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A Organization
Ver. 1.0 1(82)
AK Led


Jörgen Näslund,
+46 8 7826539
Decision maker

FM Satkom
Swedish Armed Forces
Satellite Communication System -
Development and Support Services
Specification and
Statement of Work
Prepared by
(Date+ Sign)

Commercially Reviewed by
(Date+ Sign)

Reviewed by
(Date+ Sign)

Approved by
(Date + Sign)

Swedish Defence Materiel Administration Phone: +46 (0) 8-782 40 00 202100-0340
SE-115 88 Stockholm, Sweden Fax: +46 (0) 8-667 57 99 VAT no: SE202100-0340-01
Visiting address: Banérgatan 62
Unclassified Date FMV Document ID Subject type

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Ver. 1.0 2(82)

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Ver. 1.0 3(82)

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 6
1.1 General Information ............................................................................... 6
1.2 Purpose of the Request for Proposal ..................................................... 6
1.3 Requirements ........................................................................................ 6
1.3.1 Mandatory and Desirable Requirements............................................. 6
2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS .................................................................. 7
3 SYSTEM OVERVIEW - SWAF FM SATKOM SYSTEM ...................... 11
3.1 System Description .............................................................................. 11
3.1.1 General ............................................................................................ 11
3.2 Existing Systems ................................................................................. 11
3.2.1 General ............................................................................................ 11
3.2.2 Functions & Physical View ............................................................... 13
3.2.3 Service System ................................................................................ 14
3.2.4 Transmission System ....................................................................... 16
3.2.1 MSS Terminals ................................................................................. 17
3.2.2 Antenna Systems ............................................................................. 18
3.2.3 Reference and Development System ............................................... 18
4 OPERATIONS ..................................................................................... 19
4.1 Procurement of Materiel ...................................................................... 19
4.1.1 Procurement of New Systems .......................................................... 19
4.1.2 Modification of an Existing System ................................................... 20
4.1.3 Actors Involved in Procurement ........................................................ 20
4.1.4 Defence Materiel Administration ....................................................... 20
4.1.5 SwAF Management Office ................................................................ 20
4.2 FM Satkom Service System................................................................. 21
4.2.1 Summary .......................................................................................... 21
4.2.2 Actors Involved in Operations ........................................................... 21
4.2.3 Local Operations On-site .................................................................. 21
4.2.4 Central Operations ........................................................................... 22
4.2.5 Military Academy .............................................................................. 22
4.2.6 Service System Scenarios ................................................................ 23
4.3 FM Satkom Transmission System ....................................................... 25
4.3.1 Summary .......................................................................................... 25
4.3.2 Actors Involved in Operations ........................................................... 25
4.3.3 Field Hub Operations........................................................................ 26
4.3.4 Local Operations On-site .................................................................. 26
4.3.5 Maintenance ..................................................................................... 26
4.3.6 Transmission System Scenarios ...................................................... 27
5 SUB-SYSTEM SUPPORT CONTRACTS ............................................ 30
5.1 Hardware ............................................................................................. 30
5.2 Software .............................................................................................. 30
5.3 Spare Parts ......................................................................................... 30
Section A – Development and Support Services......................................................... 31
6 ACTIVITY OVERVIEW ........................................................................ 31
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6.1 Introduction.......................................................................................... 31
6.2 Start-up Activity ................................................................................... 31
6.3 Contractual Activity .............................................................................. 31
6.4 Responsibility ...................................................................................... 32
6.5 The Tenderer’s Undertaking ................................................................ 33
6.6 Ticket and Severity Levels ................................................................... 34
6.6.1 Ticket Levels .................................................................................... 34
6.6.2 Severity Levels ................................................................................. 34
7 CORE ACTIVITY A – TECHNICAL SUPPORT ................................... 35
7.1 General ............................................................................................... 35
7.2 Helpdesk ............................................................................................. 35
7.2.1 Overview .......................................................................................... 35
7.2.2 Classification of Tickets .................................................................... 36
7.2.3 Registration of Tickets ...................................................................... 36
7.2.4 Reporting.......................................................................................... 37
7.3 Enhanced Helpdesk ............................................................................ 37
7.4 Configuration Management Environment ............................................. 38
7.5 System Management ........................................................................... 38
7.5.1 Obsolescence Management ............................................................. 38
7.5.2 New Releases .................................................................................. 39
7.6 Reference and Development System .................................................. 39
7.6.1 Option - New Location for the RDS................................................... 40
7.7 Test and Evaluation ............................................................................. 41
7.7.1 Methods ........................................................................................... 41
7.7.2 Verification ....................................................................................... 41
7.7.3 Accessing Systems or Applications .................................................. 41
8 CORE ACTIVITY B – ENGINEERING RESOURCES ......................... 43
8.1 General ............................................................................................... 43
8.2 Investigation ........................................................................................ 43
8.3 On-site Maintenance ........................................................................... 43
8.4 Enhancement ...................................................................................... 44
8.5 Development Work .............................................................................. 44
8.6 Training ............................................................................................... 44
9.1 General ............................................................................................... 46
9.2 Transfer of DSS Activities and Knowledge........................................... 46
Section B – Statement of Work ................................................................................... 47
10 GENERAL ........................................................................................... 47
10.1 Media and File Format ......................................................................... 47
10.2 Data Access ........................................................................................ 47
11 DSS ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT .............................................. 48
11.1 Overview ............................................................................................. 48
11.2 DSS Organization ................................................................................ 48
11.3 DSS Helpdesk Work Plan .................................................................... 48
11.4 Progress Reporting .............................................................................. 49
11.5 Time Schedule..................................................................................... 50
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11.6 Meetings .............................................................................................. 50
11.7 Progress Meetings............................................................................... 51
11.8 Project Meetings .................................................................................. 52
11.9 Action Items......................................................................................... 53
11.10 Change Management .......................................................................... 53
12 QUALITY ASSURANCE ..................................................................... 54
12.1 Quality Management System ............................................................... 54
12.2 Quality Control ..................................................................................... 54
12.3 Quality Audit ........................................................................................ 54
12.4 Quality Plan ......................................................................................... 55
12.5 Requirements Management................................................................. 55
12.6 Configuration Management.................................................................. 55
13 SYSTEM SAFETY ............................................................................... 56
14.1 General ............................................................................................... 56
14.2 Reliability Performance Analysis .......................................................... 56
14.3 Logistic Support Analysis ..................................................................... 56
14.3.1 LSA Management............................................................................. 56
14.3.2 LSA Record ...................................................................................... 57
14.4 Logistics and Supply Chain Analysis ................................................... 57
14.5 Materiel Handling ................................................................................. 58
14.5.1 Registration of Materiel..................................................................... 58
14.5.2 Marking of Materiel ........................................................................... 58
14.6 Documentation .................................................................................... 58
14.6.1 General ............................................................................................ 58
14.6.2 Production ........................................................................................ 58
15 TRAINING ........................................................................................... 60
15.1 Training ............................................................................................... 60
15.2 Verification........................................................................................... 60
15.3 Analysis and Report ............................................................................ 60
Section C - Sub-appendices ....................................................................................... 61
Sub-app. 1 List of FM Satkom Equipment .......................................................... 61
Sub-app. 2 List of Software.................................................................................. 66
Sub-app. 3 Reference and Development System ............................................... 67
Sub-app. 4 List of Typical Documentation .......................................................... 70
Sub-app. 5 Problem Report.................................................................................. 72
Sub-app. 6 Technical Assignment Note and Task Suggestion ......................... 73
Sub-app. 7 Expertise Requirements .................................................................... 74
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Ver. 1.0 6(82)

1 Introduction
1.1 General Information
FM Satkom is a satellite communications system used by Swedish Armed Forces to reach the national
infrastructure (FTN) in Sweden.The FM Satkom System consists of several sub-systems such as a
satellite gateway used together with connecting service nodes (transportable, vessel mounted, container
based etc.), transportable field hub stations used together with man-portable transmission nodes and
small handheld terminals such as Iridium and Inmarsat terminals. There is, however, not one party that
manages support services such as helpdesk, operation of the reference facility and engineering resources;
instead several consultants are involved under several contracts. FMV will change this procedure in this
request for proposal (RFP) and sign a contract with one party, one contact point.

1.2 Purpose of the Request for Proposal

The purpose of this request for proposal (RFP) is to describe the system-in-focus and define the roles
involved. The system-in-focus is the FM Satkom support organization, the development and support
service (DSS).
One part of this RFP is to acquire the services of an industrial supplier who will take on the
responsibility of providing DSS for the FM Satkom System at the system and design level in order to
ensure that the overall helpdesk and knowledge base services comply with SwAF and FMV
requirements. This part is referred to as helpdesk support. It will include interaction with FMV, SwAF
and, on occasion, the manufacturers of the sub-systems.
Another part is the operation of the reference and development system (RDS) owned by FMV. The RDS
is used for maintenance and testing purpose, fault tracing, development and to simulate the SwAF
operational satellite communication infrastructure for testing purposes.
Yet another part of this RFP is to ensure the provision of engineering resources from the tenderer which
FMV will use when procuring replacement equipment for various reasons, when procuring new
equipment, increasing the number in use, or, for instance, when development work is needed to enhance
the FM Satkom or any of its sub-systems.
The helpdesk and the reference and development system will be located in Sweden, even if they are
relocated from their current location to another facility.

1.3 Requirements
1.3.1 Mandatory and Desirable Requirements
All mandatory requirements are marked “shall” and must be fulfilled.

All development and support service requirements are labelled DSS-z, where z is a sequential number.
All statement of work requirements are labelled SoW-y, where y is a sequential number.
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Ver. 1.0 7(82)

The tender must contain a clear statement on each and every requirement and award criterion, if any,
stipulated in this enquiry. The comments may simply be gathered together in a “compliance matrix”.

2 Terms and Definitions

Abbreviation Definition
ATL Automatisk Teletrafik Landsomfattande (SwAF’s telephone network)
BUC Block Up Converter
C3I Command. Control, Communication and Intelligence
C-band Depicts the frequency band in 4/6 GHz
CET Central European Time
CIL Candidate Item List
CM Configurations Management
CSF Communication Service Facility (Swedish: KC-Kommunikationscentral)
Customer Swedish Defence Authority (Försvarets materielverk (FMV), Exchange
Point (EP) or SwAF user)
Deep repair Component level repair of LRU.
DSS Development and Support Services
ECP Engineering Change Proposal
ECR Engineering Change Request
ETP Extern transmissionsplats (External Transmission Facility)
EU/LS End-user/Local support
EP Exchange Point, i.e. the tenderer's point of contact for deep repair of
LRUs and replenishment of PSP. The EP will be situated in Sweden and
a part of the customer’s organization.
FHQ Force Headquarters
FM IP Försvarsmaktens IP-nät (SwAF’s IP network)
FM Satkom SwAF Satellite System, part of FTN
FMV Försvarets materielverk - Swedish Defence Materiel Administration
FSD Försvarsstandard (similar to DEF-STAN, i.e. the SwAF standard)
FTN Försvarets telenät (SwAF’s national communications infrastructure)
GFE Government Furnished Equipment
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Abbreviation Definition
GVF Global VSAT Forum
HQ Headquarter
HW Hardware
IF Intermediate Frequency
ILS Integrated Logistics Support
IP Internet Protocol
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISP Internet Service Provider
ITP Intern transmissionsplats (Internal Transmission Facility)
JOA Joint Operations Area
KC Kommunikationscentral (Eng. Communication Service Facility)
KryFax SwAF Encrypted Fax Machine
Ku-band Depicts the frequency band in 10-14 GHz
L-band Depicts the frequency band 950-2000 MHz (used for IF-cables or MSS
satellites in the lower frequency bands)
FMLOG Fösvarsmaktens Logistik (SwAF Logistics)
LNB Low Noise Block down converter
LRU Line Replaceable Unit (units that are changed in the field and sent to a
workshop for repair)
LSA Logistics Support Analysis
LSC Logistics Supply Chain
m metre
Mb Megabit
M&C Monitor and Control
MO Management Office
MS Microsoft
MSS Mobile Satellite Service
MSS Terminal A handheld or portable terminal which communicates over MSS
satellites. The terminal can also be integrated in a fixed or movable
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
NOC Network Operations Centre (Swedish: TDC - Teledriftcentral or DriftE-
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Abbreviation Definition
NTU SwAF Network and Telecommunications Unit (Swedish: FMTM -
Försvarsmaktens telenät- och markteleförband)
OM Operations Manager
PDS Post Design Service
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service
PSP Primary Spare Part (non-repairable spare part)
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PU Production Unit
QA Quality Assurance
R&M Reliability and Maintainability
RDS Reference and Development System
RF Radio Frequency
RX Receive
SATTERM Satelliteterminal (Satellite Terminal)
SATTERMUTR Satellitterminal utrustning (Satellite Terminal Equipment)
SoW Statement of Work
SS Service System
SSPB Solid State Power Block
SW Software
SwAF Swedish Armed Forces
SystSäk Systemsäkerhet (System Security)
TAN Technical Assignment Note
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TDC SwAF Network Operation Centre (please refer to NOC above)
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access. A channel access method for shared
medium networks.
TrS Transmission Service
TS Technical Specification
TX Transmit
U Rack height unit, U. 1U = 1.75 inches (44.45 millimeter)
UHP Underhållsplan (Maintenance Plan)
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Abbreviation Definition
UHP-S Underhållsplan system (System Maintenance Plan)
UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply
UtvC Utvecklingscentrum (SwAF Development Centre)
VSAT Very Small Antenna Terminal
W Watt
WAN Wide Area Network
VPN Virtual Private Network
X-band Depicts the frequency band in 7/8 GHz
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Ver. 1.0 11(82)

