A Study On Effectiveness of Training and Development at Big Bazaar, Lucknow

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“A Study on Effectiveness of
Training and Development at Big
Bazaar, Lucknow”

Towards partial fulfillment of

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
(Affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow)

Company Guide: Submitted to:

Ms. Ruby Jaiswal Mr. Nikhil Srivastava
(HR Manager) (HOD)
Big Bazaar, Lucknow CCMT, Lucknow

Submitted by:
Roll no: 1668070048
M.B.A. 3rd Semester
SESSION 2016-2018

City College of Management & Technology

Opp. BBD College, Tiwariganj, Chinhat, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226028
Certificate from the Organization

I do hereby declare that all the work presented in the research report entitled

“A Study on Effectiveness of Training and Development at Big Bazaar,

Lucknow‖ is carried out and being submitted at the school of management for

the award of Master of Business Administration, is an authentic record of

JYOTIMA VERMA. The work is carried out under the guidance of Ms. Anshika

Verma (faculty guide). It hasn‘t been submitted at any other place for any other

academic purpose.


ii | P a g e

I feel deeply indebted towards people who have guided me in this project. It would

have not have been possible to make such an extensive report without the help,

guidance and input from them. Most of my information source has been from

professional books of telecom sector.

I would firstly like to express my gratitude toward Ms. Anshika Verma faculty

guide and faculty members for having shown much of flexibility and guiding in such

a way that I really learning the subject all the time . She helped me in deciding the

project topic. She showed a lot of openness in her approach and I would like to thank

him for her support in a way that has lead to proper & effective learning.

Last but not least I am great full to all my family members & my friends for being my

side always. Without their help and motivation it wouldn‘t have been possible to

complete my project.


iii | P a g e

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) programme is one of the most

reputed professional courses in the field of management. This course includes both

theory and its applications as per contents of its curriculum. Project report is an

integral part of Master of Business Administration programmed. It gives exposure to

our practical knowledge and also to get interact with the various aspects of present

market conditions. Each student is required to undergo practical training, before the

completion of Last semester examination.

The summer training project programmers are designed to give the managers

the future of the corporate happenings and work culture. The real life situation is

really different from the stimulated exercise enacted in an artificial environment

inside. The Summer Training project programmers are designed, so that the

managers or tomorrow do not feel when the time comes to take responsibilities.

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Certificate from the Organization i

Declaration ii

Acknowledgement iii

Executive Summary iv

Sl. No. Contents Page No.

1. Introduction 1

2. Company profile 32

3. SWOT Analysis 53

4. Objectives of the study 60

5. Research Methodology 62

6. Limitations 65

7. Data Analysis & Interpretations 67

8. Findings 80

9. Suggestions/Recommendations 83

10. Conclusion 85

11. Bibliography 87

12. Appendix 89




Training and Development nowadays constitute an ongoing process in any

organization. Training is a tool for increasing individual performance and overall

organizational growth. The objective of the training is to enable the employees to

grow acquire knowledge of thought and action.

What is “Training”?

Training refers to importing of specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee

or it is any attempt to improve present or future, employee performance by increasing

an employee ability to perform, through learning, usually by changing the attitude or

increasing his/her skills and knowledge.

Training is needed not only for technicians who work in the shop floor but also for

supervisors, managers and executives. After training, candidates will be placed on the

jobs to perform the tasks given to them effectively.

Development refers to those learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.

Development is, less skill oriented and stresses on knowledge. Knowledge about

business environment, management, principles and techniques, human relations,

specific industry analysis and like.

Any training & development programme must contain inputs, which enable the

participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to look in

to the distant future. Training is an investment in HR with a promise of better returns

in future.


Training is the corner stone of sound management, for it makes employees more

effective and productive. It is actively and intimately connected with all the personnel

or managerial activities. It is an integral part of the whole management programme,

with all its many activities functionally related.

Training is a practical and vital necessity because, apart from the other advantages

mentioned above, it enables employees to develop and rise within the organization,

and increase their market value, earning power and job security. It moulds the

employee‘s attitudes and helps them to achieve a better cooperation with the company

and a great loyalty to it. Training, moreover, heightens the morale of the employees,

for it helps in reducing dissatisfaction, complaints, grievances and absenteeism,

reduces the rate of turnover. Further, trained employees make a better and economical

use of materials and equipped; therefore, wastage and spoilage are lessened, and the

needs for supervision is reduced.

Recognition of the importance of training in recent years has been heavily influenced

by the intensification of the overseas competition and the relative success of

economies like Japan, Germany etc. technological development and organization

change have gradually led some employers to the realization that success relies on the

skills and abilities of their employees and this means considerable and continuous

improvement in Training and Development.

This has also been underscored by the rise in HRM with its emphasis on the

importance of people and the skills they possess in enhancing organization efficiency.

Such commitment to the company and the growth in the quality movement has led

senior management teams to realize the increasing importance of training,

development and education. There has also been more recognition of the need to

complement the qualities of employees with the needs of the organization. Such

concepts require not only careful planning but also a greater emphasis on employee



1. To impart to new entrants the basic knowledge and skill they need for an

intelligent performance of definite tasks.

2. To ensure that each employee is equipped with capabilities to perform various

tasks associated with his role.

3. To assist employees to function more effectively in their present positions by

exposing them to the latest concepts, information and techniques and

developing the skills they will need in their particular fields.

4. To help the employee develop as an individual so that the organization can

recognize and use the maximum possible potential of its employees.

5. To help employees work as team members since no individual can accomplish

the goals of the organization single handedly.



―EDUCATION IS THE UNDERSTANDING and interpretation of knowledge‖-

―Education is concerned with increasing the general knowledge and understanding of

the employees‖.


―Training is a short term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by

which non-managerial personnel learn technical knowledge and skill‖.

―Training refers only to instruction in technical and mechanical operations. Training

courses are typically designed for a short term, stated set of purposes‖.


―Development is an inclusive process with which both managers and individual

employees involved. It offers opportunity to learn skills, but also provide an

environment designed to discovering and cultivating basic attitudes and capabilities

and facilitating continuing personal growth‖.


1. Training program helps in increasing the quality and quantity of output.

2. It helps each individual employee to utilize or develop his/her full potential.

3. Employees feel that they are being taken care of by the management and these

results in increasing their morale.

4. By training, the worker is enabled to make the more economical and best use

of equipment. This results in the reduction of cost of production.

5. Trained employee needs less supervision because of this supervisor can

increase his span of management, resulting in reduced cost of supervision.

6. The availability of trained personnel ensures long term stability and flexibility

in the organization.

7. The workers are exposed to the latest concepts, information and techniques,

they become well qualified by this and the increase their market value and

earning power.

8. To help a company fulfill its future personnel needs

9. To improve organization culture.

10. To improve health and safety


1. Training and Development is continuous & its scope exists throughout the


2. The objective & scope of a training plan should be defined before its

development is begun in order to provide a basis for common agreement &

cooperative action.

3. Training and Development must meet the organization objectives, so the

objectives of the employee Training and Development must be set in clear


4. There exists a gape b/w best performance and present performance and

Training and Development can bring out the hidden talents to fill the gaps.

5. Growth is a challenge, which involves stress and strains. Training helps an

individual to cope up with these and helps in concentrated effort.

6. Active participation of the learner, the feedback of the learner‘s performance

accelerates growth and improves the effectiveness of Training and


7. Training should be conducted in the actual job environment to the maximum

possible extent


1. To check the effectiveness of Training and Development in improving

performance of the employee.

