2016 CCI Meeting - Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry

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Adopting Holographic Technology and Virtual Reality into the Dental Curricula

Gerald Davis II, D.D.S., M.A.

Meharry Medical College, School of Dentistry
Levels of Technology Integration Into the Curriculum
Entry Adoption Adaptation Infusion Transformation
The teacher begins to use technology tools The teacher directs students in the The teacher facilitates students in exploring and The teacher provides the learning context The teacher encourages the innovative use of  Our timeline for accomplishing the integration of
Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry is in
the process of expanding its multimillion dollar
TECHNOLOGY to deliver curriculum content to students. conventional and procedural use of independently using technology tools. and the students choose the technology tools technology tools. Technology tools are used to holographic technology into the curriculum is based
technology tools. to achieve the outcome. facilitate higher order learning activities that may on the Technology Integration Matrix established by
dental simulation center to include holographic
simulation technology. As an approved developer
INTEGRATION MATRIX not have been possible without the use of University of South Florida.
technology. Financial Resources will be provided through the
site for the Microsoft HoloLens, the curriculum will 

be adapted to allow students to gain insight into Active Meharry Technology Taskforce Budget. Initially

Characteristics of the Learning Environment

anatomic structures, surgical techniques for lesions/ Students are actively engaged in using technology as a tool Conventional independent use of tools: some student Choice of tools and regular, self-directed totaling $3,000, the total final estimated cost will
implant placement, and local anesthesia Information passively received Conventional procedural use of tools Extensive and unconventional use of tools approach $100,000. This does not include
rather than passively receiving information from the choice and exploration use
administration. An interdisciplinary development technology. maintenance upgrades.
team has already been assembled within Meharry;
and this team has begun partnering with additional Collaborative Collaborative use of tools in Collaborative use of tools; Some student choice and Choice of tools and regular use
Collaboration with peers and outside resources in  There are three levels of collaboration: Internal
institutions in hopes of having a collaborative Students use technology tools to collaborate with others Individual student use of tools ways not possible Collaboration, Inter-Institutional Collaboration, and
conventional ways exploration for collaboration
approach to advance students’ understanding of rather than working individually at all times. without technology Vendor Collaboration. Internal Collaboration consists
dental concepts nationwide. of faculty (an oral surgeon, prosthodontist, anatomist,
Students use technology tools to connect new information to Guided, conventional use for building Independent use for building knowledge; some Choice and regular use for building Extensive and unconventional use of and two general dentists), staff (OIT, additional
We hypothesize that the Holographic Simulation Information delivered to students
their prior knowledge rather than to passively knowledge student choice and exploration knowledge technology tools to build knowledge personnel), students (representation from medical,
Center will help students visualize information in a
unique and interactive way, thereby improving their: receive information. dental, and graduate studies). Inter-institutional
clinical injection techniques, surgical treatment and Collaboration: Tennessee State University, Mountain
Authentic Independent use in activities connected to students’
treatment plans, and NBDE Part I Dental Anatomy View Community College. Vendor Collaboration:
Students use technology tools to link learning activities to the Use unrelated to the world outside of the Guided use in activities with some Choice of tools and regular use in Innovative use for higher order learning
and Occlusion performance. Students will also lives; some student choice Microsoft, etc.
world beyond the instructional setting rather than working on instructional setting meaningful context meaningful activities activities in a local or global context
demonstrate improved patient management and exploration
decontextualized assignments.  A team of 15+ people will commit approximately 100
behaviors and comfort with interprofessional
man hours per week total.
collaboration. Goal Directed
Students use technology tools to set goals, plan activities, Directions given step-by-step Conventional and procedural use of tools to Purposeful use of tools to plan and monitor; some Flexible and seamless use of tools to plan Extensive and higher order use of tools to plan and
monitor progress, and evaluate results rather than simply task monitoring plan or monitor student choice and exploration and monitor monitor
completing assignments without reflection.

