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Today’s Agenda
•  Define a “good” outcome from trade

•  Show that competitive equilibrium

achieves that outcome

•  “The Invisible Hand Theorem”

Adam Smith,
What does Smith mean?
The Wealth of Nations, 1776
•  Individuals promote only their own
“Every individual neither intends to
interests, but in doing so they
promote the public interest, nor knows
promote the public interest
how much he is promoting it. He
intends only his own gain, and he is in
•  What is this invisible hand?
this led by an invisible hand to promote
an end which was no part of his
•  Market competition


Efficiency is a good thing Equilibrium


Price of Bushel
•  If efficient, can’t rearrange trades to $40
make someone better off without
making someone else worse off $30

•  Is competitive equilibrium efficient?
•  First, review competitive equilibrium.
10 20 30 40
Bushels of Apples

The Invisible Hand Theorem Proof

•  Outcomes result from exchanges
•  A competitive equilibrium is efficient.
•  Profit from any exchange =
buyer value – seller cost

•  Total profit determined only by who

trades and who doesn’t


Proof continued Equilibrium

Can we
•  For most profit, want buyers with $50

Price of Bushel
highest buyer value and sellers with profit by $40
lowest seller cost substituting
someone $30
•  Competitive equilibrium does that who didn’t
trade for $20
someone $10
•  Can’t increase profits by different who did?
traders, holding the number of
10 20 30 40
traders constant
Bushels of Apples

Proof continued Equilibrium

Can we
•  How about increasing the number of $50
Price of Bushel

trades? profit by $40

•  Have seller who didn’t sell trade with arranging a
buyer who didn’t buy transaction $30
•  Buyer value less than or equal to between a
buyer and $20
seller who $10
•  Seller cost greater than or equal to didn’t
price trade?
10 20 30 40
•  Profit on this trade can’t be postive
Bushels of Apples


More proof Bottom Line

•  How about decreasing the number •  Different exchanges don’t increase
of trades? profits

•  That would decrease total profits •  Competititve equilibrium maximzes

because each trade is profitable total profit

•  Competitive equilibrium is efficient

What Have We Done Today?

•  Defined efficient outcome

•  Showed why competitive

equilibrium is efficient •  Submit homework by 11 pm
Tuesday night

•  Next lecture: cost and supply

(Reader 85-97)

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