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MGT2205/MGT2207/MGT2214/MGT2218 Professional Modules

Assessment April 2018 and August 2018


BA (Hons) Business Administration

BA (Hons) Marketing
BA (Hons) Finance
BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance

UH Credit INTI Credit

Module Code Module Title
Hours Hours
MGT2205 The Business Professional 30 8
MGT2207 Professional Development for Marketers 30 8
MGT2214 The Finance Professional 30 8
MGT2218 The Accounting Professional 30 8


Individual Journal Log (20%)
Group Presentation (30%)


Individual Assignment: Review Report & Reflections

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MGT2205/MGT2207/MGT2214/MGT2218 Professional Modules
Assessment April 2018 and August 2018

Assessment to Learning Outcomes Mapping: Refer to Appendix 1.




1. Find four (4) academic and reputable literature pieces related to one (1) of the topics below in the
relevant industry:
a. Industry expectation for business/marketing/accounting/finance professionals
b. Impact of globalisation in business/marketing/accounting/finance industry
c. Business Ethics

Examples of Academic/Reputable literature pieces are:

a. Academic Journals (e.g. Journal of Business and Management)
b. Research reports and articles from established organizations (e.g. WTO, WHO, UN, Harvard
Business Review)
c. Research reports from governments and government-linked agencies (e.g. Department of
Statistics Malaysia)
*Note to lecturers: You are encouraged to recommend journals and sources to your students which
you find particularly interesting or helpful/easily understood by your students.

2. Write a 400-word summary for each of the four (4) literature pieces. Your summary should include:
a. Introduction of the issue(s);
b. Summary of how data was collected;
c. The outcomes and findings of the issue;
d. Your opinion and reflection on the issue(s) and findings (e.g. Are the findings important and
why? What can be done about the findings? How does the findings contribute to the field it is

NB: Before writing the summary, you are advised to seek confirmation from your lecturer/tutor that
the articles are appropriate and relevant to your chosen topic. A summary is very similar to the
abstract, hence be mindful to rephrase to avoid plagiarism.

3. The summary must be typed written and easy to read. Suggested format:
a. Font type: Arial
b. Font size: 12
c. Line spacing: 2
d. Page number on each page
e. Student name and ID Number on each page
f. Print on A4 white paper, one sided

4. Hardcopy of your submission is to be submitted with the following:

a. Cover Page as provided at the end of this assignment brief (Appendix 5);
b. Grading Criteria (Appendix 2);
c. Marking and Feedback Sheet (Appendix 2);

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MGT2205/MGT2207/MGT2214/MGT2218 Professional Modules
Assessment April 2018 and August 2018

d. 4 Journal logs;
e. Reference list;
f. Turnitin Report – inserted at the end of the assignment.

5. Deadline for submission of both softcopy and hardcopy is by Week 13 of the APRIL 2018 semester.


Create a small business that your group is interested in doing. Before starting any business, your group
should look into the following business environment factors that may affect your new business. Your
group may choose to write on at least three or more of the following factors that is relevant to your field
of study:

a) Political factors
b) Economic factors
c) Social factors
d) Technology factors
e) Environment factors
f) Legal factors


1. Form a group of 4 to 5 members. Exception to the required group membership must be approved by
the lecturer in consultation with the nominee of UH Exam Board (normally the Dean or Head of

2. You may use the information obtained from academic sources as well as non-academic credible
sources (magazines, articles, websites).

3. The presentation should include the following:

a. Brief description of the business you are creating;
b. Literature to support the validity of the business environment factor chosen;
c. Analysis of the business environment factor chosen;
d. Challenges that may affect your business;
e. Recommendations to overcome these challenges.
f. A brief projection of the finances of the first year of your business, including:
 Estimated amount of money required as starting capital
 Estimated expenditures that your business will incur (e.g. rent, renovation, production
costs of products)
 Estimated earnings (e.g. price of products sold, amount of products sold)
*Students need to use IT software (e.g. Excel) to display these projections.

4. All presentation must be video recorded and uploaded to YouTube (secured) account. The access
to the link must be provided to the assessors and moderators until the results are confirmed.
Presentation should not be more than 15 minutes.

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MGT2205/MGT2207/MGT2214/MGT2218 Professional Modules
Assessment April 2018 and August 2018

5. Presentation will be conducted in Week 13 and Week 14 of the April 2018 semester. The following
items must be provided to the assessor(s) on the day of presentation:
a. Cover Page as provided at the end of this assignment brief (Appendix 5);
b. Undergraduate Grading Criteria for Team/Group Presentation and Mark and Feedback Sheet,
complete with student details (Appendix 3); and
c. Hardcopy of the presentation slides and reference lists.

