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Digests of Cases [Review Subjects]

1. Alphabetically arranged; at least one (1) seat apart
Prof. Crisostomo A. Uribe
with name on the chair including those absent;
2. Sign the attendance sheet. Submit permits arranged
per class list with respective class numbers (class
Cases decided by the Supreme Court this number must be written at the upper right corner of
Coverage year and prior year covered by Civil Law the permit) before the start of the examination;
January 8, 2018
Review 1, Civil Law Review 2 OR Civil 3. No one will be allowed to go out of the examination
Law Review. venue unless he has submitted the test paper. Use
G.R. No. 210766
RED pen for shading the MCQ. No erasures.
4. Do not write anything on the questionnaire. You can
Printed. Legal-size bond paper. Font size: use the back page of the last page of your booklet as
SINGSON, Petitioner
11 or 12. a scratch paper.
Form Not more than 2 pages per issue/case. 5. Write your class number, name, and section (based
on class schedules) on both the booklet (front page)
The Table of Contents must follow the and the MCQ answer sheet.
course outline/s. A case should be under
a specific topic like Legal Separation or Example: DEL CASTILLO, J.:
Novation. Class Number: 1
Name: Cruz, Pedro Assailed in this Petition for Review on Certiorari1 are the August
Section: Sunday 8:00-12:00 29, 2013 Decision2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) and its January
Title should be complete including the 6, 2014 Resolution3 in CA-G.R. CV No. 96662, which reversed
G.R. Number, date of promulgation and and set aside the November 12, 2010 Decision4 of the Regional
the name of the ponente (state division or 6. ALL GADGETS (Mobile Phones/Tablets/Smart
Trial Court (RTC) of Parañaque City, Branch 260, in Civil Case
en banc) Watches/Apple Watches) should be out of your reach,
No. 07-0070.
turned off or on silent mode.
Substance Nature of the action: 7. BOOKLETS and MCQ ANSWER SHEETS must stay on
Factual Antecedents
the armchair. Raising it while taking the examination
Facts: Summary of facts relevant to the is prohibited.
On February 27, 2007, Maria Concepcion N. Singson a.k.a.
issue 8. Insert the questionnaire and the MCQ answer sheet in
Concepcion N. Singson (petitioner) filed a Petition5 for
the examination booklet when you submit personally
declaration of nullity of marriage based on Article 36 of the
Issues: General issues; Controlling issues the test paper with the MCQ answer sheet on top of
Family Code of the Philippines6 (Family Code). This was
the questionnaire. DO NOT FOLD.
docketed as Civil Case No. 07-0070.
Rulings: State first how the issue was
resolved. Do not rephrase the rulings. SUNDAY; MAY 21, 2017; 9:00-12:00 N.N.
It was alleged therein that on July 6, 1974, petitioner and
Benjamin L. Singson (respondent) were married before the Rev.
Fr. Alfonso L. Casteig at St. Francis Church, Mandaluyong, Rizal;
Number and quality of digests. REMINDER: You should be inside the room at 8:30 A.M.
that said marriage produced four children, all of whom are now
of legal age; that when they started living together, petitioner
Basis of the The grade will be treated as 1 or 2 noticed that respondent was "dishonest, unreasonably
Grade quizzes. It will replace the lowest extravagant at the expense of the family's welfare, extremely
grade/grades in quizzes. vain physically and spiritually,"7 and a compulsive gambler; that
respondent was immature, and was w1ab1e to perform his
paternal duties; that respondent was also irresponsible, an
Date of 2 weeks before the last day of easy-going man, and guilty of infidelity; that respondent's
Submission meeting/classes. Submit to the beadles. abnormal behavior made him completely unable to render any
help, support, or assistance to her; and that because she could
expect no help or assistance at all from respondent she was
compelled to work doubly hard to support her family as the sole

ARELLANO UNIVERSITY-SCHOOL OF LAW Petitioner also averred that at the time she filed this Petition,
CIVIL LAW REVIEW II respondent was confined at Metro Psych Facility,8 a
ATTY. CRISOSTOMO A. URIBE rehabilitation institution in Pasig City; and that respondent's
attending psychiatrist, Dr. Benita Sta. Ana-Ponio (Dr. Sta. Ana-
Instructions for FINAL Examination: Ponio), made the following diagnosis on respondent:
love, care and protection were, however, transferred to his are in petitioner's name only; and he and petitioner also have
Based on history, mental status examination and observation, youngest brother who was born when respondent was almost investments in shares of stocks, cars, household appliances,
he is diagnosed to be suffering from Pathological Gambling as five years old; and that these factors caused respondent furniture, and jewelry; and that these are conjugal assets
manifested by: emotional devastation from which he never recovered. because they came from petitioner's salaries and his
(respondent's) own inheritance money.
a. preoccupation with gambling, thinking of ways to get money Petitioner added that unknown to her, respondent even as a
with which to gamble as seen in his stealing and pawning high school student, was already betting on jai alai. She also Respondent moreover alleged that before the filing of the
jewelries and appliances[;] claimed that she tried to adjust to respondent's personality present Petition, petitioner had caused him to be admitted into
disorders, but that she did not attain her goal. the Metro Psych Facility for treatment; that on account of his
b. needs to gamble with increasing amounts of money in order confinement and treatment in this psychiatric facility, he has
to achieve the desired effect[;] Finally, petitioner claimed that she and respondent did not enter incurred medical expenses and professional medical fees; and
into any ante-nuptial agreement to govern their prope1ty that since it is petitioner who manages all their finances and
c. lies to family members or others to conceal the extent of [his] relations as husband and wife and that they had no conjugal conjugal assets it stands to reason that he should be awarded
involvement with gambling[;] assets or debts. '"spousal support."

d. committed illegal acts such as forging the signature of his On June 19, 2007, respondent filed his Answer.11 On July 25, 2007, the RTC issued its Pre-Trial Order.12
wife, issuing bouncing checks in order to finance his
gambling[;] Traversing petitioner's allegations, respondent claimed that Trial thereafter ensued. Petitioner's witnesses included herself,
"psychological incapacity" must be characterized by gravity, her son, Jose Angelo Singson (Jose), and Dr. Sta. Ana-Ponio.
e. has jeopardized his relationship with his wife, lost the respect juridical antecedence, and incurability, which are not present in
of his children, lost a good career in banking because of the instant case because petitioner's allegations are not On February 23, 2010, petitioner filed her Formal Offer of
gambling[;] supported by facts. Evidence which included a photocopy of the marriage contract;
the birth certificates of their four children; her son Jose’s
f. [relies] on his parents, his wife, and siblings to provide money Respondent further averred that it was not true that he failed to Judicial Affidavit dated April 2, 2008; a photocopy of Dr. Sta.
to relieve a desperate fmancial situation caused by gambling[;] render any help, support or assistance to petitioner and their Ana-Ponio's Judicial Affidavit dated June 25, 2008; Clinical
family; that the family home where petitioner and their children Summary of respondent issued by Dr. Sta. Ana-Ponio dated
While he apparently had Typhoid fever that resulted [in] are living was in fact his own capital property; that his February 11, 2007 (Clinical Summary); her (petitioner's) own
behavioral changes as a young boy, it would be difficult to say shortcomings as mentioned by petitioner do not pertain to the Judicial Affidavit dated April 2, 2008; a photocopy of Transfer
that the psychotic episodes he manifested in 2003 and 2006 most grave or serious cases of personality disorders that would Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 179751 registered in the names of
[are] etiologically related to the general medical condition that satisfy the standards required to obtain a decree of nullity of the parties' four children:, and a notarized document entitled
occurred in his childhood. marriage; that petitioner's complaint is nothing more than a "Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds for tJ1e period
complaint of a woman with an unsatisfactory marriage who November 1999 to March 31, 2008" executed by petitioner and
Furthermore, [respondent] manifests an enduring pattern of wants to get out of it; that contrary to petitioner's claim that he described as a detailed summary of expenses paid for with the
behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of our is a good-for-nothing fellow, he has a college degree in proceeds of respondent's share in the sale of the latter's house
culture as manifested in the following areas: business administration, and is a bank employee, and, that it in Magallanes Village.13
was money problem, and not his alleged personality disorder,
a. his ways of perceiving and interpreting [his own] self, other that is the wall that divided him and petitioner. Respondent filed his Comment thereon.14
people, and events[;]
Respondent also claimed that petitioner failed to lay the basis On March 29, 2010, the RTC admitted petitioner’s exhibits.15
b. his emotional response[;] for the conclusions of the psychiatrist to the effect that he is
suffering from pathological gambling and personality disorder; On May 13, 2010, respondent filed a Motion to Dismiss16 "on
c. his poor impulse control[;] that petitioner's allegation that he came from a distraught the ground that the totality of evidence presented by petitioner
family and that he suffered emotional devastation is vague, and did not establish [his] psychological incapacity x x x to comply
Such pattern is inflexible and pervasive and has led to bereft of particular details, and even slanderous; and that with the essential martial obligations x x x".17 Petitioner filed
significant impairment in social, occupational and interpersonal assuming that he had not acted the way petitioner expected her Opposition18 thereto, and respondent tendered his
relationship. In [respondent's] case, this has persisted for him to conduct himself, his actions and behavior are not Comment thereon.19
several years, and can be traced back [to] his adolescence since psychological illnesses or personality disorders, but simply
he started gambling while in high school. He is therefore physical illnesses of the body, akin to hypertension and allied On May 17, 2010, the RTC denied respondent’s Motion to
diagnosed to be suffering from Personality Disorder. sicknesses, and that these physical illnesses are not at all Dismiss and stood pat on its March 29, 2010 Order.20
incurable psychiatric disorders that were present at the time of
All these[,] put together, [hinder respondent] from performing his marriage with petitioner. During the September 30, 2010 hearing, respondent’s counsel
his marital obligations.9 manifested that his client was waiving the right to present
Respondent furthermore claimed that he and petitioner had countervailing evidence. Respondent’s counsel also moved that
Petitioner moreover asserted that respondent came from a conjugal assets and debts; that the land where their family the Petition at bar be submitted for decision on the basis of the
"distraught" family and had a "dysfunctional" childhood;10 that home is built came from his earnings, hence the family home is evidence already on the record. The RTC thus declared the case
respondent had all the love, care, and protection of his parents their conjugal property; that he and petitioner also have a submitted for decision.21
as the youngest child for some time; but that these parental house and lot in Tagaytay City, as well as bank accounts that
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court Lastly, the RTC found that the only property owned in common property, and he likewise provided the land on which the family
by spouses was donated in favor of the parties' children as home was built, and he also lives in the family home with
In its Decision of November 12, 2010, the RTC granted the evidenced by TCT No. petitioner and their children.
Petition and declared the marriage between petitioner and
respondent void ab initio on the ground of the latter’s Respondent moved for reconsideration of this verdict. On top of these, the CA ruled that it is settled that mere
psychological incapacity. The RTC disposed thus- difficulty, refusal or neglect in the performance of marital
But in its older dated January 6, 2011,24 the RTC denied obligations, or ill will on the part of a spouse, is different from
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations, the respondent's motion for reconsideration. It reiterated that the incapacity rooted in some debilitating psychological condition or
petition is GRANTED. Judgment is hereby rendered[:] expert witness had adequately established that respondent is illness; that the evidence at bar showed that respondent's
suffering from "Pathological Gambling Personality Disorder'' alleged pathological gambling arose after the marriage; that in
1. DECLARING null and void ab initio the marriage between which is grave, permanent, and has juridical antecedence. On fact petitioner admitted that she was not aware of any gambling
MARIA CONCEPCION v. SINGSON a.k.a. CONCEPCION N. February 4, 2011, respondent filed a Notice of Appeal25 which by respondent before they got married; that petitioner
SINGSON and BENJAMIN L SINGSON solemnized on JULY 6, was given due course by the RTC in its order26 dated February moreover acknowledged that respondent was a kind and a
1974 in Mandaluyong City or any other marriage between them 28, 2011. caring person when he was courting her; that petitioner likewise
on the ground of psychological' incapacity of the respondent. admitted that respondent also brought petitioner to the hospital
Ruling of the Court of Appeals during all four instances when she gave birth to their four
2. ORDERING the Local Civil Registrar of Mandaluyong City and children.
the National Statistics Office to cancel the marriage between the In its Decision of August 29, 2013, the CA overturned the RTC,
petitioner and the respondent as appearing in the Registry of and disposed as follows: In other words, the CA found that respondent's purported
Marriage. pathological gambling was not proven to be incurable or
WHEREFORE, the appeal is GRANTED. The Decision dated 12 permanent since respondent has been undergoing treatment
There are no other issues in this case. November 2010 issued by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 260, since 2003 and has been responding to the treatment.
Parañaque City in Civil Case No. 07-0070, declaring the
Let copies of this Decision be furnished the Local Civil Registrars marriage between Maria Concepcion N. Singson and Benjamin Petitioner moved for reconsideration28 of the CA's Decision. But
ofMandaluyong City and Parañaque City, the Office of the L. Singson null and void ab initio, is REVERSED AND SET ASIDE. her motion was denied by the CA in its Resolution of January 6,
Solicitor General, the Office of the Civil Register General Instead, the Petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage is 2014.29
(National Statistics Office) and the Office of the City Prosecutor, DISMISSED.
Parañaque City. Issue
SO ORDERED.22 Hence, the instant recourse with petitioner raising the following
The CA held that the totality of evidence presented by petitioner question –
The RTC ruled that the requisites warranting a finding of failed to establish respondent's alleged psychological incapacity
psychological incapacity under Article 36 of the family Code are to perform the essential marital obligations, which in this case, [WHETHER] THE [CA] ERRED IN REVERSING THE DECISION
present in the instant case because the totality of evidence was not at all proven to be grave or serious, much less OF THE [RTC].30
showed that respondent is suffering from a psychological incurable, and furthermore was not existing at the time of the
condition that is grave, incurable, and has juridical antecedence. marriage. What is more, the CA declared that any doubt should Petitioner's Arguments
be resolved in favor of the existence and continuation of the
The RTC also found that the combined testimonies of petitioner marriage, and against its dissolution and nullity, in obedience to In praying for the reversal of the assailed CA Decision and
and Dr. Sta. Ana-Ponio convincingly showed that respondent is the mandate of the Constitution and statutory laws; and that in Resolution, and in asking for the reinstatement of the RTC
psychologically incapacitated to perform the essential marital this case, petitioner failed to discharge the burden of proving Decision, petitioner argues in her Petition,31 Reply,32 and
obligations; that respondent's inability to perform his marital that respondent is suffering from a serious or grave Memorandum33 that respondent's psychological incapacity had
obligations as set out in Articles 68 to 71 of the Family Code, psychological disorder that completely disables or incapacitates been duly proved in court, including its juridical antecedence,
was essentially due to a psychological abnormality arising from him from understanding and discharging the essential incurability, and gravity.
a pathological and utterly irresistible urge to gamble. obligations of the marital union.
First, petitioner maintains that respondent failed to perform the
The RTC cited "[Dr. Sta. Ana-Ponio's] findings [which] reveal According to the CA, psychological incapacity is the downright marital duties of mutual love, respect, and support; that Dr.
that respondent is suffering from Personality Disorder known as or utter incapacity or inability to take cognizance of and to Sta. Ana-Ponio's expert findings are corroborated by the
Pathological Gambling."23 It ruled that it has been shown that assume the basic marital obligations. The CA did not go along testimonies of petitioner end her son Jose both of whom
this personality disorder was present at the time of celebration with the RTC, which placed heavy reliance on Dr. Sta. Ana- demonstrated that respondent’s psychological incapacity is
of marriage but became manifest only later; that because of Ponio's finding that respondent was psychologically grave or serious rendering him incapable to perform the
this personality disorder respondent had already jeopardized his incapacitated to perform the essential marital obligations due to essential marital obligations; that for his pan, respondent had
relationship with his family; and that respondent's psychological a personality disorder known as pathological gambling. The CA adduced no proof that he (respondent) is capable of carrying
disorder hinders the performance of his obligations as a held that, contrary to petitioner's claim that respondent's out the ordinary duties required in a marriage for the reason
husband and as a father. pathological gambling was grave or serious, the evidence in fact that everything that the family had saved and built had been
showed that the latter was truly capable of carrying out the squandered by respondent; and that respondent's confinement
ordinary duties of a married man because he had a job, had at the rehabilitation facility is itself proof of the gravity or
provided money for the family from the sale of his own seriousness of his psychological incapacity.
In the instant case, petitioner impugns the inviolability of this disorder hinders the performance of his basic obligations as a
Second, petitioner contends that respondent’s psychological social institution by suing out pursuant to Article 36 of the husband and a father.
incapacity preceded the marriage, as shown in Dr. Sta. Ana- Family Code, which provides that:
Ponio’s Clinical Summary, which pointed out that such We agree with the CA that the evidence on record does not
psychological incapacity, which included pathological gambling, Art. 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the time of establish that respondent's psychological incapacity was grave
can be traced back when respondents was already betting on the celebration, was psychologically incapacitated to comply and serious as defined by jurisprudential parameters since
jai alai even in high school, and this was not known to his with the essential marital obligations of marriage, shall likewise "[respondent] had a job; provided money for the family from
family; that the Clinical Summary was based on information be void even if such incapacity becomes manifest only after its the sale of his property; provided the land where the family
provided not only by petitioner, but by respondent’s sister, and solemnization. (As amended by Executive Order 227) home was built on; and lived in the family home with petitioner-
by respondent himself; that such juridical antecedence was appellee and their children."40
neither questioned nor overthrown by countervailing evidence; Petitioner's case will thus be examined in light of the well-
and that the root cause could be traced back to respondent’s entrenched case law rulings interpreting and construing the Upon the other hand, petitioner herself testified that respondent
flawed relationship with his parents which developed into a quoted Article, to wit: had a job as the latter "was working at a certain point."41 This
psychological disorder that existed before the marriage. is consistent with the information in Dr. Sta. Ana-Ponio's Clinical
'Psychological incapacity,' as a ground to nullify a marriage Summary and testimony, which were both included in
Third, petitioner insists that this Court can take judicial notice of under Article 36 of the Family Code, should refer to no less than petitioner's formal offer of evidence, respecting the parties'
the fact that personality disorders are generally incurable and a mental - not merely physical - incapacity that causes a party relationship history that petitioner and respondent met at the
permanent, and must continuously be treated medically; that in to be truly incognitive of the basic marital covenants that bank where petitioner was applying for a job and where
this case the Clinical Summary; had pointed out that concomitantly must be assumed and discharged by the parties respondent was employed as a credit investigator prior to their
respondent's understanding of his gambling problem is only at to the marriage which, as so expressed in Article 68 of the courtship and their marriage.42
the surface level; and that in point of fact Dr. Sta. Ana-Ponio Family Code, among others, include their mutual obligations to
had affirmed that personality disorders are incurable. live together, observe love, respect and fidelity and render help It is significant to note moreover that petitioner also submitted
and support. There is hardly any doubt that the intendment of as part of her evidence a notarized summary dated February
Respondent’s Arguments the law has been to confine the meaning of 'psychological 18, 2010 which enumerated expenses paid for by the proceeds
incapacity' to the most serious cases of personality disorders of respondent's share in the sale of his parents' home in
In his Comment34 and Memorandum,35 respondent counters clearly demonstrative of an utter insensitivity or inability to give Magallanes, Makati City which amounted to around ₱2.9 million.
that the assailed CA Decision should be affirmed. He argues meaning and significance to the marriage. In Santos v. CA Although petitioner was insinuating that this amount was
that the grounds cited by petitioner are the self-same grounds (Santos), the Court first declared that psychological incapacity insufficient to cover the family expenses from 1999 to 2008, we
raised by petitioner before the RTC and the CA; that petitioner's must be characterized by: (a) gravity (i.e., it must be grave and note that she admitted under oath that the items for their
evidence indeed failed to prove convincingly that he serious such that the party would be incapable of carrying out family budget, such as their children's education, the payments
(respondent) is psychologically incapacitated to comply with the the ordinary duties required in a marriage); (b) juridical for association dues, and for electric bills came from this
essential marital obligations, hence there is no basis to declare antecedence (i.e., it must be rooted in the history of the party money.
the parties' marriage void ab initio. antedating the marriage, although the overt manifestations may
emerge only after the marriage); and (c) incurability (i.e., it And no less significant is petitioner's admission that respondent
Our Ruling must be incurable, or even if it were otherwise, the cure would provided the land upon which the family home was built, thus -
be beyond the means of the party involved). The Court laid
The Petition will not succeed. down more definitive guidelines in the interpretation and [Respondent's counsel to the witness, petitioner]
application of Article 36 of the Family Code in Republic of the
It is axiomatic that the validity of marriage and the unity of the Phils. v. CA, x x x [also known as the Molina guidelines]. These Q: Does [respondent] [own] any real property?
family are enshrined in our Constitution and statutory laws, guidelines incorporate the basic requirements that the Court
hence any doubts attending the same are to be resolved in established in Santos.38 A: No.
favor of the continuance and validity of the marriage and that
the burden of proving the nullity of the same rests at all times In setting aside the RTC's ruling, the CA in this case held that Q: He does not [own] any real property?
upon the petitioner.36 "The policy of the Constitution is to petitioner failed to prove that respondent was psychologically
protect and strengthen the family as the basic social institution, incapacitated to comply with the essential marital obligations A: No.
and marriage as the foundation of the family. Because of this, because she failed to establish that such incapacity was grave
the Constitution decrees marriage as legally inviolable and and serious, and that it existed at the time of the marriage, and Q: Showing to you Transfer Certificate of Title No. 413513 of
protects it from dissolution at the whim of the parties."37 that it is incurable. We agree. the Register of Deeds of Rizal which has been transferred with
the Register of Deeds of Paranaque and is now re-numbered as
Article 1 of the Family Code describes marriage as "a special At the outset, this Court is constrained to peruse the records S-25470, which is in the name of [respondent], Filipino, of legal
contract of permanent union between a man and a woman because of the conflicting findings between the trial court and age, single.
entered into in accordance with law for the establishment of the appellate court.39 We thus did peruse and review the
conjugal and family life" and as "the foundation of the family records, and we are satisfied that the CA correctly found that xxxx
and an inviolable social institution." respondent has the capability and ability to perform his duties
as a husband and father as against the RTC' s rather general [COURT to the witness, petitioner]
statement that respondent's psychological or personality
Q: Who owned this property?
incapacity under Article 36 of the Family Code contemplates an Aside from pathological gambling, [respondent] is suffering
A: Based on the document, it's Benjamin Singson. incapacity or inability to take cognizance of and to assume basic from a personality disorder, [S]ir.
marital obligations, and is not merely the difficulty, refusal, or
Q: Where is this property located? neglect in the performance of marital obligations or ill will."45 Q: What are the results or symptoms of this personality disorder
"[I]t is not enough to prove that a spouse failed to meet his with [regard] to [respondent's dealings] with other people, with
A: It is located in United Paranaque. responsibility and duty as a married person; it is essential that his wife and his family, [M]adam witness?
he or she must be shown to be incapable of doing so because
Q: Where in United Paranaque? of some psychological, not physical, illness."46 A: Your Honor, may I read from my report to refresh my
A: No. 2822 Daang Hari. Nor can Dr. Sta. Ana-Ponio's testimony in open court and her
Clinical Summary be taken for gospel truth in regard to the COURT: Go ahead.
Q: Are you staying in that property? charge that respondent is afflicted with utter inability to
appreciate his marital obligations. That much is clear from the A: Because of his maladaptive behavior, [respondent] sees [sic]
A: We are staying in that property. following testimony – his problems which [makes] his personal[,] family[,] and social
life[,] and even his vocational pleasure [suffer]. He was pre-
xxxx [Petitioner's counsel to the witness, Dr. Sta. Ana-Ponio] occupied with gambling, thinking of ways to get money with
which to gamble as seen in his stealing and pawning jewelries
[Respondent's counsel to the Witiress, petitioner] Q: Madam Witness, do you know the respondent in this case, and appliances. He needs to amble with increasing amounts of
Benjamin Singson? money in order achieve his desired effects into gambling, [S]ir.
Q: How about the house there, in the United Parañaque
[property], who owns it? A: Yes. [S]ir, [respondent] has been my patient since 2003, COURT: Your findings, Dr., are incorporated in your report?
during his first admission and again [in] 2006, [S]ir.
A: It was donated to the children. A: Yes, Your Honor.
Q: So, he was confined twice in your facility, [M]adam witness?
xxxx xxxx
A: Yes, [S]ir.
[COURT to the witness, petitioner] [Cross-examination of Dr. Sta. Ana-Ponio by respondent’s
Q: Why was he confined, Madam witness? counsel]
Q: Based on the document, who is the registered owner?
A: He was initially confined because of problems with gambling Q: Who were the ones who made the examination, Madam
A: It says there, [respondent], Your Honor. and subsequently because of [behavioral] problem, [S]ir. witness?

Q: Who owns it now? xxxx A: I made the examination, [S]ir, and also the psychologist did
the psychological testing, [S]ir.
A: The children because it was donated [to them].43 Q: What was the cause of his second confinement, Madam
[W]itness? Q: Now, in your opinion as an expert witness, Madam witness,
What's more, petitioner and respondent likewise lived together which we would like to request [from] this Honorable Court,
as husband and wife since their marriage on July 6, 1974 (and A: Initially, he was able to cope after discharged. However, [in] later on, that you present your credentials as expert witness,
in the company of their four children, too). In fact, shunting September of 2006, he knocked on the doors of the maids in you concluded that the respondent is suffering from personality
aside the time that respondent was under treatment at the the middle of the night. And in one occasion, he got his car in disorder?
Metro Psych Facility, petitioner did not allege any instance when the garage and drove out bumping the car parked right across
respondent failed to live with them. the garage and he [also kept] takfr1g things out from his A: Yes,[S]ir.
cabinet. And if the maids would clean [these], he [would]
To the foregoing, we ought to add the fact that petitioner immediately take them out again. So, he was brought to the Q: What does this mean in layman’s language, [M]adam
herself admitted, that respondent likewise brought her to the facility in October because of his uncontrolled behavior, [S]ir. witness?
hospital during all four instances that she gave birth to their
children.44 xxxx A: Personality disorder is a maladaptive pattern of behavior that
has distracted his ability to perform his functions as a married
By contrast, petitioner did not proffer any convincing proof that Q: So, what [were] your clinical findings on the state of the man to his wife as a father to his children and as a person who
respondent’s mere confinement at the rehabilitation center respondent, Benjamin Singson, Madam witness? is supposed to be employed productively, [S]ir.47
confirmed the gravity of the latter’s psychological incapacity.
A: Based on history, mental status examination and Futhermore, "[h]abitual drunkenness, gambling and failure to
Neither does petitioner’s bare claim that respondent is a observations during his stay, I found that [respondent] is find a job, [while undoubtedly negative traits are nowhere
pathological gambler, is irresponsible, and is unable to keep a suffering from pathological gambling. Also, with his history of nearly the equivalent of ‘psychological incapacity’], in the
job, necessarily translate into unassailable proof that typhoid fever when he was younger, it is difficult to attribute absence of [incontrovertible] proof that these are
respondent is psychologically incapacitated to perform the the behavioral changes that he manifested in 2003 and 2006. manifestations of an incapacity rooted in some debilitating
essential marital obligations. It is settled that "[p]sychological psychological condition or illness."48
Ana-Ponio did not make a specific finding that this was the NOEL GIMENEZ TIJAM
We now turn to the second point. Again, in view of the origin of respondent's alleged inability to appreciate marital Associate Justice
contrasting findings of the trial court and appellate court,49 we obligations.
take recourse to the records to assist us in evaluating the CERTIFICATION
perspective postures taken by the parties. Needless to say, petitioner cannot lean upon her son Jose's
testimony that his father's psychological incapacity existed Pursuant to the Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I
Here again, well-entrenched is the rule that "there must be before or at the time of marriage.1âwphi1 It has been held that certify that the conclusions in the above Decision had been
proof of a natal or supervening disabling factor that effectively the parties' child is not a very reliable witness in an Article 36 reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the
incapacitated the respondent spouse from complying with the case as "he could not have been there when the spouses were writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division.
basic marital obligations x x x."50 "A cause has to be shown married and could not have been expected to know what was
and linked with the manifestations of the psychological happening between his parents until long after his birth."56 MARIA LOURDES P.A. SERENO
incapacity."51 Chief Justice
To support her Article 36 petition, petitioner ought to have
Again we agree with the CA that the RTC did not clearly or adduced convincing, competent and trustworthy evidence to
correctly lay down the bases or premises for this particular establish the cause of respondent's alleged psychological THIRD DIVISION
finding relative to respondent's psychological incapacity, thus: incapacity and that the same antedated their marriage.57 If
anything, petitioner failed to successfully dispute the CA's January 10, 2018
Second, there is also sufficient evidence to prove that the finding that she was not aware of any gan1b1ing by respondent
respondent's inabilities to perform his marital obligations was a before they got married and that respondent was a kind and G.R. No. 192971
result of not mere intentional refusal on his part but are caused caring person when he was courting her.58
by psychological abnormality. Such psychological incapacity of FLORO MERCENE, Petitioner
the respondent has been shown as already present at the time Against this backdrop, we must uphold the CA's declaration that vs.
of celebration of marriage but became manifest only after the petitioner failed to prove that respondents alleged psychological GOVERNMENT SERVICE INSURANCE SYSTEM, Respondent
solemnization. x x x.52 incapacity is serious or grave and that it is incurable or
permanent. DECISION
As heretofore mentioned, the medical basis or evidence
adverted to by the RTC did not specifically identify the root To be sure, this Court cannot take judicial notice of petitioner's MARTIRES, J.:
cause of respondent's alleged psychological incapacity. In fact, assertion that "personality disorders are generally incurable" as
Dr. Sta. Ana-Ponio did not point to a definite or a definitive this is not a matter that courts are mandated to take judicial This petition for review on certiorari seeks to reverse and set
cause, viz. "with his history of typhoid fever when he was notice under Section 1, Rule 129 of the Rules of Court.59 aside the 29 April 2010 Decision1 and 20 July 2010 Resolution2
younger, it is difficult to attribute the behavioral changes that of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 86615 which
he manifested in 2003 and 2006."53 Besides, Dr. Sta. Ana- "'Unless the evidence presented clearly reveals a situation reversed the 15 September 2005 Decision3 of the Regional Trial
Ponio admitted that it was not she herself, but another where the parties or one of them, by reason of a grave and Court, Branch 220, Quezon City (RTC).
psychologist who conducted the tests.54 And this psychologist incurable psychological illness existing at the time the marriage
was not presented by petitioner. More than that, Dr. Sta. Ana- was celebrated, was incapacitated to fulfill the obligations of THE FACTS
Ponio's testimony regarding respondent's alleged admission that marital life (and thus could not then have validly entered into a
he was allegedly betting on jai alai when he was still in high marriage), then we are compelled to uphold the indissolubility On 19 January 1965, petitioner Floro Mercene (Mercene)
school is essentially hearsay as no witness having personal of the marital tie."60 This is the situation here. obtained a loan from respondent Government Service Insurance
knowledge of that fact was called to the witness stand. And, System (GSIS) in the amount of ₱29,500.00. As security, a real
although Dr. Sta. Ana-Ponio claimed to have interviewed WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. The August 29, 2013 estate mortgage was executed over Mercene's property in
respondent's sister in connection therewith, the latter did testify Decision and January 6, 2014 Resolution of the Court of Appeals Quezon City, registered under Transfer Certificate of Title No.
in court. And we are taught that "[t]he stringency by which the in CA-G.R. CV No. 96662 are AFFIRMED. 90535. The mortgage was registered and annotated on the title
Court assesses the sufficiency of psychological evaluation on 24 March 1965.4
reports is necessitated by the pronouncement in our SO ORDERED.