2. To assess how far training is useful for improving career prospects of every


3. To identify he deficiencies of Training and Development for incorporating

additions to the programme.

4. To improve the cost effectiveness of Training and Development programme.


1. Evaluation must be continuous.

2. Evaluation must be specific.

3. Evaluation must be based on objective methods and standards.

4. Evaluation must provide means for trainees to self appraise.

5. The goals & purpose of evaluation must be clear.

6. It is essential to lay down the criteria of evaluation & it must be realistic.




Training Evaluation refers to the process of collecting and measuring the outcomes or

criteria to determine whether training was effective. Training outcomes or criteria

refers to measures that the trainer and the company use to evaluate Training programs.


Training Effectiveness refers to the benefits that the company and the trainees receive

from training. Benefits for trainees may include learning new skills or behavior.

Benefits for the company may include increased sales and more satisfied customers.


The Performance Management System enables the Organization to enhance & sustain

its performance by aligning employees' goals & contribution to the Organization‘s

Vision and Objectives. It also serves as a platform to provide employees the

opportunity to structure and channelize their growth in terms of learning &

development and / recognition.

What is Performance?

Performance is about behaviors or what employees do, not about what employees

produce or the outcomes of their work.

What is performance Management?

Performance Management is a continuous process of identifying, measuring, and

developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning performance with

the strategic goals of the organization.


 To align individual performance with the Organization's strategic objectives

via goal setting & review, on an annual basis

 To differentiate performance contributions vis a vis goals set

 To enhance individual contributions by identifying development areas

 To identify/ develop appropriate learning tools/ methods

 To reward differing individual performances basis contribution


 All confirmed employees as of April 1st of the year, are eligible for the

Performance Assessment.

 Objective Setting & Final Performance Assessment are done on an annual

basis (i.e. Financial Year: April – March)

Assessment Criteria

An employee‘s Performance Assessment as captured in the formats (i.e. Appraisal

forms), is based on two key aspects:

1. Key Responsibilities (the ―What‖) requisite to be performed in the job

2. Key Competencies (the ―How‖) that are relevant to different job categories

The overall Performance Assessment, is a balanced evaluation of both ―Key

Responsibilities‖ & ―Competencies‖ on a four point rating scale

The Final Assessment is to result in one of the four ratings enlisted below which are

to conform to a normal distribution for respective departments, units & hence the

entire Organization:

 Outstanding

 Exceeds Expectations

 Meets Expectations

 Needs Improvement

The above ratings have descriptors to enable the assessment on each of the Key

Responsibilities & Competencies

 Outstanding: Constantly exceeds expectations in all objectives; Is a role

model for the rest of the team

 Exceeds Expectations: Is an excellent performer and meets both quality &

timeline specifications for most responsibilities

 Meets Expectations: Meets job expectations as pre decided & is a steady


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 Needs Improvement: Needs to improve performance in several objectives;

development areas can be worked upon

Key Process Stakeholders

Appraisee: Every employee/ individual who is assessed is termed the ‗Appraisee‘.

Thereby all employees are appraisee‘s as their individual and thereby collective

performance contributes towards the Organization‘s performance, growth and


Appraiser: The supervisor or individual who assesses the appraisee‘s performance is

termed the ‗Appraiser‘.

Reviewer: The appraiser‘s manager is termed the ‗Reviewer‘.

H.O.Ds: All performance assessments for a particular department are reviewed

overall by the H.O.D before it is sent to the Unit/ Function Head.

Senior Leadership Team (SLT): The CEO and his immediate reportees play a key

role in ratifying the entire Organization‘s Performance Distribution, once all the

performance assessments from various Units are received & collated.

HR department: The HR team plays the role of a Co – Planner wherein it facilitates

the assessment process, in terms of communication of the assessment process flow &

guidelines to concerned stakeholders, providing advice to appraisers, H.O.Ds & Unit/

Function Heads on appropriate assessment & translating the assessment to rewards/

recognition and career development proposal to the SLT.

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Competency Mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for a company or

institution and the jobs and functions within it. Competency mapping is important and

is an essential exercise. Every well managed firm should have well defined roles and

list of competencies required to perform each role effectively. Such list should be

used for recruitment, performance management, promotions, placement and training

needs identification.

The competency framework serves as the bedrock for all HR applications. As a result

of competency mapping, all the HR processes like talent induction, management

development, appraisals and training yield much better results.

Competency Mapping gives an adept HR manager a fairly good picture of the

employee to see whether he (or she) needs to perform better or to move up a notch on

the scale. Once the employee `tops‘ every indicator at his level, he moves on to the

next and begins there at the bottom – in short, he is promoted.

It helps in determining the Training and Development needs and importantly it helps

to encourage the best and develop the rest and a win-win situation for everyone.

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An organization survives if it is performing well in the environment by being

profitable but if it fails to do so the organization may not survive. And worse is the

decay of both human and physical structures (Manguennandongo, 2002). The

rationale of training is not only on the ordinary employees but as well as to their

executives to develop skills required in the diversification and competitiveness by

making the organization successful. The benefits fall entirely for the employees and

for the private companies. The target of the program being implemented in the

companies, increases the competency in the market, and improves the living condition

of the employees (ADBG, 2008). Under the participation of the stakeholders, the

guidelines and implementation of training in the employees can achieve positive

results. The workforce development is focused on attracting, developing, and

retaining the best of the people from the broadest business practices to meet the

objectives or goals of the companies. Intentionally, training and development are

provided for the employees with best of the career opportunities in different industry

and encourages their individual growth and achievement (Kruger, 2008). According

to Casse and Banahan (2007), the different approaches to training and development

need to be explored. It has come to their attention by their own preferred model and

through experience with large Organizations. The current traditional training

continuously facing the challenges in the selection of the employees, in maintaining

the uncertainty related to the purpose and in introducing new tactics for the

environment of work and by recognizing this, they advising on all the problems,

which reiterates the requirement for flexible approach. Usually the managers have the

choice to select the best training and development programme for their staff but they

always have to bear in mind that to increase their chances of achieve the target they

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must follow the five points highlighted by Miller and Desmarais (2007). According to

Davenport (2006), mentioned in his recent studies that it‘s easy to implement strategy

with the internet supported software.

Technical training is the process of teaching employees how to more accurately and

thoroughly perform the technical components of their jobs. Training can include

technology applications, products, sales and service tactics, and more. Technical skills

are job-specific as opposed to soft skills, which are transferable.

On-the-job training Methods

Under these methods new or inexperienced employees learn through observing peers

or managers performing the job and trying to imitate their behavior. These methods

do not cost much and are less disruptive as employees are always on the job, training

is given on the same machines and experience would be on already approved

standards, and above all the trainee is learning while earning. Some of the commonly

used methods are: Coaching, Mentoring, Job Rotation, Job Instruction, Technology,

Apprenticeship, Understudy.

Off-the-job Training Methods

Off-the-job training methods are conducted in separate from the job environment,

study material is supplied, there is full concentration on learning rather than

performing, and there is freedom of expression. Important methods include: Lectures

and Conferences, Vestibule Training, Simulation Exercises, Sensitivity Training,

Transactional Training.

Technical or Technology Training

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Depending on the type of job, technical training will be required. Technical training is

a type of training meant to teach the new employee the technological aspects of the

job. In a retail environment, technical training might include teaching someone how to

use the computer system to ring up customers. In a sales position, it might include

showing someone how to use the customer relationship management (CRM) system

to find new prospects. In a consulting business, technical training might be used so the

consultant knows how to use the system to input the number of hours that should be

charged to a client. In a restaurant, the server needs to be trained on how to use the

system to process orders. Let‘s assume your company has decided to switch to the

newest version of Microsoft Office. This might require some technical training of the

entire company to ensure everyone uses the technology effectively. Technical training

is often performed in-house, but it can also be administrered externally.

