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Institute of Exercise Physiology and Wellness, College of Education and Human Performance, University of Central Florida,
Orlando, Florida

ABSTRACT or %Dec in RSA performance. Rate of decline may be a more

La Monica, MB, Fukuda, DH, Beyer, KS, Hoffman, MW, sensitive measure of fatigue than %Dec.
Miramonti, AA, Riffe, JJ, Baker, KM, Fragala, MS, Hoffman, KEY WORDS repeated sprints, oxygen response, recovery
JR, and Stout, JR. Altering work to rest ratios differentially
influences fatigue indices during repeated sprint ability testing. INTRODUCTION

J Strength Cond Res 30(2): 400–406, 2016—This study exam-
nterval training has become a popular method incor-
ined the influence of recovery time on fatigue indices, perfor-
porated into many conditioning programs for individ-
mance (total work [TW], peak power [PP], and mean power uals and team sport athletes from recreational to elite
[MP]), and oxygen consumption during repeated sprint ability levels (12,19,26,38). Individuals who can maintain near
(RSA) on a cycle ergometer. Eight recreationally-trained men maximal sprints for a longer duration have a greater resistance
performed 3 RSA protocols consisting of 10 3 6 s sprints with to fatigue which allows them to perform at higher levels
12 s, 18 s, and 24 s rest intervals between each sprint. Fatigue further into a competition or training session (12,15,19,27).
indices were determined as percent decrement (%Dec) and In an effort to quantify potential performance, and training
rate of decline using either a log transform method or standard response, exercise scientists have developed protocols to mea-
slope approach for TW, PP, and MP during respective RSA sure repeated sprint ability (RSA), which is defined as the
protocols. The maximal V_ O2 value in response to given sprint athlete’s ability to recover and maintain maximal effort during
intervals and the minimal V_ O2 value in response to given rest successive sprints (13). The appropriate RSA protocol should
periods (V_ O2work and V_ O2rest, respectively) were recorded. A
be representative of the work to rest ratio similar to that
required in the competitive environment (38). For example,
repeated measures analysis of variance was used to analyze all
a range of work to rest ratios (1:1–1:5) have been recommen-
variables. Average V_ O2work was not different among rest inter-
ded for preseason soccer training and basketball (1,19,33). De-
val trials. Average V_ O2rest with 12 s rest was greater than 18 s
pending on the number of sprints needed, the rest period will
and 24 s (2.16 6 0.17 L$min21, 1.91 6 0.18 L$min21, 1.72 6 need to be sufficient enough to resynthesize phosphocreatine
0.15 L$min21, respectively), while 18 s was greater than 24 s. (PCr), remove metabolic waste, and oxidize lactate (3,15,38).
Average TW and MP were greater with 24 s rest than 12 s RSA protocols have been investigated with numerous work
(4,604.44 6 915.98 J vs. 4,305.46 6 727.17 J, respectively), to rest ratios during cycle ergometry (3,4,11,15,23). According
with no differences between RSA protocols for PP. No differ- to an investigation by Morin et al. (25), the most common
ences in %Dec were observed. Both methods of calculating cycling protocol reported in the existing literature is 6 seconds
rates of decline per sprint for PP and TW were greater during of maximal sprints with 24 seconds active, passive, or static rest.
12 s than 18 s or 24 s. Since changes were only noted Furthermore, high intensity efforts with less than 30 seconds of
between the 12 s and 24 s protocols, a 6 s differential in rest rest can lower adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentrations,
intervals may not be enough to elicit alterations in TW, PP, MP, inhibit the rate of PCr resynthesis, and increase fatigue, thereby
decreasing subsequent sprint performance (37). Longer rest
intervals have elicited greater peak power (PP), mean power
Address correspondence to David H. Fukuda, (MP), and lower V _ O2 at rest (15) potentially due to enhanced
30(2)/400–406 PCr contribution to ATP resynthesis. Although recovery dura-
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research tion has been shown to significantly affect acute V _ O2 response,
Ó 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association muscle oxygen demands may supersede pulmonary V _ O2 (2,6).
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Nonetheless, oxygen during rest periods play an integral part in (PP–the highest power output achieved during a 6-second
PCr resynthesis, subsequent performance, and has been linked bout, TW–the accumulated work during a 6-second bout,
to percent decrement (%Dec) (5,10). and MP–the average power output maintained throughout
Previous studies have used fatigue indices to quantify the a 6-second bout), during RSA testing. Percent decrement in
amount of fatigue a participant endures (4,12,14,17,20,38); yet PP, MP, and TW over the RSA was calculated as previously
the methods of calculating fatigue indices in protocols greater described (12,15) using the following formula (F1):
than 10 sprints may fail to observe decrements because of
a plateau in performance variables (14). Percent decrement is average value2maximum value
Percent decrement ¼ 3100:
a relative function of total and ideal sprint performance and is maximum value
the most widely accepted method of estimating fatigue
(8,14,20,24,38); however its associated variability has been Secondly, the rate of decline was calculated as the back
questioned when measuring RSA performance. Buchheit transformation of the slope of the line of best fit for log-
et al. (7) measured poor reliability (coefficient of variation transformed PP, MP, or TW values over 10 sprints (14,17,32)
[CV] .20%) in %Dec with 6 shuttle runs lasting 5 seconds using the following formula (F2):
and resting 25 seconds in between. Likewise, Hughes et al.  
(20) found poor reliability (CV;30%) in %Dec in 6 six- Fatigue ¼ 1003EXP ½slope=10 2100 ;
second sprints with 30 seconds of rest on a nonmotorized
treadmill. The high variance of %Dec may inhibit significant where