3 System Overview - SwAF FM Satkom System

The content in this section is of an informative nature and does not constitute an exact description of the

3.1 System Description

3.1.1 General
The SwAF operates national communication infrastructure (FTN - Försvarets telenät) in Sweden,
providing the various military locations with access to information and supporting systems. Satellite
communications are used, inter alia, to access FTN from remote locations. FM Satkom is therefore
regarded as an integral part of the FTN. The main purpose is to provide secure access to C3I and
Welfare capability.
Satellite communications are used at both the operational and tactical levels, and there are two main
- Backhaul between SwAF units or a local FHQ based in theatre and Sweden. Through this, SwAF
personnel can access supporting services over FTN.
- To set up a WAN in theatre. Through this, patrolling units in theatre can communicate locally
over IP.
Backhaul is set up by means of a hub gateway and associated accessing service nodes. This service is
called the service system.
A WAN is set up by means of a field hub station and associated accessing transmission nodes. This is
called the transmission system and is only used in theatre. The WAN allows for IP communication
between the end-users.
In addition to this, light-weight mobile satellite service (MSS) terminals such as Iridium and Inmarsat
terminals can be used to implement the above mentioned network scenarios as and when required. These
are hereafter referred to as MSS terminals.
There is a general description of the terminals in the sections that follow.

3.2 Existing Systems

3.2.1 General
FM Satkom consists of various systems, sub-systems and terminals to be used for satellite
The terminals and related hardware used by SwAF are divided and grouped together into five sub-
systems which are shown in Figure 1 below.
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Figure 1. Overview of the FM Satkom system structure

- Service system: an extension of the FTN comprised mainly of networking equipment

- Transmission system: intended for in-theatre communications between sub-units and
comprised mainly of networking equipment (VSAT)
- MSS terminals: satellite phones, handheld and briefcase satellite terminals (e.g. Iridium,
Inmarsat or similar). These are portable, but may also be integrated into fixed or movable
- Antenna system: the system block between the network layer and the air interface
directed at the satellite. Used together with a service node or a transmission node
- Reference system: this system is used for fault tracing, testing and the development of
system and net configurations for FM Satkom.
The service system consists of a hub gateway (Basstation) and interconnecting service nodes. The hub
gateway is comprised of a facility building and an antenna compound.
The hub gateway permits connections to the following services:
- Internet
- SwAF Infrastructure Services (FM IP)
- Telephone service: the public telephone network (PSTN) and SwAF’s telephone network
The sub-systems and services at the gateway are monitored and managed by the central SwAF Network
Operation Centre (NOC).
The transmission system consists of a field hub terminal and interconnecting transmission nodes. An IP
network is set up over the field hub and the transmission nodes. The network is self-contained, but can
be connected to other networks at the hub end.
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Ver. 1.0 13(82)

MSS terminals are terminals such as Iridium, Globalstar, Inmarsat or Thuraya, depending on the
availability of terminals.
The antenna system is comprised of satellite dishes of various diameters that are used with the access
nodes and the gateway or field hub.
The reference system is used for testing and maintenance purposes and is not directly part of the FTN. It
can act both as a mirror of the satellite part of the FTN, used to support the development and testing of
applications running over a satellite link, and as a development environment for testing new
configurations, supporting services, new firmware releases etc. This system will be operated and
maintained by the DSS supplier.

3.2.2 Functions & Physical View

In Figure 2 the different services and terminals are shown in a way that visualizes the systems described
in section 3.2.1.

Figure 2. Graphical system overview

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ATL is the SwAF’s internal telephone network.
FM IP is the SwAF’s IP network.
Military Networks is the local SwAF in-theatre infrastructure that is self-contained and normally not
connected to FTN.

3.2.3 Service System

The service system consists of a hub gateway and service nodes. The hub gateway station is a gateway
earth station facility with access to terrestrial civilian and military networks. The gateway is used to
interconnect the service nodes to SwAF services and supporting information systems, C3I. Hub Station Gateway

The hub gateway consists of VSAT antennae at the internal transmission facility (ITP), communication
service facility (CSF) and additional components like external transmission facility (ETP) and network
operation centre (NOC).

Hub Gateway



Figure 3. Gateway functionality overview

- The CSF handles network logics and connections to the terrestrial networks for
telephony, internet and FM IP. The CSF is co-located with an ITP.
- The ITP is always co-located with the CSF. The interface between the antennae and the
CSF is based on L-band IF signals. It runs over a fibre link between the two parts. The
purpose of the ITP is to link the services of the CSF via satellite to remote service nodes.
Three point eight metre antennae are currently in operation at the ITP with Tx and Rx
equipment. Both C-band and Ku-band are used in parallel. The ITP can be further
developed to incorporate additional antennae as required.
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- An ETP is geographically detached from the CSF. It may be located inside or outside the
country, but is dependent on secure interconnectivity to a CSF via a transmission
network. An ETP is set up when the satellite footprint does not cover both the ITP
antennae including the CSF and the remote service nodes. In this case the ETP acts as a
remote ITP providing an extended area of coverage. The interface between the CSF and
the ETP is IP-based
- The NOC is located in Sweden and connects to the CSF. NOC handles M&C. Service Node

The FM Satkom service node supports SwAF units with service access via a semi-fixed, transportable or
mobile satellite terminal. These services are provided via the gateway from the FTN.

The equipment forming the service node comes in several shapes or platforms such as transit cases,
integrated into naval vessels, containers or other types of platform. Logically they are all equal.

Figure 4, below, shows some examples of service nodes.

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Figure 4. Examples of service node platforms. Tactical terminal, and as integrated into a container and
a naval vessel.

3.2.4 Transmission System

The transmission system consists of a transportable hub station and man-portable transmission nodes. A
typical configuration is realized by setting up two hub stations, main and redundant, through which a
number of interacting transmission nodes can access a local IP network.

Examples of typical nodes are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6 below.
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Figure 5. Transmission nodes. Left: SATTERM 09 TYP1, Right: SATTERM 08 TYP1

Figure 6. Left: Transmission Field Hub, Centre: SATTERMUTR Typ 1 and Right: UPS

3.2.1 MSS Terminals

The MSS terminals are handheld or portable. They may also be integrated into vehicles. Their typical
purpose is to provide the individual soldier with voice and data services. Terminals that use several
different satellite constellations are utilised.

Examples of typical terminals are shown below in Figure 7.

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Figure 7. Examples of typical terminals

3.2.2 Antenna Systems

The antenna system consists of an antenna reflector and HF equipment for extended C, X and Ku-band,
as well as L-band IF systems.
The antennas vary in size from 0.6 m up to 3.8 m.
Power amplifiers vary from 4 W up to 400 W in single or redundant mode.

3.2.3 Reference and Development System

The reference and development system (RDS) is located at FM Utvecklingscentrum (UtvC) in Enköping.
FMV operates and manages the RDS for system development and technical system support purposes.
The RDS comprises satellite antennas, RF equipment, satellite modems, computers, simulators and
measurement equipment etc. that allows for several communication configurations to be set up, i.e. a
hub and a number of remote service nodes can be arranged either over a satellite link or a satellite
simulator link. A hub and a number of transmission nodes can also be arranged. It is also possible to
connect over Inmarsat.
The following are some but not all of the objectives of the RDS:
- Provide access to and support for a satellite link in order to test and verify network
applications for end-users prior to deploying them in the FTN.
- Simulate an operational service network or transmission network for corrective and
preventive maintenance issues or for testing purposes.
- Test new and updated software, firmware, base configurations etc.
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4 Operations
The content in this section is of an informative nature and does not constitute an exact description of

4.1 Procurement of Materiel

Before SwAF can put units into operation, the materiel must be procured and delivered to SwAF. FMV
is the government procurement organization that manages the procurement and verification of military
materiel. Following the procurement process, FMV transfers the materiel including documentation and
ownership to SwAF.

Figure 8. Interaction during the procurement phase

4.1.1 Procurement of New Systems

FMV draws up the request for proposal (RFP) in accordance with SwAF’s requirements. Procurement
covers the following items:
- System
- Logistics support analysis
- Line replaceable units
- Training
- Support agreement
A support contract is signed with the system contractor as part of procurement.
FMV is responsible for managing the support contract. The following are covered by the support
contract and can be used by either FMV or SwAF:

- Configuration management.
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- Information about maintenance directives.
- Information about maintenance regulations, guidelines and documentation.
- Information regarding available maintenance resources.
- Information regarding software and hardware
- Information regarding obsolescence of software and hardware and possible upgrades or
replacement of any kind

4.1.2 Modification of an Existing System

The FMV initiates and leads the work to implementation of modifications.
The impetus to modify a system or sub-system can come from the end-user, the manufacturer or from
FMV (DSS organization), if it identifies something that requires remedial measures.

4.1.3 Actors Involved in Procurement

The following actors are defined or identified:

- Defence Materiel Administration (FMV)
FMV receives order from SwAF to procure a new system, manages the procurement and
transfers the system to SwAF once the procurement is complete.

- SwAF Management Office (MO).

This unit is responsible for all materiel within SwAF. The unit acts as the interface
between FMV and SwAF throughout the lifetime of a system and reports to SwAF HQ.

- SwAF end-user
The end-user denotes the user of a system, the operator in theatre or at the hub gateway.

4.1.4 Defence Materiel Administration

FMV is the organization that administers the procurement of military materiel for SwAF. Procurement
procedures follow Swedish and EU regulations. FMV handles everything during procurement including
the transfer of materiel to SwAF.

4.1.5 SwAF Management Office

MO is the SwAF administrative receiving office. MO receives all military materiel that FMV transfers
following a procurement process. MO distributes the materiel to the end-users within the SwAF
organization, depending of the needs of each unit and their tasks. MO retains overall responsibility for
the materiel during its lifecycle. MO is also responsible for software and software management,
including keeping records of software licenses.
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4.2 FM Satkom Service System

4.2.1 Summary
FM Satkom Operations consists of operational management, traffic and technical operations.
The SwAF NTU (Network and Telecommunication Unit) Operations Unit is responsible for traffic and
technical operations.
Alarms and faults are managed remotely. Should this not be possible, the task will be assigned to SwAF
The SwAF NTU Technical Unit is responsible for maintenance.

