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Marine Biology (2003) 142: 77–92

DOI 10.1007/s00227-002-0920-8

C. Thurman

Osmoregulation in fiddler crabs (Uca) from temperate Atlantic

and Gulf of Mexico coasts of North America

Received: 9 February 2002 / Accepted: 16 July 2002 / Published online: 14 September 2002
 Springer-Verlag 2002

Abstract Fiddler crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda; genus adapted to hypertonic seawater (1800 mOsm) for
Uca) were collected from 16 locations along the tem- 14 days, this species is able to withstand much higher
perate Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of eastern osmotic pressures than unadapted crabs. Although he-
North America for osmoregulation studies. Three spe- molymph isosmotic concentration remains the same, the
cies, U. pugilator, U. pugnax and U. minax, were taken limits for regulation are extended to higher osmolality.
from habitats between Cape Cod, MA, and St. Mary’s Consequently, as a result of studying osmoregulation in
River, Nassau Co., GA Seven species, U. panacea, U. several species of Uca captured at various locations
speciosa, U. spinicarpa, U. longisignalis, U. rapax, U. across their geographic range in the temperate zone, a
pugilator and U. minax, were collected in habitats be- clearer view of water-balance physiology is available for
tween the Ochlochonee River, Liberty Co., and the genus. The Uca spp. are not uniform in osmoregu-
Thompson’s Bayou, Escambia Co., along the Gulf coast latory abilities. There is considerable inter- and intra-
of northwest Florida. To examine differences in osm- specific physiological variation associated with the
oregulatory capabilities among the species, specimens ecological distribution of each species, respectively.
were placed in various concentrations of artificial sea-
water (0–3450 mOsm) for 5 days. The oligohaline or
‘‘freshwater’’ species, U. minax, U. spinicarpa and U.
longisignalis, possess the lowest average hemolymph Introduction
osmolality. They are unable to control hemolymph os-
molality above 2000 mOsm. On the other hand, the Fiddler crabs in the genus Uca are circumtropical and
euryhaline species, U. speciosa, U. panacea, U. pugilator found in most temperate regions (Crane 1975). The
and U. pugnax, have much higher average hemolymph temperate Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the
osmolality. They are able to withstand an osmotic eastern United States are home to 12 species of fiddler
challenge of 2200 mOsm or greater. Among the eight crabs (Barnwell and Thurman 1984). Bisected by Flori-
species, U. panacea and U. pugilator are able to os- da, the two ‘‘temperate’’ coastlines differ dramatically in
moregulate across the broadest range of seawater con- their species composition. Between southern Massa-
centrations (0–2800 mOsm). After an examination of the chusetts and northern Florida, the Atlantic region has
osmoregulation in several populations of U. minax, U. three species: Uca pugilator, U. pugnax and U. minax.
pugilator and U. pugnax, physiological adaptation is The temperate gulf region, extending from Tampa Bay,
apparent in the two former species, but not the latter. FL, to the Rio Grande, TX, hosts nine species, which are
Experimental evidence for capacity adaptation was ex- considered either temperate, endemic, or tropical:
amined in the freshwater species, U. minax. If slowly U. pugilator, U. minax. U. panacea, U. longisignalis,
U. spinicarpa, U. subcylindrica, U. rapax, U. speciosa and
U. vocator. On peninsular Florida, there are five tropical
and one temperate species: U. pugilator, U. rapax,
Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin
U. speciosa, U. burgersi, U. thayeri and U. leptodactyla.
C. Thurman Undoubtedly a large number of abiotic and biotic fac-
Department of Biology, University of Northern Iowa, tors has influenced species diversity in the disjunct
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0421, USA temperate regions. One reason for the species disparity
E-mail: between the two areas is that the temperate Gulf
Tel.: +1-319-2732276 region stretches for about 1100 km, paralleling the
Fax: +1-319-2732276 30N latitude, while the eastern Atlantic seaboard is

perpendicular to the tropics. The temperate Atlantic The present study examines the osmoregulatory ca-
coast extends approximately 1600 km north from Flor- pabilities in seven species of Uca from different locations
ida to southern Cape Cod, covering 12 of latitude. along the temperate Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts
For ectothermic invertebrates, climatic temperature is of the United States. The three temperate Uca from
a primary factor controlling biogeographic distribution. Atlantic and Gulf populations were challenged with
However, for marine and aquatic benthic species, sa- artificial seawater (ASW) varying from 30 to
linity and osmotic gradients are also highly significant 3400 mOsm. In addition, four species of fiddler crabs
determinants. Given the primary selective influence of from the temperate zone in northwestern Florida were
temperature, habitat selection among different Uca spp. also examined. Both survivorship and hemolymph os-
within a specific area can be linked to osmotic regulation molality are reported over the osmotic regime. Since
and salinity preference (Teal 1958). To partition the collections were made across the range for several spe-
habitat ecologically, crabs dig burrows among the veg- cies, this investigation demonstrates differences in both
etation in brackish marshes or above the high-tide mark interspecific as well as intraspecific physiology among
along the banks of rivers. Some species are known to live Uca.
in freshwater, while others live on arid beaches near
ephemeral hypersaline lagoons (Thurman 1984). To in-
habit such a wide variety of environments, ionic and Materials and methods
osmotic regulation is expected to be a key physiological
characteristic determining habitat selection among dif- Collections
ferent species. Generally, semiterrestrial and terrestrial
Fiddler crabs were collected from 16 locations along the east coast
crabs are excellent regulators under extreme osmotic of the United States (Fig. 1). Only non-ovigerous, intermolt adult
stress (Jones 1941). However, of the 90–100 species specimens with carapace width >10 mm were used in experiments.
within the genus Uca, osmoregulation has been studied In Massachusetts, Uca were collected between 13 and 16 July 2001
in only a few. Consequently very little is known about
the differences in physiological responses expressed by
species when they are challenged osmotically.
Several investigations have studied the osmotic regu-
lating capabilities of Uca from the east coast of the United
States. Green et al. (1959) examined iono- and osmore-
gulation in the temperate Atlantic species found around
Woods Hole, MA. When U. pugilator and U. pugnax were
adapted to 175% seawater, they were observed to be
excellent hypo-osmotic regulators. Unfortunately, sam-
ples of body fluids from each species were pooled for
the measurements. Baldwin and Kirschner (1976a,b)
examined Na+ and Cl– regulation in U. pugilator and
U. pugnax adapted to either 10% or 175% seawater. Since
the two species were assumed to have identical osmore-
gulation capabilities, the investigators combined hemol-
ymph samples for their analysis. As the medium varied
from 10% to 175% seawater, hemolymph osmolality
varied from 410 to 630 mOsm. They reported ‘‘Uca’’ to
maintain a hemolymph osmotic pressure around
500 mOsm. Although Wright et al. (1984) studied each
species separately, they found only ‘‘slight differences’’ in
the osmoregulatory capabilities of U. pugilator, U. minax
and U. pugnax as the medium was varied from 5% to
150% seawater. Holliday (1985) reported U. pugnax to be
a good osmotic regulator in media with osmolality up to
2000 mOsm. Rabalais and Cameron (1985) examined
two temperate-Gulf fiddler crabs, U. subcyindrica and
U. longisignalis, and found both to be exceptional regu-
lators in medium of up to 3000 mOsm. Consequently, our Fig. 1 Uca collection sites along the temperate Atlantic and Gulf
understanding of the ecological significance of osmore- of Mexico coasts of the United States (A Waquoit Bay; B Wild
gulation in this taxon is based, for the most part, on the Harbor River; C Sippican River; D Slocum River; E Taunton
assumption that the different species have identical River; F Mt. Hope Bay; G Colt State Park; H Isle of Wight; I Point
Lookout State Park; J Crooked River; K St. Mary’s River; L
capabilities. Thus, we have no clear description drawing a Ochlochonee River; M Alligator Point; N Money Bayou; O St.
relationship between physiological capability and eco- Joseph Peninsula; P Thompson’s Bayou). Scale bar: 200 miles
logical diversity within the genus. (322.6 km)