Slope ¼ ðThe line of best fit for the natural log of PP ; MP ; or TW data3100Þ3ðNumber of sprints21Þ:

relationships in calculated fatigue rates between RSA tests Lastly, the rate of decline was also calculated as the slope
(12,29,30). Because the literature has not appeared to estab- coefficient from the regression line formed by the relation-
lish a gold-standard (28,30), the need for an index that can ship between the number of sprints completed and the
distinguish between work to rest ratios may be warranted. relevant RSA performance variables, including PP
Glaister et al. (14) proposed an alternative rate of decline (W$sprint21), MP (W$sprint21), and TW (J$sprint21) (F3).
formula that used the back transformation of the regression Each participant visited the Human Performance
line for log transformed MP values from RSA testing on Laboratory on 5 occasions. The first visit was for initial
a cycle ergometer. As opposed to the traditional %Dec for- screening during which anthropometric values were
mula, that uses values from either the first sprint or the sprint collected and paperwork was completed; the second visit
with the best performance, the alternative rate of decline for- involved a familiarization session during which each
mula considers power output from each sprint and a linear participant performed a series of familiarization sprints.
relationship between sprint number and performance data The final 3 visits were the actual testing sessions. During
(14). Similar intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) have the testing visits, participants completed 3 different RSA
been shown between the 2 measures and between different protocols to compare differences in oxygen consumption
rest intervals (14). Interestingly, a follow-up investigation (17) and performance variables among varying work to rest
demonstrated poor reliability in running-based RSA protocols. ratios. Participants completed the entire study over 3
The aim of this study was to distinguish between fatigue weeks.
indices, oxygen consumption, and sprint performance within
closely bound work to rest ratios, similar to those required in Subjects
a competitive environment during RSA testing on a cycle Eight healthy, recreationally-trained men (23.5 6 4.0
ergometer. Our hypothesis is that larger work to rest ratios years; 174.3 6 6.1 cm; 75.1 6 10.9 kg) between the ages
of 1:2, 1:3, and 1:4 will elicit greater fatigue rates and oxygen of 19 and 30 volunteered for this study. It was required that
consumption accompanied by decreased performance (PP, these individuals exercise at least 2 days per week. Before
MP, and total work [TW]). enrolling in the study, all participants completed a confi-
dential medical and activity questionnaire and a physical
METHODS activity readiness questionnaire to determine if they had
Experimental Approach to the Problem any physical limitations or chronic illnesses that would
A within-subject, repeated measures study design was used affect their performance. Throughout the study, partici-
to compare physiological response (V_ O2) and performance pants were asked to maintain their normal dietary and

VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 2 | FEBRUARY 2016 | 401

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Fatigue Indices During Repeated Sprint Ability Testing

TABLE 1. Comparison of physiological and performance variables.*

12 s (n = 8) 18 s (n = 8) 24 s (n = 8)

V_ O2work (L$min21) 3.77 6 0.53 3.87 6 0.75 3.68 6 0.72

V_ O2rest (L$min21) 2.16 6 0.17†z 1.91 6 0.18§ 1.72 6 0.15
Average TW (J) 4,305.46 6 727.17† 4,494.99 6 890.75 4,604.44 6 915.98
Average MP (W) 735.01 6 122.05† 764.46 6 148.27 785.09 6 154.53
Average PP (W) 1,091.23 6 203.23 1,098.85 6 227.22 1,105.83 6 245.27
_ O2work = maximal V_ O2 response to work bout; V_ O2rest = minimal V_ O2 response to rest interval; TW = total work per sprint; MP =
mean power per sprint; PP = peak power per sprint.
†Significantly different (p # 0.05) between 12 and 24 s.
zSignificantly different (p # 0.05) between 12 and 18 s.
§Significantly different (p # 0.05) between 18 and 24 s.

nutritional intakes around each scheduled testing day. of body mass interspersed by 24 seconds of unloaded
Participants were also told to refrain from vigorous exer- cycling.
cise within 48 hours before each testing day which would
result in residual soreness or fatigue. The study was Gas Exchange Analysis. All gas exchange data were col-
approved by the university institutional review board and lected using open circuit spirometry (True One Metabolic
all participants provided written informed consent before Cart, Parvo Medics, Inc., Sandy, UT, USA).
beginning the study. Twenty minutes before each RSA protocol, the unit was
calibrated with room air and gases of known concentra-
Procedures tion. Flowmeter calibration was also performed before
Familiarization. Participants who met the preliminary study exercise to determine the accuracy of flow volume while
criteria returned to the Human Performance Laboratory collecting data. Participants wore a head unit and mouth
and were familiarized with the experimental procedures. piece that stabilized a one-way valve around their mouth.
The participants performed approximately 10 six-second Breath-by-breath oxygen and carbon dioxide values were
maximal sprints against a load, equivalent to 0.75 N$kg21 analyzed through a sampling line after the gases pass
through a heated pneumo-
tach and mixing chamber.

Repeated Sprint Ability Testing.