4.2.2 Actors Involved in Operations

The following actors are defined or identified:
- End-user/ local support (EU/LS)
The end-user means the user of a system, the operator in theatre or at the hub gateway.
Sometimes, one person may also be tasked with responsibility for providing local support.

- SwAF Network and Telecommunications Unit (NTU)

The NTU consists of three units, the Operations Unit (NOC), the Production Unit, (PU)
and SwAF Logistics (FMLOG).

The NOC monitors the system on a 24/7 basis. The NOC takes action when alarms occur
and contacts the on-call personnel if necessary. NOC also provides traffic reports and
interacts with EU/LS as required.
o PU
The Production Unit manages traffic planning, spectrum planning etc. and produces and
provides configurations for each access terminal operated by end-users. PU interacts with
FMLOG manages LRUs and PSPs and acts as the interface between SwAF and industry.
- Military Academy
o Provides technical and operational training

4.2.3 Local Operations On-site

Local operations include the administrative measures taken by the local operations officer in the unit.
This means administrating the system using predefined configurations, interacting with NOC regarding
traffic status and following and following up on the work instructions.
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4.2.4 Central Operations

Central operations’ purpose is to ensure that FM Satkom meets the system requirements. This is the task
of the Materiel Systems Manager at SwAF HQ (SwAF MSM). Central operations encompasses the
administrative actions of the various actors described in the following three paragraphs. SwAF NTU Production Unit (NTU PU)

The PU primarily conducts administrative activities that aim to make efficient use of all the
communications systems used in the FTN. The permanent staff produces operational orders, set up
connections and manage operations. SwAF NTU Operations Unit (NTU NOC)

The NOC primarily conducts activities that support the operational traffic. The permanent staff provides
management, operations and technical support services around the clock (24/7/365). The NOC monitors
the network, carries out troubleshooting as required, provides traffic status and conducts monitoring.
The NOC also interacts with operators at the remote nodes in theatre as required. SwAF Logistics (FMLOG OpLedTekBat)

Permanent staff located in Enköping. The main tasks are operations, operational support and
maintenance. On-call duty occurs occasionally. SwAF NOC calls for support as required. FMLOG
conducts maintenance both locally and remotely, where possible, carries out maintenance on the
software and hardware of the hub gateway and service nodes.

4.2.5 Military Academy

Personnel who work in operations and maintenance must have training that covers the entire chain
between TCP/IP and the air interface at the antenna. This includes satellite communications with an
understanding of link budgets, the operator’s course and technical repair courses for each of the terminal
systems etc. The Military Academy provides all training and can, if necessary, request a specific training
course from a manufacturer or the DSS tenderer.
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4.2.6 Service System Scenarios Configuration and Operation

Figure 9. Interactions involved in configuration and operation

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Ver. 1.0 24(82) Troubleshooting, Engineering Services etc.

Figure 10. Interactions involved in the provision of support services

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Ver. 1.0 25(82) Training

Figure 11. Interactions involved in the provision of training.

4.3 FM Satkom Transmission System

The transmission system differs from the FM Satkom service system as its purpose is to create a WAN
network in theatre for intra-unit connectivity.
Compared to the service system, which is a system controlled from a centralized entity located in
Sweden, the transmission system is set up and controlled locally in theatre.

4.3.1 Summary
Generally, the purpose of the transmission system is to set up a WAN over a joint operations area in
theatre. In this way, a small unit (i.e. a provincial rescue team or similar) patrolling the area can access
the local FHQ and exchange information during the patrol. As such, there is no need for individual
soldiers to access the FTN during patrol; this is managed when the unit returns to the FHQ.

4.3.2 Actors Involved in Operations

The following actors are defined or identified:
- Operations manager:
The operations manager (OM) is responsible for all communications in theatre, not just the
satellite communications.
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- The local field hub operator:
The operator manages the operations of the WAN system in the joint operations area
(JOA) in theatre. This could be the OM or an appointed second.

- The end-user:
The end-users of the satellite WAN are the units on patrol in theatre. The unit manages
deployment, line-up and information exchange on-the-pause.

4.3.3 Field Hub Operations

The field hub is the central server functions, established to serve the transmission nodes in the WAN.
Connectivity to the home base in Sweden is set up via a service node at the FHQ. The actors involved
are the communications officer and the field hub operator.

4.3.4 Local Operations On-site

The transmission nodes are small and intended to be carried by soldiers. When the unit stops, the
terminal is deployed and a connection is established, i.e. communication takes place on-the-pause.

4.3.5 Maintenance
Maintenance of the transmission node is carried out according to the guidelines in the current
maintenance plan (UHP). Exchange of spare parts takes place at LRU and PSP level. If deep repair is
needed, the terminal is sent to the manufacturer or similar, in accordance with the current support
contract for the specific terminal.
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4.3.6 Transmission System Scenarios Configuration and Operation

Figure 12. Interactions involved in configuration and operation

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Ver. 1.0 28(82) Troubleshooting, Engineering Services etc.

Figure 13 Interactions involved in the provision of support services.

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Ver. 1.0 29(82) Training

Figure 14 Interactions involved in the provision of training.

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5 Sub-system Support Contracts

When procuring new systems, a post design service support contract (PDS) is signed with the
manufacturer and regarded as part of the package. The manufacturer or system contractor provides
support over the course of a specified time period which often covers the system’s complete lifecycle.
These contracts are system/sub-system specific (terminal specific) and do not cover the FM Satkom
System on an overall level.
The PDS may contain, for example, a hardware maintenance agreement covering repairs to LRU, access
to specialists, information about troubleshooting and taking remedial action, possible modifications and
upgrades, and periodic maintenance (twice a year at the moment).
It may also contain a software maintenance agreement covering access to new versions, corrections and
upgrades, access to specialists and information about troubleshooting and taking remedial action.

5.1 Hardware
Hardware suppliers provide support concerning:
- Technical support during troubleshooting.
- Repair and overhaul of LRUs (ue/sue)

5.2 Software
Software suppliers provide support concerning:
- Software information
- Software deliveries
- Software corrections
- Software updates
- FAQ service

5.3 Spare Parts

Supply of spare parts covers LRUs and PSPs. Distribution of FM Satkom-specific LRUs is managed by
FMV Resmat.
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Section A – Development and Support Services

The assignments and work tasks of the DSS tenderer will be described in this section. The Swedish
Armed Forces is working to align to ITIL which might result that in the future an adaptation of
described processes will be necessary.

6 Activity Overview
6.1 Introduction
Before FMV hands over the assignment and work tasks to the DSS organization, there will be an
introduction and training period of a maximum of two months, if needed. During this period, the
tenderer will have the opportunity to prepare itself for the upcoming assignment.
Following the two month training period, the assignment is transferred from FMV to the DSS
organization as explained in 6.3 to 6.5

6.2 Start-up Activity

The DSS organization will be given time to receive manuals and associated information to the course of
getting acquainted to them before the contractual activities will commence. A period of a maximum of
two months will be provided, if needed. During this period, FMV and the current staff will introduce the
tenderer to the FM Satkom and the reference and development system including documentation, contact
persons at SwAF and FMV etc. At the end of this period, the DSS services will commence, i.e. Core
Activities A and B.

6.3 Contractual Activity

Development and support services will be divided in three core activities:

A. Helpdesk–technical support
B. Engineering resources
C. Transfer function

Each core activity has its own requirements.

The following figure provides a graphical overview of these activities.
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Task suggestion/


Admini- Manage- Ref- and

stration ment dev
Task ticket

Help- Resource
Fault desk pool (CV)

Figure 15. Graphical overview of activities

6.4 Responsibility
The responsibilities of the DSS tenderer regarding existing systems will be as follows:
- Helpdesk functionality.
- Maintain system knowledge about existing systems and integrated equipment.
- If requested by FMV/SwAF, carry out maintenance and service of the systems via
technical assignment notes.
- Overall obsolescence management. Keep records of the lifespan of the integrated
equipment so that it can be exchanged in due course should any part be discontinued.
- Propose the replacement any discontinued part, as mentioned above.
- Participate in the procurement of parts to replace those discontinued parts, mentioned
above. FMV is responsible for carrying out this work and approves that requests for help
are submitted via technical assignment notes.
- Maintain a list of the latest versions of the software and firmware related to systems and
integrated equipment.
- Propose changes to software and firmware.
- Prepare system safety analyses for replacement parts in order to gain approval from
- Maintain and develop the reference and development system (RDS).
- Maintain and develop the configuration tools which are used to configure the service and
transmission nodes prior to their deployment.
- Manage troubleshooting and provide reports about systems and sub-system failures.
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- Keep track of which systems or units of the RDS that needs to be sent for repair and
which of the existing workshops is to be used.
- Manage the logistics relating to the above and produce fault reports.
- Follow up on the system or unit until it is back from repair.
- Maintain documentation.
- Participate in the procurement of new systems and equipment when requested by FMV.
FMV is responsible for the work and requests are submitted via technical assignment

6.5 The Tenderer’s Undertaking

The tenderer will be required to carry out the activities described in the following sections. The aim of
these activities is to secure full operability of all existing FM Satkom materiel during its technical
lifespan. The opportunity to further develop and add functionality will be provided, if and when needed.
The structure of the core activities is shown in the figure below.

Figure 16. Structure of the DSS

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6.6 Ticket and Severity Levels

6.6.1 Ticket Levels
There are two levels of tickets, standard tickets and complex tickets.
- Standard tickets: issues reported to the helpdesk that are relatively straightforward and
not very time consuming to resolve. A knowledgeable engineer or expert will take less
than four hours of active, focused work to resolve these.
- Complex tickets: issues reported to the helpdesk that are more complex than a standard
ticket. They will take more than 4 hours to resolve, and/or will involve communication
with other suppliers or sub-tenderers. The approval of FMV/SwAF is required to take
action in the case of a complex ticket.

6.6.2 Severity Levels

When the helpdesk receives a fault report referring to a standard ticket it will be prioritized according to
the severity level. This will assist the helpdesk in resolving problems in the correct order. A fault is
assumed to be most urgent when several tickets arrive in parallel or within a short space of time. The
following description is intended to create a common perception between the helpdesk and the customer
of the severity level of the current ticket. If the parties disagree it is assumed that a short dialog will be
of help in setting the correct severity level.
Perceived Severity Impact
Low Minor impact. System functionality maintained
Medium Short interrupts. System functionality is maintained most
of the time with some sort of work.
High System functionality discontinued.
Table 1. Severity level matrix
The following examples may help in deciding on the severity.
- Low:
o Minor impact. The ticket may cover issues such as an alarm going off, but without any
interruption being experienced. System functionality is maintained.
- Medium:
o Short interrupts. The ticket may cover issues such as short interruptions to the transmission
which may be caused by the equipment in some way. System functionality is maintained
most of the time. For example, pressing the reset button of any sub-system will help
temporarily. Analysis will find the exact problem.
- High:
o System functionality discontinued. Discontinuity of system functionality will necessitate
immediate action. The ticket may cover issues such as a situation where a transmission
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has stopped, NOC has tried to trace the fault, but has not succeeded and help is needed
over the telephone.

If a standard ticket of any severity cannot be resolved within 4 hours of work it will be escalated to a
complex ticket, if this is ordered by FMV/SwAF.

7 Core Activity A – Technical Support

7.1 General
Technical support comprises the tenderer’s support to the customer in the form of a helpdesk,
monitoring the status of the materiel (all systems), aid in troubleshooting, investigations, tests,
verifications, advice etc.