at: (1) Waquoit Bay (790 mOsm) near State Highway 28, East significant and P<0.01 highly significant. In general, ‘‘N’’ refers to
Falmouth (4133¢N; 7029¢W) and (2) Wild Harbor River the number of crabs unless otherwise stated. Probit analysis (Fin-
(874 mOsm), North Falmouth (4138¢N; 7038¢W), in Barnstable ney 1947) was used to estimate the 50% lethal osmotic concen-
Co.; (3) Sippican River (178 mOsm), Wareham, in Plymouth Co. tration (LC50), while the isosmotic medium concentration was
(4145¢N;7043¢W); (4) the Lloyd Center and Demarst Lloyd State calculated using linear regression.
Park (882/887 mOsm) on the Slocum River (4131¢N;7056¢W); (5)
Taunton River (636 mOsm), Somerset (4144¢N; 7108¢W); and (6)
Mt. Hope Bay (777 mOsm), Swansea (4143¢N;7057¢W), in Bristol
Co. In Rhode Island, crabs were taken at: (1) Colt State Park
(777 mOsm), Bristol Point (4139¢N; 7116¢W), Narragansett Bay,
in Bristol Co. In Maryland, fiddler crabs were collected from (1) the Field studies
Isle of Wight (863 mOsm) near the US 50 bridge to Ocean City in
Worcester Co. (3820¢N; 7505¢W) and from (2) Point Lookout Collections
State Park (382/389 mOsm) near Scotland in St. Mary’s Co.
(3802¢N; 7619¢W) on 20 and 22 May 2001, respectively. In
southern Georgia (3043¢N; 8129¢W) and northwestern Florida Between Cape Cod, MA, and Pensacola, FL (Fig. 1),
(2943¢N; 8450¢W), crab colonies were sampled between 13 and 16 eight species of Uca were collected from an array of
March 2001 at: (1) St. Mary’s River (380 mOsm) at US 17 bridge temperate habitats (Table 1). As a generalization, these
near Woodbine, Nassau Co., FL.; (2) Crooked River (885/
935 mOsm), at Elliot’s Bluff, Camden Co., GA; (3) Alligator Point species can be classified by habitat and taxonomic group.
(722 mOsm) near St. Teresa, Franklin Co., FL; (4) Ochlochonee Habitats can be classified into one of three saline envi-
River (14 mOsm) near US 319, Liberty Co., FL; (5) Money Bayou ronments based on osmolality. Freshwater (FW) or oli-
(32 mOsm) at SR 30 bridge near Indian Pass, Gulf Co., FL; and (6) gohaline habitats are considered to have an osmolality
St. Joseph Peninsula (987 mOsm), Gulf Co., FL. On 8 October
2000, crabs were collected from Thompson’s Bayou (70 mOsm)
between 0 and 380 mOsm, brackish (BW) or mesohaline
near Pensacola, Escambia Co, FL (3031¢N; 8710¢W). between 381 and 630 mOsm and hypersaline or euryha-
Crabs were transported to the laboratory in plastic boxes line (EH) >631 mOsm. Likewise, the eight species of
containing water from the collection site. Within 24 h they were fiddler crabs can be categorized into two of the subgenera
submitted to laboratory conditioning at 23C. The collections were proposed by Crane (1975) (see also Barnwell and Thur-
divided into three groups. The first consisted of five crabs of each
species held in habitat water. For collections of more than 80 man 1984). The four species in the Celuca subgenus are U.
specimens, a second group was submitted to the full regime of spinicarpa, U. speciosa, U. panacea and U. pugilator. The
osmotic challenge. A third group consisting of 25 or more speci- four species considered to be members of the Minuca
mens was kept in habitat water for 30 days before experimentation. subgenus are U. minax, U. longisignalis, U. pugnax and U.
Water was replaced every 3-4 days. In every case, crabs were able
to leave the medium at will. For long-term maintenance, Uca were rapax. As shown in the following sections, each subgen-
fed goldfish food (Tetra; Melle, Germany) and frozen brine shrimp. eric grouping is represented among the three environ-
mental osmotic regimes (i.e. FW, BW and EH).
Osmotic solutions Among the eight species of fiddler crabs found, three,
U. spinicarpa, U. speciosa and U. longisignalis, were
To obtain different concentrations of ASW, Instant Ocean captured at only one location during this study. Further,
(Aquarium Systems, Mentor, Ohio) was mixed with distilled H2O collections of U. panacea and U. rapax were limited to
to the desired density and the pH adjusted to 8.0 with HCl or
NaOH. Groups of four to six crabs were placed in covered bowls
two locations. The remaining three species, U. pugilator,
(13·5 cm) containing 50 ml of ASW for 5 days. To eliminate waste U. pugnax and U. minax, were taken throughout the
and maintain a constant osmolality, ASW solutions were replaced study area. Two locations are of particular interest.
on day 2 and day 4 of each experiment. Uca were not fed 3 days Point Lookout, Md. (385 mOsm), is the only site where
prior to or during an experiment. Survivorship records were kept all three Atlantic species, U. pugilator, U. pugnax and U.
during the exposure period. A crab was considered deceased if it
could no longer right itself. Only living Uca were used for osmotic minax, were encountered simultaneously. From an eco-
measurements. physiological perspective, environment conditions at this
location are permissive for their rare coexistence. On the
Osmolality Gulf coast, Money Bayou (32 mOsm) is a habitat with
an unusually high Uca species diversity. Five species of
Following osmotic challenge, hemolymph was withdrawn from the fiddler crabs were collected from the tidal creek: U.
ventral hemocoel via puncture of the arthrodial membrane between spinicarpa, U. panacea, U. minax, U. longisignalis and U.
the basis and coxa of the fifth pereiopods using a chilled 1.0 ml
tuberculin syringe (27 gage needle). The osmolality (mmol kg–1) of
rapax. As pointed out previously (Barnwell and Thur-
each 10 ll hemolymph sample was determined immediately using a man 1984), the region between Tampa Bay and Cape
Wescor 5520 vapor pressure osmometer (Logan, Utah) by com- San Blas, FL, which includes Money Bayou, forms an
parison to commercial standards. Water samples from finger bowls ecotone between temperate and tropical biomes. Typi-
and habitats were also measured. Standard concentrations and cally the ‘‘edge-effect’’ in such an area maintains high
osmolality measurements were identical between 60 and
3200 mOsm. However, between 1 and 55 mmol kg–1, the actual species diversity. Uca spp. from collection sites in Mas-
osmolality was determined using a standard curve constructed from sachusetts, southern Georgia and western Florida live
serial dilutions of a 100 mOsm standard. The osmolality of double- close to the edge of their geographic ranges.
glass distilled, deionized H2O was between 2 and 7 mOsm. As illustrated in Table 1, U. minax, U. spinicarpa and
Fluid osmolality was taken as the average of all hemolymph
samples from each crab or water sample. For each measurement, U. longisignalis are inhabitants of FW sites. During the
an average for all crabs is reported (mean±standard error). Sta- present study, U. spinicarpa and U. longisignalis were
tistical significance was assessed using Students’ t-test with P<0.05 collected in a habitat with an osmolality of 32 mOsm.