Meharry School of Dentistry Timeline Year 1 (2016-2017) Year 1 (2016-2017) (Cont’d) Years 2-3 (2017-2019) Years 4-5 (2019-2021) Years 6-8 (2021-2023)
Meharry Medical College Goals:
Receive Microsoft Inc. HoloLens

 Formally adopt the holographic technology
through the grand opening of the
 Obtain specialized holographic camera thereby
allowing multiple students to view same images as
 Integrate the HoloLens into clinical setting
for patient anxiety control measures.

Students develop holographic dental portfolios.
Continue to upgrade all systems/products at least OUTCOMES
Purchase additional computers with
 Holographic Simulation Center. wearer/user simultaneously.  Establish simulated holographic injection every 3-years.
Meharry Medical College has already begun implementing this Windows 10 for the sole purpose of  Purchase 3D iSense scanner.  Purchase additional HoloLens units. technique application with collaborative  Quality assurance assessment of surgical cases
program. Achievements to date include: holographic application development.  Establish a holographic database image  Utilize HoloLens while assisting during an oral partners (incorporate 3D printing to that utilized holographic technology compared to
Sep. 2015- Began purchasing and testing 3D design and Identify 1-2 representatives from each
 collection. surgery procedure (after determining best methods tangibly foster this process). those that did not. Outcome measures for the successful Integration of
animation software. class to utilize the HoloLens for enhancing Begin scanning key images/objects to be for infection control). Begin administering formal holographic
holographic technology into the curriculum include:
 

Jan. 2016- Establishing the MMC President’s Technology their ability to analyze: 3D CBCT added to holographic image database.  Students begin interacting with holographic examinations to assess students’
Taskforce (Partnership of OIT, alongside representatives for renderings of surgical sites for addressing  Begin engaging our collaborative external simulation patients. knowledge.  Improved NBDE Part I Student performance on the
four domains of technology assessment: clinical, research, pathology and determining dental implant partners through plans to implement model  Students begin utilizing distance learning and  Students are allowed to explore their own Dental Anatomy and Occlusion section based on
teaching, and administrative). placement. at other institutions. simulated teledentistry through the use of the ideas for various uses of the technology. national average
Feb. 2016- Applied for Microsoft HoloLens developer Instructor guided teaching of Medical and Create comparative dental anatomy holographic technology at other institutions. Utilize this technology within the Improved digital crown design in CERAC with little to
   

approval Dental students through demonstrations of: application for HoloLens.  Formal grades given for HoloLens utilization within Operating Room (develop any additional
April 2016- Received approval from Microsoft as a Developer cadaver dissections in gross anatomy lab,  Implement student usage of 3D design several preclinical and behavioral didactic courses: applications needed for this process). no faculty assistance
Site (Wave 5). dental laboratory procedures, and surgical software for the practice of digitally 1) D2 Analytical Reasoning and Critical Thinking,  Less post-operative complications after oral surgery
April 2016- Established Interprofessional Collaborative Team procedures while wearing smart glasses. designing 3D teeth. 2) D2 Biomedical Integration, 3) D2 Dental procedures that utilized CBCT
April 2016- Identified a vendor who will donate a 3D printer. Implantology, 4) D3 Behavioral Management  Improved first time pass rate performance on
April 2016- Began evaluating file types in commonly used 3D
dental applications (Cone Beam CT- DICOM, CAD/CAM, Implantology final clinical competency exams
etc.)  Decrease in the number of anesthesia carpules students
May 2016- Purchasing of Vuzix M100 smart glasses utilize due to inappropriate injection technique
May 2016- Received approval from the MMC Board of  Faculty and students’ improved comfort level with the
May 2016- Assisted faculty to test-run Vuzix in gross use of digital 3-D technology
anatomy laboratory  Development of additional creative uses for
June 2016- Began developing HoloLens applications using holographic technology
Microsoft software  Successful completion of any/and all intended goals
The color of the cell in the table, corresponds to the years in
which that particular aspect of the holographic technology listed within the Technology Integration Matrix
integration process will occur in the curriculum.
Blue: Yr. 1, Purple: Yrs. 2-3, Orange: Yrs. 4-5, Green: Yrs. 6-8

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