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Antiremed Kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris

Persiapan UAS 1 Bahasa Inggris

Doc. Name: AR12ING01UAS Version : 2016– 08 | halaman 1

01. Rose : “We failed the contest. You’re 05. Diana: “Can I talk to you for a sec?”
not doing your share.” Earl: “Well, I am afraid I am busy now.’
Sara : “…....” Diana tries to ….
If Sara admits her fault, she may say ... (A) show her curiosity.
(A) You’re the one who’s wrong. (B) talk about possibilities.
(B) That’s easy to say in hindsight. (C) start a discussion.
(C) I am fully responsible.
06. Aria : “Mr. Parkman, can I bother you with
02. You : “Good afternoon, ……. . something?”
Yesterday you delivered my Mr. Parkman: “Certainly.”
laundry to my house, but you Aria: “... Do you know why the government
forgot my shirt.” didn’t lower our export taxes?”
The person : “All right, could you fill out this To express curiosity the followings can
form? We will get back to you replace the blank, except ….
soon.” (A) I want to know something.
The best expression to fill in the blank is ... (B) I’ve been meaning to ask you.
(A) I am here to complain about your (C) Can I talk to you?
(B) I was wrong 07. Hurley : “Why do we have certain age to
(C) I don’t know be considered an adult?”
Ilyas : “I don’t know. Let me think.”
03. Jim : “You are very smart, but you Hurley : “…”
really need to improve your To talk about possibilities, the best expres-
English.” sion to fill the gap is ….
Kim : “What do you mean?”
(A) Is it possible for people older than adult
From the conversation above, Jim is trying age to still think like children?
to express … (B) Do you think we are capable of doing
(A) criticism. this job?
(B) compliment. (C) Can we stop doing our homework?
(C) blame.
For question 08 - 10
04. Situation : Your friend is presenting in front
of the class. He seems nervous and he
doesn’t speak clearly.
To criticize him, you may say the following,
except …
(A) Next time you may want to brush up
your presentation skill before standing
in front of the class. 08. Who is responsible for the ad?
(B) Your presentation was awful.
(C) I should have known better. (A) a video game company
(B) a travel company
(C) a toy sword company

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
Antiremed Kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris, Persiapan UAS 1 Bahasa Inggris
Doc. Name: AR12ING01UAS Version : 2016– 08 | halaman 2

09. Read each of the ad claims below and decide For question 13 - 16
if it would be easy or hard to tell which are
(A) The graphics are state-of-the-art.
Easy. Hard.
(B) The game breaks all the rules.
Easy. Hard.
(C) There are 10 levels.
Easy. Hard.
13. Find the claim in the ads above! Do you
10. Where do you expect to see this ad? Choose believe it? Why?
only one.
14. Find the call-to-action words!
(A) Sport magazine.
(B) Kids fashion magazine.
15. Is the product only for female?
(C) Teenager fashion magazine.
(D) Game magazine. (A) Yes
(B) No
For question 11 - 12
16. What is this ad trying to get you to do?

For question 17-19.

11. If you want to run this ad, which station 17. What is this ad trying to get you to think?
would be the best for reaching the audience? (A) You look good in yellow.
(A) Channel A. (B) If you buy these clothes, you’ll be
Viewer interests: popular.
63% sport, 26% home repair, 11% tv. (C) Your closet’s too full already.
(B) Channel B.
Viewer interests: 18. Which two techniques are used in the Zed
68% home repair, 18% sports, 14% ad?
music. (A) Association (If I shop at Zed, I’ll be cool
(C) Channel C. like these people)
Viewer interests: (B) Repetition (The ad seems to say “Zed” a
49% tv, 32% music, 19% reading. lot)
(C) Price claims (Zed has “guilt-free prices”
12. Who is responsible for the ad? and “starts at $22.99”)
(A) Darrell Yell.
(B) A group that wants you to exercise 19. Where do you expect to see this ad?
more. (A) Sport magazine.
(C) Double Dunk basketballs. (B) Kids fashion magazine.
(C) Teenager fashion magazine.
(D) Game magazine.

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
Antiremed Kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris, Persiapan UAS 1 Bahasa Inggris
Doc. Name: AR12ING01UAS Version : 2016– 08 | halaman 3

by Tom Harris energy, no matter where the ball hits.