Table 1 Uca spp. Relation between habitat and hemolymph osmolality for Uca from the eastern United States. For each species, N=5
specimens, except where noted in parentheses (FW freshwater; BW brackish water; EH euryhaline; df degrees of freedom)
Subgenus, Habitat Collection Habitat Habitat Hemolymph Hemolymph df P
species preference site osmolality salinity (&) osmolality osmolality
(mOsm) (mOsm) after 30 days

U. spinicarpa FW Money Bayou, FL 32 1 605±46
U. speciosa EH Alligator Point, FL 722 25 849±70
U. panacea BW/EH Money Bayou, FL 32 1 709±34
Alligator Point, FL 722 25 845±8 862±11 8 NS
U. pugilator BW/EH Sippican River, MA 178 6 791±31
Point Lookout, MD 385 13 809±18 822±10 8 NS
Taunton River, MA 636 22 817±27
Alligator Point, FL 722 25 871±24 881±22 8 NS
Mt. Hope Bay, MA 777 27 859±16
Colt State Park, R.I. 777 27 869±25
Waquoit Bay, MA 790 27 893±47
Isle of Wight, MD 863 27 879 (1)
Wild Harbor 874 30 901±13
River, MA
Crooked River, GA 935 34 917±35 864±20 8 NS
St. Joseph Pen., FL 987 34 1043±36 920±22 8 0.1>
U. minax FW Ochlochonee 14 <1 560±30
River, FL
Money Bayou, FL 32 1 636±52 621±29 8 NS
Thompson’s 70 2 600±25
Bayou, FL
Sippican River, MA 178 6 621±15
St. Mary’s River, GA 380 13 659±28 640±5 8 NS
Point Lookout, MD 385 13 624±11 608±11 8 NS
U. longisignalis FW/BW Money Bayou, FL 32 1 640±15 692±24 8 NS
U. pugnax BW/EH Point Lookout, MD 385 13 749±13 783±17 8 NS
Taunton River, MA 636 22 738±33
Colt State Park, R.I. 777 27 798±7
Mt. Hope Bay, MA 777 27 784±14
Waquoit Bay, MA 790 27 793±23
Isle of Wight, MD 860 29 843±4 836±9 8 NS
Wild Harbor 874 30 877±30
River, MA
Crooked River, GA 885 31 841±39 831±16 8 NS
Slocum River, MA 885 31 822±16
U. rapax EH Money Bayou, FL 32 1 668 (1)
Alligator Point, FL 722 25 814±35 807+34 8 NS

U. minax were taken from several habitats with osmol- Celuca subgenus, U. spinicarpa are typically FW and
ality ranging between 14 and 385 mOsm. Species typi- occasionally BW, both U. panacea and U. pugilator
cally found in EH habitats are U. speciosa, U. panacea, range from BW to EH, and U. speciosa are typically
U. rapax, U. pugilator and U. pugnax. During this study, limited to EH habitats. For the Minuca subgenus, U.
U. speciosa, U. panacea and U. rapax were collected in minax are typically FW, U. longisignalis are typically
722 mOsm habitats. U. pugilator were taken from hab- FW and BW, U. pugnax are both BW and EH, and U.
itats ranging in osmolality from 722 to 987 mOsm, while rapax are usually EH. In the western Gulf, other pop-
U. pugnax were collected in habitats ranging from 777 to ulations of endemic fiddler crab species are known to
885 mOsm. Based on the current as well as previous occupy similar regimes (Thurman 1984, 1998).
collections (Barnwell and Thurman 1984; Thurman
1984), U. spinicarpa, U. panacea, U. pugilator, U. longi-
signalis and U. pugnax are known to also occupy BW Hemolymph osmolality
habitats. In the present study, both U. pugilator and U.
pugnax were common in BW habitats and occasionally Hemolymph osmolality was measured in samples of
occurred in FW habitats. crabs from each environment (Table 1). A distinct
Across temperate coasts in eastern North America, species–environment relationship is evident. In the
fiddler crab species from both subgeneric taxa, the Cel- following discussion, ‘‘N’’ is the number of popula-
uca and the Minuca, have representatives occupying all tions sampled. The FW species, U. spinicarpa, U. minax
major three environmental salinity regimens. For the and U. longisignalis, have hemolymph osmolality

