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Phone: (630) 776 3590


This reading material is designed to teach
Customer Support Agents how to monitor troubled orders, take incoming
phone calls, check billing history, make quick changes to restaurant-related
information and create tickets for further work.

As our software evolves, this document may be subject to frequent

updates to incorporate new features.

!1 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Table of Contents
1. Overall Structure of the Software..................................................................................................... 4
1.1 This section identifies all Trouble Orders .................................................................................. 4
1.2 This area displays information about the Present Incoming Phone Call.................................... 5
1.3 This space records the history of all Incoming Phone Calls Received Today ........................... 5
1.4 This final section contains Statistics and Function Buttons ....................................................... 5
2. System Log In .................................................................................................................................. 5
3. Troubleshooting Techniques............................................................................................................. 7
4. Troubled Orders Stack...................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Payment Methods ..................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Fraud and Chargeback .............................................................................................................. 13
5. Methods to Receive Orders ............................................................................................................ 14
5.1 Fax ........................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Fax with Pin.............................................................................................................................. 14
5.3 Thin Client Software ................................................................................................................ 15
5.4 Email ....................................................................................................................................... 15
5.6 SMS .......................................................................................................................................... 16
5.7 Owner App ............................................................................................................................... 16
5.8 Back Office Link ..................................................................................................................... 17
5. How to process troubled orders ..................................................................................................17
6.1 Fax TO ...................................................................................................................................... 18
6.2 Wrong Pin TO......................................................................................................................... 20
6.3 Thin Client TO.......................................................................................................................... 22
6.4 No Fax Number TO .................................................................................................................. 23
6.5 Fax/ Fax Pin TO ....................................................................................................................... 23
7. Reading orders to restaurant ........................................................................................................... 26
8. Back Office Navigation .................................................................................................................. 28
8.1 Phone Panel and Back Office ................................................................................................... 28
8.2 Back Office .............................................................................................................................. 30
8.3 Adding notes ............................................................................................................................ 31
8.4 BM Phone Panel ...................................................................................................................... 34
8.5 Restaurant Call ......................................................................................................................... 36
8.6 Adding New Phone Numbers to Restaurant ............................................................................. 36
8.7 What if the phone number is associated with multiple restaurants? ........................................ 38
8.8 Unassociated calls .................................................................................................................... 39
8.9 Replay Button........................................................................................................................... 39
9. Function Buttons ............................................................................................................................ 40
10. Billing ........................................................................................................................................... 43
10.1 Different commission plans .................................................................................................. 43
10.2 Where to check the commission rate in BO ........................................................................... 43
10.3 Types of Restaurant Account .................................................................................................. 44
10.3.1 Non Prepaid Restaurants ................................................................................................. 47
10.3.2 Prepaid Restaurants ........................................................................................................ 50
!2 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

10.4 Billing System Navigation ..................................................................................................... 51

10.5 Restaurant Billing Disputes ................................................................................................... 54
10.6 Payment via Credit Card for Restaurants ............................................................................... 56
10.7 Credit Card Processing Fees................................................................................................... 56
11. How to Answer Incoming Phone Calls ........................................................................................ 57
12. Several Rules ................................................................................................................................ 57
13. Updating Menu............................................................................................................................. 57

Common terminologies in Beyond Menu:

Beyond Menu - BM
Restaurant - RT
Customer - Cx
Troubled Order – TO
Credit Card – CC
Customer Support Agents - CSA
ST – Store
Pay On Line – Prepaid

!3 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

1. Overall Structure of the Software

After you logging in to the system (individual log-ins and password are assigned to each
employee), you will see the following screen:

The BM Control Panel screen is divided into four subsections.

1.1 This section identifies all Trouble Orders

With the thousands of transactions we send to restaurants every day, there are
orders that will not reach the intended restaurant. There are numerous reasons that
might account for such transmission failures. For example, fax machines can be
!4 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

broken, restaurant staff may have forgotten to start our thin client software to accept
online orders, paper tray might run out of paper and etc. Whatever the reasons may
be, we identify these as “Troubled Orders” here so that our support staff can call the
restaurant or the customer to resolve the issue.

1.2 This area displays information about the Present Incoming

Phone Call

When the restaurant staff or a customer calls, you will

immediately hear the incoming phone panel ringtone. When you click the
“Answer” button, you are then connected to the caller. Clicking the “Hangup”
button, will also disconnect you to the caller.

