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Name ______________________________________________ Grade & Section _____________

Anticipation Reaction Guide

Students’ task - Answer the following AR Guide:
Based on previous knowledge/experience, write True if the statement is true and False if false. We will return to
this form at the end of this chapter.
1. A vector quantity is described in terms of
magnitude only.
2. Velocity & force are examples of vector
3. There are four fundamental directions – North,
Northeast, South and West.
4. Density & speed are examples of scalar
5. Scalar addition is the same as ordinary arithmetic
6. Vectors can be represented graphically by using
an arrow, with its tail representing its magnitude.
7. In parallelogram method of vector addition, the
resultant is represented by the arrow that
connects the head of the first vector and the
head of the last vector drawn.
8. Another name for vector sum is resultant.

9. Commutative property is applicable in vector

10.Associative property is applicable in vector
11.The process of breaking a vector into two or more
components is known as resolution of vectors.
12. The negative of a vector V, is a vector equal in
magnitude and along the same direction as
vector V.
13. The answer when two vectors are multiplied as a
dot product is another vector.
14. Cross product of two vectors requires the use of
the right hand rule in determining its magnitude.
15.A unit vector is a dimensionless vector with a
magnitude of 10.

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