<700 mOsm (618±28, N=8). On the other hand, the Laboratory studies
EH species, U. speciosa, U. panacea, U. pugilator,
U. pugnax and U. rapax, have hemolymph osmolality After capture, Uca spp. from various locations were
>800 mOsm (862±59 mOsm, N=17). As an indication returned to the laboratory for experimentation. To de-
of its rare occurrence in FW, the individual U. rapax termine the stability of hemolymph values, crabs from
collected at Money Creek, FL, had a hemolymph some populations were maintained in water from their
osmolality of 668 mOsm, which is near the lower limits respective habitat for 30 days. Hemolymph samples
tolerated by the species (Zanders and Rojas 1996). BW taken afterwards were not significantly different from
populations of U. pugilator have hemolymph osmolality those taken following capture (Table 1). Only the U.
of 813±4 mOsm (N=2), while U. pugnax have pugilator collected at Port St. Joseph Bay, FL, appeared
744±6 mOsm (N=2) and U. minax have 642± to show any indication of change. These crabs decreased
18 mOsm (N=2). It is interesting that at Point Lookout, hemolymph osmolality to match the osmotic pressure of
MD, where U. pugilator, U. pugnax and U. minax were their surrounding water.
collected in sympatry (385 mOsm), all have significantly
different hemolymph osmolality (809±18, 749±13, Survivorship
624±11, respectively, df=12, P<0.001). It is clear that
there are intraspecific as well as interspecific differences Seven of the eight species were collected in sufficient
in hemolymph osmolality. numbers to examine their ability to withstand osmotic
U. pugilator, U. minax and U. pugnax were collected stress over a 5-day period (Figs. 2, 3, 4). Fiddler crabs can
from a sufficient number of habitats to allow assessment survive a wide range of osmotic stress. Survivorship for
of intraspecific variation in blood osmolality. Hemol- three species in the Minuca group exposed to ASW
ymph osmolality in U. pugilator varied from 800 to ranging in osmolality from 50 to 3450 mOsm is shown in
1000 mOsm across sites, with salinity ranging from 178 Fig. 2. Both U. longisignalis and U. minax survived oli-
to 987 mOsm. The regression relationship between gohaline conditions very well. There was no significant
habitat (X) and hemolymph osmolality (Y) for U. pugi- difference in survivorship between Gulf and Atlantic
lator is Y=0.2234X+716 mOsm (N=11, r2=0.6356, populations of U. minax. On the other hand, on the whole,
P<0.005). In habitats (X) where the salinity varied from the U. pugnax populations were susceptible to habitat
385 to 885 mOsm, hemolymph osmolality (Y) in osmolality <150 mOsm. Further, specimens from
U. pugnax changed from 750 to 850 mOsm, with a linear Georgia populations did not withstand hypotonic ASW
relationship of Y=0.2226X+635 mOsm (N=9, as well as those from Massachusetts and Maryland. There
r2=0.6365, P<0.005). In all habitats where the two are are differences in the ability of each species in the Minuca
sympatric, U. pugnax consistently maintained hemol- group to survive in hypertonic ASW. The upper limit of
ymph osmolality below that of U. pugilator. Although tolerated osmotic stress was calculated as the LC50 for
U. minax were not collected in habitats with salinity each species (Table 2). It is obvious that among the FW/
>385 mOsm, the hemolymph osmolality in this species BW species, U. longisignalis did not survive well in ASW
also varied between 560 and 650 mOsm . For this species with osmolality >1850 mOsm. The FW species U. minax
the regression of habitat (X) to hemolymph (Y) osmol- was susceptible to ASW >1950 mOsm, and the BW/EH
ality is Y=0.1278X+594 mOsm (N=6, r2=0.4092, species U. pugnax to ASW >2700 mOsm.
P<0.1). Consequently, based on field observations, Survivorship for the four species of the Celuca group-
there is significant intraspecific variation in hemolymph ing in ASW are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Both species
osmolality among the three Atlantic species, U. pugila- shown in Fig. 3 were susceptible to low osmolality.
tor, U. minax and U. pugnax, over their habitats. U. spinicarpa did not survive well in ASW <100 mOsm,
The relationship between the two Celuca species, while U. speciosa did not survive well in ASW
U. speciosa and U. spinicarpa, is very interesting. Crane <400 mOsm. By contrast, the FW species U. spinicarpa
(1975) considered the two to be subspecies. However, did not survive well above 1500 mOsm, and the EH spe-
Salmon et al. (1979) collected U. spinicarpa within 50 km cies U. speciosa above 2550 mOsm. Survivorship of the
of U. speciosa near Apalachicola Bay. After considering sibling species U. pugilator and U. panacea is shown in
their morphology, distributions, behavior and elec- Fig. 4. Both were susceptible to ASW with osmolality
trophoretic patterns, the two have been reinstated to <100 mOsm. However, U. pugilator can withstood
their former status as full species (Barnwell and Thur- 50 mOsm ASW, but U. panacea could not. Also, speci-
man 1984). In the present study, the two were collected mens of U. pugilator from Atlantic populations were
within 100 km of each other. Since U. spinicarpa from a susceptible to ASW <200 mOsm, while those from the
FW habitat (32 mOsm) maintained a hemolymph os- Gulf of Mexico were not. On the other hand, in hypertonic
molality of 605±46 mOsm, while U. speciosa from a EH ASW, U. pugilator regardless of origin did not survive well
habitat (722 mOsm) were 849±70 mOsm, the two ap- above 2900 mOsm, while U. panacea survived well up to
pear to differ based on field measurements (df=8, 3350 mOsm. Consequently, from these observations,
P<0.001). Further, as shown in the subsequent sections, there are significant differences in the ability of both
the two illustrate physiological divergence under labo- temperate Atlantic and Gulf species to survive osmotic
ratory conditions. stress.

