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Start of Vocabulary Quiz

1. The animal is not tame, so don’t ... it.

A. greet
B. quicken
C. operate
D. provoke
2. In some countries, employers are accused of ... their workers by paying them low wages.
A. exploding
B. exploiting
C. exposing
D. exploring
3. Rupiah is Indonesian ....
A. currency
B. fund
C. cash
D. dollar
4. The air was very hot and still, but then came a few gentle ... of wind, followed by a good
A. gales
B. blows
C. puffs
D. blasts
5. It’s no good hiring someone who’s never taught in high school before. We need an ... teacher.
A. experimented
B. exploited
C. experienced
D. explored
6. I am sure the debate contest can be held next month, but I can’t ... it yet.
A. convey
B. confine
C. condemn
D. confirm
7. The weather forecast ... that it would rain this evening.
A. asked
B. spoke
C. prevented
D. predicted
8. The house has become very cold. Maybe something’s wrong with the central ....
A. heat
B. heating
C. hotter
D. hot
9. Microsoft is a huge, international ....
A. competitor
B. corporation
C. conference
D. companion
10. Most cars are fitted with a ... for locking the steering-wheel to prevent theft.
A. cable
B. tool
C. device
D. window
11. Remember this ... - “Think Before You Speak”.
A. principle
B. prejudice
C. prospect
D. principal
12. The doctors didn’t know what was wrong with Dad, so they decided to do an ... of his blood.
A. amendment
B. artificial
C. analysis
D. acknowledgement
13. There’s a lot of ... in the school laboratory.
A. applicable
B. apology
C. apparatus
D. apparel
14. Please send that letter by express. It’s very ....
A. urgent
B. earnest
C. great
D. hurried
15. Your heart makes your blood ... around your body.
A. circumstance
B. cynical
C. cleared
D. circulate
16. Some people believe that if a person dies violently in a house, his ghost may come back to ...
A. haunt
B. bother
C. visit
D. disturb
17. The ... of the examination depends on how many subjects you take.
A. ticket
B. fee
C. coast
D. salary
18. Please don’t pass this information on to anyone else. It’s ....
A. confidential
B. secretion
C. confident
D. believable
19. There’s a very interesting ... about Lapindo in today’s newspaper.
A. annual
B. appendix
C. articulation
D. article
20. The rich lady owns a lot of ... in the middle of our town.
A. prosperity
B. preparation
C. properly
D. property
21. Which is closest in meaning to "connect"?
A. beat
B. fight
C. persuade
D. join
22. Which is closest in meaning to "deadly"?
A. fatal
B. death
C. alive
D. hell
23. Which is closest in meaning to "opportunity"?
A. chance
B. entry
C. change
D. leave
24. Which is closest in meaning to "preserve"?
A. keep
B. serve
C. offer
D. prepare
25. Which is closest in meaning to "refuse"?
A. reject
B. fresh
C. diffuse
D. confuse
26. Which is the antonym of "pure"?
A. empty
B. true
C. impure
D. push
27. Which is the antonym of "rapid"?
A. hit
B. smart
C. slow
D. jump
28. Which is the antonym of "extreme"?
A. extra
B. terrible
C. moderate
D. horrific
29. Which is the antonym of "false"?
A. true
B. rises
C. wrong
D. gentle
30. Which is the antonym of "increase"?
A. include
B. conclude
C. reduce
D. induce
Abundant, Accuse, Additional, Advantage, Announce, Appoint, Avoid, Barrier, Beneficial, Blame,
Casualty, Cause, Compulsory, Conclude, Consider, Contain, Content, Consist, Convince, Crucial,
Decide, Deny, Depend, Descendant, Destroy, Development, Disadvantage, Discard, Disguise,
Distinct, Emerge, Encourage, Equal, Establish, Estimate, Even though, Eventual, Expect,
Following, Former, Furthermore, Gradual, Harmful, However, Immediate, Implement, Improve,
Increase, Insist, Invent, Involve, Massive, Merely, Mitigate, Nearly, Necessary, Nevertheless,
Numerous, Oblige, Obvious, Origin, Particular, Persuade, Prestige, Prevent, Previous, Primary,
Provide, Realize, Receive, Reduce, Refuse, Regard, Reputable, Require, Resist, Restrict, Satisfy,
Separate, Severe, Simultaneous, Slight, Spread, Steady, Sufficient, Supply, Surround, Sustain,
Terrible, Therefore, Trigger, Utilize, Vary, Violent.

Conclude (menyimpulkan), Conclusion (Kesimpulan)Invent (menemukan), Invention (penemu

an), inventive (berdaya cipta), inventor (penemu)Depend(bergantung), dependent (bersifat
ketergantungan), dependence (ketergantungan), dependently (dengan bergantung)

Dependent (bersifat ketergantungan) vs independent (bersifat

mandiri)Increase (peningkatan) vs decrease (penurunan)Merely (hanya) à only (hanya),
solely (hanya), just (hanya)Necessary (wajib) à required (wajib), mandatory (wajib),
compulsory (wajib), obligatory (wajib)
Try Out Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris ke-5.
Choose the correct answer by crossing A,B,C, or D based on the question given.




1. What does the text mean?

A. Don’t bring drugs to school.
B. Don’t bring drugs and weapons to school.
C. Don’t bring weapons to school.
D. School is free from violators.

Dear Vanessa,

Receiving a scholarship to study at a famous university is a pride. Congrats!

We’re happy for you. Keep your spirit and motivation. Hope you will be the best
of the best.

2. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform about a scholarship.
B. To congratulate Vanessa.
C. To show Vanessa happiness.
D. To motivate Vanessa to maintain spirit and motivation.

Text for questions nbr. 3 to 4

From: donita_sw@

Dear Fanny,

Thank you for your letter. l’m very happy to hear that you’re planning to come to Manado this

There are nice places to visit in my hometown. There’s a beautiful beach called Boulevard
Beach. It is a very suitable place to hang out with friends or family, especially in the afternoon
when the sun sets in the west. If you like diving or snorkeling, we have Bunaken Marine Park. l
bet you’ve heard of that name before. Yeah, this place is very well known for its coral reefs and
sea animals. There are many more that l can’t describe individually. Please come and l’ll show
you these places. I guarantee that you’ll have a great time during your stay here.

I very much look forward to seeing you.

Your best friend,

3. From the e-mail, we can conclude that ....

A. Fanny will visit Donita
B. Fanny lives in Manado
C. We can see the sunrise at Boulevard Beach
D. Fanny and Donita will go to Manado on a vacation
4. What is the main idea of the above passage?
A. The best diving site in the world.
B. A good place for diving and snorkeling.
C. The best view of Boulevard Beach, at sunset.
D. Interesting places in Manado.

Text for questions no 5 to 7

Chicago is one of the biggest cities in the United States. We can find many skyscrapers at every
corner of the city. There are many interesting spots worth-seeing. One of the most popular attractions
for both locals and tourists in Chicago is Cloud Gate. This interactive sculpture is essentially a giant
stainless steel bean that acts as a mirror. It reflects 80% of the city’s skyline on its surface. Spectators
can see their images distort as they walk around the sculpture or underneath its 9-foot arch. The best
viewing time is at night, when the lights from Chicago skyscrapers illuminate the bean’s surface.

5. The text mainly tells us about ....

A. the interesting places in Chicago
B. the description of Cloud Gate
C. the view of Chicago city at night
D. the attractions of Cloud Gate
6. Why is the best time to visit Cloud Gate, at night?
A. There is a firework show.
B. There are many stars in the sky.
C. There will be many people visiting the place.
D. The lights-from skyscrapers will illuminate the bean’s surface.
7. “... can see their images distort as they walk .... (Paragraph 2).
The underlined word is similar to ....
A. form
B. change
C. create
D. reflect

The following text is for question 8 to 11

One day, a young wanderer got lost in the wood. Suddenly, he saw a light from an old hut. He
knocked on the door, and an old woman opened it. She was crying. She said that a devil had stolen
her magic candle. The candle cloud grant anything she asked. The wanderer asked her where the
devil lived. “in a castle not far from here,” said the old women The wanderer went to the castle.

