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Effect of Vertical Fractures on Reservoir Behavior-

Compressible-Fluid Case

ABSTRACT fluid was started because of its simplicity. Thus,

pertinent behavior of fractured reservoirs was
The pressure and production behavior of a homo-
obtained at an early date, while experience was
• geneous cylindrical reservoir producing a single
being gained of value in the solution of more com-
fl.ui~ through a centrally located vertical fracture of
plicated fracture problems. One of these more
lzmzted lateral extent was determined by using
complicated problems, and the one discussed in
mathematical methods to solve the appropriate
this report, considers the effect of a compressible
differential equation. It is assumed that there is
fluid (instead of incompressible fluids) on the
no pressure drop within the fracture - that is, that
production behavior of a fractured reservoir.
the fracture capacity is infinite. It was found that
In the incompressible-fluid work mentioned, it
the production-rate decline of such a reservoir is
was shown that the production rate after fracturing
constant (except for very early times) when the
could be described exactly by an effective well
flowing bottom-hole pressure remains constant.
radius equal to one-fourth the fracture length
The production-rate decline increases as the frac-
whenever the pressure drop in the fracture was
ture length increases. Thus, the lateral extent of
negligible. Because of the simplification in inter-
fractures can be determined from the production-
pretation, it is a matter of much interest to deter-
rate declines before and after fracturing or from the
mine whether the production behavior of reservoirs
decline rate after fracturing when the properties of
producing a compressible liquid could be described
the formation and fluids are known.
in terms of an effective well radius which remains
The production behavior over most of the pro-
essentially constant over the producing life of the
ductive life of such a fractured reservoir can be
field. The details of the mathematical investiga-
represented by an equivalent radial-flow reservoir
tion are given in the Appendixes.
of equal volume. The effective well radius of this
equivalent reservoir is equal to one-fourth the total IDEALIZA nON AND DESCRIPTION OF
fracture length (within 7 per cent); the outer radius THE FRACTURED SYSTEM
of this equivalent reservoir is very nearly equal
(within 3.5 per cent) to that of the drainage radius It is assumed that a horizontal oil-producing
of the fractured well. layer of constant thickness and of uniform porosity
The effective well radius of a reservoir produc- ~nd permeability is bounded above and below by
ing at semisteady state is also very nearly equal Impermeable strata. The reservoir has an imper-
to one-fourth the total fracture length. It thus meable circular cylindrical outer boundary of radius
appears that the behavior of vertically fractured reo The fracture system is represented by a single,
reservoirs can be interpreted in terms of simple plane, vertical fracture of limited radial extent
radial-flow reservoirs of large wellbore. bounded by the impermeable matrix above and belo~
the producing layer (reservoir). It is assumed that
INTRODUCTION there is no pressure drop in the fracture due to
fluid flow. Fig. 1 indicates the general three-
An earlier report 1 has considered the effect of
dimensional geometry of the fractured reservoir
a vertical fracture on a reservoir producing an
just described. When gravity effects are neglected,
incompressible fluid. That investigation of the
the flow behavior in the reservoir is independent
fractured reservoir producing an incompressible
of the vertical position in the oil sand. Thus, the
Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum flow behavior in the fractured reservoir is described
Engineers office Aug. 7, 1961. Revised manuscript received by the two-dimensional flow behavior in a horizontal
Feb. 5, 1962. Paper presented at 36th Annual Fall Meeting of
SPE, Oct. 8-11, 1961, in Dallas. cross-section of the reservoir, such as the one
SPE 98 shown in Fig. 2. Production is due to the expan-
1References given at end of paper.

JUNE, 1962 87

1--- -r- ___ I

.,,4JI'" - I It- I ... .....

, I \...--1 I .... '
" ~ I I ...
, I I I '

r..-- _--<-=--- '.

I " I _--- \


sion of a single fluid of constant compressibility. the cumulative recovery can be expressed in terms
This represents the field conditions when the of the production by eliminating the exponentials
gas flow in the formation is negligible compared from Eqs. 3 and 4.
with the oil flow.

