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Quiz on Problem-based learning

Instruction Choose the most correct answer.

1. What is the aspect of PBL which differs from the presentation and direct
instruction models of teaching?
A. Presenting ideas
B. Demonstrating skills
C. Facilitating investigations
D. Presenting concepts

2. What is a major role of facilitator in PBL session?

A. An authoritative source of knowledge
B. Creating a classroom environment
C. Making a decision about correctness
D. Asking guided questions and provide clear and precise answers

3. Concerning problem-based learning, in what learning experience is the

teacher's role most similar to?
A. Case discussion
B. Cooperative learning
C. Case presentation
D. Case decision-making

4. What is the philosophy of problem-based learning?

A. Acquisition of new knowledge
B. Activation of prior knowledge
C. Integration of knowledge
D. Application of knowledge to the problem

5. Which of the following is not a major instructional outcome of problem-

based learning?
A. Learning inquiry skills
B. Learning required information
C. Learning adult role behaviors
D. Learning important life skills

6. What does theory supporting the use of problem-based learning come
A. Constructivism
B. Social interaction
C. Discovery learning
D. All of the above

7. What is problem-based learning characterized by?

A. A competitive task structure
B. An emphasis on lifelong learning
C. An emphasis on investigation of real-life situations
D. A highly structured learning environment

8. As facilitator, you notice that there is some disagreement in one of the

inquiry groups in the middle of a problem-based lesson.
What should you do in this situation?
A. Immediately intervene and get the lesson going
B. Allow for the free exchange of ideas, keep on things, and get
involved only if needed
C. Join the group and provide ideas that will get things back on track
D. Ignore the exchanges completely and let the group work it out

9. Which of the following outcomes is congruent with the problem-based

learning model?
A. Higher level thinking
B. Mastering basic facts
C. Problem-solving skill
D. Applying knowledge

10. You are planning a problem-based unit on environmental policies for your
social studies class.
What would be the most effective way to choose the specific topics for
students to investigate?
A. Asking other teachers for topic ideas
B. Picking a topic that is easy to present and plan
C. Asking students to identify topics in areas that interest them
D. Selection of topics of which you have expert knowledge

11. What is the learning environment of problem-based learning is
characterized by?
A. An atmosphere of inquiry and intellectual freedom
B. An environment where students always know what to do
C. Tight controls to prevent students from getting off task
D. Competitive task and reward so students will complete all tasks

12. After assigning students to work groups, how could you help the groups get
A. Requiring each group to develop a work plan for your approval
B. Encouraging students to fully define how they will report their
C. Providing a list of specific tasks each group will need to complete
prior to reporting
D. Making sure that students are searching for and accurately
interpreting reference materials

13. What is the facilitator’s role in the first session of small group activity in
problem-based learning?
A. Share learning objectives
B. Give a short lecture before starting a case
C. Address logistical concerns and clarify behavioral expectations
D. Recommend the learning resources

14. Problem-based learning would probably be the most appropriate teaching

method for which of the following topics?
A. Minerals
B. Math facts
C. Discrimination
D. Learning to key the letters a and x

15. Which statement is true about problem-based learning?

A. It is too complex for students in lower elementary grades.
B. It requires less planning than more teacher-centered models of
C. The relevant knowledge should be taught before the problems are
D. Students will be simultaneously engaged in many different tasks.
16. Which of the following is a criterion for a good problem situation?
A. Interesting problem
B. Authentic
C. Clearly structured and defined
D. Complex and many possible solutions

17. You teach social studies at the first year. You gave your students a problem
situation about development in an ASEAN country. You asked students to
define national priorities for education and health care that will be most
helpful in promoting economic development. Students are expected to
prepare a development plan based on their priorities. They have access to
a number of resources, including government publications, data from the
United Nations, materials from the U.S. State Department, and standard
reference works.
Which of the following statements best describes this problem situation?
A. The problem is inappropriate because it is ill-defined.
B. The problem is inappropriate because it is not authentic.
C. The problem is appropriate because there are many possible
D. The problem is too complex for these students because it requires
integrating diverse sets of information.

18. Which is the best example of a problem-based lesson?

A. Understanding the voting process
B. Understanding the presidential primary process
C. Explaining the process of how to vote in a voting booth.
D. Conducting a mock presidential debate

19. After students have completed and presented their solutions in PBL, what
should the teacher do?
A. Asking groups to examine their own work and learning
B. Assessing students' mastery of the objectives
C. Reviewing what they have learned and move on to the next unit
D. Having students rate the contributions of each member of their

20. Through which could students’ work in problem-based activity be best
A. A final essay test covering the problem objectives
B. A series of quizzes over each step in the problem situation
C. Using checklists and rating skills to evaluate student work and
D. Observing the role of each student played on the team and the way
the students cooperated
21. What is the first step in seven jumps of PBL?
A. Brain storming
B. Clarification of terms
C. Hypothesis formation
D. Identification of the problems

22. What is the most appropriate activity in the second session of small group
activity in problem-based learning?
A. Students present their works.
B. Students read what they found from self-study
C. Students share their knowledge and discuss with their own words.
D. Facilitator guides students through their learning objectives.



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