The participants performed
a 4 minute warm-up at a self-
selected intensity interspersed
with 4 submaximal sprints last-
ing 4 to 6 seconds on a cycle
ergometer. After the warm-up,
participants were asked to per-
form 3 maximal 6-second
sprints interspersed with 24
seconds of rest to establish PP
output. The average of the 3
maximal sprints was used to
establish PP output (11) and
the first sprint was verified, at
or greater than 85% PP
output, to ensure participants
Figure 1. Breath-by-breath V_ O2 response in relation to each sprint. W = V_ O2work (maximal V_ O2 value attained in were giving near maximal
response to a given sprint interval). R = V_ O2rest (lowest V_ O2 value attained in response to a given rest period). The
rest bouts (24 s, 18 s, and 12 s) illustrate each of the 3 RSA protocols all with 6 s maximal sprints as the work effort throughout the trials.
bout. V_ O2 = oxygen response. The warm-up and peak power
establishment was followed by
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Statistical Analyses
Breath-by-breath gas exchange analysis data was converted
to text files and further analyzed using a custom program
within the LabVIEW software (National Instruments,
Austin, TX, USA). All RSA V_ O2 data were fit with a cubic
spline interpolation function and plotted over time for each
trial and analyzed for each high and low value throughout the
trial. To smooth out the V_ O2 data, a low pass Butterworth
digital filter with a cut-off frequency of 0.06 Hz was used as
suggested by Robergs, et al. (35). V_ O2work and V_ O2rest
were also collated as averages for each RSA trial to further
compare physiological response between the work to rest
ratios. Statistically significant changes and differences between
Figure 2. Average mean power data for the 3 RSA protocols. The rest trials were determined using SPSS (version 21.0; SPSS, Inc.,
bouts (24 s, 18 s, and 12 s) illustrate each of the 3 RSA protocols all
with 6 s maximal sprints as the work bout.
Chicago, IL, USA). Data were analyzed for normality via the
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and parametric statistics were con-
ducted. Repeated measures analysis of variance was used to
analyze the changes in all variables. In the event of statistical
5 minutes of passive rest to ensure adequate recovery (1). significance, least significant difference (LSD) tests were used
The participants then performed 10 six-second sprints for post hoc analyses. Results were considered significant at
against a load, equivalent to 0.75 N$kg21 of body mass an alpha level of p # 0.05.
interspersed by 24 seconds of unloaded cycling. The
participants were asked to place their legs in a standardized
starting position with their feet firmly strapped into
the metal pedals. Before each sprint, the dominant The physiological response and performance values are
foot was set in a standardized position as previously listed in Table 1.
described (3). Physiological Response
This protocol was repeated during 2 additional testing When analyzing V _ O2work during RSA trials there were no
sessions (visit 4 and visit 5) with a minimum of 48 hours of significant differences among trials (F = 0.755, p = 0.488, h2 =
recovery between each visit. The rest intervals during 0.097). However, V_ O2rest was significantly different between
successive repeated sprint protocols were 18 seconds and trials (F = 21.084, p , 0.001, h2 = 0.751) with 12 seconds
12 seconds, respectively. Gas exchange analysis (as being significantly greater than 18 seconds (p = 0.001) and 24
described above) was conducted throughout the test to seconds (p = 0.001), and 18 s being significantly greater than
determine oxygen uptake (V_ O2). During breath-by-breath 24 seconds (p = 0.045). The average oxygen response
V_ O2 analysis, the maximal V_ O2 value attained in response to (V_ O2work and V_ O2rest) for each sprint across the RSAs are
a given sprint interval was deemed V_ O2work and the lowest represented in Figure 1.
V_ O2 value attained in response to a given rest period was
deemed V_ O2rest. Performance Response
When analyzing average TW throughout the RSA trials,
there were significant differences between trials (F = 4.867,
p = 0.025, h2 = 0.410) with 12 seconds significantly less than
24 seconds (p = 0.012) (Table 1). For average MP, there was
a significant difference between trials (F = 5.412, p = 0.018,
h2 = 0.436) with 12 seconds significant less than 24 seconds
(p = 0.013). However, for average PP, there were no signif-
icant differences among trials (F = 0.146, p = 0.866, h2 =
0.020) (Table 1). The average MP and TW for each sprint
across the RSAs are represented in Figures 2 and 3.
Fatigue Indices
Fatigue indices are listed in Table 2. When analyzing the %
Dec during the RSA trials, there were no significant differ-
ences among trials in PP (F = 17.608, p = 0.071, h2 = 0.315),
Figure 3. Average total work data for the 3 RSA protocols. The rest
bouts (24 s, 18 s, and 12 s) illustrate each of the 3 RSA protocols all TW (F = 29.266, p = 0.141, h2 = 0.244), or MP (F = 0.760,
with 6 s maximal sprints as the work bout. p = 0.486, h2 = 0.098). When analyzing the rate of decline
(F2), there was significant difference between trials for PP

VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 2 | FEBRUARY 2016 | 403

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Fatigue Indices During Repeated Sprint Ability Testing

(F = 4.045, p = 0.041, h2 = 0.366) with 12 seconds signifi-

cantly greater than 24 seconds (p = 0.019), and 12 seconds

*PP = peak power; MP = mean power; TW = total work; F1 = percent decrement; F2 = back transformation of the slope of the line of best fit for log-transformed PP, MP, or TW;
14.13 6 9.93 13.23 6 5.09 15.14 6 9.07†z 79.5 6 51.64†z
significantly greater than 18 seconds (p = 0.028) and 24

