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a8er you play a

take the Ac$on card set aside during Assembly
face down, near the board
Season card: phase; then set aside 1 Ac$on card
a8er you play an
Forest ➞ draw 1 Epic Tale card
Epic Tale card:

when resolving Gates draw 1 more Epic Tale card, choose 1, discard the
Gates of Tír Na Nóg of TNN territory effect: ? rest +:
at start of clash in choose 1 player with 1 or more exposed clans; this ?!
Highlands the Highlands: ● player becomes clash ins$gator
when AFack maneuver ➞ ignore the AFack; do not remove 1 of your clans,
Hills against you in Hills: do not discard 1 Ac$on card
when you perform aFacked player must BOTH remove 1 exposed clan
Iron Mine ➞ +
played; chieVain re-evaluated

AFack maneuver: AND discard 1 Ac$on card

kept for en=re round un=l

a8er you play a move any 1 clan from territory adj. to Lost Vale into
Lost Vale Season card: ➞ it; this does not ini=ate clash
each round

when you draw an draw 1 more Epic Tale card, choose 1, discard the
+ :


Epic Tale card: rest
discard 1 or more Ac$on cards, draw that number
Misty Lands Season phase of Epic Tale cards; choose 1, discard the rest /✘ :
Moor at any $me: look at the Epic Tale cards in 1 opponent’s hand
when you move 1 or
Mountains ignore the Mountains territory effect
more clans to there:
each round, during Assembly
phase, taken by chieVain of

move 1 or more of your clans to 1 or more adj.

Plains Season phase territories
a8er you play a randomly take 1 Ac$on card from 1 opponent;
each territory

Salt Mine Season card: ➞ then give that player 1 of your Ac$on cards
Stone Circle
a8er you play an
Epic Tale card: ➞
remove 1 of your clans from Stone Circle, take back
that Epic Tale card ✘
Swamp Season phase no effect; but can be played instead of passing
a8er you play a
Valley ➞ place 1 new clan in a territory where you are present
Season card:

Bard Season phase draw 1 Epic Tale card.

players can look at the discard
face down in a discard pile;
pile only with a card effect

a8er your maneuver

➞ gain 1 Deed.
removes opp. clan(s)

place 1 Citadel in 1 territory with you present; if its

Citadel Season phase Advantage card is not yet played, take it
choose 1 territory; move any number of your clans
Conquest Season phase from adj. territories into it

Cra8smen & Peasants Season phase

in each territory with you present, you may place 1
new clan for each Citadel in that territory
if Druid is your last Ac+on card, you cannot play it;
Druid Season phase look at the discarded Ac$on cards, and take 1 :
Emissaries 4 pl. move 1 of your clans to any adj. territory; this does
not played, discarded at end of round;

Season phase
kept for en=re round un=l played; if
re-distributed/re-draVed each round

only not ini=ate a clash

Explora$on Brenn chooses empty loca=on adj. to 2 territories;
Season phase place 1 new territory there, place 1 new clan there
in territory with 1 or more Sanctuaries with you present,
place 1 of your clans and Fes=val token; any player
Fes$val Season phase ini$a$ng clash there removes 1 of his clans; at Season

end, remove Fes=val token

when opponent ➞
Geis ignore the effect of that Ac$on card, and discard it
plays an Ac+on card:

Master Cra8sman Season phase discard 1 card if possible; draw 1 Epic Tale card ✘
4 pl.
only a8er you play an instead of discarding that Epic Tale card, give it to
Epic Tale card: ➞ any other player; gain 1 Deed
choose 1 territory; move 1 or more of your clans
Migra$on Season phase from there to 1 or more adj. territories
in territory with you present, place 1 new clan; OR
each round, during Assembly phase,

New Alliance Season phase choose opp. with 2+ clans, replace 1 with 1 of yours
place 2 clans in territories with you present; either
New Clans Season phase 2
distributed and draVed

together, or in 2 different territories

4 pl. during clash a8er your take 1 random Ac$on card from aBacked player’s

Raid only AFack maneuver: ➞ hand; if not possible, remove 1 of his exposed clans or
place 1 Sanctuary in a territory with you present;
Sanctuary Season phase draw 1 Epic Tale card
look at Ac$on cards in 1 opponent’s hand; move 1 or
Scouts & Spies 4 pl.
only Season phase more of your clans from 1 territory to 1 adj. territory
ini$ate clash in a territory with you present, with
Warlord Season phase you as ins$gator
during clash with you, place 1 new clan (exposed) in clashing territory;

a8er any maneuver: ➞ choose who performs next maneuver
Illustrated Epic Tale cards

