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7124 J. Phys. Chem.

B 2000, 104, 7124-7129

Polymorphism in Phthalocyanine Thin Films: Mechanism of the r f β Transition

S. Heutz, S. M. Bayliss, R. L. Middleton, G. Rumbles, and T. S. Jones*

Centre for Electronic Materials and DeVices and Department of Chemistry, Imperial College of Science,
Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2AY, U.K.
ReceiVed: January 6, 2000; In Final Form: May 9, 2000

Two different polymorphic forms of free base phthalocyanine films have been grown on glass substrates by
ultrahigh vacuum organic molecular beam deposition. Postgrowth annealing of films grown at room temperature
leads to transformation from the R to the β1 phase. The effects of annealing lead to a number of transition
states whose morphological, structural, and spectroscopic properties can be identified using atomic force and
optical interference microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Raman and electronic absorption spectroscopy. Detailed
morphological studies indicate that the transition occurs via a discrete number of nucleations and is preceded
by an elongation of the R crystallites. Quantitative analysis of the crystallites and domain size shows that the
individual β1 crystals grow but are confined to domains of similar orientation. The film thickness plays a
critical role and three regimes have been identified. The R f β1 transformation is only complete for films
thicker than ∼940 Å, and thick films lead to a higher degree of orientation and larger domains.

1. Introduction the two phases. In this paper, we study the evolution of an R

There is considerable interest in the growth of thin films of film submitted to annealing for different times by a variety of
molecular materials as an alternative to more conventional ex situ techniques. The early stages of the transformation are
inorganic technology for applications in electronics and opto- identified and an elongation of the R crystallites is seen in atomic
electonics. Phthalocyanine films have been particularly well force microscopy (AFM) studies. The sizes of the crystallites
studied and are found as components in solar cells, field effect (either R or β1) and of the oriented domains of β1 crystallites
transistors,1 and organic light emitting devices (OLEDs), in the have been analyzed quantitatively and used to determine the
last case as a buffer layer at the ITO anode.2 Their structure is mechanism of the transition. The influence of the thickness of
highly conjugated and the polyaromatic ring (abbreviated Pc) the film on its morphology has also been studied and three
can be bound to a divalent transition metal (MPc) or to hydrogen different regimes have been observed. These show that continu-
(H2Pc).3 The metal-free phthalocyanines (H2Pc) crystallize as ity of the films is a critical factor for the completion of the
a variety of polymorphs, and the two main phases identified as transition.
R and β. They are both characterized by a herringbone structure
with the molecules stacked along the b-axis, but the polymorphs 2. Experimental Section
are differentiated by the angle between the plane of the molecule The films were grown in an OMBD chamber with a base
and the stacking axis.4 The two phases are monoclinic and pressure of about 2 × 10-9 Torr. The H2Pc powder (SynTech,
crystallize in the C2/c and P21/a space groups for the R and β 99%) was outgassed for 15-20 h before growth and sublimed
polymorphs, respectively.5,6 onto the substrate using a miniature Knudsen effusion cell. The
The R and β phases can be grown in ultrahigh vacuum by cell temperature was ∼330 °C, which corresponds to a growth
organic molecular beam deposition (OMBD). The R phase is rate of ∼5 Å s-1, as determined by a quartz crystal microbalance
obtained by growth at room temperature on weakly interacting positioned near the substrate. The film thickness was also
substrates such as glass.7 High-temperature growth or post- calibrated ex situ using scanning electron microscopy measure-
growth annealing of an R film leads to the formation of β films.8 ments on cleaved silicon samples.
The β-phase is commonly accepted as the stable form above a The substrates were cut from glass microscope slides (BDH
critical crystal size.9 The two polymorphs differ in terms of their super premium) and cleaned thoroughly in a methanol sonic
morphological, spectroscopic, and structural properties. The R bath for 15 min before being mounted and transferred into the
phase grows as small spherical crystallites, while the β crystals chamber. No in situ cleaning was performed, since this appeared
are large and slender.10 The β-crystals can be randomly oriented to have no obvious effect on the morphology and spectroscopic
or highly ordered over a short range (about 100 µm2) for growth characteristics of the deposited films.
at high substrate temperature or annealing of an R film, The R f β1 transition was affected by in situ annealing of
respectively. The high substrate temperature and annealed film samples grown at room temperature. Two series of samples were
can also be differentiated structurally. These two structures have investigated. First, 2330 Å thick films were submitted to an
recently been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction and annealing at 325 °C for various times, up to a maximum of 2
are labeled β1 and β2, respectively.10,11 h. Second, the annealing temperature and time were kept
The different films have been fully characterized as pure constant (325 °C for 2 h), but the thickness of the initial R film
phases, but little is known about the actual transition between was varied. Five thicknesses have been considered: 560, 660,
* Corresponding author. Tel: +44 (0)20-7594-5794. Fax: +44 (0)20- 940, 2330, and 4810 Å.
7594-5801. E-mail: Ex situ morphology analyses were performed using a Nomar-
10.1021/jp0000836 CCC: $19.00 © 2000 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 07/08/2000
Polymorphism in Phthalocyanine Thin Films J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 104, No. 30, 2000 7125