6. After the presentation, submit the softcopy of the presentation slides with the YouTube link via
Blackboard or email (confirm with your lecturer).



1. Extend your research in the topic you selected for your Journal Log in Semester A. Read at least
another 2 related journal articles. Write a 1500-word report reviewing the issue, and your personal
opinion of how that particular issue will change and develop in the near future.

2. Your report must include the following:

a. Description of the issue;
b. Literature review, supporting data and evidence;
c. Analysis of the possible trends of change and development of the related issue;
d. Recommendations and/or possible solutions; and
e. Personal reflections on your learning process over the two semesters.

3. Your proposal must be type-written and easy to read. Suggested format:

a. Font type: Arial
b. Font size: 12
c. Line spacing: 2
d. Page number on each page.
e. Student name and ID number on each page.
f. Print on A4 white paper, one sided.

4. Hardcopy of your report is to be fastened with a ring-clip and should have:

a. Cover Page as provided at the end of this assignment brief (Appendix 5);
b. Grading Criteria and Marking and Feedback Sheet (Appendix 4) – insert immediately after the
Cover Page;
c. Business Report;
d. Reference list;
e. Appendices (if any); and
f. Turnitin Report – inserted at the end of the assignment.

5. Deadline for submission of both softcopy and hardcopy is Week 13 of the August 2018 semester.
(Reconfirm the deadline with your lecturer in Semester B)

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MGT2205/MGT2207/MGT2214/MGT2218 Professional Modules
Assessment April 2018 and August 2018


Plagiarism, cheating and collusion are regarded as very serious offences. Allegations of assessment
offences will be investigated by the Academic Conduct Officer. Any attempt to gain unfair advantage in
any assessment will be penalized. All students need to sign a declaration stating that they will not
plagiarise on the cover sheet for coursework assessment and for open book examinations.

The above terms may be defined as follows:

Plagiarism: the representation of another person's work as the student's own work, whether
intentionally or not, either by extensive unacknowledged quotation or paraphrasing or by direct copying
of another person's work. E.g. includes importing into the student’s work phrases from another person’s
work without using quotation marks and identifying the source or the use of ideas of another person
without acknowledgement of the source, or the presentation of work as the student own which
substantially comprises the ideas of another person. Please note that making extensive use of another
person’s work, even if referenced, means the work may be considered overly derivative and the work will
be marked down as appropriate. Student should demonstrate his or her understanding only by using
own words.

INTI-UH uses the Harvard system of referencing, whereby a copy of the Academic Skills Unit Harvard
Referencing Guide can be downloaded at StudyNET portal or from the Lee Fah Onn Library at IICS.

Cheating: attempting to gain unfair, improper or dishonest advantage in the assessment process,
typically in an examination or other assessments (e.g. class test). This includes taking into an
examination room of unauthorized information stored on a calculator, mobile phone, personal organizer,
or MP3 player, and the copying of the work of another candidate. Please note that only stationery stated
by the college is permitted.

Collusion: the representation by a student of work that s/he has undertaken jointly with one or more
other person(s) as being his or her own work undertaken independently of the other person(s). Please
note that structuring, sharing notes or actually writing up an answer using the same words as another
student will amount to collusion. It is obviously very unwise to make own individual coursework
available to any other student.

Where it is proven beyond reasonable doubt that a student has sought to gain an unfair advantage in
one examination/assessment, the normal minimum penalty would be a ruling that the result of the
examination/assessment should be declared null and void. If this extends to more than one
examination/assessment, the normal minimum penalty will be for all results in that stage assessment are
declared null and avoid.

A note of all plagiarism offences will appear on the student's record at the University and on student’s
transcripts as ‘AD’ or ‘ACADEMIC DISHONESTY’. The recommended penalties for academic dishonesty
are set out in the UPRSA13 (UH University Policies and Regulations).

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MGT2205/MGT2207/MGT2214/MGT2218 Professional Modules
Assessment April 2018 and August 2018

Late Submission

Assignment deadlines must be strictly adhered to as time management is a highly valued professional
skill. Assignments which are submitted late will be penalised as follows:

Up to one week late: Marks capped at 40/100.

Over one week late: ZERO (0) marks.

For the purpose of assignment submission, Saturday and Sunday are also counted as working days.

