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| Indian Stand¢ rd SPECIFICATION ' FOR _ SOIL BASED BLO USED IN GENERAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ( First Revisian ) 1S : 1725 - 1982 ( Reaffirmed 1997 ) upc Sol4i—4y © Copyright 1982 INDLAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAPAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 September 1982 725 - 1982 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR SOIL BASED BLOCKS USED IN GENERAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ( First Revision ) Soil Engineering and Rock Mechanics Sectional Committee, BDC 23 Chairman Representing Da Jaobssit Naatn University of Roorkee, Roorkee Members ‘Appmional Dinscror RESEARCH Ministry of Railways (FE), RDSO. Derury Director Reseanct (Soi Meow ) (Alternate } ‘Sunt P. D, AGARWAL Public Works Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow Dx B. L. Duawan ( Alternate) Prot Avax Sinai University of Jodhpur, Jodmpur EQuAVeAR Sinai Enpineer-in-Chiet's Branch, Army Headquarters UrCou VK. Kannan ( Alternate’) Cum Enciveen (D&R) Trrigation Departme Sunt M.'G, Danpavate ‘The Concrete Associ ‘SARIN. C. DucGAL ( Alterna ) Suara'G. DasiDaw ‘in personal eapacity (5 Hungerford Street, 12/1, "Hungerford Court, Coleutta 700 017 ) Dx.G.S. Dunttos Indian Geotechnical Society, New Delt Dinecron, Rt Irrigation Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Re Sant A. H. Divina Asia‘Fou SuRt ALN. Janous ( Alternate ) Dr Gorat RAMAN Institution of Engineers (India ), Calcutta; and ‘University of Roorkee, Roorkee Shai. Guta Cemindia Co Lid, Bombay Sunt NV, DeSousa ( Alternate) ( Continued on page 2) © Copyright 1982 INDIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION ‘This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1987 } and reproduction in whole or in part by nny means except with written permission of| the publisher shall be deemed to be aa infringement of copyright under the said Act. 1S: 1725-1982 (Continued from pase | ) Members Representing SSHRLG. 8, Jatn G.S. Jain & Associates, Roorkee Saat Vuay K. Jain ( Alternate | Surv a" B. Jost Central Soil and Material Restarch Station, ‘New Delhi Derury Dinecron (CSMRS) ( Aliermate CouM.V. Kavenean Ministry of Defence (R&D) ‘Sua V.B. Guoarane ( Alternate ‘0. P. Mainorne Public Works Department, Chandigarh Adminis- ‘ration, Chandigarh Saat D. R. NaRawant Central 1B Research Institute (CSIR), Roorkee sm ‘Sunt B; G. Rao Alternate ) Suni T,K. NaTRAIAN Central Road Research lostitute (CSIR), New Delhi Dr. V Rao) Indian Jastiute of Technology, New Delhi Dr XK. K Gurr ( Alterna ) Reseancu Orricer | BARRL} Public Works Department, Government of Punjab, SARI. R. SAXENA, Engineering Research Laboratories, Government of ‘Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad Stonerany Ceniral Board of Tvigation & Power, New Delhi Dy Sicnerany ( Alternate ) Suni. Sivaouau Roads Wing ( Ministry of Shipping and Transport ) ‘SHRID. V. Sixx ( Alternate ) Sani Ke S, SRINIVASAN National Buildings Organization, New Delhi ‘suns Sumi Bunny ( Alternare ) Sani N. Sunmaulanvan Kerastaka Engiocering Research Station, Keish rajasagar Surtnintenpino Engin een Public Works Department, Government of Tamil PED) ‘Nadu, Madras Execur) ve Exoinere CSMRD) (at ‘sunt G. Raman, Director ( Cv Eng Director General, ISI « Ex-officio Member ) Secretary Sun: K. M. Mathur Deputy Director ( Civ Engs }, ISI Soil Testing Procedures and Equipment Subcommittee, BDC 23:3 Convener Da ALAM Since University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur Members ‘Sint Awan Siow Central Building Research Institute (CSIR ), Roorkee ‘Smnt M. R. Sonera ( Alternate ) (Continued on page 7)

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