1.3 This space records the history of all Incoming Phone Calls
Received Today

Most of the columns in this section are self-explanatory. You will be taught later how
to process and document specific information associated with each call.

1.4 This final section contains Statistics and Function Buttons

2. System Log In
When you click the BM Control Panel, a Log In window will appear as displayed

!5 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

After entering your log in credentials, the screen below will pop-out.

At this point agents assigned to take incoming calls are now logged on to the phone panel
and can start taking phone calls.

!6 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

IMPORTANT: You must make sure the “Ready” sign is visible as this means that you
are now ready to take calls.

3. Troubleshooting Techniques
In rare situations, the “Ready” sign may not appear as expected on your phone panel.
You must immediately implement troubleshooting steps, whatever it takes – check devices,
reboot the computer, inspect Windows device manager, restart BM Control Panel
software -- to correct the situation.

1. Since you might have multiple, specialized software applications installed on your
computer, competing software could attempt to access your microphone and audio
device. In addition you also may use several different micro/speaker devices;
therefore, it is essential to double check your computer to make sure the proper
audio and microphone devices have been selected.

2. You also need to be aware that some Windows software setups may lie beyond our
control. If you are working from a remote location, please be prepared to contact a
local professional technician to double check your computer should such a situation

3. As soon as an incoming call arrives, our software uses Adobe Flash Player Plugin to
ring your audio device. If your Flash Player is not installed or not updated properly,
you may be unable to accept calls.

!7 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

4. Every time an incoming call arrives, regardless if the “Ready” sign appears, you
should be able to see the caller’s contact numbers displayed at the left corner of
your screen.

IMPORTANT: if you do not hear the ring tone but do see this event window, then it is
probably time to restart the BM Control Panel.

4. Troubled Orders Stack

Every time an order is placed, our software monitors the status of the subsequent order
flow. If the restaurant does not receive the order after 2-3 attempts by the system, it then
enters the troubled order stack. The new entry will be pushed to the top of the Troubled
Order stack.

The following table explains the meaning of each field:

Order ID Unique order identification number

Business Name Name of the restaurant

!8 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Type There are many ways a restaurant can receive an order from Beyond
Menu. Below are the different order notification methods they can use:


• Fax / Pin

• Thin Client (for restaurants that have chosen to receive online

orders through our client software, via e-mail
or on a 3G Phone. You must check the system to know which
method applies to any given situation)

• Wrong PIN

• No Fax

Status There are only 2 ways to determine the current standing of a Troubled

• Active

• Resolved

If you have not completely settled the issue, then keep the status

Type Customers have different options on what they want to do with the order.
Examples are the following:

• Pick Up

• Delivery

• Express Dine In

• Reservation

CC If this box is checked, it means that Beyond Menu is charging the

customer’s credit card. Meaning, the order is already paid by the
customer. It is important to note that for these types of orders, you must
call the restaurant ASAP -- no matter how confident you are that
restaurant might already receive the order. If the box is unchecked, it
means that the order is either paid by cash at the store or customer will
be paying by credit card at the restaurant.
Amt Price of the food in US Dollars
Note This is where agents can add notes, create tickets, refer or resolve

!9 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

By Automatically documents identity of CSA working on the issue

Add Time (US Central) when Trouble Order entered the TO stack
Time Time when CS answered the call

Order Area where you can find all the information about the order details. This
is also how an order would look like when received by the restaurant.

BO Tab where you can go to Back Office and update or view details
about a certain order or check restaurant information

4.1 Payment Methods


Customers have two options to pay for their orders online: pay by cash or pay via credit
card. Let’s talk about each method in depth.

For pay by cash orders, customers pay for their food either at the restaurant or through
the delivery driver.

Example Scenario:

Lily ordered food for China Hut online. What are her payment options?

a. pay by cash at store (pick-up orders)

b. pay by cash to delivery driver (delivery orders)

This scenario is like the messenger mode, BM doesn’t have anything to do with the
money as it is the restaurant staff that collects payment from the customers.

!10 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Our role in this case is to mainly forward the orders to the restaurant. If customers
complain about the food and ask for a refund, BM has nothing to do with it.

For credit card payments, customers have 3 options: pay through BM’s website, pay at
the store and pay thru the delivery driver.

Example scenario:

Annie ordered food for her parent’s to celebrate their anniversary. However, she doesn’t
have enough cash. What are her payment options?

a. pay online through BM’s website

b. pay at the store
c. pay through the delivery driver

In this set-up, Annie can enter her cc details on our website and she’s good to go. If it’s a
pick-up order, she can swipe her credit card at the restaurant’s credit card machine. Lastly,
for delivery orders she can pay through the delivery driver and swipe her card as some
stores have portable wireless credit card machines. Either way, everything is paid via
credit card.