There he found the devil, but he was old and weak. Therefore, when the wanderer grabbed the magic
candle from the devil’s table and ran away, he couldn’t chase him. However, the wanderer was not a
kind man. He didn’t return the candle to the old woman, but kept it for himself. He lit the candle and
made the wish, “I want to go far away from here.”

Suddenly, a genie appeared and took him to a beautiful palace. There was a party in the palace. The
wanderer wanted to make some money. So, he lit the candle again and wished for some jewelry. He
sold them to the guest and was soon making a lot of money. Then, a princess came to buy some
jewelry, but there was nothing left. The wanderer fell in love with her and asked her to marry him. The
kind princess said yes, and they got married the next day.

In his happiness, the wanderer told the princess about his adventure and the magic candle. Hearing
that, the princess got very angry. At night, she lit the candle and wished the wanderer disappeared.

In the morning, the wanderer awoke and found himself back in his ugly house in the village.

8. Why was the old woman crying? Because ....

A. the wanderer did not return the candle.
B. her magic candle had been stolen
C. she couldn’t chase the wanderer
D. the wanderer got married
9. “at night, she lit the candle and wished ....” (paragraph 5)
The underline word has similar meaning to ....
A. asked
B. hoped
C. offered
D. begged
10. How many times did the wanderer lit the magic candle?
A. Once
B. Twice
C. Three times
D. Four times
11. What is moral value of the text?
A. Don’t be greedy.
B. Women are fond of jewelry.
C. Don’t cry although you are sad.
D. Work hard in order to be successful
Text for questions nbr. 12 to 13

To: Liz

Sorry honey, I can’t keep my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight. I’ve to meet Mrs. Cathy at
07.00 pm. Please, don’t be angry.


12. How is Liz’s mother feel about her promise?

A. Impressed
B. Confused
C. Relieved
D. Guilty
13. Mom writes the text in order to ....
A. apologize for not keeping the promise.
B. remind Liz that she has a promise with her.
C. tell Liz that she has to go to the meeting.
D. say that she cannot meet her in the Mall.

Text for questions nbr. 14 to 15


The smart choice


250 rooms,Meeting room

TV cable, Swimming pool
Sport area, Restaurant 24 hours
Laundry service, Taxi service
Business centre, Full music

Proudly introduce the extraordinary kindly in Batu city. Find our facilities and use them in your
second home combining business and happily.

Abdul Gani atas 47, Batu East Java Phone 0341 – 595595

14. Which facilities do the visitors need to amuse themselves?

A. TV cable
B. Laundry
C. Sport area
D. Meeting room
15. From the text we know that ....
A. the guests must book before.
B. the hotel is far from the centre of city.
C. the hotel gives dangdut only to the guests
D. there is a restaurant in the hotel opens for 24 hours

Text for questions nbr. 16 to 18

Kuta beach is ...(16)... for beach lovers, family holiday and a paradise for the surfers. Kuta beach
...(17)... one of popular tourist destinations for those who would like to enjoy the beauty of the beach,
sunset and the hustle and bustle of nightlife in Kuta and Legian area. Besides, tourists have a chance
to explore, to view and feel the characters of Balinese custom and culture which are very unique. The
...(18)... people, cozy atmosphere and amazing landscapes are really irresistible for us to visit. So
welcome to this paradise.

A. exhausting
B. perfect
C. flawed
D. awful
A. become
B. became
C. becomes
D. becoming
A. jealously
B. enviably
C. proudly
D. friendly

Text for questions nbr. 19 - 20

To: All students of SMPN 2 Probolinggo

To celebrate the National Education Day, students body will hold some interesting programs such
as English Speech Contest, debate, and Class Wall Magazine Competition.

When: March 2nd 2013 8 am onwards.

Where: School hall

19. Based on the text we can say that ....

A. the programs will last for 4 hours.
B. the programs will be held in the morning.
C. two competitions will be held.
D. Mr. Andi is the organizer of the programs.
20. “Students body will hold some interesting programs”.
The underlined word is similar meaning with ....
A. attacking
B. exciting
C. striking
D. distracting

Text for questions nbr. 21 to 22

Dear teachers,

You’re invited to the meeting:

Day/Date: Saturday, 2nd February 2013 Time: 1 p.m.
Place: Teachers Office
Agenda : The report of the study tour
For the committee, please don’t forget to prepare the financial report.

Jackie Smith
The Principal

21. From the text we can conclude that ....

A. the students should attend the meeting.
B. the meeting will be held at the school hall.
C. the meeting will discuss the preparation for study tour
D. the committee must report the financial
22. What should the committee do after receiving the invitation?
A. Make sure that the report is ready.
B. Arrange the study tour immediately.
C. Go to the teachers office.
D. Report the meeting to the Principal.

Text for question no 23 to 25

It was early in the morning we left Ubud and travelled to Gili Air which is one of three islands of
Lombok. It took 4 hours in total by boat. The travelling was not bad but it was a hot day. I said to Jane
on the slow boat "It`s alright. It won`t be so hot and stuffy once we get moving.”

When we got to Gili Air it was still quiet so we were able to get a bungalow near the beach for about $
15 a night plus breakfast. We shared our room with quite a number of geckos. Some of them were
quite large ones.

The weather was still hot when I went diving. Jane waited for me at the seashore. She observed
some fishermen who had just caught some fish. She did not want to dive because she had a trauma
with sea animals. We had three days here which we spent walking around the island which takes
about an hour. Every night, we sat on the couches near the beach and watched the waves and the

It was a fantastic journey that I ever had.

23. Jane did not join diving with the writer because ....
A. the weather was hot at that time.
B. she had a bad experience with sea animals.
C. there were some fishermen catching the fish.
D. she preferred to wait for the writer at the seashore.
24. “It was a fantastic journey that I ever had.” (last paragraph)
The underlined word is similar in meaning to ....
A. meaningful
B. wonderful
C. interesting
D. amazing
25. We can conclude from the text we know that the hotel they stayed ini ....
A. had geckos farm.
B. was not luxurious.
C. served lunch and dinner.
D. only had bungalow.

Text for questions no 26 and 27

Pharmacists are the professionals who dispense medicines to the patients, as prescribed by the
medical expert. In most of the cases, the experienced pharmacists can even prescribe some better
drugs and medicines to the patients. One of the most important pharmacist job descriptions is the
management of medicines and drugs in health care units and hospitals. The pharmacist job
description also includes assisting the patients, advising the medical experts and helping the patients
by recommending the right medicine.

Some of the job duties of a pharmacist are as follows; give advice and assist doctors or surgeons in
matters relating to dosages and prescriptions to the patient. Monitor and analyze the health of the
patient, with respect to the drugs that have been given to the patient. Answer the queries of the
patients about the probable side effects and benefits of the drug therapy. Seek immediate help from
the doctor in case the drug shows some side effects on the patient. Recommend drugs to visitors with
minor ailments.

26. What does the text tell us about?

A. A pharmacist
B. A drug therapy
C. A medical expert
D. A doctor and surgeon
27. Which one is usually done by a pharmacist?
A. Giving immediate help to the patients
B. Recommending better drugs to patients
C. Helping surgeon while doing an operation
D. Giving drugs to patients with major ailments

Read this text to answer questions no 28 and 29

This mango smoothie tastes great, is low in fat and will give you a healthy immune system. Give it a
try. A refreshing drink is for all occasions. Appreciate our Mango Smoothie.

Slice a large ripe mango in half. Cut horizontal and vertical lines across each of the pieces in a grid
effect. Then turn the skin inside out to reveal equal sized chunks. Slice these chunks off the skin with
the knife. Afterwards, pour 250 milliliters of yogurt and 150 milliliters of milk into a blender. Next add
the mango, followed by 8 ice cubes. Put the lid on firmly, and blend until the mixture is smooth, or the
consistency you desire. If the smoothie is too thin, add 1/2 a banana and blend again. This will also
make it sweeter. Finally, pour into a glass, drop in a couple of straws and serve.