Fig. 2 Uca spp. Percent sur-

vival of species from the Minuca
subgenus under osmotic stress
for 5 days. ‘‘(N)’’ indicates total
number of specimens. Solute
concentration in osmolality

Fig. 3 Uca spp. Percent sur-

vival for species in the Celuca
subgenus (U. spinicarpa and U.
speciosa) under osmotic stress
for 5 days. ‘‘(N)’’ indicates total
number of specimens. Solute
concentration in osmolality

Regulation of hemolymph osmotic pressure 600 mOsm. As the medium was changed from 0 to
300 mOsm for U. pugnax, hemolymph osmolality in-
The hemolymph osmotic response of species of crab to creased significantly (N=7, r2=0.8860, P<0.005). For
changing external osmolality from 0 to 3450 mOsm is U. longisignalis hemolymph osmolality (average
shown in Figs. 5, 6 and 7. As indicated by the graphs, 696±47 mOsm ) exhibited a linear correlation with the
each species of fiddler crab is an excellent osmoregula- media between 300 and 1400 mOsm (Y=0.1189X+
tor. The patterns of regulation are best described as 576 mOsm, N=5, r2=0.9101, P<0.01). The isosmotic
type IV: hyper- and hyporegulators (Vernberg and medium concentration was 653 mOsm, as shown in
Vernberg 1972). Below 600 mOsm each was able to Table 2. This relationship is similar for U. minax in
maintain hemolymph osmotic concentration above the media with osmolality between 200 and 1000 mOsm.
concentration of the medium. Above 800 mOsm signif- Over this range, hemolymph had an average osmolality
icant variation was seen among the species in their of 671±43 mOsm. The correlation equation of medium
ability to regulate hemolymph below medium osmolali- with hemolymph osmolality is Y=0.138X+580 mOsm
ty. The patterns of osmoregulation for three species in (N=9, r2=0.8455, P<0.01), with an isosmotic medium
the Minuca grouping are shown in Fig. 5, while those for concentration of 673 mOsm. For U. pugnax, hemol-
the four species in the Celuca grouping are shown in ymph osmolality was constant (901±89 mOsm) in me-
Figs. 6 and 7. In the discussion below, ‘‘N’’ is the dia between 300 and 1900 mOsm (Y=0.0935X+
number of sample means from each population. 797 mOsm, N=19, r2=0.5122, P<0.02), with the isos-
Among the Minuca, the two FW species, U. longi- motic concentration being 879 mOsm. All species be-
signalis and U. minax, were able to maintain a constant came less effective in controlling hemolymph osmolality
hemolymph osmolality at 646±48 and 618±36 mOsm, as the osmotic concentration of the medium was in-
respectively, as the medium was changed from 0 to creased. For U. longisignalis in media with osmolality

Fig. 4 Uca spp. Percent sur-

vival for species in the Celuca
subgenus (U. pugilator and
U. panacea) under osmotic
stress for 5 days. ‘‘(N)’’ indi-
cates total number of speci-
mens. Solute concentration in
osmolality (mOsm)

>1400 mOsm, the crabs lost the ability to control he- concentration was 737 mOsm. Above 1200 mOsm,
molymph osmolality. In the cases of U. minax and U. U. spinicarpa did not control hemolymph osmolality
pugnax, they became less effective regulators in media very well. For the EH species U. speciosa, as the medium
above 1000 and 1900 mOsm, respectively. During these was increased from 100 to 2600 mOsm, there was a
experiments, U. minax and U. pugnax were able to tol- significant linear change in hemolymph osmolality (Y=
erate hemolymph osmolality as high as 1828 and 0.3455X+624 mOsm, N=10, r2=0.9147, P<0.001).
2118 mOsm, respectively. It is most interesting that the For U. speciosa, the isosmotic medium concentration
hemolymph–medium curve for U. minax from the was 953 mOsm, which contrasts sharply with U. spini-
Ochlochonee River (14 mOsm) lies to the left of other U. carpa (737 mOsm).
minax populations from more saline habitats (32– The responses of the sibling species pair U. pugilator
385 mOsm). A similar shift is not evident in the data for and U. panacea are shown in Fig. 7 and Table 2. The
other Minuca. hemolymph response (Y) of U. panacea to increasing
The hemolymph responses of the four species of the medium osmolality (X) between 0 and 2000 mOsm is
Celuca grouping to the osmotic regime are illustrated in described by the linear equation Y=0.0939X+
Figs. 6 and 7, as well as Table 2. As shown in Fig. 6, 798 mOsm (N=8, r2=0.9426, P<0.001). The isosmotic
between 0 and 300 mOsm, hemolymph osmolality in- medium concentration for U. panacea was 880 mOsm.
creased from 605 to 700 mOsm in the FW species U. The highest hemolymph concentration recorded for this
spinicarpa (Y=0.314+605 mOsm, N=3, r2=0.7545, species was 1860 mOsm. For U. pugilator, hemolymph
P>0.10). In media between 300 and 1200 mOsm, the responses to changes in medium osmolality appeared
osmolality of the hemolymph was controlled fairly more complex due to the number of populations
well (mean=745±29 mOsm; Y=0.0802X+678 mOsm, sampled. For medium osmolality between 26 and
N=3, r2=0.8584, P<0.01), and the isosmotic medium 300 mOsm, there was an increase in hemolymph from

Table 2 Uca spp. Summary of osmoregulation (in mOsm). LC50 is upper limit for survival of osmotic stress calculated by probit analysis
(FW freshwater; BW brackish water; EH euryhaline)
Subgenus Species Habitat LC50(conc.) Isosmotic conc. Max. medium conc.

Celuca U. spinicarpa FW 1500 737 1511

U. speciosa EH 2550 953 2623
U. pugilator BW/EH 2900 876 3379
U. panacea BW/EH 3350 880 3421
Minuca U. longisignalis FW/BW 1850 653 1746
U. minax FW 1950 673 2098
U. pugnax BW/EH 2700 879 3414