7.2 Helpdesk

7.2.1 Overview
DSS- 1 The tenderer shall provide and staff a helpdesk which will support the customer with advice
and assistance regarding technical issues and trouble reports.
DSS- 2 The Swedish language shall be used by the helpdesk.
DSS- 3 The Swedish or English language shall be used in discussions between FMV/SwAF and the
engineer carrying out the work once a ticket has been registered.
DSS- 4 The customer shall be able to contact helpdesk via telephone, e-mail and fax.
DSS- 5 The helpdesk shall be located in Sweden.
DSS- 6 The facility in which the helpdesk is located shall allow the use of crypto equipment for
telephone, e-mail and fax traffic. Crypto equipment will be provided by FMV and will be
used by the customer for special requests.
DSS- 7 The tenderer shall provide the following contact details for the helpdesk:
- Telephone number. Normal and encrypted if available.
- E-mail address. If several people staff the helpdesk, each and every one of these must
be able to retrieve the e-mail.
- Fax number to KryFax
- Contact details for the helpdesk manager.

DSS- 8 The helpdesk shall be available during normal office hours; 8:00 – 16:30 Central European
Time (CET), Monday to Friday, except Swedish national public holidays.
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DSS- 9 An annual time schedule shall be drawn up and agreed upon and must cover the dates of
DSS- 10 The annual time schedule shall be reviewed and updated at least once a year.
DSS- 11 Each consultation shall be assigned a unique reference number (ticket) for the purpose of
traceability in accordance with the problem report shown in Sub-app. 5.
DSS- 12 The helpdesk shall confirm receipt of the ticket to the originator within one hour and include
a copy of the ticket in the confirmation.
DSS- 13 A skilled engineer shall be assigned and must contact the originator within one working day
of the receipt of the Ticket.
DSS- 14 The helpdesk shall give the originator an estimated time for resolving of the problem within
one working day of the receipt of the ticket.

7.2.2 Classification of Tickets

DSS- 15 Standard tickets shall be resolved within 10 working days. Refer to paragraph 6.6.1 for
definitions of the types of ticket.
DSS- 16 Tickets shall have three levels of severity (low, medium and high) in accordance with
paragraph 6.6.2
DSS- 17 The severity level shall dictate the order in which the tickets are dealt with. This is probably
most relevant when several tickets occur in parallel or within a very short space of time.
DSS- 18 The originator of a ticket shall be responsible for prioritizing the tickets.
DSS- 19 If there is disagreement about the priority of the ticket, the originator and helpdesk shall
engage in a dialog regarding this and come to an agreement about the correct level.
DSS- 20 Complex tickets and activities that require special investigations shall be addressed
according to “investigation” in Core Activity B. Please refer to paragraph 6.6.1 for
definitions of the types of ticket.
DSS- 21 The tenderer shall be able to deal with tickets and secret information up the level of
Hemlig/Secret (H/S).

7.2.3 Registration of Tickets

DSS- 22 All tickets registered by the tenderer shall, at least, have the following contents:
- A unique reference number (ticket)
- The affected equipment/functionality (The user’s fault description)
- The originator and the originator’s contact details
- The time and date
- A description and classification of the problem with regard to status, priority and effect
on the equipment and/or the system.
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7.2.4 Reporting
DSS- 23 When a ticket has been successfully closed, or a decision has been made about further
actions, a report shall be sent to the originator.
DSS- 24 The report shall at least have the following content:
- The unique reference number (ticket)
- The responsible engineer’s name
- The effect on the equipment and/or functionality
- The classification of the issue
- A summary of dialogues with the originator
- The activities performed
- The final result
- The time spent in man-hours

DSS- 25 The tenderer shall, from received tickets and from its own observations, based on technical
support and repair activities, analyse the need for improvements to software and hardware.
The analysis report is presented at the bi-weekly meetings, if and when necessary, including
suggestions for improvement measures.

7.3 Enhanced Helpdesk

DSS- 26 It shall be possible for the customer to request enhanced support from the helpdesk.
Examples of occasions when enhanced support will be required are
- SwAF unit training in Sweden
- SwAF unit involved in joint international training in in Sweden or abroad
- SwAF unit involved in international missions abroad
DSS- 27 The levels of the enhanced helpdesk shall follow the matrix below

Support Length of enhanced Helpdesk Comments

level support opening hours
1 Normal weekdays 7.00-23.00 At this level the preparedness is raised
and there is no waiting time. 8-16:30 is
covered by the ordinary helpdesk
opening hours.
2 Weekends and public 7.00-23.00 At this level the preparedness is raised
holidays and there is no waiting time
3 Around the clock 0.00-24.00 At this level the preparedness is raised
service and there is no waiting time. 8-16:30
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normal weekdays are covered by the
ordinary helpdesk opening hours.
Table 2. Table of extended technical support
DSS- 28 During the periods of enhanced support from the helpdesk, a technician shall answer the
DSS- 29 During the call, the technician shall initiate the ticket and commence work immediately.
DSS- 30 If the call requires, the technician shall be available at the reference facility in Enköping
within 2 hours’ in order to carry out the work.
DSS- 31 It shall be possible to order enhanced support level 1 as shown in Table 2 at the latest one
week in advance.
DSS- 32 It shall be possible to order the enhanced support level 2 and 3 as shown in Table 2 at the
latest eight weeks in advance.

7.4 Configuration Management Environment

DSS- 33 The tenderer shall have a configuration management environment (CME).
DSS- 34 The tenderer shall use the CME to ensure that configuration items and documentation are
correctly related to requirements, development, versions and changes.
DSS- 35 FMV will hand over a complete set of system manuals, repair books, system descriptions
and interface documents for each type of terminal, node or antenna system. The tenderer
shall ensure that all documents are of the latest revision. A typical list of document types is
described in Sub-app. 4.
DSS- 36 All of the documents described in DSS- 35 are the property of FMV and shall be handed
back at the end of the DSS contractual period.
DSS- 37 In the case of there being embedded software, a qualified version of the master software for
each piece of equipment shall be archived on the tenderer’s premises. FMV will hand over
the recent versions of software when the DSS contract commences. Archived software
comprises recent and previous versions.
DSS- 38 The tenderer shall maintain a complete “List of Software”, as described in Sub-app. 2,
updated to the latest version and at all times ready for inspection by FMV.

7.5 System Management

7.5.1 Obsolescence Management

DSS- 39 The tenderer shall monitor the obsolescence of the FM Satkom materiel.
DSS- 40 The obsolescence monitoring shall cover all of the hardware and software used in the
service system, the transmission system, the antenna system and the reference system. An
overview is found in Sub-app. 1 and Sub-app. 2.
DSS- 41 When an obsolescence issue has been identified, a plan shall be presented to FMV with a
recommended course of action.
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DSS- 42 This plan shall consist of a minimum of the following items:
- Effects on equipment, software, documentation
- Influence on functionality and availability
- Actions
- Costs
- Time schedule
DSS- 43 The recommended solution shall be fully reviewed by FMV before any further actions are
taken. FMV will make the decision on whether the obsolescence issue will lead to further
investigations or modifications.
DSS- 44 The tenderer shall be responsible for the content of all reports and guarantee that all actions,
activities and changes will have the desired consequence and result.
DSS- 45 The tenderer shall be competent to carry out integrated logistics support (ILS) work when
requested to by FMV. A description of the various tasks included in ILS can be found in
Paragraph 14 “Reliability Performance and Maintainability”.

7.5.2 New Releases

New releases can consist of hardware, software and documentation
DSS- 46 The tenderer shall continuously monitor new releases of hardware, software and
DSS- 47 If the tenderer recommends an upgrade of any sort, a plan shall be presented to FMV with a
recommended course of action.
DSS- 48 All issues shall have been fully reviewed by FMV before any further actions are taken. FMV
will make the decision on whether the new release will lead to further investigations or

7.6 Reference and Development System

The content in this paragraph is of an informative nature and not intended to constitute an exact
description of the system.
Today FMV runs a reference and development system (RDS) in the Test facility at SwAF UtvC in
Enköping. The RDS is manned and open 8:00–16:30, Monday to Friday throughout the year, except for
Swedish public holidays. Several other project teams are situated at UtvC who need access to a satellite
link from time to time in order to conduct tests, evaluations and for other reasons. The RDS is used for
several different purposes, including:
- Setting up configurations to simulate the operational service system network during
- Setting up configurations to simulate the operational transmission system network
during tests.
- Setting up configurations as above during fault location as required.
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- Setting up configurations for testing new features that may be implemented at a later
stage following testing, security analysis and authorization procedures undertaken by
- Supporting other project teams when testing their end-user systems over a real satellite
The RDS will be operated by the tenderer in order to maintain the ongoing activities. The tenderer will
maintain the equipment in the facility throughout the period of the DSS contract and, if required, also
further develop the facility.
DSS- 49 The tender shall staff and operate the FMV RDS in Enköping
DSS- 50 The tenderer shall maintain the RDS as a complete facility (hardware and software) in order
to perform operational testing.
DSS- 51 Although that the RDS is still owned by FMV, the operation of the RDS shall be handed
over to the tenderer for as long as this DSS contract is in force.
DSS- 52 The tenderer shall, as required, propose changes to the RDS.
DSS- 53 Once FMV has examined proposals and made decision about changes, the tenderer shall
carry out the proposed changes to the RDS.
DSS- 54 The changes shall be in line with the development of the FM Satkom System in so that the
RDS can always act as a reference mirror of the service system, the transmission system or
both simultaneously.

7.6.1 Option - New Location for the RDS

It may become the case that the location that currently hosts the RDS is, in the future, needed for other
purposes. Consequently the RDS will have to be moved to another location. In case this option is
needed, the following requirements are stipulated in order to allow the RDS to be moved to the new
location. For more information regarding equipment of RDS, please refer to Sub-app. 1.
DSS- 55 If it is decided that the RDS must be moved to another location during the DSS contractual
period, the requirements of Sub-app. 3 shall apply.
DSS- 56 The new location shall be able to receive the appropriate security level before any part of the
RDS is moved. Information will be handed over after the start of DSS service.
DSS- 57 The equipment floor space (today around 80 square metres) of the new location shall be big
enough to house:
- 12 pcs of rack stand (42U high) containing equipment
- 7 work benches with work stations, computer screens etc.
DSS- 58 The office floor space shall be big enough to house:
- 1 office desk for FMV + additional for the DSS staff.
DSS- 59 It shall be possible get access to at least one meeting room for maximum 20 people
DSS- 60 The minimum storage area shall be 250 square metres.
DSS- 61 Roof space or antenna compound shall be big enough to house:
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- Two 2.4 m VSAT antennas including RF equipment.
- Up to 6 smaller MSS antennas (FB250/500 or similar)
DSS- 62 The minimum electrical power provided in the location shall be 64 kW VAC, including
three 3-phase outlets in the storage area.
DSS- 63 The DSS organization shall provide access to the following at the new location:
- Telephony: ATL (PRA 2Mbit/s), ATN (PSTN, PRA 2 Mbit/s)
- Internet: Fast Ethernet 100Base-TX, 10Mb
- FTN: (Access provided as GFE)

7.7 Test and Evaluation

Test and evaluation refers to setting up a connection to be used by other FMV/SwAF projects. These
projects needs to test and verify applications that will use satellite communications as the
interconnecting line and thus document that the application can handle delays and other aspects related
to satellite communications. The RDS is therefore the environment to use before the application is put
into operation in the FTN.
7.7.1 Methods
DSS- 64 The tenderer shall have a documented verification process and be familiar with its
DSS- 65 A verification process shall be implemented to ensure that all requirements of the test
configuration are met before the start.
The following four types of methods for verification are defined:
- Inspection
- Analysis
- Demonstration
- Testing
Verification of a requirement could be performed by any of the defined methods, or by a
combination of methods. No connecting system is allowed until verification is completed.
7.7.2 Verification
DSS- 66 Before implementation of new baseline configuration into the operational FM Satkom
infrastructure, the configuration shall be verified by tests carried out at the RDS facility in
order to verify and document that the configuration meets the specified requirements.
DSS- 67 A complete test report showing the result shall be produced following the verification.
7.7.3 Accessing Systems or Applications
Systems/applications accessing the RDS will be tested either over a service network or a transmission
network, depending of the nature of the application.
DSS- 68 The tenderer shall define procedures for accessing systems or applications.
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DSS- 69 The procedures in accordance with DSS- 68 shall be submitted to FMV for audit not later
than 2 months following the start of the DSS.
DSS- 70 The procedures shall cover at least the following issues:
- How does another project team book a test period?
- Who is contacted for advanced booking (phone, email etc.)?
- An advanced booking schedule.
DSS- 71 The procedures shall be approved by FMV following an audit.
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8 Core Activity B – Engineering Resources

8.1 General
As part of an efficient maintenance and support organization, it must be possible for FMV/SwAF to
order engineering resources from the tenderer. Engineering resources covers a variety of tasks such as
training, investigations, maintenance, enhancement, documentation and similar work. Depending on the
work, help could be ordered by either FMV or SwAF.
The different tasks are described in this section under five headings: Investigation, On-site Maintenance,
Enhancements, Development Works and Training.