28. What does the text above tell us about?

A. It tells about the way to make a mango smoothie.
B. It identifies the problems to make a mango smoothie.
C. It promotes the importance of a mango smoothie.
D. It describes the features of a mango smoothie.
29. What should you do after pouring yoghurt and milk into a blender?
A. Slice the chunks off the skin with a knife.
B. Add the mango, followed by 8 ice cubes.
C. Blend the mixture until it becomes smooth.
D. Turn the skin inside out to reveal chunks.
30. Choose the best arrangement of the words below to make a good sentence.
listening to – Mr. Teddy – giving – are – is – advices – and – his students -
him 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9
A. 2-5-3-6-7-8-4-1-9
B. 2-5-1-4-3-9-8-6-7
C. 2-5-1-8-7-4-6-3-9
D. 2-5-3-6-8-1-7-9-4
31. Arrange the sentences below to make a good story
1. So, I took my bike at home and tried to deliver it.
2. Fortunately,the owner of the wallet was my classmate’s neighbor.
3. Yesterday when I was walking home, I found a wallet.
4. After looking at the ID card, I knew that the address is quite far from my home.
5. That is why my classmate and I could find the house easily.
6. When I was looking for the address, I met my classmate.
7. I found an Id card and some money in the wallet.
8. Then, I stopped and asked him about the address
I. 3–4–5–2–1–7–6-8
J. 3–7–4–1–2–5–8–6
K. 3–4-5–2–1–8–6–7
L. 3–7–4–1–6–8–2–5

Read the text to answer questions no. 32 to 34

Ahmad Dhani is a famous Indonesian singer and musician. He created many songs because he is
very talented in this section. Dhani was married to Maia Estianti (now divorce) and has three children.
All of them are boys. They are Al, El, and Dul. Dhani is unique if you see his style in the daily activity.
His style always changes. But, now he usually appears on TV with bald hair.A lot of people know that
he is very talented person. You know, he can sing. He is a song writer, too. The songs that he makes
are always very popular. Beside that, he is a good leader. There are many musical groups he
manages such as Dewa 19, Triad, The Rock, Mahadewi, and The Virgin. They become very popular
musical group undertaken his management.

32. The following sentences are true about Ahmad Dhani, except ....
A. Ahmad Dhani is a song writer.
B. Ahmad Dhani is fashionable.
C. Ahmad Dhani is Maia Estianti’s husband.
D. Ahmad Dhani has three sons.
33. What talents does Ahmad Dhani have?
A. Song writer, singer, and good leader.
B. Song writer, joker, and good leader.
C. Singer, presenter, and good leader.
D. Song writer, music conductor, and singer
34. '... Dhani is unique if you see his style in the daily activity.'
The word ‘style’ can be replaced by ....
A. color
B. unique
C. type
D. paint

The following text is for questions text 35 to 38

Long ago on the top of Mount Kinabalu in Borneo, there lived a dragon. He owned a large and
beautiful pearl. People believed that he controlled the weather with it.

The emperor of China heard this and wanted the pearl. He sent his two sons, Wee Ping and Wee San
to Borneo to steal it. The princes, together with one hundred soldiers, set sail for Borneo in twelve
sailing junks.

When they arrived in Borneo they set out immediately to find the famous mountain. Their journey up
the rugged slopes of mount Kinabalu proved very difficult. The dragon guarded his cave very fiercely
and killed many of their soldiers.

Then Wee San had clever idea. He climbed a tall tree, so he could see the dragon’s cave. He noted
what time the dragon left his cave to hunt for food and what time he returned to it.

Next he ordered his men to make a fake pearl and a large kite. He waited until the dragon left his
cave. Then he placed the fake pearl in a bag, slung it across his shoulder and flew up to the
mountain-top on the kite. He exchanged the real pearl for the fake one and then his brother pulled his
kite back to the ground.

The brothers quickly returned to their ships and set sail for China. They sailed safely home. The
Emperor was thrilled with the pearl and gave a big party to celebrate his sons’ return.
35. Who was Wee San?
A. An Emperor from China
B. A dragon of Borneo
C. A son of Emperor
D. A Borneo’s son
36. “... his men to make a fake pearl and large kite” (paragraph 5).
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Plenty
B. Valuable
C. Glittering
D. Expensive
37. What will be the best title for the text above?
A. Dragon Pearl
B. The Pearl from China
C. Mount Kinabalu
D. The brothers
38. From the text above we can learn ....
A. Strong people will get what they want
B. Being powerful is needed to gain our dream
C. We must be smarter than our enemy.
D. Being brave and smart is needed to achieve our dreams.

The following text is for questions text 35 to 38

First, melt the butter in the ...(39)... over medium heat. Then, crack open the eggs into the pan and
...(40)... fry until the yolks begin to harden at the edges (indicated by a lightening in the yolk color).
Using the spatula, flip the eggs ...(41)... and allow cooking ten seconds for over-easy, or up to one
minute for over-hard. Finally, add salt and pepper to taste, and serve.

A. kettle
B. pan
C. stove
D. spatula
A. let
B. make
C. start
D. stop to
A. carelessly
B. reluctantly
C. carefully
D. immediately

Text for questions number 42 to 44

My Unlucky Experience

Last weekend was my unluckiest day ever. Many good things were coming toward me. When the
morning broke in Sunday morning, I woke up and planned to jog around the neighborhood. So I
changed my clothes and went to the bathroom to wash my sleepy face. As I stepped in the bathroom,
I landed my foot on soap in the floor and feel down.

Next, I began my jogging and saw my gorgeous neighbor, jogging to. I thought it was a good fortune
to omit the gap between us. So I jogged to him and say hello. How poor of me, it was not him. It just
someone I had never met before who looked like to him. I was going home with people laugh at me
along side of the street.
When I got home, the breakfast already settled and I immediately spooned a big portion of rice and
ate. After I have done my breakfast my mother came up and said that the meal has not ready yet and
she said that I may have a stomachache if I ate it. It was proved; I had a stomachache for the next
three days.

I past my weekend lie down on me bed and be served as a queen. That was not really bad, wasn't it?

42. What does the text tell us about?

A. The writer’s weekend
B. The writer’s activities
C. The writer’s funny experience
D. The writer’s unfortunate day
43. How many unlucky events did the writer’s have?
A. Two events
B. Three events
C. Four events
D. Five events
44. What is the function of the text?
A. To describe the past events
B. To amuse the readers
C. To explain the writer’s activities
D. To retell the writer’s experience

Text for questions number 45 to 47.


In the natural rainforest, Mahogany is a very large canopy tree, sometimes reaching over 150 feet in
height, with trunks sometimes more than 6 feet in diameter above a large basal buttress. It is a
generally open-crowned tree, with gray to brownish-red fissured bark.

Mahogany is perhaps the most valuable timber tree in the whole of Latin America and has been
heavily exploited for most of this century. Mahogany is becoming increasingly rare, and is already
extinct in parts of its original range. It is listed as threatened in "Arboles Maderables en Peligro de
Extinción en Costa Rica" and is listed in CITES Appendix III.

Mahogany varies from yellowish, reddish, pinkish, or salmon colored when freshly cut, to a deep rich
red, to reddish brown as the wood matures with age. Mahogany is fine to medium texture, with
uniform to interlocking grain, ranging from straight to wavy or curly. Irregularities in the grain often
produce highly attractive figures such as fiddle back or mottle. Mahogany polishes to a high luster,
with excellent working and finishing characteristics. It responds well to hand and machine tools, has
good nailing and screwing properties, and turns and carves superbly.

Mahogany is regarded by many as the world's premier wood for fine cabinetry, high-class furniture,
trimming fine boats, pianos and other musical instruments, sculpture, joinery, turnery, figured and
decorative veneer, interior trim, and carving.

45. How large can Mahogany be?

A. Less than 5 feet in diameter
B. More than 6 feet in diameter
C. About 100 feet in diameter
D. Over 150 feet in diameter
46. What makes Mahogany becoming increasingly rare?
A. Its size
B. Its exploitation
C. Its quality
D. Its value
47. “... and is already extinct in parts of its original range." The underlined word means…
A. Survive
B. Vanish
C. Stay alive
D. Uncommon

Text for questions number 48 to 50.

