The Jade Fang of Tiamat

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The Jade Fang Of Tiamat

T he Jade Fang is one of the f ive Tributary Temples of
Glistening Tiamat (see also: T he Red Hand, T he Black
Wing, T he Pale Eye, T he Cobalt Claw)--its energies are
green: the energies of jealousy, lushness, vigor, triumph,
old wisdom, glibness, and thef t.
Like all churches of Tiamat, their f irst charge is to end the
distracting clamor and provocation of mammalian lif e, to
allow Her a return to Harmonious And Undivided Sleep.

T he central teaching of the Jade Path is to limit and

conserve: there should be nothing new. T he cycles of
predation and murder must thrive. Inventions appall them
and thef t f rom the weak is their only industry. T hey
cultivate sophism, criticism, evasion, rhetoric, f allacy,
received ideas, shallow novelty, libel.

T he Jade Fang Cult is strongest in the Drownesian city of Ot Etf 'a

Imit Melpa, among the House of Rotmort, where its inf luence
surpasses that of even the cults of Lolth and Rangda. Tiamat is
worshipped under the aspect Naga Malicinda.
Among its creatures are:

1. T he Knight Viridian
2. T he Pirate Queen Alpha Ligeia
3. T he Bone Sorcerer
4. Librarians: Eel, cobra, boa, and viper
5. T he Algoid and the crocodiles it commands
6. T he Jaculi
7. T he Kelpie
8. T he Southern Lizardmen
9. T he Marilith
10. T he Naga
11. T he Rakshasa
12. T he Poison Hags

Its trap regimes involve:

1. Viscid globules
2. Hallucinogenic f lora
3. Poison
4. Illusion
5. Misappropriation
6. Mental Domination

Its architecture is, typically:

Its rumored treasures include:

1. Potions of Poison Breath

2. Antidotes To All Poisons, Including T hose Not Yet Synthesized
3. Wedding Contracts, Signed By Parties Unknown
4. Scrolls of Disaster
5. Scroll of Protection f rom Demons
6. A jade wedding ring, carved with serpents
7. A Staf f of Breaking Bone
8. A Manual of the Tongue of Dinosaurs

T he Corrupt Drow of the House of Rotmort:

-Have thief special abilities, no matter their class

-Disintegrate into chlorine gas at 0 hp

To generate a party of Rotmort Drow, roll one of each die

(a lot easier with a pop-o-matic bubble):

d4=T he number of utahraptors accompanying the party (if

outdoors) or crocodiles (if indoors).

d6=# of spells lef t per party member.

d8=To hit bonus. 8 minus that number equals their wizard

level. T hey are strong in the arts of avoidance and

d10= (x4)=AD&D hit points or (x6)=3.5 hit points

(T he leader will be a cleric or wizard with twice as many hp)
d12=# of spells leader has lef t.

d20=T his is the size of the party. 8 is the usual maximum size--a number higher than 8 indicates that there are
8 and they are accompanied by or af f iliated with an auxiliary creature or creatures. To f ind that creature,
subtract 8 f rom the result and consult the Creature table above.

See also: Qelong, Mucilinda, Jain archtecture

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