However, for option A, it is important to note that it is Beyond Menu who charges the
customer’s credit card. This method is like a broker mode. We collect the money
FIRST, hold it for 15 days and then we send out payments to restaurants via check or
direct deposit. Payments are sent to restaurants every two weeks, every 1st and 16th of
the month. Check payments sent via postal mail typically arrives in the restaurant within
7-10 business days.

Take note that we will only deduct our share of commission plus the credit card
processing fee before we send payments to them. The rest of the money is sent to the

It can be an advantage for us because this can ensure timely payments for BM as some
restaurant owners are delinquent payers. However, this set-up can be a huge
disadvantage for BM especially for charge back orders. This will be discussed in the next

!11 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

If restaurant owners prefer to receive payments via direct deposit, they need to provide
their account information, specifically the bank’s routing number and the restaurant’s
checking account number. We recommend that the restaurant e-mail or fax us a
business void check (blank or empty check). Taking the information via phone call
is not recommended. Please see the sample check below for reference:

Below is an example of how a void check looks like:

!12 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

4.2 Fraud and Chargeback

Pay attention, this is very important!

In the world of business, fraudulent transactions are very common. When it comes to
fraud, credit card companies will always protect the customers putting business owners at
a vulnerable situation.

Take for example a dishonest customer, they can tell the bank that food was cold, that
delivery was late, there were missing items or food wasn’t delivered at all etc., they then
dispute the charges with the bank . At this point, it is usually the restaurant owner or
Beyond Menu who will suffer the financial loss. In addition, credit card companies also
collect a fee for the disputed charge called “charge back”. A typical charge back fee is
around $25 to $35. It does not matter who won or who lost, the things is there is always a
fee for charge disputes.

To make things worse, a customer often disputes a charge after 2 to 3 months. By that
time most restaurants no longer have the receipt with them any more. Regardless if they
do, the process is long and tedious as most of the time credit card companies do not give
a clear resolution right away. In the end, they just deduct the charge without informing the
concerned party.

Refer to the image below on how a prepaid order looks like:

!13 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Pay special attention to this kind of order. If you see this kind of troubled order in
the TO stack make sure to call restaurant immediately and get it resolved.

5. Methods to Receive Orders

5.1 Fax
Fax machines are almost like a small computer. How it
communicates with sender, how it transfers and
receives speed are way smarter than we thought.

There are two ways in receiving orders via fax: fax

without pin and fax with pin.

For fax without pin, BM sends the restaurant a

telephone notification call advising them to check an
order, restaurant then checks their fax machine.

5.2 Fax with Pin

To avoid losing orders, we require restaurants to input
a Pin Number also known as the confirmation code after they get the notification call. After
two telephone notification calls, if restaurant doesn’t input the pin number correctly, or
does not enter anything at all and just hangs up the phone, this order enters the TO
stack and becomes a Wrong Pin troubled order. This will be discussed in the following

The diagram below illustrates the procedure about PIN verification:

!14 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Firstly, our system generates a unique pin number for this restaurant’s online order. These
are usually the last two digits of the order numbers.

Then we send the fax to the restaurant. The PIN number is printed on the Fax sheet.

A telephone notification call is sent to the restaurant and will prompt the RT staff to type in
the PIN number on the FAX sheet.

How do we the enable pin option for fax orders? Check the steps below.

Backoffice!Search restaurant by ID-!Edit!

5.3 Thin Client Software

This is a software designed by Beyond Menu to track orders specifically for our clients—
the restaurant owners. It will automatically download any order and print it to a designated
printer. So as long as there is internet and computer in the restaurant, owners can use
Thin Client Software to track orders. It can also download almost any types of orders
particularly Email, SMS and OwnerApp.

5.4 Email
Restaurant can also receive online orders by email. When customer places an order, BM
sends order link to RT owner’s email address. After restaurant receives the telephone
notification call, they can check their email to view the online order.

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One disadvantage about the email is that it is not real time. Email typically has delays, and
sometimes, it is hard to know how long the delay could be. Some restaurants complain
that some email orders are delayed for about 10 minutes. Nonetheless, this is an easy way
for restaurants to receive online orders.