My Dog

I have a beautiful dog. His name is Lobo. He is sweet like a vanilla ice
cream. He is really cute, and he is like a little baby, because he is very lovely. When he was a baby
he was like a little cat, because his ears are like cat’s ears and he doesn't like taking a bath.

He is not big, but not small. He is black and white like a cartoon cow. His eyes are blue like two
pieces of sky, and they are bright like clean glasses. He is like a real wolf, because he wails like a

He is a Siberian Husky, and this is the reason why he is like a wolf. He makes me very happy, and I
love him with all my heart, and I think that he loves me too, and I am going to take care of him, and
love him all my life.

48. How does Lobo look like?

A. He is not big and looks like a cow.
B. He is very small and looks like a cat.
C. He is quite big and has black and white fur.
D. He is medium weight and has black and white fur.
49. From the text we know that ....
A. The dog likes to eat vanilla ice cream.
B. A Siberian Husky dog is like a wolf.
C. A cat always likes to take a bath.
D. Lobo likes to watch cartoon film.
50. “... because he is very lovely” (paragraph. 1)
The underlined word has the same meaning with the words below, except ....
A. romantic
B. charming
C. nice
D. attractive

This is the end of the test.

Try Out Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris ke-4.

Choose the correct answer by crossing A,B,C, or D based on the question given.

Recording the film is prohibited.

It is considered piracy. Piracy is a crime.

1. What mustn’t we do according to the warning ?

A. Watch the film.
B. Enter the movies.
C. Record the film
D. See the piracy

To: Farah

Congratulation, you have bought a bigger house which you have always dreamed about. I hope
you will feel more comfortable. Don’t forget to invite me to your house warming party.


2. “I hope you will feel more comfortable.”

The underlined word can be replaced by ....
A. Think
B. Say
C. Wish
D. Spend

The following text is for no. 3 - 4.

Dear Ivan,

How’s life? I know you must be very busy these days since it’s the beginning of the term. I hope
you are not too tired and still have time for yourself. I found that the school here is exciting too. I
have made a lot of friends, I’ll tell you about them later on my next e-mail.

I have a new hobby now. Planting! You won’t believe it. I grow so many kinds of fruit here such
as guava, mango, orange, and dragon fruit. I usually buy the seed at a nearby shop. I’m crazy
about planting now. I guess because it’s so easy to get the seeds or young plants, and the soil
here seems so nice to plants. Everything grows easily here. I own a small farm behind my house.
I love my farm. It’s about two hundred square meters. My little brother helps me at the farm. We
make a great team.

Well, I promise to send you some fruits when they are ripe some day and let me know how they


3. What is the main idea of paragraph one?

A. Ivan is very busy since it is the beginning of the term.
B. Rehan found that his new school is exciting.
C. Ivan is very tired this days.
D. Rehan is asking about Ivan’s life.
4. Rehan will give some of his crops to Ivan when ....
A. his brother helps him.
B. the fruits are ripe.
C. Ivan visits him.
D. the plants grow well.

The following text is for no. 5 - 6.

This is Mr. Haryono’s house. It is big , clean and comfortable. There is a garden in front of the
house. There are some plants and flowers in the garden. There is a living room, a dining room,
two bathrooms, a kitchen, three bedrooms and garage.

Mr. Haryono has some pets, a dog, a cat, and a parrot. Mr. Haryono takes care of the pets very

5. How many bathrooms are there in Mr. Haryono’s house?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
6. The word “pet” means ....
A. tame animals
B. beautiful animals
C. favorite animals kept at home
D. enjoyable and careful animals

The following text is for no. 7 - 10.

A man with his donkey carrying two sacks of wheat was on his way to the
market. After a little while he was tired and they rested under a tree.

When he woke up from his nap he could not see the donkey and started searching for the donkey
everywhere. On the way he met a boy, he asked the boy, “Have you seen my donkey?” The boy
asked, “Is the donkey’s left eye blind, his right foot lame and is he carrying a load of wheat?” The
man was happy and said, “Yes, exactly! Where have you seen it?” the boy answered “I haven’t
seen it.” This made the man very angry and he took the boy to the village chief for punishment.

The judge asked, “Dear boy, if you had not seen the donkey, how could you describe it?” The boy
answered, “I saw the tracks of a donkey and the right and left tracks were different. I understood
that the donkey that passed there was limping. And the grass on the right side of the road was
eaten but the grass on the left was not. From that I understood that his left eye was blind. There
were wheat seeds scattered on the ground and I understood that he must have been carrying a
load of wheat."

The judge understood the boy’s cleverness and told the man to forgive the boy.

7. The text shows that the boy knew about the donkey based on ....
A. the clues that he saw.
B. the words which people said.
C. the report made by passers by.
D. the people who told him.
8. "... and I understood that he must have been carrying a load of wheat.”
What does 'he' in the sentence refer to?
A. The donkey
B. The traveler
C. The man
D. The village chief
9. “Is the donkey’s left eye blind, his right foot lame and is he carrying a load of wheat?”
The underlined word means that the donkey’s right foot was ....
A. very strong.
B. unable to walk.
C. very weak.
D. all right.
10. What lesson can we learn from telling the story?
A. Punishment should be done as soon as possible.
B. Law enforcement must be done to everyone.
C. We should not jump into conclusion quickly.
D. We must not punish young people especially children.

The following text is for nbr 11 - 12.

To: Sandra
There will be a seminar about IT in Bandung next week. As the representatives of this company,
you and Tom are supposed to join. The event will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please
contact the secretary. She has arranged accommodation for both of you.


11. How many days will the event be held?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
12. What should Sandra do after reading the message?
A. Contact the secretary
B. Arrange the seminar
C. Go to Bandung
D. Arrange the accommodation

The following text is for nbr 13 - 14.

NatraBurstTM is a powerful food source containing a wide variety of premium ingredients, which
work together to provide a variety of health benefits. Each serving contains the equivalent of
more than 6 vegetables and fruits, with an ORAC value of 4,000+.

Additionally, NatraBurstTM helps support lean muscle mass with its concentration of high quality

 Increase energy
 Reduce appetite
 Promote fat loss
 Anti-aging
 Promote healthy skin


13. What is the benefit of consuming NatraBurstTM?

A. Increase appetite
B. Decrease energy
C. Promote fat loss
D. Promote healthy hair
14. The purpose of the text is ....
A. To warn the readers of the dangers of the product
B. To describe the composition of the product
C. To persuade people to consume the product
D. To tell the readers how to use the product

The following text is for nbr 15 - 17.

Tobey Maguire
Tobey Maguire is an American actor. His full name is Tobias Vincent Maguire. He is known for
his ...(44)... as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the Spider-Man film series. He stands about 172 cm.
Besides, he has a ...(45)... body that can really figure a super hero. He has straight black hair.
His ...(46)... features really support his role as a super hero. Moreover, he is very friendly that
makes him lovable.

A. role
B. name
C. play
D. act
A. thin
B. tall
C. strong
D. slim
A. physical
B. physics
C. physically
D. physician

The following text is for nbr 18 - 19.

Dear Parents,

We would like to announce the available roster of tutorial services offered by our school. This is
part of our after-school academic immersion program:

 Algebra for elementary and high school levels

 History, Science and Chemistry
 Specific subjects for high school levels

Schedule of Sessions: 1 1/2 hours Monday to Friday except holidays.

Class Size: Maximum of 10 students.
Fee: $250/quarter.
For further information, you may contact our office at 555-2773.Thank you very much.
Academic Advisor

18. What is the announcement about?

A. Algebra class
B. Specific subjects for students
C. The roster of tutorial services
D. History, science, and chemistry lessons
19. We can conclude that ....
A. The services are free of charge.
B. The programs will be held during weekend.
C. There will be no more than 10 students in a class.
D. This is not part of after-school academic immersion program.

The following text is for nbr 20 - 21.

Dear Talitha,
Next week, Afif, Firda, and I will visit uncle Holid in Sumenep. Do you want to go with us? Let me
know soon.