8.2 Investigation
Investigations related to FMV or SwAF orders. The tenderer may also take the initiative in
investigations. All complex issues that require more than four hours within the space of 10 days to
analyse will be classified as an investigation.
DSS- 72 The tenderer shall, under a technical assignment note (TAN) from the FMV or SwAF, carry
out investigations. On-site visits may be included in the investigation.
DSS- 73 The TAN for such investigation shall always refer the actual Complex Ticket.
DSS- 74 Complex tickets and activities that require special investigations shall be analysed as soon as
possible and reported to FMV or SwAF in order to estimate the time and cost related to
solving the ticket.
DSS- 75 All investigations shall be approved by the FMV or SwAF and may be transferred to an
improvement and modification activity.
DSS- 76 A service engineer shall be available on-site at the request of the FMV or SwAF
DSS- 77 The tenderer shall, under a TAN, be prepared to further develop methods for the operation
and maintenance of the FM Satkom materiel.
DSS- 78 The tenderer shall, under a TAN, be prepared to assist in the development and improvement
of the hardware and software operating procedures used by the end-users. The intention is to
minimize the number of reported incidents when the hardware is established as being fully

8.3 On-site Maintenance

DSS- 79 The tenderer shall be prepared to assist the FMV or SwAF maintenance organization with
preventive and corrective on-site maintenance in hazardous areas under a special suborder or
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8.4 Enhancement
DSS- 80 The tenderer shall, under a TAN from the FMV, produce proposals for modifications of
software, hardware and documentation.
DSS- 81 The tenderer shall, under a TAN from the FMV, carry out the proposed modification of both
software and hardware.
DSS- 82 All documentation affected by the modification shall be updated by the tenderer, i.e. system
safety, manuals etc.

8.5 Development Work

As mentioned in the section on the purpose of the RFP and in Section 4.1, FMV is responsible for
procurement of new systems or sub-systems. Accordingly, this task stipulates that the tenderer provides
personnel who, under a TAN, can assist FMV with development work regarding new systems, sub-
systems etc.
DSS- 83 The tenderer shall, under a TAN from the FMV, be prepared to participate in development
work regarding any part of FM Satkom.
DSS- 84 The work shall be any of the following types:
- Replacement of satellite terminals that are out of date.
- Replacement of sub-systems of the terminals or nodes if and when a component part is
replaced by the manufacturer.
- New satellite terminals similar to existing ones in order to add systems to existing
SwAF terminal systems.
- New types of satellite terminals, depending on additional SwAF requirements.
- Work task related to the logical network layer or service layer.
- Work tasks similar to or related to all of the above mentioned tasks.
DSS- 85 The development work shall be conducted by participating in the production of a
specification/technical order related to the specific task. FMV is still in charge of the overall
specification work.

8.6 Training
The training is aimed at educating new and inexperienced staff in need of knowledge regarding existing
equipment, but also at skilled and experienced staff in need of knowledge about new hardware and new
DSS- 86 The tenderer shall, under a TAN from FMV or SwAF, carry out training regarding the
functionality, operation and maintenance of FM Satkom materiel.
DSS- 87 The tenderer shall, under a TAN from FMV, design specific courses for SwAF.
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DSS- 88 The tenderer shall deliver training within four (4) working weeks following the receipt of
the FMV/SwAF order.
DSS- 89 The tenderer shall carry out training at the premises of the tenderer, FMV or SwAF.
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9 Core Activity C – Transfer Function/End of Service

9.1 General
As part of DSS contract, the tenderer will prepare an efficient and easy way to hand over the services to
a successor at the end of the contract or if the contract is terminated by FMV or the tenderer.

9.2 Transfer of DSS Activities and Knowledge

DSS- 90 The tenderer shall within the lifetime of the contract, in due time before end of contract,
declare and provide a name of a person who will be responsible for the transfer function.
DSS- 91 The tenderer shall provide enough resources and commitment, with the specified hourly
rates given in the contract, at the end of this contract, or if this contract is terminated either
by FMV or the tenderer, in order to transfer the DSS equipment, activities and knowledge to
FMV or the successor.
DSS- 92 The tenderer shall prepare the transfer to the course of minimizing any potential interference
of the DSS services for FMV/SwAF.
DSS- 93 The tenderer and FMV shall agree on a transfer plan based on the experience of the previous
DSS work made by the tenderer.
DSS- 94 The tenderer shall, during the transfer period, ensure that the successor gets access to the
facility and systems where the operation is managed and takes place at the time of the
DSS- 95 The tenderer shall not be entitled to deny FMV/SwAF, or the appointed successor, the
knowledge transfer but instead be of uttermost help.
DSS- 96 The tenderer shall, as required by FMV or the successor, hold training for the successor and
hand over a complete and up-to-date set of all technical documents, as well as the list of
documents and log of revisions made, to FMV and the successor. This covers at least:
- The latest revisions of all of the documentation that was initially provided to the
tenderer by FMV.
- An overview of the current status of the documentation.
- A log of tickets that has been handled by the helpdesk over the course of the DSS
contractual period.
- The history of all tickets and the way they were solved.
- A log of activities related to engineering resources that have been handled by the
tenderer during the DSS contractual period.
- The history of all training, engineering activities, enhancements etc. and the way they
were handled.
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DSS- 97 All documentation, logs, overviews etc. in DSS- 96 shall be handed over on electronic
media, i.e. on memory sticks, CDs, DVDs, hard drives or similar, to ease the transfer and
setup of supporting systems for FMV or the successor.
DSS- 98 The tenderer shall return access cards, equipment and other property that belongs to FMV,
and which the tenderer has used over the course of the DSS contract.
DSS- 99 At the discontinuance of the DSS contract, FMV shall have the right, but without obligation,
to take over such equipment including software, as well as leasing contract regarding
equipment, which has been used by the tenderer solely with regards to the DSS contract.
DSS- 100 All DSS services shall be discontinued, and no allowance will be settled afterwards, at the
discontinuance of the DSS contract, disregard of the cause.
DSS- 101 All requirements in paragraph 9.2 shall apply disregard of the cause of discontinuance.

Section B – Statement of Work

This Statement of Work (SOW) describes the tasks and efforts the tenderer must perform during the life
of the contract.

10 General
SoW-1. The Swedish or English language shall be used during this project. This includes, for
example, correspondence, plans, schedules, documentations, instructions, specifications,
descriptions, reports, artefacts and source code comments.

10.1 Media and File Format

SoW-2. All data delivered or data made available shall be in the file formats of the Microsoft Office
2003 (or later) suite of applications (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access, and
MS Project).

10.2 Data Access

SoW-3. All data delivered or data made available shall be furnished electronically.
SoW-4. The most recent version of all data shall be made available within five working days of
being updated.
SoW-5. The tenderer shall archive all current and one previous version of the documentation.
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11 DSS Organization Management

11.1 Overview
This section contains FMV requirements for actions to be taken by the tenderer to ensure that the DSS
organization is managed in a satisfactory manner.
The aim is to guarantee that:
- Activities performed by the tenderer in to the course of the fulfilment of the contractual
requirements for the DSS services are handled according to FMV project philosophy.
- Responsibilities, authorities and means for cooperation between the tenderer and FMV
are declared.
- Time schedule and resource plan are maintained.

11.2 DSS Organization

SoW-6. The tenderer shall appoint a DSS manager.
SoW-7. The DSS manager shall have the formal responsibility for the DSS organization.
SoW-8. The DSS manager shall be the tenderer’s principle point of contact with FMV.
SoW-9. The DSS organization shall at least include the DSS manager, the helpdesk manager, quality
assurance manager, as well as other key personnel and key specialists.
SoW-10. The DSS organization shall be maintained to this standard and extent throughout the
lifecycle of this contract.
SoW-11. The authority and responsibility of appointed personnel shall be specified.

11.3 DSS Helpdesk Work Plan

SoW-12. The tenderer shall submit a draft DSS helpdesk work plan, together with the tender,
covering the work flow of the helpdesk.
SoW-13. Regardless of any comments and remarks made by FMV, the tenderer shall have full and
sole responsibility for ensuring that the results of the work conducted during the lifecycle of
this contract conform to the stated requirements.
SoW-14. The DSS helpdesk work plan shall be maintained and updated throughout the lifecycle of
this contract.
SoW-15. The DSS helpdesk work plan shall include at least:
- The helpdesk organization on a functional level
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- If each function is represented by more than one out of several staff, please include a
list of names of managers/key personnel and their respective responsibilities and
- Points of contact.
- List of sub-tenderers:
o How to monitor the sub-tenderers.
o How to notify changes etc.
- Routines for the helpdesk including contact points, opening hours, information needed,
- Progress monitoring.
- Communications plan (information and communications needs of FMV), in particular:
o Progress reporting.
o Progress meetings.
o Other meetings.
- Quality assurance (QA)
Included in the helpdesk work plan if it deviates from Paragraph 12 , Quality
- Configuration management (CM)
Included in the helpdesk work plan

11.4 Progress Reporting

SoW-16. The tenderer shall provide a written progress report twice a year.
SoW-17. The progress report shall give details about the status of the work under Core Activity A,
SoW-18. If work related to Core Activity B has been performed, this shall be reflected and presented
in the progress report at the subsequent meeting.
SoW-19. The progress report shall at least include:
- Status of the helpdesk and the list of cases in accordance with Paragraph 7.2.4.
- Status of the development:
o Achievements since last report.
o Planned events and activities over the course of the next period.
- Technical assessment of high risk areas.
- Time schedule status:
o The logical sequence of planned efforts.
o The validity and time phasing of resources.
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o Deviations.
o Measures and actions.
- Cost status.
- Risk analysis and mitigation.
- Quality.
- List of action items.
- Status of the reference facility:
o CM status.
o Hardware status.
o Software/firmware status.
o Possible need to replace equipment units.

SoW-20. The progress report shall be distributed electronically.

11.5 Time Schedule

The following items are specified for occasions when the FMV/SwAF initiate a specific project in which
the tenderer is to be involved:
SoW-21. The tenderer shall prepare a time schedule for the specified project.
SoW-22. The time schedule shall be included in the project plan.
SoW-23. The time schedule shall include the main activities for the specified project.
SoW-24. The time schedule shall include the main events for the specified project.

11.6 Meetings
This section applies to all kinds of meetings.

SoW-25. The tenderer shall prepare documents, drawings, demonstrations or any other materiel
needed to efficiently deal with each item on the agenda.
SoW-26. The tenderer shall come to a mutual agreement with FMV about suitable meeting dates.
SoW-27. The tenderer shall summon each meeting at least one week in advance.
SoW-28. The summons shall include a proposed agenda.
SoW-29. The tenderer shall be represented at each meeting by the people best suited to deal with each
item on the agenda.
SoW-30. FMV shall have the right to bring external specialists to each meeting.
SoW-31. Meetings shall take place on FMV’s premises.
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SoW-32. FMV shall have the right to appoint an alternative meeting place on the premises of the
SoW-33. The tenderer shall take the minutes at each meeting.
SoW-34. The minutes shall include a brief description of each item discussed, decisions agreed upon,
disagreements, actions points, etc.
SoW-35. Both parties shall sign the minutes.
SoW-36. The minutes shall be distributed to the participants within one week.
SoW-37. The signed minutes shall be distributed both in original and electronically in PDF format.