Constitution that marriage is an inviolable institution protected On 14 May 1968, Mercene contracted another loan with GSIS
by the State."55 MARIANO C. DEL CASTILLO for the amount of ₱14,500.00. The loan was likewise secured by
Associate Justice a real estate mortgage on the same parcel of land. The
Equally bereft of merit is petitioner's claim that respondent's following day, the loan was registered and duly annotated on
alleged psychological incapacity could be attributed to the WE CONCUR: the title.5
latter's family or childhood, which are circumstances prior to the
parties' marriage; no evidence has been adduced to MARIA LOURDES P.A. SERENO On 11 June 2004, Mercene opted to file a complaint for
substantiate this fact. Nor is there basis for upholding Chief Justice Quieting of Title6 against GSIS. He alleged that: since 1968
petitioner's contention that respondent's family was "distraught" Chairperson until the time the complaint was filed, GSIS never exercised its
and that respondent's conduct was "dysfunctional"; again, there rights as a mortgagee; the real estate mortgage over his
is no evidence to attest to this. These are very serious charges TERESITA J. LEONARDO-DE CASTRO property constituted a cloud on the title; GSIS' right to foreclose
which must be substantiated by clear evidence which, Associate Justice FRANCIS H. JARDELEZA had prescribed. In its answer,7 GSIS assailed that the complaint
unfortunately, petitioner did not at all adduce. Indeed, Dr. Sta. Associate Justice
failed to state a cause of action and that prescription does not WHEREFORE, the appeal is GRANTED. The decision appealed Estate Mortgage, with the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City,
run against it because it is a government entity. from is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The complaint for Quieting against the plaintiff, as the mortgagor, pursuant to Rule 68 of
of Title is hereby DISMISSED.10 the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedures (Rules, for brevity); or by
During the pre-trial conference, Mercene manifested that he filing a petition for extra-judicial foreclosure of real estate
would file a motion for judgment on the pleadings. There being Mercene moved for reconsideration, but the same was denied mortgage, under Act. 3135, as amended, with the Sheriff, or
no objection, the RTC granted the motion for judgment on the by the CA in its assailed 7 April 2011 resolution. with the Notary Public, of the place where the subject property
pleadings.8 is situated, for the purpose of collecting the loan secured by the
Hence, this present petition raising the following: said real estate mortgages, or in lieu thereof, for the purpose of
The RTC Decision consolidating title to the parcel of land xxx in the name of the
ISSUES defendant GSIS, has already prescribed, after ten (10) years
In its 15 September 2005 decision, the RTC granted Mercene's from May 15, 1968. More particularly, since May 15, 1968, up to
complaint and ordered the cancellation of the mortgages I the present, more than thirty-five (35) years have already
annotated on the title. It ruled that the real estate mortgages elapsed, without the mortgagee defendant GSIS, having
annotated on the title constituted a cloud thereto, because the WHETHER THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN CONSIDERING instituted a mortgage action[s] against the herein plaintiff-
annotations appeared to be valid but was ineffective and ISSUES NOT RAISED BEFORE THE TRIAL COURT; mortgagor.
prejudicial to the title. The trial court opined that GSIS' right as
a mortgagee had prescribed because more than ten (10) years II xxx
had lapsed from the time the cause of action had accrued. The
R TC stated that prescription ran against GSIS because it is a WHETHER THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN DISREGARDING 11.2. Since the defendant GSIS has not brought any action to
juridical person with a separate personality, and with the power THE JUDICIAL ADMISSION ALLEGEDLY MADE BY GSIS; AND foreclose either the first or the second real estate mortgage on
to sue and be sued. The dispositive portion reads: the subject real property, so as to collect the loan secured by
III the said real estate mortgages, or in lieu thereof, to consolidate
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby title to the said parcel of land, covered by the documents
rendered: WHETHER THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN RULING THAT entitled, first and second real estate mortgages, in the name of
THE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES HAD YET TO PRESCRIBE. the defendant GSIS, notwithstanding the lapse of ten (10) years
1) Declaring the Real Estate Mortgage dated January 19, 1965, from the time the cause of action accrued, either then (10)
registered on March 24, 1965 and Real Estate Mortgage dated THE COURTS RULING years after May 15, 1968, or after the alleged violation by the
May 14, 1965 registered on May 15, 1968, both annotated at plaintiff of the terms and conditions of his real estate
the back of Transfer Certificate of Title No. 90435 of the The petition has no merit. mortgages, therefore, the said defendant GSIS, has lost its
Registry of Deeds of Quezon City, registered in the name of aforesaid mortgagee's right, not only by virtue of Article 1142,
plaintiff Floro Mercene married to Felisa Mercene, to be Related issues addressed by the trial courts N.C.C., but also under Article 476, N.C.C., which expressly
ineffective. provides that there may also be an action to quiet title, or
Mercene assails the CA decision for entertaining issues that remove a cloud therefrom, when the contract, instrument or
2) Ordering the Registry of Deeds of Quezon City to cancel the were not addressed by the trial court. He claims that for the other obligation has been extinguished or has terminated, or
following entries annotated on the subject title 1) Entry No. first time on appeal, GSIS raised the issue on whether the loans has been barred by extinctive prescription;11
4148/90535: mortgage to GSIS and; 2) Entry No. 4815/90535: were still effective in view of his nonpayment. A reading of the
mortgage to GSIS. CA decision, however, reveals that the appellate court did not The Court agrees with Mercene that material averments not
dwell on the issue of nonpayment, but instead ruled that specifically denied are deemed admitted.12 Nonetheless, his
3) The other claims and counter-claims are hereby denied for prescription had not commenced because the cause of action conclusion that GSIS judicially admitted that its right to
lack of merit.9 had not yet accrued. Hence, it concluded that the complaint foreclose had prescribed is erroneous. It must be remembered
failed to state a cause of action. The appellate court did not that conclusions of fact and law stated in the complaint are not
Aggrieved, GSIS appealed before the CA. focus on the question of payment precisely because it was deemed admitted by the failure to make a specific denial.13
raised for the first time on appeal. It is noteworthy that, in its This is true considering that only ultimate facts must be alleged
The CA Ruling answer, GSIS raised the affirmative defense that Mercene's in any pleading and only material allegation of facts need to be
complaint failed to state a cause of action. specifically denied.14
In its 30 January 2015 decision, the CA reversed the RTC
decision. The appellate court posited that the trial court erred in Only ultimate facts need be specifically denied A conclusion of law is a legal inference on a question of law
declaring that GSIS' right to foreclose the mortgaged properties made as a result of a factual showing where no further
had prescribed. It highlighted that Mercene's complaint neither Further, Mercene insists that GSIS had judicially admitted that evidence is required.15 The allegation of prescription in
alleged the maturity date of the loans, nor the fact that a its right to foreclose the mortgage had prescribed. He assails Mercene's complaint is a mere conclusion of law. In Abad v.
demand for payment was made. The CA explained that that GSIS failed to specifically deny the allegations in his Court of First Instance of Pangasinan, 16 the Court ruled that
prescription commences only upon the accrual of the cause of complaint, particularly paragraphs 11.1 and 11.2 which read: the characterization of a contract as void or voidable is a
action, and that a cause of action in a written contract accrues conclusion of law, to wit:
only when there is an actual breach or violation. Thus, the 11.1. The right of the defendant GSIS, to institute the necessary
appellate court surmised that no prescription had set in against action in court, to enforce its right as a mortgagee, under Real A pleading should state the ultimate facts essential to the rights
GSIS because it has not made a demand to Mercene. It ruled: Estate Mortgages dated January 19, 1965 and May 14, 1968, of action or defense asserted, as distinguished from mere
respectively, by filing a complaint for judicial foreclosure of Real conclusions of fact, or conclusions of law. General allegations
that a contract is valid or legal, or is just, fair and reasonable, demandable only in 1990. Respondent informed petitioner of its and whether demand was necessary under the terms and
are mere conclusions of law. Likewise, allegations that a decision to foreclose its properties and demanded payment in conditions of the loan.
contract is void, voidable, invalid, illegal, ultra vires, or against 1999.
public policy, without stating facts showing its invalidity, are As such, the RTC erred in ruling that GSIS' right to foreclose
mere conclusions of law. The running of the prescriptive period of respondent's action on had prescribed because the allegations in Mercene's complaint
the mortgages did not start when it executed the mortgage were insufficient to establish prescription against GSIS. The only
In the same vein, labelling-an obligation to have prescribed contracts with Saturnino Petalcorin in 1982.1âwphi1 information the trial court had were the dates of the execution
without specifying the circumstances behind it is a mere of the loan, and the annotation of the mortgages on the title. As
conclusion of law. As would be discussed further, the fact that The prescriptive period for filing an action may run either (1) elucidated in the above-mentioned decisions, prescription of the
GSIS had not instituted any action within ten (10) years after from 1990 when the loan became due, if the obligation was right to foreclose mortgages is not reckoned from the date of
the loan had been contracted is insufficient to hold that covered by the exceptions under Article 1169 of the Civil Code; execution of the contract. Rather, prescription commences from
prescription had set in. Thus, even if GSIS' denial would not be (2) or from 1999 when respondent demanded payment, if the the time the cause of action accrues; in other words, from the
considered as a specific denial, only the fact that GSIS had not obligation was not covered by the exceptions under Article time the obligation becomes due and demandable, or upon
commenced any action, would be deemed admitted at the 116919 of the Civil Code. [emphasis supplied] demand by the creditor/mortgagor, as the case may be.
most. This is true considering that the circumstances to
establish prescription against GSIS have not been alleged with In Maybank Philippines, Inc. v. Spouses Tarrosa, 20 the Court In addition, there was no judicial admission on the part of GSIS
particularity. explained that the right to foreclose prescribes after ten (10) with regard to prescription because treating the obligation as
years from the time a demand for payment is made, or when prescribed, was merely a conclusion of law. It would have been
Commencement of the prescriptive period for real estate then loan becomes due and demandable in cases where different if Mercene's complaint alleged details necessary to
mortgages material in determining cause of action demand is unnecessary, viz: determine when GSIS' right to foreclose arose, i.e., date of
maturity and whether demand was necessary.
In its answer, GSIS raised the affirmative defense, among An action to enforce a right arising from a mortgage should be
others, that the complaint failed to state a cause of enforced within ten (10) years from the time the right of action WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The 29 April 2010
action.1âwphi1 In turn, the CA ruled that Mercene's complaint accrues, i.e., when the mortgagor defaults in the payment of Decision and 20 July 2010 Resolution of the Court of Appeals
did not state a cause of action because the maturity date of the his obligation to the mortgagee; otherwise, it will be barred by (CA) in CAG. R. CV No. 86615 are AFFIRMED in toto.
loans, or the demand for the satisfaction of the obligation, was prescription and the mortgagee will lose his rights under the
never alleged. mortgage. However, mere delinquency in payment does not SO ORDERED.
necessarily mean delay in the legal concept. To be in default is
In order for cause of action to arise, the following elements different from mere delay in the grammatical sense, because it SAMUEL R. MARTIRES
must be present: (1) a right in favor of the plaintiff by whatever involves the beginning of a special condition or status which has Associate Justice
means and under whatever law it arises or is created; (2) an its own peculiar effects or results.
obligation on the part of the named defendant to respect or not WE CONCUR:
to violate such right; and (3) an act or omission on the part of In order that the debtor may be in default, it is necessary that:
such defendant violative of the right of the plaintiff or (a) the obligation be demandable and already liquidated; (b) PRESBITERO J. VELASCO, JR.
constituting a breach of obligation of the defendant to the the debtor delays performance; and (c) the creditor requires the Associate Justice
plaintiff.17 performance judicially or extrajudicially, unless demand is not Chairperson
necessary - i.e., when there is an express stipulation to that
In University of Mindanao, Inc. v. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, effect; where the law so provides; when the period is the LUCAS P. BERSAMIN
et al., 18 the Court clarified that prescription runs in mortgage controlling motive or the principal inducement for the creation Associate Justice MARVIC M.V.F. LEONEN
contract from the time the cause of action arose and not from of the obligation; and where demand would be useless. Associate Justice
the time of its execution, to wit: Moreover, it is not sufficient that the law or obligation fixes a ALEXANDER G. GESMUNDO
date for performance; it must further state expressly that after Associate Justice
The prescriptive period neither runs from the date of the the period lapses, default will commence. Thus, it is only when
execution of a contract nor does the prescriptive period demand to pay is unnecessary in case of the aforementioned ATTESTATION
necessarily run on the date when the loan becomes due and circumstances, or when required, such demand is made and
demandable. Prescriptive period runs from the date of demand, subsequently refused that the mortgagor can be considered in I attest that the conclusions in the above Decisionhad been
subject to certain exceptions. default and the mortgagee obtains the right to file an action to reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the
collect the debt or foreclose the mortgage. writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division.
In other words, ten (10) years may lapse from the date of the
execution of contract, without barring a cause of action on the Thus, applying the pronouncements of the Court regarding PRESBITERO J. VELASCO
mortgage when there is a gap between the period of execution prescription on the right to foreclose mortgages, the Court finds Associate Justice
of the contract and the due date or between the due date and that the CA did not err in concluding that Mercene's complaint Chairperson, Third Division
the demand date in cases when demand is necessary. failed to state a cause of action. It is undisputed that his
complaint merely stated the dates when the loan was CERTIFICATION
The mortgage contracts in this case were executed by Saturnino contracted and when the mortgages were annotated on the title
Petalcorin in 1982. The maturity dates of FISLAI's loans were of the lot used as a security. Conspicuously lacking were Pursuant to the Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and
repeatedly extended until the loans became due and allegations concerning: the maturity date of the loan contracted the Division Chairperson’s Attestation, I certify that the
conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in the crane was available for sub-leasing for the amount of
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the ₱l,995,000.00 with an additional ₱400,000.00 to be paid directly Ben Line moved for reconsideration but it was denied by the
opinion of the Court’s Division. to AAL T AFIL should the radius be more than 16 meters. Thus, DOJ in its 11 June 2010 resolution. Undeterred, it filed a
a crane rental contract was executed between Ben Line and petition for certiorari before the CA.
MARIA LOURDES P.A. SERENO ACE Logistics, and the former paid the full amount of
Chief Justice ₱2,395,000.00 in consonance with the payment terms agreed The CA Ruling
In its 14 December 2015 decision, the CA dismissed Ben Line's
When Ben Line informed Madson that it had another small piece petition for certiorari. The appellate court explained that the
of cargo to be lifted, the latter demanded an additional DOJ did not act with grave abuse of discretion because it
₱200,000.00 because the previously agreed amount covered merely applied the rules when it dismissed Ben Line's petition.
THIRD DIVISION only the lifting of a single heavy cargo. Thus, the total It noted that Ben Line failed to comply with Sections 5 and 6 of
consideration for the use of the crane amounted to the 2000 NPS Rules on Appeal after failing to attach clear and
January 10, 2018 ₱2,595,000.00: ₱l,995,000.00 was paid to ACE Logistics and legible copies of the resolutions sought to be reviewed. The CA
₱600,000.00 was paid directly to AALTAFIL.8 posited that the circumstances did not warrant the relaxation of
G.R. No. 195887 the rules of procedure. It ruled:
On 1 October 2006, the vessel was ready to discharge the
BEN LINE AGENCIES PHILIPPINES, INC., rep. by RICARDO J. cargo. Due to problems with the crane operator and the crane ACCORDINGLY, the petition is DISMISSED for lack of merit.14
JAMANDRE, Petitioner itself, however, Ben Line was constrained to look for their
vs. substitutes. It hired Renato Escarpe of Asian Terminals, Inc. Ben Line moved for reconsideration, but the same was denied
CHARLES M.C. MADSON AND ALFREDO P. AMORADO, (ATI) as a crane operator and it leased ATI's floating crane by the CA in its assailed 25 February 2011 resolution.
Respondents barge.9
Hence, this present petition raising the following:
DECISION Thereafter, Ben Line repeatedly made demands for a refund
from AALTAFIL and ACE Logistics but respondents refused to do ISSUES
MARTIRES, J.: so. Believing it was deceived into renting a less worthy crane,
Ben Line filed a complaint-affidavit against respondents before I
This petition for review on certiorari seeks to reverse and set the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). On 11 January
aside the 14 December 2010 Decision1 and 25 February 2011 2008, the NBI issued a resolution recommending the WHETHER THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS SERIOUSLY
Resolution2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. prosecution of respondents for estafa under Article 315(2) of ERRED IN DISMISSING THE PETITION FOR CERTIORARI
115492 which affirmed the 15 February 20103 and 11 June the Revised Penal Code.10 The case was forwarded to the DATED 20 AUGUST 2010 AND IN DENYING THE MOTION FOR
20104 Resolution of the Department of Justice (DOJ) in LS. No. Office of the Prosecutor (OCP) of Manila. RECONSIDERATION DATED 6 JANUARY 2011 OF PETITIONER
Proceedings before the OCP and the DOJ
In its 23 May 2008 Resolution,11 the OCP issued a resolution
Petitioner Ben Line Agencies Philippines, Inc. (Ben Line) is a recommending the dismissal of the complaint for insufficiency of WHETHER THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS SERIOUSLY
domestic corporation engaged in maritime business. On 19 evidence. It opined that there was no misrepresentation in ERRED IN RULING THAT THE PETITION FOR REVIEW DATED
September 2006, the vessel M/V Ho Feng 7, owned and Madson's claim that AALTAFIL owned the required crane. In 26 MARCH 2009 IS NOT MERITORIOUS ON ITS FACE.15
operated by Ben Line's foreign principal, had to discharge addition, the OCP found that respondents neither conspired nor
shipment consigned to La Farge Cement Services Philippines, employed machinations against Ben Line in increasing the OUR RULING
Inc. (La Farge). As such, it needed to hire a crane capable of amount the latter would have to pay to lease its desired
lifting heavy shipment of approximately 70 metric tons.5 equipment. The resolution reads: The petition is meritorious.

Ben Line inquired with AAL TAFIL Incorporated whether the Wherefore, from the foregoing the undersigned respectfully Principally, the issues under the present petition for review
latter had the necessary machinery to handle the unloading of recommends the dismissal of the instant case due to before the Court are whether the DOJ acted with grave abuse
the former's shipment. Through its president, respondent insufficiency of evidence.12 of discretion in dismissing Ben Line's appeal only on procedural
Charles M.C. Madson (Madson), AAL T AFIL offered its 300-ton grounds.
crane and stated that it was capable of lifting the shipment from Aggrieved, Ben Line filed a petition for review before the DOJ.
M/V Ho Feng 7. The equipment was initially offered for Relevant to the issue is Section 5 of the 2000 NPS Rule on
₱1,150,000.00.6 In its 25 February 2010 resolution, the DOJ denied Ben Line's Appeal, which reads:
petition for review. It noted that the petition for review failed to
On 25 September 2006, Ben Line confirmed with AAL T AFIL its attach clear copies of the assailed resolution. It opined that Ben Section 5. Contents of the petition. - The petition shall contain
intention to hire the crane. Madson, however, informed that the Line lost its right to appeal because of its failure to comply with or state: (a) the names and addresses of the parties; (b) the
equipment had been leased to ACE Logistics, Inc. Due to the the prevailing rules. The resolution reads: investigation Slip Number (I.S. No.) and criminal case number,
urgency of the situation, Ben Line contacted respondent Aflredo if any, and title of the case, including the offense charged in the
Amorado (Amorado), president of ACE Logistics, who said that WHEREFORE, the petition for review is hereby DISMISSED.13 complaint; (c) the venue of the preliminary investigation; (d)
the specific material dates showing that it was filed on time; (e) suffice that only a certified true copy of the judgment is and considered the omission in violation of Section 5 of
a clear and concise statement of the facts, the assignment of attached. Department Circular No. 70. MERALCO assails the dismissal on
errors, and the reasons or arguments relied upon for the this ground as an overly technical application of the rules and
allowance of the appeal; and (f) proof of service of a copy of Third, a petition lacking an essential pleading or part of the case claims that it frustrated the ends of substantial justice. We note,
the petition to the adverse party and the Prosecution Office record may still be given due course or reinstated (if earlier however, that the failure to attach the document was not the
concerned. dismissed) upon showing that petitioner later submitted the sole reason of the DOJ's denial of MERALCO's petition for
documents required, or that it will serve the higher interests of review. As mentioned, the DOJ resolution dismissed the petition
The petition shall be accompanied by legible duplicate original justice that the case be decided on the merits. [emphases and primarily because the prosecutor's resolution is in accord with
or certified true copies of the complaint, affidavit/sworn underscoring supplied] the evidence and the law on the matter. [Emphases and
statements and other evidence submitted by the parties during underscoring supplied]
the preliminary investigation/reinvestigation. Lest it be misunderstood, the Court does not belittle the
compliance with the rules of procedure. It recognizes that In MERALCO, the DOJ did not only dismiss the petition for
In the case at bar, it is undisputed that Ben Line initially failed zealous observance of the rules is still the general course of review on purely technical grounds but also found that the
to submit clear and legible copies of the resolutions of the OCP action as it serves to guarantee the orderly, just, and speedy resolution of the prosecution were in accord with the evidence
when it filed its petition for review before the DOJ. Under dispensation of cases.18 Nevertheless, the Court finds that the and the law. As such, the issues in the said case were fully
Section 6 of the 2000 NPS rules, failure to comply with the CA erred when it did not find the DOJ to have acted with grave ventilated at the DOJ level because not only did it rule on
requirements of Section 5 constitutes sufficient ground to abuse of discretion in dismissing Ben Line's petition for review. procedural grounds, but it likewise adressed subtantive matters.
dismiss the petition. Thus, the DOJ decided to dismiss Ben In the case at bar, however, the DOJ imprudently dismissed
Line's complaint for failure to comply with Section 5. Initially, the DOJ correctly acted when it dismissed Ben Line's Ben Line's petition for review merely on procedural or technical
petition for failure to attach clear and legible copies of the grounds. It did not resolve the substantive or factual matters
It must be remembered, however, that rules of procedure are appealed resolution of the OCP. However, it was remiss in its even after Ben Line had substantially complied with the rule on
designed to facilitate the attainment of justice and that their duty to ensure that cases before it should be resolved on its appeal when it filed its motion for reconsideration.
rigid application resulting in techinicalities tending to delay or merits when it denied Ben Line's motion for reconsideration. In
frustrate rather than promote substantial justice must be accordance with the pronouncements of the Court in Air Nonetheless, respondents assail that the ruling of the Court in
avoided.16 In other words, procedural rules are set in place to Philippines and in order that the subtantial issues of the case be Lao v. Co, et al. (Lao) 20 should be applied in this case. They
ensure that the proceedings are in order and to avoid fully ventilated, the DOJ should have reinstated Ben Line's highlight that the circumstances are similar in Lao where the
unnecessary delays, but are never intended to prevent tribunals petition for review. It is noteworthy that in its motion, Ben Line Court upheld the dismissal by the CA of the petition for
or administrative agencies from resolving the substantive issues had already attached clear and legible copies of the resolutions certiorari filed therein for failure of the petitioner to attach clear
at hand. appealed from. Further, it pointed out that the copies it initially and legible duplicate original or certified true copy of the
attached in its petition for review before the DOJ were provided judgment, order, resolution or ruling subject thereof.
In Air Philippines Corporation v. Zamora (Air Philippines), 17 the by the OCP.
Court elucidated that mere failure to attach legible copies does A closer scrutiny of Lao, however, reveals that its factual
not ipso facto warrant the dismissal of a complaint or a The present case is comparable with Manila Electric Company v. circumstances are not at par with the present controversy. In
petititon, to wit: Atilano (MERALCO)19 where the Court ruled: the case relied upon by respondents, there was no showing that
petitioner attempted to remedy its failure to attach clear and
As a general rule, a petition lacking copies of essential pleadings In dismissing MERALCO's petition for review of the resolution of legible copies of the required documents. In contrast, Ben Line
and portions of the case record may be dismissed.1âwphi1 This the Office of the City Prosecutor of Pasig City, the Secretary of attached clear and legible copies of the assailed OCP resolution
rule, however, is not petrified. As the exact nature of the Justice ruled that after carefully examining the petition and its after its petition for review was initially dismissed by the DOJ.
pleadings and parts of the case record which must accompany a attachments, no error on the part of the handling prosecutor Thus, the guidelines outlined in Air Philippines are more
petition is not specified, much discretion is left to the appellate was found to have been committed which would warrant a applicable in that a petition dismissed earlier, due to lack of an
court to determine the necessity for copies of pleading and reversal of the challenged resolution. Thus, the December 17, essential pleading or part of the case record, may still be given
other documents. There are, however, guideposts it must 2002 DOJ resolution concluded that the challenged resolution due course or reinstated upon showing that petitioner had later
follow. was in accord with the evidence and the law on the matter. submitted the documents required, i.e., when such documents
required are part of a subsequent motion for reconsideration.
First, not all pleadings and parts of case records are required to xxx
be attached to the petition. Only those which are relevant and In finding for herein petitioner, the Court does not necessarily
pertinent must accompany it. The test of relevancy is whether We rule, therefore, that the DOJ resolution satisfactorily rule on whether its version of events or legal arguments
the document in question will support the material allegations in complied with constitutional and legal requirements when it deserve more consideration than that of the respondents. It
the petition, whether said document will make out a prima facie stated its legal basis for denying MERALCO's petition for review simply corrects the DOJ's inordinate dismissal of Ben Line's
case of grave abuse of discretion as to convince the court to which is Section 7 of Department Circular No. 70, which petition for review where precisely these issues could have been
give due course to the petition. authorizes the Secretary of Justice to dismiss a petition outright adequately and appropriately resolved.
if he finds it to be patently without merit or manifestly intended
Second, even if a document is relevant and pertinent to the for delay, or when the issues raised therein are too insubstantial WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The 14 December 2010
petition, it need not be appended if it is shown that the to require consideration. IaHCAD Decision and 25 February 2011 Resolution of the Court of
contents thereof can also be found in another document already Appeals in CAG. R. SP No. 115492 are REVERSED and SET
attached to the petition. Thus, if the material allegations in a The DOJ resolution noted that MERALCO failed to submit a ASIDE. The case is REMANDED to the Department of Justice for
position paper are summarized in a questioned judgment, it will legible true copy of the confirmation of sale dated May 30, 2000 further review.
This petition for review on certiorari seeks to reverse and set
SO ORDERED. aside the 23 May 2012 Decision1 and the 18 October 2012 In its 17 September 2007 decision,11 the HLURB Board
Resolution2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. reversed and set aside the HL URB Regional Office decision. It
SAMUEL R. MARTIRES 118534 which affirmed with modification the 24 March 2010 agreed that the proceedings against PPGI should be suspended
Associate Justice Decision3 of the Office of the President (OP). on account of its corporate rehabilitation. Nevertheless, the
HLURB Board found UCPB solidarily liable with PPGI because it
WE CONCUR: THE FACTS stepped into the latter's shoes insofar as Kiener Hills is
concerned pursuant to the MOA between them. It noted that
PRESBITERO J. VELASCO, JR. Prime Town Property Group, Inc. (PPGI) and E. Ganzon Inc. UCPB was PPGI's successor-in-interest, such that the delay in
Associate Justice were the joint developers of the Kiener Hills Mactan the completion of the condominium project could be
Chairperson Condominium Project (Kiener Hills). In 1997, spouses Walter attributable to it and subject it to liability. The HLURB Board
and Lily Uy (respondents) entered into a Contract to Sell with ruled that as PPGI's assignee, UCPB was bound to refund the
LUCAS P. BERSAMIN PPGI for a unit in Kiener Hills. The total contract price payments made, without prejudice to its right of action against
Associate Justice MARVIC M.V.F. LEONEN amounted to ₱1, 151,718. 7 5 payable according to the PPGI. Thus, it pronounced:
Associate Justice following terms: (a) ₱l00,000.00 as down payment; and (b) the
ALEXANDER G. GESMUNDO balance paid in 40 monthly installments at ₱26,297.97 from 16 WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appeal is GRANTED and
Associate Justice January 1997 to 16 April 2000.4 the decision of the Regional Office is SET ASIDE and a new one
is entered as follows:
ATTESTATION On 23 April 1998, PPGI and petitioner United Coconut Planters
Bank (UCPB) executed the following: Memorandum of 1. Respondent UCPB is hereby ordered to refund to the
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decisionhad been Agreement (MOA),5 and Sale of Receivables and Assignment of complainant the amount of ₱l,151,718.75 with interest at the
reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the Rights and Interests.6 By virtue of the said agreements, PPGI legal rate of 6% per annum reckoned from the date of
writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division. transferred the right to collect the receivables of the buyers, extrajudicial demand on May 24, 2005 until fully paid without
which included respondents, of units in Kiener Hills. The parties prejudice to whatever claims UCPB may have against PPGI; and
PRESBITERO J. VELASCO, JR. entered into the said agreement as PPGI's partial settlement of
Associate Justice its ₱l,814,500,000.00 loan with UCPB.7 2. Respondent UCPB and PPGI, jointly and severally, are
Chairperson, Third Division declared liable to the complainant for payment of exemplary
On 17 April 2006, the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board damages in the amount of ₱30,000.00; and attorney's fees in
CERTIFICATION Regional Office (HLURB Regional Office) received respondents' the amount of ₱30,000.00:12
complaint for sum of money and damages against PPGI and
Pursuant to the Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and UCPB. They claimed that in spite of their full payment of the Aggrieved, UCPB appealed before the OP.
the Division Chairperson’s Attestation, I certify that the purchase price, PPGI failed to complete the construction of their
conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in units in Kiener Hills.8 The OP Decision
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the
opinion of the Court’s Division. The HLURB Regional Office Decision In its 24 March 2010 decision, the OP affirmed the decision of
the HLURB Board. It explained that the agreement between
MARIA LOURDES P.A. SERENO In its 29 November 2006 decision,9 the HLURB Regional Office PPGI and UCPB clearly transferred all rights, titles, interests,
Chief Justice found that respondents were entitled to a refund in view of and participations over Kiener Hills to the latter. It concluded
PPGI' s failure to complete the construction of their units. that as successor-in-interest, UCPB now had the obligations
Nonetheless, it found that UCPB cannot be solidarily liable with relating to Kiener Hills, including the reimbursement of
PPGI because only the accounts receivables were conveyed to payments to respondents. The OP added that benefit of
UCPB and not the entire condominium project. The HLURB suspension of actions only attached to PPGI and not to UCPB.
THIRD DIVISION Regional Office suspended the proceedings as to PPGI on Thus:
account of its being in corporate rehabilitation. The dispositive
January 10, 2018 portion reads: WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing, the decision appealed
from is hereby AFFIRMED.13
G.R. No. 204039 WHEREFORE, premises considered, decision is hereby rendered
suspending the proceedings of the present case. The Undeterred, UCPB appealed before the CA.