5.6 SMS
Just like the email, BM sends order link to owner’s cell phone numbers via text or SMS.

Most restaurant owners have iPhone or 3G phone. They can easily check the online order
from a mobile back door URL link. It’s also convenient and can be used as a backup

5.7 Owner App

This is an app for Android and iOS Smart Phone users. It is also one of the most
convenient ways to receive orders. All you need is a Smart Phone and a data connection.

Upon installation, there will be a one-time log in for RT owners that they have to enter so
they can get in to the system. It is the responsibility of the agent to send the link to the RT
owners via SMS so they can download it.

All of the methods mentioned above are considered as thin client method (Email,
SMS, OwnerApp). Our software can monitor whether the restaurant has downloaded the
online order. If order is not downloaded in 10 minutes, this order will be pushed to the

!16 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

troubled order stack. This time, it will be the CS responsibility to investigate why this is the
case and inform restaurant about the situation.

5.8 Back Office Link

BM sends back office link via email to restaurants. This includes back office login and
password. Restaurants need to save the link and open it to check orders once they have
new orders.

5. How to process troubled orders

There are two ways to check a trouble order from BO:

a) BO > System > Fax Phone Report

b) On the main page, click “order”

When processing a Troubled Order, it is easier to check the details of the order if
you click the “Order” tab from the control panel main page.

It will then route you to the order detail page. See image below:

!17 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

There are different buttons each with specific functions:

• Billing – if you want to check restaurant’s billing statement

• Back Office- if you want to go to restaurant’s back office to operate on something
• Order Details – check itemized order details
• Fax Status – check Long Status Report of an order
• Open Order in New Window – view order on a different browser
• Owner App – if you want to send RT Owner link to download Owner App
• Close – self-explanatory

6.1 Fax TO
If a restaurant receives orders by Fax or Thin Client by the time this troubled order shows
up, it is already 6 to 10 minutes late.

!18 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

If a restaurant failed to receive fax, the first thing is to go to “system!fax phone

report” and try to figure out why this fax failed. In the following screen shot, the “Long
Status” column shows fax status and reason.

If a fax failed because status says “Busy signal, too many attempts to dial” it’s ok to
resend the fax to restaurant, and hopefully, it will go through. But if Long Status is “No
Answer” or “No Carrier Detected” or other troublesome error messages, it’s time to call
restaurant right away, or read order to them and ask them to check fax machine or fax

Call restaurant first and inform them the situation. If restaurant did not turn on Fax
machine, or forgot to check the internet, the support personal can just resend the fax.

However, if the order is a prepaid order it is highly prioritized. Regardless of

whatever status it is, always call the restaurant to confirm the order.

In addition, fax resend is not always the BEST option as it will make the restaurant owners
dependent on the CS staff to keep calling RT to confirm an order.

It is always best to ask restaurant owners if they have an alternative method of receiving
orders e.g. via email, thin client, etc. If none, it is strongly recommended to emphasize the
importance of having a back up method in cases of emergency.

If restaurant is having difficulty for any of the above methods to receive online order, read
the order to restaurant
!19 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

If there is no answer from restaurant, try to call restaurant owner’s cell number or any
other contact numbers. If this fails, wait for 5 minutes and call back restaurant again on a 5
minute interval and see if restaurant picks up phone. Remember it is your responsibility to
make sure issue is resolved, “I called no answer” is simply not enough”.

Finally, if restaurant cannot be reached, call customer and check with them if they got the
delivery or if they were able to pick up the order. If none, cancel the order accordingly then
send a reference email. Apologize for the inconvenience and advise them about the refund
timeline of 3-5 business days or 7-10 business days depending on the bank’s policy.

6.2 Wrong Pin TO

Non-Prepaid Orders
!20 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Go to the Store’s Back Office by Clicking on the BO link on the far right side of the Control

Then look for the Order Number, click Operate.

After a couple of minutes, go to the Fax Phone Report and check the status of the pin.

If PIN was successfully confirmed by store, it should say Success under Pin S, then your
name beside it. For this example, it was confirmed successfully by store so we can already
resolve TO.
Prepaid orders
For Wrong Pin prepaid orders, regardless of the status you see on the Fax Phone Report,
ALWAYS call the restaurant to confirm the order.

!21 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

6.3 Thin Client TO

As previously discussed Thin Client Trouble Orders also include Orders sent through
Email, Text Message, Owner App and Back Office Link.

Go to Back Office

Look for the corresponding Order and Click Operate.

Clicking the Check Computer/3G Phone/Email will send restaurant a telephone

notification call. RT owners will then check their email or SMS for orders.

