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SB page 21 Exercise 2

SB pages 22 & 23 Exercise 3

SB page 24 Exercises 2, 3 & 5
SB page 25 Exercises 1, 2, 3 & 4
SB page 26 Exercises 1, 2, 3 & 4

WB page 8 Exercises A, B & transformation

WB page 9 Mutiple Choice
WB page 14 Exercise 3
WB page 15 Exercise C
WB page 16 Exercise C
Verbs followed by –ing or to with a change in meaning

REMEMBER + infinitive - (remember + do it)

(What do I need to do?)

Remember to visit the Eiffel Tower – (advice)

I remembered to buy milk

REMEMBER + ING form - (do it + remember)

I remember visiting the Eiffel Tower (you have visited the ET)

I remembered buying the milk.

FORGET + infinitive - (forget + don’t do it )

I forgot to eat the cake. 

FORGET + ING form - (do it + forget)

I forgot eating the cake. (I did eat it, but I do not remember)

STOP + infinitive - (indicate that someone stops doing something in order to do something

We stopped to have something to eat.

STOP + ING form - (an action or event is no longer continuing)

We have stopped using plastic bags in supermarkets. We take our own bag with us now when we go

GO ON + infinitive - (change to a different activity)

After a successful career as a footballer player, Ronaldo went on to become a respected manager.

GO ON + ING form - (continue with the same activity)

Some footballers go on playing professionally until they are nearly 40.

MEAN + infinitive - (intend)

I meant to phone the electrician but I forgot.

MEAN + ING form - (involve)

Dieting usually means giving up things you enjoy.

TRY + infinitive - (attempt to do something)

Alan tried to stop the thief as he ran away.

TRY + ING form - (experiment in order to see what will happen)
Try resting for a while; you might feel better then.

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