UNITED COCONUT PLANTERS BANK, Petitioner complainants are therefore directed to file their claim before the
vs. Rehabilitation Receiver. The CA Ruling
No judgment as to cost.10 In its assailed 23 May 2012 decision, the CA affirmed with
DECISION modification the OP decision. While the appellate court agreed
Unsatisfied, respondents appealed before the HLURB-Board of that respondents are entitled to a full refund of the payments
MARTIRES, J.: Commissioners (HLURB Board). they may have made, it ruled that UCPB is not solidarily liable
with PPGI, and as such cannot be held liable for the full
The HLURB Board Decision satisfaction of respondents' payments. It limited UCPB's liability
to the amount respondents have paid upon the former's stare decisis deems decisions of this Court binding on the lower
assumption as the party entitled to receive payments or on 23 Issues that may be raised on appeal courts, to wit:
April 1998 when the MOA and AIR Agreement were made
between UCPB and PPGI. Respondents assailed that the CA erred in applying O'Halloran The principle of stare decisis et non quieta movere is
because the circumstances were different, notably the issue entrenched in Article 8 of the Civil Code, to wit:
In addition, the appellate court noted the pronouncements of that estoppel did not arise in the said case. In addition, they
the CA in United Coconut Planters Bank v. O'Halloran argued that 0 'Halloran and the other cases cited by UCPB are xxxx
(O'Halloran). 14 It explained that it involved similar facts and not binding pursuant to the doctrine of stare decisis because
issues where the CA ruled that the assignment of the they were decided by the CA and not by this Court. As such, It enjoins adherence to judicial precedents. It requires our
receivables did not make UCPB the developer of Kiener Hills it respondents posited that only decisions of the Court, excluding courts to follow a rule already established in a final decision of
being merely the assignee of the receivables under the contract all other courts such as the CA, form part of the legal system. the Supreme Court. That decision becomes a judicial precedent
to sell and, as such, UCPB cannot be deemed as the debtor with to be followed in subsequent cases by all courts in the land. The
respect to the construction, development, and delivery of the On the other hand, UCPB countered that the only issue to be doctrine of stare decisis is based on the principle that once a
subject condominium units. Thus, the CA ruled: resolved in the present petition is the actual amount of its question of law has been examined and decided, it should be
liability. It explained that the assailed CA decision had become deemed settled and closed to further argument.21 (emphasis
WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the instant Petition final and executory after respondents failed to appeal the same. and underscoring supplied)
for Review is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The promulgated Decision UCPB pointed out that the issues respondents raised were
dated 24 March 2010 and Resolution dated 16 February 2011 already ventilated before the appellate court. It believed that In other words, the doctrine of stare decisis becomes operative
are hereby AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION, as follows: respondents should have filed their own appeal to assail the only when judicial precedents are set by pronouncements of
issues they found questionable. this Court to the exclusion of lower courts. It is true regardless
1) UCPB is ordered to pay Spouses Uy the amount of whether the decisions of the lower courts are logically or legally
₱552,152.34, with legal interest at 6% per annum from the It must be remembered that when a case is appealed, the sound as only decisions issued by this Court become part of the
filing of the complaint until fully paid without prejudice to appellate court has the power to review the case in its legal system. At the most, decisions of lower courts only have a
whatever claims U CPB may have against Primetown; and entirety.17 In Heirs of Alcaraz v. Republic of the Phils., 18 the persuasive effect. Thus, respondents are correct in contesting
Court explained that an appellate court is empowered to make the application of the doctrine of stare decisis when the CA
2) Without prejudice to a separate action Spouses Uy may file its own judgment as it deems to be a just determination of the relied on decisions it had issued.
against Primetown, Primetown is liable to pay Spouses Uy the case, to wit:
amount of ₱599,566.41 with legal interest at 6% per annum UCPB only jointly liable to PPGI in reimbursing unitowners of
from the filing of the complaint until fully paid.15 In any event, when petitioners interposed an appeal to the Kiener Hills
Court of Appeals, the appealed case was thereby thrown wide
UCPB moved for reconsideration but it was denied by the CA in open for review by that court, which is thus necessarily With that said, the Court still finds that the CA did not err in
its assailed 18 October 2012 resolution. empowered to come out with a judgment as it thinks would be ruling that UCPB was only jointly, and not solidarily liable to
a just determination of the controversy. Given this power, the PPGI against respondents. In Spouses Choi v. UCPB (Spouses
Hence, this appeal raising the following: appellate court has the authority to either affirm, reverse or Choi), 22 the Court had definitely ruled on UCPB 's liability to
modify the appealed decision of the trial court. To withhold the purchasers of Kiener Hills, viz:
ISSUES from the appellate court its power to render an entirely new
decision would violate its power of review and would, in effect, The primordial issue to be resolved is whether, under the
I render it incapable of correcting patent errors committed by the Agreement between Primetown and UCPB, UCPB assumed the
lower courts.19 liabilities and obligations of Primetown under its contract to sell
GRIEVOUSLY ERRED WHEN IT MISCONSTRUED THE Thus, when UCPB appealed the present controversy before the
APPLICABILITY TO THE INSTANT CASE OF THE FINAL AND Court, it was not merely limited to determine whether the CA An assignment of credit has been defined as an agreement by
EXECUTORY DECISION IN UNITED COCONUT PLANTERS BANK accurately set UCPB's liability against respondents. It is also virtue of which the owner of a credit, known as the assignor, by
V. JOHN P. O'HALLORAN AND JOSEFINA O'HALLORAN (CA-G.R. empowered to determine whether the appellate court's a legal cause - such as sale, dation in payment or exchange or
SP NO. 101699, 23 JULY 1999) UNDER THE PRINCIPLE OF determination of liability was correct in the first place. This is donation - and without need of the debtor's consent, transfers
STARE DECISIS; AND especially true considering that the issue of the nature of that credit and its accessory rights to another, known as the
UCPB's liability is closely intertwined and inseparable from the assignee, who acquires the power to enforce it to the same
II determination of the amount of its actual liability. extent as the assignor could have enforced it against the
debtor. In every case, the obligations between assignor and
[WHETHER] THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS Stare Decisis applies only to cases decided by the Supreme assignee will depend upon the judicial relation which is the
GRIEVOUSLY ERRED IN RULING THAT UCPB IS LIABLE TO THE Court basis of the assignment. An assignment will be construed in
RESPONDENTS FOR THE AMOUNT THE RESPONDENTS DID accordance with the rules of construction governing contracts
NOT PAY THE BANK AND WHICH UCPB DID NOT RECEIVE.16 As above-mentioned, respondents bewail the reliance of the CA generally, the primary object being always to ascertain and
on 0 'Halloran arguing that it was not a binding precedent since carry out the intention of the parties. This intention is to be
OUR RULING it was not issued by this Court. In De Mesa v. Pepsi-Cola derived from a consideration of the whole instrument, all parts
Products Phils. Inc., 20 the Court explained that the doctrine of of which should be given effect, and is to be sought in the
The petition is meritorious. words and language employed.
SP No. 101699 became final and executory upon Entry of The terms of the MOA and Deed of Sale/Assignment between
In the present case, the Agreement between Primetown and Judgment on 17 August 2009 for O'Halloran and 18 August PPGI and UCPB unequivocally show that the parties intended an
UCPB provided that Primetown, in consideration of 2009 for UCPB. assignment of PPG l's credit in favor of UCPB.
₱748,000,000.00, "assigned, transferred, conveyed and set over
unto [UCPB] all Accounts Receivables accruing from In UCPB v. Ho, docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 113446, respondent xxxx
[Primetown's Kiener] ... together with the assignment of all its Ho was similarly situated with O'Halloran and Spouses Choi.
rights, titles, interests and participation over the units covered Upon reaching the CA, the CA considered the Agreement The provisions of the foregoing agreements between PPGI and
by or arising from the Contracts to Sell from which the Accounts between UCPB and Primetown as an assignment of credit, UCPB are clear, explicit and unambiguous as to leave no doubt
Receivables have arisen." because: 1) the parties entered into the Agreement without the about their objective of executing an assignment of credit
consent of the debtor; 2) UCPB's obligation "to deliver to the instead of subrogation. The MOA and the Deed of
The Agreement further stipulated that "x x x this buyer the title over the condominium unit upon their full Sale/Assignment clearly state that UCPB became an assignee of
sale/assignment is limited to the Receivables accruing to payment" signifies that the title to the condominium unit PPGI's outstanding receivables of its condominium buyers. The
[Primetown] from the [b]uyers of the condominium units in x x remained with Primetown; 3) UCPB's prerogative "to rescind the Court perceives no proviso or any extraneous factor that incites
x [Kiener] and the corresponding Assignment of Rights and contract to sell and transfer the title of condominium unit to its a contrary interpretation. Even the simultaneous and
Interests arising from the pertinent Contract to Sell and does name upon failure of the buyer to pay the full purchase price" subsequent acts of the parties accentuate their intention to
not include except for the amount not exceeding indicates that UCPB was merely given the right to transfer title treat their agreements as assignment of credit.
30,000,000.00, Philippine currency, either singly or cumulatively in its name to apply the property as partial payment of
any and all liabilities which [Primetown] may have assumed Primetown's obligation; and 4) the Agreement clearly states xxxx
under the individual Contract to Sell." (emphasis omitted) that the assignment is limited to the receivables and does not
include "any and all liabilities which [Primetown] may have The last paragraph of the letter also confirms that UCPB's
The Agreement conveys the straightforward intention of assumed under the individual contract to sell." Thus, the CA acquisition of PPGI's receivables did not involve any changes in
Primetown to "sell, assign, transfer, convey and set over" to ruled that UCPB was a mere assignee of the right of Primetown the Contract to Sell between PPGI and Liam; neither did it vary
UCPB the receivables, rights, titles, interests and participation to collect on its contract to sell with Ho. The CA, then, applied the rights and the obligations of the parties therein. Thus, no
over the units covered by the contracts to sell. It explicitly the ruling in UCPB v. O'Halloran in finding UCPB jointly liable novation by subrogation could have taken place.
excluded any and all liabilities and obligations, which Primetown with Primetown only for the payments UCPB had actually
assumed under the contracts to sell. The intention to exclude received from Ho. The CA was therefore correct in ruling that the agreement
Primetown's liabilities and obligations is further shown by between PPGI and UCPB was an assignment of credit. UCPB
Primetown's subsequent letters to the buyers, which stated that On 4 December 2013, this Court issued a Resolution denying acquired PPGI's right to demand, collect and receive Liam's
"this payment arrangement shall in no way cause any Ho's petition for review for failure to show any reversible error outstanding balance; UCPB was not subrogated into PPGI's
amendment of the other terms and conditions, nor the on the part of the CA. On 2 April 2014, this Court likewise place as developer under the Contract to Sen.25 (emphases and
cancellation of the Contract to Sell you have executed with denied the motion for reconsideration with finality. Thus, the 9 underlining supplied)
[Primetown]." x x x (emphasis and underlining supplied) May 2013 Decision of the Special Fifteenth Division of the CA in
CA-G.R. SP No. 113446 became final and executory. (emphasis It is noteworthy that the circumstances and issues in Choi and
xxxx omitted) Liam fall squarely with the case at bar. First, PPGI and UCPB
were prominent parties in the cited cases. Second, it involved
The intention to merely assign the receivables and rights of Considering that UCPB is a mere assignee of the rights and the same documents and agreement between PPGI and UCPB
Primetown to UCPB is even bolstered by the CA decisions in the receivables under the Agreement, UCPB did not assume the whereby the right to collect the receivables were assigned to
cases of UCPB v. O'Halloran and UCPB v. Ho. obligations and liabilities of Primetown under its contract to sell the latter. Third, the controversy arose from the complaints of
with Spouses Choi. disgruntled unit owners to recover the amount they had paid
In UCPB v. O'Halloran, docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 101699, from PPGI or UCPB after Kiener Hills was not completed.
respondent O'Halloran's accounts with Primetown were also xxxx
assigned by Primetown to UCPB, under the same Agreement as In addition, the issue on estoppel was addressed in Spouses
in this case. Since Primetown failed to deliver the condominium Contrary to Spouses Choi's argument that UCPB was estopped, Choi. There, the Court ruled that the demand letters UCPB sent
units upon full payment of the purchase price, O'Halloran we find that estoppel would not lie since UCPB's letters to the to the buyers, including herein respondents, only assured the
likewise sued both Primetown and UCPB for cancellation of the buyers only assured them of the completion of their units by the completion of the condominium project. Nevertheless, there
contracts to sell, and the case eventually reached the CA. The developer. UCPB did not represent to be the new owner of was no representation on the part of the UCPB that it would
CA held UCPB liable to refund the amount it actually received Kiener or that UCPB itself would complete Kiener.23 (emphases continue the construction of Kiener Hills or that it was the new
from O'Halloran. The CA held that there is no legal, statutory or and underlining supplied) owner thereof. Guided by the previous pronouncements of this
contractual basis to hold UCPB solidarily liable with Primetown Court, it is settled that UCPB is only jointly liable with PPGI to
for the full reimbursement of the payments made by O'Halloran. In Liam v. UCPB (Liam), 24 the Court maintained its position the disgruntled purchasers of Kiener Hills, including
The CA found that based on the Agreement, UCPB is merely the that the transaction between PPGI and UCPB was merely an respondents. Thus, UCPB is only bound to refund the amount it
assignee of the receivables under the contracts to sell to the assignment of credit. Hence, what was transferred to UCPB was had unquestionably received from respondents.
extent that the assignment is a manner adopted by which only the right to collect PPGI's receivables from the purchases
Primetown can pay its loan to the bank. The CA held that the of Kiener Hills and not the obligation to complete the said Only questions of law may he raised in a petition for review
assignment of receivables did not make UCPB the owner or condominium project. Thus: under Rule 45; exceptions
developer of the unfinished project to make it solidarily liable
with Primetown. The CA decision dated 23 July 2009 in CA-G.R.
In the present petition, UCPB does not contest the CA's which the parties may have against Prime Town Property
conclusion that it is jointly liable with PPGI to the unit owners of Group, Inc. This petition for review on certiorari seeks to reverse and set
Kiener Hills.1âwphi1 It, however, assails that the CA erred in aside the 30 January 2009 Decision1 and 18 October 2010
computing its actual liability because it was only bound to SO ORDERED. Resolution2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No.
refund the amount it had actually received. Meanwhile, 77040 which affirmed the 12 May 2003 Judgment3 of the
respondents contest that the resolution of the correct amount of SAMUEL R. MARTIRES Regional Trial Court, Branch 5, Iligan City (RTC).
UCPB's liability is a question of fact, which is beyond the ambit Associate Justice
of a petition for review under Rule 45. THE FACTS
It is axiomatic that, as a rule, only questions of law may be Petitioner Marilou Punongbayan-Visitacion (Visitacion) was the
raised under a petition for review under Rule 45 because the PRESBITERO J. VELASCO, JR. corporate secretary and assistant treasurer of St. Peter's College
Court is not a trier of facts and the factual findings of lower Associate Justice of Iligan City. On 26 July 1999, acting on the advice of her
courts are final, binding or conclusive on the parties and to the Chairperson counsel, she wrote a letter to private respondent Carmelita P.
Court.26 As with every rule, however, it admits certain Punongbayan (Punongbayan). The correspondence substantially
exceptions. Among the recognized exceptions are when the LUCAS P. BERSAMIN read:
conclusion of the lower court is one grounded entirely on Associate Justice MARVIC M.V.F. LEONEN
speculation, surmises or conjectures or when the judgment is Associate Justice Upon advise of our legal counsel which I had been instructed to
based on a misapprehension of facts.27 ALEXANDER G. GESMUNDO hereunder quote this should answer the concerns you embodied
Associate Justice in the July 19 memo to Security Bank as well as the July 23,
The Court finds that the exceptions are present to warrant a memo to the office of the treasurer to wit:
review of the factual matters. ATTESTATION
A. You had been preening (sic) as the school's validly
Jurisprudence has settled UCPB's liability to unit owners to I attest that the conclusions in the above Decisionhad been appointed/designated president when such is not the fact. The
refund the amount it indubitably received from the purchasers reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the validity of the alleged March 10 meeting of the management is
of Kiener Hills. In this case, the CA determined UCPB's actual writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division. still the subject of an on-going determination by the SEC and
liability of ₱552,152.34 by subtracting the amounts already paid your misrepresentation as the school's President has no basis in
to PPGI from the total purchase price of ₱l,151,718.75.28 PRESBTERO J. VELASCO, JR. law and in fact.
Associate Justice
Such computation of the appellate court, however, merely Chairperson, Third Division B. Even as Officer-in-Charge, your actions on school matters
assumes that the said balance was actually paid by respondents need prior consultation and ratification of the management
and received by UCPB. A closer scrutiny of the records, CERTIFICATION committees. No such consultation/ratification was had on these
nonetheless, shows that the said amount is not supported by matters.
the evidence at hand. The only document that identifies the Pursuant to the Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and
amount respondents had paid to UCPB is the demand letter it the Division Chairperson’s Attestation, I certify that the C. You KNOWINGLY COMMITTED ACTS OF FALSIFICATION
sent to the former. It is noteworthy that the said demand letter conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in when you misrepresented to the bank that your signature is
was materially reproduced in respondents' complaint29 before consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the essentially required in disbursements above ₱5,000.00. Your
the HLURB Regional Office. In the said letter, the amount UCPB opinion of the Court’s Division. inordinate desire to poke into the school's finances could be the
received from respondents is only ₱157,757.82. byproduct of an erroneous advice from some defrocked
MARIA LOURDES P.A. SERENO members of the committee. Otherwise, there would have been
While respondents alleged that they had paid in full the Chief Justice need to calibrate amounts in the checks vis-a-vis the signatories
purchase price of the condominium units, only ₱157,757.82 was thereto.4
sufficiently substantiated to have been actually received by
UCPB. Thus, UCPB should only be held liable for ₱157,757.82 Insulted, Punongbayan filed a Complaint for Libel against
because it was the only amount which was unequivocally shown THIRD DIVISION Visitacion. On 25 October 1999, the Office of the City
it had received. This is especially true considering that one who Prosecutor of Iligan City issued a resolution approving the filing
pleads payment has the burden of proving the fact of January 10, 2018 of a case for libel against Visitacion.5
G.R. No. 194214 The RTC Ruling
Thus, it was incumbent upon respondents to prove the actual
amount UCPB had unquestionably received. MARILOU PUNONGBAYAN-VISITACION, Petitioner In its 12 May 2003 judgment, the RTC convicted Visitacion of
vs. libel. The trial court disregarded Visitacion's defense of good
WHEREFORE, the 23 May 2012 Decision of the Court of Appeals PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES AND CARMELITA P. faith finding that her act of writing the disputed letter was
m CA-G.R. SP No. 118534 is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION. PUNONGBAYAN, Respondents motivated by hostility or malice. It opined that if it was true that
Petitioner United Coconut Planters Bank shall pay the amount of Visitacion merely wanted to safeguard the corporation funds,
₱157,757.82 to Spouses Walter and Lily Uy, with legal interest DECISION her resort to an uncivil and confrontational manner was
at six percent (6%) per annum, without prejudice to any action unwarranted. The RTC highlighted that the letter belittled,
disparaged, and willfully hurt Punongbayan's sensibilities. It Hence, this present petition raising the following: for an appeal, especially if one's own negligence or error in
ruled: one's choice of remedy occasioned such loss or lapse. One of
ISSUES the requisites of certiorari is that there be no available appeal or
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court perceives that the any plain, speedy and adequate remedy. Where an appeal is
evidence on record is not only adequate to prove the guilt of I available, certiorari will not prosper, even if the ground therefor
accused beyond reasonable doubt, but overwhelming that she is grave abuse of discretion.
has committed the crime of libel, hence judgment of conviction [WHETHER] THE COURT OF APPEALS ACTED CONTRARY TO
is hereby rendered, the terms of which provide: LAW WHEN IT, IN EFFECT, BRUSHED ASIDE PETITIONER'S Nevertheless, the general rule that an appeal and a certiorari
ALTERNATIVE PLEA FOR THE APPLICATION OF PREFERENCE are not interchangeable admits exceptions. In Department of
a. Since there is no aggravating nor mitigating circumstance OF FINE OVER IMPRISONMENT AS PENAL TY FOR LIBEL; Education v. Cuanan, 11 the Court exercised liberality and
accused is condemned to suffer a straight prison term of one considered the petition for certiorari filed therein as an appeal:
(1) year; and II
The remedy of an aggrieved party from a resolution issued by
b. Considering that the malicious imputation of a crime referred [WHETHER] THE COURT OF APPEALS ACTED CONTRARY TO the CSC is to file a petition for review thereof under Rule 43 of
to in the libelous letter had caused private complainant to be LAW WHEN IT, IN EFFECT, AFFIRMED THE COURT A QUO'S the Rules of Court within fifteen days from notice of the
subjected to public contempt and ridicule, and this had caused IMPOSITION OF MORAL DAMAGES UPON PETITIONER IN THE resolution. Recourse to a petition for certiorari under Rule 65
the latter to underwent (sic) sleepless nights and moral EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF THREE MILLION PESOS renders the petition dismissible for being the wrong remedy.
sufferings, additionally, and in accordance with Article 104 of (₱3,000,000.00); AND Nonetheless, there are exceptions to this rule, to wit: (a) when
the Revised Penal Code, accused is adjudged to pay by way of public welfare and the advancement of public policy dictates;
civil liability, moral damages to the tune of Three Million Pesos III (b) when the broader interest of justice so requires; (c) when
(₱3,000,000.00), and the costs of the suit.6 the writs issued are null and void; or (d) when the questioned
[WHETHER] THE COURT OF APPEALS ACTED CONTRARY TO order amounts to an oppressive exercise of judicial authority. As
Aggrieved, Visitacion filed a petition for certiorari with a prayer LAW IN NOT TREATING PETITIONER'S PETITION FOR will be shown forthwith, exception (c) applies to the present
for Temporary Restraining Order and/or Writ of Preliminary CERTIORARI AS APPEAL, NOTWITHSTANDING THE FACT THAT case.
PERIOD OF TIME TO FILE AN APPEAL AND DESPITE Furthermore, while a motion for reconsideration is a condition
The CA Ruling EXISTENCE OF VALID REASONS TO TREAT IT AS AN APPEAL.8 precedent to the filing of a petition for certiorari, immediate
recourse to the extraordinary remedy of certiorari is warranted
In its 30 January 2009, the CA dismissed Visitacion's petition. OUR RULING where the order is a patent nullity, as where the court a quo
The appellate court posited that the promulgation of the has no jurisdiction; where petitioner was deprived of due
judgment despite Visitacion's absence was proper. It explained Before proceeding to the merits of the case, we resolve certain process and there is extreme urgency for relief; where the
that under Rule 120, Section 6 of the Rules of Court, trial in procedural matters. proceedings in the lower court are a nullity for lack of due
absentia is permitted should the accused fail to appear during process; where the proceeding was ex parte or one in which the
the date of promulgation despite due notice. The CA noted that Petition for certiorari treated as an appeal petitioner had no opportunity to object. These exceptions find
Visitacion was notified of the scheduled promulgation through application to Cuanan's petition for certiorari in the CA.
her previous counsel and was in fact able to file a motion to Visitacion assails that her petition for certiorari should have
defer promulgation of judgment. Further, the appellate court been treated as an appeal. On the other hand, both public and At any rate, Cuanan's petition for certiorari before the CA could
pointed out that the sheriff visited Visitacion at her house on private respondents counter that the CA correctly dismissed be treated as a petition for review, the petition having been
several occasions but she was conveniently not around during Visitacion's petition for certiorari because it cannot be a filed on November 22, 2004, or thirteen (13) days from receipt
those times. Thus, it believed that her excuse for her absence substitute for a lost appeal and that a wrong mode of appeal is on November 9, 2004 of CSC Resolution No. 041147, clearly
was specious. dismissible. within the 15-day reglementary period for the filing of a petition
for review. Such move would be in accordance with the liberal
In addition, the CA expounded that Visitacion should have filed In Madrigal Transport, Inc. v. Lapanday Holdings Corporation, 9 spirit pervading the Rules of Court and in the interest of
an appeal and not a petition for certiorari. The appellate court the Court had extensively differentiated an appeal from substantial justice.12 (emphases and underslining supplied)
opined that it should have been through an appeal where she certiorari. Thus, it is settled that appeal and certiorari are two
could have raised the issues in the present petition for different remedies, which .are generally not interchangeable, In the case at bar, the Court finds that the interest of
certiorari. It noted that at the time Visitacion filed her petition, available to litigants. In Butuan Development Corporation v. CA, substantial justice warrants the relaxation of the rules and
the period to file an appeal had yet to expire. Thus, the CA 10 the Court held that the special civil action of certiorari is not treats Visitacion's petition for certiorari as an appeal. This is
elucidated that the use of an erroneous mode of appeal is cause a substitute for an appeal: especially true considering that the same was filed within the
for dismissal of the petition for certiorari because it is not a reglementary period to file an appeal. It is noteworthy that in
substitute for a lost appeal. It ruled: A party cannot substitute the special civil action of certiorari the litany of cases13 where the Court did not consider certiorari
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court for the remedy of appeal. as an appeal, the former remedy was filed beyond the 15-day
ACCORDINGLY, the Petition is DISMISSED.7 The existence and availability of the right of appeal are period to interpose an appeal.
antithetical to the availability of the special civil action of
Visitacion moved for reconsideration but it was denied by the certiorari. Remedies of appeal (including petitions for review) Issues raised for the first time on appeal; exceptions
CA in its 18 October 2010 resolution. and certiorari are mutually exclusive, not alternative or
successive. Hence, certiorari is not and cannot be a substitute
The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) argues that Visitacion All courts and judges concerned should henceforth take note of sleepless nights, and moral damage. In Tulfo v. People,21 the
merely raised the issue of the correctness of the penalties and the foregoing rule of preference set by the Supreme Court on Court explained that moral damages can be recovered in cases
liabilities imposed in her supplemental motion for the matter of the imposition of penalties for the crime of libel of libel or slander, viz:
reconsideration before the CA. It bewails that in her petition for bearing in mind the following principles:
certiorari, she merely questioned the propriety of the denial of It was the articles of Tulfo that caused injury to Atty. So, and
her motion to inhibit before the R TC; the exclusion of some of 1. This Administrative Circular does not remove imprisonment for that Atty. So deserves the award of moral damages.
her exhibits; and the alleged lack of personal service of the as an alternative penalty for the crime of libel under Article 355 Justification for the award of moral damages is found in Art.
notice of the promulgation of judgment. Thus, the OSG laments of the Revised Penal Code; 2219 (7) of the Civil Code, which states that moral damages
that the issues put forth in Visitacion's petition for review before may be recovered in cases of libel, slander, or any other form of
the Court were raised for the first time on appeal. 2. The Judges concerned may, in the exercise of sound defamation. As the cases involved are criminal cases of libel,
discretion, and taking into consideration the peculiar they fall squarely within the ambit of Art. 2219 (7).
It is axiomatic that issues raised for the first time on appeal will circumstances of each case, determine whether the imposition
not be entertained because to do so would be anathema to the of a fine alone would best serve the interests of justice or Moral damages can be awarded even in the absence of actual
rudiments of fairness and due process.14 Nonetheless, there whether forbearing to impose imprisonment would depreciate or compensatory damages. The fact that no actual or
are also exceptions to the said rule. In Del Rosario v. Bonga, 15 the seriousness of the offense, work violence on the social compensatory damage was proven before the trial court does
the Court explained that there are instances that issues raised order, or otherwise be contrary to the imperatives of justice; not adversely affect the offended party's right to recover moral
for the first time on appeal may be entertained, viz: damages.22 (emphasis supplied)
3. Should only a fine be imposed and the accused be unable to
Indeed, there are exceptions to the aforecited rule that no pay the fine, there is no legal obstacle to the application of the For moral damages to be awarded, proof of pecuniary loss is
question may be raised for the first time on appeal. Though not Revised Penal Code provisions on subsidiary imprisonment. unnecessary but the factual basis of damages and its causal
raised below, the issue of lack of jurisdiction over the subject connection to the defendant's acts must be satisfactorily
matter may be considered by the reviewing court, as it may be A review of A.C. No. 08-08 reveals that it was issued to embody established.23 In short, the complainant's injury should have
raised at any stage. The said court may also consider an issue the Court's preference, as espoused in previous jurisprudence, been due to the actions of the offending party.
not properly raised during trial when there is plain error. to impose only a fine for conviction of libel. The said circular,
Likewise, it may entertain such arguments when there are however, does not remove the discretion of courts to sentence Here, the evidence on record justify the award of moral
jurisprudential developments affecting the issues, or when the to imprisonment the accused in libel cases should the damages to Punongbayan. She was a high-ranking officer of an
issues raised present a matter of public policy. circumstances warrant. In other words, judicial policy states a educational institution whom Visitacion accused of criminal or
fine alone is generally acceptable as a penalty for libel. improper conduct. Such accusations were not made known only
Further, the matters raised in the present petition warrant the Nevertheless, the courts may impose imprisonment as a penalty to the victim but also to other persons such as her staff and
relaxation of the rules concerning issues raised for the first time if, under the circumstances, a fine is insufficient to meet the employees of a bank the school had transactions with. Thus,
on appeal especially considering the jurisprudential demands of substantial justice or would depreciate the Punongbayan's reputation was besmirched and she was
developments since the RTC decision and the needs for seriousness of the offense. humiliated before her subordinates and other people. Clearly,
substantial justice. In liberally applying the rules in the case at her reputation was tarnished after being accused of unsavory
bar, the Court does not wish to brush aside its importance; Thus, pursuant to the policy in A.C. No. 08-08, the Court finds and questionable behavior, primarily attributable to Visitacion's
rather, it emphasizes the nature of the said rules as tools to that the imposition of a fine, instead of imprisonment, is act of circulating the letter imputing wrongdoing of
facilitate the attainment of substantial justice.16 sufficient in the present case. It is noteworthy that Visitacion is Punongbayan.
a first-time offender with no other criminal record under her
Having settled procedural matters, the Court finds the petition name. Further, the degree of publication is not that widespread In addition, it is noteworthy that in her present petition for
meritorious. considering that the libelous letter was circulated only to a few review on certiorari before the Court, Visitacion simply
individuals. challenges the unreasonable amount of moral damages
Penalty imposed for libel awarded and prays for its reduction. By inference, she admits
Moral damages in libel cases she had caused Punongbayan injury, thus, the issue remains to
In her present petition for review on certiorari,17 Visitacion no be the amount of moral damages warranted under the
longer questions her conviction for the crime of libel. Rather, Visitacion likewise assails the award of moral damages. She circumstances.
she assails the decisions of the courts a quo in sentencing her does not question the basis for the award of moral damages per
to one (1) year imprisonment and to pay Punongbayan se but bewails the unjust amount set by the trial court. In Yuchengco v. The Manila Chronicle Publishing Corporation,24
₱3,000,000.00 as moral damages. the Court explained that in awarding moral damages, the
Moral damages is the amount awarded to a person to have surrounding circumstances are controlling factors but should
Relevant is Administrative Circular (A. C.) No. 08-0818 which suffered physical suffering, mental anguish, fright, serious always be commensurate to the perceived injury:
provides for guidelines in the imposition of penalties in libel anxiety, besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock,
cases. The pertinent portion thereof reads: social humiliation, and similar injury.19 It is given to ease the While there is no hard-and-fast rule in determining what would
victim's grief and suffering, and should reasonably approximate be a fair and reasonable amount of moral damages, the same
The foregoing cases indicate an emergent rule of preference for the extent of the hurt caused and the gravity of the wrong should not be palpably and scandalously excessive. Moral
the imposition of fine only rather than imprisonment in libel done.20 damages are not intended to impose a penalty to the
cases under the circumstances therein specified. wrongdoer, neither to enrich the claimant at the expense of the
The RTC found Punongbayan entitled to moral damages defendant.
because Visitacion's libelous act caused her to suffer ridicule,
Even petitioner, in his Comment dated June 21, 2010, agree This case stemmed from a Complaint5 for sum of money and
that moral damages "are not awarded in order to punish the LUCAS P. BERSAMIN damages filed by Germo against MRII – a domestic corporation
respondents or to make the petitioner any richer than he Associate Justice engaged in supplying water, selling industrial maintenance
already is, but to enable the latter to find some cure for the MARVIC M.V.F. LEONEN chemicals, and water treatment and chemical cleaning services6
moral anguish and distress he has undergone by reason of the Associate Justice – and its President/Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Tompar. The
defamatory and damaging articles which the respondents wrote complaint alleged that on September 21, 2004, MRII, through
and published." Further, petitioner cites as sufficient basis for ALEXANDER G. GESMUNDO Tompar, entered into a Technical Consultancy Agreement
the award of damages the plain reason that he had to "go Associate Justice (TCA)7 with Germo, whereby the parties agreed, inter alia, that:
through the ordeal of defending himself everytime someone (a) Germo shall stand as MRII's marketing consultant who shall
approached him to ask whether or not the statements in the ATTESTATION take charge of negotiating, perfecting sales, orders, contracts,
defamatory article are true." or services of MRII, but there shall be no employer-employee
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decisionhad been relationship between them; and (b) Germo shall be paid on a
In Philippine Journalists, Inc. (People's Journal) v. Thoenen, reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the purely commission basis, including a monthly allowance of
citing Guevarra v. Almario, We noted that the damages in a libel writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division. P5,000.00.8
case must depend upon the facts of the particular case and the
sound discretion of the court, although appellate courts were PRESBITERO J. VELASCO, JR. On May 2, 2006 and during the effectivity of the TCA, Germo
"more likely to reduce damages for libel than to increase them." Associate Justice successfully negotiated and closed with International Container
So it must be in this case. Chairperson, Third Division Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) a supply contract of 700 cubic
meters of purified water per day. Accordingly, MRII commenced
Moral damages are not a bonanza. They are given to ease the CERTIFICATION supplying water to ICTSI on February 22, 2007, and in tum,
defendant's grief and suffering. Moral damages should be the latter religiously paid MRII the corresponding monthly
reasonably approximate to the extent of the hurt caused and Pursuant to the Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and fees.9 Despite the foregoing, MRII allegedly never paid Germo
the gravity of the wrong done. The Court, therefore, finds the the Division Chairperson’s Attestation, I certify that the his rightful commissions amounting to P2,225,969.56 as of
award of moral damages in the first and second cause of action conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in December 2009, inclusive of interest.10 Initially, Germo filed a
in the amount of ₱2,000,000.00 and ₱25,000,000.00, consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the complaint before the National Labor Relations Commission
respectively, to be too excessive and holds that an award of opinion of the Court’s Division. (NLRC), but the same was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction due
₱1,000,000.00 and ₱10,000,000.00, respectively, as moral to the absence of employer-employee relationship between him
damages are more reasonable.25 (emphases supplied) MARIA LOURDES P.A. SERENO and MRII. He then filed a civil case before the Regional Trial
Chief Justice Court of Muntinlupa, Branch 256, but the same was dismissed
With this in mind, the Court finds the award of ₱3,000,000.00 without prejudice to its re-filing due to his counsel's failure to
as moral damages to be unwarranted.1âwphi1 Such exorbitant mark all his documentary evidence at the pre-trial
amount is contrary to the essence of moral damages, which is conference.11 Hence, Germo filed the instant complaint praying
simply a reasonable recompense to the injury suffered by the SECOND DIVISION that MRII and Tompar be made to pay him the amounts of
one claiming it. It was neither meant to punish the offender nor P2,225,969.56 as unpaid commissions with legal interest from
enrich the offended party. Thus, to conform with the present G.R. No. 228799, January 10, 2018 the time they were due until fully paid, P1,000,000.00 as moral
circumstances, the moral damages awarded should be equitably damages, P1,000,000.00 as exemplary damages, and the costs
reduced to ₱500,000.00. MACTAN ROCK INDUSTRIES, INC. AND ANTONIO TOMPAR, of suit.12
Petitioners, v. BENFREI S. GERMO, Respondent.
