Going Viral 2019 Article

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G o i n g Vi r a l 2 0 1 9

Zika, Chikungunya, and Dengue

Jose Dario Martinez, MDa,*, Jesus Alberto Cardenas-de la Garza, MDb,
Adrian Cuellar-Barboza, MDb

 Arbovirus  Aedes aegypti  Travel-related illness  Zika  Microcephaly  Chikungunya  Dengue

 Arbovirus infections, especially Zika, chikungunya, and dengue, have become international public
health concerns. These 3 maladies share the same vector.
 Dermatologic manifestations, predominantly maculopapular rash, are frequently observed in trav-
elers to endemic countries, particularly in Asia and South America.
 Zika is characterized by pruritic rash, low-grade fever, and arthralgia. Guillain-Barré syndrome and
congenital nervous system malformations are severe complications.
 Chikungunya’s hallmark is an intense arthralgia/arthritis that may become chronic; dermatologic
findings include rash and facial melanosis.
 Dengue is the most frequent arbovirus infection worldwide and is potentially life threatening.

OVERVIEW spp mosquitoes. This rapidly emerging arbovirus

infection has reached global scale since its arrival
Chikungunya virus and Zika virus infections are to the Americas in 2015. More than 2 billion people
emerging diseases in the Americas, and dengue live in tropical and subtropical regions of the world
virus continues to be the most prevalent with suitable environments for disease dissemina-
arthropod-borne virus in the world. Medical prob- tion.1 The association of Zika with Guillain-Barré
lems in returned travelers are fever, acute diarrhea, syndrome (GBS) and congenital birth defects
and skin lesions that include rash. These arbovirus highlights the need for awareness of potential
diseases may spread by endemic transmission or cases and how to diagnose, prevent, and treat
as travel-related infections, have rapidly expanded this disease.2
their geographic distribution, and, because of the
world globalization, threaten millions of people.
Furthermore, arbovirus infections (arthropod-
borne virus) are increasingly important causes of Zika was first isolated in April 1947 from the blood
neurologic disease in the Americas. of a rhesus macaque monkey in the Zika forest of
Uganda. Nine months later, Zika was isolated from
Aedes africanus mosquitoes collected from the
same forest. In 1952, the first human cases of
Zika were documented in patients from Uganda
Zika is an enveloped, single-stranded RNA flavivi- and Tanzania.3 Until the early twenty-first century,
rus primarily transmitted to humans through Aedes only approximately a dozen mild cases of Zika

Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose.

Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital “Dr. José E. González”, UANL, Mitras Centro, Avenida

Gonzalitos y Madero S/N, Monterrey 64460, Mexico; b Department of Dermatology, University Hospital “Dr.
José E. González”, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mitras Centro, Avenida Gonzalitos y Madero S/N,
Monterrey 64460, Mexico
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: jdariomtz@yahoo.com.mx

Dermatol Clin 37 (2019) 95–105

0733-8635/19/Ó 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
96 Martinez et al