RESUL TS FOR CONSTANT . • . . . . (5)

As developed in Appendix A, the dimensionless The coefficient a (L D ) has been found to be
production rate and cumulative production are given, given approximately by
respectively, by
a (LD) = 0.035 - 0.988 In L D • • • (6)

for values of LD between 0.0005 and 0.5. Values
C"e -'Y"t D, • (1)
of a(LD ) are very nearly unity as can be seen
"-1 from Fig. 3.
Thus, it appears that the length of a fracture
and can be determined from a plot of the logarithm of
actual production rate vs real time. For sufficiently
large times, such a plot would be a straight line
of negative slope. The tate of decline of the pro-
duction rate obtained from such a plot is related
-'Y"t D to the field, fracture and fluid properties by
e •
rate of decline -
• • (2) 2k 2.3
• (7)
t!.t per cycle'
C" and Y.. are known functions of the relative
fracture length LD. where a is a known function of the dimensionless
For moderate values of tD (> 0.1), all but the fracture length, given by Eq. 6.
first term in the series given in Eqs. 1 and 2 are

negligible. Further discussion will be limited to
values of tD > 0.1. Thus, .98 r---.....
a -'ltD/a. .96 "'-
e , • • • • • • • (3)
a o .9 5
.9 3
and .9 2
.9 I
.9 0 .001 .004 .01 .04.1 .4


where a = 2/Yl and a = 2C1 /Yl' For larg«; times FRACTURE LENGTH.


DETERMINATION OF EFFECTIVE WELL RADIUS This condition is required in order that the time
scale be the same for both the fractured and the
The approximate production rate and cumulative
unfractured we 11.
oil production for the fractured well, given by Eqs.
Eqs. 6, 10, 13 and 15 could be combined to give
3 and 4, can be compared to those obtained in the
the ratio of the effective well radius to the fracture
absence of the fracture. It can be shown from Ref.
length, r ~/2L. $ince Eqs. 6 and 10 are approximate,
2 that the rate and cumulative production for an
the ratio r 'w/2L plotted in Fig. 4 was obtained by
unfractured well can be approximated by
the same procedure but with the actual decline
factors developed in this paper for the fractured
well, and in Ref. 2 for the unfractured well.
qeV ==- 01 (reV)
The graph shows that this ratio does not differ
-2t D !Ot(r eD ) much from 0.25, whereas the value r ~ /2L = 0.25
NpcD"" 1 - e . . (9) was found to be valid for all fracture lengths in
the incompressible-fluid case (see Ref. 1). Further,
where 01 (reD) IS gIven approximately by the the product r:DLV is only slightly less than 2.0,
relation which means that r'e is very nearly equal to re'
As an example, we shall discuss the case of the
- 0 726 + 0.13 ...( 10) largest fracture considered in this paper, i.e., a
In r
eV' yr eV - 1 fracture length equal to half the reservoir diameter.
For LV = 0.5, we find from Fig. 4 that /2L = <,
0.2675, and from Eq. 12 that
Similar equations,

r~V 1 + -1- [2L~

-,- 2
= 3.86. . . . .(16)
4 L2
V w

Thus, an unfractured well having an r ~V value

of 3.86 should have the same production response
. . . . . . .( 12) as a fractured well having an Lv value of 0.5. This
agreement is illustrated in Figs. 5 and 6, where
qv, q'cV, NpV' and N peV have been plotted against
apply to an equivalent reservoir having a production tv. The graphs show that for practical purposes
behavior similar to that of a fractured reservoir. the agreement is excellent even Jor so large a
This equivalent reservoir is defined as one which fracture length.
has not been fractured (radial flow prevails) and
has well and drainage radii such that its production THE CONSTANT-TERMINAL-RATE CASE
behavior is similar to that of a fractured reservoir We have found that a close similarity in produc-
of equal drainage area. tion behavior exists between a fractured reservoir
We have already remarked that the coefficient a and a suitably-chosen equivalent circularly-
appearing in Eq. 3 is very nearly unity (see Fig. symmetric reservoir under the assumption of pro-
3). This means that the production characteristics duction at constant well pressure. It seems reason-
of the fractured and unfractured wells are the same able to expect that this similarity will be preserved
for sufficiently large times if we take in the case of production at constant rate. Unfortu-
nately, the treatment of the constant-terminal-rate
.( 13) case is much more difficult, especially with respect