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The 12 May 2003 In their Answer,13 MRII and Tompar averred, among others,
Judgment of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 5, Iligan City, in DECISION that: (a) there was no employer-employee relationship between
Criminal Case No. 7939 is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION. MRII and Germo as the latter was hired as a mere consultant;
Petitioner Marilou Punongbayan-Visitacion is sentenced to pay a PERLAS-BERNABE, J.: (b) Germo failed to prove that the ICTSI account materialized
fine in the amount of Six Thousand Pesos (₱6,000.00), with through his efforts as he did not submit the required periodic
subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency, and to pay Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari1 are the reports of his negotiations with prospective clients; and (c)
private respondent Carmelita P. Punongbayan ₱500,000.00 as Decision2 dated August 8, 2016 and the Resolution3 dated ICTSI became MRII's client through the efforts of a certain Ed
moral damages. October 14, 2016 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV Fornes.14 Further, MRII and Tompar claimed that Germo
No. 104431, which affirmed the Decision4 dated January 14, should be made to pay them litigation expenses and attorney's
SO ORDERED. 2015 of the Regional Trial Court of Muntinlupa City, Branch 276 fees as they were compelled to litigate and engage the services
(RTC) in Civil Case No. 11-029, finding petitioners Mactan Rock of counsel to protect their interest.15
SAMUEL R. MARTIRES Industries, Inc. (MRII) and Antonio Tompar (Tompar) solidarily
Associate Justice liable to pay respondent Benfrei S. Germo (Germo) the amount Due to MRII, Tompar, and their counsel's multiple absences at
of P4,499,412.84 plus interest, damages, and attorney's fees. the various schedules for pre-trial conference, the RTC
WE CONCUR: considered them as "in default," thereby allowing Germo to
present his evidence ex-parte.16
Associate Justice The RTC Ruling
favor; (d) despite the foregoing and demands from Germo,
In a Decision17 dated January 14, 2015, the RTC ruled in The Issue Before the Court MRII refused to pay Germo's rightful commission fees; and (e)
Germo's favor, and accordingly, ordered MRII and Tompar to MRII's refusal to pay Germo resulted – or at the very least,
solidarily pay him the amounts of: (a) P4,499,412.84 contributed to – Germo's financial hardships. In light of the
representing Germo's unpaid commissions from February 2007 The issue for the Court's resolution is whether or not the CA foregoing, the courts a quo correctly found MRII liable to Germo
until March 2012 with legal interest from judicial demand until correctly upheld MRII and Tompar's solidary liability to Germo. for the various monetary obligations as stated in their
fully satisfied; (b) P100,000.00 as moral damages; (c) respective rulings. Time and again, it has been consistently held
P100,000.00 as exemplary damages; and (d) P50,000.00 as The Court's Ruling that the factual findings of the trial court, especially when
attorney's fees.18 affirmed by the CA, deserve great weight and respect and will
not be disturbed on appeal unless it appears that there are facts
The RTC found that MRII and Germo validly entered into a TCA The petition is partly meritorious. of weight and substance that were overlooked or misinterpreted
whereby the latter shall act as the former's marketing and that would materially affect the disposition of the case;41
consultant, to be paid on a commission basis.19 It also found In the instant petition, MRII and Tompar insist, among others none of which are present insofar as this matter is concerned.
that MRII's contract with ICTSI was made possible through that: (a) the regular courts have no jurisdiction over the case as
Germo's negotiation and marketing skills, and as such, the latter the present dispute involves an employment dispute cognizable Be that as it may, the Court finds that the courts a quo erred in
should be paid the commissions due to him. In this regard, by the NLRC; and (b) Germo had no legal personality to pursue concluding that Tompar, in his capacity as then-President/CEO
Germo presented various sales invoices spanning the period of the case as he signed the TCA not in his personal capacity, but of MRII, should be held solidarily liable with MRII for the latter's
February 2007 to March 2012, wherein he should have been as a representative of another entity.33 obligations to Germo. It is a basic rule that a corporation is a
paid commissions in the amount of P4,499,412.84.20 Further, juridical entity which is vested with legal and personality
based on the evidence presented and in order to deter those Such insistence is untenable. separate and distinct from those acting for and in behalf of, and
who intend to negate the fulfillment of an obligation to the from the people comprising it. As a general rule, directors,
prejudice of another, the RTC found it appropriate to award As aptly pointed out by the CA, the foregoing constitutes a new officers, or employees of a corporation cannot be held
Germo moral damages, exemplary damages, and attorney's theory raised for the first time on appeal, considering that in personally liable for the obligations incurred by the corporation,
fees in the foregoing amounts.21 Finally, the RTC imposed a their Answer34 before the RTC, MRII and Tompar admitted, unless it can be shown that such director/officer/employee is
lien equivalent to the appropriate legal fees on the monetary inter alia, the: (a) lack of employer-employee relationship guilty of negligence or bad faith, and that the same was clearly
awards in Germo's favor, noting that the latter litigated the between MRII and Germo as the latter was hired as a mere and convincingly proven. Thus, before a director or officer of a
instant suit as an indigent.22 consultant; and (b) genuineness, authenticity, and due corporation can be held personally liable for corporate
execution of the TCA, among other documents proving Germo's obligations, the following requisites must concur: (1) the
Aggrieved, MRII and Tompar appealed23 to the CA, this time claims.35 "As a rule, a party who deliberately adopts a certain complainant must allege in the complaint that the director or
claiming, among others, that: (a) the jurisdiction over the case theory upon which the case is tried and decided by the lower officer assented to patently unlawful acts of the corporation, or
lies before the NLRC as the same is a monetary dispute arising court, will not be permitted to change theory on appeal. Points that the officer was guilty of gross negligence or bad faith; and
from an employer-employee relationship; and (b) Germo had no of law, theories, issues and arguments not brought to the (2) the complainant must clearly and convincingly prove such
legal personality to pursue the instant case since he only signed attention of the lower court need not be, and ordinarily will not unlawful acts, negligence or bad faith.42 In this case, Tompar's
the TCA as a representative of another entity.24 be, considered by a reviewing court, as these cannot be raised assent to patently unlawful acts of the MRII or that his acts
for the first time at such late stage. It would be unfair to the were tainted by gross negligence or bad faith was not alleged in
The CA Ruling adverse party who would have no opportunity to present further Germo's complaint, much less proven in the course of trial.
evidence material to the new theory, which it could have done Therefore, the deletion of Tompar's solidary liability with MRII is
had it been aware of it at the time of the hearing before the in order.
In a Decision25 dated August 8, 2016, the CA affirmed the RTC trial court."36 While this rule admits of an exception,37 such is
ruling.26 It held that Germo had sufficiently proven through the not applicable in this case. Further, the Court deems it proper to adjust the interests
required quantum of evidence that: (a) he and MRII, through imposed on the monetary awards in Germo's favor. To
Tompar, entered into a TCA and thus, the provisions thereof are More importantly, MRII and Tompar's statements in their recapitulate, he was awarded the amounts of P4,499,412.84
binding between them; (b) MRII's contract with ICTSI was Answer constitute judicial admissions,38 which are legally representing his unpaid commissions from February 2007 to
realized through Germo's efforts; and (c) MRII failed to pay binding on them.39 Case law instructs that even if such judicial March 2012, P100,000.00 as moral damages, P100,000.00 as
Germo the commissions due to him pursuant to the TCA and admissions place a party at a disadvantageous position, he may exemplary damages, and P50,000.00 as attorney's fees.
the ICTSI contract.27 not be allowed to rescind them unilaterally and that he must Pursuant to prevailing jurisprudence, his unpaid commissions
assume the consequences of such disadvantage,40 as in this shall earn legal interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per
Anent MRII and Tompar's additional arguments, the CA held case. annum from judicial demand, i.e., the filing of the complaint on
that the same constitutes a new case theory, which cannot be February 28, 2011 until June 30, 2013, and thereafter, at the
introduced for the first time on appeal. The CA further pointed As to the merits of the case, the courts a quo correctly found rate of six percent (6%) per annum from July 1, 2013 until the
out that such new theory is directly contradictory to the judicial that: (a) Germo entered into a valid and binding TCA with MRII finality of this Decision. Thereafter, all monetary awards due to
admissions they made in their Answer,28 which are already where he was engaged as a marketing consultant; (b) aside him shall then earn legal interest at the rate of six percent (6%)
binding on them.29 from the P5,000.00 monthly allowance, Germo was going to be per annum from the finality of this ruling until fully paid.43
paid on a purely commission basis; (c) during the effectivity of
Undaunted, MRII and Tompar moved for reconsideration,30 but the TCA and in the performance of his duties as marketing Finally, since Germo litigated the instant suit as an indigent
the same was denied in a Resolution31 dated October 14, 2016; consultant of MRII, Germo successfully brokered MRII's contract party as defined in Section 21, Rule 344 of the Rules of Court, it
hence, this petition.32 of services with ICTSI, obviously resulting in revenues in MRII's is only proper that the appropriate filing fees be considered as a
lien on the monetary awards due to him, pursuant to the
second paragraph of Section 19, Rule 14145 of the same Rules. This case stemmed from a Complaint5 for sum of money and
damages filed by Germo against MRII – a domestic corporation In a Decision17 dated January 14, 2015, the RTC ruled in
WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTLY GRANTED. The Decision engaged in supplying water, selling industrial maintenance Germo's favor, and accordingly, ordered MRII and Tompar to
dated August 8, 2016 and the Resolution dated October 14, chemicals, and water treatment and chemical cleaning services6 solidarily pay him the amounts of: (a) P4,499,412.84
2016 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 104431 are – and its President/Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Tompar. The representing Germo's unpaid commissions from February 2007
hereby AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION, DELETING petitioner complaint alleged that on September 21, 2004, MRII, through until March 2012 with legal interest from judicial demand until
Antonio Tompar's solidary liability with petitioner Mactan Rock Tompar, entered into a Technical Consultancy Agreement fully satisfied; (b) P100,000.00 as moral damages; (c)
Industries, Inc. (MRII). Accordingly, MRII is solely liable to (TCA)7 with Germo, whereby the parties agreed, inter alia, that: P100,000.00 as exemplary damages; and (d) P50,000.00 as
respondent Benfrei S. Germo (Germo) for the following (a) Germo shall stand as MRII's marketing consultant who shall attorney's fees.18
amounts: (a) P4,499,412.84 representing his unpaid take charge of negotiating, perfecting sales, orders, contracts,
commissions from February 2007 to March 2012 with legal or services of MRII, but there shall be no employer-employee The RTC found that MRII and Germo validly entered into a TCA
interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum from relationship between them; and (b) Germo shall be paid on a whereby the latter shall act as the former's marketing
judicial demand, i.e., the filing of the complaint on February 28, purely commission basis, including a monthly allowance of consultant, to be paid on a commission basis.19 It also found
2011 until June 30, 2013, and thereafter, at the rate of six P5,000.00.8 that MRII's contract with ICTSI was made possible through
percent (6%) per annum from July 1, 2013 until the finality of Germo's negotiation and marketing skills, and as such, the latter
this Decision; (b) P100,000.00 as moral damages; (c) On May 2, 2006 and during the effectivity of the TCA, Germo should be paid the commissions due to him. In this regard,
P100,000.00 as exemplary damages; and (d) P50,000.00 as successfully negotiated and closed with International Container Germo presented various sales invoices spanning the period of
attorney's fees. The total monetary awards shall then earn legal Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) a supply contract of 700 cubic February 2007 to March 2012, wherein he should have been
interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum from the meters of purified water per day. Accordingly, MRII commenced paid commissions in the amount of P4,499,412.84.20 Further,
finality of this ruling until fully paid. supplying water to ICTSI on February 22, 2007, and in tum, based on the evidence presented and in order to deter those
the latter religiously paid MRII the corresponding monthly who intend to negate the fulfillment of an obligation to the
Finally, let the appropriate filing fees be considered as a lien on fees.9 Despite the foregoing, MRII allegedly never paid Germo prejudice of another, the RTC found it appropriate to award
the monetary awards due to Germo, who litigated the instant his rightful commissions amounting to P2,225,969.56 as of Germo moral damages, exemplary damages, and attorney's
case as an indigent party, in accordance with Section 19, Rule December 2009, inclusive of interest.10 Initially, Germo filed a fees in the foregoing amounts.21 Finally, the RTC imposed a
141 of the Rules of Court. complaint before the National Labor Relations Commission lien equivalent to the appropriate legal fees on the monetary
(NLRC), but the same was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction due awards in Germo's favor, noting that the latter litigated the
SO ORDERED. to the absence of employer-employee relationship between him instant suit as an indigent.22
and MRII. He then filed a civil case before the Regional Trial
Carpio, (Chairperson), Peralta, and Caguioa, JJ., concur. Court of Muntinlupa, Branch 256, but the same was dismissed Aggrieved, MRII and Tompar appealed23 to the CA, this time
Reyes, Jr., J., on leave. without prejudice to its re-filing due to his counsel's failure to claiming, among others, that: (a) the jurisdiction over the case
mark all his documentary evidence at the pre-trial lies before the NLRC as the same is a monetary dispute arising
conference.11 Hence, Germo filed the instant complaint praying from an employer-employee relationship; and (b) Germo had no
SECOND DIVISION that MRII and Tompar be made to pay him the amounts of legal personality to pursue the instant case since he only signed
P2,225,969.56 as unpaid commissions with legal interest from the TCA as a representative of another entity.24
G.R. No. 228799, January 10, 2018 the time they were due until fully paid, P1,000,000.00 as moral
damages, P1,000,000.00 as exemplary damages, and the costs The CA Ruling
Petitioners, v. BENFREI S. GERMO, Respondent.
In their Answer,13 MRII and Tompar averred, among others, In a Decision25 dated August 8, 2016, the CA affirmed the RTC
DECISION that: (a) there was no employer-employee relationship between ruling.26 It held that Germo had sufficiently proven through the
MRII and Germo as the latter was hired as a mere consultant; required quantum of evidence that: (a) he and MRII, through
PERLAS-BERNABE, J.: (b) Germo failed to prove that the ICTSI account materialized Tompar, entered into a TCA and thus, the provisions thereof are
through his efforts as he did not submit the required periodic binding between them; (b) MRII's contract with ICTSI was
Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari1 are the reports of his negotiations with prospective clients; and (c) realized through Germo's efforts; and (c) MRII failed to pay
Decision2 dated August 8, 2016 and the Resolution3 dated ICTSI became MRII's client through the efforts of a certain Ed Germo the commissions due to him pursuant to the TCA and
October 14, 2016 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV Fornes.14 Further, MRII and Tompar claimed that Germo the ICTSI contract.27
No. 104431, which affirmed the Decision4 dated January 14, should be made to pay them litigation expenses and attorney's
2015 of the Regional Trial Court of Muntinlupa City, Branch 276 fees as they were compelled to litigate and engage the services Anent MRII and Tompar's additional arguments, the CA held
(RTC) in Civil Case No. 11-029, finding petitioners Mactan Rock of counsel to protect their interest.15 that the same constitutes a new case theory, which cannot be
Industries, Inc. (MRII) and Antonio Tompar (Tompar) solidarily introduced for the first time on appeal. The CA further pointed
liable to pay respondent Benfrei S. Germo (Germo) the amount Due to MRII, Tompar, and their counsel's multiple absences at out that such new theory is directly contradictory to the judicial
of P4,499,412.84 plus interest, damages, and attorney's fees. the various schedules for pre-trial conference, the RTC admissions they made in their Answer,28 which are already
considered them as "in default," thereby allowing Germo to binding on them.29
present his evidence ex-parte.16
The Facts
The RTC Ruling
Undaunted, MRII and Tompar moved for reconsideration,30 but the TCA and in the performance of his duties as marketing Finally, since Germo litigated the instant suit as an indigent
the same was denied in a Resolution31 dated October 14, 2016; consultant of MRII, Germo successfully brokered MRII's contract party as defined in Section 21, Rule 344 of the Rules of Court, it
hence, this petition.32 of services with ICTSI, obviously resulting in revenues in MRII's is only proper that the appropriate filing fees be considered as a
favor; (d) despite the foregoing and demands from Germo, lien on the monetary awards due to him, pursuant to the
The Issue Before the Court MRII refused to pay Germo's rightful commission fees; and (e) second paragraph of Section 19, Rule 14145 of the same Rules.
MRII's refusal to pay Germo resulted – or at the very least,
contributed to – Germo's financial hardships. In light of the WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTLY GRANTED. The Decision
The issue for the Court's resolution is whether or not the CA foregoing, the courts a quo correctly found MRII liable to Germo dated August 8, 2016 and the Resolution dated October 14,
correctly upheld MRII and Tompar's solidary liability to Germo. for the various monetary obligations as stated in their 2016 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 104431 are
respective rulings. Time and again, it has been consistently held hereby AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION, DELETING petitioner
The Court's Ruling that the factual findings of the trial court, especially when Antonio Tompar's solidary liability with petitioner Mactan Rock
affirmed by the CA, deserve great weight and respect and will Industries, Inc. (MRII). Accordingly, MRII is solely liable to
not be disturbed on appeal unless it appears that there are facts respondent Benfrei S. Germo (Germo) for the following
The petition is partly meritorious. of weight and substance that were overlooked or misinterpreted amounts: (a) P4,499,412.84 representing his unpaid
and that would materially affect the disposition of the case;41 commissions from February 2007 to March 2012 with legal
In the instant petition, MRII and Tompar insist, among others none of which are present insofar as this matter is concerned. interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum from
that: (a) the regular courts have no jurisdiction over the case as judicial demand, i.e., the filing of the complaint on February 28,
the present dispute involves an employment dispute cognizable Be that as it may, the Court finds that the courts a quo erred in 2011 until June 30, 2013, and thereafter, at the rate of six
by the NLRC; and (b) Germo had no legal personality to pursue concluding that Tompar, in his capacity as then-President/CEO percent (6%) per annum from July 1, 2013 until the finality of
the case as he signed the TCA not in his personal capacity, but of MRII, should be held solidarily liable with MRII for the latter's this Decision; (b) P100,000.00 as moral damages; (c)
as a representative of another entity.33 obligations to Germo. It is a basic rule that a corporation is a P100,000.00 as exemplary damages; and (d) P50,000.00 as
juridical entity which is vested with legal and personality attorney's fees. The total monetary awards shall then earn legal
Such insistence is untenable. separate and distinct from those acting for and in behalf of, and interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum from the
from the people comprising it. As a general rule, directors, finality of this ruling until fully paid.
As aptly pointed out by the CA, the foregoing constitutes a new officers, or employees of a corporation cannot be held
theory raised for the first time on appeal, considering that in personally liable for the obligations incurred by the corporation, Finally, let the appropriate filing fees be considered as a lien on
their Answer34 before the RTC, MRII and Tompar admitted, unless it can be shown that such director/officer/employee is the monetary awards due to Germo, who litigated the instant
inter alia, the: (a) lack of employer-employee relationship guilty of negligence or bad faith, and that the same was clearly case as an indigent party, in accordance with Section 19, Rule
between MRII and Germo as the latter was hired as a mere and convincingly proven. Thus, before a director or officer of a 141 of the Rules of Court.
consultant; and (b) genuineness, authenticity, and due corporation can be held personally liable for corporate
execution of the TCA, among other documents proving Germo's obligations, the following requisites must concur: (1) the SO ORDERED.
claims.35 "As a rule, a party who deliberately adopts a certain complainant must allege in the complaint that the director or
theory upon which the case is tried and decided by the lower officer assented to patently unlawful acts of the corporation, or Carpio, (Chairperson), Peralta, and Caguioa, JJ., concur.
court, will not be permitted to change theory on appeal. Points that the officer was guilty of gross negligence or bad faith; and Reyes, Jr., J., on leave.
of law, theories, issues and arguments not brought to the (2) the complainant must clearly and convincingly prove such
attention of the lower court need not be, and ordinarily will not unlawful acts, negligence or bad faith.42 In this case, Tompar's FIRST DIVISION
be, considered by a reviewing court, as these cannot be raised assent to patently unlawful acts of the MRII or that his acts
for the first time at such late stage. It would be unfair to the were tainted by gross negligence or bad faith was not alleged in January 11, 2018
adverse party who would have no opportunity to present further Germo's complaint, much less proven in the course of trial.
evidence material to the new theory, which it could have done Therefore, the deletion of Tompar's solidary liability with MRII is G.R. No. 190286
had it been aware of it at the time of the hearing before the in order.
trial court."36 While this rule admits of an exception,37 such is RAMON E. REYES and CLARA R. PASTOR, Petitioners
not applicable in this case. Further, the Court deems it proper to adjust the interests vs.
imposed on the monetary awards in Germo's favor. To BANCOM DEVELOPMENT CORP., Respondent
More importantly, MRII and Tompar's statements in their recapitulate, he was awarded the amounts of P4,499,412.84
Answer constitute judicial admissions,38 which are legally representing his unpaid commissions from February 2007 to DECISION
binding on them.39 Case law instructs that even if such judicial March 2012, P100,000.00 as moral damages, P100,000.00 as
admissions place a party at a disadvantageous position, he may exemplary damages, and P50,000.00 as attorney's fees. SERENO, CJ.:
not be allowed to rescind them unilaterally and that he must Pursuant to prevailing jurisprudence, his unpaid commissions
assume the consequences of such disadvantage,40 as in this shall earn legal interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per Before this Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari1 filed by
case. annum from judicial demand, i.e., the filing of the complaint on Ramon E. Reyes and Clara R. Pastor seeking to reverse the
February 28, 2011 until June 30, 2013, and thereafter, at the Decision2 and the Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in
As to the merits of the case, the courts a quo correctly found rate of six percent (6%) per annum from July 1, 2013 until the CA-G.R. CV No. 45959. The CA affirmed the ruling of the
that: (a) Germo entered into a valid and binding TCA with MRII finality of this Decision. Thereafter, all monetary awards due to Regional Trial Court (RTC) holding petitioners jointly and
where he was engaged as a marketing consultant; (b) aside him shall then earn legal interest at the rate of six percent (6%) severally liable to respondent Bancom Development Corporation
from the P5,000.00 monthly allowance, Germo was going to be per annum from the finality of this ruling until fully paid.43 (Bancom) as guarantors of certain loans obtained by Marbella
paid on a purely commission basis; (c) during the effectivity of Realty, Inc. (Marbella).
the execution of Promissory Notes and the Continuing Guaranty
FACTS from the Reyes Group,15 despite the fact that additional In this case, it is worth to note that it is an undisputed fact that
financing became necessary only because of the failure of Fereit defendants-appellants failed to make good their alleged
The dispute in this case originated from a Continuing Guaranty4 (Bancom's sister company) to comply with its obligation.16 obligations under the Promissory Notes and Continuing
executed in favor of respondent Bancom by Angel E. Reyes, Sr., Guaranty which they issued in favor of BAN[C]OM. [The
Florencio To bolster its claim that the promissory notes were issued in instruments'] genuineness and due execution are likewise
connection with Fereit's obligations, Marbella, together with the undisputed.
Reyes, Jr., Rosario R. Du, Olivia Arevalo, and the two Reyes Group, also presented a document entitled Amendment
petitioners herein, Ramon E. Reyes and Clara R. Pastor (the of Memorandum of Agreement.17 In this instrument, Fereit Defendants-appellants' only defense rests on the allegation that
Reyes Group). In the instrument, the Reyes Group agreed to undertook to reimburse Marbella for the ₱2.8 million the latter their non-payment of such obligations is justified taking into
guarantee the full and due payment of obligations incurred by had paid, and for all penalties, fees, and charges incurred to consideration the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement
Marbella under an Underwriting Agreement with Bancom. These obtain additional financing. entered into by and among the plaintiff-appellee and
obligations included certain Promissory Notes5 issued by defendants-appellants herein particularly paragraph 13 thereof.
Marbella in favor of Bancom on 24 May 1979 for the aggregate THE RTC RULING Said the appellants in support hereof, since Bancom [which was
amount of ₱2,828,140.32. in full control of the financial affairs of Fereit] failed to cause
In a Decision dated 8 April 1991, the RTC held Marbella and the the release of the aforesaid receivables (₱2,800,000) to State
It appears from the records that Marbella was unable to pay Reyes Group solidarily liable to Bancom. The trial court ordered Financing by Fereit, Bancom should necessarily suffer the
back the notes at the time of their maturity. Consequently, it them to pay the amounts indicated on the Promissory Notes consequences thereof - not the defendants-appellants.
issued a set of replacement Promissory Notes6 on 22 August dated 28 February 1980 in the total amount of ₱4,300,247.35
1979, this time for the increased amount of ₱2,901,466.48. It plus interest computed from 19 May 1981, the date of demand; Apparently, the thrust of defendants-appellants' defense points
again defaulted on the payment of this second set of notes, and to pay penalties and attorney's fees as well.18 to Fereit's non-compliance with paragraph 13 of the
leading to the execution of a third set7 for the total amount of "Memorandum of Agreement." However, records show that
₱3,002,333.84, and finally a fourth set8 for the same amount. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE CA defendants-appellants did nothing to formally [assert] their
rights against Fereit. Truly, this Court agrees with the trial
Because of Marbella's continued failure to pay back the loan Marbella and the Reyes Group appealed the RTC ruling to the court's pronouncement that defendants-appellants' failure to
despite repeated demands, Bancom filed a Complaint for Sum CA.19 They asserted that the trial court erred in disregarding avail of the remedies provided by law, such as the filing of a
of Money with a prayer for damages before the RTC of Makati the terms of the earlier agreements they had entered into with third-party complaint against Fereit, necessarily indicates that
on 7 July 1981.9 The case, which sought payment of the total Bancom and Fere it.20 The former also reiterated that the they themselves did not seriously consider Fereit's non-
sum of ₱4,300,247.35, was instituted against (a) Marbella as amounts covered by the Promissory Notes represented compliance as affecting their own liability to BANCOM. This can
principal debtor; and (b) the individuals comprising the Reyes additional financing secured from Bancom to fulfill Fereit's be done for after all, Fereit is still a different entity with distinct
Group as guarantors of the loan. obligations. Hence, they said they cannot be held liable for the and separate corporate existence from that of BANCOM even
payment of those amounts.21 granting that BANCOM is in full control of the financial affairs of
In their defense, Marbella and the Reyes Group argued that Fereit.
they had been forced to execute the Promissory Notes and the In the course of the proceedings before the CA, Abella
Continuing Guaranty against their will.10 They also alleged that Concepcion Regala & Cruz moved to withdraw its appearance in xxxx
the foregoing instruments should be interpreted in relation to the case as counsel for Bancom.22 The law firm asserted that it
earlier contracts pertaining to the development of a had "totally lost contact" with its client despite serious efforts on Besides, the terms of the promissory notes and "Continuing
condominium project known as Marbella II.11 the part of the former to get in touch with its officers.23 The Guaranty" xxx are clear and unequivocal, leaving no room [for]
law firm also alleged that it had "received reports that the client interpretation. For not being contrary to law, morals, good
The Marbella II contracts were entered into by Bancom; the has undergone a merger with another entity," thereby making customs, public order and public policy, defendants' obligation
Reyes Group, as owners of the parcel of land to be utilized for its authority to represent the corporation subject to doubt.24 has the force of law and should be complied with in good
the condominium project along Roxas Boulevard; and Fereit faith.27
Realty Development Corporation (Fereit), a sister company of In a Resolution dated l June 2004,25 the CA granted the motion
Bancom, as the construction developer and project manager.12 after noting that the copy of a resolution sent to Bancom had Of the individuals comprising the Reyes Group, only petitioners
This venture, however, soon encountered financial difficulties. been returned to the appellate court unclaimed. The CA held filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the CA Decision.28 They
As a result, the Reyes Group was allegedly forced to enter into that this failure of service supported the claim of Abella reiterated their argument that the Promissory Notes were not
a Memorandum of Agreement to take on part of the loans Concepcion Regala & Cruz that the latter had lost all contact meant to be binding, given that the funds released to Marbella
obtained by Fereit from Bancom for the development of the with its client. by Bancom were not loans, but merely additional financing.
project. Marbella, for its part, was supposedly compelled to Petitioners also contended that the action must be considered
assume Fereit's obligation to cause the release of ₱2.8 million in THE CA RULING abated pursuant to Section 122 of the Corporation Code. They
receivables then assigned to State Financing;13 and pointed out that the Certificate of Registration issued to Bancom
subsequently to obtain additional financing from Bancom in the In a Decision dated 25 June 2009,26 the CA denied the appeal had been revoked by the Securities and Exchange Commission
same amount for that purpose.14 citing the undisputed fact that Marbella and the Reyes Group (SEC) on 31 May 2004, and that no trustee or receiver had
had failed to comply with their obligations under the Promissory been appointed to continue the suit; in fact, even Bancom's
The above developments were cited by Marbella and the Reyes Notes and the guaranty. The appellate court rejected the former counsel was compelled to withdraw its appearance from
group in support of the allegation that Bancom took advantage assertion that noncompliance was justified by the earlier the case, as it could no longer contact the corporation.
of their resultant financial distress. Bancom allegedly demanded agreements entered into by the parties. The CA explained:
On 23 July 2009, petitioners filed a Supplement to their Motion and other objectives relating to the settlement and closure of
for Reconsideration.29 In support of their argument on the corporate affairs. We disagree.
abatement of the suit, they attached a Certificate of Corporate
Filing/Information issued by the SEC. The latter confirmed that Based on the provision, a defunct corporation loses the right to It is evident from the foregoing discussion of law and
Bancom's Certificate of Registration30 had been revoked on 26 sue and be sued in its name upon the expiration of the three- jurisprudence that the mere revocation of the charter of a
May 2003 for noncompliance with the SEC's reportorial year period provided by law.36 Jurisprudence, however, has corporation does not result in the abatement of proceedings.
requirements. carved out an exception to this rule. In several cases, this Court Since its directors are considered trustees by legal
has ruled that an appointed receiver,37 an assignee,38 or a implication,45 the fact that Bancom did not convey its assets to
In a Resolution31 dated 9 November 2009, the CA denied the trustee39 may institute suits or continue pending actions on a receiver or assignee was of no consequence. It must also be
Motion for Reconsideration, since the points raised therein had behalf of the corporation, even after the winding-up period. The emphasized that the dissolution of a creditor-corporation does
already been passed upon in its earlier ruling. rule was first enunciated in the 1939 case Sumera v. not extinguish any right or remedy in its favor. Section 145 of
Valencia,40 in which we declared: the Corporation Code is explicit on this point:
[I]f the corporation carries out the liquidation of its assets Sec. 145. Amendment or repeal. - No right or remedy in favor
On 27 November 2009, petitioners filed the instant Petition for through its own officers and continues and defends the actions of or against any corporation, its stockholders, members,
Review. They assert that the CA committed a grievous error in brought by or against it, its existence shall terminate at the end directors, trustees, or officers, nor any liability incurred by any
refusing to declare the suit abated despite the obvious fact that of three years from the time of dissolution; but if a receiver or such corporation, stockholders, members, directors, trustees, or
Bancom no longer exists. They likewise contend that the assignee is appointed, as has been done in the present case, officers, shall be removed or impaired either by the subsequent
appellate court had incorrectly relied upon the Promissory Notes with or without a transfer of its properties within three years, dissolution of said corporation or by any subsequent
and the Continuing Guaranty. It allegedly failed to take into the legal interest passes to the assignee, the beneficial interest amendment or repeal of this Code or of any part thereof.
account the parties' earlier related agreements that showed that remaining in the members, stockholders, creditors and other (Emphasis supplied)
petitioners could not be held liable for the debt. interested persons; and said assignee may bring an action,
prosecute that which has already been commenced for the As a necessary consequence of the above rule, the
In a Resolution32 dated 17 February 2010, we ordered Bancom benefit of the corporation, or defend the latter against any corresponding liability of the debtors of a dissolved corporation
to comment on the Petition for Review. The copy of the other action already instituted or which may be instituted even must also be deemed subsisting. To rule otherwise would be to
Resolution served at Bancom's address on record was, however, outside of the period of three years fixed for the officers of the sanction the unjust enrichment of the debtor at the expense of
returned unserved with the postal notation "RTS - non-existent corporation. the corporation.46
address."33 For this reason, we deemed the filing of a comment
waived.34 For the foregoing considerations, we are of the opinion and so As guarantors of the loans of Marbella, petitioners are liable to
hold that when a corporation is dissolved and the liquidation of Bancom.
