Tutorial Sheet 2 M1210

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Tutorial Sheet for MEC 318

Sheet 2

Problem 1: (a) Evaluate the polynomial y=x3−7x2+8x−0.35 at x=1.37. Use 3-digit arithmetic
with chopping. Evaluate the percent relative error.
(b)Repeat (a) but express y as y = ((x−7)x+8)x−0.35 Evaluate the error and compare with
part (a).

Problem 2: Determine the number of terms necessary to approximate cos x to 5 significant

figures using the Maclaurin series approximation as

Calculate the approximation using a value of x=0.3π. Write a program to determine your

Problem 3: The function ex can be represented by following infinite series:

Estimate the value of e0.5 by adding terms until the absolute value of the approximate error
estimate εa falls below a pre-specified error criterion εs conforming to three significant
figures. After each new term is added, compute the true and approximate percent relative

Problem 4: Suppose that you have the task of measuring the lengths of a bridge and a rivet
and come up with 9999 and 9 cm, respectively. If the true values are 10,000 and 10 cm,
respectively, compute (a) the true error and (b) the true percent relative error for each case.

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