Skills Training

Skills training, the third type of training , includes proficiencies needed to actually

perform the job. For example, an administrative assistant might be trained in how to

answer the phone, while a salesperson at Best Buy might be trained in assessment of

customer needs and on how to offer the customer information to make a buying

decision. Think of skills training as the things you actually need to know to perform

your job. A cashier needs to know not only the technology to ring someone up but

what to do if something is priced wrong. Most of the time, skills training is given in-

house and can include the use of a mentor. An example of a type of skills training is

from AT&T and Apple, who in summer 2011 asked their managers to accelerate retail

employee training on the iPhone 5, which was released to market in the fall.

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Training, Performance and Productivity

The quality of employees and their development through training are major factors in

determining log-term profitability and optimum performance of organizations. To hire

and keep quality employees, it is good policy to invest in the development of their

skills, knowledge and abilities so that individual and ultimately organizational

productivity can increase. Traditionally, training is given to new employees only. This

is a mistake as ongoing training for existing employees helps them adjust rapidly to

changing job requirements.

Impact of training and development

Nowadays the necessity for dedicated professionals has increased with the rising

demands of business and the level of competency. It is significant to have professional

knowledge on how to handle complicated situations. Career development schools

make certain that people take advantage in the training given to them. The advantages

are based on the quality, standardization and methodology applied. It assists in

building confidence, promotion of personal development and is a focus for quality

staff. Superiority is a major concern in any business and career development. It is not

limited to the products but the performance of the professionals as well. Lack of

quality affects standard of performance, however career development takes the

chance to develop on the defects and bring quality products.

The review has so far revealed the importance and purpose of training in an

organization, and how it contributes to productivity. The essence of training needs

has also been explained. How and why training needs should be assessed was not

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overlooked. The fundamental bases for which personnel may be chosen or selected

for training, the kinds of training methods are identified. In summary, this study is

designed descriptively to find out whether there exists any setback in the training and

development schemes in Ghana Ports and Harbors and Authority, and thus offer

recommendations as to how these setbacks may be reduced if not entirely eliminated.

Training is seen as a key instrument in the implementation of Human

Resource Management policies and practices, particularly those involving cultural

change and the necessity of introducing new working practices. First of all the

organization will need a training policy that specifies what training means to the

organization, who qualifies for training, how training should be conducted and so on.

The next step is to analyze the training needs of the organization in relation to the

organization‘s strategy and equate it with the needs of the individuals within it.

A variety of methods could be adopted to carry out a training needs analysis. Job

analysis, interview with managers and supervisors and performance appraisal are few

methods commonly used. Despite the available variety of methods, an organization

has to be cautious when selecting training methods for its use. A careful use of

training methods can be a very cost-effective investment. Although one of the most

important stages in the training process, evaluation and monitoring is often the most

neglected or least adequately carried out part.

An effective training program is built by following a systematic, step-by step process.

Training initiatives that stand alone (one-off events) often fail to meet organizational

objectives and participant expectations. In today‘s post we outline the five necessary

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steps to creating an effective program from assessing needs to evaluating and revising


1) Assess Training Needs: The first step in developing a training program is to

identify and assess needs. Employee training needs may already be established

in the organization‘s strategic, human resources or individual development

plans. If you‘re building the training program from scratch (without

predetermined objectives) you‘ll need to conduct training needs assessments.

2) Set Organizational Training Objectives: The training needs assessments

(organizational, task & individual) will identify any gaps in your current

training initiatives and employee skill sets. These gaps should be analyzed and

prioritized and turned into the organization‘s training objectives. The ultimate

goal is to bridge the gap between current and desired performance through the

development of a training program. At the employee level, the training should

match the areas of improvement discovered through 360 degree evaluations.

3) Create Training Action Plan: The next step is to create a comprehensive

action plan that includes learning theories, instructional design, content,

materials and any other training elements. Resources and training delivery

methods should also be detailed. While developing the program, the level of

training and participants‘ learning styles need to also be considered. Many

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companies pilot their initiatives and gather feedback to make adjustments

before launching the program company-wide.

4) Implement Training Initiatives: The implementation phase is where the

training program comes to life. Organizations need to decide whether training

will be delivered in-house or externally coordinated. Program implementation

includes the scheduling of training activities and organization of any related

resources (facilities, equipment, etc.). The training program is then officially

launched, promoted and conducted. During training, participant progress

should be monitored to ensure that the program is effective.

5) Evaluate & Revise Training: As mentioned in the last segment, the training

program should be continually monitored. At the end, the entire program

should be evaluated to determine if it was successful and met training

objectives. Feedback should be obtained from all stakeholders to determine

program and instructor effectiveness and also knowledge or skill acquisition.

Analyzing this feedback will allow the organization to identify any

weaknesses in the program. At this point, the training program or action plan

can be revised if objectives or expectations are not being met.

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Training and Development key points:-

 ―What‖ is learned?

 ―Who‖ is learning?

 ―Why‖ such learning takes place.

 ―When‖ such learning occurs.

Why are Training Programs given?

 To change the mission of the organization.

 To increase the productivity.

 To reduce the production cost.

 To eliminate the errors and defects.

 Optimal usage of material and time.

 To boost the employees morale.

 To improve supervision.

 To develop human Relations.

 To reduce employee turnover rate.

 To improve managerial skills.

 To meet quality standards.

 To compete with changing scenario of technology.

 To improve organizational climate.

 To improve health and safety.

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Aim of Training & Development:-

 The aim of training is to define the output variables more specifically.

 Measure of the capabilities of the employees in the context of the current and

the future job, which increase the possibility of their employability in the

context of their business.

 Full utilization of the talents of the manpower and the development of these

 Resources.

 Prevent obsolescence.

 Extent to which employees are trained to manage well the system of the


 The adaptability to the changing requirements of the company.

 Bring in continuous improvements in the organization.

Need for Training:-

Every organization big or small, productive or non-productive, economic or

social, old or newly established should provide training to all employees irrespective

of their qualification, skill, suitability for the job etc. Thus, no organization can

choose whether or not to train employees.

Training is not something that is done once to new employees; it is used

continuously in every well run establishment. Further, technological changes,

automation, require up-dating the skills and knowledge. As such an organization has

to retrain the old employees.

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Specifically, the need for training arises due to the following reasons:

 To match the employee specification with the Job requirement and

organizational Needs.

 Organizational Viability and the Transformation Process.

 Technological Advances.

 Organizational Complexity.

 Human Relations.

 Change in the job assignment.

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Training Methods

On-the-job method Off-the-job Method

1. Job rotation. 1. Vestibule training

2. Coaching 2. Role playing
3. Job instruction or 3. Lecture Methods
4. Training through 4. Conference or
Step-by-step Discussion
5. Committee Assignments 5. Programmed Instruction

On-the-job Training Methods

This type of training, also known as job instruction training, is the most

commonly used method. Under this method, the individual is placed on a regular job

and taught the skills necessary to perform that job. The trainee learns under the

supervision and guidance of a qualified worker or instructor. On-the-job training has

the advantage of giving firsthand knowledge and experience under the actual working

conditions. While trainee learns how to perform a job, he is also a regular worker

rendering the services for which he is paid. The problem of transfer of trainee is also

minimized as the person learns on-the-job. The emphasis is placed on rendering

services in the most effective manner rather than learning how to perform the job. On-

the-job training methods include job rotation, coaching, job instruction or training

through step-by-step and committee assignments.