fever were reported in countries confined to an increases the difficulty of developing effective con-
equatorial zone across Africa and Asia.4 In 2007, trol strategies.
however, the first large outbreak outside mainland
Africa and Asia occurred in Micronesia.5 In 2013, a Epidemiology
second major epidemic arose in French Polynesia,
The global risk of Zika spread remains high, partic-
affecting approximately 270,000 people. Zika
ularly in the Americas region, although some coun-
arrived to the Americas in 2015, presumably trans-
tries have reported a decline in cases. The World
mitted by mosquitoes or travelers, with numerous
Health Organization (WHO) reports more than 80
cases of human infections in Brazil.3,6 Since then,
countries from Asia, Pacific Islands, America,
the virus spread rapidly by mosquito-borne trans-
and Africa with evidence of current vector-borne
mission and has been reported in 48 countries in
Zika transmission.18
the Americas.4 In January 2016, the first case of
Excluding pregnancy-derived Zika infection, in
Zika infection in the United States was diagnosed
the United States more than 5500 symptomatic
in Harris County, Texas.7
Zika fever vector-borne cases have been reported.
Approximately 94% of those cases were from
Microbiology and Transmission returned travelers.19 Relevant countries from
America with ongoing outbreaks are Venezuela,
Zika is a 50-nm, enveloped, and icosahedral parti-
Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, El Salvador, Martinique,
cle belonging to the Flavivirus genus (from the Fla-
and Panama. Previously 2 regions from te conti-
viviridae family) of single positive-strand RNA
nental United States (Brownsville, Texas, and
Miami-Dade County, Florida) reported local
Other pathogens included in this family are DNV,
mosquito-borne transmission. As of March 2018,
West Nile virus, and yellow fever virus. There are
the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2 recognized lineages of Zika, African and Asian.9
(CDC) has lifted this warning.19 The United States
The neurologic complications, such as GBS and
has a registry reporting more than 2400 pregnant
microcephaly, have only been linked to the Asian
women with laboratory evidence of possible Zika
lineage; this strain was suspected to cause the
from 2015 to 2018, with more than 100 birth de-
Brazilian epidemic of Zika. To date, the influence
fects and approximately 10 pregnancy losses.20
of Zika genetic variation on its pathogenicity is
not well understood.10
Clinical Manifestations
Zika is mainly transmitted through the bite of
infected A aegypti mosquitos; these are morpho- Zika has an incubation period ranging from 3 days
logically characterized by a bright lyre-shaped to 12 days. Only approximately 20% of individuals
dorsal pattern with white bands on its legs.4 Both experience symptoms during Zika infection. These
A aegypti and A albopictus are present in the include mild fever (37.8 C–38.5 C), arthralgias
southern and southeastern half of the United predominantly of small joints in hands and feet,
States, with peak abundance of them from June headache, myalgia, nonpurulent conjunctivitis in
to October each year.11 half of patients, and retroorbital pain21–23 (Fig. 1).
Other member of the Aedes genus, as well as a Dermatologists must be aware that approximately
variety of other mosquito species, such as Culex
quinquefasciatus, have been linked to the infec-
tion.12,13 There are 2 distinct transmission cycles:
a sylvatic cycle, affecting nonhuman primates,
and an urban cycle involved in the transmission
between humans and urban mosquitos in towns.
Mosquitoes that can spread Zika usually live in
places below 2000 m. The probabilities of getting
Zika fever from mosquitoes living above that alti-
tude are very low.14,15 Zika can also be passed
from mother to child during pregnancy or spread
through sexual contact, organ transplantation, or
blood transfusion.10 Zika has been detected in
breast milk, yet no Zika transmission has been re-
ported through breastfeeding.16 The small poten-
tial of Zika transmission during breastfeeding
may be outweighed by its known benefits.17 The
versatility of transmission modes in Zika infection Fig. 1. Red eye in a patient with Zika.
Going Viral 2018 97

90% of symptomatic Zika fever patients develop a syndrome and onset of neurologic symptoms
rash.23 Skin manifestations appear within 1 day to was 6 days; 38% of this population required inten-
4 days of symptoms (ie, fever and arthralgias), sive care management; and 29% needed respira-
usually last 6 days (2–14 days), and are character- tory care, but all of them survived. The incidence of
ized by a pruritic maculopapular rash predomi- GBS was estimated to be 2.4 cases per 10,000
nantly localized to the trunk and extremities, Zika infections.33
followed by the face24,25 (Fig. 2). Palms and soles Vertical transmission during pregnancy of Zika
may be affected and the palate may show pete- virus may lead to severe teratogenic effects on
chiae.23,26 Fever is not a hallmark sign of this infec- the fetal nervous system. Pregnant women who
tion. The maculopapular rash is more sensitive for had adverse congenital outcomes were 4 times
detecting Zika.24,27 Rare clinical manifestations re- more likely to have a history of a rash during preg-
ported include thrombocytopenia, facial edema, nancy.34 Women have the highest risk of acquiring
uveitis, transient hearing impairment, myocarditis, congenital Zika syndrome if infected in the
pericarditis, and hematospermia.25 first trimester. Clinical manifestations of congenital
Clinical manifestations of children and infants Zika infection include microcephaly, hearing loss,
with postnatal acute vector-borne ZKIV infection ocular abnormalities, arthrogryposis, neuromotor
are similar to findings in adult patients. Previous abnormalities, seizures, and small-for-gestational
reports have not found growth impairment in chil- age.35,36 A prospective study from the French Ter-
dren with postnatal acquired disease.28 ritories in the Americas followed more than 500
Zika infection has been related to neurologic symptomatic pregnant women with confirmed
complications, such as GBS, encephalitis, Zika infection; severe neurologic birth defects
transverse myelitis, encephalomyelitis, meningo- consistent with congenital Zika syndrome were
encephalitis, chronic inflammatory demyelinating diagnosed in 6.9% of first-trimester infections,
polyneuropathy, brain ischemia, and neuropsychi- 1.2% of second-trimester infections, and 0.9% of
atric symptoms.29–32 third-trimester infections.37 Sperm count may
A case-control study of the Zika outbreak in drop between day 7 and day 30 after Zika
French Polynesia reported 42 GBS cases related infection but they generally normalize by day
to Zika; 88% of these patients had Zika infection 120.38 Table 1 summarizes differences between
symptoms and the median interval between viral Zika, chikungunya, and dengue.