Figure 1. Powder XRD 2θ scans recorded from 2330 Å thick H2Pc

films after annealing for (a) 0, (b) 0.75, (c) 1.0, (d) 1.25, and (e) 1.5 h.
The last two scans have been scaled by a factor of 20. The transition
from R to β1 characteristics is very abrupt and occurs between 1 and
1.25 h annealing.

Figure 2. Electronic absorption spectra recorded from 2330 Å thick

ski interference optical microscope (Olympus BH2-UMA) and
H2Pc films after annealing for (a) 0, (b) 0.75, (c) 1.0, (d) 1.25, (e) 1.5,
an AFM (Burleigh instruments) operated in the tapping (non- and (f) 2.0 h. The R features are retained for up to 1 h annealing, and
contact) mode. The electronic properties of the films were films annealed for 1.25 h or more have β1 characteristics. Spectrum f
assessed using a Unicam UV4 spectrometer and a Siemens is less intense due to partial sublimation of the film.
D5000 powder diffractometer was used to record 2θ scans.
Raman spectra were also obtained by excitation with a 632.8 intensity shoulder at about 690 nm. Samples annealed for longer
nm laser source and detection by a microscope, spectrograph times (d-f) show characteristics of the β1 phase, with distinct
and CCD detection system (ISA-Horiba infinity). peaks at 650 and 710 nm. There is some evidence that the
relative intensities of the two bands in the β1 phase spectrum
3. Results and Discussion
are not the same. The broad higher wavelength Q-band (710
The film properties were probed using powder X-ray dif- nm) becomes slightly more intense with prolonged annealing
fraction and electronic absorption spectroscopy. Each data point with respect to the equally broad, lower wavelength Q-band
for a different annealing time represents a different sample. It (650 nm). A similar phenomenon has been observed by Loutfy14
was observed that gradual sublimation of the films occurred and has been explained in terms of the size of the crystallites,
with increased annealing time; for example, annealing for 3 h with larger crystals having more intense bands at higher
resulted in complete sublimation of the material from the wavelength. This assumption will be confirmed by the AFM
substrate. analysis presented in this paper.
XRD 2θ scans are shown in Figure 1, for (a) a reference R Resonance Raman spectra were also recorded for the films
film, and samples annealed for (b) 0.75, (c) 1.0, (d) 1.25, and after different annealing times. Here, the focused laser meant
(e) 1.5 h. It should be noted that the intensities of the samples that a 1 µm2 area of the sample was measured and spectra were
annealed for 1.25 and 1.5 h have been scaled by a factor of 20 recorded from 8 to 10 different points of the surface. The Raman
for the sake of clarity. Films annealed up to 1 h (a-c) show spectra presented in Figure 3 show a representative spectrum
peaks characteristic of the R phase, with diffraction from the for each sample. Typical spectra of the pure β1 and R phase are
(200) and (400) planes giving 2θ values at 6.82 and 13.6°, shown as a reference in (a) and (b), respectively. The regions
respectively.12 Longer annealing (d,e) results in a diffractogram that allow for distinction between the two phases are shaded in
typical of the β1 phase, where the peaks due to diffraction from gray. In the 600-800 cm-1 region, corresponding to the
the (001), (002) and (41h3h) planes appear at 2θ ) 7.0, 14.1, and vibrations of the macrocycle,15 the high-energy peak at 791 cm-1
15.5°.13 The transition is abrupt, with no intermediate state is more intense than the low-energy one at 677 cm-1 for the β1
containing diffraction signals typical of both polymorphs. The phase and this intensity ratio is reversed in the R phase. The
fwhm of the diffraction peaks do not change with increased transitions around 1500 cm-1 are present as a doublet in the R
annealing time, indicating little or no growth of the crystal size phase and a triplet in the β phase and correspond to vibrations
for either the R or β1 form. of the isoindole modified by the macrocycle. After annealing
The same abrupt transition is also seen in electronic absorp- for 0.75 h, the Raman spectra showed that the film was still R
tion spectroscopy. The spectra of the samples submitted to across the whole surface (c). Annealing for 1 h leads to a mixture
different annealing times are shown in Figure 2; (a) no anneal of the R and β1 phase coexisting on the surface (d,e). This
and (b) 0.75, (c) 1.0, (d) 1.25, (e) 1.5, and (f) 2.0 h annealing. observation shows the advantage of a microscopic probe such
A rather sharp transition from R character to β character is again as Raman over the “bulk” film measurement techniques (XRD
observed between 1 and 1.25 h annealing. Samples that are and electronic absorption spectroscopy), which were not sensi-
annealed for 1 h or less (a-c) show absorption features tive to the onset of β1 phase formation. The ratio of R phase
characteristic of the R phase, with a peak at 630 nm and a high- spectra to β1 phase spectra after 1 h annealing is approximately
7126 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 104, No. 30, 2000 Heutz et al.