753 to 850 mOsm (Y=0.3525X+744 mOsm, N=10, 2 weeks. After the 14 days, crabs in the 1800 mOsm
r2=0.4363, P<0.05). In media between 300 and medium had a hemolymph osmolality of 910±28 mOsm.
2600 mOsm, hemolymph osmolality increased from 780 This is significantly >608±11 mOsm for the specimens
to 1156 mOsm (Y=0.1619X+735, N=33, r2=0.7769, (N=5) held in habitat water for the same length of time
P<0.001), with an isosmotic medium concentration of (P<0.001). Hypertonic-adapted U. minax were exposed
876 mOsm. In media >2600 mOsm the crabs did not to a medium regime ranging from 0 to 2544 mOsm for
control hemolymph osmolality well. The highest toler- 5 days. Survivorship and the hemolymph–medium os-
ated hemolymph osmotic concentration was molality curve are shown in Fig. 8. After hypertonic
1738 mOsm. Above 2600 mOsm, hemolymph samples adaptation, the LC50 was shifted from 1950 to
from U. pugilator at Waquoit Bay diverged from those 2600 mOsm. In media between 0 and 1600 mOsm, the
of other populations. As medium increased to hemolymph osmolality was similar to that reported in
3380 mOsm, hemolymph osmolality in these crabs Fig. 5. In ASW between 0 and 100 mOsm, the hemol-
increased to 1340±53 mOsm, while populations ymph osmolality was 518±11 mOsm. Hemolymph (Y)
from Crooked River (1735±64 mOsm), Alligator and media (X) osmolality are related by
Point (1664 mOsm) and St. Joseph Peninsula Y=0.3432X+560 mOsm (N=3, r2=0.9147, P<0.10).
(1675±13 mOsm) had significantly higher osmolality Between 200 and 1600 mOsm ASW, hemolymph os-
(P<0.05) in media with lower osmotic pressure (2700– molality was 716±75, and is related to the media by
3000 mOsm). Thus, the Waquoit Bay sample is more Y=0.1658X+569 mOsm (N=6, r2=0.9486, P<0.01).
resistant to higher osmotic pressure than other U. pug- The isosmotic medium concentration for adapted crabs
ilator populations. was 681 mOsm, which was not appreciably different
To examine osmoregulation under laboratory con- from other U. minax populations (673 mOsm; Table 2).
ditions, crabs kept in habitat water for 30 days were In extremely hypertonic ASW, hemolymph osmolality
submitted to an abbreviated regime of osmotic stress. In may rise as high as 1475 mOsm in the adapted crabs.
these studies U. pugilator, U. panacea and U. pugnax The most dramatic effect of adaptation is shown in
were exposed to 250, 400, 900 and 1650 mOsm ASW, Fig. 8. Hypertonic-adapted crabs are better able to
while U. minax were exposed to 250, 400, 900 and regulate and survive media above 2000 mOsm. The ex-
1450 mOsm ASW, and U. longisignalis to 250, 780 and tension of the hemolymph–medium curve to the right is
1450 mOsm ASW. In all cases, there was 100% survival evidence for regulated capacity adaptation in osmotic
after 5 days of exposure to the ASW. Hemolymph os- balance by U. minax.
molality for crabs from each population is shown in
Table 3. Neither the individual populations nor the
grand mean for a species were strikingly different from Discussion
the 30-day values (Table 1) or the data shown in Figs. 5,
6 and 7. Thus, under this limited regime, it appears that Among Crustacea, patterns of ionic and osmotic reg-
living in captivity for a month does not alter significantly ulation are well established for a number of species.
the osmoregulatory capability of the five species of Excellent reviews on the subject have been written by
fiddler crabs. Mantel and Farmer (1983) and Greenaway (1988).
Variation of the internal state as a function of envi- More recent work by Wolcott (1991) and Ahearn et al.
ronment conditions is considered capacity adaptation (1999) focus on cellular aspects of ion transport and
(Prosser 1991). Since evidence for this is strongest in FW water balance throughout the class. All together these
and BW populations of U. minax, crabs from Point reveal a vast knowledge of salt and water balance for
Lookout, MD (385 mOsm), were examined for regu- crustaceans. However, from a perspective of compar-
lated capacity adaptation. In this case, fiddler crabs were ative ecophysiology, most studies document similarities
adapted to a concentration of ASW that they would not and differences in species which are phylogenetically
likely encounter in their habitat (1800 mOsm). First, and ecologically unrelated. Few studies deal with
specimens were kept in habitat water for 10 days, closely related species living in sympatry. In general,
then transferred to 940 mOsm ASW for 14 days. most studies with fiddler crabs are limited to a single
Afterwards, they were transferred to 1800 mOsm for species (Table 4). In cases where more than one

Fig. 5 Uca spp. Relationship

between medium and hemol-
ymph solute concentration in
species from the Minuca subge-
nus: U. longisiganlis (N=31), U.
minax (N=278), U. pugnax
(N=219). Solid diagonal line is
isosmotic. Solute concentration
in osmolality (mOsm). Dura-
tion of exposure: 5 days

species has been used, the data are presented in such a 16 different locations. With this approach, it is clear
way that few, if any, distinctions between congeners that significant physiological differences do occur
can be made. The present study examines osmoregu- among populations, as well as among closely related
lation in eight species from the same genus taken at species.

Fig. 6 Uca spp. Relationship

between medium and hemol-
ymph solute concentration in
species from the Celuca subge-
nus: U. spinicarpa (N=34),
U. speciosa (N=63). Solid
diagonal line is isosmotic. Solute
concentration in osmolality
(mOsm). Duration of exposure:
5 days

Previous studies 175% (1850 mOsm) seawater have hemolymph osmol-

ality of 497±12 mOsm and 758±36 mOsm, respec-
Uca spp. have long been important subjects for studies tively. Later, Baldwin and Kirschner (1976a,b), studying
of ionic and osmotic regulation in crustaceans. Seminal a mixture of U. pugnax and U. pugilator, found hemo-
works by Jones (1941) and Gross (1964) demonstrated lymph osmolality to vary from 410 to 650 mOsm as the
the excellent osmoregulatory capabilities of fiddler crabs medium was changed from 10% (105 mOsm) to 100%
when compared to other aquatic and terrestrial genera. (1050 mOsm) seawater. More recently, Holliday (1985)
After studying the local distribution of fiddler crabs in a examined the hemolymph osmolality of U. pugnax
Georgia salt marsh, Teal (1958) concluded that different adapted to 10% (105 mOsm), 50% (520 mOsm), 100%
configurations of substrate, food, vegetation and salinity (1050 mOsm), 150% (1575 mOsm) and 200%
were the most influential determinants for the presence (2100 mOsm) seawater. At the same time, average blood
of U. minax, U. pugnax and U. pugilator. Thus, osmotic osmolality varies in a linear fashion from 650 to
stress is an integral factor regulating the ecological 1000 mOsm. Similar studies with U. pugilator and U.
distribution of the three Atlantic fiddler crabs. minax by Wright et al. (1984) found the two to be good
Despite these findings, Green et al. (1959) considered hyper-osmotic regulators from 5% (50 mOsm) to 75%
the three species to have equal physiological capabilities, (790 mOsm) seawater as hemolymph osmolality
and consequently pooled their blood samples. In their increases from 550 to 700 mOsm. At higher
experiments, crabs adapted to 100% (1050 mOsm) and medium concentrations, they lose the ability to regulate

