ww1 W Laverty 2

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M'QUISTON MAGAZINE. POSTING MASTERS, &, MOTOR CARS, Car specially catered for. KILLED IN ACTION. We regret to lave to chronicle the death of Third Class ‘Petty Oscar Wilizm Laverty. son of oir esteemed Irjonde Me, und Mrs. Jas. Laverty, 18, Ravouseroft.Siteet. This is tho second com which Mn. tnd Mrs, Leverty hive lost at eco in this war. William seas on the Teumph when toepedoed sn the Dardanelle. He wee appointed to 0 new hip named the Laarentie which struck mine i a heavy ‘scoff he Donegal coast, ow January 25, 1917." He: vse eported amongst those lost on the ocension. He was 29 ‘yours of ago, and Ind sorved 13 years ia the nvy. He ‘Was a good con, a gallant sailor, and ie vouch’ monened, ‘We tender our sincere sympathy to Mn and Mrs. Laverty in their sorrow over anoter beceavement. AY such @ price is our liberty purchased, Miss Annie Dunlop and hee chief assistant Mine Sora Foley and their coliewors have achieved: another txiamphh on lebalf of our Orphan Society. The sums collected in The difereat Sunduy' Schools aad the total amount are as fellows: Senior Senday Sahoo! 85 11 ‘Junior Sanday Saal 23 16 9 Gheryvlle Street Senay” Sehoo!” “8 Baston Street Sonday School = 0G Canton Street Sunday Shoot 2-8 Other “Corda 5 885 Grand Total S10 TB 32 familioo belonging to the church are zeosiving. benefit from this fund "8 children belonging to ieee 32 families are mainly gelling their chance in life Unrough the grants ado to thom by Ue drelore of our Onan ines. Miss Dunlop, largely at her own expense, bat with the help of ferv friends, provides privge for the sncoesfal collectors each ets. We sncorely hope that. the menbere ff the ehureh ‘appreciate tho great work being’ done and the dkindness shown by Mis\"Dunlop. Hers isa. sich Dies e CHARITY CONCERT. Wo congratulate Mise Dorothy Gonk on the excellent programme which ehe submitted to 2 good houso in the Minor Hall on Friday, March 8, at @ o'clock. Mim Allan M'Kay occupied the chair, and’ as. was the oceasion Tait Sear a, Yer" high slandsrd of excillence was. attained by all the artistes, “The proceeds were on behalf of the Wounded Soldiers” Bund aad the Guld Missionary. ‘Almost 89 were sealed by the concert MELVILLE & CO., LTD,, fer'Sc Meets, Fashionable Carriages for Wealdings a Speciality, Stylish Private, Motor- Cabs supplied on Shortest Notice. FUNERALS BY MOTOR.—Funerals ean now be carrod out by specally-designed Limousine Funeral ars, which can also earry a number of mourners in addition tothe casket. Long distancus can, ‘therefore, be covered moch quicker, and with cousiderablelessexpense than by ral. “REESE: Head Offices: TOWNSEND ST., BELFAST. “Local Branches —Cluaa Place Slormonnt Strat; Weddings by Motor yah aleve he Gyan stbbars, 185, Ravenhill Road ; 284, Nowtownards Read. BAPTISMS. PATTERSON.—On Saturday, May 15, 1016, to Me. and Mrs, Angew Puttemon, 67, Jocelyn Avene, duughtce~Slacy—baptzed on Wedesdy, Merch 25; Gta, Uy the Rev. De D- Boyle MCULLOUGH—On Sanday, Febrosry 25, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. Join SECalloagh, 7, Glonvarlock Street sou-Samuel—baptized "on ’ Wednesday, March “23, AGI7, hy the Rev. B.D. Boyle, GErTY.On Thursday, March 2, 1917, to Me. and Mra James Getty, 4; Moorgate ‘Sigel, a daughter Helem—bapised on ‘Thursday, March 29, 811, by ‘the Ree, D. D. Boyle. THOMPSON —On ‘Sundos, March 4, 1917, to Mr. and Mag Senuel Thompson, 3, Hatin Pete danger ~-Doreenbaptized on Weinesdayy April 4, 1a1f by the Rev. D. D. Boye - i FIETCHER—On Monday, Vebromy 19, 1917, to Mx ‘and. Mes Andrew Pletchee, 43, Hatton, ‘Deve, dhoghiterHluabeth-—baptixed on Sanday, april 8. by the Ree, D. D. Doyle WOODSOn ‘Thoraday, January 2, 1911, to Mr and Mrs. Isaac Woods, 67, Redcar’ Street, con—James Stanteylaptived on Wednesday, Apel 15, 4017 by the Ree, DD: Boyle NIS~-On Sanday, December 26, 1916, to Me and “rs, "Wilkin Minnis, 8, "Revenstale “Steech a daughter —Hlabeth-—baptized_on Wedneeday. Apel 18, 1917, by the Rev. D, D. Batle. ° DEATHS. FORTER.—At 260, Ravenhill Avene, on Thursday, March ‘®, 1at?, Samiel Porter, Merchant of 9 and ily Bact Beidge Street, Interred in the farily burying ground at Thrones Ditches, on Friday, Marth 20, 161 The ites." D, D, Bovle oliiate. MOORE, —Gn Saturday, Mereh 51, 1917, at 68, Sandown ‘Road, Norman, son of Mr. and Mis. ‘Llewelyn Moore, ‘aged 18 months. Interred ig Dundonald Cemetery, of Monday, Apsit 2 1017. The Revs James ‘Tolland ‘end the Nev. D. D. Bosle officiated, SMYTE.—Oa_Blonday, Spell 2, 1517, at 29, Rovenhitt ‘Avenue, Henry Alea, youngest child of Mé. and’ Ms ‘Thomas Smyth, aged tco yours and aevén,monthe Intermed in Dundonald Conietery, on Tusdayy pe 31, Tetr. "the Rev. D. D. Boyle ofiated FLETCHER —On Fridar, Apel 6, 1917 at @, Hatton Drive, Margaret Plccher, aged 38” years, wile. of Andrew Fletcher, Interred in Blars Cemetery, Tir bor, "en Sunday, Apel 8, 1017. The Rey, ‘. D. Bogle and Mr. Samuel Weddell ofeistad ‘VANCR—On Saturday, Apil 7, 1917, at her son's cos! dlenes, 70, Portals Street, Mrs. Anna Maria Vance, ‘aged 88 seam, Interred in’ Shani Road Cemetery. on Monday, Apel 9, 1617. The Rev. D. D. Boys ofteated,

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