~ End of Assignment Brief ~

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MGT2205/MGT2207/MGT2214/MGT2218 Professional Modules
Assessment April 2018 and August 2018

Appendix 1: Assessment to Learning Outcomes Mapping

MGT2205 The Business Professional Group Review

Learning Outcomes Assessed Presentation Report &
(30%) Reflections
1. Key principles of management and the expectation of a
professional manager   
2. The manner in which knowledge is developed   
3. Self-evaluation skills in terms of strengths and weaknesses   
4. Identify and develop a series of skills and study strategies to aid
their future studies   
5. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing, individually
and in teams   
6. Appreciate and apply different ways of research and methods of
enquiry   
7. Develop skills in IT literacy, including make use of the University
virtual learning environment   
8. Develop numeracy skills for analysing and presenting numeric
information   
9. Appreciate and apply different methods of considering the
development of knowledge   

MGT2207 Professional Development for Marketers Group Review

Learning Outcomes Assessed Presentation Report &
(30%) Reflections
1. Identify the key principles of marketing and the expectations of a
professional marketer   
2. Explore the manner in which knowledge is developed   
3. Acquire and apply self-evaluation skills in terms of strengths and   

4. Identify and develop a series of skills and study strategies to aid   

their future studies

5. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing, individually   

and in teams

6. Appreciate and apply different ways of research and methods of   


7. Develop skills in IT literacy, including make use of the University   

virtual learning environment

8. Develop numeracy skills for analysing and presenting numeric   


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MGT2205/MGT2207/MGT2214/MGT2218 Professional Modules
Assessment April 2018 and August 2018

MGT2207 Professional Development for Marketers Group Review

Learning Outcomes Assessed Presentation Report &
(30%) Reflections

9. Appreciate and apply different methods of considering the   

development of knowledge

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MGT2205/MGT2207/MGT2214/MGT2218 Professional Modules
Assessment April 2018 and August 2018

MGT2214 The Finance Professional Group Review

Learning Outcomes Assessed Presentation Report &
(30%) Reflections
t (20%)
1. Examine the expectations placed on professionals in the field
of finance.   
2. Recognize their own strengths and weaknesses through a
process of self-evaluation.   
3. Prepare written work with a sound academic basis.   
4. Indicate ability to use available resources to acquire general
financial knowledge.   
5. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing, individual
and in teams.   
6. Demonstrate mastery of the Harvard system of referencing.   
7. Appreciate and apply different ways of research and methods
of enquiry.   
8. Implement analytical skills in preparing and presenting
numeric information.   
9. Demonstrate proficiency in using available software packages
for analysing financial data.   

MGT2218 The Accounting Professional Group Review

Learning Outcomes Assessed Presentation Report &
(30%) Reflections
t (20%)
1. Examine the key principles of accounting and finance and the
expectations placed on professionals seeking a successful career   
in accounting, finance or audit.
2. Recognise their own areas of strengths and weaknesses.   
3. Present their views and opinions in a clear and academically
supportable manner.   
4. Prepare work that has been researched competently to relevant
academic literature both within the university virtual learning   
environment and within the broader arena.
5. Review financial information and report on reasons for changes
in this information.   
6. Solve problems using appropriate modelling techniques.   
7. Present work effectively both orally and in writing.   
8. Demonstrate the ability to operate effectively within a team /
group environment.   
9. Reference their work using the Harvard system.   
10. Identify and develop a set of skills and strategies to aid future
research and study.   
11. Recognize and apply differing methods of planning and achieving
knowledge development.   
12. Analyse and present numerical data in an information, cohesive
and clear manner using a good level of IT literacy.   

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MGT2205/MGT2207/MGT2214/MGT2218 Professional Modules
Assessment April 2018 and August 2018

Appendix 2: Undergraduate Grading Criteria for Journal Logs

ESSAY Presentation & structure Use & presentation of Harvard Referencing Content/ Terms/ Findings/ Definitions/ Breadth / Depth / Integration of Literature Analysis /Critical evaluation /Discussion
Calculations /Exposition/Reflection

Task details Follows summary structure & keeps to Follows Harvard style for in-text citation Content included - specify task Integration & application of information - Line of argument, development of
word limit of 400 words for each journal and reference list. requirements as in coursework specify task requirements as in coursework. discussion supported with evidence.

