula (IGRF) of the 1January,
1974. The magnetic field over the study area is a contribution from short, medium
and long wavelength anomalies. The magnetic map was digitized manually at an
equal interval of 3cm x 3cm in the N-S and E-W grid lines, which digitally merged
ten grids into one giving the data matrix of (112 x 112). To eliminate regional field,
a plane surface has been fitted to the data by multi-regression

Materials utilized in this work include the following
 The aeromagnetic map of Jalingo and its environs.
 A transparent tracing paper.
 A card board sheet.
 A set of pencils.
 Erasers
 Rulers
 Graph sheet.
 Microsoft Excel.

Data was already acquired and the aeromagnetic map developed with a scale of 1:
100 000.
Data processing was manually carried on the contour map. This was done to achieve
a low pass filtering of 31 by 31 which is equivalent to passing frequencies to attain
deeper depth. This involved digitization and plotting of the Total magnetic intensity
to obtain the depth to the basement.
The major aim of estimating the depth to the anomaly can be achieved in various
 The slope method (Tirburg Rule, Peter’s Rule, Half Width Rule etc.).
 Spectral Analysis method.
 3-D Euler deconvolution method.
 Wenner method, etc.
However, the Half Width Rule was employed in this study. DATA DIGITIZATION

Using the transparent paper, the digitization was carried out by gridding or dividing
the aeromagnetic map in ten using the 31 by 31 method. The length and breadth of
the map was measured to give 55cm which was divided into 10grids. Contour values
corresponding to each grid point was determined on the map. The average value of
the 4 points of each grid was obtained and fixed as the mid-point.
Lines of equal magnetics or closures of magnetic anomalies were joined to achieve
a secondary contouring of the map. A line was drawn on each closure along their
strike using the meter rule, this was done to obtain the corresponding distance (km)
of each crossed contour (Total Magnetic Intensity). The values are shown in table

TABLE 3.1 Showing values obtained along A-A1

0 7800
0.7 7810
2.4 7800
13.3 7800
14.5 7810
16.2 7820
18.7 7830
19.1 7840
20.5 7850
22.2 7860
23.9 7870
25.1 7880
30.1 7890
34.5 7900
49.4 7900
53.0 7890
54.4 7880

Line B-B1 was drawn through another closure. Values obtained are shown in table
TABLE 3.2: Showing values obtained for line B-B1.


0 7810
4.4 7820
11.9 7830
15 7840
16.8 7850
17.5 7860
20.7 7860
29.5 7850
33.8 7840
46.6 7820
50.0 7810
51.6 7800
52.0 7790
57.5 7780


The values obtained from the two profiles were plotted with the Microsoft Excel
which gave graphs of Total Magnetic Intensity (Ɣ) against Distance (km) as shown
in figures 3.1 and 3.2


Total magnetic Intensity (T)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Distance (Km)
FIG 3.1: Graph plotted for profile A-A1.



Total Magnetic Intensity (T)








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Distance (Km)

FIG 3.2: Graph Plotted for profile B-B1. DEPTH ESTIMATION

The Half Width Rule method was employed for estimating the depth to the
anomalous body. Therefore, depth to the anomalous magnetic body is given as the
half width between the flanks of the curves at an amplitude of half maximum
amplitudes. The Nominal Flight height given in the map is subtracted from the half
width and the result obtained is the depth.

PROFILE A-A1: The measured width between the flanks of the curve is denoted as
W= 54.4 km
W = 27.2km

Nominal Flight Height = 500 feet which was converted to 0.152km. (I.e. 3.28ft =1m)

Therefore, Depth = 27km – 0.152km = 27.05km.


W = 57.5
W = 28.75km

Depth = 28.75km – 0.152km = 28.60km.



A visual observation of the aeromagnetic map shows the area to be of basement

terrain. Lots of closures show numerous magnetic highs or up-warps and few
magnetic lows.
Results obtained after the manual processing showed that the magnetic signature of
the total magnetic intensity over Jalingo and environs, range from 7790Ɣ to 7900Ɣ
which is in line with the previous work done by Kasidi and Nur (2013).


Across the A-A1 profile, the values of the Total Magnetic Intensity increased from
7800Ɣ to 7810 Ɣ at 2.4km, between 2.4km and 13.3km, a shallow magnetic high is
observed. Values of the Magnetic intensity increased from 7800Ɣ and closed at
7900Ɣ (highest value in the middle) between 34.5km and 49.4km, this shows
presence of a magnetic high at the closure.


Across this profile, Total Magnetic intensity increased from 7810Ɣ (0km) to 7860Ɣ
(between 17.5km and 20.7km) and decreased from 7860Ɣ to 7780Ɣ (57.5km). This
indicates a magnetic high with 7860Ɣ as the peak value.

Magnetic source depth determination of the two profiles using the Half Width Rule
method shows deep depth ranges of 27.05km and 28.60km. Relating these deep
depths to the geology of the area described by Nwajide (2013), Kasidy and Nur
(2013) shows that the causative bodies are undifferentiated basement rocks mainly
gneiss-migmatites complex, remnants of Meta sediments and Older Granite.


Although the depth to the basement was successfully estimated using the Half Width
Rule, it is however recommended that further studies be carried out to consolidate
or confirm these findings.

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