ISSUES its assets is placed in the hands of a receiver or assignee, the
period of three years prescribed by section 77 of Act No. 1459 On the merits of the claim, we affirm the finding of the CA on
The following issues are presented to the Court for resolution: known as the Corporation Law is not applicable, and the the liability of petitioners. Having executed a Continuing
assignee may institute all actions leading to the liquidation of Guaranty in favor of Bancom, petitioners are solidarily liable
1. Whether the present suit should be deemed abated by the the assets of the corporation even after the expiration of three with Marbella for the payment of the amounts indicated on the
revocation by the SEC of the Certificate of Registration issued to years. Promissory Notes.
In subsequent cases, the Court further clarified that a receiver As the appellate court observed,47 petitioners did not challenge
2. Whether the CA correctly ruled that petitioners are liable to or an assignee need not even be appointed for the purpose of the genuineness and due execution of the promissory notes.
Bancom for (a) the payment of the loan amounts indicated on bringing suits or continuing those that are pending.41 In Gelano Neither did they deny their nonpayment of Marbella's loans or
the Promissory Notes issued by Marbella; and (b) attorney's v. Court of Appeals, 42 we declared that in the absence of a the fact that these obligations were covered by the guaranty.
fees receiver or an assignee, suits may be instituted or continued by Their sole defense was that the promissory notes in question
a trustee specifically designated for a particular matter, such as were not binding, because the funds released to Marbella by
OUR RULING a lawyer representing the corporation in a certain case. We also Bancom were not loans but merely additional financing. This
ruled in Clemente v. Court of Appeals43 that the board of financial accommodation was supposedly meant to allow
We DENY the Petition. directors of the corporation may be considered trustees by legal Marbella to rectify the failure of Fereit to cause the release of
implication for the purpose of winding up its affairs. receivables assigned to another entity. In support of their
The revocation of Bancom's Certificate of Registration does not allegations, petitioners cite certain provisions of the
justify the abatement of these proceedings. Here, it appears that the SEC revoked the Certificate of Memorandum of Agreement dated 16 August 197748 and its
Registration issued to Bancom on 26 May 2003.44 Despite this Amendment.49
Section 12235 of the Corporation Code provides that a revocation, however, Bancom does not seem to have conveyed
corporation whose charter is annulled, or whose corporate its assets to trustees or to its stockholders and creditors. The We reject these contentions.
existence is otherwise terminated, may continue as a body corporation has also failed to appoint a new counsel after the
corporate for a limited period of three years, but only for certain law firm formerly representing it was allowed to withdraw its The obligations of Marbella and the Reyes Group under the
specific purposes enumerated by law. These include the appearance on 1 June 2004. Citing these circumstances, Promissory Notes and the Continuing Guaranty, respectively,
prosecution and defense of suits by or against the corporation, petitioners assert that these proceedings should be considered are plain and unqualified.1âwphi1 Under the notes, Marbella
abated. promised to pay Bancom the amounts stated on the maturity
dates indicated.50 The Reyes Group, on the other hand, agreed thereof.53 The Court notes that the final set of Promissory
to become liable if any of Marbella's guaranteed obligations Notes issued by Marbella in this case reflect the total amount of SO ORDERED.
were not duly paid on the due date.51 There is absolutely no ₱3,002,333.84.54 The CA and the RTC thus ordered the
support for the assertion that these agreements were not payment of ₱4,300,247.35, which represents the principal MARIA LOURDES P.A. SERENO
meant to be binding. amount and all interest and penalty charges as of 19 May 1981, Chief Justice
or the date of demand.
We also note that even if the other agreements referred to by
petitioners are taken into account, the result would be the We affirm this ruling with the modification that petitioners are FIRST DIVISION
same. They would still be deemed liable, since the two liable to pay Bancom the following amounts: (a) ₱4,300,247.35;
contracts they cited only establish the following premises: (a) (b) interest accruing on the principal sum of ₱3,002,333.84 (and January 11, 2018
Fereit took on the responsibility of causing the release of certain not the entire amount of ₱4,300,247.35), from 19 May 1981,
receivables from State Financing; (b) Marbella assumed the the date of demand, at the rates identified below;55 and (c) G.R. No. 212472
performance of the obligation of Fereit after the latter failed to penalties accrued in relation thereto, with legal interest from
fulfill its duty; (c) Bancom would grant Marbella additional maturity date until fully paid. SPECIFIED CONTRACTORS & DEVELOPMENT, INC., AND
financing for that purpose, with the obligation to be paid within SPOUSES ARCHITECT ENRIQUE O. OLONAN AND CECILIA R.
three years; and (d) Fereit would reimburse Marbella for the Needless to state, the clear terms of these agreements cannot OLONAN, Petitioners
expenses the latter would incur as a result of this assumption of be negated and deemed non-binding simply on the basis of the vs.
the obligation. Specifically on the duty of Marbella to pay back self-serving testimony of Angel Reyes, one of the guarantors of JOSE A. POBOCAN , Respondent
the additional financing, the Amendment states: the loan. The CA therefore correctly rejected the attempt of
petitioners to renege on their obligations. We also find the DECISION
1. Bancom hereby agrees to grant the additional financing award of ₱500,000 for attorney's fees in order, pursuant to the
requested by Marbella II in the principal amount of TWO stipulation in the Promissory Notes allowing the recovery TIJAM, J.:
MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND ONE thereof. Nevertheless, in the interest of equity and considering
HUNDRED FORTY & 32/100 (₱2,828,140.32), Philippine that petitioners are already liable for penalties, we deem it This Petition for Review on Certiorari1under Rule 45 urges this
Currency, payable by Marbella II within three (3) years, under proper to modify the stipulated rate of interest to conform to Court to reverse and set aside the November 27, 2013
such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon by the legal interest rates under prevailing jurisprudence. Decision2 and April 28, 2014 Resolution3 of the Court of
Bancom and Marbella II. The additional financing herein Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 99994, and to affirm instead
requested by Marbella II shall be payable by Marbella II WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review is hereby DENIED, and the June 4, 2012 Order4 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
irrespective of whether Marbella II realizes a net profit after tax the Decision dated 25 June 2009 and the Resolution dated 9 Quezon City, Branch 92, in Civil Case No. Q-11-70338. The
on its Marbella II Condominium Project. November 2009 issued by the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV court a quo had granted the Motion to Dismiss5 of Specified
No. 45959 are AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION. Contractors & Development Inc. (Specified Contractors), and
2. In lieu of the obligations of Fereit under Paragraph 9 and 13 Spouses Architect Enrique O. Olonan and Cecilia R. Olonan
of the Memorandum of Agreement, Fereit hereby agrees to Petitioners Ramon E. Reyes and Clara R. Pastor are jointly and (collectively referred to as petitioners), thereby dismissing the
reimburse Marbella II the principal sum of ₱2,828,140.32 plus severally liable with Marbella Manila Realty, Inc., Angel E. action for specific performance filed by respondent Jose A.
interest, fees and other charges which Marbella II shall pay to Reyes, Sr., Florencio Reyes, Jr., Rosario R. Du and Olivia Pobocan. The dismissal of the case was subsequently set aside
Bancom in the settlement and/or liquidation of the additional Arevalo for the following amounts: by the CA in the assailed decision and resolution.
financing. However, penalties, fees and other charges resulting
from the default of Marbella II with respect to the additional (a) ₱4,300,247.35, representing the principal sum and all It is undisputed that respondent was in the employ of Specified
financing shall be borne by Marbella II. interest and penalty charges as of 19 May 1981; Contractors until his retirement sometime in March
2011.1âwphi1 His last position was president of Specified
It is evident from the foregoing provisions that Bancom (b) legal interest on the principal sum of P3,002,333.84 at the Contractors and its subsidiary, Starland Properties Inc., as well
extended additional financing to Marbella on the condition that rate of 12% per annum from 19 May 1981, the date of demand, as executive assistant of its other subsidiaries and affiliates.
the loan would be paid upon maturity. It is equally clear that until 30 June 2013, and at the rate of 6% per annum from 1
the latter obligated itself to pay the stated amount to Bancom July 2013, until this Decision becomes final and executory; Architect Olonan allegedly6 agreed to give respondent one (1)
without any condition. The unconditional tenor of the obligation unit for every building Specified Contractors were able to
of Marbella to pay Bancom for the loan amount, plus interest (c) penalties equivalent to 20% of the obligation; construct as part of respondent's compensation package to
and penalties, is likewise reflected in the Promissory Notes entice him to stay with the company. Two (2) of these projects
issued in favor of the latter.52 Marbella, in turn, was granted (d) legal interest on the penalty amount at the rate of 12% per that Specified Contractors and respondent were· able to build
the right to collect reimbursement from Fereit, an entirely annum from 19 May 1981, the date of demand, until 30 June were the Xavierville Square Condominium in Quezon City and
distinct entity. While it was averred that Bancom had complete 2013, and at the rate of 6% per annum from 1 July 2013, until the Sunrise 1-foliday Mansion Bldg. I in Alfonso, Cavite.
control of Fereit's assets and activities, we note that no this Decision becomes final and executory; Pursuant to the alleged oral agreement, SpeCified Contractors
sufficient evidence was presented in support of this assertion. supposedly ceded, assigned and transferred Unit 708 of
(e) attorney's fees in the amount of ₱500,000; and Xavlerville Square Condominium and Unit 208 of Sunrise Holiday
As to petitioners, the Continuing Guaranty evidently binds them Mansion Bldg. I (subject units) in favor of respondent.
to pay Bancom the amounts indicated on the original set of (f) legal interest of 6% per annum on all the foregoing
Promissory Notes, as well as any and all instruments issued monetary awards from date of finality of this Decision until full In a March 14, 2011 letter7 addressed to petitioner Architect
upon the renewal, extension, amendment or novation payment thereof. Enrique Olonan as chairman of Specified Contractors,
respondent requested the execution of Deeds of Assignment or also insisted that Unit 208 of Sunrise Holiday Mansion I existence or non-existence of the alleged oral contract from
Deeds of Sale over the subject units in his favor, along with continues to be under their possession and control. Thus, which would flow respondent's alleged right to compel
various other beriefits, in view of his impending retirement on finding that the motion to dismiss was predicated on disputable petitioners to execute deeds of conveyance. The transfer of
March 19, 2011. grounds, the CA declared in its assailed decision that a trial on property sought by respondent is but incidental to or an
the merits is necessary to determine once and for all the nature offshoot of the determination of whether or not there is indeed,
When respondent's demand was unheeded, he filed a of the respondent's possession of the subject units. to begin with, an agreement to convey the properties in
Complaint8 on November 21, 2011 before the RTC of Quezon exchange for services rendered.
City praying that petitioners be ordered to execute and deliver Aggrieved, petitioners sought reconsideration of the CA
the appropriate deeds of conveyance and to pay moral and decision, but were unsuccessful. Hence, the present petition Cabutihan v. Landcenter Construction & Development
exemplary damages, as well as attorney's fees. raising three issues: Corporation21explains thus:

On January 17, 2012, petitioners, instead of filing an answer, 1. Whether or not the RTC had jurisdiction over the A close scrutiny of National Steel and Ruiz reveals that the
interposed a Motion to Dismiss9 denying the existence of the respondent's complaint considering that the allegations therein prayers for the execution of a Deed of Sale were not in any way
alleged oral agreement. They argued that, even assuming invoked a right over the subject condominium units as part of connected to a contract, like the Undertaking in this case.
arguendo that there was such an oral agreement, the alleged his compensation package, thus a claim arising out of an Hence, even if there were prayers for the execution of a deed of
contract is unenforceable for being in violation of the statute of employer-employee relationship cognizable by the labor sale, the actions filed in the said cases were not for specific
frauds, nor was there any written document, note or arbiter;15 performance.
memorandum showing that the subject units have in fact been
ceded, assigned or transferred to respondent. Moreover, 2. Whether or not the respondent's cause of action had already In the present case, petitioner seeks payment of her services in
assuming again that said agreement existed, the cause of Prescribed;16 and, accordance with the undertaking the parties signed.
action had long prescribed because the alleged agreements
were supposedly entered into in 1994 and 1999 as indicated in 3. Whether or not the action was barred by the statute of It is axiomatic that jurisdiction over the subject matter of a case
respondent's March 14, 2011 demand letter, supra, annexed to frauds.17 is conferred by law and is determined by the allegations in the
the complaint. complaint and the character of the relief sought, irrespective of
Resolution of the foregoing issues calls for an examination of whether the plaintiff is entitled to all or some of the claims
The RTC, in granting10 the motion, dismissed the respondent's the allegations in the complaint and the nature of the action asserted therein.22 We therefore find that respondent correctly
complaint in its June 4, 2012 Order. While the RTC disagreed instituted by' respondent. As will be discussed later, there is designated his complaint as one for specific performance
with petitioners that the action had already prescribed under merit in petitioners' insistence that respondent's right of action consistent with his allegations and prayer therein. Accordingly,
Articles 114411 and 114512 of the New Civil Code, by reasoning was already barred by the statute of limitations. respondent's suit is one that is incapable of pecuniary
that the complaint is in the· nature of a real action which estimation and indeed cognizable by the RTC of Quezon City
prescribes after 30 years conformably with Article 114113, it What determines the nature of the action and which court has where both parties reside. As stated in Surviving Heirs of
nonetheless agreed that the alleged agreement should have jurisdiction over it are the allegations in the complaint and the Alfredo R. Bautista v. Lindo:23
been put into writing, and that such written note, memorandum character of the relief sought.18 In his complaint, respondent
or agreement should have been attached as actionable claimed that petitioners promised to convey to him the subject Settled jurisprudence considers some civil actions as incapable
documents to respondent's complaint. units to entice him to stay with their company. From this, of pecuniary estimation, viz:
respondent prayed that petitioners be compelled to perform
On appeal, the CA reversed14 the RTC's June 4, 2012 Order, their part of the alleged oral agreement. The objective of the 1. Actions for specific performance;
reasoning that the dismissal of respondent's complaint, suit is to compel petitioners to perform an act, specifically, to
anchored on the violation of the statute of frauds, is execute written instruments pursuant to a previous oral While the lack of jurisdiction of a court may be raised at any
unwarranted since the rule applies only to executory and not to contract. Notably, the respondent does not claim ownership of, stage of an action, nevertheless, the party raising such question
completed or partially consummated contracts. According to the nor title to, the subject properties. may be estopped if he has actively taken part in the very
CA, there was allegedly partial performance of the alleged proceedings which he questions and he only objects to the
obligation based on: (1) the respondent's possession of the Not all actions involving real property are real actions. In court's jurisdiction because the judgment or the order
subject units; (2) the respondent's payment of condominium Spouses Saraza, et al. v. Francisco19 , it was clarified that: subsequently rendered is adverse to him.24 In this case,
dues and realty tax for Unit 708 Xavierville Square petitioners' Motion to Dismiss, Reply25 to the opposition on the
Condominium; (3) the endorsement by petitioners of x x x Although the end result of the respondent's claim was the motion, and Sur-rejoinder26 only invoked the defenses of
furniture/equipment for Unit 208 Sunrise Holiday Mansion I; transfer of the subject property to his name, the suit was still statute of frauds and prescription before the RTC. It was only
and (4) that shares on the rental from Unit 208 Sunrise Holiday essentially for specific performance, a personal action, because after the CA reversed the RTC's grant of the motion to dismiss
Mansion I were allegedly received by the respondent and- it sought Fernando's execution of a deed of absolute sale based that petitioners raised for the first time the issue of jurisdiction
deducted from his monthly balance on the furniture/equipment on a contract which he had previously made. in their Motion for Reconsideration.27 Clearly, petitioners are
account. estopped from raising this issue after actively taking part in the
Similarly, that the end result would be the transfer of the proceedings before the RTC, obtaining a favorable ruling, and
Petitioners countered that while there is no dispute that subject units to respondent's name in the event that his suit is then making an issue of it only after the CA reversed the RTC's
respondent had been occupying Unit 708 - previously Unit 803 - decided in his favor is "an anticipated consequence and beyond order.
of Xavierville Square Condominium, this was merely out of the cause for which the action [for specific performance with
tolerance in view of respondent's then position as president of damages] was instituted."20 Had respondent's action proceeded Even if this Court were to entertain the petitioners' belated
the company and without surrender of ownership. Petitioners to trial, the crux of the controversy would have been the assertion that jurisdiction belongs to the labor arbiter as this
case involves a claim arising from an employer-employee even if we were to entertain respondent's view, his right of Deed of Absolute Sale where the thumbmark of a party is
relationship, reliance by petitioners on Domondon v. NLRC28is action would still be barred by the statute of limitations. shown to be a forgery is void.
misplaced. In Domondon, the existence of the agreement on
the transfer of car-ownership was not in issue but rather, the Condominium Certificate of Title (CCT) No. N-1834 732 for Unit This resolves a Petition for Review on Certiorari1 under Rule 45
entitlement of a former employee to his entire monetary claims 708 of Xavierville Square Condominium, copy of which was of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure praying that the assailed
against a former employer, considering that the said employee annexed to the complaint, was issued on September 11, 1997 Court of Appeals July 9, 2012 Decision2 in CA-G.R. CV No.
had not paid the balance of the purchase price of a company or more than 13 years before· respondent's March 14, 2011 91767 be reversed and set aside. This assailed Decision
car which the employee opted to retain. In the present case, demand letter.CCT No. CT-61333 for Unit 208 of Sunrise reversed and set aside the May 31, 2005 Decision3 of the
the existence of the alleged oral agreement, from which would Holiday Mansion Building I; also annexed to the complaint, was Regional Trial Court of Bacoor, Cavite, which ruled in favor of
flow the right to compel performance, is in issue. issued on March 12, 1996 or 14 years before respondent's then plaintiffs, now petitioners, in their action for recovery of
March 14, 2011 demand letter. Indubitably, in view of the real property with damages against then defendants, now
As the Court has ascertained that the present suit is essentially instant suit for specific performance being a personal action respondents.
for specific performance - a personal action - over which the founded upon an oral contract which must be brought within six
court a quo had jurisdiction, it was therefore erroneous for it to years from the accrual of the right, prescription had already set This case is an offshoot of a Deed of Absolute Sale allegedly
have treated the complaint as a real action which prescribes in. entered into by sisters Rufina Casimiro (Rufina), the purported
after 30 years under Article 1141 of the New Civil Code. In a seller, and Rafaela Casimiro (Rafaela), the purported buyer.
personal action, the plaintiff seeks the recovery of personal Inasmuch as the complaint should have been dismissed by the Petitioners are the heirs of Rufina, while respondents are the
property, the enforcement of a contract, or the recovery of RTC on the ground of prescription, which fact is apparent from heirs of Rafaela.4
damages.29 Real actions, on the other hand, are those affecting the complaint and its annexes, it is no longer necessary to delve
title to or possession of real property, or interest therein.30 As a into the applicability of the statute of frauds. During their lifetime, Rufina and Rafaela co-owned with their
personal action based upon an oral contract, Article 1145 other siblings two (2) parcels of land.5 They shared in equal,
providing a prescriptive period of six years applies in this case WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. Accordingly, the Court undivided 1/10 shares of a parcel located in Longos, Bacoor,
instead. The shorter period provided by law to institute an of Appeals' November 27, 2013 Decision and April 28, 2014 Cavite, covered by Original Certificate of Title (OCT) No. O-923.
action based on an oral contract is due to the frailty of human Resolution in CA-G.R. CV No. 99994 are REVERSED and SET They also shared in equal, undivided 1/5 shares of a second
memory. Nothing prevented the parties from reducing the ASIDE. We sustain the dismissal of Civil Case No. Q-11-70338, parcel in Talaba, Bacoor, Cavite, covered by Transfer Certificate
alleged oral agreement into writing, stipulating the same in a but on the ground that the action for specific performance had of Title (TCT) No. T-10058.6
contract of employment or partnership, or even mentioning the already prescribed.
same in an office memorandum early on. When Rufina was still alive, she regularly collected her
SO ORDERED. respective 1/10 and 1/5 shares in the income of the two (2)
While the respondent's complaint was ingeniously silent as to properties. After her death, petitioners continued to collect and
when the alleged oral agreement came about, his March 14, NOEL GIMENEZ TIJAM receive their mother's share.7
2011 demand letter annexed to his complaint categorically cites Associate Justice
the year 1994 as when he and Architect Olonan allegedly had Sometime in 1997, petitioners filed a complaint for recovery of
an oral agreement to become "industrial partners" for which he real property with damages. They alleged that their cousin
would be given a unit from every building they constructed. THIRD DIVISION Emilio Casimiro (Emilio) offered them a balato8 of P50,000.00
From this, Unit 208 of Sunrise Holiday Mansion I was allegedly for the sale of the first parcel to the Department of Public Works
assigned to him. Then he went on to cite his resignation in G.R. No. 202612, January 17, 2018 and Highways. Surprised, they asked why they were not instead
October of 1997 and his re-employment with the company on given their 1/10 share in the proceeds of the sale. To this,
December 1, 1999 for which he was allegedly given Unit 803 of TEODORO C. TORTONA, RODRIGO C. TORTONA, PEDRO C. Emilio allegedly replied that according to respondents,9 the two
the Xavierville Square Condominium, substituted later on by TORTONA, ERNESTO C. TORTONA, AND PATRICIO C. (2) properties had already been sold by Rufina to Rafaela
Unit 708 thereof. TORTONA, Petitioners, v. JULIAN C. GREGORIO, FLORENTINO during their lifetime.10
The complaint for specific performance was instituted on IGNACIO, TEODOCIA G. CHAN, LEONILA G. CAAMPUED, Petitioners proceeded to the Office of the Registry of Deeds to
November. 21, 2011, or 17 years from the oral agreement of CONCORDIA G. MIJARES, ROMEO C. GREGORIO, EDNA S. TAN, verify the supposed sale. They learned that OCT No. O-923,
1994 and almost 12 years after the December 1, 1999 oral NELIA S. REYES, CECILIA S. FRIEDMAN, LAMBERTO SUANTE, covering the first parcel, had already been cancelled on account
agreement. Thus, the respondent's action upon an oral contract JULIUS SUANTE, CORAZON YASAY-GREGORIO, DONALDO Y. of a Deed of Absolute Sale allegedly executed by Rufina and
was filed beyond the six-year period within which he should GREGORIO, ELMER Y. GREGORIO, AND ROY JOHN Y. Rafaela on February 14, 1974. It appeared that Rufina also sold
have instituted the same. GREGORIO, Respondents. her 1/5 share over the second parcel covered by TCT No. T-
10058. It also became apparent that some time after the sales
Respondent argued that the prescriptive period should not be DECISION of the two (2) parcels, respondents executed a Declaration of
counted from 1994 because the condominium units were not Heirship and Extrajudicial Partition. Consequently, Rufina's 1/10
yet in existence at that time, and that the obligation would have LEONEN, J.: and 1/5 shares in the first and second parcels were added to
arisen after the units were completed and ready for occupancy. the shares of the respondents, as Rafaela's heirs, thereby
Article 134731 of the New Civil Code is, however, clear that Documents acknowledged before a notary public are presumed increasing their shares to 2/10 and 2/5, respectively.11
future things may be the object of a contract. This is the reason to have been duly executed. This presumption may be
why real estate developers engage in pre-selling activities. But contradicted by clear and convincing evidence. A notarized Petitioners underscored that their mother was illiterate, not
even knowing how to write her own name. They alleged that
she only affixed her thumbmark on documents, and whenever The dispositive portion of its Decision read:
she did so, she was always assisted by at least one (1) of her The matter of the authenticity of Rufina Casimiro's thumbmarks
children. Thus, they asserted that if the sales to Rafaela were WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby is a factual issue resting on the evidence presented during trial.
genuine, they should have known about them.12 rendered: Factual issues are normally improper in Rule 45 petitions as,
under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure,26 only
In support of their allegations, they presented during trial some 1. Declaring the thumbmarks of Rufina Casimiro in the Deed of questions of law may be raised in a petition for review on
documents,13 collectively identified as the standard documents, Absolute Sale dated February 14, 1974, Doc. No. 73, Page 16, certiorari. However, the rule admits of exceptions. In Pascual v.
supposedly bearing the authentic thumbmarks of their mother. Book 1, Series of 1974 of the notarial registry of Atty. Arcadio Burgos:27
These standard documents also showed that at least one (1) of Espiritu of Bacoor, Cavite (Exhibit "D") as forged and hence, null
them assisted her in executing each document.14 and void and inexistent. The Rules of Court require that only questions of law should be
raised in petitions filed under Rule 45. This court is not a trier of
Petitioners likewise presented as witness National Bureau of 2. Declaring the Deed of Declaration of Heirship and facts. It will not entertain questions of fact as the factual
Investigation fingerprint examiner Eriberto B. Gomez, Jr. Extrajudicial Partition dated August 15, 1996 (Exhibit "E") null findings of the appellate courts are "final, binding[,] or
(Gomez), who conducted an examination to determine the and void insofar as the adjudication of the one-tenth (1/10) conclusive on the parties and upon this [c]ourt" when supported
genuineness of the questioned thumbmarks in the Deed of share of Rufina Casimiro over the lot situated in Longos, by substantial evidence. Factual findings of the appellate courts
Absolute Sale.15 He noted that he compared the questioned Bacoor, Cavite, covered by OCT No. O-923; and the one-fifths will not be reviewed nor disturbed on appeal to this court.
thumbmarks with the genuine thumbmarks of Rufina in the (1/5) share of Rufina Casimiro in the lot situated in Talaba,
standard documents. In his Technical Bacoor, Cavite, covered by TCT No. T-10058 both of the However, these rules do admit exceptions. Over time, the
Investigation/Identification Report FP Case No. 2000-182-A Registry of Deeds for the Province of Cavite (Exhibits "A" and exceptions to these rules have expanded. At present, there are
dated July 13, 2000 (First Report),16 Gomez noted that "the "B"), both in favor of the Heirs of Rafaela Casimiro. 10 recognized exceptions that were first listed in Medina v.
purported thumbmarks of Rufina Casimiro in the alleged Deed Mayor Asistio, Jr.:
of Absolute Sale ... [were] not identical with her standard 3. The Register of Deeds of the Province of Cavite is hereby
thumbmarks in [the standard documents]" and concluded that ordered to cancel TCT No. T-741726, and to revert to the (1) When the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on
"the thumbmarks appearing in the ... Deed of Absolute Sale ... cancelled OCT No. O-923 and to cancel Entry No. 8449-75 speculation, surmises or conjectures; (2) When the inference
were not impressed by Rufina Casimiro."17 appearing on TCT No. T-10058, which is the annotation of the made is manifestly mistaken, absurd or impossible; (3) Where
questioned Deed of Absolute Sale (Exhibit "D") that has been there is a grave abuse of discretion; (4) When the judgment is
In another report dated May 2, 2001 (Second Report), Gomez declared herein as null and void and inexistent. based on a misapprehension of facts; (5) When the findings of
observed that the thumbmarks on the standard documents fact are conflicting; (6) When the Court of Appeals, in making
appeared to be "faint, blurred and lacking the necessary ridge The claim for damages is hereby DENIED for lack of merit. its findings, went beyond the issues of the case and the same is
characteristics to warrant positive identification."18 During a contrary to the admissions of both appellant and appellee; (7)
subsequent hearing, however, he clarified that "while the SO ORDERED.22 The findings of the Court of Appeals are contrary to those of the
standard thumbmarks lack the 'necessary ridge characteristics trial court; (8) When the findings of fact are conclusions without
to warrant positive identification,['] 'all the standard are all in The Court of Appeals reversed and set aside the ruling of the citation of specific evidence on which they are based; (9) When
the same finger print pattern' and 'they are also in agreement Regional Trial Court.23 It found that the Deed of Absolute Sale the facts set forth in the petition as well as in the petitioner's
of the flow of ridges of all the standard."'19 was a notarized document and had in its favor the presumption main and reply briefs are not disputed by the respondents; and
of regularity. It also emphasized Gomez's second examination, (10) The finding of fact of the Court of Appeals is premised on
In its May 31, 2005 Decision,20 the Regional Trial Court which appeared to indicate that the thumbmarks in the the supposed absence of evidence and is contradicted by the
concluded that the Deed of Absolute Sale was a forgery and standard documents prevent "positive identification."24 Thus, evidence on record.