Fig. 7 Uca spp. Relationship

between medium and hemol-
ymph solute concentration in
species from the Celuca subge-
nus: U. pugilator (N=321),
U. panacea (N=80). Solid
diagonal line is isosmotic. Solute
concentration in osmolality
(mOsm). Duration of exposure:
5 days

hemolymph below medium osmolality. However, they quently, this hypersaline species is a fairly good
note that maintenance of hemolymph below medium osmoregulator, but hemolymph concentrations are
osmolality was more pronounced in U. pugilator than in consistently higher than those of its relatives on the
U. minax. D’Orazio and Holliday (1985) also found U. mainland. Finally, Spaargaren (1975) studied the Ca-
pugilator from Florida to be an excellent regulation be- ribbean Celuca, U. speciosa, on Curacao. As the external
tween 50% and 200% seawater. Consequently, from the medium was changed from 270 mOsm (25%) to
literature one is left with the impression of physiological 1240 mOsm (120%), the osmolality of the hemolymph
uniformity among North American species of Uca. increased from 560 to 900 mOsm. In media with higher
Other studies have examined species from Africa and osmolality, the crab lost its ability to control hemol-
the Caribbean. After studying both U. pugilator and U. ymph osmolality.
tangeri, Graszynski and Bigalke (1986) found African Although these early studies are informative, most
species to be the better osmoregulators between 33% are limited to examining hemolymph changes between
(350 mOsm) and 150% (1560 mOsm) seawater. Their 5% and 150% or 200% seawater. In addition, most do
blood osmolality does not rise above 651±84 mOsm as not present statistics on survivorship. Consequently, an
medium osmolality increases to 3120 mOsm. Spaarga- incomplete view of osmoregulation in Uca spp. has
ren (1977) reported that U. inversa from the Red Sea can evolved due to the restricted experimental designs. The
tolerate osmolality as high as 1235 mOsm. Hemolymph efficiency and elegance of a physiological mechanism
osmolality in this species varies from 790 to 1016 mOsm. may not be fully appreciated until the organism is forced
In a Caribbean study, Schmidt-Nielsen et al. (1968) to function near its physiological limits. Thus, it is not
exposed U. burgersi from Jamaica (Barnwell 1986) to surprising that the osmoregulatory abilities of different
50% (525 mOsm), 100% (1050 mOsm) and 200% species were viewed as uniform. In their examination of
(2100 mOsm) seawater, and found hemolymph osmol- U. subcylindrica and U. longisignalis, Rabalais and
ality to vary from 784±56 to 1000±90 mOsm. Conse- Cameron (1985) exposed crabs to a 3400 mOsm range of

Table 3 Uca spp. Osmoregulation after 30 days in habitat water (N=16 crabs from each collection site)
Subgenus, Location (mOsm) Medium osmolality (mOsm):
250 400 780 900 1450 1650

U. pugilator Alligator 836±24 815±18 – 898±23 – 1008±60
Point (722)
Pt. St. 845±14 795±4 – 881±21 – 1052±29
Joseph (987)
Crooked 769+26 815+33 – 865+19 – 1128+38
River (935)
Mean 816±34 808±9 881±13 1063±50
U. panacea Alligator 815±10 810±5 – 880±44 – 989±27
Point (722)
U. minax Money 620±30 632±18 – 729±47 999±28 –
Bayou (32)
St. Mary’s 640±5 627±6 – 672±24 863±33 –
R (380)
Lookout 630+31 616+18 – 675+21 967+37 –
Point (385)
Mean 630±8 625±7 – 692±26 943±58
U. longisignalis Money 692±24 – 694±17 – 779±22 –
Bayou (32)
U. pugnax Isle of 720±31 713±26 – 826±3 – 1259±69
Wight (860)
Crooked 668+4 825+15 – 830+17 – 1034+58
River (885)
Mean 694±26 769±56 – 828±2 – 1146±112

stress. This revealed physiological differences in the two array (oligo- to euryhaline). Among the two subgenera,
species. Although both are excellent regulators, U. lon- U. minax and U. spinicarpa are typically freshwater, and
gisignalis were better able to survive in hypertonic media both have average hemolymph around 600 mOsm in na-
than U. subcylindrica. Using a similar osmolality regime ture. In brackish water U. longisignalis and U. pugnax
(Zanders and Rojas 1996), U. rapax from Venezuela was have hemolymph osmolality between 690 and 750 mOsm,
demonstrated to be an exceptional regulator. In 5–300% respectively. When U. panacea are taken from brackish
ASW (3120 mOsm), the crabs’ hemolymph increases water habitats, their hemolymph osmolality is near
from 670 to 950 mOsm, and to as high as 1500 mOsm in 710 mOsm. All the euryhaline specimens have hemol-
400% ASW (4200 mOsm). Only as a result of applying ymph osmolality >790 mOsm. This ecological cohort
extreme osmotic pressure under laboratory conditions includes U. speciosa, U. panacea, U. pugilator, U pugnax
are differences in the osmoregulatory abilities among and U. rapax. Based on field measurements taken during
species in this genus becoming obvious. the present study, Uca spp. in oligohaline environments
are expected to possess a hemolymph osmolality around
600 mOsm. Those living in brackish habitats should have
Present study hemolymph with osmolality somewhat >700 mOsm
while those in euryhaline habitats should possess a
Uca spp. were collected from a variety of temperate hemolymph of 790 mOsm or greater.
habitats between Cape Cod, MA, and Pensacola, FL. Species are not uniform in their osmoregulatory ca-
The average osmolality of hemolymph was determined pabilities. If hemolymph–medium osmolality curves
for each population in the study (Table 1). Where pos- (Figs. 5, 6, 7) are compared, considerable interspecific
sible, samples from these populations were kept in variation is obvious. Virtually every species is able to
habitat water for 30 days, and the hemolymph osmol- maintain constant hemolymph osmolality between 0 and
ality measured a second time (Table 3). In general, there 1400 mOsm (0–125% seawater). To be sure, some spe-
was no significant change in either hemolymph osmotic cies such as U. pugnax and U. pugilator do not seem to
concentration or the ability of the crabs to osmoregulate tolerate low osmotic concentrations as well as U. minax,
after this period in captivity. Consequently, the variation U. longisignalis and U. panacea. As medium concentra-
noted among the populations for each species appears to tion is increased above 125% seawater, U. longisignalis,
be a reasonable assessment of their state in nature. U. minax and U. spinicarpa succumb to the osmotic
Unsurprisingly, habitat has greater impact on os- pressure. U. pugnax, U. speciosa, U. pugilator and U.
moregulation among Uca spp. than taxonomic relation- panacea can withstand medium of 2200 mOsm (200%
ships. The two subgenera, Celuca and Minuca, each have seawater) or greater. Overall, the sibling species U.
four species occupying different portions of the salinity pugilator and U. panacea seem to regulate hemolymph