80-100 Outstanding... Presentation & essay Outstanding... Standard of referencing Outstanding... Exploration of topic showing Outstanding... Business insight & Outstanding... Level of discussion/analysis/
structure, with flowing paragraphs. within text & consistent use of Harvard excellent knowledge & understanding application. critical evaluation &/or reflection.
Outstanding Articulate & fluent academic writing style referencing system. through thorough & appropriate research. Breadth, depth & integration of Highly developed/ focused work.
No grammatical / spelling errors. Accuracy of in-text references & full details Impressive choice and range of appropriate literature/data into work.
shown in Reference list. content.

70-79 Excellent ... Presentation & essay structure, Excellent... Standard of referencing within Excellent ... Level of knowledge & Excellent ... Business insight & application. Excellent... Level of discussion/analysis/
with flowing paragraphs. text & consistent use of Harvard referencing understanding demonstrated. Breadth, depth & integration of critical evaluation &/or reflection clearly
Excellent Articulate & fluent academic writing style. system. Evidence of appropriate reading. literature/data into work. developing points in the appropriate way
Only a minor error. Accuracy of in-text references & full details Covers all relevant points & issues. with thorough consideration of all
shown in Reference list. possibilities.

60-69 Very good... Presentation & essay Very good... Standard of referencing within Very good... Level of knowledge & Very good... Business insight & application. Very good... Level of discussion/analysis/
structure, with flowing paragraphs. text & consistent use of Harvard referencing understanding demonstrated. Breadth, depth & integration of critical evaluation &/or reflection & a few
Very Good Fluent academic writing style. system. Covers most relevant points & issues. literature/data into work. ideas/points could benefit from further
Very few grammatical errors & spelling Accuracy of in-text references & full details Few errors / omissions in development &/or evaluation/comparison.
mistakes. shown in Reference list. content/calculations.
50-59 Good... Clear presentation & essay Good... Standard of referencing within text Good... Grasp of the topic & some of its Good... Business insight & application. Good... Level of discussion/analysis/ critical
structure with paragraphing. & consistent use of Harvard referencing implications presented. Breadth, depth & integration of evaluation &/or reflection but more
Good Writing is mainly clear but some spelling &/ system. Knowledge & understanding is literature/data into work. ideas/points could be addressed /developed
or grammatical errors. Accuracy of in-text references & full details demonstrated. further.
shown in Reference list. Minor errors / omissions in content/
40-49 Satisfactory... Basic essay structure. Satisfactory... Basic referencing within text Satisfactory... Content / level of knowledge Satisfactory... Business insight & Satisfactory... Basic evidence of
Not always written clearly & has & consistent use of Harvard referencing of the topic. Addresses part of the task. application. Limited integration with discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or
Satisfactory grammatical & / or spelling errors. system. Some errors / omissions in content/ literature/ data. reflection but some points superficially
Accuracy of in-text references & full details calculations. May benefit from further Use of literature/data but limited in breadth made so need further development.
shown in Reference list. research. OR depth.
30-39 Weak... Essay format, limited or poor Weak...Use of Harvard referencing system Weak... Limited content / knowledge/ Weak... Unsatisfactory evidence of business Weak... Limited evidence of
structure. with errors & inconsistently applied. Limited calculations. Limited or muddled application & insight discussion/analysis/ critical evaluation &/or
Marginal Fail Muddled work with many spelling & / or referencing within the text. Limited accuracy understanding of the topic/question. Work needs to show better links between reflection.
grammatical errors. of in-text references compared to those in Does not meet all the learning outcomes. practical application & theory. More development & comment needed.
the final Reference list. May need to do more than describe.

20 – 29 Inadequate... Essay format & poor Inadequate... Use of Harvard referencing Inadequate... Lacking in relevant content/ Inadequate... Lacks evidence of business Inadequate... Lacking / inadequate level of
paragraphing / signposting. with many errors &/or inconsistencies. knowledge/calculations. Content irrelevant / application & insight. Some literature discussion/ analysis/critical evaluation & /or
Clear Fail Inappropriate writing style inaccurate. Does not meet all the learning irrelevant to topic. reflection. Descriptive.
Poorly written &/or poor spelling & Must see CASE outcomes. Must see CASE
grammar. Must see CASE
1 – 19 Nothing of merit... Poorly written work, Nothing of merit... No or little attempt to Nothing of merit... Unsatisfactory level of Nothing of merit... No evidence of Nothing of merit... Unsatisfactory level of
lacking structure, paragraphing / use the recommended Harvard referencing knowledge demonstrated. appropriate business application & insight. discussion/analysis/critical evaluation &/or
Little or signposting. system. Content used irrelevant / not appropriate/ reflection
Nothing of Many inaccuracies in spelling & grammar. to the topic. Does not meet the learning
merit Must see CASE Must see CASE outcomes. Must see CASE

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MGT2205/MGT2207/MGT2214/MGT2218 Professional Modules
Assessment April 2018 and August 2018

Appendix 2: Individual Journal Logs

Module Code & Title

Topic Deadline
Name ID No.