11.7 Progress Meetings

Progress meetings aim to inform both parties on the status of the DSS contract activities related to Core
Activities A and B and also to make decisions on possible deviations. The meetings are formal. Risks
and results are handled and dealt with on a formal basis.

SoW-38. The tenderer shall arrange progress meetings.

SoW-39. Progress meetings between FMV and the tenderer shall be held at the tenderer’s location
four times a year following a project meeting.
SoW-40. The tenderer shall come to a mutual agreement with FMV about suitable meeting dates.
SoW-41. If urgent matters occur that cannot wait until the next progress meeting, both the tenderer
and FMV shall have the right to summon a meeting within two weeks’.
SoW-42. The tenderer’s DSS manager shall chair the progress meetings.
SoW-43. FMV shall have the right to appoint another chairman.
SoW-44. The progress report shall be reviewed at the progress meeting.
SoW-45. Progress meetings shall include reports on at least the following:
- Minutes of the last meeting.
- Project status including review of the progress report.
- Contractual/commercial matters:
o Budget report.
o Other matters related to finance.
- Organizational changes and measures taken, if any.
- Deliverable products status.
- Forecasts and scheduled activities.
- Problems and remedial actions.
- Miscellaneous.
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- Next meeting.

11.8 Project Meetings

Project meetings aim to inform both parties on the status of activities related to Core Activities A and B
and also an opportunity to take decisions on possible deviations. The meetings are formal. Risks and
results are handled and dealt with on a formal basis.

SoW-46. The tenderer shall arrange project meetings.

SoW-47. Helpdesk project meetings between FMV and the tenderer shall be held at FMV, or on the
premises of the tenderer, every 14 days.
SoW-48. The tenderer’s project manager shall chair the project meetings.
SoW-49. FMV shall have the right to appoint another chairman.
SoW-50. Helpdesk project meetings shall include reports on at least the following:
- Minutes of the last meeting.
- Helpdesk project status.
- Configuration status and status of any tests/samples/trials carried out in the reference
- Documentation status.
- Training and support status.
- Risk report including risk analysis and risk elimination plan related to the reference
facility, if any.
- Forecasts and scheduled activities related to the use of the reference facility.
- Problems and remedial actions.
- Action item list.
- Miscellaneous.
- Next meeting.

SoW-51. A distribution list for summonses and minutes shall be approved during the first project
SoW-52. The tenderer shall prepare documents, drawings, demonstrations or any other materiel
needed to efficiently deal with each item on the agenda.
SoW-53. The tenderer shall summon each meeting at least two working days in advance.
SoW-54. The summons shall include a proposed agenda.
SoW-55. The tenderer shall be represented at each meeting by the people best suited to deal with each
item on the agenda.
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SoW-56. FMV shall have the right to bring external specialists to each meeting.
SoW-57. The tenderer shall also be willing to hold meetings in other locations, and, if a meeting
elsewhere is requested by FMV, a separate “Travel and Living Order” will be issued to the
tenderer to cover these additional expenses.

11.9 Action Items

SoW-58. Actions shall be documented and recorded in an action item list.
SoW-59. Action items shall be closed by correspondence or in the minutes of meetings only when a
written report has been submitted.
SoW-60. The tenderer shall notify FMV of each type of subject or matter that requires FMV's
participation in its resolution or that affects FMV's activities, as soon as possible after
discovery of the subject or matter.

11.10 Change Management

All changes that will affect contractual matters such as prices or delivery dates will be handled according
to clause “Amendments and Additions” in the contract.

SoW-61. A change process shall be used to ensure that all requests for changes of requirements and
the way the changes affect a TAN are handled properly.
SoW-62. A TAN shall settle the work and procedures for effectuation, if FMV requests a change
process. Sub-app. 6 contains an example of such a TAN.
SoW-63. A proposal for a TAN shall be submitted to FMV for acceptance before effectuation, if the
tenderer requests a change process. Sub-app. 6 contains an example of such a TAN.
SoW-64. The party who requests a change shall be responsible for summoning a meeting to discuss
the change, which can form part of a review meeting.
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12 Quality Assurance
SoW-65. All requirements stated in this section shall also apply to sub-tenderers.

12.1 Quality Management System

SoW-66. The tenderer/sub-tenderer(s) shall have a quality management system.
SoW-67. The tenderer/sub-tenderer(s) quality management system shall be in accordance with ISO
9001, or equivalent.
SoW-68. If the tenderer/sub-tenderer(s) applies a quality management system different from ISO
9001, the tenderer/sub-tenderer(s) shall state in the quality plan what differences there are
and which measures are to be taken to compensate for these differences.

12.2 Quality Control

SoW-69. The tenderer/sub-tenderer(s) shall, during the lifecycle of this contract, continuously monitor
and control the quality of the work performed.
SoW-70. The tenderer/sub-tenderer(s) shall, during the lifecycle of this contract, continuously monitor
and control the quality of the SwAF systems – for example, documents, software modules
and hardware items – that are subject to this DSS contract.
SoW-71. The quality shall be monitored and controlled in accordance with the quality plan of
SoW-72. FMV shall have the right to – on the tenderer/sub-tenderer(s) premises – continuously
monitor and control the work of the tenderer/sub-tenderer(s) and the corresponding results of
the work.

12.3 Quality Audit

SoW-73. FMV shall have the right to audit the tenderer/sub-tenderer(s) quality management system.
SoW-74. The quality audit shall take place during normal office hours at a point in time as requested
by FMV.
SoW-75. Quality audit shall be possible directly after the award of the contract.
SoW-76. Quality audit shall take place at the tenderer/sub-tenderer(s) premises.
SoW-77. Quality audit shall be carried out by FMV or by any representative of FMV.
SoW-78. The quality audit shall have the right to assess the efficiency and compliance of the quality
management system.
SoW-79. The quality audit shall have the right to assess the totality of the quality management
system, certain processes/activities or certain products.
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12.4 Quality Plan

SoW-80. The tenderer shall prepare a preliminary quality plan and submit it together with the tender.
SoW-81. The quality plan shall include all parts of the DSS contract, including those accomplished by
SoW-82. The quality plan shall be submitted to FMV for comments.
SoW-83. Regardless any comments and remarks made by FMV, the tenderer shall have full and sole
responsibility that the results of this DSS contract conform to the stated requirements.
SoW-84. The quality plan shall state which activities the tenderer/sub-tenderer(s) will perform to
check the work to ensure that the required quality is achieved and that this quality level is
assured and documented.
SoW-85. The quality plan shall be related to the DSS work plan.
SoW-86. The quality plan shall describe the quality organization of the DSS contract.
SoW-87. The quality plan shall state the quality targets of the DSS work.
SoW-88. The quality plan shall describe the configuration management process of this DSS contract.
SoW-89. The quality plan shall describe the change management process of this DSS contract.
SoW-90. The quality plan shall describe the error reporting and fault tracking process of this DSS
SoW-91. The quality plan shall state the time schedule for essential quality activities, for example,
audits, reviews, verifications and deliveries.
SoW-92. The quality plan shall describe how verification of the sub-tenderers’ quality management
systems will be conducted.
SoW-93. The quality plan shall cover all parts of this DSS contract.
SoW-94. The quality plan shall be maintained and updated throughout the lifecycle of this DSS

12.5 Requirements Management

SoW-95. The tenderer shall have a documented procedure for the requirements management process.
SoW-96. FMV shall have the right to supervise the requirements management process performed by
the tenderer.

12.6 Configuration Management

SoW-97. The tenderer shall use a configuration management system to ensure that configuration
items and documentation are correctly related to requirements, development, versions and
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13 System Safety
Requirements for the tenderer’s safety activities aim to eliminate or reduce the risks to personnel,
equipment and the environment of damage caused by any SwAF FM Satkom sub-systems during its
entire lifecycle.
SoW-98. The tenderer shall have the expertise to carry out system safety work as required.
SoW-99. When system safety work commences it shall be implemented by the tenderer in accordance
with H SystSäk 2011 DEL1 and DEL 2, or the equivalent English version, H SystSäkE
2011 part 1 and part 2 (H SystSäkE).

14 Reliability Performance and Maintenance

14.1 General
This section defines activities related to reliability and maintainability (R&M), logistic support analysis
(LSA) and integrated logistics support (ILS). FMV requires that the tenderer have expertise in these
areas, either within its own organization or through the use of sub-tenderers, and is familiar with the
required work items. FMV/SwAF will optionally, via separate technical assignment notes, request help
from the tenderer to carry out related work.

14.2 Reliability Performance Analysis

SoW-100. The tenderer shall, at the request of FMV/SwAF, produce a reliability performance analysis
for a certain system or sub-system.

14.3 Logistic Support Analysis

14.3.1 LSA Management

SoW-101. The tenderer shall, at the request of FMV, undertake the LSA management activities
identified below, in accordance with DEF STAN 00-60 or equivalent standard.
FMV will provide the following advice and assistance to the LSA process:
- Likely deployment scenarios for the system.
- Operational profiles.
- Existing support infrastructure in Sweden.

SoW-102. The tenderer shall, at the request of FMV, provide all of the necessary logistic information
to FMV, consistent with FMV maintenance policy (UHP-S FM Satkom).
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14.3.2 LSA Record

There is no formal LSA record requirement for a project.

SoW-103. The tenderer shall, at the request of FMV, produce and maintain the candidate item list
(CIL) for each sub-system that does not already have one.
SoW-104. If the producer of a procured system or sub-system submits a CIL, the tenderer of this DSS
contract shall be prepared to participate in the procurement work and manage this area if
requested to do so by FMV.

14.4 Logistics and Supply Chain Analysis

SoW-105. LSC analysis shall be the basis for all trade-offs between different design solutions, resource
dimensioning, design of support equipment and determination of maintenance tasks.
SoW-106. The tenderer of this DSS contract shall have the expertise to carry out LSC analysis when so
requested by FMV.
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14.5 Materiel Handling

14.5.1 Registration of Materiel

SoW-107. The tenderer shall, either itself or through sub-tenderers and at the request of FMV, register
all newly procured equipment, all equipment that is subject to maintenance, as well as spare
parts, including all documentation, in the provisioning register FREJ88/PDR, in accordance
with the handbook on the registration of data:
(CD ANV HDB GOF, M7762-900256. “It exists in Swedish language only and can be
ordered from: Försvarets bok- och blankettförråd, Tel. + 589 100 62 or fmlog-forse-fmcl-”.)

The registration of data can only be performed by some Swedish companies that have access
to, knowledge of and software applications for this process.

14.5.2 Marking of Materiel

SoW-108. The tenderer shall, at the request of FMV, mark all newly procured equipment, all
equipment that is subject to maintenance, as well as spare parts, including all documentation,
in accordance with the Swedish Defence Standard FSD0217

14.6 Documentation
Documentation in general refers to publications, drawings and other documents with information for
training, operation and maintenance of a procured system or sub-system unit. The tenderer must be
familiar with producing, correcting and publishing technical documentation in order to help FMV in this
respect during procurement of new equipment or updating of existing documents.

14.6.1 General

SoW-109. The tenderer shall maintain existing documentation and ensure that appropriate technical
publications are consistent with the maintenance policy for each individual system or sub-

14.6.2 Production

SoW-110. The Tenderer shall be prepared to, at the request of FMV, produce new documents such as
operator’s manual, repair book etc. for systems lacking proper documentation.
SoW-111. The documents shall be produced according to a defined document production system based
on the publication “FMV Produktionsmiljö för materielpublikationer” (Swedish only).
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SoW-112. All documents that are produced shall be the property of FMV
SoW-113. The tenderer shall be prepared to help FMV to, during the procurement of new systems,
examine documents delivered by the manufacturer of the system. Such help is procured via
separate suborders (TAN).
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15 Training
15.1 Training
SoW-114. The tenderer shall in cooperation with FMV, be able to produce and arrange training for
SwAF, regarding, for instance:
- FM Satkom overview: technical design and fundamentals.
- FM Satkom sub-systems lacking adequate training packages.
- Areas related to satellite communications (basic satcom, link budget, IP over satcom
SoW-115. FMV shall initiate the training needed
SoW-116. FMV shall approve the training materiel.
SoW-117. The tenderer shall ensure that the training covers technical and operational training for the
subject of the training.