as can readily be determined by comparing Eqs. .270

3 and 11.
The drainage radius and effective well radius
.266 /
of the unfractured well remain to be determined.
The only condition that has been imposed on these
quantities is that the drainage area affected by .262
the unfractured well be equal to that affected by
the fractured well.
.258 /
r,2 (r,2 -
w eV
1) . . . . . . (14) .254
2 .3 .4
~~J 2 = 4L1> (r;~ - 1) . . . . . . . . . . (15)
JUl'"E, 1962
2.8 w
~ .8
I "
~ 2.4 ::J
~ .6
a:: ::J
~ 20
;:: ~z A~--+---+---~~~--~--~--~---+---+---4
1.6 \ ...J;::

a:: Vio
If) ~o.

Q .8
~ to- /
o 0.5 .10 .15 .25 .30
.40 .50

~ .4

00 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 should be pointed out that several authors 5-7 have
presented methods for applying single-phase results
FIG. 5 RA TE HISTORIES OF FRACTURED AND to two-phase (or multi-phase) flow systems. These
EQUIV ALENT RESERVOIRS. methods essentially represent the multi-phase
to computation. It is, however, not difficult to system as a single-phase system of average or
derive a solution for the pressure drop which is characteristic properties. It is anticipated that
valid for large times. In Appendix B it is shown these and similar methods can be applied to the
that for large t D the pressure drop at the fracture results presented here to extend their range of
is given by applicability to reservoirs where both oil and free
gas flow simultaneously.

A successful frac job always results in an
increase in oil-production rate. Eqs. 6 and 7 show
6p, " 2::h [2'D ' that the rate of decline of the production rate is
higher after a frac job than before, a fact often

observed in practice. The higher initial production
[ 3J 4 + L - L D][ 4 + J . (17) rates after a frac job tend to increase the amount
16J4 + L ~
of oil recovery before the limiting production rate
is reached, whereas the high rate of decline tends
to decrease this recovery. Even when the additional
We compare this with the corresponding expression oil recovery is not appreciable, the oil is produced
for the reservoir of circular symmetry earlier. Results presented in this paper can be used
to determine the initial production response, rate of
T,4 In T' decline, additional oil and degree of acceleration
,2_ 1 ]
3T eD
t-..p w ..!Ll!:- 2t + eD eD from the planned penetration of a contemplated frac
27Tkh [ D (T ~b - 1)2 job.
Conversely, when the effective fluid and reservoir
properties are known, the rate of decline following
which is also valid for large t D (see Ref. 2).
a frac job can be used to interpret the fracture
We take as condition of equivalence that the
well pressure in the latter case is equal to the
-A comparison of the rate of decline before and
pressure in the fracture in the former case at the
after a frac job also offers the possibility of yield-
same values of t D' Then the cumulative production
ing the fracture penetration without a knowledge
and ultimate recoveries will be equal in both these
of the effective fluid and rock properties. In this
cases at the same value of tD' This condition is
latter case, use is made of Eqs. 7 and 10 to obtain
satisfied when the constant terms in both expressions
are equal.
For the longest fracture that we have considered, (t-..t/ cycle) after
- - - - - - - - (In TeD 0.726) ,
LD = 0.5, we find that T~D = 3.80. This is in (~t/cycle) before
satisfactory agreement with the value T ~D = 3.86
found in the constant-terminal-pressure case. The
effective well radius corresponding to this value
of T~D is T'w = 0.273(2L). and combination of this expression with the relation-
Thus, it appears that the effective radius of a ship between a and L D (Eq. 6) yields the fracture
fracture is independent of whether the reservoir penetration
is producing at a constant rate or at a constant
LD 1.035 exp [-1.012 (In TeD - 0.726)
Although results presented here are developed
for a single liquid of constant compressibility, it
X (i.\t/ cycle) after
(~t/cycle) before
J. . . . . . . (20)