After receiving the phone call, if RT owner complains that they still haven’t received the
order after checking their emails and SMS, simply click the send restaurant order email

!22 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

or send restaurant order text message. In the above picture, SMS order notification is
not enabled which explains why option is grayed out.

6.4 No Fax Number TO

This usually happens to new restaurants who just set-up their account with BM. When
the Fax notification is enabled in the store settings, our system will assume that RT can
receive orders via Fax however, they don’t have a fax machine set-up. This order
automatically becomes a No Fax Number TO. There’s only one resolution for this, CALL
the restaurant to confirm order and clarify with them their method of receiving orders. If
they don’t have fax machine, offer to set-up email, SMS, or Owner App etc. for them to
avoid another trouble order.

6.5 Fax/ Fax Pin TO

This type of trouble order is a combination of the Fax and Wrong Pin Trouble Orders.

A Fax/Pin trouble order is where the system detected that the store did not receive the fax
order, so we address this issue first by checking the Fax status then process it as a Fax
TO. After the fax is sent and received by the store, we need to make sure that the staff
confirms the pin by sending a pin confirmation request to the store.


Go to the Store’s Back Office by clicking on the BO link on the far right side of the Control

Go to Long Status to check the status of the Fax

!23 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

In this case, we need to call the store immediately.
Remember, we only resend a fax order if status says Busy signal detected; too many
attempts to dial. For other status not mentioned, call the store immediately.

Prepaid Orders
Check “Long Status” under Fax Phone Report.

!24 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

If Busy Signal Detected and Too Many Attempts to dial status, resend Fax first.

If status is NOT Busy Signal Detected, call store immediately. In general, it is always
BEST to call the store to confirm an order for prepaid orders.

!25 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

7. Reading orders to restaurant

If you click the “order” button at the right site, additional window will pop up and display the
detailed order information. See image below:

Below are examples of a Delivery order, Pick-Up order, Pay by Cash and Prepaid Orders:

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!27 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

It’s always a good idea to go through the fax sheet line by line to understand the structure
of the order details. So please spend time to familiarize with the content of the fax.

When reading an online order to restaurant, it’s important to follow the steps below as a
general guideline.

1. At first, tell customer what kind of order this is, delivery, or pickup, or express dine in,
or reservation.

2. Give customer’s phone number to restaurant. This is one of the most important
information to a restaurant, in case they need contact customer.

3. If it is a future order, make sure let customer know when the customer wants it. Make
sure that restaurant does not rush to make a future order.

4. If it’s delivery order, read the name and address to restaurant. Normally, you do
not need read the city, state and zip code. If it’s a pick up order, it is important to
mention the customer’s name and the pick-up time.

5. Read items one by one, clearly and swiftly. If some menu items are not clear, note it
down and check the menu items on the restaurant’s website after finishing the call to
check for comparison.

6. Read the order amount. If there are tips and delivery fee, make sure to read those for

7. If there are special notes, read the notes to restaurant

8. Let restaurant know how customer will pay the order.

8. Back Office Navigation

8.1 Phone Panel and Back Office

Our control panel allows us to call restaurants smoothly. The steps are simple: Copy and
paste the restaurant’s phone numbers from the TO stack in the space above the “Ready”
button, click the small blue telephone icon then click ‘Call” and you’re good to go.

!28 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

It is important to note though that our control panel does not have a dial pad, thus it will not
allow us to input a certain number for those restaurants that require callers to enter a
number. In this case, we need to use Google Hangouts.

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8.2 Back Office

If you click the “BO” button, you will be directed to the back office of this restaurant. This
is where you set-up the restaurant’s account settings.

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Notice the image below. If this restaurant has 3 or more stars, this is a really good
client. More stars mean this restaurant is a highly valued client. So, please give more
attention to restaurants with three stars or higher.

8.3 Adding notes

This area is where we add notes, refer issues beyond our scope of work and basically
resolve issues. When you add notes, make sure the notes are detailed and concise.

Below is an example of how the “Note” field looks like for both TOs and phone calls.

!31 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Double click the note field and it will route you to this area.

If you click the buttons on the right side, it will allow you to automatically fill in these
procedures to the note area. The same follows for the “Note” field in phone calls.

Additionally, the TO and PH buttons circled in red is very helpful. If you are adding notes
and you notice that these buttons are in red, it means to say that the contact you are
working on is associated to a certain TO or a phone call. Clicking that button will route you

!32 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

to that TO or phone call so you can resolve it accordingly or use those associated TOs or
phone calls as a reference.