Figure 5. Nomarski micrographs of (a) an R H2Pc film and films

annealed for (b) 1.0, (c) 1.25, and (d) 2.0 h. The film thickness was
2330 Å.

temperature with no annealing is shown as a reference in (a)

Figure 3. Resonance Raman spectra of 2330 Å H2Pc films acquired and displays the high density of spherical islands that character-
with a 632.8 nm laser source. (a) and (b) are reference spectra for β1 izes the R phase.10 The first changes become apparent after
and R films, respectively. Different annealing times are shown: (c) annealing for 0.75 h. The underlying surface morphology is
0.75 h, (d) 1.0 h, R phase, (e) 1.0 h, β1 phase, (f) 1.25 h, (g) 1.5 h, and similar to that seen for growth at room temperature, but closer
(h) 2.0 h. The ratio of R (d) to β1 (e) for the film annealed for 1 h is inspection reveals some elongation of the spheres and the
approximately 5:2.
presence of several larger islands on the surface, with a typical
diameter of 0.2-0.3 µm. Elongation of the R spheres becomes
more pronounced after annealing for 1 h, (b). This elongation
prior to transformation has been reported in a previous electron
microscopy study of CuPc films on muscovite.14 Larger islands
are also present on the surface, although these have not increased
in size and number (number density of islands = 4 µm-1). A
small proportion of the sample displays regions covered in
oriented slender crystallites (c). These areas are at least 49 µm,2
the typical area of an AFM image, and are characteristic of a
pure β1 phase film.10 The organized growth of the β1 phase
starts therefore after 1 h annealing, consistent with the Raman
spectra shown in Figure 3. After 1.25 h annealing the surface
is completely covered with the long thin crystals of the β1 phase.
The crystallites are parallel to each other over large areas, and
a boundary between two domains of different orientations can
be seen in (d). Annealing for longer times leads to no appreciable
change in the surface morphology until after 2 h (e). At this
point, the appearance of smooth areas between remaining islands
of β1 crystals indicates that the β1 phase crystals have grown
together and there only remain a few well-defined thin β1
crystallites, mostly arranged in columns. However, the domain
boundaries are still present and there are some features
reminiscent of the oriented crystallites in the smooth areas,
indicating that these have been formed by the merging of the
slender β1 crystallites.
Figure 4. AFM images of 2330 Å thick H2Pc films as a function of
annealing time: (a) no anneal, (b) 1.0 h, R phase, (c) 1.0 h, β1 phase Nucleation and growth of the β1 phase with prolonged
(minor component), (d) 1.25 h and (e) 2.0 h. annealing can also be seen morphologically on a larger scale
using optical interference microscopy, as shown in Figure 5.
The first appearance of distinctive features occurs after annealing
5:2, indicating that the surface is still predominantly R phase, for 1 h (b), where isolated islands are seen superimposed on
as previously observed. Annealing for 1.25, 1.5, and 2 h (f-h) the smooth background that characterizes the R phase (a).10
leads to spectra characteristic of the β1 phase only with the These islands are thought to be nucleation sites of domains of
appearance of a new peak at 1525 cm-1, the intensity of which β1 phase crystals, corresponding to the areas that have β1
increases with annealing time. characteristics in Raman (Figure 3e) and that display oriented
The morphology of the samples annealed for different times slender crystallites in AFM (Figure 4c). Annealing for 1.25 h
was assessed using AFM (Figure 4). A film grown at room results in complete coverage of the surface with the irregular
Polymorphism in Phthalocyanine Thin Films J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 104, No. 30, 2000 7127