ruled in favor of the petitioners. It found as credible the First according to the Court of Appeals, the Regional Trial Court's
Report, which positively showed that the questioned conclusions were suspect. It held that, ultimately, petitioners These exceptions similarly apply in petitions for review filed
thumbmarks in the Deed of Absolute Sale were not Rufina's: failed to prove "by clear and convincing evidence" that the before this court involving civil, labor, tax, or criminal cases.28
thumbmarks found on the Deed of Absolute Sale were (Citations omitted)
This Court has examined the said thumbmarks and is convinced forged.25
and satisfied that they are very different from her standard Several exceptions exist in this case. Most evident is how the
thurnbmarks in the documents Exhibits "F", "G", and "H". This The Heirs of Rufina then filed the present Petition. findings and conclusions of the Court of Appeals conflict with
difference is further enhanced in the enlarged photographs of those of the Regional Trial Court. More significant than these
these thumbmarks (Exhibit "J"). It is clear by the naked eyes For resolution is the sole issue of whether or not the Deed of conflicting findings, this Court finds the Court of Appeals'
that Rufina's thurnbmarks in the questioned Deed of Absolute Absolute Sale allegedly executed by Rufina Casimiro, as seller, appreciation of evidence to be grossly misguided. Contrary to
Sale (Exhibit "D") are really the "circle type" while those of the and Rafaela Casimiro, as buyer, is void, as Rufina Casimiro the Court of Appeals' findings, a more circumspect consideration
standard thurnbmarks in Exhibits "F", "G" and "H" are the loop never consented to it and with her apparent thumbmarks on it of the evidence sustains the conclusion that Rufina's purported
type as the NBI expert technically described them. As the being fake. thumbmarks were false and merely simulated to make it appear
Supreme Court ruled in People vs. Abatayo, 87 Phil. 794, 798, that she had consented to the alleged sale to her sister,
"Thumbmarks never lie". "A comparison of both the differences The Court of Appeals gravely erred in reversing the ruling of the Rafaela.
and similarities in the questioned thurnbmarks (signatures) Regional Trial Court. The Petition must be granted and the
should have been made to satisfy the demands of evidence" Regional Trial Court May 31, 2005 Decision must be reinstated. II
(Licarte vs. CA, G.R. No. 128899; June 8, 1995).21
Notarization enables a notary public to ascertain the through the self-serving testimony of the notary public, whose Respondents here assail the qualification of National Bureau of
voluntariness of the party's act and to verify the genuineness of very act of notarizing the Deed of Absolute Sale is the bone of Investigation fingerprint examiner Gomez, pejoratively branding
his or her signature.29 Through notarization, the public and the contention, whose credibility was shown to be wanting, and him as "just an ordinary employee."39 In support of this
courts may rely on the face of the instrument, without need of who is himself potentially liable for notarizing a simulated dismissive casting of Gomez, respondents noted that he
further examining its authenticity and due execution. It is an act document. They also endeavored to undermine petitioners' performed such functions as securing fingerprints from
that is imbued with public interest. In Nunga v. Atty. Viray:30 expert witness by dismissively characterizing him as "just an applicants for National Bureau of Investigation clearances and
ordinary employee."36 taking fingerprints of people involved in crimes.40
[N]otarization is not an empty, meaningless, routinary act. It is
invested with substantive public interest, such that only those III Evidence is concerned with "ascertaining . . . the truth
who are qualified or authorized may act as notaries public. The respecting a matter of fact."41 It is concerned with what can be
protection of that interest necessarily requires that those not Rule 130, Section 49 of the Revised Rules on Evidence specifies objectively established and relies on verifiable actualities.
qualified or authorized to act must be prevented from imposing that courts may admit the testimonies of expert witnesses or of Opinions are, by definition, subjective. They proceed from
upon the public, the courts, and the administrative offices in individuals possessing "special knowledge, skill, experience or impressions, depend on perception, and are products of
general. It must be underscored that the notarization by a training": personal interpretation and belief. Hence, opinions are generally
notary public converts a private document into a public inadmissible as evidence.42
document making that document admissible in evidence without Section 49. Opinion of expert witness. — The opinion of a
further proof of the authenticity thereof. A notarial document is witness on a matter requiring special knowledge, skill, Opinions, when admissible, must have proper factual basis.
by law entitled to full faith and credit upon its face. For this experience or training which he is shown to possess, may be They must be supported by facts or circumstances from which
reason, notaries public must observe with utmost care the basic received in evidence. they draw logical inferences. An opinion bereft of factual basis
requirements in the performance of their duties.31 merits no probative value. People v. Malejana43 stated the
Testimonies of expert witnesses are not absolutely binding on following regarding expert opinions:
Notarized documents enjoy the presumption of regularity. They courts. However, courts exercise a wide latitude of discretion in
are accorded evidentiary weight as regards their due execution: giving weight to expert testimonies, taking into consideration The probative force of the testimony of an expert does not lie in
the factual circumstances of the case: a mere statement of the theory or opinion of the expert, but
Generally, a notarized document carries the evidentiary weight rather in the aid that he can render to the courts in showing the
conferred upon it with respect to its due execution, and Although courts are not ordinarily bound by expert testimonies, facts which serve as a basis for his criterion and the reasons
documents acknowledged before a notary public have in their they may place whatever weight they choose upon such upon which the logic of his conclusion is founded.44 (Emphasis
favor the presumption of regularity.32 testimonies in accordance with the facts of the case. The supplied, citation omitted)
relative weight and sufficiency of expert testimony is peculiarly
However, any such presumption is disputable. It can be refuted within the province of the trial court to decide, considering the The witness rendering an opinion must be credible,45 in
by clear and convincing evidence to the contrary: ability and character of the witness, his actions upon the addition to possessing all the qualifications and none of the
witness stand, the weight and process of the reasoning by disqualifications specified in the Revised Rules on Evidence.46
It is true that notarized documents are accorded evidentiary which he has supported his opinion, his possible bias in favor of In the case of an expert witness, he or she must be shown to
weight as regards their due execution. Nevertheless, while the side for whom he testifies, the fact that he is a paid witness, possess knowledge, skill, experience, or training on the subject
notarized documents enjoy the presumption of regularity, this the relative opportunities for study or observation of the matter of his or her testimony.47 On the other hand, an
presumption is disputable. They can be contradicted by matters about which he testifies, and any other matters which ordinary witness may give an opinion on matters which are
evidence that is clear, convincing, and more than merely serve to illuminate his statements. The opinion of the expert within his or her knowledge or with which he or she has
preponderant.33 (Citations omitted) may not be arbitrarily rejected; it is to be considered by the sufficient familiarity.48
court in view of all the facts and circumstances in the case and
The contentious Deed of Absolute Sale in this case is a when common knowledge utterly fails, the expert opinion may The testimony, too, must be credible in itself. In Borguilla v.
notarized document.34 Thus, it benefits from the presumption be given controlling effect (20 Am. Jur., 1056-1058). The Court of Appeals,49 this Court said:
of regularity. The burden of proving that thumbmarks affixed on problem of the credibility of the expert witness and the
it by an ostensible party is false and simulated lies on the party evaluation of his testimony is left to the discretion of the trial Evidence to be believed must not only proceed from the mouth
assailing its execution.35 It is then incumbent upon petitioners court whose ruling thereupon is not reviewable in the absence of a credible witness, it must be credible in itself — such as the
to prove by clear and convincing evidence that the seller's of an abuse of that discretion.37 (Emphasis supplied) common experience and observation of mankind can approve
thumbmarks, as appearing on the Deed of Absolute Sale, are as probable under the circumstances. We have no test of the
forged and are not their mother's. This analysis applies in the examination of forged documents: truth of human testimony, except its conformity to our
knowledge, observation and experience. Whatever is repugnant
Petitioners successfully discharged this burden. Due to the technicality of the procedure involved in the to these belongs to the miraculous and is outside of judicial
examination of forged documents, the expertise of questioned cognizance.50
With the aid of an expert witness, they contrasted Rufina's document examiners is usually helpful. These handwriting
apparent thumbmarks on the Deed of Absolute Sale with experts can help determine fundamental, significant differences The availability of direct evidence affects the viability of
specimen thumbmarks on authentic documents. They in writing characteristics between the questioned and the opinions. If there is a direct evidence to prove the fact in issue,
demonstrated disparities that lead to no other conclusion than standard or sample specimen signatures, as well as the an opinion may be rendered unnecessary. For instance, in Cebu
that the thumbmarks on the contentious Deed of Absolute Sale movement and manner of execution strokes.38 Shipyard and Engineering Works, Inc. v. William Lines,51 where
are forged. In contrast, respondents merely harped on a the origin of a fire was at issue, this Court held that there was
disputable presumption, and sought to affirm this presumption no need for the judge to consider expert opinion:
After having thorough examination, comparison and analysis,
[T]here is no need for the judge to resort to expert opinion the thumbmark appearing on the [Pacto] de Retro and the right Q:
evidence. In the case under consideration, the testimonies of thumbmark appearing on the original copy of PC/INP You mean to say you were provided with the standard
the fire experts were not the only available evidence on the Fingerprint form taken by SPO3 Marcelo Quintin Sosing were fingerprint of the subject?
probable cause and origin of the fire. There were witnesses who impressed by one and the same person. A:
were actually on board the vessel when the fire occurred. .... Yes, sir.
Between the testimonies of the fire experts who merely based ....
their findings and opinions on interviews and the testimonies of Q:
those present during the fire, the latter are of more probative How do you go about this comparison to determine whether COURT:
value.52 that thumbmark [was] impressed by the same person?
A: Q:
Contrary to respondents' dismissiveness towards Gomez, his We must locate the three elements of comparing, the number 1 Now, with this photograph blown-up, you have here 13 points,
performance of such tasks as taking fingerprints, even if, for a is type of fingerprint pattern. will you please explain to the court how these 13 points agree
time it was his main duty, does not, per se, discount .... from that standard to that questioned document?
competence. A history of performing this function does not A:
negate any "special knowledge, skill, experience or training" A: I found 2x4 bifurcation, it means that single rage splitting into
that Gomez possesses. Despite respondents' protestations, it There are three elements, after knowing the fingerprint pattern two branches.
remains that Gomez personally scrutinized and compared and they are of the same fingerprint the next step is to know
Rufina's disputed thumbmarks in the contested Deed of the flow of the rages of the fingerprint pattern or the shape. Q:
Absolute Sale with her authentic thumbmarks in the standard .... You pointed out?
documents and detailed his findings in the First Report to which A:
he testified before the Regional Trial Court. He expounded on Q: I found the bifurcation on the standard that corresponds exactly
his findings in the Second Report and clarified, contrary to what Then what is next? to the bifurcation which I marked number 1 in both
respondents and the Court of Appeals harp on, that the findings A: photograph[s].
detailed in it are not in conflict with or otherwise discount the After number 2, the last is the most important one because you
conclusions stated in the First Report. must locate the number of ridges of characteristics and their Q:
relationship with each other because it is the basis of From the center?
Incidentally, this case is not the first instance that this Court identification of the fingerprint. A:
sustained Gomez's competence and credibility. In Rojales v. As to the number and location with respect to the core, I found
Dime,53 this Court relied on the examination conducted by Q: that both questioned and standard coincide.
Gomez to determine the genuineness of the thumbmark Meaning the description of the ridges? ....
appearing on the pacto de retro subject of that case. Rojales' A:
demonstration of Gomez's competence and credibility is worth Yes, sir, the identification features appearing on the fingerprint. Q:
reproducing at length: Now, but the layer does not change in point 1, how many layer
Q: from the core?
Petitioner avers that the [Court of Appeals] erred in relying on What did you see? A:
the NBI Fingerprint Examination. She alleges that the opinion of A: From the core, there are 4 intervening layers from number 1 to
one claiming to be an expert is not binding upon the court. I found that there were 13 identical points to warrant the number 2 and it appears also the questioned 4 intervening
positive identification. layers between number 1 and number 2, so, the intervening
There is nothing on record that would compel this Court to rages between ends of th[ese] characteristics are all both in
believe that said witness, Fingerprint Examiner Gomez, has Q: agreement.
improper motive to falsely testify against the petitioner nor was [Those] 13 points [are] more than enough to determine ....
his testimony not very certain. His testimony is worthy of full whether those thumbmark[s] [are] done by one and the same
faith and credit in the absence of evidence of an improper person? ATTY. SALANGUIT:
motive. His straightforward and consistent testimonies bear the A:
earmarks of credibility. Yes, sir. Q:
.... Can you say that based on the questioned thumbmark, you
Gomez testified during direct and cross examination, the would be able to arrive an accurate evaluation between the
process of examination of the fingerprints and his conclusion: Q: questioned thumbmark and standard thumbmark?
Where did you base your conclusion that the thumbprint on the A:
ATTY: BELMI: Pacto de Retro Sale over and above the name Juana Vda. de Yes, [ma'am].
Rojales is genuine thumbprint of the same person?
Q: A: Q:
Will you kindly tell the court what was the result of your Well, we only respon[d]ed to the request of the court to Even if the questioned thumbmark is a little bit blurred as to the
examination? compare with the thumbprint appearing on the Pacto de Retro standard thumbmark?
A: Sale to that of the fingerprint appearing on the thumbprint A:
[Even though] the questioned thumbmark is a little bit blurred recognized scientific principle or discovery, the thing from which whether it has attracted widespread acceptance within a
but still the ridge characteristics [are] still discernible. the deduction is made must be sufficiently established to have relevant scientific community.62
gained general acceptance in the particular field in which it
Q: belongs. However, the standards are not exclusive:
You are telling us that among many people here in the world,
nobody have the same thumbmark as another person and that We think the systolic blood pressure deception test has not yet The inquiry is a flexible one, and its focus must be solely on
include the thumbmark of a twins? gained such standing and scientific recognition among principles and methodology, not on the conclusions that they
A: physiological and psychological authorities as would justify the generate. Throughout, the judge should also be mindful of
A: Yes, [ma'am].54 courts in admitting expert testimony deduced from the other applicable Rules.63
This Court finds no reason to favorably consider respondents' discovery, development, and experiments thus far made.59
attempt at undermining Gomez's competence. (Emphasis supplied) Thus, the United States Supreme Court remanded the case for
the application of its enumerated standards.
The credibility of an expert witness does not inhere in his or her In 1993, the United States Supreme Court in Daubert v. Merrell
person. Rather, he or she must be shown to possess Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. departed from the Frye standard and In this case, the Regional Trial Court's May 31, 2005 Decision
knowledge, skill, experience, or training on the subject matter articulated a new framework for assessing the admission of detailed the circumstances leading to the National Bureau of
of his or her testimony.55 In First Nationwide Assurance Corp. expert testimony.60 In that case, plaintiffs Jason Daubert and Investigation's examination of the contentious Deed of Absolute
v. Court of Appeals,56 where the identity of the vehicle in Eric Schuller attributed their serious birth defects to the drug Sale, respondents' incessant attempts at preventing the
question was in issue, this Court considered these factors in Bendectin, manufactured by defendant Dow Chemical examination, and how Gomez took the witness stand and
assessing the credibility of the expert witness: Company. They submitted expert testimonies on animal studies presented his findings. The Regional Trial Court's recollection
showing a link between Bendectin and malformations, indicates, most notably, that Gomez was not handpicked by
We note that Sergeant Agadulin is a police officer who has pharmacological studies, and reanalysis of previously published petitioners. Rather, following petitioners' request, Gomez
adequate knowledge, training and experience to perform epidemiological studies. The district court ruled in favor of the appeared to have been designated by the National Bureau of
macro-etching examinations. His assertions on this technical defendant and stated that scientific evidence is admissible only Investigation itself to conduct the examination. Thus, any such
matter are, as the [Court of Appeals] noted, in the nature of if the principle upon which it is based is "sufficiently established determination of Gomez's expertise was not borne by
expert testimony. Additionally, as a public officer, he is to have general acceptance in the field to which it belongs."61 petitioners' innate preference for him or of their insistence upon
presumed to have regularly performed his duty. In the absence The Ninth Circuit Court affirmed this Decision after finding that him, but by the National Bureau of Investigation's own
of controverting evidence, his testimony is entitled to great the plaintiffs' evidence had not yet been accepted as reliable confidence in him. This institutional reposition of confidence can
weight and credence.57 (Citation omitted) technique by scientists who had an opportunity to scrutinize and only bolster Gomez's credibility:
verify the methods.
Standards outlined in American jurisprudence illustrate To prove that their mother's thumbmarks on the disputed deed
frameworks and standards for appraising expert testimonies. However, the United States Supreme Court remanded the case of absolute sale were forged, plaintiffs filed a motion to refer
after finding the Frye standard to be mooted by the adoption of the questioned document to the National Bureau of
In the 1923 case of Frye v. United States,58 James Alfonso Frye the Federal Rules of Evidence, Ru1e 702, which stated: Investigation (NBI) for examination. An Order was issued by
was convicted of second-degree murder by the lower court after this Court directing the Office of the Registry of Deeds for the
he was disallowed to introduce expert testimony relating to the If scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will assist Province of Cavite to submit to this Court the original copy of
results of systolic blood pressure deception test. The United the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a the said title and upon receipt of the same ordered the Branch
States Supreme Court, in sustaining the lower court, explained: fact in issue, a witness qualified as an expert by knowledge, Clerk of Court to transmit the same to the NBI. An Omnibus
skill, experience, training, or education, may testify thereto in Motion was filed by the defendants informing this Court that the
The rule is that the opinions of experts or skilled witnesses are the form of an opinion or otherwise. questioned document was already lost and/or missing pursuant
admissible in evidence in those cases in which the matter of to the Certification dated April 5, 2000 issued by the Office of
inquiry is such that inexperienced persons are unlikely to prove The United States Supreme Court observed that Rule 702 did the Registry of Deeds for the Province of Cavite (Exh. 8).
capable of forming a correct judgment upon it, for the reason not require "general acceptance" of the Frye standard before Hence, the order to transmit the questioned document became
that the subject-matter so far partakes of a science, art, or expert testimony is admitted. Instead of following the strict Frye unavailing and academic. That notwithstanding, the Branch
trade as to require a previous habit or experience or study in it, standard, it placed on the judge the duty to act as "gatekeeper" Clerk of Court transmitted the questioned document to the NBI.
in order to acquire a knowledge of it. When the question when faced with a proffer of expert scientific testimony. Thus, Defendants insinuated that the original questioned document
involved does not lie within the range of common experience or the judge must make a preliminary determination of whether or came from an illegitimate and spurious source. However, it was
common knowledge, but requires special experience or special not the offered testimony is scientific knowledge and whether or explained by a representative of the registry, Mr. Agusto
knowledge, then the opinions of witnesses skilled in that not it will assist the trier of fact to understand or determine a Vasquez, that the registrar asked him to bring the questioned
particular science, art, or trade to which the question relates are fact in issue. The following are the standards that should be document to the Court and the same was received by one of
admissible in evidence. considered by the judge: the employees of the Court. Further, the said issue has been
resolved by this Court in its Order dated August 14, 2000,
Numerous cases are cited in support of this rule. Just when a Many considerations will bear on the inquiry, including whether pertinent portion of which states that:
scientific principle or discovery crosses the line between the the theory or technique in question can be (and has been)
experimental and demonstrable stages is difficult to define. tested, whether it has been subjected to peer review and "Therefore, the allegations (sic) of the defendants that the said
Somewhere in this twilight zone the evidential force of the publication, its known or potential error rate, and the existence document came from a spurious [source] is without any basis.
principle must be recognized, and while courts will go a long and maintenance of standards controlling its operation, and This Court assures the defendants and/or any litigant for that
way in admitting expert testimony deduced from a well-
matter that this Court will not allow spurious document[s] to be Paghahati sa Labas ng Hukuman na may Lakip na Bilihan ng it concluded that "no comparison may be made between the
admitted by this Court. Lupa (Exhibit "G"); and (3) the Residence Certificate of Rufina thumbmarks found in the Deed [Absolute of Sale] and those
(Exhibit "H").67 After examination, Gomez submitted to the found in the standard documents."73
WHEREFORE, the Omnibus Motion filed by the defendants is Regional Trial Court his Technical Investigation/Identification
hereby DENIED for lack of merit." Report FP Case No. 2000-182 dated July 13, 2000: However, the Court of Appeals failed to consider that Gomez
clarified that all the requisites for comparing the thumbmarks—
As basis of the comparison[,] plaintiffs presented, the Kasulatan 6. RESULT OF EXAMINATION: After having a thorough (1) fingerprint patterns, (2) flow of ridges, and (3) location and
sa Bilihan ng Lote dated February 19, 1979 (Exhibit "F"); examination, comparison and analysis, questioned thumbmarks relationship of their characteristics—had been satisfied. He
Kasulatang Paghahati sa Labas ng Hukuman na may Lakip na mentioned in item nos. 5A and 5B are found not identical with specifically stated that first, "[a]ll the standard [thumbmarks]
Bilihan ng Lupa dated March 31, 1982 (Exhibit "G"); and the the standard thumbmarks mentioned in item nos. 5C, 5D[,] and are all in the same fingerprint pattern";74 second, "they are
Residence Certificate of Rufina Casimiro dated July 21, 1971 5E. also in agreement [as to] the flow [of] ridges";75 and third,
(Exhibit "H") and a receipt issued by the Rural Bank of Zapote there is no discrepancy as to their ridge characteristics76:
(Exhibit "H-1"), which documents contained the genuine 7. OPINION: In view of the foregoing result of the examination,
thumbmarks of Rufina Casimiro. questioned thumbmark mentioned in item nos. 5A and 5B were ATTY. CORTEZ
not impressed by Rufina Casimiro.68
A fingerprint examiner of the NBI, Eriberto B. Gomez, Jr., took Q Can you tell us, Mr. Witness, the requirements before you can
the witness stand. He testified that pursuant to the order of this This Report could not be any clearer. The questioned render an opinion in the identity of the standard thumbmark?
Court he conducted an examination to determine the thumbmarks on the Deed of Absolute Sale do not belong to
genuineness of Rufina Casimiro's thumbmarks on the Rufina. The questioned thumbmarks were of the "circle type" WITNESS
questioned Deed of Absolute Sale by comparing them with her while the genuine thumbmarks of Rufina were of the "loop
genuine thumbmarks as appearing on Exhibits "F", "G" and "H". type."69 A Well, in comparing the prints there are three requirements,
These documents, containing the genuine thumb marks of (1) to determine the type of the finger prints pattern; (2) the
Rufina Casimiro were executed on the dates prior to and after Upon personally perusing the documents, Regional Trial Court flow of the ridges; (3) the location of each characteristics and
the execution of the questioned documents. Mr. Gomez Judge Novato T. Cajigal (Judge Cajigal) reached a similar their relationship to each other, sir.
prepared enlarged photographs of the questioned and standard conclusion:
thumbmarks of Rufina Casimiro for better examination and ATTY. CORTEZ
comparison (Exhibit "J"). After examining these thumbmarks, This Court has examined the said thumbmarks and is convinced
Mr. Gomez concluded in his Technical and satisfied that they are very different from her standard Q Now with respect to the first requirements (sic) that you
Investigation/Identification Report FP Case No. 2000-182-A thumbmarks in the documents Exhibits "F", "G"[,] and "H". This mentioned "the general pattern"?
(Exh. "I") that the purported thumbmarks of Rufina Casimiro in difference is further enhanced in the enlarged photographs of ....
the alleged Deed of Absolute Sale (Exhibit "D") are not identical these thumbmarks (Exhibit "J"). It is clear by the naked eyes
with her standard thumbmarks in Exhibits "F", "G" and "H" and that Rufina's thumbmarks in the questioned Deed of Absolute ATTY. CORTEZ
that the thumbmarks appearing in the said Deed of Absolute Sale (Exhibit "D") are really the "circle type" while those of the
Sale (Exhibit "D") were not impressed by Rufina Casimiro.64 standard thumbmarks in Exhibits "F", "G"[,] and "H" are the Q Would you say that this standard thumbmark, what can you
loop type as the NBI expert technically described them. As the say about the general pattern of the thumbmark?
IV Supreme Court ruled in People vs. Abatayo, 87 Phil. 794, 798,
"Thumbmarks never lie". "A comparison of both the differences WITNESS
Heirs of Gregorio v. Court of Appeals,65 outlined standards for and similarities in the questioned thumbmarks (signatures)
establishing forgery: should have been made to satisfy the demands of evidence" A All the standard are all in the same finger print pattern, sir.
(Licarte vs, CA, G.R. No. 128899; June 8, 1995).70
As a rule, forgery cannot be presumed and must be proved by ATTY. CORTEZ
clear, positive and convincing evidence and the burden of proof Judge Cajigal's observations and conclusions are in keeping with
lies on the party alleging forgery. The best evidence of a forged the settled principle that judges exercise independent judgment Q How about the second requirements (sic) which is the flow of
signature in an instrument is the instrument itself reflecting the in appraising the authenticity of a signature, or of a fingerprint the ridges, what can you say about this standard?
alleged forged signature. The fact of forgery can only be placed in a signature's stead:
established by a comparison between the alleged forged WITNESS
signature and the authentic and genuine signature of the A judge must therefore conduct an independent examination of
person whose signature is theorized upon to have been forged. the signature itself in order to arrive at a reasonable conclusion A Well, they are also in agreement of the flow [of] ridges of all
Without the original document containing the alleged forged as to its authenticity and this cannot be done without the the standard, sir.
signature, one cannot make a definitive comparison which original copy being produced in court.71
would establish forgery. A comparison based on a mere xerox ATTY. CORTEZ
copy or reproduction of the document under controversy cannot V
produce reliable results.66 (Citation omitted) Q And how about the third requirements, the number of ridge
In reversing the Regional Trial Court, the Court of Appeals characteristics?
Here, petitioners submitted for comparison three (3) standard emphasized Gomez's Second Report, which indicated that faint
documents bearing the genuine thumbmarks of Rufina: (1) and blurred features of the thumbmarks appearing on the WITNESS
Kasulatan sa Bilihan ng Lote (Exhibit "F"); (2) Kasulatang standard documents prevented "positive identification."72 Thus,
A The number of the ridge characteristics because [of:] the No. 91767 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The May 31, 2005
none clarity (sic) of th[ese] characteristics. I only locate[d] one Respondents' lone witness was Atty. Arcadia Espiritu (Atty. Decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 19, Bacoor, Cavite
or two points and it is not sufficient for positive identification. I Espiritu), the notary public who notarized the Deed of Absolute in Civil Case No. BCV 97- 183 is REINSTATED.
must locate seven or more ridge characteristics to warrant Sale.80 Atty. Espiritu asserted that the parties to the Deed of
positive identification, sir. Absolute Sale personally appeared before him and that Rufina SO ORDERED.
affixed her thumbmarks in his presence.81
ATTY. CORTEZ Velasco, Jr., (Chairperson), Bersamin, Martires, and Gesmundo,
However, Atty. Espiritu's credibility is highly questionable. It JJ., concur.
Q But will you agree, Mr. Witness that with respect to this point, was established during trial that he notarized an Affidavit of
there is no discrepancy among the standard thumbmark? Self-Adjudication in favor of a certain Victor Guinto (Guinto),
where Guinto declared that he was the sole heir of his deceased THIRD DIVISION
WITNESS sister, to the exclusion of their other siblings.82 This was
despite Atty. Espiritu's personal knowledge, as a longtime G.R. No. 200401, January 17, 2018
A Well, if I have not meet (sic) all the requirements then I neighbor of Guinto's family, that there were other brothers and
cannot make an opinion regarding the identification of the sisters.83 During trial, he even admitted that "he was not METRO RAIL TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION,
standard finger print, sir. 'concerned about the truth and falsities of entries in the Petitioner, v. GAMMON PHILIPPINES, INC., Respondent.
The Regional Trial Court's observations are on point. It was
Q My question is not about the identity. My question is right to not lend credence to Atty. Espiritu's testimony: LEONEN, J.:
pertaining to any discrepancy or any disagreement?
Thus, the presumption of regularity in the execution of notarial This resolves a Petition for Review on Certiorari1 assailing the
WITNESS documents [cannot] apply in this case, despite the testimony of Court of Appeals October 14, 2011 Decision2 and January 25,
the notary public who notarized the said Deed of Absolute Sale, 2012 Resolution3 in CA-GR. SP No. 98569. The assailed
A There is none, sir.77 (Emphasis supplied) whose credibility is in itself doubtful considering his admission Decision affirmed the Construction Industry Arbitration
that he prepared and notarized an affidavit of self-adjudication Commission (CIAC) Decision,4 which awarded Gammon
The faint and blurred features of the thumbmarks appearing on of inherited properties from a deceased sister (Exhibit "M") Philippines, Inc. (Gammon) its monetary claims for lost profits
the standard documents may have made them less than ideal. inspite (sic) of his personal knowledge that the affiant was not and reimbursements for engineering services, design work, and
Still, Gomez explained that they remained to be sufficiently the sole heir of the said deceased, who has other surviving site de--watering and clean up, due to breach of contract.5 The
consistent, and therefore, suitable for a comparison with the brothers and sisters as they were once his neighbors in Zapote, assailed Resolution denied Metro Rail Transit Development
thumbmarks appearing on the disputed Deed of Absolute Sale. Bacoor, Cavite. No amount of testimonial evidence could ever Corporation's (MRT) Motion for Reconsideration.6
Gomez, too, was particular in rejecting respondents' counsel's alter or detract from the cold physical fact that the questioned
suggestion that the Second Report should "supersede"78 the thumbmarks are not identical with the standard thumbmarks. This case involves MRT's MRT-3 North Triangle Description
First Report: Testimonial evidence cannot prevail over physical facts.85 Project (Project), covering 54 hectares of land, out of which 16
hectares were allotted for a commercial center. Half of the
ATTY. DELA CUEVA VII commercial center would be used for a podium structure
(Podium), which was meant to provide the structure for the
Q Mr. Witness, this document now marked as Exh. "K" which Petitioners were able to discharge their burden of proving Project's Leasable Retail Development and to serve as the
we are adopting as our Exh. "6" was prepared by you forgery by clear and convincing evidence. Petitioners maintenance depot of the rail transit system.7
subsequently to a previous report which is now marked as Exh. themselves recounted in a straightforward manner that their
"I", does this report supersede your previous report, Mr. mother, being illiterate, never dealt with her properties without Parsons Interpro JV (Parsons) was the Management Team
Witness? the assistance of any of her children.86 To attest to this, they authorized to oversee the construction’s execution.8
presented documents bearing the thumbmarks of their mother,
WITNESS where it appeared that at least one (1) of them was present to On April 30, 1997, Gammon received from Parsons an invitation
assist her.87 These same documents, when compared with the to bid for the complete concrete works of the Podium. The
A No, Sir.79 contentious Deed of Absolute Sale, demonstrated the falsity of scope of the work involved supplying the necessary materials,
the thumbmarks appearing on the latter. Respondents' cause labor, plants, tools, equipment, facilities, supervision, and
Thus, Gomez was steadfast on the findings he detailed in his may have been supported by the general presumption that services for the construction of Level 1 to Level 4 of the
First Report. The First Report already established that the notarized documents were duly executed; however, this Podium. 9
questioned thumbmarks appearing on the Deed of Absolute presumption must crumble in light of the significantly more
Sale were not Rufina's, as their genuineness is belied by compelling evidence presented by petitioners. As against On May 30, 1997, Gammon submitted three (3) separate bids
thumbmarks appearing on the authentic, standard documents. petitioners' evidence, all that respondents presented was the and several clarifications on certain provisions of the Instruction
Despite the flaws in the thumbmarks appearing in the standard testimony of the notarizing lawyer, whose own acts are clouded to Bidders and the General Conditions of Contract.10
documents, the inherent deficiencies of the thumbmarks affixed with suspicion.
in the Deed of Absolute Sale remain. Gammon won the bid. On August 27, 1997, Parsons issued a
WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review on Certiorari is GRANTED. Letter of Award and Notice to Proceed (First Notice to Proceed)
VI The July 9, 2012 Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV
to Gammon.11 It was accompanied by the formal contract The contract documentation submitted under cover of your
documents. The First Notice to Proceed stated: letter is being reviewed now, and should be signed and Re: Contract for LRT3 North Triangle Podium Structure
returned to you tomorrow. The Letter of Comfort has now been
We are pleased to inform [you] that you have been awarded signed by the Chief Executive of Gammon Construction Ltd., Gentlemen:
the work on the construction of the Podium Structure for the and is being returned this week.