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 Job Rotation: This type of training involves the movement of the

trainee from one job to another. The trainee receives job knowledge and

gains experiences from his supervisor or trainee in each of the different

job assignment. Though this method of training is common in training

managers for general management positions, trainees can also be rotated

from job to job in workshop jobs. This methods given an opportunity to

the trainee to understand the problems of employees on other job and

respect them.

 Coaching: The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor functions

as a coach in training the individual. The supervisor provides who

feedback to the trainee on his performance and offers him some

suggestions for improvement. Often the trainee shares some of the duties

and responsibilities of the coach and relieves him of his burden. A

limitation of this method of this method of training is that the trainee may

not have the freedom or opportunity to express his own ideas.

 Job Instruction: This method is also known as training through step

by step. Under this method, trainer explains the trainee the way of jobs,

job knowledge and skills and allows him to do the job. The trainer

appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback and corrects

the trainee.

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 Committee Assignments: Under the committee assignment,

group of trainees are given and asked to solve an actual organization

problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly. It develops team work.

Off-the-Job training Methods

Under this method of training, trainee is separated from the situation and his

attention is focused upon learning the material related to his future job performance.

Since the trainee is not distracted by job requirements, he can place his entire

concentration for freedom of expression for the trainees. Off-the-Job training methods

are as follows:

 Vestibule training: In this method, actual work conditions are

simulated in a class room. Material, files and equipment those are used

in job performance are also used in training. This type of training is

commonly used for training personnel for clerical and semi-skilled jobs.

The duration of this training ranges from days to a few weeks. Theory

can be related to practice in this method.

 Role Playing: It is defined as a method of human interaction that

involves realistic behavior in imaginary situations. This method of

training involves action, doing and practice. The participants plays the

role of certain characters, such as the production manager, mechanical

engineer, superintendents, maintenance engineers, quality control

inspectors, foreman, workers and the like. This method is mostly used for

developing interpersonal interactions and relations.

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 Lecture Method: The lecture is a traditional and direct method of

instruction. The instructor organizes the material and gives it to a group

of trainees in the from of a talk. To be effective, the lecture must

motivate and create interest among the trainees. An advantage of lecture

method is that direct and can be used for a large group of trainees. Thus

costs and time involved are reduced. The major limitations of the lecture

method are that it does not provide for transfer effectively.

 Conference or discussion: It is a method in training the clerical,

professional and supervisory personnel. This method involves a group of

people who pose ideas, examine and share facts, ideas and data , test

assumptions, and draw conclusions, all of which contribute to the

improvement of job performance. Discussion has the distinct advantage

over the lecture method in that the discussion involves two-way

communication and hence feedback is provided.

 Programmed Instruction: In recent years this method -has become

popular. The subject-matter to de learned is presented in a series of

carefully planned sequential units. These units are arranged from simple

to more complex levels of instruction. The trainee goes through these

units by answering questions or filling the blanks. This method is

expensive and time consuming.

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The Training procedure:

One of the better personnel programme to come out World War II was the

Training within the Industry (TWI) programme of the War Manpower Commission.

This was basically a supervisory training programme to make up for the shortage of

civilian supervisory skills during the war. One of the parts of this programme was the

job instruction training course, which was concerned with how to teach? The training

procedure discussed below is essentially an adoption of the job instruction training

course, which has been proved to have a great value.

The important steps in training procedure are:

 Preparing the Instructor: The instructor must know both the job to be taught

and how to teach it. The job must be divided into logical parts so that each can be

taught at a proper time without the trainee losing plan. For each part one should

have in mind the desired technique of instruction, that is, whether a particular

point is best taught by illustration, demonstration or explanation.

 Preparing the Trainee: As in interviewing, the first step in training is to attempt

to place the trainee at ease. Most people are somewhat nervous when approaching

an unfamiliar task. Though the instructor may have executed this training

procedure, many times he or she never forgets its newness to the trainee. The

quality of empathy is a mark of the good instructor.

Getting Ready to Teach: This stage of the programme is class hour teaching

involving the following activities:

27 | P a g e
 Planning the programme.

 Preparing the instructor‘s outline.

 Do not try to cover too much material.

 Keep the session moving along logically.

 Discuss each item in depth.

 Repeat, but in different words.

 Take the material from standardized texts when it is available.

 Presenting the Operation: There are various alternative ways of presenting the

operation, explanation, demonstration etc. An instructor mostly uses these

methods of explanation. In addition one may illustrate various points through the

use of pictures, charts, diagrams and other training aids. Demonstration is an

excellent device when the job is essentially physical in nature.

 Follow-up: The final step in most training procedure is that of following-up.

When people are involved in any problem or procedure, it is unwise to assume

that things are always constant. Follow-up can be adapted to a variable

reinforcement schedule as suggested in the discussion of learning principles. The

follow-up system should provide feed-back on training effectiveness and on total

value of training

28 | P a g e
Model for Feedback on Training

Employee‘s Employee Training

performance identified for programme
present job training

Measurement of
actual job

Employee Employee
for new after training

for new
assignment Measurement of

29 | P a g e
Advantages of Training

The contributions of imparting training to a company should be readily apparent.

The major values are:

Increased Productivity

 Heightened Morale

 Reduced Supervision

 Reduced Accidents

 Increased Organizational stability

Evaluation of Training Programme

The specification of values forms a basis for evaluation. The basis of evaluation

and the mode of collection of information necessary for evaluation should be

determined at the planning stage. The process of training has been defined as ―any

attempt to obtain information on the effects of training performance, and to assess the

value of training in the light of that information.‖ Evaluation leads to controlling and

correcting the training programme. Hamblin suggested five levels at which evaluation

of training can take place.

 Reaction: Training programme is evaluated on the basis of trainee‘s reaction

to the usefulness of coverage of the matter, depth of the course content,

method of presentation, teaching methods etc.

 Learning: Training programme, trainer‘s ability trainee ability are evaluated

on the basis of quantity of content learned and time in which it is learned and

learner‘s ability to use or apply, the content he learned.

30 | P a g e
 Job Behavior: This evaluation includes the manner and extent to which the

trainee has applied his learning to his job.

 Organization: This evaluation measures the of training, learning and change

in the job Behaviour of the department/organization in the form of increased

productivity, quality, morale , sales turnover and the like.

 Ultimate value: It is the measurement of ultimate result of the contributions

of the training programme to the company gaols like survival, growth,

probability etc.,


Training evaluation information should be provided to the trainer and/or

instructors, trainees and all other parties concerned for control, correction and

improvement of trainees activities. Further the training evaluator should follow it up

to ensure implementation of the evaluation report at every stage. Feedback

information can be collected on the basis of questionnaire or through interview.

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a. About organization

Big Bazaar, a household name in shopping in India, is a chain of retail stores, also

known as a hypermarket. Catering to every need in a typical family, Big Bazaar has

certainly come a long way from its humble beginnings of the launch of three stores in

Hyderabad, Kolkata and Bangalore to

Big Bazaar is a chain of discount stores targeting the value conscious segment and has

its headquarters in Jogeshwari, Mumbai. Promoted by Kishore Biyani and owned by

the Future Group, it has changed the way Indians shop by providing a one stop for all

needs kind of a hypermarket chain. Big Bazaar is largely based on the fashion format

of selling through retail chains and providing grocery and a whole range of general

merchandise, targeting a demographic including young working class and middle

class homemakers.