Please refer to Grading Criteria for Essay when awarding marks (upon 100). Each criteria weightage is given below (X%).
Grading Criteria 100m X% Comments / Feedback / Feed Forward
C1. Presentation & structure:
Follows logical structure with good flow; meet the format requirements
outlined in the instruction, articulate and fluent academic writing. /100 /10
C2. Use Academic Recourses with Harvard Referencing
Use a minimum of 4 sources; in-text citations done properly and use Harvard
referencing style. /100 /10
C3. Content / Reflections
Perform an accurate information and rich in content. /100 /20
C4. Business Application & Integration of Data/Literature
Articulate knowledge & understanding: Inclusion of appropriate and relevant
theories; accurate and relevant application of data/ theory/practice/
examples /100 /40
C5. Discussion /Analysis /Critical evaluation &/or Reflection
Express insightful analysis, supported ideas effectively by relevant evidence. /100 /20

Total (Assessor) /100

Total (Reviewer/Moderator) /100

UH Internal Moderator Comments External Examiner Comments (if applicable)

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Appendix 3: Undergraduate Grading Criteria for Team/Group Presentations
Presentation & structure Use & presentation of Harvard Content/ Terms/ Findings/ Business Application & Integration Discussion /Analysis /Critical Team Work/ Group contract/
Referencing Definitions/ Calculations/Log of Data/Literature evaluation &/or Reflection Log/Wiki

Task details Follows logical structure & keeps Follows Harvard style for in-text Content included - specify task Integration & application of Line of argument, development of Evidence of preparation, team
to time citation & Reference List requirements as in coursework information - from coursework discussion supported with building, communications, team
guidance guidance evidence. co-operation, contribution

