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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Mike Hull, Bob Gronotte, Erik Shore

Grade 10 Topic Nanaimo Olympics

Date Any date Allotted Time 80 min
CBC News. (2010, February 14). “Aboriginal involvement in Games makes history.” Retrieved
October 15, 2018, from

Yanchyk, B. (2010, January 01). Aboriginal Canadians divided over Vancouver Olympics. Retrieved
October 15, 2018, from

First Nations Dance of Canada. (2010, February 28). Retrieved October 15, 2018, from

Rationale: How does this lesson fit in with the unit being studied? How does this lesson prepare for future
learning? How does this lesson relate to the students’ real life?
This lesson fits into a larger unit that takes a deeper look at the Olympics, and more specifically, their
relationship with indigenous populations. The exploration and understanding of text from multiple
perspectives is developed. Furthermore, the understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity,
others, and the world are also developed.

Prior Learning: What previous learnings do students need to know to be able to be successful in the lesson?
How does this lesson extend prior learnings? What connections if any can be made to First Nations Culture and
ways of knowing?
A general understanding of the Olympic Games (Opening ceremonies, Events, Host cities,). Lesson
will build on understanding of bias in writing, perspective, and identity (Cultural and Personal), with
specific emphasis on Indigenous populations.

Curriculum Connections: What Big Ideas (Understand,) Core and Curricular Competencies (Do), Content
Standards (Know) does this lesson develop? What connections if any can be made to First People’s principles
and ways of knowing?

Big Ideas: The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about
identity, others, and the world.

Essential or Guiding Questions: What impact did the Olympics have on indigenous peoples?

Core Competency: Communication, Critical Thinking, Cultural Identity
Curricular Competencies: Respectfully exchange ideas and viewpoints from diverse perspectives to
build shared understanding and extend thinking. Identify bias, contradictions, and distortions. Apply
appropriate strategies to comprehend written, oral, visual, and multimodal texts.

Content Standards: Text forms and genres. Strategies and Processes: Reading Strategies. Strategies and
Processes: metacognitive strategies.
STAGE 2: Assessment Plan

Learning Intention(s): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to…
What will students learn? Students will engage in textual analysis. They will look specifically at the
Olympic games in regards to Indigenous participation. They will explore
multiple perspectives and further understanding of appropriation and
Evidence of Learning: What tools will you use - assignment, presentation, quiz, project, discussion,
How will students show their group interaction, etc.?
learning? Understand the impact of the Olympic games on the host city/nation from
multiple perspectives including the indigenous population

Criteria: Indicators of success are…

What criteria will help Students will show their learning by participating in the discussion and
students know how to be through group interaction. Indicators of success will be that students will be
successful? able to identify bias in a text and respectfully exchange viewpoints. They
will also be able to see that there are multiple ways to view a text depending
on perspective. Finally, students will understand the impact the Olympic
Games has on the host city/nation, especially the on the indigenous peoples.

STAGE 3: Learning Plan

Resources, Material and Preparation: What resources, materials and preparation are required?

CBC News. (2010, February 14). “Aboriginal involvement in Games makes history.” Retrieved October 15,
2018, from

Yanchyk, B. (2010, January 01). Aboriginal Canadians divided over Vancouver Olympics. Retrieved October
15, 2018, from

First Nations Dance of Canada. (2010, February 28). Retrieved October 15, 2018, from

Differentiated Instruction (accommodations, adaptations, extensions, other): How will you plan for students
who have diverse learning abilities/behaviour or require enrichment?
If certain students cannot sit near each other without causing a disruption, I will separate them and manually
create the groups. Pre-made groups will help with pairing stronger students with weaker students. Have pre-
made notes for students who require extra time for reading the articles. For students who excel and finish
early, they can research how indigenous populations were represented in other Olympic games. Making
articles available to read the night before will better accommodate slower readers.

