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Theme 5.

Congenital malformations

1. What is Klippel-Feil syndrome ?

Congenital torticollis associated with accessory cervical ribs
Congenital fusion of cervical vertebrae with rough osseous abnormalities *
Congenital bilateral elevation of the scapula
Congenital dislocation of the sternal clavicle end
Congenital unilateral absence of the clavicle
2. What is Sprengel’s shoulder syndrome?
Synostosis of cervical vertebrae
Congenital elevation of the scapula *
Congenital spine deformity
Congenital chest deformity
Congenital osseous torticollis
3. Treatment of congenital club foot in a one year old patient consist of…
operation on foot soft tissues (by Zatsepin)
wearing of removable joint-immobilizer
applying of plaster casts *
therapeutic physical training and foot fixation by Fink-Ettingen
4. Congenital club foot is characterized with…
Heel pronation and hallux abduction
Heel supination, equinus, adduction of the forefoot *
Ankle bone rotation, flatfoot
5. Sacralization and lumbarization of vertebrae are evidences of…
Congenital vertebrae dysplasia *
Aseptic necrosis of vertebrae
6. What is pigeon chest?
Enlargement of chest dimension in sagittal plane *
Enlargement of chest dimension in frontal plane
Enlargement of chest length
Diminution of chest circumference
7. Gluteal folds asymmetry is the true sign of…
Congenital dysplasia of the hip
Congenital subluxation of the hip
insufficiently trustworthy independent sign *
8. Radiological appearance of ossification focus of the femoral head in a 5-6 month old child is
the sign of….
Congenital dysplasia of the hip
Congenital subluxation of the hip
Congenital dislocation of the hip
Normal development of the hip *
9. A break in Shenton’s line is the typical radiological sign of…
Congenital dysplasia of the hip
Congenital subluxation and dislocation of the hip *
Normal correlations in the hip
Asymmetrical radiological setting of the pelvic
2 2
10. Antetorsion of the proximal femoral end at an angle of 12-15 degree is a sign of:
Normal correlations in the hip *
Congenital dysplasia of the hip
Congenital subluxation of the hip
Congenital dislocation of the hip
Incorrect setting either limb or pelvic during radiography
11. A slop of the acetabulum roof at an angle of 45 degree is a radiological sign of…
Normal correlation in the hip
Congenital dysplasia of the hip *
Congenital dislocation of the hip
Congenital subluxation of the hip
12. Valgus neck-shaft angle has usually such dimensions:
70-80 degree
80-90 degree
100 degree
100-130 degree
130-150 degree *
13. Presence of accessory wedge-shaped vertebrae and hemivertebrae is the sign of…
aseptic necrosis of vertebral bodies
congenital abnormality of vertebra development *
spondylosis ( vertebral ankylosis)
14. Typical features of congenital torticollis are as follows:
Head tilt towards affected side and turning to the opposite side *
Head tilt towards healthy side and turning to the opposite side
Tilt and turn of the head towards affected side
Tilt and turn of the head towards healthy side
15. In pathogenesis of congenital torticollis such features as………. are usually noticed:
Palsy or paresis of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
Dystrophic condition of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, its fibroid degeneration *
Sternocleidomastoid muscle injury caused by delivery
Inflammatory process
16. The early symptom of congenital torticollis is one of following:
head titl
turning of the head
asymmetry skin folds of the neck
spindle-shaped thickening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle *
17. The optimal method of congenital torticollis treatment in an infant 2-3 months of age
consist of:
applying of plaster cervical collar
cotton swab cervical collar, setting, therapeutic physical training *
injection of lydasa and hydrocortisone
head fixation in overcorrectional position by means of plaster corset
18. In pathogenesis of osseous form of torticollis are obvious such features:
Sternocleidomastoid muscle changes
Trapezius muscle changes
Fusion of cervical vertebrae (Klippel-Feil syndrome) *
Congenital neck folds
19. What is funnel chest (koilosternia)?
thorax distension in its distal part
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thorax distension in its proximal part