Zika infection may be established using real-time
reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction
(RT-PCR) for RNA in serum, urine, or whole blood.
This test has a sensibility and specificity of approx-
imately 100%. In the United States; the patient
should be given the CDC form (50.34) to take to
a commercial laboratory for the specimen to be
sent to the CDC.39 For patients within 2 weeks of
symptom onset, RT-PCR of serum and urine for
detection of Zika RNA should be performed.
Serum Zika RNA may be detectable within
2 days of symptom onset and up to 7 days after-
ward. Paired specimen analysis (urine and serum)
is supported because evidence suggests urine
RNA may appear later than it does in serum.40,41
A positive result confirms the diagnosis; however,
a negative result does not exclude Zika infection,
especially several weeks after symptoms start
and further serologic testing must be done. Diag-
nosis can be established with serology of immuno-
globulin M (IgM) antibodies using IgM antibody
capture (MAC)-ELISA with the confirmatory plaque
reduction neutralization test (PRNT).9,40 A PRNT
titer greater than 10 for Zika with a Dengue
Fig. 2. Pruritic maculopapular trunk rash in Zika. PRNT titer less than 10 confirms Zika infection.
98 Martinez et al

Table 1
Features between dengue, chikungunya, and Zika infections

Feature Dengue Chikungunya Zika

Vector Aedes spp Aedes spp Aedes spp
Geographic area Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide
Incubation 5–8 d 1–12 d 3–12 d
Asymptomatic 60%–80% <30% >80%
Fever 39 C 111 111 11
Rash 1 11 111
Arthralgia/myalgia 1/11 111/1 11/1
Arthritis 111 11
Bleeding 11
Lymphocytopenia 11 111 1
Neutropenia 111 11 1
Thrombocytopenia 111
Chronic arthritis 1
GBS 1/ 1/ 1
Shock 1
Sexual transmission 1
Blood transfusion transmission 1/ 1/ 1
Microcephaly 1
Vaccine Yes (not Food and Drug No No
Administration approved)

There is a potential risk for false-negative results Differential diagnosis is similar between Zika,
during the serologic window because IgM anti- chikungunya, and dengue. It includes other arbo-
bodies are detectable 1 week to 2 weeks after virus infections, malaria, leptospirosis, meningo-
symptom onset and remain detectable for several coccemia, and drug reactions.
weeks.40,42 IgG antibodies have little diagnostic
value. All serologic methods can cross-react with Treatment
other flaviviruses, in particular dengue.9 A single
There is no specific medication for Zika infection.
laboratory RT-PCR test is available to evaluate
Management consists of rest and symptomatic
for presence of Zika, Chikungunya, or Dengue
treatment. Advising adequate fluid intake may pre-
infection. Because laboratory tests take longer
vent dehydration, and acetaminophen can be
than 24 hours to obtain confirmatory results, pa-
used as supportive therapy for fever and pain.
tients must be advised to avoid mosquito bites to
Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
potentially prevent local transmission.24
drugs (NSAIDS) should be avoided until other viral
Pregnant women with possible exposure to Zika
infections have been ruled out.24 Mosquito bed
and symptoms must be tested promptly; paired
nets should be used in hospitalized patients to
analysis of both nucleic acid testing and IgM
avoid further transmission.
serology is recommended. Testing is not routinely
advised but should be considered for pregnant
and asymptomatic women with history of temporal
exposure to Zika.40 All pregnant women with labo- Population in areas with risk of transmission
ratory tests suggestive or diagnostic of Zika infec- should take personal preventive measures to
tion should undergo prenatal ultrasonography avoid arthropod bites; these include wearing long
4 weeks after the suspected exposure. A nucleic sleeves and long pants, using insect repellent,
acid Zika test in amniotic fluid is diagnostic of fetal and staying indoors as feasible. Environmental
viral exposure but not predictive of outcome, so control measures are aimed to eliminate
tailored decisions by the clinician and the patient mosquito-breeding sites. Individuals should pre-
must be done.43 vent water from collecting in flowerpots, buckets,
Going Viral 2018 99

