Rina Linguistic

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MID-class B-23030150116-RinaFitriyani



Linguistic is the study of language. And the definition of linguistic from the Ronald w.
longacker(1973:5) linguistic is the study of human language. And from the new oxford dictionary of
English(2003), the scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of grammar, syntax,
and phonetics. Specific branches of linguistic include sociolinguistic, dialectology, pshycolinguistics,
computational linguistic, comparative linguistics, and structural linguistic. So in short linguistic is the
study that learned about language, structural of language and learned about branches of it. And tells
about language, why it’s called language? Because language is as a bridge to communicate with others,
no matter it’s only as a bridge but language is already ingrained to the people life.

In fact linguistic have a many function. So what is the function of linguistic? The main points of
view the function of linguistic is to understanding the language. Not only human that need of
understanding but also language. Language must be understood to all of human in their life. Why must
be understanding? Because the language has many structural that human must be understood. And the
other function of linguistic is we can know how to produce the sound because we learned about
phonetic in linguistic. And we learned about many branches of linguistic. Such as, phonetic, phonology,
morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatic. And now, I will describe about them. The first is phonetic.
Phonetic is the study of production and perception of speech sound. In the phonetic there a consonant
and vowel, and we learned why to produce the speech sounds. The second is phonology. Phonology is
the study of the sound patterns of language. In the phonology we learned about the articulation and
acoustic phonetic. The third is morphology. Morphology is the study of word formation and structure. In
the morphology we learned about structure of word. The fourth is syntax. Syntax is the study of
sentence structure. The fifth is semantics. Semantics is the study of meaning. It’s mean that, with the
semantic we study about what the meaning of the something hiding. And the last is pragmatic.
Pragmatic is study about ways in which context contributes to meaning.

www.si-pedia.com (definition of linguistic)

Wikipedia.org (the definition of pragmatics)

Introduction to linguistic analysis by Prof. Dr. Ramelan, MA.

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