Edpb 506 - Olympic Mathematics Worksheet

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Olympics Mathematics Name: _______________________________

*** There are 3 stations that you and your group will go to. At each station one person will do the
activity, one person will be the designated measurer, and one person will be the record keeper. At each
station you will rotate so that everyone in the group gets a chance to do the activity, measure, and
record. Please just fill in the tables and then return to class once all 3 tables are done ***

**Once you have completed a station move clockwise around the building to find the next station**

Long Jump
At a station with tape on the ground labeled long jump, one group member will do 5 jumps following the
instructions below. Use the string at the station to measure the distance from the line to where the
jumper lands and then measure the string with the meter-stick.
Jump Instructions Measured Distance (cm)

From standing still jump as far as you can without bending your

Bend your knees 30° with the cardboard cut-out. From a static
position jump as far as you can

Bend your knees 60° with the cardboard cut-out. From a static
position jump as far as you can

From a standing position with bending your knees jump as far as

you can

Take one step and then jump as far as you can with full range of

Plot the points from the measured distance

column and draw a line of best fit for the
jump distance on the graph provided.
Distance (cm)

Find the Slope:

Slope = =

Vertical Jump
At the station with the meter-sticks taped to the wall find a meter-stick that the jumper’s hand is near to
the bottom of while their arm is fully extended. The measurer will stand on the chair, so they can see the
meter-stick and where the jumper’s hand touches on it. The jumper jumps next to the wall and attempts
to put their hand as high on the meter-stick as possible on each jump.
Measured Height (MH) Jump Height (cm)
Jump Instructions
(cm) = MH − MH 0
Measure the jumper’s height with arm
fully extended

From standing still jump without bending

your knees

Bend your knees 30° with the cardboard

cut-out. From a static position jump

Bend your knees 60° with the cardboard

cut-out. From a static position jump

From a standing position with bending

your knees jump as high as you can

Take one step and then jump as high as

you can with full range of motion

Plot the points from the jump height column

and draw a line of best fit for the jump height on
the graph provided.
Jump Height (cm)

Find the Slope:

Slope = =

At a station with tape on the ground labeled styro-throw, one group member will do 5 throws following
the instructions below. Use the string at the station to measure the distance from the line to where the
ball landed and then measure the string with the meter-stick.
Jump Instructions Measured Distance (cm)

1 Using only finger flick throw the ball as far as you can

2 Using wrist flick throw the ball as far as you can

Start with elbow and shoulder at 90° with a rotation movement

throw the ball as far as you can

4 From a standing position throw the ball as far as you can

5 With one step throw the ball as far as you can

Plot the points from the measured distance

column and draw a line of best fit for the
jump distance on the graph provided.
Distance (cm)

Find the Slope:

Slope = =

Line of Best-fit

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