80-100 Outstanding... Presentation, Outstanding... Standard of Outstanding... Exploration of topic Outstanding... Business insight & Outstanding... Level of Outstanding… Contribution to
structure & visual aids. referencing within work & showing excellent knowledge & application. discussion/analysis/ critical every meeting. Resolved any
Outstanding Articulate & fluent business style consistent use of Harvard understanding through thorough & Breadth, depth & integration of evaluation &/or reflection. weaknesses. Collaborated well.
with ideas cross referenced. No referencing system. appropriate research. literature/data into work. Highly developed/ focused work. Listened effectively. Respected
grammatical / spelling errors. Accuracy of references & full Impressive choice and range of others’ opinions & ideas.
details shown in Reference list. appropriate content. Demonstrated effective team
management (contract, log, wiki
etc.). Vital team member.
70-79 Excellent ... Presentation, Excellent... Standard of referencing Excellent ... Level of knowledge & Excellent ... Business insight & Excellent... Level of Excellent… Contribution to every
structure & visual aids. within work & consistent use of understanding demonstrated. application. discussion/analysis/ critical meeting. Resolved weaknesses.
Excellent Articulate & fluent business style. Harvard referencing system. Evidence of appropriate reading. Breadth, depth & integration of evaluation &/or reflection clearly Collaborated well. Listened
Only a minor error. Accuracy of in-text references & Covers all relevant points & issues. literature/data into work. developing points in the effectively. Respected others’
full details shown in Reference list. appropriate way with thorough opinions & ideas. Demonstrated
consideration of all possibilities. effective team management
(contract, log, etc.)
60-69 Very good... Presentation, Very good... Standard of Very good... Level of knowledge & Very good... Business insight & Very good... Level of Very good… Contribution to most
structure & visual aids. Fluent referencing within work & understanding demonstrated. application. discussion/analysis/ critical meetings. Helped to resolve
Very Good business style. consistent use of Harvard Covers most relevant points & Breadth, depth & integration of evaluation &/or reflection & a few weaknesses. Listened to and
Very few grammatical errors & referencing system. issues. literature/data into work. ideas/points could benefit from respected others’ opinions &
spelling mistakes. Accuracy of in-text references & Few errors / omissions in further development &/or ideas. A very good team player.
full details shown in Reference list. content/calculations. evaluation/comparison.
50-59 Good... Clear presentation, Good... Standard of referencing Good... Grasp of the topic & some Good... Business insight & Good... Level of Good… participation in meetings.
structure & visual aids. within work & consistent use of of its implications presented. application. discussion/analysis/ critical Listened to others opinions &
Good Exposition is mainly clear but with Harvard referencing system. Knowledge & understanding is Breadth, depth & integration of evaluation &/or reflection but ideas. A good team player.
some spelling &/ or grammatical Accuracy of in-text references & demonstrated. literature/data into work. more ideas/points could be
errors. full details shown in Reference list. Minor errors / omissions in addressed /developed further.
content/ calculations
40-49 Satisfactory... Basic delivery, Satisfactory... Basic referencing Satisfactory... Content / level of Satisfactory... Business insight & Satisfactory... Basic evidence of Satisfactory… team member
structure &/or visual aids. within work & use of Harvard knowledge of the topic. Addresses application. Limited integration discussion/analysis/ critical Generally attended meetings.
Satisfactory Not always clear & with referencing system. part of the task. Some errors / with literature/ data. evaluation &/or reflection but Demonstrated some participation.
grammatical & / or spelling errors. omissions in content/ calculations. Use of literature/data but limited some points superficially made so
May benefit from further research. in breadth OR depth. need further development.
30-39 Weak... delivery, limited / poor Weak...Use of Harvard referencing Weak... Limited content / Weak... Unsatisfactory evidence of Weak... Limited evidence of Weak… Did not attend enough
structure. Inaudible. Inadequate system with errors & inconsistently knowledge/ calculations. Limited business application & insight discussion/analysis/ critical meetings. Rarely contributed
Marginal Fail timekeeping. applied. Limited accuracy, in work or muddled understanding of the Work needs to show better links evaluation &/or reflection. and/or communicate effectively
Muddled work with many errors. &/or final Reference list. topic/question. between practical application and More development & comment
Does not meet all the learning theory. needed. May need to do more
outcomes. than describe.
20 – 29 Inadequate... incoherent message, Inadequate... Harvard referencing Inadequate... Lacking in relevant Inadequate... Lacks evidence of Inadequate... Lacking / inadequate Inadequate… Appears
inaudible, muddled &/or with many errors &/or content/ knowledge/calculations. business application & insight. level of discussion/ analysis/critical disinterested, disengaged,
Clear Fail inappropriate style. Poor inconsistencies. Content irrelevant / inaccurate. Some literature irrelevant to topic. evaluation & /or reflection. uncommitted.
delivery /timekeeping Does not meet all the learning Descriptive.
Must see CASE Must see CASE outcomes. Must see CASE
1 – 19 Nothing of merit... Poor delivery, Nothing of merit... No or little Nothing of merit... Unsatisfactory Nothing of merit... No evidence of Nothing of merit... Unsatisfactory Nothing of merit… Did not
structure, inappropriate. Many attempt to use the recommended level of knowledge demonstrated. appropriate business application & level of discussion/analysis/critical contribute or participate.
Little or errors. Harvard referencing system. Content used irrelevant / not insight. evaluation &/or reflection
Nothing of Must see CASE appropriate/ to the topic. Does not
merit Must see CASE meet the learning outcomes. Must see CASE

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Page 13 of 18
Appendix 3: Group Oral Presentation Mark and Feedback Sheet

Module Code & Title

Topic Date & Time
Name (in CAPITAL 1. ID No. 1.
LETTERS) 2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Please refer to Grading Criteria in the Assignment Brief when awarding marks. Each criteria has equal weightage; C1 to C3 assess life skills while C4 to C6 assess breadth and depth of knowledge.
Grading Criteria Marks (x/100) Comments / Feedback / Feed Forward
C1. Presentation & structure:
Follows logical structure, good time management, use of appropriate visual
aids, good voice control, fluent and articulate.
C2. Team Work/ Group Cohesiveness
Evidence of preparation, team building, communications, team co-operation,
individual contribution.
C3. Use Academic Recourses with Harvard Referencing
Use a minimum of 4 sources and citations/links provided in the presentations.
C4. Content
Identify a current issue faced by relevant industry on evidence-based
research; able to summarise the issue(s) with clarity.
C5. Business Application & Integration of Data/Literature
Analyse and identify the trends of the issue, supported with evidence.
C6. Discussion /Analysis /Critical evaluation &/or Reflection
Clear line of argument, development of discussion, provide relevant and
achievable recommendations.

