Lesson Plan Direct Instruction Gradual Release Fa2018

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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

Social Studies--2018

Student: Nina Vasquez School: Frances Solcum

IWU Supervisor: Professor McCracken Co-op Teacher: Maria Rowe
Teaching Date: November 16th Grade Level: 3rd

Through this lesson, students will learn about the characteristics of a good citizen and the importance of
being one in the classroom and the community.(CAEP K-6 1.a)
I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal: Responsible Citizens
B. Objective: After this activity, students will be able to identify a responsibility and the positive
C. Standards: 3.2.5 Explain the importance of being a responsible citizen of your community, the
state and the nation. Identify people in your community and the state who exhibit the
characteristics of good citizenship.
II. Management Plan
a. Materials:
i. White board,
ii. Paper & pencils
iii. Dry erase markers
iv. Markers
v. Colored pencils
vi. Final Writing Paper
b. Time: Written in plan
c. Space: Students desk and white board area
d. Behavior:
i. Managing behavior praise correct behavior such as “I like how ---- is working
independently at level zero”
ii. Reminder: We such be working at our rules #1 & #2
iii. Even student becomes a big distraction Mrs. Rowe has allowed me the ability to give
laps for students to do at recess.
iv. If student becomes an even bigger problem, the student is taken into the hall with teacher
and a call is made home. Parents in my classroom are very big on communication
between parent and teacher, this act is common
v. Allow my students to have breaks if they need to do something else
vi. Reward good behaved students with a piece of candy
vii. If students cannot sit still or become frustrated allow them to take a 2-minute brain break
on their iPad
viii. Have students reflect on “Is that what you should be doing right now?”
ix. If students become a distraction to others and their learning more students to another area
in the room
x. Students are often distracted by other materials on their desk, at the beginning of the
lesson have then put everything away they will not need
e. Technology: Laptop and projector for brain break
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
III. Purpose: Today you are going to learn about responsibilities and how those responsibilities help
others and makes you a good citizen.

IV. Anticipatory Set (5-7 minutes)

• Based my anticipatory set to the term ‘academic champion’ that Frances Solcum uses school wide
 Ask students what is means to be an academic champion
 Brainstorm ideas on the board
 Students may come up with answers like working independently, sitting quietly, finishing their
work, and raising their hand
 If they need prompting, you can ask them what are some of our classroom rules? When Mrs. Rowe
and I ask you to be academic champions what do we usually ask you to do?
 Why is it important to be an academic champion? What happens when we are ones? (Successful
learning) What happens when we aren’t ones? (Distractions/Off task)
 Adaption is present for De’Marion by creating a list on the doc camera so he can read the writing if
he can’t fully hear me.


V. De’Marion is partial deaf, he has hearing aids from the school that has a microphone that the teacher
wears, so he can hear you, sometimes he doesn’t have that option, so he will lip read, so allowing him
access to read my lips. Amarion and Jesse will get off task easily so making sure you are checking in
with them regularly. Aaron rips up any paper you give him, so if he is present allow him to work with
a partner who will keep him from access to the paper for ripping. Emily is at a very slow processing
rate this activity may take her longer so allow her extra time to finish activities. (CAEP K-6 1.b)

VI. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output) (40-45 minutes)

 Write the word responsible on the board
 Defining responsibility after students have shared answered. “Having actions, they are expected to
do and accept the consequences when they do not do it.”
 Discussion with students “What are some things that you are responsible for?” Allow students to
share. For example, I am responsible for setting my alarm and waking myself up each morning.”
 “Now, I want you to think about what happens when you don’t do your responsibility. Do you get in
trouble? Does it ruin your day?” “How does it impact others?
 Allow students to share their experiences, instruct students you are going to have some of them
share but they need to remain at level zero while someone else is talking. “I want you to tell me
what your responsibility is first and then what happens when you don’t do it.”
 “Where are some places you can be a responsible citizen?
 “We have our list here on the board of what characteristics it takes to be an academic champion.
What do you think are some characteristics it takes to be a good citizen?
 Allow students to share and brainstorm on a piece of paper those characteristics (Check in with
Amarian & Jesse)
 Then break down each characteristic, “(Insert characteristic, who do we know that follows this
characteristic?” Could be Dr. Lavert, Mrs. Rowe, a student)
 Do this with each characteristic the students brainstormed
 “Now, I want all of you to get out a piece of paper.” May need to provide
 “I want for each of you to write a list of at least 3 ways you are responsible at home, school or in the
community.” (When Aaron is done writing collect his paper until the next time he will need it)
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
 Allow students to brainstorm for at least 5-8 minutes at their seat while I am walking around the
classroom checking in with students. (Make sure to check in with Amarian & Jesse) (Check in with
Emily and see if she needs extra time)
 Do check for understanding activity but demonstrate first. “I am going to give you a short little
reading. I want you to read it in your groups and decide what you think the responsibility is in the
story and what might be a possible consequence for not doing it.”
 Scenario 3: Now that I am older and in high school, I started cooking and making family dinners. I
am the first one home because I am coming from school and that gets out a lot earlier than my
mom and dad get out of work.
 “In this reading, what do you think the responsibility the person is doing?” Allow student to answer
 “Now what could be a possible consequence of not doing this responsibility?”
 “I am going to put you in small groups. Then I want you to get together if I tell you to meet in another
Whole class
Group 1: Elijah, Group 2: Jesse, Group 3: Mavaya, Group 4:
Sydnie, Emily, D’ Jaelynn, Trinity, Angeleah, Ja’Mirra, Blake,
Andre, Amarian Mirella, and Charles, Aaron, Destene,
A’lanis Javiontae De’Marion, and
Kay’ Auna