Notice the play button, this is useful if you want to review a certain call to check on some
details. If you want to listen how tenured agents manage their calls, you can also check
this button.

!33 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

8.4 BM Phone Panel

This section is simple. You just have to work on your computer and make sure the “ready”
sign is there so you can take incoming calls. If for whatever reason you are unable to see
the “ready” sign, do all you can to bring it back.

Note that we don’t charge customers every time they place phone calls to our hotline
numbers. However, it will depend on their network provider. Some customers make calls
using a different network from the one that we are using and these calls are charged
accordingly by their phone company.

Incoming phone call panel shows today’s incoming calls history

!34 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Descriptions for each column are list below:

Business Name Restaurant Name

Phone Incoming phone number
Status Active or Resolved. If the issue is not resolved, please leave the entry as
Active state.
Note By clicking this area, user can add notes, create ticket, and resolve the
issue. You can always play back each conversation since each one is
By Automatically add user’s login when user took the call.

Add The time this call popped up

S Duration of the recording (by second)
info Click to bring up detailed restaurant information in the info section of the
middle panel.
BO Click to get into back office of this restaurant

Note Area:

You can click the note area to add comments, change the status of a call, create tickets
and etc.

!35 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Notice the area above the “note field”, these are the selections you need to choose before
you resolve a call. This will mainly give a brief description on what transpired during your
call. For this above scenario, restaurant called about an order related issue so CS agent
selected Order Issue field.

8.5 Restaurant Call

When a customer calls us using a registered phone number that is linked to our system,
this is how it will look like in the phone panel. You will see an ‘Active” status in red and
beside it is the restaurant’s information.

Currently, our system can save 8 restaurant phone numbers: 4 regular landline numbers, 4
cell numbers, and one fax number. If the incoming phone number is linked and registered
to the RT’s account in back office, system be able to pull out the restaurant’s information.
Here, you will see the restaurant ID, related restaurant information, and back office link

8.6 Adding New Phone Numbers to Restaurant

When RT owner calls in and phone numbers are not associated to his restaurant, it’s
important to associate the phone numbers to his account in BO. This way, when customer
calls again using this number we can easily locate the restaurant and find related

After accepting the call, we need to click the ‘Find Restaurant Tab’.

!36 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

It will route you to this page. Ask for the caller’s main restaurant phone numbers and enter
it in the “phone field” and then it will pull up the restaurant’s information. Make sure to
check with caller the restaurant’s address, City and State to make sure it is the correct

!37 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Below is how the phone panel would look like on an active call:

8.7 What if the phone number is associated with multiple restaurants?

Sometimes a phone number can be linked to multiple restaurants. This usually happens
when the restaurant owner has more than two stores. In this case, no restaurant
information will pull up in the search restaurant tab.


Fernando called in to close store hours for the day.

He has 3 stores in Illinois namely: Panda Inn, China King and Great Wall. If the cell phone
number he is using to call Beyond Menu is saved in all 3 stores, no store information will
show up in control Panel.

In this scenario, it is very important to ask which store he is calling for. DO NOT CLOSE
STORE right away without verifying which restaurant he is referring to.

Basically, the steps are just the same with pointers 8.6, but for numbers associated with
multiple restaurants, you have to be extra careful when you link a phone call. You
have to make sure it is linked to the correct restaurant as this can be very tricky.

!38 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

8.8 Unassociated calls

When a call comes in, and no number is associated with the restaurant at the same time
no restaurant name is displayed. Most of the time, this could either be just customers
calling to check an order status or a restaurant owner using unregistered phone numbers.
In this case, the restaurant ID will look like this “-1”. If it is a customer checking an
order, no need to associate the call. If it is a restaurant owner, follow the process for 8.6.

8.9 Replay Button

When you pick up the phone, and start to talk to customer, everything is recorded. All
these information includes when the customer called in, and what they said etc. This way,
if we missed anything, we can always go back, replay the recording, and find out missed
information. Just click the “play” button.

This is also is a good way to learn how experienced employee answers incoming phone

!39 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

9. Function Buttons
The bottom section has several useful buttons:

The “ticket” button is a quick link to bring you the ticket system. When you click the button
and log in to the ticket system, you will see the screen like below.

If you need check a certain day’s failed order history, you can always click the “order
history” to bring up order history window to check them.

!40 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

You can find out specific troubled order by providing the search criteria.