Figure 7. The shape parameter, S, corresponding to the length/width

ratio of the β1 crystallites, as a function of annealing time for 2330 Å
Figure 6. Mean crystallite size, as obtained by AFM, as a function of thick H2Pc films. The crystallites become more elongated and grow
annealing time for 2330 Å thick H2Pc films. The R spheres and islands along their b axis. The solid line is simply a guide to the eye.
become slightly larger with annealing time, but the effect is particularly
pronounced for the β1 crystallites, which grow from 0.10 to 0.51 µm2
when the annealing time is increased from 1.0 to 2.0 h.

shaped domains of the β1 phase (c). It has been verified by a

large scale AFM analysis that the domains correspond to regions
where the crystallites have a similar orientation. The boundary
seen by AFM (Figure 4d,e) corresponds to a separation between
two zones of different contrast in the optical micrograph. The
main characteristics of the Nomarski images are retained with
increased annealing time (d).
The sizes of the crystallites measured by AFM and of the Figure 8. Mean size of the domains observed by Nomarski microscopy
domains detected on the Nomarski micrographs have been as a function of annealing time for 2330 Å thick H2Pc films. The domain
analyzed to obtain quantitative information concerning the R-β1 size increases and saturates at about 100 µm2 after 1.25-1.5 h
transition. Images were taken at four to five different areas of annealing. The solid line is simply a guide to the eye.
the sample, and all the crystallites or domains present were
measured to ensure a statistical and representative picture of down to allow for the merging of the domains, and hence the
the total sample. Figure 6 shows the evolution of the mean size saturation of the domain size is to be expected. The Nomarski
of the main features appearing in AFM images: (i) the R phase image presented in Figure 5b indicates that nucleation occurs
crystallites, (ii) the ill-defined islands that appear during the at many sites. As these domains grow in size, their final and
transition (Figure 4c), and (iii) the slender β1 crystallites. The finite size is inversely related to the number of nucleation sites
elongation of the R spheres prior to the transition is accompanied that can be achieved before boundaries are formed between the
by an increase in mean size from 0.015 to 0.022 µm2. The β1 domains. The finite number of nucleation sites can be obtained
crystallites undergo a clear linear increase in size from 0.10 to by evaluating the number of domains in a totally β1 sample,
0.51 µm2. This confirms the earlier observation that the ratio and this number should remain constant after complete coverage.
of the two Q-bands in the electronic absorption spectra change Here, the number of sites are 1.2 ( 0.3 µm-1.
as a function of annealing time due to the growth of the crystals It is apparent that when the crystallites and hence the domain
(Figure 2). It is likely that the size of the crystallites will continue boundaries have all merged, a totally smooth β1 film is produced.
to increase until sublimation reduces the film thickness to a level A high thickness for the film initially grown at room temperature
where gaps between the crystallites will appear. is therefore required to compensate for the progressive sublima-
Closer analysis of the size evolution for the β1 phase can be tion of material during the annealing transformation.
made by evaluating the shape of the crystals. We define a shape A qualitative analysis of the influence of the film thickness
parameter S, which is the length/width ratio of the crystallites. on the R f β1 transformation was carried out by studying the
S is plotted as a function of annealing time in Figure 7 and it surface morphology. It is first important to note that there is a
is clear that the crystallites become progressively more elon- film thickness constraint on the R f β1 phase transition. It is
gated. This elongation has also been noted for R crystallites. not possible to affect the transformation on films that are thinner
Since the lattice vector b is the common vector that lies parallel than 560 Å, either by growth at an elevated substrate temper-
to the substrate for both phases of H2Pc, it can be concluded ature, or by annealing. Ashida et al.16 suggested that complete
that the crystals, either R or β1, grow along their b axis. transformation of films below a certain thickness did not occur
A quantitative size analysis can also be made using the because there was not enough material present on the surface
Nomarski micrographs. Figure 8 shows the evolution of the to ensure a continuous film during the transition. An alternative
domains as a function of annealing time. The mean size of the explanation is that below a certain film thickness, and therefore
domains increases until an annealing time of between 1.25 and below a certain R phase crystal size, the R phase is more stable
1.5 h, at which point the size saturates at approximately 100 than the β1 phase, leading to the transformation being energeti-
µm2. cally unfavorable; the figure quoted for the point at which the
The different domains observed have been shown to be stability of the two polymorphs is equal is 2 × 104 molecules.8
regions where the β1 crystals are oriented in one particular If the R phase crystals are assumed to be spherical, this
direction. It is improbable that the boundaries between two corresponds to a crystal radius of 177 Å, or a diameter of 345
regions where the crystals are oriented differently would break Å. This is the theoretical sphere diameter below which the R
7128 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 104, No. 30, 2000 Heutz et al.