 Allow student to work in their groups. Then work around while they are working in their groups
on what is said during discussion and check in if they identified correct responsibility.
 “Return to your seat and get your list of 3 ways back out in front of you”
 Do closure/ review learning outcomes
(CAEP K-6 3.d)
VII. Check for understanding
 To check for understanding, I would partner them up or into small groups and give them a
paragraph or short story of a responsibility. Then after reading, have them identify the
responsibility in the story and what could be a possible consequence of not doing.
 Scenario 1: Hi, my name is Zach and I have a younger sister. Sometimes when my parents go out I
will watch her until they come home. I don’t always like it because she always wants me to have a
tea party with her and I don’t like that. But I love her, so I do it anyways.
 Scenario 2: Oh no, I work up for school this morning with nothing clean to wear! I guess I have to
wear some clothes that are already dirty. I should have done my responsibility, or I wouldn’t be in
this place. Guess I should have listened to my mom.
 Scenario 3 (me): Now that I am older and in high school, I started cooking and make family
dinners. I am the first one home because I am coming from school and that gets out a lot earlier
than my mom and dad get out of work.
 Scenario 4: I really want to go on this camping trip with my friends! But it cost $100 for me to go
so I mowed lawns and washed cars to help pay for my trip. I had so much fun on the trip and my
friends and I made some great memories. I’m so glad I got to go!
 Scenario 5: In college, you have a lot of tasks to get done throughout the day. You only have so
many hours in the day to complete everything and sometimes you even have deadlines to meet.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure
 Provide them with the final writing template outline
 “I want you to write one sentence on the lines about something you are responsible for doing and the
positive result of the action.”
 “For example, I am responsible for doing my chores every week and when I do them I get my
 “Then when you have your sentence you can draw picture of you doing the work. So for my picture I
would draw me cleaning my room since that is one of my chores.”


Formative Assessment- Scenario activity
Summative Assessment- Closure Activity CAEP K-6 3.a)


(CAEP K-6 3.b)
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. Did students make the connection from academic champion to what it’s a responsibility?
8. Were students able to handle the brain break activity in the lesson?
9. Were there other supplies I needed to get that weren’t originally planned?
10. Was student behavior a problem during the lesson? If so, did it correlate to a specific time in the
11. How close was my timing to my predicted time?
12. Were my students engaged in my lesson like they were before?
13. We have touches social studies at all this year, were they able to keep up with the pace of the
14. Were my students able to come up with a list of responsibilities that they are in charge of doing?
15. Was I able to praise my students enough who were doing what they should be?
16. Did the technology aspect of the lesson go well or were there issues with it?

Student: School:
IWU Supervisor: Co-op Teacher:
Teaching Date:_____or IDK Grade Level:


Heading Student uses the provided template for Social

Studies content. Student includes all of the
Template information in the template heading.
Statement of rational for the learning
Rationale experience and environment in this lesson.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
Goals The lesson plan contains objectives that
connect goals and standards with lesson
activities and assessments.
Each objective should include the
following: Conditions; Desired learning;
Observable behavior; and Accuracy (as


Management Plan A. Materials:
B. Time:
C. Space:
D. Behavior:
E. Technology: (as appropriate)
Anticipatory Set The anticipatory set is clear and direct and
focuses students’ attention on the lesson.

Purpose The statement of purpose is clearly connected

to the content of the lesson and is presented
in terms that are easily understood by

Plan For Instruction

Adaptation to Instructional opportunities are provided in

Individual Differences this lesson. The opportunities are
and Diverse Learners developmentally appropriate and/or are
adapted to diverse students.

Remediation –
Enrichment –
Exceptional Needs-
Lesson Presentation Candidates demonstrate understandings,
for Social Studies capabilities and practices associated with
the central concepts and tools in Civics,
Economics, Geography, and /or History
within a framework of inquiry.

Lesson Presentation The candidate’s lesson demonstrates an

understanding of developmentally
appropriate practice.

The candidate’s lesson includes both

modeling and guided practice.

The lesson presentation includes relevant

activities that encourage student
participation and critical thinking.

Check for The lesson plan includes a plan and the means
Understanding to check for student understanding of the
lesson. A provision is included to reteach all
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
or part of the lesson to all or part of the class.

Review Learning Lesson closure relates directly to the lesson

Outcomes and/ or purpose and/or objective.

Plan for
Competent 3

Formal and Informal A plan for formal and informal assessment

Assessment throughout the lesson is included. The
assessment strategies are uniquely designed
for the students.

ACEI 4.0

Reflection and Post- The lesson plan includes all required self-
Lesson Analysis answer questions.

A lesson plan with elements A competent lesson plan earns An outstanding lesson plan
that do to meet the a score of 37-39/40. earns a score of 40/40.
competent level will receive
a score of 36 /40 or lower

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