The call history window is similar to the “order history,” it gives you the chance to find a call
within 30 days, and bring the conversation back to life If you forgot the details for that
certain call.

!41 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

At the bottom of the back office, there are also several function buttons:

The “Billing” button gives quick access for this customer’s billing statement.

Note: the “refresh” button is very important. If you click it, system will refresh and update
all related information on screen.

!42 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

10. Billing
10.1 Different commission plans

BeyondMenu charges restaurant commission on order subtotal only (not

including tax, tips or delivery charge).

We have the following plans for restaurants:

• General Plan (over 90% restaurants are using): 5% Commission
• Special Plan (only some old clients are using): 3% Commission + $0.12/fax +$0.08/
phone call + $25/yr Domain Renew fee + $20/menu updating
• Some Restaurants were acquired by BM from COO (Chinese Online Ordering) and
have a fixed monthly rate plus a per order fee. For example, some stores have 9.99
fixed fee a month, plus $0.76 per order charge.
• Other Plans: very few restaurants are charged fixed commission per year.

10.2 Where to check the commission rate in BO

First, go to the billing system, then click “restaurant” tab at the right top corner, then click
the “restaurant setting” dropdown menu, and try to find the restaurant by ID, name, etc.

!43 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Click the “edit” button to modify the billing setup for this restaurant.

Here we can setup everything about the billing rates for the restaurant, commission
charges and etc. everything about billing.

10.3 Types of Restaurant Account

There are two types of restaurant account: prepaid and non-prepaid.

For non-prepaid account holders, they usually collect the customer’s money first either via
cash or via credit card and then they pay us our share of commission.

For prepaid accounts, customers pay the order online through BM by using their credit
cards. We collect the money online first and we pay the restaurant owners every half of the
month either through check via post mail or direct deposit to their bank accounts. This will
be their choice.

We send them their billing statement every half of the month and let them know how much
we will pay them. A sample of such statement is shown below:

!44 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Once we send out payment checks to restaurants, we fax or email them a letter to inform
them that a check is on its way.

Below are two sample letters. The first one is for check payments via post mail while the
second one is for direct deposit, also called ACH. By the way, Automated Clearing
House (ACH) is an electronic network for financial transactions in the United States.

!45 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Sample Letter of Sending Out Online Bank Check to Restaurant

!46 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Sample Letter of Direct Deposit to Restaurant

10.3.1 Non Prepaid Restaurants

In this case, we typically Fax or email invoice to restaurants at the first day of the month.
(That is why we are very busy the first few days of the month.)

A sample of such letter is attached below:

!47 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Restaurant can pay us by check or credit card. If they pay us by credit card, they call us
and give us their card information. We save their card info into our system, will charge
them for the following months. If they pay us by check, we expect them to send us the
check every 15th of the month.

Recently there have been new updates on BM’s payment system. Restaurant owners
now have the option to do Auto Pay. Since the process of calling BM every 15th of
the month can be such a hassle, we make it easier for them by registering their
online checking account to our Auto Pay system. In this case, every 15th of the
month, our system deducts payment for them.

After we charge restaurant credit card, we will send a thank you letter to inform them that
we have charge them certain amount of money. A sample letter is shown below:

!48 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

This letter also serves the purpose of the receipt. The disclaimer at the bottom informs
the restaurant that if they do not want us to charge them the credit card, they can call us
and we will refund them right away. If they do not call us and dispute the charge, the
additional $35 charge back fee will be applied to them.

!49 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

After we receive restaurant’s check, we also send them a thanks letter. A sample letter is
attached below:

10.3.2 Prepaid Restaurants

As discussed previously, for prepaid restaurants we collect the money first and then
typically pay the restaurant every half of the month, either by online bank check or ACH
direct deposit.

When you get into a restaurant’s back office, the top line is an important summary line for
this restaurant.

!50 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

The red “Prepaid” sign on the image above should alert you that restaurant is a prepaid

If you check a “Prepaid” restaurant’s billing statement, you should see a negative number
which is also an indication that we owe money to the restaurant.

There are some restaurant owners who prefer us to collect the money first to save their
management a headache. This type of restaurant is typically bigger, and owners are not in
restaurant all the time. Most of them are fed up with customer charge back.

There are also some restaurants owners who are delinquent payers or sometimes never
pay us at all. For these restaurants, we recommend them to switch to a prepaid account so
we can avoid the hassle of collecting money.

Therefore, if would benefit BM more if we collect the money first so we can ensure that we
get paid for our commission on a timely basis. This is important especially for restaurant
owners who do not pay monthly dues on time. This is something we want to avoid.