Retail is a fast growing sector in India and has a great deal of economic significance

in the context of the India GDP. It has helped boost investments and provided massive

job opportunities to Indians.

Big Bazaar , the hypermarket chain of Future Group, is setting up Customer Advisory

Boards (CABs) as a customer feedback initiative, it is learnt. Damodar Mall, group

customer director of Future Group said: "We are doing this to get closer to customers

33 | P a g e
and give them a platform to voice their opinions about the stores.‖ Future Group has

initiated the move for its Big Bazaar format because it is the largest chain in the

group and far more localized, according to a top company official.

Big Bazaar

Type Public company

Industry Retailing

Founded 2001

Headquarters Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Products Hypermarket

Revenue 110 billion (US$1.7 billion)

crores (in 2012) (Big Bazaar and

Food Bazaar combined)

Number of ~ 36000 people


Parent Future Group

Divisions ~ 214

Slogan Naye India Ka Bazaar

34 | P a g e
Big Bazaar is the largest hypermarket chain in India.


As India‘s leading retailer, Future Retail inspires trust through innovative offerings,

quality products and affordable prices that help customers achieve a better quality of

life every day. We serve customers in 95 cities across the country through over 10

million square feet of retail space.

Future Retail is the flagship company of Future Group, India‘s retail pioneer catering

to the entire Indian consumption space. Through multiple retail formats, we connect a

diverse and passionate community of Indian buyers, sellers and businesses. The

collective impact on business is staggering: Over 300 million customers walk into

our stores each year and choose products and services supplied by over 30,000 small,

medium and large entrepreneurs and manufacturers from across India. This number is

set to grow.

35 | P a g e
36 | P a g e


 Big Bazaar announced an exclusive tie-up with a leading mobile wallet


 The UK based Plymouth City College awarded Future Sharp with a title of

'The Best International Business Partner'

 T24, Future Group's unique telecom service and loyalty program and of India's

first unpaid GSM mobile service completed 5 eventful years

 The most affordable fashion destination, fbb signed youth style icons Katrina

Kaif and Varun Dhawan as its brand Abbassadors

 Bharti Retail joins hands with Future Retail

 Future Supply Chains Solutions Ltd launched its cold storage warehouse

facility at Mehsana, Gujarat

 Future Group forays into M-Commerce with the T24 Mobile App

 Big Bazaar redefines weekends with the launch of a never-seen-before

campaign, 'Crazy Weekend'.

 Future Group launched the new age convenience store format, KB's

Conveniently Yours.


• Foodhall, the premium lifestyle food destination launched in Pune.

• Future Group successfully introduced 'Big Bazaar Direct' an assisted shopping

concept where franchises will sell Big Bazaar products through a catalogue on a

37 | P a g e

• Future Group officially launched India's largest State of the Art Logistical

Distribution Hub at Nagpur.

• Foodhall, the premium lifestyle food destination launched in New Delhi.

• Future Sharp, the Future Group arm that trains and develops the skills of youth

opened its new skill centre in Nashik.


 Future Group partnered with the Fortune 500 company and one of the largest

online shopping destination, Amazon

 Future Consumer Enterprises Limited acquired one of the India's oldest

supermarket chains in India with origins dating back to 1905 ,Nilgiris.

 Future Supply Chain acquired New Delhi based processed-foods supply chain

company, Brattle Foods

 Future Group partnered with world's leading customer science company,

dunnhumby for data analytics services

 Future Group announced its strategic tie-up with SAP company hybris, that

delivers OmniCommerce™: state-of-the-art master data management for

commerce and unified commerce processes to its clients.

 India's First Mega Food Park was inaugurated by India's Honourable PM Shri

Narendra Modi at Tumkur Karnataka

 HomeTown underwent a complete makeover with a new tagline, 'The Art of

Better Living', logo and in-store branding.

38 | P a g e
 Future Group's premium food destination Foodhall launched in Saket, New


 Big Bazaar and Ezone were voted as one of the Top 50 Most Trusted Brands

in the country in the Brand Equity Survey 2013 conducted by Nielson. The

survey also revealed that Big Bazaar is the 4th Most Trusted Service Brand of

the country

 fbb ties up with India's largest Beauty Pageant Femina Miss India 2014

 A New Generation Big Bazaar , Big Bazaar Family Centre was launched at

Alcove in Kolkata on January 6, 2014


 Foodhall, the premium lifestyle food destination launched in Pune.

 First batch of Future India Fellowship program started with 5 selected fellows

across the country. The fellowship aims to create thought leaders of tomorrow.

 Future Group successfully introduced 'Big Bazaar Direct' an assisted

shopping concept where franchises will sell Big Bazaar products through a

catalogue on a 'tablet'.

 Big Bazaar introduced an exciting occasion for shopping 'April Utsav'.

 Future Group officially launched India's largest State of the Art Logistical

Distribution Hub at Nagpur.

 Big Bazaar introduced a unique customer membership program 'Big Bazaar

Profit Club.'

39 | P a g e
 Foodhall, the premium lifestyle food destination launched in New Delhi.

 Future Sharp, the Future Group arm that trains and develops the skills of youth

opened its new skill centre in Nashik.


 On 1st May 2012, the company introduced a new retail initiative – Public

Holiday Sale

 Foodhall the premium lifestyle food destination launched its second store in

Bengaluru on 4th May 2012

 Big Bazaar redefined the concept of customer service with the launch of the

Rajajinagar Family Centre in Bengaluru with its unique Seva initiative on 24th

February 2012

 Future Sharp Skills Ltd. launched its first skill centre in Kolkata with a vision

to train and provide sustainable livelihood to five lakh youth of West Bengal

by 2022

 Pantaloons became the first retailer to introduce a reality hunt as it set out on a

countrywide search for their next Fresh Face

 Pantaloons launched its first store in Ludhiana, Visakhapatnam, Bilaspur

 Future Group started Aadhaar Franchise

 Future Supply Chains Express Logistics business became the fastest profitable

Express Business in India

40 | P a g e
 Keeping pace with the ongoing trends Fashion@ Big Bazaar decided to

reposition itself as fbb

 Pantaloons joined hands with PAYBACK . Being India's largest and one of

the strongest loyalty programs in Europe, PAYBACK offers were made

available to all Pantaloons customers

 Big Bazaar launched its home delivery services in Mumbai


 Future Group entered elite gourmet retailing with the launch of its first

gourmet food chain Foodhall in Mumbai on 26th May 2011

 Future Innoversity introduced MBA in Supply chain Management

 Pantaloons launched its revamped Green Card Loyalty Programme

 Pantaloons forayed in Coimbatore, Durgapur and Vizag

 Big Bazaar completed 10 glorious years and came up with a new brand

identity and tagline Naye India ka bazaar

 Big Bazaar celebrated its 10 years of existence

 Big Bazaar opened its first store in Himachal Pradesh on 21st May 2011


 Future Value Retail Limited is formed as a specialized subsidiary to spearhead

the group's value retail business through Big Bazaar , Food Bazaar and other


41 | P a g e
 Pantaloons opened its 50th flagship store in New Delhi on 27th November


 Pantaloons embarked on its "next gen" journey with the launch of its new

'avatar' stores

 Big Bazaar introduced Family Centre in Kolkata on 27th March 2010

 Big Bazaar opened its first store in Jalandar and Amravati

 Pantaloons forayed in Allahabad,Bhopal and Aurangabad

 Future Group launched 'The Great Indian Shopping Festival'

 Future Group announced the launch of mobile telephony services under the

brand name T24 on the GSM platform


 Big Bazaar initiated Maha Annasantarpane program at its stores in South

India – a unique initiative to offer meals to visitors and support local social


 Big Bazaar captured almost one-third share in food and grocery products sold

through modern retail in India

 Pantaloon Retail celebrates its first Shopping Festival across all retail formats

in key Indian cities.