Figure 10. Nomarski micrographs of H2Pc films annealed for 2 h at

325 °C, for different film thicknesses: (a) 560, (b) 990, and (c) 4880
Å. The thinnest film shows nucleation of the β1 phase and a fern-like
morphology. Increasing thickness leads to an increase in the domain
Figure 9. AFM images of H2Pc films annealed for 2 h at 325 °C, for
different film thicknesses: (a) 560, (b) 990, and (c) 4880 Å. Partial the β1 islands are larger, but they are still isolated from one
transformation with discrete domains of R and β1 phases is observed another (b). This correlates well with the AFM results, which
for the thinnest film. The crystallites are more ordered for thicker films. showed discrete domains of R and β1 phase H2Pc. Figure 10c
shows a sample that has the features typical of all films above
phase will be more stable than the β1. This compares well with a critical thickness where the transformation is complete, i.e.,
the observed film thickness of 560 Å, below which the 940 Å. The surface is covered entirely by domains of aligned
transformation does not appear to occur. For films less than β1 phase crystals. On close inspection this thicker film can be
560 Å, sublimation of material occurs rather than transformation seen to exhibit the same fern-like fine structure as the thinner
for equivalent annealing conditions. films, but there is no interlying space between the individual
The effects of film thickness are also apparent in the electronic strands. It can be seen without any quantitative analysis that
absorption spectra. Samples with a film thickness greater than the size of the domains increases with film thickness for a given
940 Å are characteristic of the β1 phase whereas thinner films annealing time and temperature. This is a direct consequence
give a weak signal that is mainly β1 but still shows traces of R. of the higher degree of alignment observed of the crystallites
AFM images of the annealed films (2 h) at different for the thickest film.
thicknesses is presented in Figure 9. The thinner films (<660 The above observations suggest three regimes of behavior
Å) show two distinct regions having morphological character- for films of different thickness. The extreme case is for thin
istics of the β1 and the R phase, respectively (a). There are gaps films, i.e., less than 560 Å. In this case there is not enough
between the two phases, consistent with previous observations material to facilitate any transformation from the R phase to
that the R f β1 transition is inhibited by the lack of material the β1. This is consistent with the suggestion that particles of
below a critical film thickness.12 Figure 9b shows the morphol- the size found in these films are more stable in the R phase
ogy of a 940 Å film. The surface is completely covered in than in β1. For film thicknesses between 560 and 940 Å, only
elongated crystallites that are parallel to each other over a short partial transformation of the film occurs, indicating that the film
range and many boundaries are present. An AFM image of a is thick enough to allow transformation, but there is not enough
2330 Å film was shown in Figure 4e and displays the same material on the surface to ensure continuity of the film during
characteristics, with additional merged domains. The thickest transformation. Clearly, the β1 phase grows at the expense of