Humans have been wearing armor for If you were to put a piece of bulletproof
thousands of years. Ancient tribes fastened material under a powerful microscope, you
animal hide and plant material around their would see a similar structure. Long strands
bodies when they went out on the hunt, and of fiber are interlaced to form a dense net. A
the warriors of ancient Rome and medieval bullet is traveling much faster than a soccer
Europe covered their torsos in metal plates ball, of course, so the net needs to be made
before going into battle. By the 1400s, armor from stronger material. The most famous
in the Western world had become highly material used in body armor is DuPont’s
sophisticated. With the right armor, you were KEVLAR fiber. KEVLAR is lightweight, like
nearly invincible. a traditional clothing fiber, but it is five times
All that changed with the development of stronger than a piece of steel of the same
cannons and guns in the 1500s. These weight When interwoven into a dense net,
weapons hurl projectiles at a high rate of this material can absorb a great amount of
speed, giving them enough energy to energy.
penetrate thin layers of metal. You can In addition to stopping the bullet from
increase the thickness of traditional armor reaching your body, a piece of body armor
materials, but they soon become too also has to protect against blunt trauma
cumbersome and heavy for a person to wear. caused by the force of the bullet.
It wasn’t until the 1960s that engineers When you kick a ball into a soccer goal, the
developed a reliable bullet-resistant armor net is pushed back pretty far, slowing the ball
that a person could wear comfortably. down gradually. This is a very efficient
Unlike traditional armor, this soft body design for a goal because it keeps the ball
armor is not made out of pieces of metal; it from bouncing out into the field. But
is formed from advanced woven fibers that bulletproof material can’t give this much
can be sewn into vests and other soft because the vest would push too far into the
clothing. wearer’s both at the point of impact.
Soft body armor is a fairly mystifying Focusing the blunt trauma of the impact in a
concept: How can a soft piece of clothing small area can cause severe internal injuries.
stop bullets? The principle at work is actually Bulletproof vests have to spread the blunt
quite simple. At its heart, a piece of trauma out over the whole vest so that the
bullet-proof material is just a very strong net. force isn’t felt too intensely in any one spot.
To see how this works, think of a soccer To do this, the bulletproof material must
goal. The back of the goal consist of a net have a very tight weave. Typically, the
formed by many long lengths of tether, individual fibers are twisted, increasing their
interlaced with each other and fastened to density and their thickness at each point. To
the goal frame. When you kick the soccer make it even more rigid, the material is
ball into the goal, the ball has a certain coated with a resin substance and
amount of energy, in the form of forward sandwiched between two layers of plastic
inertia. When the ball hits the net, it pushes film.
back on the tether lines at that particular A person wearing body armor will still feel
point. Each tether extends from one side of the energy of a bullet’s impact, of course,
the frame to the other, dispersing the energy but over the whole torso rather than in a
from the point of impact over a wide area. specific area. If everything works correctly,
The energy is further dispersed because the the victim won’t be seriously hurt. Since no
tethers are interlaced. When the ball pushes one layer can move a good distance, the vest
on a horizontal length of tether, that tether has to slow the bullet down using many dif-
pulls on every interlaced vertical tether. ferent layers. Each “net” slows the bullet a
These tethers in turn pull on all the little bit more, until the bullet finally stops.
connected horizontal tethers. In this way, the The material also causes the bullet to
whole net works to absorb the ball’s inertial deform at the point of the impact
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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
Antiremed Kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris, Persiapan UAS 1 Bahasa Inggris
Doc. Name: AR12ING01UAS Version : 2016– 08 | halaman 4

Essentially, the bullet spreads out at the tip,

in the same way a piece of day spreads out if
you throw It against a wall. This process,
which further reduces the energy of the
bullet, is called “mushrooming.”
To sum up, modern soft body armor
consists of several layers of super-strong
webbing. This material disperses the energy
of a bullet over a wide area, preventing
penetration and dissipating blunt trauma.
This sort of armor, as well as hard armor,
ranges considerably in effectiveness,
depending on the materials used as well as
the armor design. However, no bulletproof
vest is completely impenetrable, and there is
no piece of body armor that will make you
invulnerable to attack.

20. The best topic of the text is …

(A) Shark Breathing Technique.
(B) Shark Senses.
(C) Shark Smell.
(D) Shark Abilities.
(E) Shark Roles.

21. Which one is TRUE according to the text?

(A) More than half of sharks’ brain weight is
composed of olfactory lobes.
(B) Sharks always kill their preys.
(C) Sharks can use their mouths to smell
their preys.
(D) Similar to other types of fish, sharks
breathe with gills.
(E) Sharks swim back and forth to under-
stand how they preys taste.

22. Why would the author mention “teaspoon”

and ”swimming pool” in paragraph 1?
(A) To show how sharks behave.
(B) To demonstrate the importance of shark
(C) To give example of how sharks hunt its
(D) To make the readers understand how
powerful sharks’ smell is.
(E) To show that sharks can smell scents
from far away.

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education

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