LP 1

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Date Subject Number of students Grade

23-10 English 25 Kg2-T

PDP -Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

- have a good classroom management.

- Learn new strategies to control students.

Learning Outcomes: Resources/Materials

(Link to the ADEC K-5 curriculum document)
- Students will be able to learn new Introduction: computer (make a circle song)
vocabulary (rabbit, cat, owl). LC1: leaves, glue, papers ,colors.
- Students will be able to use language LC2: papers, buttons, glue.
structured. LC3: sticks, papers.
Ex: I want to be ……….. LC4: cards, pictures, papers, glues.
Conclusion : pencils, papers.
Lesson Introduction
Links to real life: (Bullet points)
Whole group activity: Time___15 minutes____
- Ask the students if they have animals in
Opening/Introduction (warm up): (Bullet points) their home and which kind of animals.
 I will start by play make a circle song, I will
sing and act with them.

 Active Engagement: (Bullet points)

At the circle time. I will show them the
animals and ask them to tell me what they
know about the animals.

Guided experience ( whole group activity ) language instructions

In the beginning I will read the target of the day and the date with them then we will start by reading Quran.

Then I will bring a box of flash cards (cat, owl, rabbit), give them a brief explanation about the animals and some
features about each one then student have to tell me what’s this animal.
Ex: I have long ears and I can hop. Who am l?
later I will ask them what do you think the story will be about?

Then I will play them what is the missing card by hide one card and ask them who can tell me what is the missing
card and they have to tell me the name of the animal and say it together.

After that I will tell them that I will start reading the story.
” Now I am going to read the story, listen carefully please”.

I will display the story in PowerPoint slides and I will read it from the board, while I am reading I will act some
actions for example:
can you hop like the rabbit? I will hop and let them do it with me.

During the story I will ask them some questions

Can the frog be a rabbit?
Show me where is the rabbit?
What do you think will happen next?

At the end
I will ask them some questions:
Did you like the story?
what is your favorite animal?

Then in the carpet I will explain each activity clearly and give them the instructions, I will show them examples of
the activities after that I will call each group to move nicely to their tables.
“Now move to your groups nicely”.
1- Red group
2- Blue group
3-Yellow group
4-Green group

“Now you can start”

I will watch them while working and help who wants help.

When they are done with the activities

I will Ask children to clean up and back to the carpet then, I will ask them some questions
what they learn from the story?
if they want to be an animal which animal they will choose and why?
And let them share their ideas.

Individual experience - Small Group Learning Centers: Time______

Learning Center 1 Title: {creating animals}. (Based Learning Center 2 Title: {tracing the pictures using
EYFS curriculum). small bottoms}. (based on EYFS curriculum).

I will provide different leaves (different sizes and I will provide two baskets ; the first basket has
colors) , papers and glues. different bottoms and the second has glues.
children have to create animals that I mentioned them Children have to trace the picture using the bottom.
in the story by using different sizes leaves (small, big they have to glue the bottoms by following the lines
,tall ,short). of the picture.
They have to choose the leaves and depending to their
design , they stick them using the glue.

Learning Center 3 Title: {ordering the sticks). (Based Learning Center 4 Title: (sorting the features to the
on EYFS curriculum). right animals).
(based on EYFS curriculum).
I will provide random sticks that have parts of pictures
and I will give each child a picture of animal ( rabbit or I will provide small cards that contain different
frog or owl or cat) and they have to search about the features of animals and children have to sort them to
whole picture from the sticks and order it to get the the right animal then stick them.
whole picture.

Closing activity: Time: 5-7 minutes

Ask children to clean up and back to the carpet then I will ask them what they learn from the story? if they want
to be an animal which animal they will choose and why?
And let them share their ideas.

Assessment for Learning:

I will assess the children by distribute on them sticky notes and they have to draw the animals and write the first
letter of each animal , then they have to give me at least on feature of each animal.

I will use assessment sheet after doing the activities which will provide me the information about children’s level
. A sheet that contain 4 columns, one for children’s names and the three others for (low, medium ,high) ability.

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