film (Figure 9c) differs from the other two β1 samples in that the R phase directly in contact with it. The transformation occurs
all the crystallites are oriented over the 49 µm2 range of the via discrete nucleations, since the remaining R areas coexist
AFM image. It appears that the higher thickness facilitates and do not intermix with completely transformed β1 phase
parallel orientation of the crystallites. It is likely that the cross regions. It is also likely that since the transformation is very
section of the crystallites is square, so that a thicker sample is close to the sublimation point, the regions that have not been
formed by stacks of crystallites, and only the top crystallites transformed are thin enough to be in the regime where the R
are imaged by AFM. If the transformation is initiated at the phase is more stable than the β1. For film thicknesses above
glass/H2Pc interface, i.e., at the hottest point, the successive 940 Å, both the size of the R phase crystallites and the thickness
stacks will have opportunity to reorganize and be parallel at of the film (and hence its continuity) allow complete transfor-
the top, as seen by AFM. The crystal size is smaller because of mation of the film.
the reduced thermal energy that reaches the top layer to induce
the growth of the crystal along the b axis when compared to 4. Conclusions
the thinner films. This also explains the absence of smooth areas This study elucidates the mechanism of the R f β1 phase
on the thick sample. transformation as a consequence of annealing H2Pc films.
Figure 10 shows the effect of film thickness on the larger Preliminary elongation of the spherical R crystallites and
scale morphology of the β1 phase. For the thinnest film for appearance of rough areas where the crystallites have grown
which it is possible to induce the R f β1 transformation, the much larger are observed. Nucleation of the β1 phase occurs at
result is isolated areas of fern-like morphology (a). There are discrete centers across the film and appears as domains of
large areas of nontransformed material between the β1 phase oriented slender β1 crystallites. These precursor domains grow
islands, and there is also space between the individual strands until they cover the entire area of the sample. At this point, the
of the fern-like islands. When the starting film is slightly thicker, size of the domains saturates because boundaries are found,
Polymorphism in Phthalocyanine Thin Films J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 104, No. 30, 2000 7129

while the individual crystallites continue to grow until they (University of Liège, Belgium) for the X-ray diffraction
finally merge. measurements. S.H. thanks the Department of Chemistry,
The thickness of the film plays an important role and three Imperial College, for a postgraduate teaching assistantship.
regimes are observed for films of different thickness. The S.M.B. is grateful to the Engineering and Physical Sciences
extreme case is for thin films, i.e., less than 560 Å. The R f Research Council (EPSRC), U.K., for the provision of a Ph.D.
β1 transformation is inhibited since the R phase is supposed to studentship. This work was supported by the EPSRC, U.K.
be the most stable for reduced thickness, and sublimation occurs
without any transformation. For films between 560 and 940 Å References and Notes
only partial transformation of the film occurs, indicating that
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