 Big Bazaar dons a new look with a fresh new section, Fashion@Big Bazaar

42 | P a g e
 Big Bazaar crosses the 100-store mark, marking one of the fastest expansions

of the hypermarket format anywhere in the world.

 2007

 Big Bazaar launched its 50th store in Kanpur

 Big Bazaar partnered with Futurebazaar.com to launch India's most popular

shopping portal

 Big Bazaar initiated the Power of One campaign to help raise funds for the

Save The Children IndiaFUND

 Pantaloon Retail wins the International Retailer of the Year award at US-based

National Retail Federation convention in New York, and Emerging Retailer of

the Year award at the World Retail Congress held in Barcelona.


 Big Bazaar launched India's most popular shopping festival: Sabse Sasta Din

on 26th January

 Big Bazaar launched Shakti, India's firstCREDIT CARD program tailored

for housewives

 Navaras – the jewellery store launched within Big Bazaar stores

 Home Town, the home building and improvement products retail chain, is

launched along with consumer durables format Ezone and furniture chain

Furniture Bazaar.

43 | P a g e

 Big Bazaar launched a unique shopping program: the Big Bazaar Exchange

Offer, inviting customers to exchange household junk


 Pantaloon Retail launches India's first seamless mall, Central, in Lucknow.


 Big Bazaar entered Tier II cities with the launch of its store in Nagpur


 Food Bazaar, the supermarket chain is launched.


 Pantaloon Retail launches three Big Bazaar stores within a span of 22 days in

Kolkata, Lucknow and Hyderabad.


 Pantaloon Retail enters modern retail with the launch of the first 8000-sq. ft.

store Pantaloons in Kolkata.


 The Pantaloon Shoppe, our exclusive menswear store in a franchisee format is

launched across the nation. The company starts distribution of branded

garments through multi-brand retail outlets across the nation.


 Initial Public Offer (IPO) of shares by the Company

44 | P a g e

 Company's name changed to Pantaloon Fashions (India) Limited

 BARE, an Indian denim brand is launched.


 The company is incorporated under the name of Manz Wear Private Ltd.

 Pantaloons, one of India's first formal trouser brands, is launched.

45 | P a g e


Future Group shall deliver Everything, Everywhere, Everytime for Every Indian

Consumer in the most profitable manner.

 We share the vision and belief that our customers and stakeholders shall be served

only by creating and executing future scenarios in the consumption space leading

to economic development.

 We will be the trendsetters in evolving delivery formats, creating retail realty,

making consumption affordable for all customer segments – for classes and for


 We shall infuse Indian brands with confidence and renewed ambition.

 We shall be efficient, cost- conscious and committed to quality in whatever we


 We shall ensure that our positive attitude, sincerity, humility and united

determination shall be the driving force to make us successful.

46 | P a g e

We share the vision and belief that our customers and stakeholders shall be served

only by creating and executing future scenarios in the consumption space leading to

economic development

We will be the trendsetters in evolving delivery formats, creating retail realty, making

consumption affordable for all customer segments – for classes and for masses.

We shall infuse Indian brands with confidence and renewed ambition. We shall be

efficient, cost- conscious and committed to quality in whatever we do.

We shall ensure that our positive attitude, sincerity, humility and united determination

shall be the driving force to make us successful.

47 | P a g e
Core Values

Indianness: confidence in ourselves.

 Leadership: to be a leader, both in thought and business.

 Respect

& Humility: to respect every individual and be humble in our conduct.

Introspection: leading to purposeful thinking.

 Openness: to be open and receptive to new ideas, knowledge and information.

 Valuing and Nurturing Relationships: to build long term relationships.

 Simplicity

 Positivity: Simplicity and positivity in our thought, business and action.

Adaptability: to be flexible and adaptable, to meet challenges.

 Flow: to respect and understand the universal laws of nature.

 Indianness: confidence in ourselves.

 Leadership: to be a leader, both in thought and business.

 Respect & Humility: to respect every individual and be humble in our conduct.

 Introspection: leading to purposeful thinking.

 Openness: to be open and receptive to new ideas, knowledge and information.

 Valuing and Nurturing Relationships: to build long term relationships.

 Simplicity & Positivity: Simplicity and positivity in our thought, business and


 Adaptability: to be flexible and adaptable, to meet challenges.

 Flow: to respect and understand the universal laws of nature.

48 | P a g e
S Doreswamy

Non-Executive Independent Director

S Doreswamy is a Non-executive Independent Director of the Company. He has vast

experience in banking and finance. He retired as Chairman and Managing Director of

Central Bank of India. He is on the Boards of various public companies including

Ceat Ltd., Hexaware Technologies Ltd., and Sakthi Sugars Ltd.

He holds a Bachelors degree in Science and Law.

Anil Harish

Non-Executive Independent Director

Anil Harish is a Non-executive Independent Director of the Company. He is a partner

at D.M. Harish & Co., Advocates & Solicitors. He specialises in Income Tax, FEMA

and property matters. He is on the Board of a number of public limited companies

likeHOTEL Leela Ventures Ltd. and Mahindra Lifespace Developers Ltd. among


He holds an LLM degree from the University of Miami, USA

49 | P a g e

Our objectives encourage us to explore unexplored areas and write new rules to create

new opportunities and successes. Our focus in striving for a glorious future gives us

strength and the ability to learn, unlearn and re-learn our ability to evolve.

At Future Retail we do not wait for the future to unfold itself but create future

scenarios in the consumer space and facilitate consumption because consumption

means socio-economic development for our customers, employees, shareholders,

associates and partners.

Our customers will not just get what they need, but also get them where, how and

when they need any product or service.

We will not just post satisfactory results, we will write success stories.

We will not just operate efficiently in the Indian economy, we will evolve it.

We will not just spot trends; we will set trends by marrying our understanding of the

Indian consumer to their needs of tomorrow.

50 | P a g e

3-C Theory

According to Kishore Biyani's 3-C theory, Change and Confidence among the

population is leading to rise in Consumption, through better employment and

income. Big Bazaar has divided India into three segments:

 India one: The Consuming class which includes upper middle and lower middle

class (14% of India's population).

 India two: The Serving class which includes people like drivers,household helps,

office persons, liftmen, and washermen (55% of India's population) and

India three: The Struggling class (31% of India's population).

Schemes and innovations

Wednesday Bazaar

The concept of Wednesday Bazaar was promoted as 'Hafte Ka Sabse Sasta Din'

(Cheapest Day of the Week). Initiated in January 2007, the idea behind this scheme

was to draw customers to stores on Wednesdays, the day when consumer presence is

usually less. According to the chain, the aim of the concept was 'to give homemakers

the power to save the most'.

Maha Bachat

The concept of 'Maha Bachat' (Mega Saving) was introduced in the year 2006 as a

single day campaign with promotional offers across the company outlets. Over the

years, the concept has grown to become a six-day biannual campaign. During the

campaign, offers are given in all the value formats including Big Bazaar, Food

Bazaar, Electronic Bazaar, Furniture Bazaar, Fashion bazaar.