20. From the text we know that ....

A. Talitha ask Tiara to visit her uncle in Sumenep.
B. Talitha will visit her uncle in Sumenep next week.
C. Tiara doesn’t want to visit her uncle in Sumenep.
D. Tiara, Firda, and Afif will visit their uncle in Sumenep.
21. "Let me know soon"
What does the underlined word mean?
A. After some period
B. In a short time
C. During some time
D. Once in a while

The following text is for nbr 22 - 24.

When I was in 1st grade of junior high school, my friends and I went to Bali. We were there for
three days. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation.

On the first day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. It
was a great scenery. Then, we checked in to the hotel. After preparing ourselves, we went to
Tanah Lot. We met many tourists there. They were not only domestic but also foreign tourists.

On the second day, we enjoyed the day on Tanjung Benoa beach. We played so many water
sports such as banana boat, jet ski, and speedboat. We also went to Penyu Island to see many
unique animals. They were turtles, snakes, and sea birds. We were very happy. In the afternoon,
we went to Kuta Beach to see the amazing sunset and enjoy the beautiful wave.

On the last day, we spent our time in Sangeh. We could enjoy the green and shady forest. There
were so many monkeys. They were quite tame but sometimes they could be naughty. We could
make a close interaction with them. After that, we went to Sukowati market for shopping. I bought
some Bali T-Shirt and souvenirs.

In the evening, we had to check out from the hotel. We went back home bringing so many
amazing memories of Bali.

22. What does the second paragraph talk about?

A. The writer visited some places on the first day tour.
B. The writer visited Sanur beach in the morning.
C. The writer checked in to the hotel.
D. The writer met some domestic and foreign tourists.
23. What did the writer and friends do in Kuta Beach?
A. They played sand.
B. They saw the sunset.
C. They swam in the beach.
D. They surfed on the sea.
24. During the holiday the writer and friends did the following activities except ....
A. They saw the sunrise in the morning.
B. They visited Sanur, Tanah Lot beaches.
C. They camped in the forest of Sangeh.
D. They played so many water sports.
The following text is for nbr 25 - 27.

Iguana is a herbivorous genus of lizard native to tropical areas of Central America and the
Caribbean. The two species are included in the genus Iguana, the Green Iguana, which is
widespread throughout its range and a popular pet, and the Lesser Antillean Iguana, which is
endemic to the Lesser Antilles and endangered due to habitat destruction.

The two species possess a dewlap, a row of spines running down their back to their tail, and a
third “eye” on their head. This eye is known as the parietal eye, visible as a pale on the top of the
head. Behind their neck are small scales which resemble spikes, known as tuberculate scales.
These scales may be a variety of colors and are not always visible from close distances. They
have a large round scale on their cheek known as a subtympanic shield. Iguanas have excellent
vision and can see shapes, shadows, colors and movement at long distances. Iguanas use their
eyes to navigate through crowded forest, as well as for finding food. They use visual signal to
communicate with other members of the same shapes.

25. What does paragraph two tell us about?

A. Iguana’s anatomy
B. The iguana’s scales
C. The function of iguana’s eyes
D. Iguana’s habitat
26. What are the species of iguana?
A. Tuberculate and subtympanic
B. The green iguana and the The Lesser Antillean Iguana
C. The American iguana and the Caribbean iguana
D. The Lesser Antillean Iguana and tropical lizard
27. Iguana is a herbivorous genus ....
The underlined word means ....
A. like to eat leaves
B. like to eat meat
C. like to eat fish
D. like to eat creatures

The following text is for nbr 28 - 29.


 1 Small chicken, cut into pieces

 2 cups fresh coconut milk (or 200 ml thick coconut milk and 200 ml water)


Shallots, garlic, galangal, lemongrass, cumin, salt, pepper, coriander


1. Boil chicken. Allow 2 cups of broth to remain in the pot.

2. Fry the grinded spices with 2 spoons of vegetable oil.
3. Add the spices into the boiled chicken; turn to low heat until it is tender.
4. Add the coconut milk, stir, continue simmer to enhance flavor.
5. Serve your white chicken curry while hot.

28. What is the text about?

A. How to grind spices
B. How to fry chicken
C. How to make thick coconut milk
D. How to cook white chicken curry
29. Why do we need to simmer after adding coconut milk?
A. To make the chicken tender
B. To get attractive color
C. To make the curry spicy
D. To enhance flavor
30. Arrange these words into a good sentence.
the - yesterday - attractive - was - my - life - most - school – day - of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The best arrangement of the words is ....
A. 2 – 4 – 5 – 8 – 6 - 10 – 1 – 3 – 7 – 9
B. 2 – 4 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 9 – 10 – 5 – 8 – 6
C. 5 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 8 – 9 – 10 - 2
D. 5 – 8 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 10 – 9
31. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.
1. It is at 69 Sultan Agung Street.
2. I put the computer on my table.
3. I love my office because it is very comfortable.
4. This is my office.
5. There is also a cupboard near my table.
6. In my office there is a set of personal computer.
7. I keep some books in the cupboard.

The best arrangement of the sentences is ....

H. 3–6–2–4–1–5–7
I. 3-4-1–5–7–6–2
J. 4–3–1–6–2–7–5
K. 4–1–6–2–5–7–3

The following text is for nbr 32 - 34.

I live in a village called Amed in Bali, about a two-hour drive from Kuta. It is a beach village and
one of the best places for scuba diving in Bali. To reach my village, you will need a lot of energy
because it is an exhausting trip. The road is curved and there are many ups and downs too. But
as soon as you arrive in Amed, your efforts will be paid off by the beauty of my village.

Unlike other places in Bali, Amed is a calm and peaceful place. The bay, some sandy, other
rocky appears to be lined with traditional fishing boats called jukung. From the top of hill, people
can enjoy the beautiful scenery. There are no factories or industries in Amed, so the water and
the soil in my village are still clean and unpolluted. This is needed to produce salt by the people
in the village.

32. What is the text about?

A. Bali
B. Kuta
C. Amed village
D. Kuta Beach
33. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. Unpolluted village.
B. places for scuba diving in Bali.
C. Amed village description.
D. The stunning beaches in Bali
34. It is a beach village (paragraph 1). What does the word “It” in the sentence refer to?
A. the beauty of my village
B. Kuta
C. Unpolluted village
D. Amed village

The following text is for nbr 35 - 38.

Once upon a time, there was a selfish and greedy man who lost thirty gold coins. He went to his
friend’s house and told her how he lost his gold coins. His friend was a kind woman.

As the woman’s daughter was walking along the street, she found thirty gold coins. When she
arrived home, she told her mother what she had found. The girl’s mother told her that the gold
coins belonged to her friend and she asked him to come. When the selfish man arrived, she told
him how her daughter had found his thirty gold coins and handed them to him.

However, after counting the gold coins, the man said that ten of them were missing. He accused
the girl of taking the coins, as he had forty gold coins. He added that he would claim the
outstanding 10 gold coins from her, but the woman refused.

Then, the man went to court and informed the judge about what had taken place between him
and the girl’s mother. When the girl and her mother arrived, the judge asked the girl how many
gold coins she had found. She replied thirty. The judge then asked the selfish man how many
gold coins he had lost and he answered forty.

The judge then told the man that the gold coins did not belong to him, because the girl found
thirty- gold coins, not forty as he claimed. If anybody was looking for thirty gold coins, he would
send for the girl. On the contrary, if forty gold coins were found, he would send them for the man.
Finally, the man confessed that he lied and lost only thirty gold coins. However, the judge did not
listen to him.

35. How did the judge give solution?

A. Give the money to the man
B. Listen to the sound to pay the food
C. Lie to the man to go away
D. Give the money to the poor girl
36. Who found the man’s gold coins?
A. The woman.
B. The judge.
C. The woman’s daughter.
D. The man’s daughter.
37. Why did the judge finally decide that the gold coins belonged to the girl?
A. The girl found thirty gold coins, not forty.
B. The girl found forty gold coins, not thirty.
C. The man lost thirty gold coins.
D. The girl was poor.
38. From the story we can learn that we should be ....
A. generous
B. helpful
C. friendly
D. honest

The following text is for nbr 39 - 41.