Lesson Development

Connect (Hook):
How will you introduce this lesson in a manner that engages students and activates their thinking (pose
questions, build background knowledge, capture interest, make connections, share learning intention)?
Teacher will Students will Management Pacing

Tell my 2010 Vancouver Listen. Think about the Hands up 5-10min

Olympics story – Sea of Red question
walking around Vancouver.
Packed Streets. Electric
atmosphere. Didn’t even see
an event. Feeling of pride.
What thoughts and feelings
come to mind when you think
of the Olympics, or more
specifically, the 2010
Vancouver games? What
impact did the Olympics have
on your personal identity (As a
Canadian)? Do you have a
personal story about the
Listen. Think about the
Talk about/highlight differing question 5min
perspectives. How do our
thoughts and feelings about
the Olympics can differ
depending on our
Watch video and take notes on
Show YouTube clip of opening any thoughts or impressions 5-8min
ceremonies of the 2010 about the video.
Vancouver Olympics. How
were indigenous population
Process (activities):
How will students interact with new ideas, build understanding, acquire and practice knowledge, skills
and/or attitudes? How will you build in any guided practice? How will you embed assessment activities?
Transformation (application):
How will students apply and/or practice learning, incorporate personalized representation of learning,
and/or provide “real life” applications?
Management strategies:
What decisions will you make regarding groupings, passing out and collecting in materials, questioning,
monitoring progress, safety, clean up, getting student attention, etc?
How will you meet the needs of diverse learners?
Teacher will Student will Management Considerations Pacing

Ask students to pair up Students will pair up and share If student X and Y will distract 5min
their thoughts and impressions each other, or others,
of the video separate into different
Ask students to share Students will share their initial 5min
thoughts and impressions Hands up

Divide class into two. Hand Read article individually. 15-

out one article to one half, the Write notes on thoughts and Give students access to 20min
other article to the other half impressions. Have at least 3 articles the night before so as
points drawn from reading to better accommodate slow
readers. Additionally, have
questions on board so
everyone can see: What
impact did the Olympics have
on Indigenous peoples? How
does perspective affect how
we view the Olympics? How
does identify affect how we
view the Olympics?

Ask students to pair up and Students will pair up and 5min

discuss their findings. Debrief. discuss their findings. Do they Prepare white board with
have the same findings? Did table of Pros and Cons of
someone highlight something 2010 Olympics on Indigenous
that the other did not? Add to peoples
their list of points.

Ask students to square up and Students will combine two 5min

share their findings with groups and discuss their Hands up. Can also utilize
another group. Debrief. findings. Do they have the random selection.
same findings? Did someone
highlight something that the
other did not? Add to their list
of points.

Bring both groups together for Students will contribute to 25min
mass discussion and debrief. discussion. Hands up. Can also utilize
Discuss the broader aspects of random selection.
the text: What were the
articles about? Who wrote the
article? What were the
biases? Who was the intended
consumer? What were they
trying to sell you? Based on
what you read, what impact
did the Olympics have on
indigenous peoples? Positive?
Negative? Be specific. Teacher
will summarize and list
comments on the Pros and
Cons table. What did the
Olympics do well in regards to
representing and involving
indigenous people? What did
they do poorly? What could
they do to improve if Naniamo
was to host the Olympics?

Closure: (2 – 5 min)
How will you solidify the learning that has taken place and deepen the learning process?
Teacher will Students will Management Pacing

Wrap up discussion. Did

anybody’s impressions or Participate in discussion. 5-10min
feelings about the Olympics Share thoughts.
change? Did they stay the
same? Why? How did learning
about perspective change how
they viewed the Olympics?

Ask students to write a brief

summary (1-2 pages) based on Write summary till end of Till end
above questions class. If not finished, finish for Those who finish Write
homework. summary till end of class. If
not finished, finish for
Reflection What was successful in this lesson? If taught again, what would you change to make this lesson
even more successful and inclusive for diverse and exceptional students? What timing adjustments might you

This lesson was extremely successful.

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