51 | P a g e
The Great Exchange Offer

Introduced on 12 February 2009, 'The Great Exchange Offer' allows customers to

exchange their old goods for Big Bazaar coupons. The coupons can be redeemed later

for buying brand new goods from Big Bazaar outlets across the nation.

All three scheme are active till date 2015

New logo

On the occasion of completion of ten (10) years in the Indian retail industry (in 2011)

Big Bazaar came up with a new logo for the company with a tag line that says: 'Naye

India Ka Bazaar' (Market for New India). This replaces the earlier tag line: 'Isse Sasta

Aur accha Kahin Nahin' (Nothing is Cheaper and good than Here).

Advertising initiatives

Big Bazaar has launched a promotion drive covering the three prime media,

television, print and social media, to mark the launch of the new logo. The media

campaign was developed by Mudra Communications

52 | P a g e

53 | P a g e
SWOT analysis of Big Bazaar

Strengths in the SWOT analysis of Big Bazaar

 High brand equity enjoyed by Big Bazaar

 State of the art infrastructure

 A vast variety of stuff available under one roof

 Everyday low prices, which attract customers

 Maximum percent of footfalls converted in sales

 Huge investment capacity

 Biggest value retail chain in India

 It offers a family shopping experience, where entire family can visit together.

 Available facilities such as online booking and delivery of goods

Weaknesses in the SWOT analysis of Big Bazaar

 Unable to meet store opening targets on time

 Falling revenue per sq ft

 General perception: ‗Low price = Low quality‘

 Overcrowded during offers

 Long lines at billing counters which are time consuming

 Limited only to value offering low price products. A no of branded products

are still missing from Big Bazaar‘s line of products. E.g. Jockey, Van heusen,

54 | P a g e
Opportunities in the SWOT analysis of Big Bazaar

 A lot of scope in Indian organized retail as it stands at approximately 4%.

 Increasing mall culture in India.

 More people these days prefer to visit big stores where they can find large

variety under one roof

Threats in the SWOT analysis of Big Bazaar

 Competition from other value retail chains such as Shoprite, Reliance (Fresh

and trends), Hypercity and D mart.

 Unorganized retail also appears to be a threat to Big Bazaar‘s business. A

large population still prefers to visit local convenient stores for daily purchases

 Changing Government policies

 International players looking to foray India

55 | P a g e
The marketing mix of Big bazaar discusses the Service marketing mix or the 7 P‘s pf

Big bazaar.


Big Bazaar offers a wide range of products which range from apparels, food, farm

products, furniture,child care, toys, etc of various brands like Levis, Allen Solly,

Pepsi, Coca- Cola, HUL, ITC, P&G, LG, Samsung, Nokia, HP etc.

Big Bazaar also promotes a number of in house brands like:

 DJ & C

 Tasty Treat

 Clean Mate

 Sensei

 Care Mate

 Koryo and 44 other brands.


The pricing objective at Big Bazaar is to get ―Maximum Market Share‖. Pricing at

Big Bazaar is based on the following techniques:

56 | P a g e
 Value Pricing (EDLP – Every Day Low pricing): Big Bazaar promises

consumers the lowest available price without coupon clipping, waiting for

discount promotions, or comparison shopping.

 Promotional Pricing: Big Bazaar offers financing at low interest rate. The

concept of psychological discounting (Rs. 99, Rs. 49, etc.) is also used to

attract customers. Big Bazaar also caters on Special Event Pricing (Close to

Diwali, Gudi Padva, and Durga Pooja).

 Differentiated Pricing: Differentiated pricing i.e. difference in rate based on

peak and non-peak hours or days of shopping is also a pricing technique used

in Indian retail, which is aggressively used by Big Bazaar.

e.g. Wednesday Bazaar

 Bundling: It refers to selling combo-packs and offering discount to customers.

The combo-packs add value to customer and lead to increased sales. Big

Bazaar lays a lot of importance on bundling.

e.g. 3 Good Day family packs at Rs 60(Price of 1 pack = Rs 22)

5kg oil + 5kg rice + 5kg sugar for Rs 599


The Big Bazaar stores are operational across three formats — hypermarkets spread

over 40,000-45,000 sq ft, the Express format over 15,000-20,000 sq ft and the Super

Centers set up over 1 lakh sq ft. Currently Big Bazaar operates in over 34 cities and

towns across India with 116 stores. Apart from the Metros these stores are also doing

well in the tier II cities. These stores are normally located in high traffic areas. Big

57 | P a g e
Bazaar aims at starting stores in developing areas to take an early advantage before

the real estate value booms. Mr. Biyani is planning to invest around Rs 350 crore over

the next one year expansion of Big Bazaar. In order to gain a competitive advantage

Big Bazaar has also launched a website www.futurebazaar.com, which helps

customers to orders products online which will be delivered to their doorstep. This

helps in saving a lot of time of its customers.


The various promotion schemes used at Big Bazaar include:

 ―Saal ke sabse saste 3 din‖

 Hafte ka sabse sasta din ―Wednesday bazaar‖

 Exchange Offers ―Junk swap offer‖

 Future card(3% discount)

 Shakti card

 Advertisement (print ad, TV ad, radio)

 Brand endorsement by M.S Dhoni and Asin

Big Bazaar has come up with 3 catchy lines written on hoardings taking on biggies

like Westside, Shoppers stop and Lifestyle. They are:

 ―Keep West- aSide. Make a smart choice!‖

 ―Shoppers! Stop. Make a smart choice!‖

 ―Change your Lifestyle. Make a smart choice!‖

58 | P a g e

 Well trained staff at stores to help people with their purchases

 Employ close to 10,000 people and employ around 500 more per month.

 Well-dressed staff improves the overall appearance of store.

 Use scenario planning as a tool for quick decision making multiple counters

for payment, staff at store to keep baggage and security guards at every gate,

makes for a customer-friendly atmosphere.


Big Bazaar places a lot of importance on the process right from the purchase to the

delivery of goods. When customers enter the stores they can add the products they

which to purchase in their trolley from the racks. There are multiple counters where

bill can be generated for purchases made. Big Bazaar also provides delivery of

products over purchases of Rs. 1000.

Physical Evidence:

Products in Big Bazaar are properly stacked in appropriate racks. There are different

departments in the store which display similar kind of products. Throughout the store

there are boards/written displays put up which help in identifying the location of a

product. Moreover boards are put up above the products which give information about

the products, its price and offers. Big Bazaar stores are normally ‗U shaped‘ and well

planned & designed

59 | P a g e

60 | P a g e

 To study the impact of training and development on employees productivity in the

Big Bazaar.

 To study the satisfaction level of employee towards training program.

 To analysis the training and development programme undertaken by Big Bazaar.

61 | P a g e

62 | P a g e

Research is a common parlance which refers to search for knowledge. It is a

procedure of logical and systematic application of the fundamentals of science to the

general and overall questions of a study and scientific technique, which provide

precise tools, specific procedures, and technical rather philosophical means for getting

and ordering the data prior to their logical analysis and manipulating different type of

research designs is available depending upon the nature of research project,

availability of manpower and circumstances.


A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data

in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in

procedure. In fact, the research design is the conceptual structure within which

research is conducted. This research was descriptive in nature


The research undertaken was a descriptive research as it was concerned with specific

predictions, with narration of facts and characteristics concerning a study on Job

satisfaction of employees working in Big Bazaar.

