Blockchain Technology in Finance

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Blockchain Technology
in Finance

14 CO M PUTE R P U B LISHED BY THE IEEE COMP UTER SOCIE T Y 0 0 1 8 - 9 1 6 2 / 1 7/ $ 3 3 .0 0 © 2 0 1 7 I E E E

Philip Treleaven, University College London

Richard Gendal Brown, R3

Danny Yang, Blockseer

The banking and financial-services industry has taken

notice of blockchain technology’s many advantages. This
special issue explores its unlikely origins, tremendous impact,
implementation challenges, and enormous potential.

lockchain technology prom- before applying them. Distributed led- BLOCKCHAIN BASICS
ises to be hugely disruptive gers are divided into two broad classes: In simple terms, the technology han-
and empowering in both those that seek to minimize the role of dles blocks—uniquely identified, linked
public and private sector trusted and identifiable third parties, transaction records—in a chain. A
computing applications. As a way to and those that explicitly rely on iden- blockchain is a continuously grow-
order transactions in a distributed led- tifiable third parties for some subset of ing, distributed, shared ledger of such
ger, blockchains offer a record of con- the system’s properties. Not all distrib- blocks, which are sealed cryptograph-
sensus with a cryptographic audit trail uted ledgers are blockchains, but all ically with a digital fingerprint gener-
that can be maintained and validated blockchains are distributed ledgers. ated by a hashing function. Each block
by multiple nodes. It lets contracting A smart contract constitutes the is “chained” to the previous one by
parties dynamically track assets and rules that participants have collec- referring to its hash value. The com-
agreements using a common proto- tively agreed upon to govern the evo- puters, or nodes, that connect to the
col, thus streamlining and even com- lution of “facts” in the distributed blockchain verify that a transaction
pletely collapsing many in-house and ledger. Such smart contracts can be is valid per the rules of the governing
third-party verification processes. computer programs that attempt to logic—namely, the smart contract.
Originally conceived as the basis ensure that all transactions comply The defining characteristic of many
of cryptocurrencies, aspects of block- with the underlying legal agreements blockchain platforms is the confirma-
chain technology have far-reaching and that the records managed by DLT tion process by which new records are
potential in many other areas. To are authoritative with respect to the added to the ledger.
understand this potential, it is import- existence, status, and evolution of the Blockchain systems possess a
ant to distinguish two core blockchain underlying legal agreements they rep- number of attractive attributes for
components: distributed-ledger tech- resent. When paired with a blockchain the banking and financial-services
nology (DLT) and smart contracts. that records changes of asset owner- markets. Such systems are resilient
A distributed ledger is a decentral- ship, a smart contract can serve as a and can operate as decentralized
ized, shared, replicated, and synchro- wrapper for a transaction that auto- networks that do not require a cen-
nized record of transactions between matically moves value and executes tral server and do not have a single
contracting parties secured by cryp- the contract’s terms. Smart contracts point of failure. Because they oper-
tographic sealing. Unlike a distrib- also have the potential to automate ate using distributed open source
uted database, nodes of a distributed laws and statutes, which could signifi- protocols, they have integrity and do
ledger cannot trust other nodes and so cantly improve government services’ not need to trust a third party to exe-
must independently verify transactions efficiency and transparency. cute transactions. Public blockchain


Center, where consortium members

collaborate to build proofs of concept,
JOIN OUR ROUNDTABLE prototypes, and pilot projects, with the
goal of bringing this technology to the
DISCUSSION marketplace.
In “Blockchain Technology:

