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SL: She sadly remembers being cruelly bullied by her male classmates because she was
TL: Dia secara sedih dibulli teman teman kelasnya karena kegemukannya.
The phrase ‘she sadly remembers being cruelly bullied’ in SL is translated into ‘dia
secara sedih dibulli’ in TL is not equivalent because ‘she sadly remembers being cruelly
bullied’ means when she remembers when she had gotten bad treatment from her friends, she
feel sad. On the other hand, in TL has different meaning which means she is bullied through
sadness way. Therefore, in the phrase ‘she sadly remembers being cruelly bullied’ in SL and
the phrase ‘dia secara sedih dibulli’ in the TL we can see that the Principle Translation which
is the Skewing of Information occur here.

SL: Since bullying is prevalent in our society it is important that everyone should be made
aware of this social evil.
TL: Karena Bully sudah umum dalam masyarakat kita ini sangat perlu untuk menyadari bahwa
ini adalah salah.
The phrase ‘this social evil’ in SL is translated into ‘salah’ in TL is not equivalent
because ‘this social evil’ means kind of crime that happens in society. On the other hand, in
TL has different meaning which means wrong or something that is not correct or true.
Therefore, in the phrase ‘this social evil’ in SL and the phrase ‘salah’ in the TL we can see that
the Principle Translation which is the Skewing of Information occurr here.

SL: No one should have that kind of power.
TL: Tidak ada seorangpun yang mempunyai kelebihan.
The phrase ‘that kind of power’ in SL is translated into ‘kelebihan’ in TL is not
equivalent because ‘that kind of power’ refers to the article, it means harass or make people
feel inferior and no one has any right to make it. On the other hand, in TL has different meaning
which means mistake or an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong. It shows the
meaning both of phrases is exact different. Therefore, in the phrase ‘that kind of power’ in SL
and the phrase ‘kesalahan’ in the TL we can see that the Principle Translation which is the
Skewing of Information occur here.

SL: Some people may consider taunting someone as funny, even though it is anything but
funny to the person who is at the receiving end.
TL: Beberapa orang mungkin menganggap bahwa mengejek seseorang adalah lucu, meskipun
lucu kepada orang yang menerimaha.
The phrase ‘even though it is anything but funny to the person who is at the receiving
end’ in SL is translated into ‘meskipun lucu kepada orang yang menerimaha’ in TL is not
equivalent because ‘even though it is anything but funny to the person who is at the receiving
end’ means bullying is a funny thing for people that do it but not for people that is bullied. For
the victim, bullying is a traumatic experience. On the contrary, ‘meskipun lucu kepada orang
yang menerimaha’ in TL means people which is bullied think that bullying is funny. Therefore,
we can see that the Principle Translation which is the Skewing of Information occur here.

SL: As long as it doesn't happen to us why should we get involved, why should we bother?
TL: Selama ini tidak terjadi diantara kita mengapa kita tidak melibatkan, mengapa kita harus
ikut campur?
The phrase ‘why should we get involved’ in SL is translated into ‘mengapa kita tidak
melibatkan’ in TL is not equivalent because ‘why should we get involved’ if refer to the article
means we do not need involve ourselves to prevent bullying if it does not happen to us. On the
contrary, in TL has different meaning which means we do not need to involve a thing or a
person to prevent bullying if it does not happen between us. Therefore, in the phrase ‘why
should we get involved’ in SL and the phrase ‘mengapa kita tidak melibatkan’ in the TL we
can see that the Principle Translation which is the Skewing of Information occurr here.

Belajar Microsoft Office. 2016. Teks Bullying: A Cancer that must be Eradicated dan
Terjemahannya [Internet]. Available from: http://pelatihan-berbasis-
[Accesed 18 November 2018]

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