F3 (J$sprint21)

22.33 6 37.80
4.09 6 11.39 9.53 6 5.18 4.72 6 10.56 22.55 6 62.88
seconds (p , 0.001) for TW (F = 6.465, p = 0.031, h2 =
0.480). When analyzing the rate of decline (F3) during RSA
trials, there were significant differences between trials for PP
(F = 3.921, p = 0.044, h2 = 0.359) with 12 seconds signifi-
cantly greater than 24 seconds (p = 0.034) and for TW (F =
6.067, p = 0.035, h2 = 0.464), with 12 seconds significantly
F2 (J$sprint21)

10.5 6 4.81 4.20 6 7.21

greater than 18 seconds (p = 0.034) and 24 seconds (p ,

0.001). However, there were no significant differences

among trials for MP (F = 4.624, p = 0.058, h2 = 0.398).

F3 = slope coefficient from the regression line formed by the relationship between the number of sprints completed and PP, MP, or TW.

This investigation examined the influence of recovery on

F1 (%)

oxygen consumption, and performance measures utilizing

different work to rest ratios during RSA testing. Differences,
over 10 sprints, were observed in average V_ O2rest between
trials; however, no differences were seen in average
V_ O2work. Furthermore, performance differences were signif-
F2 (W$sprint21) F3 (W$sprint21)

5.95 6 8.05

icant among RSA trials in average TW and MP. Although no

differences were observed in %Dec for TW, MP, or PP,
differences were seen in both the log-transformed and stan-
dard slope methods of calculating the rate of decline for PP
and TW.
8.76 6 10.39 10.41 6 5.10 5.06 6 11.14

In this investigation, V_ O2rest was significantly greater in

17.86 6 7.48† 12.51 6 5.27 15.67 6 9.86
7.68 6 7.89 11.05 6 4.68 6.63 6 8.99

the 12-second trial as compared with the 18-second and 24-


second trials (;12% and ;20% greater, respectively) and the

18-second trial was significantly greater than the 24-second
trial (;10% greater). These results were similar to those
TABLE 2. Comparison of various fatigue calculations among rest intervals.*

reported by Glaister et al. (15) who reported a ;16% differ-

ence in mean V_ O2 during recovery with the shorter rest pro-
F1 (%)

tocol (10 seconds) being greater than the longer rest

protocol (30 seconds), but over 20 sprints. Likewise, Balsom
et al. (2) observed higher V_ O2 at the end of shorter rest
periods (60 seconds) as compared with longer rest periods
F2 (W$sprint21) F3 (W$sprint21)

†Significantly different (p # 0.05) between 12 and 24 s.

zSignificantly different (p # 0.05) between 12 and 18 s.

(120 seconds) in 15 3 40 m sprints. V_ O2 off kinetics may help

explain why the oxygen consumption during the rest periods
was significantly different between RSA protocols. Because
maximal V_ O2 is not easily adapted, especially in short term
(1), the ability to return to pulmonary homeostasis can
severely be affected by the amount of rest because of char-
12 s 9.68 6 2.42 13.63 6 5.38†
18 s 6.86 6 2.90 6.66 6 6.33
24 s 7.45 6 3.48 6.80 6 7.09

acteristics of V_ O2 off kinetics and subsequent PCr resynthesis


(34). This explanation is further supported by the relation-

ship between V_ O2 kinetics and RSA performance. Dupont
et al. (10) found a significant positive correlation with the
time constant associated with the fast component of V_ O2 off
kinetics following severe intensity exercise and %Dec of
F1 (%)

power over the course of repeated sprints. Although pulmo-

nary V_ O2 in relation to each sprint bout did not differ
between protocols, oxygen demand from the active muscles
was likely high and there may have been a greater reliance

on oxidative metabolism to restore PCr (5,31).