bottles, and jars.44 Mosquito nets should be used was first confirmed on the Caribbean in the Saint
in beds for prevention in endemic countries. Martin island. The disease quickly spread through
The CDC recommends the use of Environmental the Americas and transmission has been reported
Protection Agency–registered insect repellents in 45 American nations.14 Although in many new
that have been confirmed as effective. They must affected countries, A albopictus was the main vec-
contain 1 of the following elements: N,N-diethyl- tor, in many American countries both A albopictus
meta-toluamide (DEET), para-menthane-3,8-diol, and A aegypti were responsible for disseminating
picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535. the infection.
They must be applied on clothing, and in the
skin. The CDC recommends waiting 6 months for Microbiology and Transmission
men and 8 weeks for women before unprotected
Chikungunya is an enveloped, single-stranded,
sex after symptom onset or last possible Zika
positive-sense RNA virus belonging to the genus
exposure to prevent sexual transmission.45
Alphavirus and family Togaviridae.47,51 Other arbo-
Approximately 20 Zika vaccine candidates are
virus in the Alphavirus genus include the Eastern
being tested with different strategies: inactivated
equine encephalitis virus and the Mayaro virus.52
viruses, virus-like particles, recombinant viruses,
Four Chikungunya lineages have been identified:
and DNA vaccines. Three DNA vaccines that
West African; Eastern, Central, and Southern Afri-
target prM/E proteins are on clinical trials. A phase
can; Asian; and the more recently determined In-
2 trial with a Zika wild-type DNA vaccine (VRC
dian Ocean lineage.49,53 Mutations have
5288) is currently ongoing.46
rendered these lineages diverse in their species
of Aedes mosquito transmission.
A aegypti (also known as yellow fever mosquito)
is the most prevalent vector in tropical and sub-
Chikungunya fever is a re-emergent disease tropical climates. It is also responsible for other
caused by the Chikungunya, an RNA alphavirus arbovirus transmitted infections like dengue,
belonging to the Togaviridae family. It is trans- Zika, and yellow fever. It is widely distributed
mitted via mosquito bite usually by Aedes spp, in wordwide and is well adapted to urban and periur-
particular A albopictus and A aegypti. Previously ban settings.54 Since 2006, A albopictus (also
confined to Africa and Asia, rapid spread of Chi- known as the Asian tiger mosquito) became a
kungunya since 2004 has become a public health mayor transmission vector partially secondary to
concern. Introduction in 2013 to Caribbean islands mutations rendering increased infectivity and
resulted in spread to more than 40 countries in smaller dissemination time in this specie.52
North and South America.47 Both species lay their eggs on small water-filled
containers. A aegypti usually bites in daylight
History (dawn and dusk), indoors or outdoors, takes multi-
ple bloodmeals, and is more anthropophilic than A
Chikungunya derives from the Makonde dialect,
albopictus.14 Humans represent the principal Chi-
meaning “that which bends up,” and referring to
kungunya reservoirs during epidemics. During the
the arthropathy caused by the virus.48 Chikungu-
enzootic cycle, nonhuman primates and other ver-
nya probably caused epidemics in the nineteenth
tebrates are suspected to be the principal reser-
century in the Caribbean and the United States
voirs.50 Vertical transmission (mother-to-child) is
and has caused periodic epidemics in Asia every
also present and is associated with a high
4 decades to 5 decades. The virus was first iso-
morbidity. Blood products in endemic areas
lated in Tanzania in 1952 and occasional out-
should be screened for Chikungunya due to
breaks were detected in the following decades in
possible transmission.48
several African and Asian nations. It is yet un-
known when Chikungunya first originated.14
In 2004, a new epidemic strain developed in
Kenya and swiftly expanded the following year to Chikungunya transmission is now encountered on
several islands in the Indian Ocean, including the all 5 continents. Africa and Asia are the regions
French Island of La Réunion.49 Concurrently, most affected. In 2016 in the Americas, more
from 2005 to 2007, millions of cases were reported than 300,000 cases (with almost 150,000 labora-
in India. A albopictus transmission adaption, tory confirmed) were recorded. The countries
travel, and Chikungunya mutations probably most affected were Brazil, Bolivia, and
contributed to the swift dissemination47,50 In Colombia.55 Continental United States had few
2007, the first autochthonous European cases locally transmitted cases in 2014 and 2015.56
were reported in Italy.51 In America, Chikungunya Data from 2017 revealed more than 100
100 Martinez et al