Advantage cards

Cards Summary Ac$on cards

Balor’s Eye Season phase remove 1 clan from any territory

during clash, at end take all clans out of Citadels into that territory, they
BaFle Frenzy of Citadels step: ● are now exposed clans.
during clash, as a = move 1 or more of your clans from 1 or more adj.
The BaFle of Moytura maneuver:
face up in a discard pile; players can

territories to there, place 1 new clan (exposed) there

look at the discard pile at any =me

move 1 opp. clan from 1 territory with you present

Breas’ Tyranny Season phase to adj. territory; this does not ini=ate clash

?! ±
at start of Assembly choose Ac$on card to set aside; at end of Assembly

CathBad’s Word phase: ● ● phase, take it; then set aside 1 Ac$on card
take the Ac$on card set aside during Assembly
The Champion’s Share Season phase phase ?
Children of Dana Season phase place 1 new clan in any territory
when Epic Tale card or ➞ ignore the effect of that card, and discard it; shuffle
The Dagda Advantage card is played: ➞ that card’s deck & discard pile to create a new deck
play this card face up in front of you; place there all your
your clans is removed: ✘
during clash, when 1 of
Dagda’s Cauldron clans removed during this clash (incl. the one just
removed); at end of clash, return max. 3 of your saved 3
clans to territory; discard this card
when 1 of your
The Dagda’s Club clans is removed: ✘ that clan is not removed
when you perform you choose whether aFacked player removes 1
AFack maneuver: ➞ clan or discards 1 Ac$on card ?!
for each other Epic Tale card in your hand, place 1
Dagda’s Harp Season phase clan in territory with you present (max. 3 clans) / 3
kept un=l played; unlike other types of

each opponent must reveal 1 random Epic Tale card;

cards, NOT discarded at end of round

Deirdre’s Beauty Season phase take 1 of these, discard the others; remove 1 of your
clans from any territory
Diarmuid and Grainne
when 1 of your
clans is removed: ✘ place that removed clan in a different territory with
you present; this does not ini=ate clash
in each territory with 1 or more sanctuaries with you
Eriu Season phase present, you may place 1 new clan (max. 3 clans) / 3

during clash, as a = move 1 or more of your clans (exposed or protected)

The Fianna maneuver: from there to 1 adj. territory; does not ini=ate clash
Kernuno’s Sanctuary in territory without Sanctuaries with you present,
Season phase place 1 new clan and 1 Sanctuary
a8er Ac$on card has ➞
add that Ac$on card to your hand
Lug Samildanach been resolved: ➞
Triskel cards cannot be played by anyone during
Lug’s Spear at start of clash: ● this clash

Maeve’s Wealth Season phase

each player who can gives you 1 Ac$on card; give 1
Ac$on card to each player who gave you 1 ±
move max. 3 of your clans from 1 territory to 1
Manannan’s Horses Season phase other territory, anywhere 3
you may flip the Crows token; you may ini$ate
The Morrigan Season phase clash in any territory, choosing the ins=gator ?!
in each territory where you are chie8ain, you may
Nuada Silverhand Season phase
place 1 new clan for each opponent present /
at end of any player’s you take the next turn; if Season phase would have
effects, e.g. playing other cards

Oengus’s Ploy
drawn through various game

turn: ended, it con=nues instead ➞

during clash, as a

Ogma’s Eloquence maneuver: clash ends immediately

in territory with you present, for each Sanctuary there

The Other World Season phase
place 1 new clan or remove 1 opp. clan (max. 3 such) or / 3
The Stone of Fal Season phase place 2 new clans in Capital’s territory : 2
a8er your AFack
Streng’s Resolve maneuver: ➞ gain 1 Deed
draw 3 territories, place 1 in empty loca=on adj. to 2
Tailtu’s Land Season phase territories; place others at boBom of the pile; then you
may move 1 of your clans from adj. territory to there
during clash, as maneuver,
Tale of Cuchulain
= remove any 2 exposed clans from this territory
with only 1 exposed clan: 1

Tuan’s Memory Season phase draw 3 Epic Tale cards, take 1, discard others :

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