Fig. 8 Uca minax. Survivorship

and osmoregulation in U. min-
ax acclimated to 1800 mOsm
ASW. Upper graph: survivor-
ship (N=42); lower graph: rela-
tionship between medium and
hemolymph osmolality (N=39,
curve with open data points)
[solid diagonal line isosmotic;
dotted curve data from Och-
lockonee River population
(14 mOsm; ppt<1); continuous
curve data from Thompson
Bayou, Point Lookout and St.
Mary’s River (32–385 mOsm)]

osmolality over a wider medium osmotic range than depending on the external condition. The central portion
other species. of the curve, representing a physiological optimum,
In crustaceans, the fundamental mechanisms for fluid remains constant, while the terminal portions are shifted
and ion balance are consumption, elimination and either to the right or the left. As crabs adapt to media of
transport across epithelial barriers (Prosser 1991). His- increasing osmolality, there is a concomitant decrease in
torically, Uca spp. are known for their ability to regulate Na/K-ATPase activity in the posterior gills (Wanson
their internal milieu using these mechanisms (Jones et al. 1984; Holliday 1985). On the other hand, when
1941; Gross 1964). The concentration of water and ions assaulted with a hypotonic medium, specific Na/K-AT-
in hemolymph remains somewhat constant as the ex- Pase will increase and water permeability will decrease.
ternal medium changes over a wide range. As the in- These changes begin within 24–72 h. Consequently, ad-
tensity of the challenge increases beyond the regulated aptation producing a new osmoregulatory capacity takes
range, internal osmotic concentration begins to waiver, only a few days (Rabalais and Cameron 1985; Zanders
and the relationship becomes one of conformity and and Rojas 1996).
tolerance. At the extremes of the range, the organism However, from an intraspecific perspective, descrip-
cannot tolerate the pressure, and eventually dies. If it is tions of differences in volume regulation, ionoregulation
important for a species to maintain physiological and osmoregulation among populations of grapsid spe-
flexibility for survival in various habitats, capacity cies are not common. Ferraris and Norenburg (1997)
adaptation allows the organism to modify its ability to documented differences among U. rapax rapax popula-
hyper- and hyporegulate economically in different tions in Florida, Belize and Panama. Stanton and Felder
media. As the organism is gradually adapted to a new (1992) have also reported variation in osmoregulation
osmotic environment, the curve of regulation is modified among populations of Sesarma reticulatum from Georgia

Table 4 Uca spp. Habitat preference and osmoregulatory capabilities (FW freshwater; BW brackish water; EH euryhaline)
Subgenus, Reference Habitat Isosmotic Minimum hemolymph Maximum
species conc. osmolality (mOsm) tolerated medium
osmolality (mOsm)

U. inversa Spaargaren (1977) BW/HS 1016 790 1430
U. crenulata Jones (1941) BW 860 750 1775
U. pugilator Baldwin and HS 800 700 1040
Kirschner (1976a)
Wright et al. (1984) HS 750 600 1500
D’Orazio and HS 990 850 1900
Holliday (1985)
U. speciosa Spaargaren (1975) HS 960 700 1660
U. subcylindrica Rabalais and BW/HS 850 525 2600
Cameron (1985)
U. spinicarpa Present study FW 737 583 1511
U. pugilator Present study BW/HS 876 632 3379
U. panacea Present study BW/HS 880 835 3421
U. speciosa Present study HS 953 691 2623
U. minax Wright et al. (1984) FW 790 550 1600
U. pugnax Holliday (1985) BW 1000 700 1800
U. longisignalis Rabalais and FW/BW 700 500 3400
Cameron (1985)
U. burgersi Schmidt-Nielsen HS 900 784 2000
et al. (1968)
U. rapax Zander and HS 750 670 4400
Rojas (1996)
U. minax Present study FW 673 542 2098
U. longisignalis Present study FW/BW 653 570 1746
U. pugnax Present study BW/HS 879 581 3414

and Louisiana. In the present study population both inter- and intraspecific physiological variations are
differences were noted in two species: U. minax and common. Based on environmental water and hemo-
U. pugilator. Variation in osmoregulation between pop- lymph measurements, Uca are readily classified as
ulations was most obvious in U. minax. The hemolymph– oligohaline, brackish or euryhaline species. Since habitat
medium curves for populations from the Atlantic and salinity varies along the coast, populations of each spe-
Gulf of Mexico coasts are similar, except the specimens cies can differ in average hemolymph osmolality. Under
from the Ochlochonee River. A key observation is that the laboratory conditions, the euryhaline species were found
isosmotic concentration for crabs adapted to different to osmoregulate over a greater medium range than
osmotic conditions is virtually the same. Since there is species from freshwater habitats. The capability for
little genetic divergence among U. minax populations in regulating under osmotic challenge can be adjusted by
this region (Felder and Stanton 1994; Mangum 1996), the acclimation. This has been demonstrated in the fresh-
physiological change is most likely due to adaptive vari- water species U. minax. Although broad capabilities of
ation in gene expression. The expression of enzymes as- osmoregulation exist in many species, there is consider-
sociated with ion transport varies during adaptation of U. able physiological flexibility permitting adaptation.
minax to extreme osmotic concentrations (Wanson et al.
1984). Data from natural and laboratory populations for Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank the Graduate
U. minax (Fig. 8) are best explained by the notion of College at the University of Northern Iowa for financial support of
this study. Help in collecting and transporting Uca specimens from
regulated capacity adaptation. This also explains the di- Georgia and Florida was generously provided by Chad Thurman.
vergence of U. pugilator at Waquoit, Mass., from other J. Makepeace graciously provided transportation and help with
populations (Fig. 7). It is curious that similar physiolog- collections in Maryland. K. Flaherty provided crabs from
ical behavior was not observed in the populations of U. Thompson’s Bayou. Accommodations in Massachusetts were
provided by C. Weidmann, Waquoit Bay National Estuarine
pugnax from the Atlantic coast; it may simply be that too Research Reserve.
few specimens of this species were collected in oligohaline
or brackish habitats to permit the observation.
In summary, osmoregulation has been observed in
seven species of Uca from the temperate Atlantic and
Gulf of Mexico coasts of eastern North America. All are Ahearn GA, Duerr JM, Zhuang Z, Brown RJ, Aslamkhan A,
excellent hyper- and hyporegulators across osmolality Killebrew DA (1999) Ion transport processes of crustacean
ranges of 30–1400 mOsm. However, beyond this range, epithelial cells. Physiol Biochem Zool 72:1–18

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