chikungunya cases from 26 states of the United disseminated pigmentation, which can have a
States, all from returning travelers. California, freckled or confetti-like appearance. Nose
New York, and Texas were the states with the pigmentation has been dubbed, chik sign,
most cases.57 Local transmission in Italy and because it has not been described in other similar
France was reported in 2017.58 infections. Genital, oral, or intertriginous painful ul-
cers have been described. A vesiculobullous erup-
Clinical Manifestations tion in children is an infrequent chikungunya
presentation, which poses a diagnostic challenge.
Chikungunya has an incubation period ranging Other dermatologic signs include purpura and
from 1 day to 12 days (most often 3–7 days). melanonychia.48,60,61
Approximately 75% of cases are symptomatic. Different from other arbovirus, chikungunya may
Manifestations start abruptly with fever, present long-lasting, chronic articular manifesta-
arthralgia/arthritis, myalgia, and headache. The tions that may persist for months to years. These
polyarthritis is usually inflammatory and symmetri, symptoms, included under the term, post-chikun-
and affects more frequently the hands, wrists, an- gunya chronic inflammatory rheumatism, include
kles, and knees. Axial and periarticular involve- arthritis, arthralgias, myalgia, and tenosynovitis,
ment may be present.59 Articular symptoms are a which resemble rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic
hallmark of the disease and are usually more se- arthritis. Significant compromise of the quality of
vere than in other common arboviruses. The life and indirect economic loss is a major
most common dermatologic manifestation is a concern.62,63 Congenital and perinatal transmis-
maculopapular rash involving the trunk and limbs sion is associated with severe manifestations,
that appears 2 days to 5 days after the fever starts including meningoencephalitis and long-term
(Fig. 3). It may be slightly pruritic or asymptomatic neurocognitive sequelae.64 Risk factors for severe
and can affect the palms and soles. Although disease and complications include vertical trans-
classically described as sparing the face, some mission, older age, initial severe acute disease,
cases present with facial or nasal erythema.60 and comorbidities. The mortality rate of chikungu-
The rash presence is variable among series nya is very low and is usually secondary to compli-
ranging from 30% to 75% of cases.48 Macular cations of preexisting diseases or central nervous
hyperpigmentation is the second most common system involvement.
dermatologic manifestations presenting as
localized (nasal or centrofacial melasma–like) or Diagnosis
The most useful tool for early Chikungunya diag-
nosis is real-time RT-PCR, which has excellent
sensitivity and specificity. It can detect Chikungu-
nya during the first week when serologic evalua-
tion may be falsely negative. Serologic IgM
assays become positive 2 days to 6 days after
symptoms and persist elevated for 3 months to
6 months. Chikungunya IgG elevation is positive
after the first week of symptoms and persist for
years. Longitudinal evaluation for 4-fold IgG anti-
body titer increase is suggestive of chikungunya
infection. Serologic assays may have cross-
reactivity with other mosquito-borne infec-
tions.39,48,50,65 Rash biopsy findings are unspecific
(spongiosis, dermal edema, and perivascular lym-
phocytic infiltrate). Hyperpigmented lesions show
pigment incontinence, basal layer hyperpigmenta-
tion, and melanophages.48,60

