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Good Morning sir and madam, my name is Andy Handoko, 19 years old.

Currently, I am an active student

in Trisakti Institute of Tourism studying Tour and Travel management. Even though I have no professional
working experience, I do have experiences in working as a team. I have participated in numerous student
activity, events, and organization in my campus. Not only did I deal with my fellow students but some
activities I participate also demands me to engage with international friends. It is always an exciting
experience to me every time an event or activity reached the goal the team had set in the beginning. In
my free time, I like to play Kolintang, not only it satisfy my musical self, it is also a way for me to engage
in a team of Kolintang players to elaborate and create a good performance out of it.

Selamat pagi bapak dan ibu yang terhormat, nama saya Andy Handoko, 19 tahun. Saat ini saya adalah
mahasiswa aktif di Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti jurusan Usaha Perjalanan Wisata. Meskipun saya
tidak mempunyai pengalaman kerja profesional, saya memiliki pengalaman bekerja sebagai tim. Saya
berpartisipasi dalam berbagai kegiatan, acara, dan organisasi di kampus. Tidak hanya dengan teman-
teman, beberapa kegiatan yang saya ikuti di kampus menuntut saya untuk bekerja dan bersosialisasi
dengan teman-teman internasional. Menurut saya setiap kali sebuah kegiatan atau acara yang saya ikuti
berhasil mencapai tujuan yang ditetapkan bersama di awal adalah hal yang sangat membuat saya senang.
Di waktu luang, saya suka bermain Kolintang sebagai hobi. Tidak hanya memuaskan jiwa musik dalam diri
saya tetapi dengan bermain Kolintang, saya bisa terjun ke suatu wadah bersama pemain Kolintang lainnya
dan bersama-sama membuat sebuah penampilan Kolintang yang bagus.

