Math Local Olympics Biomechanics Lesson Plan

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Olympic Biomechanics Math Lesson Plan

Name: Erik Shore, Bob Gronotte, Mike Hull

Grade 10 Topic Pre-Calc 10

Date Future Allotted Time 86 mins

STAGE 1: Desired Results

Cite sources used to develop this plan:

YouTube video on biomechanics:​ ​

Rationale​​: ​How does this lesson fit in with the unit being studied? How does this lesson prepare
for future learning? How does this lesson relate to the students’ real life?
Students will connect the idea between biomechanics of movement to linear relationships to
be able to better understand slope linear equations, and interpreting data. Offering students
of a variety of learning differences the opportunity to view and think about linear equations
in a different way.

Prior Learning: ​What previous learnings do students need to know to be able to be

successful in the lesson?
How does this lesson extend prior learnings? What connections if any can be made to First
Nations Culture and ways of knowing?
Students will need to have a basic understanding of the fundamental movements, (ie.
Jumping, throwing). Students will also need a background knowledge of measuring and
addition and subtraction. They will need to know how to plot points on a graph and
properly label a graph. This lesson will be a lesson to link linear graphing and slope to
real-life and introduce the students to a cross-curricular unit on the Olympics. The
students will know how to graph linear functions, but this will be their first time learning
about line of best fit. Students have worked with slope before and are able to calculate
Curriculum Connections:

Big Ideas​​: Representing and analyzing situations allows us to notice and wonder about
ELA: ​The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex
ideas about identity, others, and the world

Essential or Guiding Questions​​: Is there a connection between physical mobility,

technique and linear relation?

Core Competency:​​ Communication, Critical Thinking, Personal Social
Curricular Competencies​​:​ ​Model with mathematics in situational contexts

Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, story, inquiry,
and problem solving
ELA: D ​ emonstrate speaking and listening skills in a variety of formal and informal contexts
for a range of purposes.​

Content Standards​​: functions and relations: connecting data, graphs, and situations

linear functions: slope and equations of lines

Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms
​ELA: ​Strategies and process oral language strategies

STAGE 2: Assessment Plan

Learning Intention(s): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to plot data
What will students learn? points on a graph that they have interpreted, find a line of best fit
and be able to find the slope the linear graph that they have
created. In addition to that students will hopefully start thinking
about how certain actions require technique to enhance
performance (known as biomechanics)
Evidence of Learning: What tools will you use…
How will students show Group interaction
their learning? Plot results on the board (each group plots points on the graph)
Students will fill out their individual sheet so they all have an
opportunity to plot their own graphs.

Indicators of success are…

Criteria: Students can explain some of the uses of linear equations and
graphing in real world applications. Calculate slope of the lines
What criteria will help created from data generated during the class.
students know how to be

STAGE 3: Learning Plan

​ hat resources, materials and preparation are
Resources, Material and Preparation:​​ W
12 Meter sticks
12 roles of tape
8 pieces of string
8 Styrofoam balls
6 knee bend 30 angle tools (cardboard cut-outs work)
6 knee bend 60 angle tools
Space / stations around the hallway
30 Worksheet
Graph paper

Differentiated Instruction​​ ​(accommodations, adaptations, extensions, other):​ ​ How will you

plan for students who have diverse learning abilities/behaviour or require enrichment?
By taking things out of the classroom and making linear equations more active it will help
students that have a hard time sitting still to get involved in the lesson. For the students with
unique learning needs that require a TA I will have the TA help them with their
measurements if needed but see if working in a group will help the students explain it to
each other. Since this task is (group/ self-paced) people will finish at different times. For the
people that finish early and are perhaps extending I will provide an extension activity of
finding an activity that when you perform it better might produce a reverse of the slope that
they created.
Lesson Development
Connect (Hook):
How will you introduce this lesson in a manner that engages students and activates their
thinking (pose questions, build background knowledge, capture interest, make connections,
share learning intention)?

