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ED 345 Calvin College Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Intern: Rachel Jung Date: 10/9

Grade Level: 1st Subject/ Topic: Social Studies/ Who am I and Who are you?
Approx. time spent planning this lesson: 1 hour *The template will expand as text is
Main Focus/Essential Questions: explore similarities and differences exist in the classroom
Brief Context: Students will see some similarities and differences and deepen their understanding of self and others.
Students will see how understanding others’ uniqueness is important in creating a safe and respectful community
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills:
Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets Aligned Assessments
Consider formative & summative tools
Please number objectives and the aligned assessment measures.
The learner will: I will assess learning by:
1. Be able to learn about differences and 1. Having students complete the chart and writings
similarities exist in the classroom culture to represent their findings.
2. Students will recognize that each similarities and 2. Having students read the book and discuss
differences bring something to the common
good of the classroom, community, and world.

Standards Addressed in Lesson: 1.SS.2 Demonstrate respect for all cultures, as God calls us to love our neighbors over
all the earth. (Include full standard.)
Instructional Resources: book “Whoever you are”, “despite our differences” worksheet

Consideration of Learners:
How have you responded to your diverse learners? Consider UDL (Multiple means of Engagement, Representation,
Action & Expression) & principles of differentiation. If appropriate, identify individual accommodations you will make
in response to needs or interests of students.
- Students will be reading a book “Whoever you are”.
- Students will be discussing about the concepts of similarities and differences after reading the book.
- Students will work with partners to share similarities and differences between them.
- Each student will work individually to fill out his or her own cultural identity and will have an
opportunity to share with their partner.
- Students will read a book and discuss about it.
- Students fill out the worksheet to identify their own cultural identities and compare with their


COVENANT MANAGEMENT: Relationship & community building (Note any specific ways in which you plan to build or
strengthen relationships and community: student-student & teacher - student.]
- Students discuss after reading the book about similarities and differences.
- Students share similarities and differences with their peers.
- Students share with the whole group.
- Students represent their own country and introduce one thing that is unique about American culture.
CONDUCT MANAGEMENT: (Behavioral expectations, strategies to encourage self- regulation, etc.)
Identify at least 2 ways you will gain whole group attention:
- One, two, three eyes on me
- Asking if they are self-controlling their body and their words.
- Remind them the class rules and how they are following those rules.
Strategies you intend to use to redirect individual students:
- Non-verbal signal
CONTENT MANAGEMENT: Note procedures/routines that are expected or embedded.
- n/a
PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: Note any specific ways you will use the environment to contribute to the learning.
- Carpet area for the story: engages all students to the story

Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to recruit learning.]
- At the beginning of the class, teacher gathers students at the rug and starts the discussion by saying:
“Today we are going to talk about similarities and differences”
“Can anyone tell me one thing that all of us have in common, one similarity? Can anyone tell me a
difference we all have?”

Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
- Teacher reads a book called Whoever you are by Fox, M. This book introduces many similarities and differences
people all over the world share. It is a good reminder for students that all people are different. Some people
dress differently, speak different languages, live in different places, have different colors of skin. Although we
are all different, the book helps students to see how everyone is similar. Everyone smiles, cries, laughs, learns,
and has feelings. Everyone's the same in many ways regardless of how different things may seem. Even though
we are all similar in many ways, we are also different. Being different is a good thing! We can learn from our
differences in many ways.
- Partner-work (“Despite our differences”)
o Teacher will say, “Let us get started on our similarities and differences journey! Today we are going to
work in partners. Each partner is going to have his or her own chart to fill out using descriptive words to
describe the similarities and differences that are found in our classroom. Make sure you have five
descriptive words or phrases on each side of the chart! Good luck and let’s have some fun!”.
o Teacher will visit each group and provide some engaging questions while students are filling out the
chart. For example, “How did you figure out the similarities with your partner?” “What is so unique
about your partner?”
Closure: (Be creative and consider authentic audiences for the work. Think beyond giving an assignment or
independent practice.)
- Sharing time
o Teacher calls each pair to come to the front of the room and tell others their findings of
similarities and differences.
o “Now we are going to share our findings! When I call your partner and you up, come to the
front of the room and tell us your similarities and differences!


EVIDENCE OF PROFESSIONALISM: Please note recent evidence of your efforts as a professional.
I have attended staff meetings and lower elementary faculty meetings to support students in needs. I also graded
students’ pre-assessment to adapt my instruction to meet the students’ needs.


Students were very excited to talk about themselves and to describe their peers. It was interesting to see that they
tend to describe the physical attributes about themselves and others rather than their personal characteristics. I
thought the lesson went very well because all the students were engaged and successfully completed the summative
assessment for this lesson. They were able to understand the concept of similarities and differences and to talk about
each one’s unique characteristics that others do not possess. If I were to teach this lesson again, I would bring the
storybook and read it aloud to the students rather than showing it through the video.

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