This method for estimating the fracture penetra- x,y = rectangular co-ordinates, em
tion from the decline rates before and after a frac a = 2/Yl
job tacitly assumes that the drainage area and t1p
pertinent values of the fluid and reservoir properties
Pi - P
Yn see Eq. 1 for meaning
remaIn unchanged in the presence of the fracture.
on = see Eq. 10 for meaning
fl = viscosity of oil, cp
The following conclusions applicable to fractured ¢ = porosity of formation, fraction
reservoirs producing a compressible liquid can be
drawn from the results discussed in this paper. REFERENCES
For fracture lengths no larger than half the res- 1. Prats, M.: "Effect of Vertical Fractures on Reservoir
ervoir diameter and under the assumptions started Behavior - Incompressible-Fluid Case", Soc. Pet.
in the text, it is possible to associate with a frac- Eng. Jour. (june, 1961) 105.
tured reservoir a reservoir of circular symmetry 2. van Everdingen, A. F. and Hurst, W.: "The Applica-
having very nearly the same production history. tion of the Laplace Transformation to Flow Problems
in Reservoirs", Trans., AIME (1949) Vol. 186, 305.
The well radius of this circular reservoir is one-
3. McLachlan, N. W.: Theory and Application of Mathieu
fourth the fracture length within 7 per cent, and the Functions, The Clarendon Press, Oxford U. (1947).
radius of exterior boundary is slightly larger than 4. u. S. Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Labs,
the boundary radius of the fractured reservoir, the Computation Lab: Tables Relating to Mathieu Func-
difference being less than 3.5 per cent. tions, Columbia U. Press, N. Y. (1951).
The length of the fracture can be determined 5. Perrine, R. L.: "Analysis of Pressure Buildup
from the rate of decline of the production rate. Ctrves", Drill. and Prod. Prac., API (1956) 482.
6. Martin, J. C.: "Simplified Equations of Flow in Gas-
NOMENCLATURE Drive Reservoirs and the Theoretical Foundation of
Multi-Phase Pressure Build-up Analyses", Trans.,
a 2C I/Yl AIME (1959) Vol. 216, 309.
A drainage area 7. Cook, E. C.: "Effects of Gas Saturation on Static
Pressure Calculations from Two-Phase Pressure
c oil compressibility, atm- 1 Build-up Curves", Trans., AIME (1959) Vol. 216, 49.
see Eq. 1 for meaning 8. Douglas, Jim, Jr., Peaceman, D. W. and Rachford,
H. H., Jr.: "Calculation of Unsteady-State Gas Flow
thickness of formation, em Within a Square Drainage Area", Trans., AIME (1955)
k = permeability of formation, darcies Vol. 204, 190.
L half the fracture length, em
cumulative oil produced from fractured RESERVOIR PRODUCING FROM VERTICAL
reservoir, expressed as a function of the FRACTURE AT CONSTANT PRESSURE
total amount of oil recoverable by drop- As in Ref. 1, the reservoir is approximated by
ping the formation pressure to Pf one having an outer boundary of elliptic cross-
cumulative oil produced from a circular section. The foci of this ellipse are at the ends
reservoir, expressed as a fraction of the of the fracture. Further, we take the area of the
total amount of oil recoverable by drop- ellipse equal to the area of the circle, thus keep-
ping the formation pressure to Pw ing the volume of the reservoir unchanged. For not
P reservoir pressure, atm too great a fracture length, the ellipse is practically
PD pl(Pi - Pf) circular. In the most extreme case that has been
considered (a fracture length half the reservoir
Pf = flowing pressure at fracture face, atm
diameter), the ratio of the major and the minor axes
Pi = initial reservoir pressure, atm is 1.13.
Pw bottom-hole flowing pressure, atm It is shown in Ref. 1 that this choice of elliptical
q production rate, cc/second outer boundary has essentially no effect when the
qD dimensionless production rate for fractured fractured well produces an incompressible fluid.
reservolC Douglas, et aI,8 have also shown that the choice
qcD dimensionless production rate for circular of a square or circular drainage boundary has only
reservolC a small effect on the pressure at the well. From
this it is inferred that the choice of elliptical
Te drainage radius of reservoir, em
outer boundary made here will have essentially
Tw well radius no effect on the results, especially the production
TeD TelTw behavior.
, = denote the equivalent radial flow properties The pressure drop t1p, in the fractured reservoir
of a fractured reserVOlr satisfies the equation
time, seconds
17ktl flcA 2 ¢iJC a/:1p
'iJ /:1,1, = - - (A-I)
pore volume Y k at'
JUNE, 1962 91
with the conditions The dimensionless rate is given by