Total (Assessor) - Convert to 100 marks / 600 / 100

Total (Reviewer/Moderator) / 600 / 100

UH Internal Moderator Comments External Examiner Comments (if applicable)

Page 14 of 18
Appendix 4: Undergraduate Grading Criteria for Report / Business Proposal (Semester B)
REPORT Presentation & structure Use & presentation of Harvard Content/ Terms/ Findings/ Business Application & Integration Discussion /Analysis /Critical Self – Reflections
Referencing Definitions/ Calculations of Data/Literature evaluation &/or Reflection
Task details Follows report structure & keeps to Follows Harvard style for in-text Content included - specify task Integration & application of Line of argument, development of Reflects the numerous skills gained
word limit of 1500 words citation & Reference List. Use a requirements as in coursework information - from coursework discussion supported with evidence. from the course and achievable
guidance guidance suggestion for future. 500 words.
minimum of 6 sources
80-100 Outstanding... Presentation & report Outstanding... Standard of Outstanding... Exploration of topic Outstanding... Business insight & Outstanding... Level of Outstanding... Showing excellent
structure, with numbered referencing within text & consistent showing excellent knowledge & application. discussion/analysis/ critical knowledge & understanding through
Outstanding paragraphs, list of contents/figures use of Harvard referencing system. understanding through thorough & Breadth, depth & integration of evaluation &/or reflection. skills gained from the course with
&appendices. Accuracy of in-text references & full appropriate research. literature/data into work. Highly developed/ focused work. appropriate suggestions. No
Articulate & fluent academic writing details shown in Reference list. Impressive choice and range of grammatical / spelling errors.
style with ideas cross referenced. No appropriate content.
grammatical / spelling errors.
70-79 Excellent ... Presentation & report Excellent... Standard of referencing Excellent ... Level of knowledge & Excellent ... Business insight & Excellent... Level of Excellent... Showing excellent
structure, with numbered within text & consistent use of understanding demonstrated. application. discussion/analysis/ critical knowledge & understanding through
Excellent paragraphs, list of contents/figures, Harvard referencing system. Evidence of appropriate reading. Breadth, depth & integration of evaluation &/or reflection clearly skills gained from the course with
appendices & cross referencing. Accuracy of in-text references & full Covers all relevant points & issues. literature/data into work. developing points in the appropriate appropriate suggestions. No
Articulate & fluent academic writing details shown in Reference list. way with thorough consideration of grammatical / spelling errors.
style. Only a minor error. all possibilities.

60-69 Very good... Presentation & report Very good... Standard of referencing Very good... Level of knowledge & Very good... Business insight & Very good... Level of Very good... Showing excellent
structure, paragraphing, use of within text & consistent use of understanding demonstrated. application. discussion/analysis/ critical knowledge & understanding through
Very Good numbering, list of contents/figures, Harvard referencing system. Covers most relevant points & issues. Breadth, depth & integration of evaluation &/or reflection & a few skills gained from the course with
appendices & cross referencing. Accuracy of in-text references & full Few errors / omissions in literature/data into work. ideas/points could benefit from appropriate suggestions. No
Fluent academic writing style. details shown in Reference list. content/calculations. further development &/or grammatical / spelling errors.
Very few grammatical errors & evaluation/comparison.
spelling mistakes.
50-59 Good... Clear presentation & report Good... Standard of referencing Good... Grasp of the topic & some of Good... Business insight & Good... Level of discussion/analysis/ Good... Showing excellent
structure, use of numbering & within text & consistent use of its implications presented. application. critical evaluation &/or reflection but knowledge & understanding through
Good appendices. Harvard referencing system. Knowledge & understanding is Breadth, depth & integration of more ideas/points could be skills gained from the course with
Writing is mainly clear but some Accuracy of in-text references & full demonstrated. literature/data into work. addressed /developed further. appropriate suggestions. No
spelling &/ or grammatical errors. details shown in Reference list. Minor errors / omissions in content/ grammatical / spelling errors.
40-49 Satisfactory... Basic report structure. Satisfactory... Basic referencing Satisfactory... Content / level of Satisfactory... Business insight & Satisfactory... Basic evidence of Satisfactory... Basic evidence of
Not always written clearly & has within text & consistent use of knowledge of the topic. Addresses application. Limited integration with discussion/analysis/ critical knowledge & understanding through
Satisfactory grammatical & / or spelling errors. Harvard referencing system. part of the task. Some errors / literature/ data. evaluation &/or reflection but some skills gained from the course with
Accuracy of in-text references & full omissions in content/ calculations. Use of literature/data but limited in points superficially made so need appropriate suggestions. No
details shown in Reference list. May benefit from further research. breadth OR depth. further development. grammatical / spelling errors.
30-39 Weak... Report format, limited or Weak...Use of Harvard referencing Weak... Limited content / Weak... Unsatisfactory evidence of Weak... Limited evidence of Weak... Limited knowledge &
poor structure. system with errors & inconsistently knowledge/ calculations. Limited or business application & insight discussion/analysis/ critical understanding through skills gained
Marginal Fail Muddled work with many spelling applied. Limited referencing within muddled understanding of the Work needs to show better links evaluation &/or reflection. from the course with appropriate
& / or grammatical errors. the text. Limited accuracy of in-text topic/question. between practical application and More development & comment suggestions. No grammatical /
references compared to those in the Does not meet all the learning theory. needed. May need to do more than spelling errors.
final Reference list. outcomes. describe.
20 – 29 Inadequate... Report format and Inadequate... Use of Harvard Inadequate... Lacking in relevant Inadequate... Lacks evidence of Inadequate... Lacking / inadequate Inadequate... Lacking / inadequate
poor paragraphing / signposting. referencing with many errors &/or content/ knowledge/calculations. business application & insight. Some level of discussion/ analysis/critical level of knowledge & understanding
Clear Fail Inappropriate writing style inconsistencies. Content irrelevant / inaccurate. Does literature irrelevant to topic. evaluation & /or reflection. through skills gained from the course
Poorly written &/or poor spelling & not meet all the learning outcomes. Descriptive. with appropriate suggestions. No
grammar. Must see CASE grammatical / spelling errors.
Must see CASE
Must see CASE
1 – 19 Nothing of merit... Poorly written Nothing of merit... No or little Nothing of merit... Unsatisfactory Nothing of merit... No evidence of Nothing of merit... Unsatisfactory Nothing of merit... Unsatisfactory
work, lacking structure, paragraphing attempt to use the recommended level of knowledge demonstrated. appropriate business application & level of discussion/analysis/critical level of knowledge & understanding
Little or Nothing / signposting. Harvard referencing system. Content used irrelevant / not insight. evaluation &/or reflection through skills gained from the course
of merit Many inaccuracies in spelling & appropriate/ to the topic. Does not with appropriate suggestions. No
grammar. Must see CASE meet the learning outcomes. Must see CASE grammatical / spelling errors.

