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The Washington Post, Times Herald; Aug 19, 1969

Liberals of the World You Have Nothing to Lose but Your Guilt!


The Do·lt·Yourself Primer for Those Who want to Do·l.t-for·Others by Dr. Ernst Angst/with a Special Introduction by Victor Gold

this bnn1t. ThUti i\ 1 1 S~~~ are "a\uabl•· On

~~I w•~I tib11•l.1'~n'1itr.~~t1 and11 r~~r·~~~~r 1:~~1'\~o ~or ~~:o~'on·~lber&I Including: THE LIBERAL'S LEXICON
!~~ 'at"her hand. Uuir~a :, •u1 at \'lfY clear.o-:" 'Hi·,, prinritil!I ue ~~
po•\tlon. I want to' ertdtntia\t are 1mpos1~t""-A. Sehlesno~r Jr. from A ( Ab.wlute Pou:er) to Z (Zeitgeist) & Rack
"Prorenor A~~:! ~re \'i11ibh1. A re\nant ~o s·\,, teral\lflUl\tion s ?!:
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~ ........... \l\l\\('ff'I. Jnt\. J Nrll\l'!llngtr'I Dt\• 20 Concerned, Compassionate, Committed Illustrations by Mary Gauerka
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/ ~ · , ~. ~ \r;tlf'l\,.f'I\, l om~."·. 1r i·:n1:1\llh Utrt,, A Selection of the Conservative Book Club
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__I_l..IS_R_E_,-r,-s-ED and updated vcn•ion 0£ • The Lihword of tlte 'rear (1963.69)
I ?<.: Kif~· Doctor Ang~t's epochal Primer & Lex. • 4 tests for dctcrminin:;i: tho ':.:,
i J\.'1.':2(/!) icon is offered to the SDS gen er at ion in the authentic Liberal (Caution:
! Nixonite Dark Ages as, if not a hearon, at only 3 are APPROVED)
_, ! least a bonfire. It remains, as Dr. Angst • Complete rules for Zcitball
·-.. .·1·· affirms, refenmt.
The origins of this masterpiece fill a
(Lihcral vcr~ion of the outmoclf'il
J>roto-Fasrist ''national pastime" .·
]Hight page in the history of emanripated attributed to Ahner Douhleclay)
+;;1. ideas. Back in the early 30's our Liberal • Lilu•ral vrrsion of A Good Dav
on TV •
l\lenningful Establi,;hment was still insecure. A,ccreditcrl
Dialogue Liberals were sometimes found reading 1111-.. • "A I..ihrral Copyrcacls the
approved books. The times cried out for a Preamhle"
g11irfrli11e, • How Old Kin:;i: Cole can Im macle a
''chicle fm· the Liberal :\lf'ssage
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Out of such penetrating self-inquiry came Fir11t .Fifty Liberals
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One Simpli~tic Lesson. Se<•mul Fifty Lihrrnls
For a generation the Anbt Sy~trm • Ani:st's authcntil·ntc1l li~t of the
rri1rned unchallenged. Yet today, as Vietor U::i:ly Fifty
Cnld ohscrl'cs, the younger i.:r.ncrntinn i' • World Opinion: romplrtc listing of
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