qIJ • 1
-- 1" Otlp I--]} d~ •• (A-l4)
IIp .. ° at t • 0, . . . . . (A-2) 1T 0 ~ !=o

To solve the problems, we apply the Laplace

IIp • P, - Pf . . . . . . . (A - 3) transformation, IIp D(~, T), s )
In the fracture, and G! ~ -2$ sinh 2 !.t]}
• 2 sinh ~. ..
On .° . . . . . . . (A-4)
. (A-l5)

at the reservoir boundary. The factor 2 sinh 2, e is introduced in order to

It is required to determine the rate of Droduction simplify the Laplace transform formulas. The

q]} • 21Tkh (~ , ~)
qp. .. _ 2kh lL -allp dl
Laplace transform satisfies the equation
-a PD
-a PD
y. - Y f
r- -L un
"::L ,
7 + ¥ . 2(cosh ~ - cos- 2~)sPD,(A-16)
. . (A-5)

the normal derivative of p being taken along the with the conditions
fracture. Further, it is required to determine the
cumulative production N p, which is related to qD 1
IIp D • for ~ • 0, . . . . . . (A-l7)
by s

~ - ~ • • . . . . . (A-I8)

We introduce elliptical co-ordinates

·° for

The Laplace transform of qD is

x = L cosh t cos T/,

Y '" L sinh t sin T/ • • • • • • • • • (A-7)

If the exterior boundary ellipse corresponds to
t = t e, the major and minor axes are L cosh te and
q! - - 1:
1T 1"- ae- I
d~• . . . . (A-I9)

L sinh e , respectively, and the area is Particular solutions of Eq. A-I6 are found by

2 separation of variables. The product f(t)g(T/)
TTL sinh te cosh te = sinh 2 te . . (A -8) satisfies Eq. A-I6 when

According to our assumptions, this must be equal

to the area of the circular res~rvoir; hence~
d f
d~2 - (a + 2s cosh ~)f °, .. (A-20)

,2 e =~ L 2 sinh 2te . . . . . . . . . (A-9) 2

d g
dT)2 + (a + 2s cos 2T))f 0, . . (A-2I)
Then Eq. A-I becomes

~ 2~)OtlP]},
2 2
-a 11P]} + -a 11P]} (COSh - cos which are the equations for Mathieu functions.
-a~ 2 ~ Slnh ~. -at]} /lp* D is symmetrical about the and the T/ axes. t
Mathieu functions satisfying the requirement are
. . . . (A-lO)

and the conditions of A-2 through A-4 become


IIp]} .° for t JJ .. 0, (A-H) and

IIp IJ • 1 for ~ .. 0, (A-l2)