thorax constriction in the sagittal plane *
thorax constriction in the frontal plane
20. What is congenital spondylolysis?
neural arch lesion *
ossification of anterior longitudinal ligament
vertebral body displacement in the sagittal plane
fusion of spinous processes
21. What is syndactylism?
fusion of two or more fingers or toes *
presence of accessory digits
hand splitting
absence of phalanges
superfluous finger dimensions
22. What is brachydactyly?
Fusion of fingers or toes
Presence of accessory fingers or toes
Finger shortening because of underdevelopment or decrease of phalanges number *
Superfluous finger dimensions
Hand splitting
23. Congenital radial clubhand is characterized with…
Absence of the ulna or its underdevelopment
Hand deviation in ulnar direction
Absence of the radial bone or its underdevelopment *
Presence of supinational hand
24. Congenital ulnar clubhand is characterized with…
Absence of the radial bone or its underdevelopment
Hand deviation in radial direction
Absence of the ulna or its underdevelopment *
Presence of pronational hand
25. Slope angle of the acetabulum roof in case of congenital dislocation of the hip amounts as a
below 10 degree
10-15 degree
15-20 degree
more than 20 degree *
26. Optimal management of congenital dysplasia of the hip in infant 2-3 months of age
Prophylactic panties
Lorenz’s plaster cast
Pavlik harness *
27. Optimal management of congenital dislocation of the hip in one year old children
Pavlik harness
single-stage reposition
abduction splint
traction in the vertical plane *
28. Management of congenital dislocation of the hip in children elder than 3 year includes…
Pavlik harness
Surgery *
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Lorenz’s plaster cast
Abduction splint
29. What is the nature of foot deformity in case of congenital club foot?
talipes heel-varus, abduction of forefoot
talipes hollow-valgus, adduction of forefoot
talipes equinovarus, adduction of forefoot *
talipes equinovalgus, abduction of forefoot
planovalgus deformity, adduction of forefoot
30. Management of congenital club foot at the age of two months consist of…
multistage plaster bandages *
redressment and bandaging by Fink-Ettingen
operation on foot soft tissues (by Zatsepin)
applying of Ilizarov’s apparatus
treatment is to be begun at elder age
31. Management of congenital club foot at the age of one year consist of…
multistage plaster bandages
operation on foot soft tissues (by Zatsepin) *
one-stage redressment and bandages by Fink-Ettingen
wedge resection of foot bones
32. Congenital scoliosis becomes apparent for the first time…
in infancy *
in older childhood
in adolescents
in adults
33. There are such typical features in congenital scoliosis:
Signs of vertebral dysplasia such as lumbarization, sacralization, neural arch nonclosure
and so on)
presence of accessory wedge-shaped vertebrae and hemivertebrae *
paresis or palsy of back muscles
presence of metabolism disturbances
34. Congenital scoliosis differs from scoliotic posture in the presence of….
signs of vertebra dysplasia
other congenital diseases
spinal column torsion *
unfixed spinal curvature
35. What are amnionic constrictions?
Presence of limb segmental adhesion
Congenital circular thread-like constrictions for the space of the limb segment *
Splitting of limb segments
36. Achilles' tendon shortening takes place in case of…
congenital hollow cavovarus deformity
congenital heel foot (talipes calcaneus)
congenital equines foot *
congenital supination of the foot
congenital pronation of the foot
37. What type of limb shortening is typical in case of congenital dislocation of the hip?
anatomical one only
comparative one only
functional one only
combined one *
38. Platyspondylia and brachyspondylia are signs of….
Aseptic necrosis of vertebrae bodies
5 5
spondylodysplasia *
39. What is the antetorsion of the proximal end of the femur:
Deviation of the femoral head and neck backwards
Deviation of head and neck of the femur with trochanteric area forward *
Deviation of head and neck of the femur with trochanteric area and partially the femur backward