The manipulation of rest intervals also had a significant
effect on TW and MP, that were significantly lower in the 12
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seconds compared with 24 seconds protocol. The elevated between these formulae, F3, with a less involved calculation
V_ O2rest observed during the shorter (e.g., 12 seconds) rest procedure, may provide a more straightforward and practi-
intervals indicated that insufficient recovery was likely cal method of calculating fatigue during RSA testing.
related to insufficient PCr resynthesis over the course of 10 Follow-up studies should consider the use of blood
sprints which may explain the lower TW and MP compared lactate concentrations during RSA trials which may pro-
with the 24 seconds rest protocol. Dawson et al. (9) reported vide greater insight on performance variables and fatigue
that PCr concentrations after a single 6-second sprint were rates. In addition, greater than 6 seconds between RSA
55% of pre-exercise values and 27% of pre-exercise values protocols should be used to elicit substantial differences in
after 5 six-second sprints on a cycle ergometer indicating performance variables over 10 sprints of 6-second maximal
that PCr levels are reduced for ATP resynthesis during work bouts. Because RSA testing was conducted on a cycle
recovery (9,16,22,38). Glaister et al. (15) reported similar ergometer, and most sports emphasize running as their
findings among rest periods of 10 seconds and 30 seconds. primary means, future studies should investigate RSA with
In addition, an accumulation of metabolic by-products such varying rest intervals on a treadmill or other sport-specific
as inorganic phosphate (Pi), which can affect calcium modes.
release, may also play a significant role in fatigue (15,22).
Since removal of Pi is an oxygen dependent process, it ap- PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
pears that the 24 seconds rest interval allowed for the great- In summary, this study indicates that V_ O2 response during
est reduction in oxygen consumption and enhanced Pi rest periods remains higher in RSA protocols with larger
removal compared with the shorter rest intervals. However, work to rest ratios despite the absence of differences in %
the rate of PCr resynthesis and removal of Pi likely did not Dec. Researchers should be aware that despite small changes
affect PP among the rest intervals; potentially due to the in rest periods, elevated V_ O2 during rest periods may have
initial phase of PCr resynthesis being unaffected by the met- profound effects on prolonged duration sprints and possibly
abolic environment (22,36,39). This is supported by Harris time to exhaustion. Because of the uncertainties in %Dec and
et al. (18) who reported a time of 21–22 seconds to replenish the results of this study, rate of decline may be a more
half of PCr stores in the initial fast phase of PCr resynthesis sensitive measure of fatigue because extremely high perfor-
after dynamic movement. Thus, the used work to rest ratios mance values may affect the %Dec calculation. In particular,
may not have been high enough to stimulate changes in PP the slope of the regression line formed by the number of
during the 10 sprints. Therefore, the difference observed sprints completed and PP, MP, or TW may provide a similar
among rest intervals may have been a result of the rate of method of calculating rate of decline compared with the
PCr resynthesis (15). back transformation of the slope of the line of best fit for
Despite differences in performance variables, there were log-transformed PP, MP, or TW. Future investigations of
no significant differences in %Dec among the RSA protocols RSA should measure V_ O2max for baseline measurements
in the current investigation. Negligible fatigue rates may and use testing protocols with varying work to rest ratios.
stem from the number of subsequent sprints and the These protocols should implement differences in the rest
duration or intensity of the sprint and rest bouts (4,30). intervals of greater than 6 seconds to elicit potential differ-
Another possibility could be that the participants experi- ences in performance. Furthermore, studies should examine
enced a training effect and became more economical as varying work to rest ratios on a treadmill to examine perfor-
a 20% decrease in muscle oxygen utilization has been shown mance differences with different modes of exercise.
in as little as 2 high-intensity interval training sessions (21).
Many RSA studies have been conducted using recreationally ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
trained individuals which may lead to a lack of effort given The authors thank the group of participants for their
(14,17,20,24). While %Dec is commonly evaluated and re- dedication and the staff of the Institute of Exercise Physiol-
ported within the RSA literature, and it has been suggested ogy and Wellness for their help with data collection and
as the most appropriate fatigue rate measure (14), some evi- analysis.
dence suggests lack of validity and reliability (4,20,29,30).
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