Kinetic Plasma Simulations

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Kinetic Plasma Simulations

(Part I)

Francesco Valentini
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Karimabadi+, PoP, 2013

➢ Numerical approach to the solution of the kinetic

equations for collision-free plasmas: PIC (Lagrangian)
and VLASOV (Eulerian) algorithms

➢ Focus on the Eulerian approach: numerical solution of

advection equations

➢ Time and space discretization; derivatives on a grid

➢ Phase error, (Von Neumann) stability and consistency of

a numerical algorithm

➢ Few examples of explicit and implicit algorithms

➢ Splitting scheme to couple advance in physical and

velocity space

➢ Take-home messages from Part I

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Observational evidences – The Plasma Universe

➢ It is estimated that more than 99.9 % of matter in the

Universe exists in the form of plasma;

➢ A plasma is an ionized gas where charged particles

interact via electromagnetic forces (electric and
magnetic fields);

➢ This plasma is mostly collisionless

➢ Examples include stars, nebulae, galaxies, supernovae,

interstellar/galactic medium, jets, accretion disks, etc..

➢ Our knowledge limited by what we can actually observe

(emitting plasma)

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Some important open problems in space physics

How are plasmas heated and

particle accelerated?

Kasper+, PRL, 2008

Richardson+, GRL, 1995

How is the dissipated energy

partitioned between heating and
acceleration of electrons,
protons and heavier ions?

Most of the plasma energization (plasma heating and particle acceleration)

occurring in turbulent collisionless plasmas, such as those permeating the
Solar System and many astrophysical environments, is expected to occur at
kinetic scales, that is, at scales comparable to particle gyroradii and below
Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017
Kinetic equations for a collisionless plasma

The Vlasov-Maxwell system

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Kinetic equations for a collisionless plasma

The Vlasov-Maxwell system

6D + time !!!
Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017
How to model numerically?

Lagrangian approach (PIC): consists in solving numerically the equations of

motion of a large number of (macro) particles; moments (density and current)
needed to solve Maxwell equations are evaluated on a grid, through interpolation

Eulerian approach (VLASOV): consists in solving numerically the Vlasov

equation for the particle distribution function on a grid in phase space; moments
(density and current) needed to solve Maxwell equations are evaluated by direct
integration of the distribution function

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

How to model numerically?

Lagrangian approach (PIC): consists in solving numerically the equations of

motion of a large number of (macro) particles; moments (density and current)
needed to solve Maxwell equations are evaluated on a grid, through interpolation
procedures ---

Eulerian approach (VLASOV): consists in solving numerically the Vlasov

equation for the particle distribution function on a grid in phase space; moments
(density and current) needed to solve Maxwell equations are evaluated by direct
integration of the distribution function

We say few words on the PIC methods and

we will focus later on the Eulerian approach

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Hints on PIC methods (1)

If one moves along a particle trajectory:



Vlasov equation can be solved by integrating numerically the

particle equations of motion (Runge-Kutta, Adams-Bashforth, Boris,
etc.); the distribution function can be reconstructed by taking into
account that it remains constant along particle trajectories

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Hints on PIC methods (2)

How to evaluate moments on a grid from particle trajectories?

Example of 2D interpolation for density

At time t

(i,j+1) (i+1,j+1)

(i,j) (i+1,j)

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Hints on PIC methods (2)

How to evaluate moments on a grid from particle trajectories?

Example of 2D interpolation for density

At time t
S1 S2

(i,j+1) (i+1,j+1)

S3 S4

(i,j) (i+1,j)

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Eulerian approach

Full Vlasov - Maxwell Nonlinear Integro-differential

equation in 6D phase space +
time for each species

Very hard and time demanding

to solve numerically!!!

To date, numerical solutions are

available for approximated
systems and in reduced phase
space geometry

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Eulerian approach

Full Vlasov - Maxwell Nonlinear Integro-differential

equation in 6D phase space +
time for each species

Very hard and time demanding

to solve numerically!!!

To date, numerical solutions are

available for approximated
systems and in reduced phase
space geometry

1D-1V Vlasov – Poisson

(fixed or movable protons)

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Eulerian approach

Full Vlasov - Maxwell Nonlinear Integro-differential

equation in 6D phase space +
time for each species

Very hard and time demanding

to solve numerically!!!

