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Cardiology Patient Page

Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Angela Onorato, BS; Amy C. Sturm, MS, LGC

is not treated is 20 times more likely physicians. LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C)

F amilial hypercholesterolemia (FH)

is a genetic condition that causes
high low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
to develop coronary artery disease than
a person without FH. Coronary artery
disease can lead to heart attacks and
levels are measured with a blood test.
Physicians should begin to think about
FH if adults (≥20 years) have LDL-C
cholesterol (sometimes referred to as other major cardiovascular diseases, levels ≥190 mg/dL, or children (<20
bad cholesterol) from birth. FH means including stroke and sudden cardiac years) have LDL-C levels ≥160 mg/dL.
high cholesterol that runs in a family. death. However, early diagnosis with The higher the LDL-C value, the more
FH is caused by specific DNA changes universal lipid screening, cascade likely it is that a person has FH.
that are passed on from parents to their screening in families, and appropriate Healthcare providers should obtain
children. It is not caused by lifestyle treatment with statins and other medi- a family history to check if any relatives
factors such as a high-fat diet or lack of cations can reduce this risk. of the patient also have high cholesterol
exercise. There are 2 main types of FH, or a history of early heart disease (men
homozygous and heterozygous, that How Is FH Diagnosed? <55 years of age and women <65 years
have different symptoms, risks, and Most people with FH will not have of age). Family history is an important
treatments. In this Cardiology Patient any symptoms until complications of clue for FH, but having no relatives
Page, we focus on heterozygous FH, untreated high cholesterol arise years with heart disease does not mean a
which we will call FH. FH affects 1 in later. Rarely, patients may have visible patient does not have FH. For example,
200 to 300 people. FH is usually inher- signs of extremely high cholesterol, the patient may be the first person in
ited from 1 parent in an autosomal such as a corneal arcus or tendon xan- the family to have a cholesterol test
dominant pattern. This means a parent thomas. A corneal arcus is a yellowish or develop heart disease. Other rela-
with FH has a 50% chance of passing ring along the edge of the colored part tives may also be affected but not yet
it on to each child, regardless of sex. of one or both eyes. Tendon xanthomas diagnosed. Also, some relatives may
This also means all first-degree rela- are cholesterol deposits on tendons that have FH and be able to pass this on
tives (parents, siblings, and children) of can be felt as bumps on the surface to their children without having high
a person with FH have a 50% chance of the backs of the heels and fingers. cholesterol or heart disease themselves
to have FH, and a 50% chance to not However, these physical signs are often because of protective genetic changes.
have FH. not seen in FH. Although medical history, fam-
Healthcare providers and the gen- FH is usually diagnosed based on ily history, and cholesterol levels are
eral public lack awareness about FH. cholesterol levels, premature coronary important information for diagnosing
Therefore, it is underdiagnosed and artery disease, and family history, FH, a healthcare provider may also rec-
undertreated. A person with FH who but there is no standard used by all ommend a genetic test. A genetic test

From The Ohio State University College of Medicine (A.O.), Division of Human Genetics (A.C.S.), and Dorothy M. Davis Heart and Lung Research
Institute (A.C.S.), Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.
The information contained in this Circulation Cardiology Patient Page is not a substitute for medical advice, and the American Heart Association
recommends consultation with your doctor or healthcare professional.
Correspondence to Amy C. Sturm, The Ohio State University Division of Human Genetics, 2001 Polaris Pkwy, Polaris, OH 43240. E-mail
(Circulation. 2016;133:e587-e589. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.115.020701.)
© 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.115.020701

