BJ Unit 2 Brief

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Unit 3:

Techniques experiment

As a production team of 5 you will be required to undertake the following

productions to demonstrate what you have learnt from your research

1. Film the opening 5 minutes of a college sports

game - you will need to use multi camera
set up and multi camera edit (with
replays) – everyone to edit the match
2. Produce multiple 3 minute studio news
show using two cameras and editing
live using the vision mixer – You will
need to produce a selection of these
as you ALL need to be Producer and
vision mixer
3. Produce a 1 minute outside broadcast
and edit live from the scene – here you
will select roles (two camera operators,
producer, sound quality and editor)

Each activity will need a ‘fly on the wall’ camera to show you all in action
(teacher or peer can do this). This will not need editing but will be proof of
you learning your new skills.

You will need to have on your skills page

1. A multi camera edit of a college sports game

2. The exported ‘live studio’ edit
3. The exported on location edit
4. Behind the scenes footage of the studio (both roles) (unedited)
5. Behind the scenes footage of the on location shoot (unedited)
6. Script for live show (you can all use the same one)
7. Camera set up plan for each shoot (you can all use the same one)

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