 Research design - Descriptive research

 Sampling Unit - Employees of Big Bazaar

 Sampling Method - Convenient sampling

 Sources of data - Primary data and secondary data

 Research instrument - Structured questionnaire

63 | P a g e
Universe- Big Bazaar

Sample Area–Lucknow City

Sample Size- 100

Data source- Primary data & Secondary Data

The two main sources of data for the present study have been primary data and

secondary data.

1. Primary Data:

Primary data consists of original information collected for specific purpose.

The primary data for this research study was collected through a direct survey with

the viewers guided by a structured questionnaire. The questions were structured and

direct as to make viewers understand easily.

2. Secondary Data:

Secondary data consists of information that already exists somewhere,

having been collected for specific purpose in the study. The secondary data for this

study collected from various books, company websites, and from company


Data Collection Tools: Questionnaire

A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other

prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are

often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not always the case.

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 Time is the important limitation. Due to time constraints only limited

population is taken for the study.

 Findings based on this study cannot be used in other organizations.

 There are chances of misrepresentation responses.

 The biased view of the respondent is another cause of the limitation

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1. Do you get the training in the organization?

Particulars % OF RESPONDENTS

YES 70%

NO 30%

TOTAL 100%

0 0




Interpretation:-70% respondents say yes they get the training and 30% said no.

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2) Is the prior performance on employees considered for identifying training need?

Particulars % of respondents

YES 85%

NO 15%

TOTAL 100%




Interpretation:-85% said yes and 15% said no.

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3) Are employees comfortable in discussing training needs with supervisors?

Particulars % of respondents

YES 60%

NO 40%

TOTAL 100%

% 0f respondents




Interpretation:- 60% of respondents said yes and 40% said no.

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4) After training programme does the rate of error come down?

Particulars %. of respondents
YES 75%
NO 15%
TOTAL 100%

% of respondents



75% NO

Interpretation:- 75% 0f respondents said yes 10% neutral and 15% said no.

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5) Is it necessary to train each employee?

Particulars % of respondents

YES 50%


NO 50%

TOTAL 100%

% of respondents

50% 50%


Interpretation:- 50% of respondents said yes and 50% said no.

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6) Does the organization select all the new recruits for training program?

Particulars % of respondents
YES 70%
NO 10%
TOTAL 100%




Interpretation:- 70% of respondents said yes, 20% neutral and 10% said no.

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7) Are you satisfied with the duration of training period?

Particulars %of respondents

YES 65%


NO 25%

TOTAL 100%

% of respondents


0 65% NO

Interpretation:-65% of respondents said yes and 25% said no.

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8) After training are you able to deal with more customers?

Particulars % of respondents

YES 80%


NO 15%

TOTAL 100%

% of respondents



Interpretation: - 80% of respondents said yes, 5% neutral and 15% said no.

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9) Are you able to do more work in less time?

Particulars % of respondents
YES 40%
NO 50%
TOTAL 100%

% 0f respondents


50% YES


Interpretation:-40% of respondents said yes, 10% neutral and 50% said no.

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10) Does the training programme help in fulfilling the objectives of the

Particulars % of respondents

YES 60%


NO 40%

TOTAL 100%

% of respondents
0 0




Interpretation:-60% of respondents said yes and 40% said no.

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11) After completion of training were you asked to fill a feedback from?

Particulars % of respondents

YES 55%


NO 45%

TOTAL 100%

% of respondents




Interpretation:-55% of respondents said yes and 45% said no.

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12) Is questionnaire a suitable method for evaluating the training programme?

Particulars %of respondents

YES 90%


NO 10%

TOTAL 100%

% of respondents




Interpretation:-90% yes and 10% of respondents said no.

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 Mostly all the employees of corporate HR are well aware of the role and

importance of the training They are self motivated to attend such training

program as it will result in their skill enhancement & improving their

interpersonal skill.

 Corporate HR, of Big Bazaar, time to time training is provided to all the

employees and it is continuous process.

 Two types of training is provided to the employees by Corporate HR of both

Bank -induction training and soft skill development training.

 Questionnaire is the most popular mean of evaluating the training program in

Big Bazaar

 Post training evaluation focus on result rather than on the effort expended in

conducting the training and it worth the time, money and effort.

 Most of the participants are benefitted by giving feedback after attended the

training. It motivated them to do better, helped them to increase their job

performance and is an aid to future planning.

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 These should be an increase in number of training program me for workers

and employees of different departments so that apart from improving their

output they start believing the organization is making an effort to improve

their condition on the whole.

 Regular pre–employment training has to be a part of comprehensive program

me of employee's education

 More interaction between the managerial staff and employees to be

encouraged and each supervisor has to give a report on the employees under

his supervision to the top management

 The personnel department should give more consideration on the lowest

employee cadre for their social and economical development.

 The essentially like certificates for the training done to be given so that an

employee‘s ego is also satisfied.

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 Each employee should attend a minimum of three of maximum or five months of

training program conducted by the organization per year.

 The Management must ensure that the training outputs should be implemented.

 It may be suggested that the training program be conducted away from their area

of work.

 The training program should be more be more practical rather than giving


 The training program must have problem solving techniques as part of their of


 The company must help the employees to overcome their weakness at the time of

training program.

 The organization should provide recreation program to the employee in order to

increase their morale.

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Professional competence describes the state-of-the-art, Area- knowledge, expertise

and kill relevant for performing excellently within a specific functional department.

This competence insures that technical knowledge is both present and used within a

firm for the welfare of its stake-holders. To develop this competence regular Training

and Development is required Therefore, Training initiatives and programs have

become a priority for Human Resources. As business markets change due to an

increase in technology initiatives, companies need to spend more time and money on

training employees. Business climate employee development is critical to corporate

success and organizations are investing more in their employees training and

development needs. Training evaluation is the important part of training process. It

provides a feedback and helps the sponsors and the resource persons for improvement

at the level of individual performance and in the strategy formulation for training and

development. Post training evaluation can be used to identify the effectiveness and

valuation of training program, to identify the ROI (return on investment), to identify

the need of retraining and to provide the points to improve the training.

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 Baldwin, T. and J. Ford. (1988). ―Transfer of Training: A Review and

Directions for Future Research.‖ Personnel Psychology, 41, 63-105.

 Bandura, A. (1997). (1997). Self-efficacy: The Exercise of Control. New

York: W.H. Freeman

 Bhatti, M. and Kaur, S. (2009). ―The Role of Individual and Training Design

Factors on Training Transfer.‖ Journal of European Industrial Training. 34

(7), 656-672.

 Birren, F. (1961). Color Psychology and Color Therapy: A Factual Study On

The Influence Of Color On Human Life. New Hyde Park: New York:

University Books.

 Blume, B., Ford, J., Baldwin, and T., Huang, J. (2010). ―Transfer of Training:

A Meta-Analytic Review.‖ Journal of Management. 36, (4), 1065-1105.


 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Training_and_development

 http://www.hrwale.com/training-development/

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i) Name ____________________________
ii) Designation_________________________
iii) Age ________________________________
iv) Contact No. ________________________________

(1) Do you get the training in the organization?

1) Is the prior performance on employees considered for identifying training


2) Are employees comfortable in discussing training needs with superiors?



4) After training programme does the rate of errors come down?



5).Is it necessary to train each employee?


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6).Do you happily deal with the customers?



7) Are you satisfied with the duration of training period?

8)After training are you able to deal with more customers?
9) Is on the job training better than off the job training?
10) Does the training programme help in fulfilling the objectives of the



11).After completion of training were you asked to fill a feedback from?

12) Is questionnaire a suitable method for evaluating the training programme?




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