MRT-3 EDSA-North Triangle Development Project. The formal Due to current developments in the Philippines' foreign
contract document, which is the product of a series of We confirm that we mobilised resources to site on Friday, 29 exchange rate and the concomitant soaring interest rates, Metro
discussions and negotiation[,] is herewith attached for your August '97 to pump out floodwater. Cleaning up of mud and Rail Transit Development Corp. (MRTDC) will need a week or
signature. debris will follow on this week. two to estimate the possible effects and repercussions on the
above[-]mentioned project before MRTDC, through the
The Work includes the furnishing of labor, supervision, During this mobilisation phase, our Site Manager is Mr. Chairman of the Board, will issue the formal Notice to proceed
materials, plant, equipment and other facilities and Ferdinand Fabro who we introduced to you during the to your company. When these possible effects and
appurtenances necessary to perform all the works in accordance Preconstruction meeting last Thursday, 28 August '97. repercussions are analysed and decided upon by our Board,
with contract document, approved drawings, specifications and hopefully within the week, we shall notify you at once.17
your over-all Breakdown of Lump Sum Bid (marked Exhibit ''A") We enclose herewith a copy of our Mobilisation Programme
amounting to ONE BILLION FOUR HUNDRED ONE MILLION SIX dated 1 September '97 (4 x A3 sheets) which includes Design On September 9, 1997, Gammon transmitted the contract
HUNDRED SEVENTY[-]TWO THOUSAND NINETY[-] FIVE PESOS activities, Mobilisation activities, initial Construction activities, documents to Parsons.18
(P1,401,672,095.00). It is understood that due to the existing key plant and formwork items.
squatters in the Area, the work shall be divided in two (2) In a facsimile transmission sent on the same day, Parsons
separate geographical areas designated as Phase I and Phase II Our Design Team have now relocated to our office in Makati, directed Gammon "to hold any further mobilization activities."19
- but shall be treated as one contract and still totaling to and are continuing with preparation of shop drawings of all
P1,401,672,095.00. Further, this award is predicated on the slabs. In a Letter dated September 10, 1997, Gammon stated:
commitments contained in the attached comfort letter (marked
Exhibit "B") issued by Gammon Construction Limited, your We will submit a project organisation chart shortly but in the ''A NOTICE OF AWARD & NOTICE TO PROCEED addressed to
associate company overseas and receipt of the duly signed meantime, we confirm that the following senior [Gammon Gammon Philippines Inc. (GPI) was issued by your Project
letter from the Chief Executive of Gammon Construction Limited Philippines, Inc.] staff are now allocated to the project: Managers, Parsons Interpro JV dated 27th August 1997 and has
that is expected within seven days from the date hereof. been signed, accepted and an original returned to them by our
.... .... authorised people, therefore a contract exists between MTRDC
and GPI.
You may, therefore, proceed with the work at Phase I starting As soon as layout of temporary facilities has been agreed with
seven (7) days from receipt of this Notice or from the time that you, establishment will commence in the very limited space The formal contract document has been issued to us for final
Site is dewatered and cleaned up, whichever is the later. It is allocated ... review and has been signed and returned to your Project
further understood that Gammon agrees to continue Phase II at Managers.
the price stated above and the starting time thereof will depend We have today received ... drawings marked "For Construction",
on the completion by others of the footings in time to allow and unless we hear from you to the contrary, we will proceed to In accordance with the NOA & NTP Gammon Construction Ltd.
construction of the superstructure in accordance with procure materials for, plan and construct walls and columns have provided you with the required letter of guarantee in
Gammon's Tender Programme dated 13 August 1997. based on these drawings. However, please note that the 3 respect of fulfillment by GCL of GPI's obligations under the
.... sheets of construction notes have not been issued. We Contract in the event of GPI's insolvency.
therefore request issue of these drawings. In addition, there are
Please signify your concurrence by signing the appropriate fifteen 'Requests for Information' (RFIs) which were forwarded By the [Notice of Award] & [Notice to Proceed] [Gammon] were
space below and in the accompanying contract documents and to you yesterday - these cover queries which affect both design (sic) required to proceed with the work starting seven days
return to Parsons-Interpro the originals. We will send to you a of slabs and construction of walls, columns and beams. In from receipt of that Notice and it was agreed we would
complete set of documents as soon as it is signed by the particular, we urgently need instructions to clarify the commence dewatering of the flooded site and clean up
Owner.12 reinforcement specification generally, and connectors/splicing of immediately, under a Change Order, and that the construction
column reinforcement. period would run from the date of achieving the clean up of the
In a Letter dated September 2, 1997 (First Letter), Gammon site. It was anticipated that these clean up works would take 11
signed and returned the First Notice to Proceed without the Finally, our Performance Bond and Advance Payment Bond are days.
contract documents.13 The First Letter stated: being prepared now - we hope to submit these by end of this
week.14 We are therefore bound by these commitments."20
MRT 3 North Triangle Development
Superstructure Contract In a Letter dated September 3, 1997 (Second Letter), Gammon On September 11, 1997, Gammon sent Parsons a facsimile to
Letter of Award/Notice to Proceed transmitted to Parsons a signed Letter of Comfort to guarantee confirm if all requirements in the contract documents were
its obligations in the Project.15 temporarily suspended pending the clarification of the scope
We return herewith the original copy of the above[-]mentioned and programming of the Project.21
letter which we have countersigned dated 28 August '97. However, in a Letter dated September 8, 1997, MRT wrote
(Please note that Mr. Salagdo's signature is missing). Gammon that it would need one (1) or two (2) weeks before it In a facsimile transmission dated September 12, 1997, Parsons
could issue the latter the Formal Notice to Proceed:16 confirmed "the temporary suspension of all [the] requirements
under the contract except the re-design of the project floor
slabs and the site de-watering and clean up."22 In its Letter dated March 11, 1998, Gammon notified Parsons of In a Letter dated July 23, 1998, Gammon notified Parsons of its
its revised Breakdown of Lump Sum Price worth claim for payment of all costs, damages, and expenses due to
Thereafter, MRT decided to downscale the Podium's P1,062,986,607.00.35 MRT's suspension order and the consequences of its award of
construction and to proceed with the Project's conceptual the contract to another party.47
redesign.23 On April 2, 1998, MRT issued in favor of Gammon another
Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed (Third Notice to In a Letter dated August 7, 1998, MRT informed Gammon that
Upon Parson's request order, Gammon studied and discussed Proceed).36 it was willing to reimburse Gammon for its cost in participating
with MRT the best option to phase the work.24 in the bid amounting to about 5% of Gammon's total claim of
In its Letter dated April 8, 1998, Gammon acknowledged receipt more or less P121,000,000.00.48
On November 7, 1997, Gammon presented to MRT the of the Third Notice to Proceed and requested clarification of
sequencing and phasing of the work.25 certain items.37 In a Letter dated August 11, 1998, Gammon replied that MRT's
offer was not enough to cover the expenses it had incurred for
MRT decided to adopt Gammon's reccomendation to construct On April 22, 1998, Parsons wrote Gammon, stating that "since the Project and that it was willing to send MRT additional
the Podium up to Level 2 only. 26 the building ha[d] been revised . . . structural changes [would] information necessary for the evaluation of its claims.49
be needed and quantities may change."38
Due to these revisions on the scope of work, MRT also decided In a Letter dated August 24, 1998, Parsons requested Gammon
to re- design the Level 2 slab, which it perceived would be On April 29, 1998, Gammon wrote Parsons, confirming its for additional supporting documents to its claims.50
exposed to more load stresses from prolonged exposure to readiness to start mobilization and requesting clarification of
elements and the weight of heavy construction equipment. MRT "urgent issues requiring resolution."39 Gammon wrote several communications to MRT to follow up on
asked Gammon to re-design.27 its evaluation request.51
In its Letter dated May 7, 1998, Parsons informed Gammon that
On February 18, 1998, Parsons issued Gammon a Notice of MRT was temporarily rescinding the Third Notice to Proceed, On July 1, 1999, Gammon filed a Notice of Claim before CIAC
Award and Notice to Proceed (Second Notice to Proceed) for noting that it remained unaccepted by Gammon.40 against MRT.52
the engineering services based on the redesigned plan.28 The
Second Notice to Proceed stated: On June 11, 1998, Gammon received from Parsons the Contract On August 18, 1999, CIAC issued an Order directing MRT to file
for the Construction and Development of the Superstructure, its Answer and submit the names of its nominees to the Arbitral
This Notice to Proceed is for the work to be rolled-in into a MRT-3 North Triangle - Amended Notice to Proceed dated June Tribunal.53
Lump Sum Contract. In the event that this contract will not be 10, 1998 (Fourth Notice to Proceed).41
finalized in the near future, any and all expenses that are MRT filed a Motion to Dismiss, arguing that CIAC had no
necessary and directly incurred by you in connection therewith The terms of the Fourth Notice to Proceed were different from jurisdiction to arbitrate the dispute. This Motion was denied and
shall be reimbursed based on actual cost plus a negotiated those of the First and the Third Notices to Proceed. The Fourth this matter was elevated to this Court.54 In Gammon v. Metro
fee.29 Notice to Proceed also expressly cancelled the First and Third Rail Transit Development Corporation,55 this Court held that
Notices to Proceed.42 CIAC had jurisdiction over the case.56
Gammon signed the Second Notice to Proceed on March 11,
1998 with qualification: On June 19, 1998, Gammon qualifiedly accepted the Fourth Thus, on October 19, 2006, MRT filed its Answer with
Notice to Proceed.43 Compulsory Counterclaim,57 paragraph 77 of which read:
The Contractor refers to the Notice of Award and Notice to
Proceed dated 27 August 1997, and understands that this MRT treated Gammon's qualified acceptance as a new offer. In 77. To begin with, MRTDC is willing to pay GAMMON the total
Notice to Proceed effectively lifts the suspension of work a Letter dated June 22, 1998, MRT rejected Gammon's qualified amount of P5,493,639.27 representing the sum of
notified in MRTDC letter dated 8 September 1997, in respect of acceptance and informed Gammon that the contract would be P4,821,261.91 and P672,377.36, which comprise GAMMON's
the design activities only for all of the Level 2 slab and that part awarded instead to Filsystems if Gammon would not accept the claim for cost of the engineering and design services and site
of the Level 3 slab over the Depot Maintenance Shop and office Fourth Notice to Proceed within five (5) days.44 de-watering and clean-up works, respectively.58
area . . . ; and that the existing Notice of Award dated 27
August 1997 is still valid.30 In a Letter dated July 8, 1998, Gammon wrote MRT, On November 2, 2006, the Arbital Tribunal was formed. On
acknowledging the latter's intent to grant the Fourth Notice to December 11, 2006, a preliminary conference was set to finalize
On March 3, 1998, Gammon submitted to Parsons a Revised Proceed to another party despite having granted the First Notice the Terms of Reference, which would regulate the conduct of
Lump Sum Price Proposal of P1,044,055,102.0031 for the to Proceed to Gammon. Thus, it notified MRT of its claims for the proceedings. The parties agreed that they would
construction of the Podium up to Level 2, including the design reimbursement for costs, losses, charges, damages, and simultaneously submit their witnesses' affidavits on January 19,
of the floor slab at Level 2.32 At this time, Gammon had already expenses it had incurred due to the rapid mobilization program 2007.59
started its engineering services pursuant to the Second Notice in response to MRT's additional work instructions, suspension
to Proceed.33 order, ongoing discussions, and the consequences of its award On March 27, 2007, CIAC ruled:60
to another party.45
In its Letter dated March 6, 1998, Gammon sent Parsons a WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered and AWARD is
breakdown of the Revised Extra Contract Expenses it allegedly In a Letter dated July 15, 1998, MRT expressed its made on the monetary claims of Claimant as follows:
incurred in connection with the works' suspension amounting to disagreement with Gammon and its amenability to discussing
P17,241,505.16. 34 claims for reimbursement.46 P4,821,261.9
for Engineering services design work to Gammon before Gammon returned the contract Finally, whether or not respondent Gammon Philippines, Inc.'s
672,377.36 documents.79 Thus, Gammon's acceptance only came after the claims for actual damages, reimbursement of amounts, and lost
for site de-watering and clean up offer had been withdrawn and nothing that could have been profits were sufficiently proven.
accepted remained.80
P5,493,639.27 This Court denies the Petition.
Total claim under issue #1 MRT reasons that the loss of profits was not proven with a
reasonable degree of certainty because Gammon's witness is CIAC was created under Executive Order No. 100892 to
P53,149,330.35 as a reasonable estimate of the profit it had lost not an expert witness.81 Moreover, it emphasizes that the establish an arbitral machinery that will settle expeditiously
by reason of Respondent's breach of contract in awarding the finding in National Housing Authority v. First Limited problems arising from, or connected with, contracts in the
construction to a different contractor. Construction Corporation82 of 10% profit as the standard construction industry.93
practice in the construction industry is merely obiter dictum,
P58,642,969.62 - TOTAL DUE THE CLAIMANT and thus, cannot operate as a precedent for construction- Its jurisdiction includes construction disputes between or among
SO ORDERED.61 related cases.83 parties to an arbitration agreement, or those who are otherwise
bound by the latter, directly or by reference.94 Thus, any
MRT assailed the CIAC Decision before the Court of Appeals. MRT further claims that invoices and debit memos are not project owner, contractor, subcontractor, fabricator, or project
However, the Court of Appeals affirmed the CIAC Decision: sufficient proof of payment to entitle Gammon to manager of a construction project who is bound by an
reimbursements because an invoice is a mere detailed arbitration agreement in a construction contract is under CIAC's
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition IS statement of the items and their prices and charges, while a jurisdiction in case of any dispute.95
DENIED. The assailed order of the CIAC dated March 8, 2007 is debit memo is only an advice to the receiver of an outstanding
AFFIRMED.62 debt.84 CIAC is a quasi-judicial body exercising quasi-judicial powers.

Thus, MRT filed the instant Petition for Review.63 It argues that MRT avers that the alleged admission in its Answer with A quasi-judicial agency is a government body, not part of the
Gammon was not entitled to CIAC's award considering that Compulsory Counterclaim should be construed as extending judiciary or the legislative branch, which adjudicates disputes
there is no perfected contract between MRT and Gammon64 only to those "supported by official receipts."85 It reiterates and creates rules which affect private parties' rights.96 It is
and that Gammon's claim for lost profits was based only on an that "[j]udicial admissions cannot supplant the requirements of created by an enabling statute, and thus, its existence
unsubstantiated and self-serving assertion of its employee.65 law ... that actual or compensatory damages ... must be duly continues beyond the resolution of a dispute and is independent
Additionally, it contends that the claim for reimbursements for proven."86 Moreover, MRT asserts that its offer to pay is not an from the will of the parties. Its powers are limited to those
engineering services, design work, site de-watering, and clean- admission of liability but only "an attempt to settle the issue and expressly granted or necessarily implied in the enabling law.97
up was not supported by official receipts. It also avers that it is avoid litigation." 87 It argues that the exact amount of
not estopped from contradicting its alleged judicial admission of P5,493,639.27 was mentioned in the Answer with Compulsory Quasi-judicial or administrative adjudicatory power has been
liability for reimbursements in the amount of P5,493,639.27,66 Counterclaim as it was the amount claimed by Gammon, which defined as the power: "(1) to hear and determine questions of
and further states that it is entitled to attorney's fees.67 MRT offered to pay, if proven.88 fact to which legislative policy is to apply, and (2) to decide in
accordance with the standards laid down by the law itself in
Gammon filed its Comment,68 insisting that there is a perfected It further asserts that the findings of CIAC and of the Court of enforcing and administering the same law."98
contract between them.69 It argues that this Court determined Appeals are all contrary to evidence on record or are premised
the perfection of the contract in Gammon v. Metro Rail Transit on speculation, surmises, and conjectures, and thus, are serious Arbitration under a quasi-judicial body is similar to commercial
Development Corporation,70 and thus, the doctrine of the law errors of law properly re-examinable by this Court.89 arbitration in that its factual findings are generally accorded
of the case applies. 71 Gammon asserts that its claim for lost respect and finality.
profits was sufficiently substantiated72 and that it has proven For this Court's resolution are the following issues:
its entitlement to the reimbursements.73 It avers that damages However, commercial arbitration is conducted by ad-hoc bodies
may be proved not only by official receipts, but also through First, whether or not there is a perfected contract between created by stipulation of parties for the purpose of settling
other documentary evidence, such as invoices and debit petitioner Metro Rail Transit Development Corporation and disputes concerning their private or proprietary interests. In
notes.74 respondent Gammon Philippines, Inc.; general, the findings in commercial arbitration are respected to
uphold the autonomy of arbitral awards.99
Gammon further claims that MRT is bound by its implied Second, whether the doctrine of the law of the case in Gammon
admission of its liability for the reimbursements in its Answer v. Metro Rail Transit Development Corporation90 applies; On the other hand, quasi-judicial agencies were created for a
with Compulsory Counterclaim. It points out that MRT speedier resolution of controversies on matters of state interest
mentioned the exact amount it was willing to pay and that it did Third, whether or not petitioner Metro Rail Transit Development that require specialized knowledge and expertise.100
not state that it would pay only the proved amount.75 It argues Corporation is bound by its allegation in its Answer with
that MRT is raising factual issues and that CIAC's factual Compulsory Counterclaim that it was "willing to pay GAMMON CIAC exercises quasi-judicial powers over arbitration disputes
findings on the existence of the contract and the amount of the total amount of P5,493,639.27 representing the sum of concerning construction contracts. Thus, its findings are
damages ought to be respected.76 P4,821,261.91 and P672,377.36, which comprise GAMMON's accorded respect because it comes with the presumption that
claim for cost of the engineering and design services and site CIAC is technically proficient in efficiently and speedily resolving
In its Reply,77 MRT argues that the doctrine of the law of the de-watering and clean-up works, respectively";91 and conflicts in the construction industry.
case does not apply as the issue in Gammon was CIAC's
jurisdiction and not the existence of the contract.78 It reiterates
that no contract was perfected because MRT withdrew its offer
Thus, under the Construction Industry Arbitration Law, arbitral Hi-Precision Steel Center, Inc. v. Lim Kim Steel Builders, Inc. one party as to constitute a grave abuse of discretion resulting
awards are binding and shall be final and unappealable, except explained the wisdom underlying the limitation of appeals to in lack or loss of jurisdiction. Prototypical examples would be
on pure questions of law: pure questions of law: factual conclusions of the Tribunal which resulted in deprivation
of one or the other party of a fair opportunity to present its
Section 19. Finality of Awards. — The arbitral award shall be Section 19 makes it crystal clear that questions of fact cannot position before the Arbitral Tribunal, and an award obtained
binding upon the parties. It shall be final and inappealable be raised in proceedings before the Supreme Court — which is through fraud or the corruption of arbitrators. Any other, more
except on questions of law which shall be appealable to the not a trier of facts — in respect of an arbitral award rendered relaxed, rule would result in setting at naught the basic
Supreme Court. under the aegis of the CIAC. Consideration of the animating objective of a voluntary arbitration and would reduce arbitration
purpose of voluntary arbitration in general, and arbitration to a largely inutile institution.
Initially, CIAC decisions are appealable only to this Court. under the aegis of the CIAC in particular, requires us to apply
However, when the Rules of Court were enacted, appeals from rigorously the above principle embodied in Section 19 that the Thus, even as exceptions to the highly restrictive nature of
CIAC decisions became appealable to the Court of Appeals Arbitral Tribunal's findings of fact shall be final and appeals may be contemplated, these exceptions are only on the
under Rule 43:101 unappealable. narrowest of grounds. Factual findings of CIAC arbitral tribunals
may be revisited not merely because arbitral tribunals may have
Section 1. Scope. — This Rule shall apply to appeals from Voluntary arbitration involves the reference of a dispute to an erred, not even on the already exceptional grounds traditionally
judgments or final orders of the Court of Tax Appeals and from impartial body, the members of which are chosen by the parties available in Rule 45 Petitions. Rather, factual findings may be
awards, judgments, final orders or resolutions of or authorized themselves, which parties freely consent in advance to abide by reviewed only in cases where the CIAC arbitral tribunals
by any quasi-judicial agency in the exercise of its quasi-judicial the arbitral award issued after proceedings where both parties conducted their affairs in a haphazard, immodest manner that
functions. Among these agencies are the Civil Service had the opportunity to be heard. The basic objective is to the most basic integrity of the arbitral process was
Commission, Central Board of Assessment Appeals, Securities provide a speedy and inexpensive method of settling disputes imperiled.104 (Emphasis in the original, citations omitted)
and Exchange Commission, Office of the President, Land by allowing the parties to avoid the formalities, delay, expense
Registration Authority, Social Security Commission, Civil and aggravation which commonly accompany ordinary litigation, Thus, CIAC's factual findings on construction disputes are final,
Aeronautics Board, Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and especially litigation which goes through the entire hierarchy of conclusive, and not reviewable by this Court on appeal. The
Technology Transfer, National Electrification Administration, courts. [The Construction Industry Arbitration Law] created an only exceptions are when:
Energy Regulatory Board, National Telecommunications arbitration facility to which the construction industry in the
Commission, Department of Agrarian Reform under Republic Act Philippines can have recourse. The [Construction Industry (1) [T]he award was procured by corruption, fraud or other
No. 6657, Government Service Insurance System, Employees Arbitration Law] was enacted to encourage the early and undue means; (2) there was evident partiality or corruption of
Compensation Commission, Agricultural Inventions Board, expeditious settlement of disputes in the construction industry, the arbitrators or of any of them; (3) the arbitrators were guilty
Insurance Commission, Philippine Atomic Energy Commission, a public policy the implementation of which is necessary and of misconduct in refusing to postpone the hearing upon
Board of Investments, Construction Industry Arbitration important for the realization of national development goals. sufficient cause shown, or in refusing to hear evidence pertinent
Commission, and voluntary arbitrators authorized by law. and material to the controversy; (4) one or more of the
Consistent with this restrictive approach, this Court is duty- arbitrators were disqualified to act as such under section nine of
Section 2. Cases Not Covered. — This Rule shall not apply to bound to be extremely watchful and to ensure that an appeal Republic Act No. 876 and willfully refrained from disclosing such
judgments or final orders issued under the Labor Code of the does not become an ingenious means for undermining the disqualifications or of any other misbehavior by which the rights
Philippines. integrity of arbitration or for conveniently setting aside the of any party have been materially prejudiced; or (5) the
conclusions arbitral processes make. An appeal is not an artifice arbitrators exceeded their powers, or so imperfectly executed
While Rule 43 petitions may pertain to questions of fact, for the parties to undermine the process they voluntarily elected them, that a mutual, final and definite award upon the subject
questions of law, or both questions of law and fact, it has been to engage in. To prevent this Court from being a party to such matter submitted to them was not made.105 (Citation omitted)
established that factual findings of CIAC may not be reviewed perversion, this Court's primordial inclination must be to uphold
on appeal.102 In CE Construction v. Araneta,103 this Court the factual findings of arbitral tribunals: Necessarily, before petitioner may raise any question of fact, it
explained that appeals from CIAC may only raise questions of must prove that the above circumstances exist in the case at
law: Aware of the objective of voluntary arbitration in the labor field, bar.
in the construction industry, and in any other area for that
This is not to say that factual findings of CIAC arbitral tribunals matter, the Court will not assist one or the other or even both I
may now be assailed before the Court of Appeals. Section 3's parties in any effort to subvert or defeat that objective for their
statement "whether the appeal involves questions of fact, of private purposes. The Court will not review the factual findings This Court rules that there is a perfected contract between MRT
law, or mixed questions of fact and law" merely recognizes of an arbitral tribunal upon the artful allegation that such body and Gammon.
variances in the disparate modes of appeal that Rule 43 had "misapprehended the facts" and will not pass upon issues
standardizes: that there were those that enabled questions of which are, at bottom, issues of fact, no matter how cleverly MRT argues that there was no perfected contract between the
fact, there were those that enabled questions of law, and there disguised they might be as "legal questions." The parties here parties as Gammon only accepted MRT's offer after MRT had
were those that enabled mixed questions fact and law. Rule 43 had recourse to arbitration and chose the arbitrators already revoked it.106 MRT claims that it withdrew its offer to
emphasizes that though there may have been variances, all themselves; they must have had confidence in such arbitrators. Gammon in its September 8, 1997 Letter, when it suspended
appeals under its scope are to be brought before the Court of The Court will not, therefore, permit the parties to relitigate the Project to review the foreign exchange rates and interest
Appeals. However, in keeping with the Construction Industry before it the issues of facts previously presented and argued rates.107 It emphasizes that while Gammon had already then
Arbitration Law, any appeal from CIAC Arbitral Tribunals must before the Arbitral Tribunal, save only where a very clear returned the First Notice to Proceed, it did not return the
remain limited to questions of law. showing is made that, in reaching its factual conclusions, the contract documents until September 12, 1997.108 By then, MRT
Arbitral Tribunal committed an error so egregious and hurtful to had already withdrawn the First Notice to Proceed, and the
parties were already renegotiating the contract's cause and present. The consummation of the contract covers the period effect is to perfect a contract between the bidder and the
object.109 when the parties perform their obligations in the contract until it contractor upon notice of the award to the bidder.123 Thus, in
is finished or extinguished.116 Valencia v. Rehabilitation Finance Corp.:124
On the other hand, Gammon maintains that there was a
perfected contract between the parties. It insists that MRT did To determine when the contract was perfected, the acceptance With respect to the first argument, it is worthy of notice that
not withdraw or modify its offer before Gammon signed and of the offer must be unqualified, unconditional, and made the proposal submitted by petitioner consisted of several items,
returned the First Notice to Proceed and the contract known to the offeror.117 Before knowing of the acceptance, the among which are: (a) one for P389,980, for the "complete
documents. It claims that the contract was not cancelled and offeror may withdraw the offer.118 Moreover, if the offeror construction of the office building" in question, ... ; (b) another
was only temporarily and partially suspended, and this did not imposes the manner of acceptance to be done by the offerree, for P358,480, for the "complete construction of the office
affect its perfection. 110 the offerree must accept it in that manner for the contract to be building only", . .. ; (c) a third one for P18,900, for the
binding.119 If the offeree accepts the offer in a different "electrical installations only", . . . ; and (d) a fourth item for
The Court of Appeals affirmed CIAC 's finding that the contract manner, it is not effective, but constitutes a counter-offer, P12,600, for the "plumbing installations only" ...
was perfected when the contract documents were returned to which the offeror may accept or reject.120 Thus, in Malbarosa
MRT on September 9, 1997. It found that the contract was v. Court of Appeals:121 Each one of these items was complete in itself, and, as such, it
merely suspended and not terminated when MRT was studying was distinct, separate and independent from the other items.
the effects of the foreign exchange rates and interests on the Under Article 1319 of the New Civil Code, the consent by a The award in favor of petitioner herein, implied, therefore,
Project.111 Moreover, it noted that MRT found it necessary to party is manifested by the meeting of the offer and the neither a modification of his offer nor a partial acceptance
expressly cancel the First Notice to Proceed, implying that a acceptance upon the thing and the cause which are to thereof It was an unqualified acceptance of the fourth item of
contract was perfected.112 constitute the contract. An offer may be reached at any time his bid, which item constituted a complete offer or proposal on
until it is accepted. An offer that is not accepted does not give the part of petitioner herein. The effect of said acceptance was
This Court rules that there is a perfected contract between the rise to a consent. The contract does not come into existence. To to perfect a contract, upon notice of the award to petitioner
parties. Article 1305 of the Civil Code states: produce a contract, there must be acceptance of the offer herein.125 (Emphasis supplied)
which may be express or implied but must not qualify the terms
Article 1305. A contract is a meeting of minds between two of the offer. The acceptance must be absolute, unconditional Likewise, in Central Bank of the Philippines v. Court of
persons whereby one binds himself, with respect to the other, and without variance of any sort from the offer. Appeals:126
to give something or to render some service.
The acceptance of an offer must be made known to the offeror. As We see it then, contrary to the contention of the Bank, the
Article 1315. Contracts are perfected by mere consent, and Unless the offeror knows of the acceptance, there is no meeting provision it is citing may not be considered as determinative of
from that moment the parties are bound not only to the of the minds of the parties, no real concurrence of offer and the perfection of the contract here in question. Said provision
fulfillment of what has been expressly stipulated but also to all acceptance. The offeror may withdraw its offer and revoke the only means that as regards the violation of any particular term
the consequences which, according to their nature, may be in same before acceptance thereof by the offeree. The contract is or condition to be contained in the formal contract, the
keeping with good faith, usage and law. perfected only from the time an acceptance of an offer is made corresponding action therefor cannot arise until after the writing
known to the offeror. If an offeror prescribes the exclusive has been fully executed. Thus, after the Proposal of respondent
The requisites of a valid contract are provided for in Article manner in which acceptance of his offer shall be indicated by was accepted by the Bank thru its telegram and letter both
1318 of the Civil Code: the offeree, an acceptance of the offer in the manner dated December 10, 1965 and respondent in turn accepted the
prescribed will bind the offeror. On the other hand, an attempt award by its letter of December 15, 1965, both parties became
(1) Consent of the contracting parties; on the part of the offeree to accept the offer in a different bound to proceed with the subsequent steps needed to
(2) Object certain which is the subject matter of the contract; manner does not bind the offeror as the absence of the meeting formalize and consummate their agreement. Failure on the part
(3) Cause of the obligation which is established. of the minds on the altered type of acceptance. An offer made of either of them to do so, entitles the other to compensation
inter praesentes must be accepted immediately. If the parties for the resulting damages. To such effect was the ruling of this
A contract is perfected when both parties have consented to the intended that there should be an express acceptance, the Court in Valencia vs. RFC 103 Phil. 444. We held therein that
object and cause of the contract. There is consent when the contract will be perfected only upon knowledge by the offeror of the award of a contract to a bidder constitutes an acceptance of
offer of one party is absolutely accepted by the other party.113 the express acceptance by the offeree of the offer. An said bidder's proposal and that "the effect of said acceptance
The acceptance of the other party may be express or acceptance which is not made in the manner prescribed by the was to perfect a contract, upon notice of the award to (the
implied.114 However, the offering party may impose the time, offeror is not effective but constitutes a counter-offer which the bidder)" . .. We further held therein that the bidder's "failure to
place, and manner of acceptance by the other party, and the offeror may accept or reject. The contract is not perfected if the (sign the corresponding contract) did not relieve him of the
other party must comply.115 offeror revokes or withdraws its offer and the revocation or obligation arising from the unqualified acceptance of his offer.
withdrawal of the offeror is the first to reach the offeree. The Much less did it affect the existence of a contract between him
Thus, there are three (3) stages in a contract: negotiation, acceptance by the offeree of the offer after knowledge of the and respondent" . . .
perfection, and consummation. revocation or withdrawal of the offer is inefficacious. The
termination of the contract when the negotiations of the parties It is neither just nor equitable that Valencia should be construed
Negotiation refers to the time the parties signify interest in the terminate and the offer and acceptance concur, is largely a to have sanctioned a one-sided view of the perfection of
contract up until the time the parties agree on its terms and question of fact to be determined by the trial court.122 contracts in the sense that the acceptance of a bid by a duly
conditions. The perfection of the contract occurs when there is (Citations omitted) authorized official of a government-owned corporation,
a meeting of the minds of the parties such that there is a financially and otherwise autonomous both from the National
concurrence of offer and acceptance, and all the essential In bidding contracts, this Court has ruled that the award of the Government and the Bureau of Public Works, insofar as its
elements of the contract—consent, object and cause—are contract to the bidder is an acceptance of the bidder's offer. Its construction contracts are concerned, binds only the bidder and
not the corporation until the formal execution of the You may, therefore, proceed with the work at Phase I starting days from its receipt or from the time the site is de-watered and
corresponding written contract.127 (Emphasis supplied) seven (7) days from receipt of this Notice or from the time that cleaned up.