There is currently no specific antiviral treatment or
vaccine against Chikungunya. Treatment is sup-
portive with rest, pain and fever control, and hy-
dration. Fever should be managed with
Fig. 3. Chikungunya fever transient rash. acetaminophen. Analgesics like NSAIDs are
Going Viral 2018 101

recommended for articular symptoms.48,59,62,65 Flaviviridae. All 4 serotypes can cause the disease.
Comorbidities must be evaluated for exacerba- Within each Dengue genotype, genetic variations
tions. Chronic articular symptoms require rheuma- can further classify them into genotypes with
tological evaluation. Therapy with methotrexate different virulence profiles. This variability hinders
and antimalarials in post-chikungunya chronic in- the production of vaccines protective to all dengue
flammatory rheumatism has shown variable subtypes.68,73 Infection with one serotype pro-
results.59,62 duces long-term (sometimes lifetime) immunity to
that serotype but only short-term immunity to
Prevention other ones. Second infection is an important risk
Personal and environmental preventive measures factor for presenting severe disease.66,73 The 4 se-
to avoid arthropod bites are the same as dis- rotypes have varying geographic distribution and
cussed for Zika. No vaccine is currently approved some countries have endemic transmission of all.
for chikungunya. Currently, 18 Chikungunya vac- Antibody-dependent enhancement is a phenome-
cine candidates are under assessment. Two vac- non that occurs when antibodies to other dengue
cines are in phase 2 trials.46 serotypes produces non-neutralizing antibodies
to other serotypes promoting viral replication and
DENGUE subsequently additional disease severity. This
Introduction phenomenon raises concern that vaccines with
limited efficacy to some serotypes may exacer-
Dengue is the most frequent mosquito-borne bate infections with these serotypes.66,73
infection in the world.66 It is potentially fatal and A aegypti is the most common vector.
timely diagnosis and treatment is fundamental. It Geographic spread of A albopictus raises concern
shares common vectors as other arbovirus. Coin- about its future role in dengue expansion in A
fections carry higher morbidity. The etymology of aegypti nonendemic regions.72
the word dengue probably originated to the Swa-
hili phrase, “Ka dinga pepo,” which means a kind
Clinical Manifestations
of sudden cramp-like seizure from an evil spirit.
These words were then interconnected to the Dengue has a diverse clinical presentation that
Spanish dengue and the English dandy, alluding ranges from mild disease to severe, life-
to the fastidious and manneristic walks, respec- threatening complications. Prediction of outcome
tively, associated with painful movement.67 is challenging. Only 20% of infected patients man-
ifest clinical disease. Dengue has a short incuba-
History tion period of 5 days to 8 days. The first phase of
Dengue (also known as dandy fever and break- the infection (febrile phase) is characterized by
bone fever) descriptions date back to the third sudden fever, retroorbital pain, and myalgia/
century in China.68 After the seventeenth century, arthralgia. Face, neck, or trunk flushing is the first
the rising prevalence was concurrent with dermatologic manifestation occurring in the first
increasing maritime trade.68,69 Several investiga- 24 hours to 48 hours (Fig. 4). Subsequently, a faint
tors have argued the possibility that several histor- morbilliform rash (classically described as isles of
ical outbreaks of dengue fever were misclassified white in a sea of red) that may be mildly pruritic
and correspond to Chikungunya.70 is present in more than 50% of cases.

Dengue is endemic is more than 125 countries,
mostly subtropical and tropical regions.71 Approx-
imately half of the world population inhabits
dengue endemic countries. Yearly incidence
ranges 50 million to 100 million cases, with
approximately 20,000 deaths attributed. Global
burden is most dominant in Latin America and
Asia.72 Projections state that dengue incidence is
likely to expand in the future.71

Microbiology and Transmission

Dengues include 4 serologic distinct RNA viruses
that belong to the genus Flavivirus and family Fig. 4. Faint and pruritic dengue rash in the back.
102 Martinez et al