Over a river there was a very narrow bridge. ...(43)... a goat was crossing this bridge. Just at the
middle of the bridge he ...(44)... another goat. There was no room for them to pass. "...(45)...,"
said one goat to the other, "there is no room for both of us".

"Why should I go back?", said the other goat. "Why should not you go back?"
A. Today
B. One day
C. Tomorrow
D. The next day
A. kept
B. let
C. met
D. said
A. Come here
B. Come in
C. Go ahead
D. Go back

The following text is for nbr 42 - 44.

Donna has just returned from her vacation in Kuala Lumpur. She was really happy. One of the
best moments was when she explored Kuala Lumpur in one day by boarding the KL Hop-on Hop-
off. For your information, KL Hop-on Hop-off is a semi-glass-roofed double decker bus, which will
stop at over 40 tourist attractions. So, passengers can get on board and alight at they places they
want to visit.

She started her trip from bus stop 6 in Bukit Bintang district and alighted at bus stop 8. She then
walked to Chinatown, along Petaling Jaya Street. It is the place where we can buy goods at lower
prices. She bought T-shirts and a wallet. Then, she continued walking to the bus stop 9.

Her second stop was National Palace. During the trip, she passed by Little India where there are
many Indian stores. In that place, she witnessed the exchange of the palace sentry on duty.

She continued on her trip and stopped at Merdeka Square. There are many important and
historical buildings near the place, such as Jamek Mosque and St. Mary Church. Then, her next
destination was Petronas Towers. She was amazed by the sixth tallest building in the world. Her
final stop was Kuala Lumpur Tower. Luckily, there was a festival held there. She also had a
chance to go to the observation deck, to see Kuala Lumpur from above.

42. What is the main topic of the text?

A. Donna’s holiday experience in Malaysia.
B. A semi-glass-roofed double decker bus called KL Hop-on Hop-off.
C. Donna’s trip in Kuala Lumpur in one day,using the KL Hop-on Hop-off.
D. Interesting places in Kuala Lumpur.
43. Donna visited the following places, EXCEPT ....
A. Little lndia
B. Chinatown
C. Merdeka Square
D. Kuala Lumpur Tower
44. Donna took a trip around Kuala Lumpur by ....
A. car
B. bus
C. train
D. monorail

The following text is for nbr 45 - 47.

The Sahara Desert is the largest in the world. It is bigger than the four next largest deserts put
together. It is as vast as the whole of the United States of America including most of Alaska and
nearly as big as the whole of Europe.

The Sahara desert was once green with trees and plants. Giraffes, elephants, and rhinos
wandered across it. We know this because they are shown in rock paintings found in south-east
Algeria, drawn thousands years ago.

Even as recently as the 1820s a Frech explorer heard lions roaring in the forest where now there
is only desert. The world’s deserts are growing bigger. The Sahara is growing by 1.5 million
hectares every year. That is an area three quarter the size of Wales every year, or four football
fields every minutes.

45. The Sahara is almost as large as ....

A. the whole of Europe
B. four the largest deserts put together
C. the whole of United States of America
D. southeast Europe
46. The following statement is true except ....
A. the Sahara grows every year
B. Sahara is larger than any other deserts
C. Sahara is the largest in the world
D. Sahara is smaller than the United States of America.
47. “We know this because they are shown in rock paintings” The underlined word means ....
A. described
B. displayed
C. Knew
D. understood

The following text is for nbr 48 - 50.

My Uncle Martin is my mother's elder brother. He is my favorite among my mother's brothers. He

is a very interesting man. He lives quite near us with my Aunt Angela and my cousins Anne and
Bob. I often go to his house.

He is about 45 with grey hair. He is still quite good-looking. He is tall and well-built. He has blue
eyes and a strong face. He wears glasses. He is short sighted. He takes them off when he
doesn't work.

Uncle Martin is a textile engineer. He works for a big firm in the city. He travels widely in his job.
He is an expert in solving problems with machines. At present, he is in the United States. He is
visiting the firm's customers there.

He is very fond of the sea. He has a boat at the seaside. He goes there every weekend in
summer to sail it. I sometimes stay with my cousins at their house on the coast. When Uncle
Martin is at home he usually takes us out in the boat.

48. What is the first paragraph about?

A. An elder brother
B. My uncle Martin
C. Martin's favorite uncle
D. My Mother’s favorite uncle
49. Which paragraph talks about the physical description of Uncle Martin?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
50. “He goes there every weekend in summer to sail it”.
What does ”there” refers to ... in paragraph 3
A. the sea
B. the boat
C. the United States
D. the summer

This is the end of the test.

Koleksi latihan soal dan prediksi Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris tingkat SMP/MTs sesuai SKL
Choose the correct answer by crossing A,B,C, or D based on the question given.

1. What does the caution mean?

A. Children are playing games around the place.
B. Children are not allowed to play around the area.
C. It is the place for children to play.
D. Be careful because children usually play.

2. The notice means that ....

A. the parking lot is only meant for visitors
B. only people having permission can park their car at the parking lot
C. visitors are permitted to leave their vehicle at the parking lot
D. people must take the parking tickets before entering the parking lot

Read this text and answer questions 3 and 4 .

Bandung, January 1st, 2014

Dear Lusi,
This card comes with living wishes especially for you. To wish you lots of happiness today and all
year through.

Happy New Year 2014


3. The word “wish” in the text nearly means ....

A. see
B. look
C. hope
D. want
4. The purpose of the text above is ....
A. to remind someone about New Year
B. to greet someone for the New Year
C. to inform everyone about New Year
D. to invite someone to a New Year Celebration

Read the text below and answer question 5 and 6.

To: Dona
Please let others know that the scout meeting is postponed until Mr. Brown is back from Egypt.

Sender: Riry +6289775460420

5. The scout meeting is postponed because of Mr Brown’s ....

A. absence
B. meeting
C. coming
D. information
6. "Please let others know ...."
The word "others" refers to ....
A. Dona and Riri
B. Riry and Mr Brown
C. Mr. Brown and Dona
D. scout members
Read this text and answer questions 7 and 8.

7. The party will be held ....

A. in the morning
B. in the evening
C. in the afternoon
D. at night

8. The purpose of the text above is ....

A. to forbid someone to come to a birthday party
B. to invite someone to attend a birthday party
C. to inform everyone about a birthday party
D. to remind someone to celebrate a birthday

Read the following text to answer questions 9 and 10.

To: All students of Junior High School 2 Probolinggo
To celebrate the National Education Day the Board of Student Association will hold some
interesting programs. They are English Speech Contest, English Story Telling contest and Wall
Magazine Competition. The programs will be held on January, 4th , 2010, 8 am – 1 p.m.
All classes must take part in the programs and should report their participation to their home
For detailed information, please contact Ms. Erika, the coordinator of this program.

9. Who is in charge of the program?

A. The students
B. The teacher
C. Ms. Erika
D. Board of Students Association
10. The text is about ....
A. programs to celebrate the National Education Day
B. explaining special programs in January
C. inviting students to come to school in January
D. informing some programs on Jan 4th, 2010

Read the following text to answer questions 11 to 12.

FRIDAY January 25TH, 2010

The girls’ basketball meeting is held after school today in the school library. The meeting is
expected to last around 45 minutes and finish by 5. Every member must be present in this
important meeting. Should anyone be unable to attend the meeting, find Mr. Elder for permission
and further details about the agenda.

Looking forward to seeing you all in the meeting.

11. When will the meeting start?

A. Around 4.05 p.m.
B. At about 4.15 p.m.
C. At 4.50 p.m
D. At 5.00 p.m
12. What should a student do if she is not able to attend the meeting?
A. Go home
B. Go to the library
C. Ask for permission from Mr. Elder
D. Let the class teacher know about her absence

Read the following text to answer questions 13 to 15.

Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their role in
pollination and for producing honey and beeswax. There are nearly 20,000 known species of
bees in nine recognized families though many are undescribed and the actual number is probably
higher. They are found on every continent except Antarctica, in every habitat on the planet that
contains insect-pollinated flowering plants.