15.2 Verification
SoW-118. The tenderer shall ensure that the course contain an examination, which demonstrates that
the trainees have enough knowledge for their intended roles in operation or maintenance.

15.3 Analysis and Report

SoW-119. The tenderer shall submit a training analysis report to FMV, within 14 days following the
completion of each course, about the realization of the training and the examination results.
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Section C - Sub-appendices
Sub-app. 1 List of FM Satkom Equipment

The content in this sub-appendix is of an informative nature and not indented to constitute an exact
description of the system.

Figure 17. FM Satkom system structure

The terminals and systems of interest for this DSS contract refer to service systems, transmission
systems, antenna systems and reference system. Figure 16 shows an overview of the sub-groups. The
sub-groups are described subsequently.
Service System Hub Gateway
The earth station hub gateway for the service system is operated and maintained by SwAF. The helpdesk
must have knowledge of the system at system level in order to support SwAF as required. The system
description and a complete list of equipment will be handed over to the helpdesk after the DSS contract
is signed. In general terms, the hub gateway comprises the approximate amount of equipment presented
in the table below.

Equipment Number
LNB and SSPB drivers <5
SSPB (C- and Ku-band) <8
iDirect 15000 Hub chassis 1
iDirect Linecard M1T1 <10
L-band IF matrix 2
Fibre converter or fibre Tx/Rx units <20
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Servers and computers 20-30
(Windows servers and clients, Linux server)
Firewall <10
Web cache <10
Cisco routers and switches <15
Other network adapters <20
Table 3. List of gateway equipment
Service System Service Node
The service node is operated by SwAF in theatre. The helpdesk must have knowledge of the system at
system level in order to support SwAF as required. A complete list of equipment will be handed over
after the DSS contract is signed.
A typical service node comprises the amount of equipment presented in the table below.

Equipment Number
iDirect modem 1
Computer 1
Cisco routers 2
Web cache 1
Firewall 1
Swedish encryption unit 1-3
Spectrum analyser Rohde & Schwarz 1
Platform (boxes, shelter, container, vessel mounted etc.) 1-3
Table 4. List of equipment in a typical service node
The amount of service nodes in service or in stock is fewer than 50. These are made up of various
platforms, i.e. installed in containers, in transit cases or on-board naval vessels.
For the time being, there are four types of containers that house service nodes. They are listed in the
table below with their SwAF ID and size. A thorough description of the containers will be handed over
to the helpdesk after the DSS contract is signed.

System SwAF ID Product / manufacturer Amount Existing PDS

SS FJANSLENH-CO10 10 feet container <10 No
SS FJANSLENH-CO10 10 feet container <5 No
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SS TSS CO10 TYP A_T 10 feet tactical container <5 No
SS FJÄRRSBHYT /T Small cabin <5 No
Table 5. Container and cabin platforms

Antenna System
The service node may use any of the following antenna systems for operation. The antenna systems are
managed by SwAF in theatre. The helpdesk must have knowledge about the antenna systems at system
level in order to support SwAF as required. A complete list of equipment and system descriptions will
be handed over to the helpdesk after the DSS contract is signed.
System SwAF ID Product / Fq band Amount Existing PDS
manufacturer agreement
AS Satantenn24 Vertex 2.4m C-band <10 No
Typ2 RSI Ku-band
AS Satantenn24 Vertex 2.4m C-band <10 No
Typ3 RSI X-band
AS Satantenn24 Vertex 2.4m C-band <10 No
Typ4 RSI X-band
AS Satantenn38 Vertex 3.8m Ku-band <5 Yes

AS Satantenn38 C Vertex 3.8m C-band <5 Yes

AS Satantenn38 Vertex 3.8m C-band <5 Yes
KU Typ2 RSI X-band
AS Satantenn06 Seatel 2406 Ku-band <5 Yes
AS Satantenn10 Seatel 4006 Ku-band <5 Yes
AS Satantenn10 Seatel 4003 Ku-band 1 Yes
AS Satantenn10 Seatel 4009 Ku-band <10 Yes
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AS Satantenn15 Swe-Dish Ku-band <10 No
Typ1 FA150
AS Satantenn15 Swe-Dish Ku-band <15 No
Typ2 FA150
AS Satantenn15 Seatel 6006 Ku-band <5 Yes
AS Satantenn16 TracStar 1.6m Ku-band <10 Yes
Typ1 Fly Away
Table 6. List of existing satellite antenna types to be used with the service node
Transmission System
The transmission system comprises a field hub and accessing terminals. The transmission system is
managed by SwAF in theatre. The helpdesk must have knowledge about the system at system level in
order to support SwAF as required. A complete list of equipment will be handed over after the DSS
contract is signed.

System SwAF ID Product / manufacturer Fq band Amount Existing PDS

TS Satterm09 Swe-Dish IPT Ku-band <15 No
Complete satellite
TS SATTERM08 AVL 0,9x0,66 Ku-band <10 Yes
TYP1_S Complete satellite
TS SATTERM08 AVL 0,9x0,66 Ku-band <10 Yes
TYP2_S Complete satellite
TS SATTERM- Transmission equipment, <15 No
UTR TYP1/S modem, base band etc.
TS SATTERM- Transmission equipment, <10 Yes
UTR TYP2/S modem, base band etc.
Table 7. List of existing accessing transmission terminals
A field hub gateway is needed in order to set up a transmission service network. This means that the
TDMA Sat hub in the table below is attached to a satellite antenna system and configured to run an IP

System SwAF ID Product / manufacturer Amount Existing PDS

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TS SATHUBB TDMA iDirect hub + base band 2 Yes
TYP1/S equipment incl. crypto
Table 8. List of existing transmission system field hub end equipment
In order to properly set up the transmission network, the field hub gateway must use any of the antenna
systems in Table 6

MSS terminals
MSS terminals comprise a variety of products and terminals for both original connectivity and backup
System SwAF-ID Product / manufacturer Amount Existing PDS
Iridium Sattfn 9505A Iridium 9505 -- Yes
Iridium Sattfn 9555 Iridium 9555 -- Yes
Iridium Sattfn 9575 Iridium 9575 -- Yes
Globalstar Sattfn 600 Globalstar Sat600 -- Yes
Thuraya Sattfn 7100 Thuraya HNS-7100 -- Yes
Thuraya Sattfn SG2520 Thuraya SG-2520 -- Yes
Thuraya Sattfn XT Thuraya XT -- Yes
Inmarsat Satterm BGAN Hughes BGAN -- Yes
Inmarsat Satterm BGAN T7 Thrane & Thrane -- Yes
Explorer 700
Inmarsat Satterm BGAN 727 Thrane & Thrane -- Yes
Explorer 727
Inmarsat Satterm BGAN 325 Thrane & Thrane -- Yes
Explorer 325
Table 9 MSS terminals
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Sub-app. 2 List of Software

SW Manufacturer Usage Existing PDS-

NMS software HP Used for managing the network at Yes
iDirect iSoftware iDirect Used in both PCs and in modems Yes
suite for setting up configurations,
carrying out maintenance and
supporting satellite modems
Windows server Microsoft Used on servers included in the Yes
gateway network system
Windows client Microsoft Used on PC clients managing Yes
NMS, system set up, or other
matters that need PCs
Firewall CheckPoint Used in firewalls Yes
Anti-virus McAfee A ePolicy orchestrator anti-virus Yes
suite for PCs
Proxy and Tutus Used in PCs for setting up VPN Yes
encryption software connections
Drivers and Rohde & Schwarz Used to remotely control S/A No
software for
spectrum analysers
Management ND Satcom Used for control purpose of No
systems specific satcom system
SNMP agent Paradigm Used as an SNMP agent in some Yes
Communication terminals
Java Sun Microsystem No
Putty BSD license Console port access No
TeraTerm Pro
FTP software, Freeware or GNU Used for various items No
Python, BGInfo,
FTP server software
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Ver. 1.0 67(82)

Sub-app. 3 Reference and Development System

The content in this sub-appendix is of an informative nature and not intended to constitute an exact
description of the system.

Reference and Development System - RDS

The RDS is located at UtvC in Enköping.
The RDS comprises a hub chassis, three service nodes, up to 10 transmission nodes, workstations
(including work benches), server units (hosting mail, firewall, VPN, telephony etc.), two 2.4 metre
antennae including 25W BUC each, Inmarsat terminals, Iridium handsets, access points for fibre ,
telephone, crypto telephone etc.
The reference system will be operated and maintained by the DSS tenderer. The reference system is
used for different purposes such as the testing of accessing systems, fault location in the service system
or transmission system configurations, testing of new equipment and software or similar work items. A
complete list of equipment and a description of the functionality of the reference system will be handed
over after the DSS contract is signed.
The following paragraphs and tables are intended to provide an overview of the system, including the
estimated floor space and electrical power needs in case FMV decide to move the RDS to another

Equipment Power Rack units Amount

iDirect 7350T modem 580W 1U 14
(240VAC, 2A)
iDirect 15000 hub chassis 800W 15U 1
iDirect Linecard M1T1 Included in the 4
Cisco routers 2U 15-20
2911 Approx. 750W each
3825 Approx.920W each
Firewall 80W each 1 10
CheckPoint FW-1
HP servers (Windows) Approx.400W each 1U 10-15
Swedish encryption unit 1U 10-15
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Telephone simulator
Satellite simulator Hollis Approx.1000W 4U 1
Spectrum analyser Approx.450W Desktop 2
Spectrum analyser Rhode & Handheld 2
Computers (Windows) Approx.500W Desktop with keyboard, mouse 10-15
and LCD monitor
Inmarsat BGAN terminals Approx.50W Laptop size 2
Inmarsat FB500 Approx.150W Laptop size 1
Iridium Open Port terminal Approx.150W Laptop size 1
Handheld terminals Mobile phone size <10
(Thuraya, Iridium)
Approximate maximum 62 kW Including 3-phase power
power consumption outlets in the storage area.

Miscellaneous Products such as crypto

phones, PABX units and
similar will be provided by
Table 10. List of equipment in the RDS: indoor part

Equipment Power Space Amount

Prodelin satellite antenna 2.4 N/A Safety area in around and in front 2
m of antenna
AnaCom Elsat Mini BUC 710W each Mounted in front of antenna or on 2
25W the feed arm
Norsat 1009X LNB 3W each 6
Satellite capacity 1.5 MHz Intelsat IS10-02 1
Inmarsat BGAN terminals Outdoor antenna 2
(power via IFL)
Inmarsat FB500 Outdoor 1
via IFL)
Iridium Open Port terminal Outdoor 1
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via IFL)
Total power consumption 1420W (LNB is Approximately 50 m2
fed via IFL)
Table 11. List of equipment in the RDS: outdoor part
The service nodes are put together in 19” racks to form the logic function. At the moment, each node use
one 42U rack each, leaving space for shelves and other equipment to be mounted as well. The hub-
chassis is put in a separate rack along with the satellite simulator. The servers are also put into separate
racks. In total, there are approximately 12 pcs 19” racks in the RDS facility.
The workstations are spread out on at least 7-8 work benches. Cables run on cable trays in the ceiling,
connecting all equipment. The roof hosts the antennae with approximately 70 m of RG213 cable
between the indoor units and the outdoor units.
There are also 8-10 work places in a small office area beside the RDS for administrative work.
There is also a storage area of approximately 250 square metres.
In total, the RDS facility occupies approximately 120 + 250 (storage area) square metres of indoor floor
space and around 50 square metres of outdoor roof space.
There are also common meeting rooms which can be reserved and used when needed.
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Ver. 1.0 70(82)

Sub-app. 4 List of Typical Documentation
The content in this sub-appendix is of an informative nature and not intended to constitute an exact
description of the documentation

The documents are either in Swedish or both Swedish and English.

