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tures and markets several lines of equipment used in packaging. Product reliability and
customer service are considered critical to the company's success. The Customer Service
Department is charged with the following responsibilities:
I Providing prospective customers with product information.
I Monitoring the adequacy of spare parts availability.
r Providing information to customers about equipment operation and maintenance.
I Preparing and providing customer training courses.
I Providing backup sert.ice and support in the event of critical breakdowns.
r Handling warranty claims.
I Maintaining general liaison u'ith customers.
The company recenth- compr-rterized its Customer Sen'ice Department to improve opera-
tional efficiency and customer satisiaction. This change represented a sizabie investment by
Enc'losure Products. The neir svstem includes management information to monitor per-
formance in the areas listed above. The Audit Committee of Enclosure Products'board of
directors has requesied that the hternal Audit Department perform an operational audit of
the Customer Serr ice Dep-a11tr-r"t-t,. The Audit Committee has asked that the audit obiec-
tives include evaluation of the follorving:
I Securitt' of assets. Lncludrng computer information.
r Compllance rlith appiicable lan.s and company policies.
r Reliabilitv of rinancial records.
I Effectiveness of performing assigned responsibilities.
I Deternrination ..f the r alue of the spare parts inventory.

a. Erplan rthv each of the fir.e audit objectives suggested by the Audit Committee is, or is
nLrt, ::1PrlrPriate for an operational audit of Enclosure Products' Customer Service
b. Or-riLi.,e ihe basic procedures for performing an operational audit.
ICN'IA la.lapteclt
27-25 (Onerational auditing) Janet Joebert is an internal auditor for the Beamer Company. Janet
*.,4s assigned to conduct an operational audit on the company's receiving department. This rs
) to be Janet's first operational audit. In preparing for the audit, she asks the following ques-
1. What are the similarities ancl differences between the phases of an operational audit and
the phases of a financial statement audit?
2. What is involved in making a preliminary study?
3. What are the key factors in making the examination?
4. What are the essential elements of the report on audit findings?
5. What is the nature and extent of performing a fo1low-up on the audit?

a. Answer Janet's questlons.
b. If Janet were a CPA in public practice, what standards would she have to foliow in con-
ducting the operational audit?

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