Bees have a long proboscis (a complex "tongue") that enables them to obtain the nectar from
flowers. They have antennae almost universally made up of 13 segments in males and 12 in
females, as is typical for the super family. Bees all have two pairs of wings, the hind pair being
the smaller of the two; in a very few species, one sex or caste has relatively short wings that
make flight difficult or impossible, but none are wingless.

The smallest bee is Trigona minima, a stingless bee whose workers are about 2.1 mm (5/64")
long. The largest bee in the world is Megachile pluto, a leafcutter bee whose females can attain a
length of 39 mm (1.5"). Members of the family Halictidae, or sweat bees, are the most common
type of bee in the Northern Hemisphere, though they are small and often mistaken for wasps or

13. What is the text about?

A. Describing bees in general
B. Explaining bees in Antarctica
C. Telling the habitat of the bees
D. Giving information about bees in the Northern Hemisphere
14. Which of the following sentences describes the physical appearance of bees?
A. None has wings
B. It has 13 antennae
C. Its length is 39 mm
D. Its tongue is complex
15. “They are found on every continent except Antarctica, ....”
The word “they” refers to ....
A. ants
B. bees
C. insects
D. flying insects

Read the following text and answer questions 16 to 18.

The weather was very clear. My family and I decided to go camping last holiday. Father prepared
the tent and other equipment. Mother prepared the cooking and eating utensils. I took my fishing
rod and my brother brought his sport equipment. When everything was ready, we left for the
camping site in countryside.

There were many campers when we arrived at the camping site. Unfortunately, the good location
near the river had been occupied by other campers so we had to look for another place. Finally,
we found a good place little bit further. It was near a big tree. After setting up the tent, my father
and I went fishing. We joined other people sitting on the rock near the river.

In the evening, Father made a fire. Mother cooked the fish we caught. I could say that it was the
best fish I had ever tasted. Sleeping in the tent was a very wonderful experience. I woke up early
in the morning. I felt fresh. Then I accompanied my brother playing ball.

In the afternoon, we went back home.

16. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To describe a camping site
B. To give instruction how to set up the tent
C. To retell the writer’s past camping experience
D. To inform people the new camping site
17. Where did the writer and his family set up their tent?
A. Near the river
B. Near the big tree
C. At the back of the river
D. Far away from other campers
18. “... the river had been occupied by ...”
The underlined word is similar in meaning to ....
A. inhabited
B. authorized
C. bought
D. grabbed

Read the following text and answer questions 19 to 22.

Making coloured and scented candles is really quick and simple. What's more, you'll save so
much money. If making candles is easy, why do you ever buy one from a shop? What you need
in making candles are wax, moulds, wick, dye discs, essential oils, and a double boiler. All these
materials are available from craft shops. Or if you do not want to buy them, you can improvise
with an old saucepan, Pyrex jug, or even a sturdy can, in a pot of water. After providing the
materials, follow this procedure or instruction in making candles!

 First of all, melt the wax. All wax has a flash point, so to prevent it from bursting into
flames; you must melt it in a double boiler, with water at the bottom of the pan.
 Then, prepare the mould with the wick. Thread the wick through the mould and make
sure that you leave a good few centimeters sticking out of the hole in the bottom.
 After that, add the scent. If you want a scented candle, add a few drops of essential oil to
the melted wax. You can use any essential oil you like, as long as it doesn't contain
 Next step, pour the wax into the mould. Try and tip the wax into the mould quickly, all in
one go, to minimize spillage and air bubbles.
 Then, release the bubbles and top it up. Releasing the air bubbles will eventually make
the candle sink, so you will need to top it up with more melted wax.
 Finally, remove it from the mould. After four or five hours, the candle can be taken out of
its mould.

Your candle is now ready for display. Remember, you must always leave it for a day before
lighting it.

19. What does paragraph one tell us about?

A. The steps in making candles
B. The materials we need in making candles
C. The goal of the text in making candles
D. The way to make candles
20. What should you do after melting the wax?
A. Pour the melting wax into the mould
B. Remove the melting wax from the mould
C. Prepare the mould with the wick
D. Release the bubbles and top it up
21. Where can you buy the materials for making candles?
A. At the handicraft shop
B. At the super market
C. At the stall
D. At the craft shop
22. “..., so to prevent it from bursting into flames you ...”
The word “bursting” means ....
A. exploding
B. melting
C. satisfying
D. becoming

Read the following text and answer questions 23 to 26.


Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot
could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it
was born. The name of the place was Catano.

The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would
not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano, however the bird did not say the

At first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed
the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said
angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry
and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”. The bird kept silent.

One day, after trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry.
He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four
old chickens for next dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” Said the
man angrily. Then he continued to mumble; “You know I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it
will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the chicken house.
The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very
surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death
chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last
old chicken; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”.

23. Why did the man feel so angry with the parrot?
A. It could say everything except Catano
B. It couldn’t say anything
C. It was a parrot like others
D. It was a stupid parrot.
24. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To describe a very cunning parrot
B. To tell us about a cruel man who owned a parrot
C. To entertain the readers by telling about the smartest parrot
D. To explain why the parrot owner was very angry
25. From the text we learn that ....
A. we have to respect others
B. we have to imitate others
C. we should not force others to do something
D. we must not hurt others’ feeling
26. “... the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken ....”
The word “proudly” nearly means ....
A. arrogantly
B. bravely
C. smugly
D. humbly

Read the following text and answer questions 27 to 30

27. The label tells us about ... of a dietary supplement.

A. the information
B. the usage
C. the materials
D. the benefits
28. When would it be best to consume the product?
A. Before April 27th, 2014
B. After April 4th, 2014
C. During April 4th, 2014
D. On April 4th, 2014
29. How many soft gels does someone take everyday?
A. 1 gel
B. 15 mg
C. 200 IU
D. 600 mg
30. “Daily value has not been established.” (Line 10)
What is the meaning of the word “established”?
A. Ordered
B. Determined
C. Carried
D. Helped

Read the text below to answer questions 31 to 35.

A cactus (plural: cacti) is any member of the plant family Cactaceae, native to the Americas. They
are often used as ornamental plants, but some are also crop plants. Cacti are grown for
protection of property from wild animals, as well as many other uses.

Cacti are parts of the plant order Caryophyllales, which also include members like beets,
gypsophila, spinach, amaranth, tumbleweeds, carnations, rhubarb, buckwheat, plumbago,
bougainvillea, chickweed and knotgrass.

Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which are adapted to extremely arid and hot
environments, showing a wide range of anatomical and physiological features which conserve
water. Their stems have adapted to become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have
become the spines for which cacti are well known.

Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The tallest is Pachycereus pringlei, with a
maximum recorded height of 19.2 m, and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputiana, only about 1 cm in
diameter at maturity. Cactus flowers are large, and like the spines and branches arise from
areoles. Many cactus species are night blooming, as they are pollinated by nocturnal insects or
small animals, principally moths and bats. Cacti range in size from small and globular to tall and

31. Where can we find cacti mostly?

A. In the jungle
B. On the beach
C. On the mountain
D. In the arid and hot region
32. Why do cacti mostly bloom at night?
A. Because their flowers are large.
B. Since cacti are unusual and distinctive plants.
C. Since cacti are pollinated by nocturnal insects.
D. As the afternoon period is used for photosynthetic process.
33. What does the first paragraph tell us about?
A. The members of cacti
B. The habitat of cacti
C. The use of cacti
D. Types of cacti
34. The text is written to ....
A. give information about American cacti
B. explain physical features of cacti
C. describe cacti in general
D. talk about the life of cacti
35. “Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which ...”
The synonym of the word “distinctive” is ....
A. typical
B. antique
C. unique
D. different
Read the following text and answer questions 36 t0 38.

36. What is being advertised?

A. A white buffalo
B. A strange place
C. A museum
D. A miracle
37. Why is the buffalo called a miracle?
A. The museum opens on work days only.
B. Ripley’s Believe It or Not is a name of a museum.
C. White buffaloes are rarely found.
D. The museum collections are on TV programs too.
38. What is the purpose of the advertisement above?
A. To describe the white buffalo
B. To invite people to see the white buffalo
C. To show the readers about the castle of the white buffalo
D. To tell people the breeding of the white buffalo.