1. Tell me about yourself!

I am currently an active student in Trisakti Institute of Tourism studying Tour and Travel
Management. Even though I have no professional working experience, I do have experiences in
working as a team. I have participated in numerous student activity, events, and organization in
my campus. One activity I think is the most memorable is when I was appointed as a buddy and
work with my friends to accompany exchange students from Korea during their visit in my campus.
2. Why do you want to work for our airline?
With the awards you have gained, Garuda is no doubt the pride of our nation. One of the 10
airlines in the world to be rated 5 star by Skytrax, awarded as the World’s Best Cabin Crew for 4
consecutive years since 2014. Garuda never stops to amaze me and I would be so honored and
committed to be able to join such ambitious team and contribute my effort for Garuda to thrive
more in the future. On personal level, Garuda has taught me what the real meaning of change
and commitment is. I am so amazed of how Garuda had changed their image from the past to one
of the world’s most prominent airline.
3. Do you know anyone who works for us?
No, I don’t
4. Why do you want to be a flight attendant?
I am passionate in delivering excellent customer service. Whenever I am doing my practical
guiding class, I treat my friends as if they are real tourists. I find that accommodate their needs
and ensuring their safety during tours enjoyable. Moreover, whenever they say thank you or feel
happy because of my service, I felt happy too because there is a sense of achievement. I believe
service must not only satisfy the customer but also must be excellent. Of course the travel
benefits and opportunities are one part that makes me intrigued too but the thing about this job
that interest me the most is the flexible schedule and working with a different team every day.
5. What makes a good cabin crew?
Of course the most important thing is friendly, somebody who enjoy meeting new people.
Someone positive and dynamic with good understanding of service and security.
6. What can you do for us that someone else can’t
My skills in dealing with people in general and my interest in aiming for above and beyond also
my fluency in English, Chinese, and Korean will make me a valuable employee for Garuda
7. What do you find most attractive about this position? What seems least attractive about it?
The thing that to me the most attractive would be meeting new people every day, either the crew
or the passenger I get to meet different people with different culture. Also the opportunity to see
Indonesia and the world and the non 9-5 schedule is a very attractive part. On the other hand, I
might be missing some big days like Chinese New Year and Christmas. It’s not the first time I was
away during these holidays but of course it can be hard at times.
8. What is your definition of cabin crew position?
Cabin crew is the airline’s ambassador in delivering service excellence while maintaining the cabin
security and make sure the aviation regulations are followed. Cabin crew is the front line in the
airline industry.
9. What do you ultimately want to become?
I want to become a successful and reliable employee for the airline. Eventually, I would like my
career to progress towards the in-flight purser position.
10. What values will you bring into this company?
I can contribute with my punctuality, I guess sometimes I can get very perfectionist. Experience in
working in a team and my ambition go provide the best service I can give.
11. At what point in life did you choose this profession?
I had been always fascinated by airplanes since I was little. I don’t know yet what I would want to
do then but I know I want to work in or near an aircraft. Then in high school, I found out I want to
enjoy interacting with people more and I decided I want to work in a customer service lane. It was
quite a shift as I was in science major. I found out working practically is much more enjoyable than
theoretically. Both reasons combined, I think the best job for me would be a flight attendant so I
started to do research about the job and prepare myself since high school. And with that
determination, I enroll myself in the Trisakti Institute of Tourism.
12. Tell me about your dream job!
My dream job would be a dynamic job with flexible schedule and allows me to meet and work
with new people while travelling the world. It’s a job that makes me feels excited to wake up and
looking forward to the adventure that awaits.
13. Why do you think you do well in this job?
With my study in the Tour and Travel Management, I learned quite a lot of things in regard of
customer service especially in tours and also I’ve learned a few things I never knew before about
the airline industry. I learned even when there are some fixed steps I should follow but in the
practice, there are a lot of factors that I have to consider which made me became a flexible person.
And my experiences working in a team has made me conscious of other people’s point of view
and made me a more tolerant and understanding person. I believe all these factors combined can
contribute to me doing well in this job.
14. Why are you leaving your present job (or in my case, study)?
I have always been interested in the aviation industry, as I said being a flight attendant is my
dream so it is natural for me to want to learn more regarding this job. I am grateful for my study
in my campus but if I have the opportunity I am willing to let go of my education in order to pursue
my dream. It may sounds like I am not taking this interview process seriously but I will tell you
sincerely from my heart that I take this interview process with all seriousness and eagerness. I
believe I am ready and I am looking forward to the next chapter of my life being the flight
attendant in our nation’s flag carrier.
15. What are the responsibilities of your current/last position?
16. In your current/last position what features do you like the most? The least?
17. What have you learned from the mistakes you made on the job?
18. How successful have you been so far?
I feel like I’ve done quite well in my studies, theory or practical. I studied something I have interest
in and my performance in the student activities are going well but I am still looking forward to
expand my views and knowledge.
19. What have you been doing since your last job?
20. What have you done in past year?
21. Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?
In five years, I would like to see myself as a senior cabin crew with wide array of knowledge and
experience regarding aviation safety and excellent service.
22. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own?
23. What are the positive traits you don't have?
I am aware that cultural and language diversity understanding is a big issue in this line of work. I
do have confidence in my skills in speaking Chinese and Korean but I do wish I can expand more
my vocabulary to give me a better understanding of people I will encounter.
24. What skills or qualities you think are important for dealing effectively with customers? Provide an
example of when you have displayed these!
I believe it is important to have active listening skill and to be attentive to our surroundings. It is
crucial to be understanding, knowledgeable and one step ahead. For instance, during the first
practical guiding class, I was appointed as the tour leader, which means my duty is not to guide
the tour but rather taking care of the tourists and being responsible with the given fund for the
expenses during the tour. For precautions before the tour commence, I packed some basic
medicine just in case one of my friends get sick. Before the tour start, I told my friends to take
care of each other and make sure to tell me in case there are any questions and if anybody feel
unwell. In the middle of the tour, I kept checking back at my friends, looking after them in case
someone feel unwell and at the same time perform my duty as the tour leader. Turns out my
preparation didn’t get to waste as one of my friend fell extreme nauseous and can’t continue the
tour. I immediately gave her the medicine I bought and quickly inform the lecturer and the driver
about her condition to let her rest on the bus. She recover at the end of the day and join us until
25. Do you work better in a team or alone?
I prefer to work in a group, but I also enjoy having a part of the work that is my personal
26. How would your friends or coworkers describe you?
My friends and fellow organization member had described me as a very helpful person regarding
the matters of our goal together as a team and personal problems. Also I am described as a very
active as I always actively participate in campus events and do my best effort to reach the best

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