A s part of this special issue of Computer, Tim Swanson of

R3 chaired a roundtable with blockchain experts. Swanson
discusses the trajectory of blockchain technology with an expert
Transforming Libertarian Cryptocur-
rency Dreams to Finance and Bank-
ing Realities,” Ittay Eyal explores
panel featuring Sarah Meiklejohn, University College London (UCL); how and why cryptocurrency block-
Andrew Miller, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign; Elaine Shi, chains have become the darling of the
Cornell University; Angela Walch, St. Mary’s University School of Law financial technology sector. Despite
and UCL; and Zooko Wilcox-O’Hearn, Zcash. Join us at blockchain technology’s tremendous
/wPFxKnlu1bA to listen to a discussion of the essential issues, potential in advancing consensus
including privacy, security, and the technology’s future impact. protocols and smart contracts, major
gaps remain between its implemen-
tation as a libertarian-rooted, privacy-
minded, decentralized cryptocurrency
and a technology stack that fully sat-
isfies business, security, and regula-
systems are also inherently trans- notoriety as the basis for Bitcoin—the tory requirements.
parent, because all changes are vis- first widespread decentralized digital In “Validation and Verification of
ible by all parties. The blockchain currency—represented a key para- Smart Contracts: A Research Agenda,”
functionality also allows applica- digm shift. Through its use of com- Daniele Magazzeni, Peter McBurney,
tions and users to operate with a munity validation to support DLT, and William Nash explore how block-
high degree of confidence because blockchain technology decentral- chain smart-contract applications are
transactions are unchangeable—they ized control over currency, thereby set to disrupt the finance, legal ser-
cannot be reversed or resequenced. shifting user trust from humans to vices, and government sectors. Using
In general, blockchain systems are machines. The authors explore this DLT, smart contracts could oversee the
uniquely able to ensure that contract- evolution and the technology’s poten- execution of legal transactions auto-
ing parties all have accurate and iden- tial to drive various new services and matically and in real time.
tical records. business objectives. In “The Evolution of Bitcoin Hard-
In “A Distributed-Ledger Consor- ware,” Michael Bedford Taylor tells
IN THIS ISSUE tium Model for Collaborative Innova- the story of Bitcoin mining hardware
In the banking and financial- tion,” Chris Khan, Antony Lewis, Emily and how a group of early adopters
services domain, blockchain technology Rutland, Clemens Wan, Kevin Rutter, self-organized and essentially created
can simplify business processes while and Clark Thompson describe R3’s an entirely new industry. Bitcoin’s
creating safe, trustworthy records of pioneering efforts to adapt existing blockchain requires the use of a con-
agreements and transactions. The five DLT to the financial-services industry sensus algorithm that runs on hard-
articles in this special issue of Computer through a global consortium of more ware scattered throughout the world.
describe numerous facets of the tech- than 80 institutional members. By col- The machines integrate Bitcoin trans-
nology’s potential impact. lectively identifying next-generation actions into the blockchain, and the
In “Blockchain Technologies: DLT requirements, the consortium process requires a computationally
The Foreseeable Impact on Society has contributed to R3’s development intense proof-of-work function called
and Industry,” Tomaso Aste, Paolo of a platform built from the ground mining. Bitcoin mining has evolved to
Tasca, and Tiziana Di Matteo describe up to address finance-specific needs. become a highly vertically integrated
how the technology, which achieved R3 also created the Lab and Research system with single companies owning


one or more datacenters, designing the
chips, and maintaining the hardware.
Through application-specific inte- FURTHER READING ON
grated circuit (ASIC) clouds, today’s
Bitcoin miners give us a preview of the
future of planet-scale computing.
»» S. Nakamoto, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash Sys-
tem,” 2008;

s blockchain technology »» M. Swan, Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy, O’Reilly,
evolves and our exploration of 2015.
its uses expands, it joins other »» A. Lewis, “A Gentle Introduction to Blockchain Technology,”
disruptive technologies such as big Brave New Coin, 2015;
data, the Internet of Things, intelli- /Reference-Papers/A-Gentle-Introduction/A-Gentle
gent assistants, and autonomous vehi- -Introduction-To-Bitcoin-WEB.pdf.
cles in creating major opportunities as »» A. Narayanan et al., Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies:
well as having potential unintended A Comprehensive Introduction, Princeton Univ. Press, 2016.
social consequences. »» World Economic Forum, The Future of Financial Infrastruc-
Although cryptocurrencies brought ture, report, 12 Aug. 2016;
blockchain technology to broad atten- /the-future-of-financial-infrastructure-an-ambitious-look
tion, blockchain has a vast number of -at-how-blockchain-can-reshape-financial-services.
other possible uses. For example, smart
contracts could become the manage-
ment framework for private records
including wills, conveyances, and med-
ical records; public records including
land titles, vehicle registrations, pass-
ports, and building permits; personal ABOUT THE AUTHORS
records including education certificates
and degrees, employment records, and PHILIP TRELEAVEN is a professor of computing in the Department of Com-
curriculum vitae; asset tracking includ- puter Science at University College London. His research interests include
ing car or house keys, warranty infor- machine learning, computational finance, and blockchain. Treleaven received
mation, and package deliveries; and a PhD in computer science from the University of Manchester. He is a member
other miscellany including coupons, of IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society. Contact him at
vouchers, licenses, patents, and tickets.
We hope the articles in this special RICHARD GENDAL BROWN is the chief technology officer at R3. His research
issue inspire your curiosity, and we interests include the application of cryptographic techniques and distributed
welcome your thoughts on other future ledger technology to problems in financial services. Brown received an MA in
uses for blockchain technology. mathematics from Cambridge University and an MBA from Warwick University.
He is a Chartered Engineer and member of the Institution of Engineering and
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Technology. Contact him at
We thank Tim Swanson for his tremen-
dous help in preparing this special issue. DANNY YANG is the chief executive officer at Blockseer. His research interests
include blockchain, machine learning, sensor networks, and computer vision.
See Yang received a PhD in computer science from Stanford University. Contact him
/computer-multimedia at
for multimedia content
related to this article.


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