10.4 Billing System Navigation

When you get into a restaurant’s back office, you can click the “billing” button at the bottom
to launch the billing page as below:

By default, the unpaid invoice is shown on the screen.

!51 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

There are several things you can do on this screen:

• Check how much the restaurant owns us

• How they want to pay us, check or credit card
• Which date we have sent invoice to them by fax or email, was it successful
• Resend invoice to them by fax or by email
• Send some predefined document to restaurant. (this is useful especially
when they are late for the payment.)
• Check payment history

This screen shows restaurant ID 21086 (Saigon 48) payment history. You can always type
in different restaurant ID or name to find out corresponding restaurant’s payment history.

!52 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

!53 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

10.5 Restaurant Billing Disputes

Most of our billing disputes arise from certain situations where orders were cancelled by
customers or some restaurants do not like reservation orders.

For orders cancelled before the bill was generated, it will no longer show on the current
Orders listed on the billing statement are active orders.

Lots of restaurant owners do not know that we charge $0.25 per person for reservation
order. If they do not like this service, we can always turn it off as shown below.

!54 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

!55 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

10.6 Payment via Credit Card for Restaurants

If a restaurant wants to pay credit card, please write down credit card information and fill
into the above screen. Then we will be able to charge customer credit card later. We will
need following credit card information:

• Card number
• Card expiration date
• CVV number (or security code)
• Card holder name
• Billing Zip Code
• Billing street address

Double check the credit card information that you wrote down with card owner, then fill
them into the form as shown above. At the same time, create a ticket, management team
will charge the credit card later. Remember, if nobody can charge the card right away, a
ticket must be created.

10.7 Credit Card Processing Fees

For prepaid accounts, we need to pay our credit card company certain transaction fees.
These fees are shouldered by the restaurant owners.

Below are the standard transaction fees that apply in case customer asks:

As you can see, Amex payment scheme is slightly higher if you compare it with the others.
That’s why most restaurant owners will not choose Amex.

Note: This online order credit card processing rate is IN AVERAGE

VISA/MS/DISC: %2.9 + $0.10

AMEX: %3.5 + $0.10

!56 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

11. How to Answer Incoming Phone Calls

• When you answer an incoming phone call your opening spiel should brand the call
and mention your name. Make sure to be friendly, efficient and listen carefully to the
customer’s concern.

• “Thanks for calling Beyond Menu, this is Yujie speaking, how can I help?” You can
be creative in making your own spiel so as long as the call is branded and your
name is mentioned.

• Always ask for the restaurant’s phone number first, since the caller sometimes is
calling from their cell phone and or a second business line.

• When a restaurant owner or a staff asks if they can put us on hold, set expectations
that we can only wait for them for about 2-3mins as we have other calls to attend to.
If it’s a billing issue, it’s okay to wait for over 3-5mins. Otherwise, advise them to call
us back.

12. Several Rules

• For failed or troubled online orders, if the “cc” is checked, you must call restaurant
and even the customers sometimes to confirm an order. Also, always make sure to
remind restaurant owners to get customer’s signature on the receipt as this is
important if they have charge disputes in the future.

• If a restaurant is not answering their phone, please call them several times. If you
cannot reach the restaurant call the customer to cancel the order.

• Create a ticket if the issue is big enough. When you create a ticket, write as much
detail’s as you can. The more detailed, the better because other people may work
on the ticket too and may use your notes as a reference.

13. Updating Menu

When a new customer signs up with us, we will allow them to fax us the menu.

For old customers it is important to emphasize that we don’t do menu updates via fax
as they tend to become blurry and may deter us from updating the menu accurately.
Always recommend sending menu updates via email as it is faster and more accurate.

!57 Incorporated. Phone: (630) 776 3590

Menu updates usually take 24-48 hours to accomplish. When someone calls to ask
for an update about their menu make sure to set expectations by mentioning the

Additionally, ask what method they used to send us the menu. If they sent it via email,
always ask for the owner’s email address so we can check from our system.
Restaurant owners can send menu updates on this email:

The best way to update a menu is to offer Owner App. The following are the

1. Owner can just take a screenshot or picture of the menu and upload in on Owner
App gallery.

2. User friendly: as some owners don’t have the time to scan it or send it via email.

Other ways are through the following:

1. Creating a ticket

2. Asking if they have an updated menu from a competitor’s website

3. Reading the menu updates over the phone if less than 10 items.


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