Must see CASE

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Appendix 4: Individual Report Mark and Feedback Sheet (Semester B)


Topic BUSINESS ETHICS Deadline 16/11/18

Please refer to Grading Criteria for Essay when awarding marks (upon 100). Each criteria weightage is given below (X%).
Grading Criteria 100m X% Comments / Feedback / Feed Forward
C1. Presentation & structure:
Follows logical structure with good flow; meet the format requirements outlined
in the instruction, articulate and fluent academic writing. /100 /10
C2. Use Academic Recourses with Harvard Referencing
Use a minimum of 6 sources; in-text citations done properly and use Harvard
referencing style. /100 /10
C3. Content
Perform full and rich content including problem, background evidence of
research and findings; demonstrated competence and knowledge of the key
issues /100 /20
C4. Integration of Data/Literature
Articulate knowledge & understanding: Inclusion of appropriate and relevant
theories; accurate and relevant application of data/ theory/practice/ examples /100 /30
C5. Discussion /Analysis /Critical evaluation &/or Reflection
Express a strong, focused argument, well supported by impressive analysis and
evidence, provide relevant and achievable recommendations; represents well
critical thinking skills /100 /20
C6. Reflections (Self)
Reflects the skills gained from the course and suggestion on how to use the
knowledge learned in future /100 /10
Journal – the whole course
Total (Assessor) /100

Total (Reviewer/Moderator) /100

UH Internal Moderator Comments External Examiner Comments (if applicable)

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Appendix 5: Cover Page


Assignment Cover Page

Module Module
Title: Code:
BUSINESS ETHICS Date: 16/11/18
Student Information: (Do not include your name unless your tutor has told you to do
Name* Student ID*

 I (we) have submitted one printed copy of my (our) assignment bound together ☐
AND one electronic version via Black Board.
 I (we) have read through my (our) work and to check for errors in spelling and ☐
 I (we) are happy for my (our) work to be shared with future students. ☐

*Tick () the box next to your name, agreeing to the ‘Academic Conduct’

I (We) certify that this piece of in-course assignment is my (our) own work, that it has not
been copied from elsewhere, and that any extracts from books, papers or other sources
have been properly acknowledged as references or quotations. In addition, I(we) agree
that the electronic version of this assignment may be subject to electronic analysis for the
detection of collusion, plagiarism and other forms of unfair advantage.

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