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Date Subject Number of students Grade

14-11-2018 Science 25 KG 2-T

PDP -Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

- Using creative teaching strategies.

- having a good classroom management.
- Using checklist and having evidence( take pictures of students work).

Learning Outcomes: Resources/Materials

(Link to the ADEC K-5 curriculum document)
Introduction: cards , video about plants, white board ,
- Recognize plants part. markers.
- Design a flower.
- planting.
- measure the plant. LC1: cups, water, soil, seeds.
LC2: papers, colors, cups, string.
LC3: A3 paper, brushes, colors.
LC4: plants , papers , measuring tape.

Conclusion: papers, pencils.

Lesson Introduction
Links to real life: (Bullet points)
Whole group activity: Time___15 minutes____ Ask them question related to the real live.EX(
where we ca see the plant , why the plant is
Opening/Introduction (warm up):Active Engagement:
important? , how we can use the plants?
I will play video about plant as a warm up activity
(performing arts project).

Guided experience ( whole group activity ) language instructions

In the beginning I will read the target with them then we will start by reading Quran.
Then I will play a video about the plants and their parts, during that I will ask them questions about the video
What can you see here?
Do you know what are the parts of the plant?
What pants need to grow?
Then I will discuss with them about the video and give them more information about the plants
After that I will explain each part by telling them
The first part is the roots
The second part is the stem
The third part is the leaves.
And the final part is the flower.
I will tell them what the job of each part.
Do you know what is the job of the stem?
Then I will explain what the plants need to grow .
Air, sunlight, water, soil.
Then I will tell them the benefits of the plants and how we can use them.
After that I will ask them
can you give me example of the uses of the plants.?
I will let them share their ideas and think together then answer my questions.

In the carpet I will explain each activity clearly and give them the instructions
Then I will ask them to move to the corners nicely by call each group name and let them start working.

In the end:
Ask children to clean up and back to set in the carpet then I will give each child small boards to draw the
parts of the plans and write their names if they know.
Individual experience - Small Group Learning Centers: Time 15 minutes

Learning Center 1 : ( planting outside) Learning Center 2: (design a flower)

Group of students will go out and have the martials of Children will design a flower using colors ,papers,
planting, they will follow the teacher’s instruction to plant. cups and string.

Learning Center 3:( measuring the plant) Learning Center 4:( draw flowers)
Group of children will have 3 plants and they will measure Children will have A3 paper and they have to draw flower
the parts of the plant by using the measuring tape. with the parts by using colors and brushes .

Closing activity: Time: 5-7 minutes

Ask children to clean up and back to the carpet then I will show the cards of parts of the plant and ask
them questions and they have to order the parts.

Assessment for Learning:

-To assess children’s learning. I will give them papers and they have to draw the parts of the plant and
say their names.

- I will use assessment sheet after doing the activities which will provide me the information about
children’s level . A sheet that contain 4 columns, one for children’s names and the three others for (low,
medium ,high) ability.

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