Hemorrhagic manifestations may appear in this positive tests.77 In endemic areas with other circu-
phase and include petechiae, ecchymosis, and lating flavivirus, other diagnostic methods are
mucosal bleeding. Leukopenia in this phase is preferred.
suggestive of dengue infection.74,75 The tourniquet Detection of NS1 antigen is available in several
test consists of inflating the blood pressure cuff for commercial assays. In primary infection, the test
5 minutes, intermediate of systolic and diastolic is positive during the first 9 days. In secondary in-
blood pressure. The appearance of more than 10 fections, this period is shorter and antigen levels
petechia in 1 cm2 of skin is a specific sign of have been associated with severe disease.77 The
dengue.76 Defervescence occurs 3 days to NS1 glycoprotein is not exclusive of Dengue and
7 days after symptom begin. Although most pa- commercial kits may cross-react with other flavivi-
tients recover after this phase, some patients rus like Zika. Assays that can identify between
may develop symptoms secondary to capillary different dengue serotypes and other flavivirus
leakage (critical phase). This period lasts 1 days are currently under development.78 PCR is a sen-
to 2 days. Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hemat- sitive and specific diagnostic method that can
ocrit elevation, ascites, and pleural effusion occur. identify single or multiple dengue serotypes
Shock may develop with organ failure secondary concomitantly. It is especially useful during the first
to hypoperfusion. The recovery phase lasts 2 4 days to 5 days of infection.66,77,78 Differential
days to 3 days and is characterized by fluid reab- diagnosis is broad and includes other arboviral in-
sorption and white blood cell, hematocrit, and fections, influenza, mononucleosis, and rickettsial
platelet normalization. The morbilliform rash can infections.
be present in this phase. Hypervolemia secondary
to excessive intravenous fluid administration can Treatment
lead to complications.75
No specific antiviral treatment is available. Treat-
The WHO simplified dengue classification into 3
ment is supportive. Acetaminophen is recommen-
categories—dengue without warning signs,
ded for pain and fever control. NSAIDs and aspirin
dengue with warning signs, and severe dengue.
should be avoided because of bleeding complica-
Probable dengue is defined as a clinical scenario
tions. Severe cases require inpatient care. Patients
in a patient that lives or has traveled to a dengue
with signs of shock need ICU transferal. Tachy-
endemic area and presents with fever and 2 of the
cardia and hypoperfusion must be continuously
following: nausea/vomiting, rash, leukopenia,
evaluated as patient condition can swiftly deterio-
positive tourniquet test, aches/pains, or any warn-
rate. Repeated complete blood cell counts are
ing sign. Persistent vomiting, fluid accumulation,
recommended. Careful fluid management is of
mucosal bleeding, lethargy/restlessness, hepato-
paramount importance to avoid shock/overload.
megaly (>2 cm), and hematocrit increase with
No specific treatment of bleeding complications
thrombocytopenia are considered warning signs.
is currently available and blood product transfu-
Severe dengue is considered in the presence of
sion is to be performed cautiously due to the pos-
severe plasma leakage (shock and respiratory
sibility of pulmonary edema.79
distress), severe bleeding, or organ failure.75
Close monitorization of warning sign improves
Prevention techniques common to other
mosquito-borne diseases are recommended. A
tetravalent vaccine of chimeric attenuated viruses
Clinical diagnosis alone is complicated and, when- has been approved.80 High efficacy is reported in
ever possible, laboratory evaluation must be per- serotypes Dengue-3 and Dengue-4, moderate in
formed. In primoinfection, serologic IgM assays Dengue-1, and low Dengue-2.46,81 Recent follow-
become positive approximately 3 days to 5 day af- up has led to recognition of increased risk of se-
ter the first symptoms. At day 3 to day 5, a positive vere dengue and hospitalizations in previously
test is found in half of the patients, progressing in seronegative, vaccinated individuals. This may
day 10 to a 99% positivity. IgM titers decline and lead to a scarce benefit of this vaccine in low prev-
become undetectable after 2 months to 3 months. alence populations. Due to the increased risk of
IgG antibodies become positive after the first serious infection in previously seronegative popu-
week and can persist for life. In secondary infec- lation, and until further review, the WHO recom-
tions, IgG titers rapidly rise early, whereas IgM mends this vaccine only in individuals with
persists low. IgM/IgG ratio lower than 1.2 or 1.4 previous, confirmed dengue infection. Revised
implies secondary infection.75 Other flavivirus in- recommendations probably will be available
fections can provoke cross-reactivity or false- soon.80
Going Viral 2018 103

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