e588  Circulation  April 5, 2016

involves taking a small sample of blood created by genetic counselors and oth- tobacco greatly increases risk of CAD.
and sending it to a laboratory. Genetic ers, such as a Dear Family Member Other risk factors for cardiovascular
testing can help confirm FH. A signifi- Letter, that can help you share infor- disease, like high blood pressure and
cant percentage of patients with high mation with your family and discuss diabetes mellitus, should be treated.
LDL-C and positive family history will testing for FH. Often, low-dose aspirin is taken daily
have negative FH genetic testing. If to lower risk of stroke.
these patients meet diagnostic criteria, Can FH Be Treated? We have highlighted Key Points
they need to be treated as FH patients Yes! As soon as FH is diagnosed, treat- and Patient and Healthcare Provider
and their relatives should have choles- ment should begin to lower LDL-C. Resources in Boxes 1 and 2, respectively.
terol testing. The first goal is to reduce the LDL-C
by at least 50%. For example, if your Disclosures
Why Is FH So Important LDL-C level is 220 mg/dL, therapy A. Sturm has served on the Scientific
to Recognize? should reduce it to at least less than 110 Advisory Board for Ambry Genetics and as
mg/dL. Early treatment and cholesterol a consultant for Ambry Genetics, Invitae,
FH patients have high levels of LDL-C
Recombine, and The FH Foundation.
in the blood at birth. This causes cho- lowering can drastically lower risk of
lesterol plaque buildup in the walls of CAD and heart attack. Cholesterol lev-
arteries. This is called atherosclero- els should be measured at least once per Additional Resources
Gidding SS, Ann Champagne M, de Ferranti SD,
sis and can begin during childhood. year to monitor the effects of therapies. Defesche J, Ito MK, Knowles JW, McCrindle
Plaque buildup in the arteries of the The main treatments are medica- B, Raal F, Rader D, Santos RD, Lopes-Virella
heart is called coronary artery disease tions called statins. Statins make the M, Watts GF, Wierzbicki AS; American Heart
body produce less cholesterol. Patients Association Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and
(CAD) and can cause heart attacks. If
Obesity in the Young Committee of the Council
FH patients are not treated, men have with FH typically require high doses of on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, Council
a 50% risk of CAD by 50 years of age, powerful statins in combination with on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing, Council on
and women have a 30% risk by 60 years other cholesterol-lowering drugs for Functional Genomics and Translational Biology,
and Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic
of age. CAD can lead to heart attack the rest of their lives. Other medica-
Health. The agenda for familial hypercholester-
and early death. It is important to know, tions that may be used include niacin, olemia: a scientific statement from the American
however, that FH is manageable! cholesterol absorption inhibitors (such Heart Association. Circulation. 2015;132:2167–
The best way to prevent complica- as ezetimibe), and bile acid–binding 2192. doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000297.
tions of FH is to recognize and treat resins (such as colesevelam). Newer Goldberg AC, Hopkins PN, Toth PP, Ballantyne
CM, Rader DJ, Robinson JG, Daniels SR,
FH early. Recommendations to check therapies continue to arise, such as Gidding SS, de Ferranti SD, Ito MK, McGowan
the cholesterol levels of everyone in proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin MP, Moriarty PM, Cromwell WC, Ross JL,
a specific population, called universal 9 inhibitors, which were recently Ziajka PE. Familial hypercholesterolemia:
screening, help to identify FH patients approved for use in FH patients. screening, diagnosis and management of pedi-
atric and adult patients: clinical guidance from
at young ages. Primary care physicians Some studies have determined that the National Lipid Association Expert Panel on
should use a blood test to screen all it is safe to use statins in children, but Familial Hypercholesterolemia. J Clin Lipidol.
adults for high cholesterol. Similarly, this is still being researched. Current 2011;5:133–140. doi: 10.1016/j.jacl.2011.03.001.
according to the American Academy guidelines recommend considering Knowles JW, Stone NJ, Ballantyne CM. Familial
of Pediatrics, all children between ages statin treatment in children ≥8 years. Hypercholesterolemia and the 2013 American
College of Cardiology/American Heart Associa­
9 and 11 should be checked for high Children with FH should be evaluated tion Guidelines: Myths, Oversimplifications, and
cholesterol. Children as young as 2 by a lipid specialist. Misinterpretation Versus Facts. Am J Cardiol.
years old should be screened if there is Medications do not always work 2015;116:481–484. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2015.
a strong family history of high choles- to reach a goal cholesterol level in FH
terol or heart disease. patients. Some patients need a pro- Sniderman AD, Tsimikas S, Fazio S. The severe
hypercholesterolemia phenotype: clinical diag-
Because the relatives of FH patients cedure called LDL apheresis, which nosis, management, and emerging therapies.
are also at high risk, a process called uses a machine to take blood out of the J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;63:1935–1947. doi:
cascade screening can help identify body, filter LDL out of the blood, and 10.1016/j.jacc.2014.01.060.
more individuals with FH. This means return the blood to the body. Watts GF, Gidding S, Wierzbicki AS, Toth PP,
that all the first-degree relatives of a Healthy lifestyle choices can help Alonso R, Brown WV, Bruckert E, Defesche J,
Lin KK, Livingston M, Mata P, Parhofer KG,
person with FH should be tested for FH patients, in combination with med- Raal FJ, Santos RD, Sijbrands EJ, Simpson
high cholesterol. If a relative is diag- ical therapies. Eating a low-fat diet WG, Sullivan DR, Susekov AV, Tomlinson B,
nosed with FH, his or her first-degree and exercising regularly to maintain a Wiegman A, Yamashita S, Kastelein JJ. Integrated
guidance on the care of familial hypercholester-
relatives should then be tested, and so healthy weight can help prevent ath-
olaemia from the International FH Foundation.
on. You may find it difficult to talk to erosclerosis. Smoking or using tobacco Int J Cardiol. 2014;171:309–325. doi: 10.1016/j.
your family about FH. There are tools products must be avoided, because ijcard.2013.11.025.
Onorato and Sturm   Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia   e589

Box 1. Key Points

• Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a common cause of high cholesterol and early heart disease, including heart
• Parents, brothers, sisters, and children of individuals with FH have a 50% chance to also have FH.
• FH is different than other types of high cholesterol and needs to be treated differently.
• FH is manageable! Patients with FH need to take their medications, NEVER SMOKE, eat a healthy diet, and
• Children with FH should be evaluated by a lipid specialist.
• Genetic counselors can teach patients and families about FH and how it is passed down through a family. They can
also explain genetic testing and discuss how to talk to family members about FH.
• There are many useful online tools and websites for patients with FH, including a patient-centered advocacy group,
The FH Foundation.

Box 2. Patient and Healthcare Provider Resources

The FH Foundation –
Get information about diagnosis and management and how to be involved in the FH community to raise awareness. Use
the Find an FH Specialist Tool. Find Dear Family Member Letters here.

Foundation of the National Lipid Association (FNLA) –

Find general information about high-cholesterol management, including classes and forums about high- cholesterol
treatment, nutrition, and other special considerations.

CASCADE FH Registry –

Join a secure patient database used by researchers looking for better ways to diagnose and treat FH.

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