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Task 1.

Pronalazač kreditnih katica umro u 88. godini

Čovek kome bi milioni potrošača trebalo zahvaliti- ili okriviti- za stranje njihovih finansija je umro u svojoj
88. godini života. 1958. godine, tokom potrošačkog upsona koji je zahvatio posleratnu Ameriku,
direktor Američke banke Joseph Wiliams osmislio je ranu verziju sadašnje Viza kartice. Diners kartice je
tada već postojala i omogućavala je potrošačima da obavljaju transakcije koje nisu zahtevale novac u
kešu. Ali ukupnu vrednost je morala biti isplaćena u potpunosti u roku od 30 dana. Neke banke su nudile
kreditne kartice sa svojim bankovnim karticama, ali njih je bilo moguće koristiti samo unutar određene
države. Wiliams je video tražnju na tržištu za karticom koju je moguće koristiti u svim američkim
državama. NJegov tim i on su krenuli sa distribucijom kartice Američke Banke u Kaliforniji. U narednih
deset godina kartica je bila licencirana od strane drugih banaka, sve dok 1970. godine napokon dobila
naziv Viza kartica.Procenjuje se da trenutno u cirkulaciji postoji 785 miliona kreditnih kartica u
Sjedinjenim Američkim državama. Prosečni dug koja jedna američka kreditna kartica nosi sa sobom iz
meseca u mesec po jednom domaćinstvu prošle godine bio je blizu 9 000 dolara ( 5.500 funti), što je tri
puta više nego što 3000 dolara ( 1.800 funti) koliko je prosek bio 1990. godine. U Britaniji, prosečno
domaćinstvo dužno je preko 6000 funti u kreditima i potrošačkim karticama.

Task 2.

Eventhough means of telecomunication are evolving traditional bussiness travel is still on the rise . That
begs the question how to bussiness people feel about their business trips. One speakr states that he has
visited a city as much as 50 times but has never seen anything other than the hotel, the office and the
airport. He later adds that all the travel once seemed ineresting to him but in reality he is not quiet
amused. Another speaker , who has also frequently traveled during her long career , says that bussiness
travel is becoming more and more stressful. As oppsoed to before when you did not have to be in
contact with the main office , now even while you are on your bussiness trip you must also worry about
things in the home office.

Task 3.

Saving every is of great importance to my family. We genuinely care about the enviroment and as an
added bonus we get to reduce household cost. We became aware of the importance of saving enery a
few years ago when we saw a schoking documentary on TV, that is when we started to save in every
way possible.

Considering we are only one household we try to save energy by doing the least we can. Always before
going to bed we check whether or not all the electric appliences are turned off, we let only the essential
appliences run during the night. That means no TVs , no lights nore internet during sleep time. We
generally focus on heating water only during the night when it is more economical. But we plan to install
solar panels in the near future, so that we would become even more enviromentally friendly. For
hearing purposes we tend to use electricity as it is the least harmful to the envrioment.
With all our efforts it is still not enogh, so i try to persuade other people to take up energy saving as
well. This is the only way to save the enviroment and perserv the future for the generations to come,
while also making sure we reduce our bills.

Task 4.

1. Come up with an idea b) you think of an answer or suggestion

2. Look into a problem c) you investigate and try to understand it
3. Find out something e) discover more useful information
4. Carry on with something a) you continue on a course of aciton
5. Deal with a task or problem d) you do what is necessary to solve it

1. When we looked into the problem we found out that the supplier had send us faulty components.

2.We need to come up with a creative solution quicklz

3. Id like you to deal with customer complaints . Richard.

4. Quiet, everyone ! Melani has a suggestion. Please carry on Melanie. We are all listening.

Task. 5

Speaking a foreign language is an asset.

It is commonly belived that a person is worth more with every new language he or she learns. That
statement is indisputable. We live in a world where everything is in English , even restaurant menus
in our locals restaurants. In order for a young person to be successful he or she must keep up with
the times.

With globalisation on the rise , it is impossible for a county to stay isolated and for its culture not to
be affected by other cultures and languages. The most dominant language of them all is English. It
would be vary hard to find a place in a world where English is not understood. Some people might
choose to opose this trend, but those who decide to learn from it and adapt gain an upper hand in
life. For a young person who is well versed in English it is quite earsier to navigate himself through
foreign cities or find a job in a international company.

The journey does not stop there , when a person masters one language . He or she is hungier for
knowladge and decides to learn even more languges. That hunger for knowledge is what makes the
core of a global citizen, a person who understand the worlds differences and accepts them.

To conclude , speaking a foreign language is beneficial to a person as a proffesional as well as a

human being. If the language barrier between people is broken, then there is nothing stopping us
from living in peace.

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