To date, numerical solutions are

available for approximated
systems and in reduced phase
space geometry

2D-3V and 3D-3V Hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell

1D-1V Vlasov – Poisson

(fixed or movable protons)

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Numerical solution of the Vlasov equation

Vlasov equation is an advection equation in phase space

- Let us consider the 1D-1V case (we will discuss later the
generalization to multi-dimensional phase space)

- Let us focus on advection in x first (we will discuss later

how to couple to advection in v)

Three main steps:

1) Discretize (x,t) plane

2) Approximate derivatives in
For simplicity, periodic boundary conditions discretized plane (allowed operations
are +,-,x,/)

3) Create algorithm to solve the

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017
Numerical solution of advection equations
t (Xi,tn)


Approximation of derivatives (FINITE DIFFERENCES): Euler forward

Euler backward

Centered differences

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Phase error for finite differences
Let’s consider the centered difference scheme:

Let’s take for example:

By applying centered-difference formula one gets:

When solving advection equations through finite

difference schemes:


Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017
Very easy!!! Let’s try to solve our equation

Euler forward Centered

Explicit finite difference FORWARD-CENTRAL scheme

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Very easy!!! Let’s try to solve our equation

Euler forward Centered

Explicit finite difference scheme

Something weird is going on. Numerical solution is out of control

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017
Von Neumann stability analysis (1)

➢Let us perform an analysis of the finite difference scheme by expressing

the solution as a Fourier series

➢Since the equation is linear, we only examine the behavior of a single mode.
Consider a trial solution of the form

➢This is a spatial Fourier expansion. Plugging in the difference formula:

➢Let us define the Amplificfation Factor as:

a method is well-behaved or stable when A ≤ 1

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Von Neumann stability analysis (2)

➢For our FORWARD-CENTRAL scheme one gets Independently of the CFL number, all
Fourier modes increase in magnitude
as time advances
This method is unconditionally
unstable!!! We are in trouble!

Let us play a bit with our scheme

Replace by average

Lax–Wendroff method

CFL stability condition


Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Lax-Wendroff solution

What’s happening now?!?

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

A closer look to the Lax-Wendroff scheme

Rearranging the RHS

We have an additional
term. We are not solving
the advection equation
we started with


Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Upwind schemes (first-order Godunov method)


i-1 i i+1 x


The stable discretization makes use of the grid point where information is coming from

CFL stability condition

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Upwind schemes (first-order Godunov method)

i-1 i i+1 x


CFL stability condition

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Van Leer scheme (higher order accuracy)
Widely adopted for integration of the Vlasov equation
Van Leer, JCP, 1974, 1977a, 1977b, 1979; Mangeney+, JCP, 2000

The unknowns are the spatial

averages of the function itself

Averaging and integrating advection equation in time gives:

CFL stability

i-1 i i+1 x
i-1/2 i+1/2

The solution involves computing fluxes through the boundary of each cell
Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017
Implicit schemes

Explicit scheme

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Implicit schemes (1)

Explicit scheme

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Implicit schemes (1)

Explicit scheme

LHS: Linear combination of unknowns:FULL IMPLICIT SCHEME

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Implicit schemes (2)

The solution for f at step n+1 is obtained

by solving this linear system, through
standard linear algebra routines

Example: Nx=6 and periodic boundary conditions

M is a tridiagonal matrix with full corners

Why should one complicate things if explicit

schemes are so much easier to implement?

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

Implicit schemes (2)

The solution for f at step n+1 is obtained

by solving this linear system, through
standard linear algebra routines

Example: Nx=6 and periodic boundary conditions

M is a tridiagonal matrix with full corners

Why should one complicate things if explicit Since

schemes are so much easier to implement? are
Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017
Cheng & Knorr splitting scheme
Let’s go back to our 1D-1V
Vlasov equation

Now we know how to solve advection equations. Let’s split

evolution in physical space and evolution in velocity space:

We know how to get numerical solutions

But, how to couple fx(x,t) and fv(x,t) to get a solution for f(x,v,t)?

Cheng & Knorr, JCP, 1976;
Generalized to 6D in Mangeney+, JCP, 2000

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017
Take-home messages from Part I

➢ Numerical simulations are an extremely powerful tool to

investigate the kinetic dynamics of plasmas

➢ Data from numerical simulations are complementary to

observational data to understand the physical
mechanisms at kinetic scales. Understanding the reality
cannot rely on simulations or observations alone, full
comprehension is given by a right balance of the two.

➢ Numerical simulations are (relatively) easy to make, but

at the same time extremely dangerous. If something is
wrong in your algorithm, this is not always evident from
the results. One must make sure that algorithm is
correct, BEFORE running the simulation

“Calculators can only calculate -

they cannot do mathematics.”
J. A. Van de Walle

Rincon, Califano, Schekochihin, Valentini, PNAS, 2016

Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas - L'Aquila, September 18-23, 2017

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