Teacher will Students will Management Pacing

Explain how biomechanics Listen, take notes and Have students ready 2 mins
can change our ability to think about sports and listening with pens
perform certain task or improved by proper and paper out.
activity. Give examples and biomechanics
ask for examples where
biomechanics have
improved performance in
certain sports
Have video ready and 4 mins
Show video of the change Watch the video with set to play
in biomechanics of the high curiosity.
jump over time

Process (activities):
How will students interact with new ideas, build understanding, acquire and practice
knowledge, skills​ ​and/or attitudes? How will you build in any guided practice? How will you
embed assessment activities?
Transformation (application):
How will students apply and/or practice learning, incorporate personalized representation of
learning, and/or provide “real life” applications?
Management strategies:​
What decisions will you make regarding groupings, passing out and collecting in materials,
questioning, monitoring progress, safety, clean up, getting student attention, etc?
How will you meet the needs of diverse learners?
Teacher will Student will Management Pacing
Explain the activity: Pay attention to the 5 min
explanation of the activity When I say “GO”
When I say follow me we
will go into the hall and
start the activity.

One station will be a

vertical jump, one will be a Show quality demos with
long jump, and the other an explanation.
will be the styro-throw.
Explain the detail and
demo each briefly before
heading out.
Split into groups 2 min
Split the students into Giving the students
groups by giving the cards as they come into
students cards with a the class
country on it as they come
into the class One student in each 1 min
group will grab
When I say go person A worksheets Only having one student
will come up and grab 4 of from each group come
the worksheets from the up.
front of the class. 2 min
Follow and start the
Everyone follows me out activity
into the hall. Drop groups Cycle around to ensure
off at each station as we go everyone is getting
clockwise around the started and knows what 30 min
building. to do.
Do the activities and fill
The worksheet will be to out the tables on the
record your data from each sheet, moving clockwise Keep cycling around
station through all three through the groups
activities. ensuring people stay on
task and helping anyone 5 min
or groups that might
need extra assistance or
We will be graphing three Finish activities return to extension activities.
different activities and the class and start working
information on the tables on the plotting the pints Have students that have
when we return to class. on the graph. returned to the class
Once students return to start plotting the points
class have them start on on the graph
filling out the graph and 10 mins
plotting the points on the
Students will listen and
Walk students through how take notes and try some
to create a line of best-fit examples Prepare a page on the 3 min
and run through some back of the work sheet
examples with the where the students can
students. take notes and do some
Draw line of best-fits for examples. 3 min
Have them draw their line the 3 activities
of best-fit from their three
activities individually
Work in groups to figure
Then get them to share it out the proper line of
with their group to see if best-fit for each graph Circulate, help students
everyone in the group got and why. if needed.
the same line of best-fit. If 5 min
someone didn’t or you all
have different lines, try to
figure out in your groups
why the lines are different. 3 mins
Calculate the slope and
Have the students equation of the line. Circulate
individually calculate the
slope and equation of the
line Talk amongst the group
to figure out which is the Circulate
Have the students in their correct slope and why. 4 mins
groups check to see if the
all calculated the same
slope have the talk
amongst the group to figure
out which is the correct One student from each
slope and why. group comes up and Have the teams come
writes the slopes from up one at time one 2 mins
Ask one person from each the three activities on the person from each group.
group to come up to the board.
front of the class to and fill
out their slope for the three
activities up on the front
board in the grid provided. They are all positive, Answer with hands
they are all similar, they
Looking at the chart what are all rational numbers.
do you notice about the
slopes for all of the groups

Closure: (2 – 5 min)
How will you solidify the learning that has taken place and deepen the learning process?

Teacher will Students will Management Pacing

Teach students the slope Listen and do the slope 2 mins

signal and give a bit of sign
the back history about it.
(It has been used for
years and I have seen it
used in the hallways. It
has been named and
altered over the past few
years to be known as the
dab. But historically it is
done like so… and it is
called the slope sign)

Reflection​​ ​What was successful in this lesson? If taught again, what would you change to
make this lesson even more successful and inclusive for diverse and exceptional students?
What timing adjustments might you make?

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