~ = ° for ~ ~ .. . .. (A-l3)
The notations used are those of Ref. 3.
The condition of Eq. A-I8 is satisfied by the
G2n (;,-s) s Ce~,,(;e,-s)FeY2"(;'-S) From Eq. A-24 we have to derive the function
q D (t D)' Each denominator, G2" (0, -s), has an
- FeY~,,(~e,-s)Ce2"(;'-S) . .. (A-22) infinite number of negative zeros, s = --q, . which
are poles of q-D' According to Heaviside's 'theorem,
Hence, the required solution is a series,

~PD E ~ a2"G2,,(~,-s)ce2"(~'-S),
where the a2n are to be determined from the con-
dition of Eq. A-l7, or
. . . . . • (A-25)

~ a2"G2,,(0,-s)ce2"(~'-s) s
where Yn,i = 2 un.i sinh 2~e.
,,-0 If the terms of this double series are rearranged
in order of magnitude of the Y'" i' we obtain a
The ce 2n are orthogonal functions with properties single series

for m ~ 11
qD(t D) = L Cke -'YletD • . . . . (A-26)

For computations, use has been made of Ref. 4.
This reference gives the quantities

Further, Fey 211 (0,0') . . . . . (A-27)

Ie 2" :
Ce 2 ,,(0,O')

when Ao(2n) are the coefficients of the cosine . . . . (A-28)

expansion of ce2n' Using these relations, we obtain

It is therefore convenient to introduce

G2n (0,0')
Gu (0 ,0') •
Ce 2 ,,(0,O')

• le2n(C7)Ce~n('.'CT) + FeY~n('.'CT) . (A-29)

. . . (A-23) and FeY~n(O,CT)
G~n (O,CT) • C ( ) Ce ~n (, .,CT)
e,n O,CT
From Eq. A-19,
• le:n(CT)Ce~n('.'CT) • .• (A-30)

Then, 10 Eq. A-26,


................. . (A-31)

The cumulative production is, with Eq. A-10

written in a different form,
As Ce 2n (~, -s) is an even function, Ce '2n (~, -s)
vanishes at ~ = 0, and

JUNE, 1962 93
1 - 2 L
Q) -"" t D

C" _e_ _
. . . . . (A-32)
in Eq. A-lO. We find that 2tD is the average res-
ervoir pressure and that l/J(g,T]) satisfies the equation
cosh ~ - cos 2T)
Because of slow convergence, the series Eqs. 2 -----=-------'
A-26 and A-32 cannot be used for small values of sinh ~e
tD' For such times, however, the flow into the
fracture is nearly linear; hence, approximate values with the following conditions.
for small time can be obtained from the first terms I/J is even and periodic in T] with period TT ,

of the solution for linear flow

4 0.508 for ~ = ~e' ...•• (B-5)
qD '"
7T%J 2t D sinh 2~e JtD sinh 2~e
. (A-33)
-7T, . . . • . (B-6)

= 1. 016 ~D .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . (A-34)
2~e <p(0,T)) = constant, . . . . . (B-7)

cos 2T))dT]d~ = O.
The curve qDIiD vs t D calculated from the series
given by .Eq. A-26 for the smallest permissible . . . . (B-8)
values of t D connects smoothly with the point
The equation is satisfied by a function of the form
0.508 . (A- 35)
<P = bo + b1~ + b 2 cosh 2(~e - ~) cos 2T)
cosh 2~ + cos 2T)
Hence, for small tD we can obtain qD from Eq. . . . . (B-9)
2 sinh ~ e
A-33. Likewise, we·can obtain NPD from Eq. A-34.

APPENDIX B It is easily found that all the conditions are

satisfied by the following values for the constants:
2 sinh 2 e
We have to solve Eq. A-10 under the conditions

"' 0 for T) C 0 and 7T, . . . (B-1)


"' 0 • . . . (B-2)

and Especially at the fracture (g = 0),

(3 cosh ~e - l)(cosh ~e - 1)
1. . . . (B-3) <P = ~e - 4
sinh 4~e
. (B-10)
Substituting in Eq. B-4 and eliminating ge by
means of Eq. A-9, we find Eq. 17 in the text of
2t D + <P (~, T)) . . . . . (B-4) the paper. ***


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