40. What is supination of the foot?
forefoot adduction
plantar foot inflexion
foot torsion inward *
41. What is pronation of the foot?
forefoot adduction
plantar foot inflexion
foot torsion outward *
42. Waddling (duck-like) gait is the true sign of….
infantile cerebral paralysis
congenital bilateral dislocation of the hip *
congenital bilateral club foot
43. Trigones of waist are asymmetrical in case of….
pigeon chest
funnel chest
kyphotic chest
congenital thoracic scoliosis *
44. Outside border footing is the true sign of…..
congenital flat foot
congenital heel foot
congenital hollow cavovarus deformity
congenital club foot *
45. What form of club foot is heel supination typical for?
congenital *
46. Fingers or toes fusion is a typical feature of….
syndactylism *
47. Presence of accessory digits is the typical sign of…..
polydactylism *
48. Digital shortening is typical for…
brachydactyly *
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49. Radial bone absence can result:
congenital radial clubhand *
Madelung’s deformity ( chronical subluxation of the hand)
congenital radio ulnar synostosis
50. Ulnar bone absence or its underdevelopment is typical for:
Madelung’s deformity ( chronical subluxation of the hand)
congenital radial clubhand
congenital ulnar clubhand *
congenital radio ulnar synostosis
51. Accessory wedge-shaped vertebrae and hemivertebrae are true signs of:
paralytic scoliosis
spastic scoliosis
congenital scoliosis *
52. The most evident symptom of congenital dysplasia of the hip is…
Gluteal folds asymmetry
outward rotation of the extremity
shortening of the extremity
limitation of thighs abduction *
53. What is the radiological sign of congenital dysplasia of the hip?
Slope angle of the acetabulum roof amounts to 45 degree *
there is an asymmetry of obturator foramen
neck-shaft angle amounts to 130 degree
there is antetorsion of proximal end of the femur at an angle of 15 degree
54. Radiological sign of congenital subluxation or dislocation of the hip is one of following:
Appearance of ossification focus of the femoral head in a child 4 months of age
Presence of a break in Shenton’s line *
Neck-shaft angle amounts to 140 degree
Antetorsion of proximal end of the femur at an angle of 20 degree
55. The most trustworthy clinical feature of congenital dislocation of the hip is one of following:
greater trochanter is localized above Nélaton’s line *
there is thigh contracture
there is thigh muscles hypotrophy
there is a pain in the hip region
56. The typical sign of congenital dysplasia of the hip is …
retrotorsion at an angle of 10-30 degree
absence of torsion
antetorsion over 20 degree *
antetorsion below 20 degree
57. In case of congenital dysplasia of the hip neck-shaft angle amounts to:
130-160 degree *
80-90 degree
70-80 degree
58. Shin torsion in adolescents takes place in case of…
congenital heel foot
congenital clubfoot *
congenital planovalgus deformity
59. At what age is usually performed the first radiography of the hip in case of congenital
in newborns
at the age of one month
at the age of 2-3 months *
at the age elder than 6 months
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60. Trendelenburg’s test is positive in case of:
congenital scoliosis
congenital dislocation of the hip *
congenital club foot
absence of any musculoskeletal system disorders
61. Neural arch nonclosure is a typical feature for…
spondylolysis *
62. Cervical vertebrae fusion is a typical feature for…
Klippel-Feil syndrome *
63. Inguinal skin folds asymmetry is the trustworthy symptom of…
congenital dysplasia of the hip
congenital subluxation of the hip
congenital dislocation of the hip
insufficiently trustworthy self-dependent sign *
64. Greater trochanter localization above Nélaton’s line is evidence of:
normal correlations in the hip joint
congenital dislocation of the hip *
valgus deformity of proximal end of the femoral bone
65. Bryant’s triangle is broken at:
congenital dislocation of the hip *
congenital club foot
congenital scoliosis
66. What feature is significant in case of Sprengel’s deformity?
deviation of the lateral scapular border from the thoracic cage
elevation of the scapula *
presence of costal humpback
67. The most true sign of congenital dysplasia of the hip in newborn is one of following…
Asymmetry of skin folds on legs
Limitation of thigh abduction
”Click” symptom *
Limitation of thigh rotation
68. What method of management in Sprengel’s deformity may be accepted as correct?
orthosis wearing
massage, therapeutic physical training, physiotherapy
surgery *
69. What is spondylolysis?
cleft, defect of the part of the neural arch *
reciprocal displacement of vertebrae in segment
pathological movement of the vertebral segment

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