Cell Analogy 2

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Nucleus - Storywriter
Cell Wall – Set of the movie
Cell Membrane –Security Personnel
Ribosomes – Director
DNA - Story
Food Vacuole – Storage Room
Golgi Bodies – Editing Room
Mitochondria – Producer
ER – Hallways within the set
Proteins – Movie
Chloroplast – Camera
Cytoplasm – Movie Recording/ Stage
Lysosome – Censoring

The cell wall protects the cell from the surrounding, similarly, the set protects the actors,
props and the movie film.
The cell membrane is selectively permeable, similarly, security personnel allows only the
specific things required, such as people, money, etc
The nucleus is the main part of the cell which contains the genes which has instructions on
how the proteins should be manufactured. Similarly, the storywriters, contain the story
which has specific scenes on how the movie should end up.
Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. It produces energy for the cell to work.
Similarly, the producer of the film, bring actors and other personnel who will help bring out
the movie.
Food vacuole stores the food and water in the cell. Similarly, the rooms in the set contains
specific items such as storage rooms for movie props and resting rooms for actors.
ER is a network which helps in the transportation of different items within the cell. Similarly,
the hallways help in transportation of movies, people, other items within the set.
Ribosomes help in the synthesis of the proteins, similarly, the director synthesis the movies
scenes, with the help of actors.
Cytoplasm is the part of the cell where all metabolic activities take place, similarly, the
inside of the cell is where all the making of the movie takes place.
Proteins are synthesised by ribosomes, similarly, movies are directed by the director.
Golgi Bodies is the part of the cell, which process proteins, similarly, the editing room
decides how to make the movie better by making the scenes better.
Lysosomes help in digesting unwanted particles inside the cell, similarly, the censor board
helps in the deletion of certain scenes.

Nucleus – story writer
Cell membrane - theatre
Ribosomes – Director
Food vacuole- film/reel
Golgi bodies – editor
Mitochondria – actor
Endoplasmic reticulum – Producer
Proteins – movie
Chloroplast – Camera
Cytoplasm – Production house

Protein Synthesis-
We get pre-mRNA from the DNA using RNA Polymerase.
Similarly, the storywriter writes a outline of the story on paper.
Pre-mRNA molecule is transformed into a mature RNA molecule using splicesome which
removes introns.
Similarly, the storywriter, takes help of few people to remove the defects in the story.
The mRNA molecule goes to ribosomes and the tRNA molecules help in completing the
protein synthesis.
The story on the paper, goes to the director and he along with his crew makes the movie.

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