System Description
This document briefly describes the system of interest in a schematic way. The purpose is to provide a
quick overview of the system and its capability. It exists in several versions, one for each type of sub-
system. Some examples of such systems are Satterm08, Satantenn10 and Satantenn38 Typ2.
All of these overviews are referred to as SBESKR, systembeskrivning (system description).

Interface Control Document

This document describes the interfaces to the system of interest. The purpose is to inform
interconnecting systems how to access the system of interest. It exists in several versions, one for each
type of sub-system. Some examples of such systems are Satterm08, Satantenn10 and Satantenn38 Typ2.
All of these interface control documents are referred to as ICD.

Operator’s Manual
The manual describes how to operate the system of interest. It exists in several versions, one for each
type of sub-system. Some examples of such systems are Satterm08, Satantenn10 and Satantenn38 Typ2.
All of these manuals are referred to as IBOK (instruction book).

Repair Book
The repair book describes the system of interest in more detail for the purpose of aiding the replacement
of faulty units and the carrying out of maintenance and repair work. It exists in several versions, one for
each type of sub-system. Some examples of such systems are Satterm08, Satantenn10 and Satantenn38
All of these manuals are referred to as RBOK (repair book).

Other Documentation
Other documents that exist are those related to the maintenance and overhaul of sub-systems such as
antennas, including BUC and LNB, cables, networking equipment, updating firmware etc.
Examples of such documents are the following:
- Maintenance schedules (in accordance with information on regular maintenance from
the sub-system manufacturer).
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- Overhaul plans (in accordance to information on regular overhauls from the sub-
system manufacturer).
- Technical orders: an FMV document.
- Other documents regarding specific equipment if and when available or needed. For
instance manuals for spectrum analysers or satellite simulators or similar.
- Control book: is a type of log book.
- CIL: candidate item lists submitted by the manufacturer of a system. Needed as a
reference for materiel registration.
- Spare parts catalogue: if it exists, otherwise a list of spare parts. Needed as a reference
for materiel registration.
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Sub-app. 5 Problem Report
The following picture depicts an example of how a problem report may appear.
Contractor address

FMV order number: Technical Assignment Note number:

Fixed price
Delivery time:

FMV representative Contractor representative

Task description:


Technical Assignment Note approved

FMV representative signature Contractor representative signature

-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
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Sub-app. 6 Technical Assignment Note and Task Suggestion
The Technical Assignment Note and the Task Suggestion (or change proposal) are based on the same
form. When a FMV representative has signed the Task Suggestion, it changes status to a Technical
Assignment Note, which means that the change proposal is now financially covered and that the work
may commence.
Specification of performed work, material and costs





Delivery approved



FMV Representative:


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Sub-app. 7 Expertise Requirements
The expertise requirements are divided into four levels of training/experience, all valid for each
expertise domain.
For each expertise domain:
- FMV states the level of training/experience required.
- A small pool of people will staff the domain
- At least 2 people from the pool must fulfil each of the criteria.
The number of people in each domain is stated as an assumption for the tenderer in order to fulfil the
DSS contract. This assumption is based on several items such as staff on vacation, ill at home, away on
training (not directly related to the DSS) etc.
FMV also states the estimated amount of man-hours per year for each expertise domain.
The staff must be present in the Stockholm/Enköping area without extra cost, i.e. overnight stay, car
rental, train tickets etc.
The tenderer must provide a list of the staff together with the name, CV and intended profile for each

Definitions of experience/expertise levels

Expertise Definition
1 Be familiar with the terms and at a general level be able to reference the
2 Managed operations in the area or, where appropriate, have documented
training in the area. Qualification must be demonstrated, unless otherwise
stated, by reference to relevant product, project or training.
3 Where the level of experience is used below, qualification must be
demonstrated, unless otherwise stated, by naming the person who has
worked within the area for between two to four years.
4 Where the level of extensive experience is used below, qualification must
be demonstrated, unless otherwise stated, by naming the person who has
worked within the area for between four to eight years.
Table 12. Definitions of the expertise level

Expertise domains
- Operations management
- System development and management
- Infrastructure
- Reliability performance and maintenance
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There are several roles and actors in each expertise domain, none of which are full-time appointments,
but which need to be defined in order to be used as required.
One person may hold multiple roles.
Some roles span a broad spectrum of expertise areas and therefore it is assumed that several people
together are necessary to cover the needs for that role.
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Domain - Operations Management

This domain relates to the management of projects within FM Satkom.
Role - Project Manager
One project manager must be assigned to the FM Satkom DSS.
The project manager manages a specified task or mission, with well-defined time schedule and scope.
The work encompasses, inter alia, composing project goals and time schedules, staff planning,
supervising project members, monitoring and reporting, allocating and prioritizing resources and
subtasks, coordinating with the ordering client, user or other interested party.
The project manager must understand or have some basic knowledge of telecommunications system and
satellite communications.

Estimated workload
50 %

BSc or equivalent qualification acquired by other means

Area Level
Project management tools 3
Project management tasks 3
Personnel handling 3
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Domain - System Development and Management

This domain relates to high-level design and analysis work with regards to system design and planning.

Role - System Analyst

2-3 system analysts must be assigned to the FM Satkom DSS.
The system development and management domain aims to assure the overall design work. Experience of
telecommunication systems is required. This includes work related to design and network architecture,
IP routing networks such as OSPF, VPN and VOIP, VOIP-related applications, QoS and systems etc.
Work and experience must be verified by a CV stating related work and appropriate references (contact
Experience of satellite communications is also mandatory. At least 2 people out of the pool in this
domain must be familiar with VSAT systems, including antenna deployment, antenna pointing, line-up
procedures, operation and TDMA-based modem concepts. Skills and appropriate experience must be
documented or proven by other means.
Before commencing work, at least 2 people from the pool must have passed the appropriate training and
be certified to manage and operate FÄRIST, PGAI and SwAF crypto phones and fax machines.

Estimated workload
150 %

MSc, BSc or equivalent qualification acquired by other means

Area Level
A Communication systems: IP networks, routing protocols, IP- 4
related services and applications etc.
F TDMA based satellite communications systems using iDirect 4
G VSAT antenna systems (installation, pointing, line-up etc.). 4
(documented GVF training or equivalent documented
qualification from other training or work)
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Ver. 1.0 78(82)

Role - Technical Author

A technical author must have proven experience of document handling, editing and the production of
technical documentation and proofreading. The author must also be fluent in the written language.
Experience level 1 or 2 of telecommunications system, satellite communications systems and terminals
and IP networks is required.
Examples of their output are system description, interface control documents, operator’s manuals and
repair books or related documents

Estimated workload
25 %

BSc or equivalent qualification acquired by other means
Additional education or training in writing, editing or related area.
Area Level
A Experience of composing manuals in various forms 3
B Swedish and English language 4
C Telecommunications systems, satellite communications, IP 2
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Domain - Infrastructure
This domain relates to the overall day-to-day work involved in running the helpdesk and maintaining the
RDS, with consideration given to additional work involved in specific projects, procurements, system
maintenance etc.
Role - System Integration / Systems Work
3-5 System integration workers must be assigned to the FM Satkom DSS.
The system integration domain aims to ensure the provision of hands-on work of the FM Satkom System
including terminal sub-systems, configuration, functionality and services running IP networks, including
those with long delay times (i.e. satellite link). Experience of telecommunications systems such as
internetworking, IP routing protocol, server systems and applications and QoS etc. is required.
Work and experience must be verified by the CV stating related work and appropriate references
(contact person).
Experience of satellite communications is also mandatory. At least 2 people from the pool in this
domain must be familiar with VSAT systems including antenna deployment, antenna pointing, line-up
procedures, operation and TDMA-based modem concepts. Skills and appropriate experience must be
documented or proven by other means.

Before commencing work at least 2 people from the pool must have passed the appropriate training and
be certified to manage and operate FÄRIST, PGAI and SwAF crypto phones and fax machines.
This work includes also proven experience of integrating/updating software into hardware, monitoring
that sub-systems interact correctly etc.

Estimated workload
250 %

BSc or equivalent qualification acquired by other means
Area Level
A Communication systems: IP networks, routing protocols, IP- 3
related services and applications etc.
F TDMA based satellite communications systems using iDirect 3
system (hands-on experience)
G VSAT terminals in the field. (installation, pointing, line-up 3
etc.). (GVF training or equivalent documented qualification
from other training or work)
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Ver. 1.0 80(82)

Role - Verification and Test Person


Verification and test aims to ensure that all sub-systems work together as expected and are configured to
optimize service throughput. The work includes testing and verifying that any updates of software or
firmware do not interfere with the expected functionality, but instead add stability or have an operational
benefit for the system.
Knowledge or experience of telecommunications systems, satellite communications and network design
and architecture are required.
The test leader must be familiar with test leading, creating test plans, evaluating test results, developing
test cases needed to verify the expected functionality or performance etc. A test leader must have
experience of test management and a good knowledge of:
- The system/application/architecture of the device under test.
- Test methodology and test tools.
- The development and operational environment.
- Appropriate standards for the device under test.

Estimated workload
50 %

BSc or equivalent qualification acquired by other means
Area Level
A Test methodology and test tools 3
B Setting up test profiles 3
C Script procedures 3
D Test standards and standards for device/system under test 3
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Ver. 1.0 81(82)

Domain - Reliability Performance and Maintainability

Role – Integrated Logistics Support Analyst (ILS Analyst)

The ILS work aims to ensure that SwAF receives all documentation for a system to enable the system to
be maintained during its lifecycle. The ILS analyst must have experience and knowledge of reliability
performance analysis (RPA), logistics support analysis (LSA), logistics and supply chain analysis
(LSC), life cycle cost analysis (LCC), maintenance system design, operational and maintenance
resources, methodology and competence support in order for operations, follow-up and the liquidation
of materiel to be performed as efficiently as possible.
The ILS analyst must also know how to manage logistic databases, registration, marking of equipment

Estimated workload
100 %

Engineering degree or equivalent qualification acquired by other means
Area Level
A Logistics support analysis (LSA) work 3
B Logistics supply chain (LSC) work 3
C Registration and marking of material 3
D Documentation and database handling 3
Before commencing work with ILS tasks for SwAF, the staff must learn about SwAF-specific databases,
marking and registration procedures etc.

Role - System Safety Analyst

System safety aims to ensure that any system procured and handed over to SwAF will be safe to use by
the end-user, i.e. the soldier in the field. FMV states that any manufacturer of a system must submit a
safety analysis along with the tender, which then will be scrutinized by FMV or the person holding this
role in the DSS organization.

Estimated workload
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10 %
Area Level
A Knowledge about H SystSäk 2011 3
B System safety work 3

Additional Training Requirements

In order to fulfil the commitment of this DSS contract, the staff in the pool must have acquired certain
special training in one way or another in accordance with Table 13. The tenderer must therefore provide
information (diplomas etc.) to FMV as evidence that their staff have undergone training in these areas
prior to FMV handing over the responsibilities encompassed by this DSS contract to the tenderer. In the
case of none of the staff being qualified, this must be stated in order for FMV and the tenderer to have
the opportunity to arrange training for the staff prior to the hand-over date. The training is provided by
SwAF/FMV. It will be considered as favourable for the tenderer if their staff is already qualified in
accordance with the table below since this will reduce the total cost for FMV.

Course / Device Number of students (approx.) Comment

Grundutbildning All of the staff who will
säkerhetsskydd work under this DSS contract
(Basic Security Training)
SysopT All of the staff Signalskyddsutbildning
Signal Security Training
Färist (FW) At least 2 members of staff SwAF firewall
PGAI (Crypto) At least 2 members of staff SwAF crypto device
GA behörighetsutbildning As required For those accessing the GA
Sharepoint portal
Authorization training for the
common GA Sharepoint
FREJ As required SwAF database regarding
material system
SwAF Supplies Directory
Table 13. Table of mandatory staff training

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