Read the letter below to answer questions 39 to 43.

Dear Nan,

We are having a great holiday here on the Gold Coast. Yesterday we went to the Movie World.

When we got up in the morning, it looked like rain. After a while the cloud disappeared. And it
became a sunny day. We then decided to go to the Movie World.

The first ride I went on was Lethal Weapon. Next I saw the Police Academy show. After that I had
lunch as I was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mum and Kelly queued for the Batman ride.

About one o’clock we got a light shower of rain but it cleared up soon after. We then went on all
the other rides.

It was a top day. See you when you get back.


39. What is the letter about?

A. Sam’s holiday
B. The Gold Coast
C. The Movie World
D. The Shower of Rain
40. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. The weather in Gold Coast
B. Police Academy Show
C. Sam’s activities in the Movie World
D. A great holiday in the Movie World
41. Where did Sam spend his holiday with his family?
A. On the Gold Coast
B. In the Movie World
C. In Lethal Weapon
D. At the Police Academy
42. The word ‘we’ in the text refers to ....
A. Sam and Nan
B. Sam and Mum
C. Mum and Kelly
D. Sam, Mum, and Kelly
43. The word queued in paragraph 3 means ....
A. went on
B. lined up
C. sat down
D. waited for

For questions 44 to 47, choose the best words to complete the text.

Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal has a bill like duckbill. Platypus ...(44)... a
native Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia.

Platypus ...(45)... a flat tail and webbed feet. Its body length is 30 to 45 cm and covered with a
thick and woolly layer of fur. Its bill is detecting prey and stirring up mud. Platypus' eyes and head
are small. It has no ears but has ability to sense sound and light.

Platypus ...(46)... in streams, rivers, and lakes. Female platypus usually digs burrows in the
streams or river banks. The burrows are blocked with soil to ...(47)... it from intruders and
flooding. In the other hand, male platypus does not need any burrow to stay.

A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
A. has
B. had
C. have
D. having
A. live
B. lives
C. lived
D. living
A. protecting
B. protected
C. protects
D. protect

48. Arrange the following jumbled words to make a good sentence.

(1) her class – (2) in – (3) diligent – (4) Jessica – (5) very – (6) is – (7) student – (8) a
A. 4 – 6 – 8 – 5 – 3 – 7 – 2 – 1
B. 4 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 8 – 5 – 3 – 7
C. 2 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 5 – 7 – 3
D. 2 – 1 – 8 – 5 – 3 – 7 – 6 – 4
49. Arrange the following jumble words to make a good sentence.
(1) a phone call – (2) her – (3) there – (4) for – (5) was – (6) the geography teacher – (7) was
teaching – (8) while
A. 8 – 6 – 7 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 4 - 2
B. 8 – 2 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 1
C. 6 – 7 – 2 – 8 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 4
D. 3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 2 – 7
50. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph.
1. Jack had an accident a few days ago.
2. Jill went to the hospital too visit him.
3. He is still in the hospital now.
4. She is at the hospital now.
5. He had to go to hospital.

A. Combine the following sentences using adjective clauses. Please pay attention to
the punctuation, and put commas where necessary.
B. Reduce the adjective clauses into adjective phrases


1. On 27 October 1945, a British plane from Jakarta dropped leaflets over Surabaya. They
urged all Indonesian troops and militia to surrender their weapons.
a. On 27 October 1945, a British plane from Jakarta dropped leaflets over
Surabaya which urged all Indonesian troops and militia to surrender their weapons.
b. On 27 October 1945, a British plane from Jakarta dropped leaflets over
Surabaya urging all Indonesian troops and militia to surrender their weapons.
2. The Battle of Surabaya became a symbol of resistance to the re-imposition of Dutch colonial
rule. It cost the lives of many thousands of Indonesians.
a. The Battle of Surabaya, which cost the lives of many thousands of Indonesians,
became a symbol of resistance to the re-imposition of Dutch colonial rule.
b. The Battle of Surabaya, costing the lives of many thousands of Indonesians, became
a symbol of resistance to the re-imposition of Dutch colonial rule.

1. Jakarta is very crowded. It is the capital city of Indonesia.

2. The car belongs to Mr. Harun. It is parked under the tree.
3. The old woman makes a very good living by selling clothes. She lives next door.
4. He borrowed a book from the library. It is about Indonesian literature.
5. The girl is very attractive. She lives opposite my house.
6. The writer has just written an article. It criticizes the system of education in Indonesia.
7. In playing football, the children use a small ball. It is made of solid rubber.
8. I have found a letter. It is addressed to one of our important clients.
9. She bought a book. It is written by a famous author.
10. I know the lady. She was driving the car.
11. Rujak Cingur is a traditional East Javanese dish. It is made of salad, chicken, and seafood.
12. The krill is a tiny sea animal. It looks like a shrimp.
13. A supernova produced the famous Crab nebula. It is a favorite among astronomers.
14. The St. Bernard is a breed of very large working dog from the Italian and Swiss Alps. It is
originally bred for rescue.
15. Sunlight can be used to generate electricity by means of cells. They contain substances that
emit electrons when bombarded with protons.
16. Positive thinkers look at life with an attitude of hope. It influences their environment in a way
that creates positive results.
17. Cato the Elder was born in Tusculum. It was a municipal town of Latium.
18. Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in adults. It is caused by changes in the
blood vessels of the retina.
19. Anne Boleyn was the second wife of King Henry VIII. She was beheaded at the age of 29.
20. A new species of tomato has been developed. It is adapted to harsh climatic conditions.
21. Edward Kazarian uses microscopes and diamond-tipped tools to create figures the size of the
head of a pin. He is a master of making miniatures.
22. The vast oil spill cost millions to clean up. It smeared the coast.
23. Majapahit kingdom reached its peak of glory during the era of Hayam Wuruk. He reigned from
1350 to 1389.
24. James wrote an article. The article indicated that he disliked the president.
25. The man was brought to the police station. He confessed to the crime.

Start of TOEFL Practice Test - Written Expression

1. Since erect in 1886, the Statue of Liberty has served as a symbol of freedom.
2. A traveler can reach some of the village along th Amazon only by riverboat.
3. Natural predators, disturbing from tourists, and pollution have all contributed to the decline of
the California condor.
4. Today the number of people which enjoy winter sports is almost double that of twenty years
5. The Soay sheep, the old breed of sheep in existence, has changed little since 3500 B.C.
6. Voyager 2 is a spacecraft which has greatly expanded us knowledge of the solar system.
7. Dolphins, whales, and many other sea creatures use high sophisticated navigation systems.
8. The smallest things in the universe are, paradoxically, be explored by the largest machines.
9. Fiber is important element in nutrition, and it aids in protecting the digestive tract as well.
10. Copper is a metal which is easy worked and which mixes well with other metals to form
11. An exchange rate is the price of one currencies in terms of another.
12. The Bactrian, or Asian, camel can be identified by their two humps.
13. The first European settlement of Australia left the city of Portsmouth in May 1787.
14. Scurvy, caused by the lack of vitamin C, could kill the most of a ship's crew on a long voyage.
15. The term "Punchinello" refer to a clown in Italian puppet shows.
16. Symptoms of multiple selerosis may be eased by injecting a solution consisted of snake
17. The rupture of the Mareb Dam in ancient Yemen brought it about the collapse of many small
18. The tiger's cunning, strength, and agile have earned it a legendary reputation.
19. Uranus is the alone planet in the solar system which is tipped on its side
20. Most critics agree that William Shakespeare was the greater writer in the English language.
21. Much nutritionists argue that people's intake of fat should be reduced.
22. The refracting telescope contains lenses that magnification the image which reaches it.
23. In some societies hired people cook, clean, take care after the children, and do the yard work.
24. Many American novelists, such as Gore Vidal, resides in other countries.
25. Some paper dolls, which were once relatively cheap, are previously considered valuable
collectors' items.

F. 1-4-3-5-2
G. 1-3-5-4-2
H. 1-2-3-4-5
I. 1-5-3-2-4

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