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M‘Quiston Magazine. ‘The Monthly Organ of the M-Quiston Memorial Presbyterian Church, Belfast, Bditar—Me. W. J. Wassox. é Mr. Issac Heoans, 35, Greenville Road Convenes |r. J, Krexrassics, 366, Woedstock Road. Vol. ax. OcTORER, 1916. No, 10, MOTTO FOR 1916. “Be thou faithful unto death.” ‘The Late SECOND-LIEUT. W. G. WHITLEY, The King’s Liverpool Reigiment. Tt is with great regret that we chronicle the death of another member of the Helping Hand Bible Class. Our young friend was 23 years of age, and had completed his apprenticeship with Messrs. M'Lean ,&= Son, solicitors, Belfast. He obtained his eominission through the Belfast 0.7.C. on March 25,, 1915, and fell leading his men into action at 5-43 p:m,'on August 16, 1916, George Whitley ‘was a young” aman of great ability, high ideals, gentlemanly, thoughtful, considerate in a high degree. Only a strong sense of duty to his King and Country prompted him to join the army, and in a little over tree months ab the front he rendered his allotted service. Te was # member.of the Cregagh Cricket and ‘Témi Clubs, 75 per cont. of whose membership are wi the colours ‘As a member of the 19th Co, Boys’ Brigade, and of the Helping Hand Bible Class, he early gave token of his love for his Master, and as a Christian young man his influence was especially valuable. His letters to home referred to the pleasure of the Sabbath services in our church, and expressed the lonsting to be amongst us ones again. We shall miss his cheery, gonial presence, but ‘memory will garland his name. with those who have made the supreme sacrifice in maintaining the great traditions of our Empire. ‘To his sorrowing parents and friends we tender our sincerest sympathy, and pray that the God of all comfort may sustain them in this time of great Major E. J. G. Moffat writes! “Your son was most hard-working and conscientious, and. ve popular with everyone. I know the men in his Company respectod him and liked hian immensely.” Second-Lieut. P. @. M'Master writes: “It is very hard, I know, for the dear ones. at home, but it muy comfort you to know that he suffered no pain, ‘as death was instantaneous, He has given his li for the cause of freedom and right, and has di fe noblest death that any man ean dies British hhero to the end. His coolness and good leadership ad avsplendid oft on the men Sher hi cont mand.” Private J. Proctor, his orderly, writes: “On the 16th August we were in an attack, and we hedn’t hardly been in the trenches before he was sniped, His death was instartaneous. T have lost # cood friend, and England hae lost another of her noble heroes and gentleman. “God help you in sour great trouble.”” : 2 CONGREGATIONAL SOCIAL MEETING. ‘What is known as the Annual’Social Meeting of the congregation will be ied on Wednesday, November 15, at 8 o'clock, in the Institute. . 7:0 meeting furnishes us with part of the’ funds to carry on our Sunday Sohoot work. The donations of the Lady Teamakers, and the surplus profits of the social are entirely devoted to the financing of our, Sunday Schools. We hope there will be a Goold attendance of the members of the church, THE LATE MRS. ANNIE M‘NIGHT. ‘There was Inid to rest on Sunday, August 20, in the qniet country churchyard of Ballygowan, one of tho most faithful of the children of God amongst us. Annie M['Night had a Inmble Tot in life, ‘There were crooks in her lot and erosses in her Tite, Dut sho bore all"with patient, steadfast faith in'God. “She loved Zion with her whole heart and soul, and fed upon the hidden ‘manna at every Gospel meeting that she was able to, attend. Neither weak health nor wearisome sickness could loud, her faith. She possessed the joy of salra- tion. ‘The sympathy and love lavished upon her hy friends and neighbours were very refreshing fruit of the grace of God in our midst. "We pray that her memory may e! blessed. to. her husband and children, and thet Ged may comfort aad sustain thom in their great loss, ~

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