Site is dewatered and cleaned up, whichever is later. It is
Thus, the award of a contract to a bidder perfects the contract. further understood that Gammon agrees to continue Phase II at Thus, Gammon's receipt of the First Notice to Proceed
128 Failure to sign the physical contract does not affect the the price stated above and the starting time thereof will depend constitutes the acceptance that is necessary to perfect the
contract's existence or the obligations arising from it. 129 on the completion by others of the footings in time to allow contract.
construction of the superstructure in accordance with
Applying this principle to the case at bar, this Court finds that Gammon's Tender Programme dated 13 August 1997. The First Notice to Proceed stated that the award "is predicated
there is a perfected contract between the parties. MRT has on the commitments contained in the ... comfort letter ... issued
already awarded the contract to Gammon, and Gammon's .... by Gammon Construction Limited," Gammon's associate
acceptance of the award was communicated to MRT before company overseas.140 It also required that Gammon signify its
MRT rescinded the contract. Please signify your concurrence by signing the appropriate concurrence by signing and returning the First Notice to
space below and in the accompanying contract documents and Proceed and the accompanying contract documents. 141
The Invitation to Bid issued to Gammon stated that MRT "will return to Parsons-Interpro the originals. We will send to you a
select the Bidder that [MRT] judges to be the most suitable, complete set of documents as soon as it is signed by the Assuming that this constitutes a counter-offer from MRT, this
most qualified, most responsible and responsive, and with the Owner.134 (Emphasis supplied) Court rules that Gammon sufficiently complied with these
most attractive Price and will enter into earnest negotiations to requirements such that the perfection of the contract cannot be
finalize and execute the Contract."130 In its First Letter, Gammon signed and returned the First Notice affected. Gammon returned the signed First Notice to Proceed
to Proceed to signify its consent to its prestations.135 on September 2, 1997. It transmitted to Parsons the signed
On May 30, 1997, Gammon tendered its bids.131 Letter of Comfort to guarantee its obligations in the Project on
In its Second Letter, Gammon transmitted to Parsons the signed September 3, 1997.142 The signed contract documents were
In a Letter dated July 14, 1997, Gammon submitted another Letter of Comfort to guarantee its obligations in the Project.136 returned on September 9, 1997.143
offer to MRT in response to the latter's invitation to submit a
final offer considering the fluctuation in foreign exchange rates On September 9, 1997, Gammon returned to Parsons the Gammon manifested its unqualified acceptance of the First
and an odd-and-even vehicle restriction plan.132 contract documents.137 Notice to Proceed on September 2, 1997 in its First Letter:

Parsons thereafter issued the First Notice to Proceed,133 which MRT argues that the return of the contract documents occurred MRT 3 North Triangle Development
stated: after it had already revoked its offer, i.e., after it sent its Superstructure Contract
September 8, 1997 Letter, which stated: Letter of Award/Notice to Proceed
We are pleased to inform [you] that you have been awarded
the work on the construction of the Podium Structure for the Re: Contract for LRT3 North Triangle Podium Structure We return herewith the original copy of the above mentioned
MRT-3 EDSA- North Triangle Development Project. The formal letter which we have countersigned dated 28 August '97.
contract document, which is the product of a series of Gentlemen: (Please note that Mr. Salagdo 's signature is missing).
discussions and negotiation is herewith attached for your
signature. Due to current developments in the Philippines' foreign The contract documentation submitted under cover of your
exchange rate and the concomitant soaring interest rates, Metro letter is being reviewed now, and should be signed and
The Work includes the furnishing of labor, supervision, Rail Transit Development Corp. (MRTDC) will need a week or returned to you tomorrow. The Letter of Comfort has now been
materials, plant, equipment and other facilities and two to estimate the possible effects and repercussions on the signed by the Chief Executive of Gammon Construction Ltd.,
appurtenances necessary to perform all the works in accordance above[-]mentioned project before MRTDC, through the and is being returned this week.
with contract document, approved drawings, specifications and Chairman of the Board, will issue the formal Notice to proceed
your over-all Breakdown of Lump Sum Bid (marked Exhibit "A") to your company. When these possible effects and We confirm that we mobilised resources to site on Friday, 29
amounting to ONE BILLION FOUR HUNDRED ONE MILLION SIX repercussions are analysed and decided upon by our Board, August '97 to pump out floodwater. Cleaning up of mud and
HUNDRED SEVENTY[-]TWO THOUSAND NINETY[-]FIVE PESOS hopefully within the week, we shall notify you at once.138 debris will follow on this week.
(P1,401,672,095.00). It is understood that due to the existing
squatters in the Area, the work shall be dvided in two (2) However, MRT had already accepted the offered bid of During this mobilisation phase, our Site Manager is Mr.
separate geographical areas designated as Phase I and Phase II Gammon and had made known to Gammon its acceptance Ferdinand Fabro who we introduced to you during the
- but shall be treated as one contract and still totalling to when it awarded the contract and issued it the First Notice to Preconstruction Meeting last Thursday, 28 August '97.
P1,401,672,095.00. Further, this award is predicated on the Proceed on August 27, 1997.
commitments contained in the attached comfort letter (marked We enclose herewith a copy of our Mobilisation programme
Exhibit "B'') issued by Gammon Construction Limited, your The First Notice to Proceed clearly laid out the object and the dated 1 September '97 (4 x A3 sheets) which includes Design
associate company overseas and receipt of the duly signed cause of the contract. In exchange for P1,401,672,095.00, activities, Mobilisation activities, initial Construction activities,
letter from the Chief Executive of Gammon Construction Limited Gammon was to furnish "labor, supervision, materials, plant, key plant and formwork items.
that is expected within seven days from the date hereof. equipment and other facilities and appurtenances necessary to
perform all the works in accordance with [its bid]."139 Our Design Team have now relocated to our office in Makati,
.... and are continuing with preparation of shop drawings of all
This acceptance is also manifested in the First Notice to Proceed slabs.
when it authorized Gammon to proceed with the work seven (7)
We will submit a project organisation chart shortly but in the April 2, 1998, which was received by [Gammon Philippines,
meantime, we confirm that the following senior [Gammon MRT's September 8, 1997 Letter stated, thus: Inc.] on April 8, 1998.155
Philippines, Inc.] staff are now allocated to the project:
Due to current developments in the Philippines' foreign It can be implied that prior to the Fourth Notice to Proceed, the
.... exchange rate and the concomitant soaring interest rates, Metro First and Third Notices to Proceed were not cancelled and were
Rail Transit Development Corp. (MRTDC) will need a week or still valid and subsisting.
As soon as layout of temporary facilities has been agreed with two to estimate the possible effects and repercussions on the
you, establishment will commence in the very limited space above[-]mentioned project before MRTDC, through the Furthermore, MRT's Second Notice to Proceed issued on
allocated ... Chairman of the Board, will issue the formal Notice to Proceed February 18, 1998 for engineering services based on the
to your company. When these possible effects and redesigned plan was signed by Gammon on March 11, 1998
We have today received ... drawings marked "For Construction", repercussions are analysed and decided upon by our Board, with a qualification:156
and unless we hear from you to the contrary, we will proceed to hopefully within the week, we shall notify you at once.148
procure materials for, plan and construct walls and columns The Contractor refers to the 'Notice of Award' and 'Notice to
based on these drawings. However, please note that the 3 Thereafter, Parsons directed Gammon to hold any further Proceed' dated 27 August 1997, and understands that this
sheets of construction notes have not been issued. We mobilization activities in a facsimile transmission dated 'Notice to Proceed' effectively lifts the suspension of work
therefore request issue of these drawings. In addition, there are September 9, 1997. 149 notified in Metro Rail Transit Development Corporation letter
fifteen 'Requests for Information' (RFIs) which were forwarded dated 8 September 1997, in respect of the design activities only
to you yesterday these cover queries which affect both design On September 11, 1997, Gammon sent Parsons a facsimile to for all of the Level 2 slab and that part of the Level 3 slab over
of slabs and construction of walls, columns and beams. In confirm if all requirements in the contract documents were the Depot Maintenance Shop and office area . . . ; and that the
particular, we urgently need instructions to clarify the temporarily suspended pending the clarification of the scope existing 'Notice of Award' dated 27 August 1997 is still valid.157
reinforcement specification generally, and connectors/splicing of and programming of the Project.150 (Emphasis supplied)
column reinforcement.
In a facsimile transmission dated September 12, 1997, Parsons MRT did not contest Gammon's notice of receipt of the First
Finally, our Performance Bond and Advance Payment Bond are confirmed "the temporary suspension of all the requirements Notice to Proceed, expressing that it was still valid and was not
being prepared now - we hope to submit these by the end of under the contract except the re-design of the project floor cancelled.
the week.144 slabs and the site de- watering and clean up":151
Additionally, when the parties were discussing the change of
This First Letter shows that Gammon fully consented to the With reference to your fax of September 11, 1997 this will plans, MRT did not mention that no contract was executed
contents and accepted the prestations of the First Notice to confirm the temporary suspension of all requirements under the between them. Instead, it sought to modify its terms and
Proceed. Gammon's acceptance is also manifested in its terms of the contract until such time as clarification of scope conditions. Thus, Gammon was made to believe that the First
undertakings to mobilize resources, to prepare the Performance has been received from the owner. The only exception to this Notice to Proceed was in force and effect, albeit temporarily
and Advance Payment Bonds, and to procure materials suspension is the re-design of the project[']s floor slabs and the suspended.
necessary for the Project. All that remained was the formality of site de-watering and clean up.152 (Emphasis supplied)
returning the contract documents and the Letter of Comfort, Given these circumstances, it cannot be said that no contract
which eventually was complied with by Gammon. Thus, there is The wording of these communications indicates that the was perfected between the parties.
already mutual consent on the object of the contract and its contract is still binding though on hold. Gammon was informed
consideration, and an absolute acceptance of the offer. that the contract was temporarily suspended. When a contract II
is suspended temporarily, it provisionally ceases to be operative
In any case, this Court has ruled that the meeting of the minds until the occurrence of a condition or situation that warrants the The parties argue on the application of Gammon v. Metro Rail
need not always be put in writing, and the fact that the lifting of the suspension of the contract.153 Transit Development Corporation158 on the contract's
documents have not yet been signed or notarized does not perfection.
mean that the contract has not been perfected.145 A binding It is different from a cancellation of a contract which terminates
contract may exist even if the signatures have not yet been the contract such that it does not become operative again. MRT claims that this Court's ruling in Gammon did not
affixed because acceptance may be express or implied.146 determine that a contract was perfected as to warrant the
The usage of the words "temporary suspension" is clear. It is a application of the doctrine of the law of the case.159 It argues
Thus, the parties have become bound to consummate the settled rule that when the words in a contract are clear and that the issue in Gammon was CIAC's jurisdiction over the
contract such that the failure by one party to comply with its leave no doubt on the parties' intentions, the literal meaning Notice of Claim, not the existence of the contract.160 MRT
obligations under the contract entitles the other party to shall control.154 Thus, the above communications cannot be insists that the ruling was limited only to the preliminary
damages. Clearly, Gammon was expected to comply with the interpreted to mean that the contract has been cancelled or question of whether or not there is an arbitration agreement
award when it signified its concurrence. Thus, it is not just or rescinded. between the parties to give CIAC jurisdiction over the
equitable for the perfection of the contract to be one (1)-sided dispute.161 It was a preliminary finding supported by limited
such that the contract only binds Gammon but not MRT just This is bolstered by MRT's express cancellation of the contract evidence and not the result of an actual trial.162
because the contract documents were not yet returned before on June 10, 1998 in its Fourth Notice to Proceed:
MRT suspended the contract.147 However, Gammon claims that Gammon already determined
This notice formally cancels documents referred to as Notice of that there is a perfected contract, and thus, the doctrine of the
Moreover, this Court rules that MRT did not revoke its offer Award, Notice to Proceed issued on August 27, 1997, which was law of the case applies. It insists that without the perfected
when it temporarily suspended the First Notice to Proceed. received by [Gammon Philippines, Inc.] on August 28, 1997 and contract, which contains the provision for arbitration, CIAC
would not have acquired jurisdiction over the case. This is Novation cannot be presumed. The animus novandi, whether rescinded by MRTDC, the arbitration clause in the [General
shown in that the existence of a contract between the parties partial or total, must appear by the express agreement of the Conditions of Contract] remained in force.
was not an issue submitted by the parties in the arbitration parties, or by their acts that are too clear and unequivocal to be
proceedings. Thus, CIAC could not have ruled on it.163 mistaken. Further, novation may either be extinctive or At any rate, the termination of the contract prior to a demand
modificatory. It is extinctive when an old obligation is for arbitration will generally have no effect on such demand,
The Court of Appeals affirmed that there was a perfected terminated by the creation of a new one that takes the place of provided that the dispute in question either arose out of the
contract because MRT alleged in Gammon that the contract was the former. It is merely modificatory when the old obligation terms of the contract or arose when a broad contractual
novated or abandoned. It found that this was an implied subsists to the extent that it remains compatible with the arbitration clause was still in effect. The Court of Appeals,
admission that the contract was perfected considering that amendatory agreement. therefore, erred in ruling that there must be a subsisting
there was nothing to novate or abandon if there had been no contract before the jurisdiction of the CIAC may properly be
perfected contract. The perfection of the contract was further We have carefully gone over the records of this case and are invoked. The jurisdiction of the CIAC is not over the contract
confirmed by this Court's ruling in Gammon that the contract convinced that the redesign of the podium structure and the but the disputes which arose therefrom, or are connected
was merely modified.164 reduction in the contract price merely modified the contract. thereto, whether such disputes arose before or after the
These modifications were even anticipated by the [General completion of the contract, or after the abandonment or breach
In Gammon v. Metro Rail Transit Development Corporation,165 Conditions of Contract] as it expressly states that changes may thereof.
this Court held: be made on the works without invalidating the contract, thus:
It may even be added that issues regarding the rescission or
Although there is considerable disagreement concerning the .... termination of a construction contract are themselves
foregoing facts, specifically whether Gammon undertook certain considered arbitrable issues under Sec. 2, Art. IV of the Rules of
works on the Project and whether a re-bidding for the By these terms, the parties evidently agreed that should Procedure Governing Construction Arbitration, the Rules which
downgraded podium structure was indeed conducted, the Court changes need to be made on the Project plans, such changes were in force at the time the present controversy arose. . . .
does not need to make its own factual findings before it can shall not annul or extinguish the contract. Thus, it can fairly be
resolve the main question of whether the CIAC's jurisdiction concluded that the revisions in the design of the Project and the This brings us to the question of whether the dispute in this
was properly invoked. The resolution of this question reduction of the contract price were intended to merely modify case falls within the scope of the arbitration clause.
necessarily involves a two-pronged analysis, first, of the the agreement and not to supplant the same.
requisites for invoking the jurisdiction of the CIAC, and second, ....
of the scope of arbitrable issues covered by CIAC's jurisdiction. Parenthetically, while the [Notices of Award]/[Notices to
Proceed] adverted to the execution of a formal contract for the The arbitration clause in the [General Conditions of Contract]
EO 1008 expressly vests in the CIAC original and exclusive Project, no such formal contract appears to have been submits to the jurisdiction of the CIAC all disputes, claims or
jurisdiction over disputes arising from or connected with executed. Instead, the [Notices of Award]/[Notices to Proceed] questions subject to arbitration under the contract. The
construction contracts entered into by parties that have agreed issued by MRTDC in favor of Gammon denominated the language employed in the arbitration clause is such as to
to submit their dispute to voluntary arbitration . . . agreement as "Contract No. 4.251.001 for the Construction and indicate the intent to include all controversies that may arise
Development of the Superstructure MRT 3 North Triangle'' and from the agreement as determined by the CIAC Rules. It is
.... consistently referred to the [General Conditions of Contract] as broad enough to encompass all issues save only those which EO
one of the controlling documents with regard to the transaction. 1008 itself excludes, i.e., employer-employee relationship
In this case, the parties submitted themselves to the jurisdiction issues. Under these Rules, the amount of damages and
of the CIAC by virtue of the arbitration clause in the [General In fact, as mentioned by the CIAC in its assailed Order dated penalties is a general category of arbitrable issues under which
Conditions of Contract], which provides: August 18, 1999, the [Notice of Award]/[Notice to Proceed] Gammon's claims may fall.166 (Emphasis supplied, citations
dated June 10, 1998 makes reference to the [General omitted)
.... Conditions of Contract]. The June 10, 1998 [Notice of
Award]/[Notice to Proceed] states: This Court rules that the doctrine of the law of the case applies
MRTDC, however, contends that the contract between the in this case.
parties was novated by subsequent [Notices of Award]/[Notices A formal contract for the Work is in process and will be available
to Proceed] which changed the design of the podium structure for signature as soon as possible. Pending the execution of the There is a distinction between the agreement to arbitrate and
and reduced the contract price. contract, the General conditions, and the Drawings and the contract which may be the subject matter of the dispute
Specifications included with the Bid Documents (as originally between the parties. While the agreement to arbitrate may be
We do not agree. Novation is defined as the extinguishment of issued and only as applicable to the current scope of work), all in the same subject matter contract, it is a separate agreement
an obligation by the substitution or change of the obligation by of which are incorporated herein by this reference, shall apply in in itself.
a subsequent one which terminates the first, either by changing this Notice ...
the object or principal conditions; substituting the person of the Under the Construction Industry Arbitration Law, CIAC acquires
debtor; or subrogating a third person in the rights of the A similar reference to the [General Conditions of Contract] jurisdiction when the parties agree to submit the matter to
creditor. In order tha[t] an obligation may be extinguished by appears in the April 2, 1998 [Notice of Award]/[Notice to voluntary arbitration.
another which substitutes the same, it is imperative that it be so Proceed]. Thus, even granting that, as the Court of Appeals
declared in unequivocal terms, or that the old and the new ruled, the August 27, 1997 [Notice of Award]/[Notice to Section 4. Jurisdiction. — The CIAC shall have original and
obligations be on every point incompatible with each other. Proceed] had been novated by the April 2, 1998 [Notice of exclusive jurisdiction over disputes arising from, or connected
Award]/[Notice to Proceed] and that, in turn, the latter was with, contracts entered into by parties involved in construction
in the Philippines, whether the dispute arises before or after the
completion of the contract, or after the abandonment or breach deemed to be the law of the case such that it will govern a case modification, not an annulment or extinguishment, of the
thereof. These disputes may involve government or private through all its subsequent stages.170 Thus, after ruling on the contract; thus:
contracts. For the Board to acquire jurisdiction, the parties to a legal issue and remanding the case to a lower court for further
dispute must agree to submit the same to voluntary arbitration. proceedings, the determined legal issue can no longer be We have carefully gone over the records of this case and are
passed upon and determined differently in another appeal in convinced that the redesign of the podium structure and the
The jurisdiction of the CIAC may include but is not limited to the same case. reduction in the contract price merely modified the contract.
violation of specifications for materials and workmanship; These modifications were even anticipated by the [General
violation of the terms of agreement; interpretation and/or In Presidential Decree No. 1271 Committee v. De Guzman:171 Conditions of Contract] as it expressly states that changes may
application of contractual time and delays; maintenance and be made on the works without invalidating the contract, thus:
defects; payment, default of employer or contractor and The doctrine of the "law of the case" provides that questions of
changes in contract cost. law previously determined by a court will generally govern a ....
case through all its subsequent stages where "the determination
Excluded from the coverage of this law are disputes arising has already been made on a prior appeal to a court of last By these terms, the parties evidently agreed that should
from employer-employee relationships which shall continue to resort." In People v. Olarte: changes need to be made on the Project plans, such changes
be covered by the Labor Code of the Philippines. (Emphasis shall not annul or extinguish the contract. Thus, it can fairly be
supplied) Suffice it to say that our ruling in Case L-13027, rendered on concluded that the revisions in the design of the Project and the
the first appeal, constitutes the law of the case, and, even if reduction of the contract price were intended to merely modify
In Ormoc Sugarcane Planters' Association, Inc. v. Court of erroneous, it may no longer be disturbed or modified since it the agreement and not to supplant the same.173 (Emphasis
Appeals,167 this Court discussed that "an agreement to has become final long ago. A subsequent reinterpretation of the supplied)
arbitrate is a contract" in itself: law may be applied to new cases but certainly not to an old one
finally and conclusively determined. While this Court's determination on the perfection of the
Except where a compulsory arbitration is provided by statute, contract is not categorical and its finding that the CIAC's
the first step toward the settlement of a difference by 'Law of the case' has been defined as the opinion delivered on a jurisdiction is not over the contract but rather over the disputes
arbitration is the entry by the parties into a valid agreement to former appeal. More specifically, it means that whatever is once that arise from it, the existence of a contract, albeit terminated
arbitrate. An agreement to arbitrate is a contract, the relation of irrevocably established as the controlling legal rule of decision or rescinded, is still contemplated:
the parties is contractual, and the rights and liabilities of the between the same parties in the same case continues to be the
parties are controlled by the law of contracts. In an agreement law of the case, whether correct on general principles or not, so At any rate, the termination of the contract prior to a demand
for arbitration, the ordinary elements of a valid contract must long as the facts on which such decision was predicated for arbitration will generally have no effect on such demand,
appear, including an agreement to arbitrate some specific thing, continue to be the facts of the case before the court. provided that the dispute in question either arose out of the
and an agreement to abide by the award, either in express terms of the contract or arose when a broad contractual
language or by implication. (Citation omitted) As a general rule a decision on a prior appeal of the same case arbitration clause was still in effect. The Court of Appeals,
is held to be the law of the case whether that decision is right therefore, erred in ruling that there must be a subsisting
Thus, in Gammon v. Metro Rail Transit Development or wrong, the remedy of the party being to seek a rehearing. contract before the jurisdiction of the CIAC may properly be
Corporation,168 this Court ruled that CIAC does not have invoked. The jurisdiction of the CIAC is not over the contract
jurisdiction over construction contracts. Rather, it has .... but the disputes which arose therefrom, or are connected
jurisdiction over the dispute arising from or connected to thereto, whether such disputes arose before or after the
construction contracts, such that it still acquires jurisdiction It is thus clear that posterior changes in the doctrine of this completion of the contract, or after the abandonment or breach
even if the contract has been breached, abandoned, Court [cannot] retroactively be applied to nullify a prior final thereof.
terminated, or rescinded.169 ruling in the same proceeding where the prior adjudication was
had, whether the case should be civil or criminal in nature. It may even be added that issues regarding the rescission or
On the basis of this ruling, this Court concluded that CIAC has termination of a construction contract are themselves
jurisdiction over the dispute between MRT and Gammon. Their If an appellate court has determined a legal issue and has considered arbitrable issues under Sec. 2, Art. IV of the Rules of
contract need not be valid or in force before CIAC may arbitrate remanded it to the lower court for further proceedings, another Procedure Governing Construction Arbitration, the Rules which
the matter, so long as there is an agreement to arbitrate. appeal in that same case should no longer differently determine were in force at the time the present controversy arose. . . .
the legal issue previously passed upon. Similar to res judicata, it 174 (Emphasis supplied, citations omitted)
Thus, the agreement to arbitrate is separate from the is a refusal to reopen what has already been decided.172
construction contract entered into by parties. (Citations omitted) Thus, the doctrine of the law of the case applies. The current
appeal can no longer bring the existence of the contract into
Nonetheless, the doctrine of the law of the case applies in the The legal issue determined in Gammon is the jurisdiction of issue.
case at bar. While Gammon did not expressly state that the CIAC. However, this determination was arrived at after this
contract was perfected, it concluded that both the construction Court found that the parties entered into a construction contract III
contract and the arbitration contract existed between the with an agreement to arbitrate.
parties. MRT seeks to question the award of lost profits and
This is indicated when Gammon determined that there is no reimbursements in favor of Gammon.
The doctrine of the law of the case applies when in a particular novation of the contract between MRT and Gammon as to
case, an appeal to a court of last resort has resulted in a deprive CIAC of jurisdiction. It ruled that there is merely a As to the reimbursement award for engineering services, design
determination of a question of law. The determined issue will be work, site de-watering, and clean-up, CIAC awarded the
reimbursement claims on account of MRT's allegation in case, does not require proof. The admission may be ....
paragraph 77 of its Answer with Compulsory Counterclaim, contradicted only by showing that it was made through palpable
thus: mistake or that no such admission was made. This Court has, time and again, emphasized that actual
damages cannot be presumed and courts, in making an award,
77. To begin with, MRTDC is willing to pay GAMMON the total Judicial admissions may be made by a party in his or her must point out specific facts which could afford a basis for
amount of P5,493,639.27 representing the sum of pleadings, during the trial, through verbal or written measuring whatever compensatory or actual damages are
P4,821,261.91 and P672,377.36, which comprise GAMMON's manifestations, or in other stages of the judicial proceeding. borne. An award of actual damages is "dependent upon
claim for cost of the engineering and design services and site 186 They are binding such that no matter how much the party competent proof of the damages suffered and the actual
de-watering and clean-up works, respectively.175 rationalizes it, the party making the admission cannot contradict amount thereof. The award must be based on the evidence
himself or herself unless it is shown that the admission was presented, not on the personal knowledge of the court; and
CIAC ruled that as MRT had already admitted its liability for the made through a palpable mistake.187 certainly not on flimsy, remote, speculative and unsubstantial
claims, it was bound by this admission.176 This finding was also proof." 193 (Emphasis in the original, citations omitted)
affirmed by the Court of Appeals, which ruled that there was no In this case, MRT alleges that it is willing to pay Gammon the
showing that the admission was made by palpable mistake. It total amount of P5,493,639.27, which comprises the latter's Although official receipts are the best evidence of payment, this
also noted that MRT did not amend its Answer.177 claim for cost of engineering and design services, and de- Court has acknowledged that actual damages may be proved by
watering and clean-up works.188 other forms of documentary evidence, including invoices.
MRT argues that while it expressed its willingness to pay
Gammon the reimbursements, it only applies to those supported MRT's allegation was not qualified. It neither stated that In MCC Industrial Sales Corporation v. Ssangayong
by official receipts.178 Gammon was allegedly aware that it had Gammon must first present proof of its claims for the cost of Corporation,194 this Court did not award actual damages
to substantiate its claims, as proven by its inclusion of the engineering and design services, and of de-watering and clean- because the claimant failed to substantiate its claims with
reimbursement amount in the issues to be resolved by CIAC in up works nor amended the Answer with Compulsory official receipts.195
the Terms of Reference and its presentation of proof for its Counterclaim to either correct this allegation or to qualify that
claims.179 MRT also insists that its judicial admission is not Gammon must first present official receipts. Thus, CIAC In G.Q. Garments, Inc. v. Miranda,196 this Court held that an
conclusive because an answer is a mere statement of fact that correctly held that MRT is bound by this admission and is allegation of a witness must be supported by receipts or other
the filing party is expected to prove; it is not evidence.180 The estopped from denying its representation. documentary proofs to prove the claim of actual damages.197
trial court is still given leeway to consider evidence especially
when the parties agreed to submit the issue for the court's IV.A In Gonzales v. Camarines Sur II Electric Cooperative, Inc.,198
resolution.181 this Court noted that petitioners did not back up its claims of
MRT is likewise asserting that the evidence presented by actual damages by documentary proof such as a receipt or an
MRT avers that judicial admissions cannot supplant the Gammon to prove its entitlement to actual damages is not invoice.199
requirement that actual damages must be duly proven. It sufficient.
further asserts that an offer to pay is not an admission of For lost profits, Article 2200 of the Civil Code provides:
liability under Rule 130, Section 27 of the Rules of Court. The Actual damages are provided for under Article 2199 of the Civil
admission was made only as an attempt to settle the issue and Code: Article 2200. Indemnification for damages shall comprehend not
to avoid litigation. It explains that the exact amount of only the value of the loss suffered, but also that of the profits
P5,493,639.27 was mentioned in the Answer with Compulsory Article 2199. Except as provided by law or by stipulation, one is which the obligee failed to obtain.
Counterclaim because it was the amount Gammon was claiming entitled to an adequate compensation only for such pecuniary
and which MRT offered to pay, if proven.182 loss suffered by him as he has duly proved. Such compensation This Court has ruled that the award of unrealized profits cannot
is referred to as actual or compensatory damages. be based on the sole testimony of the party claiming it. In
On the other hand, Gammon claims that MRT is bound by its Producers Bank of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals:200
allegation in its Answer with Compulsory Counterclaim. It Actual damages constitute compensation for sustained
argues that MRT failed to show that its admission was made by measurable losses.189 It must be proven "with a reasonable In the case at bar, actual damages in the form of unrealized
palpable mistake.183 MRT even mentioned the exact amount it degree of certainty, premised upon competent proof or the best profits were awarded on the basis of the sole testimony of
was willing to pay. It did not state that it would pay only the evidence obtainable."190 It is never presumed or based on private respondent Salvador Chua, to wit:
amount proved or present any evidence to contradict its personal knowledge of the court.191
admission.184 Gammon asserts that although the amount was ....
included as an issue in the Terms of Reference, this only meant In International Container Terminal Services, Inc. v. Chua:192
that MRT can present contrary evidence without needing to However, other than the testimony of Salvador Chua, private
prove that the admissions were made through palpable "Actual damages are compensation for an injury that will put respondents failed to present documentary evidence which is
mistake.185 the injured party in the position where it was before the injury. necessary to substantiate their claim for actual or compensatory
They pertain to such injuries or losses that are actually damages. In order to recover this kind of damages, the injured
This Court rules that MRT is bound by its judicial admission. sustained and susceptible of measurement.... Basic is the rule party must prove his case, thus:
that to recover actual damages, not only must the amount of
Rule 129, Section 4 of the Revised Rules of Court provides: loss be capable of proof; it must also be actually proven with a When the existence of a loss is established, absolute certainty
reasonable degree of certainty, premised upon competent proof as to its amount is not required. The benefit to be derived from
Section 4. Judicial admissions. An admission, verbal or written, or the best evidence obtainable." a contract which one of the parties has absolutely failed to
made by a party in the course of the proceedings in the same perform is of necessity to some extent, a matter of speculation,
but the injured party is not to be denied for that reason alone. MRT likewise questions the award of lost profits in favor of as the standard industry practice in the construction
He must produce the best evidence of which his case is Gammon. business.224
susceptible and if that evidence warrants the inference that he
has been damaged by the loss of profits which he might with Gammon presented evidence of its claim for lost profits by This Court affirms the findings of CIAC and of the Court of
reasonable certainty have anticipated but for the defendant's presenting as witness Francisco Delos Santos (Delos Santos), Appeals.
wrongful act, he is entitled to recover. (Cerreno vs. Tan Chuco, the Planning and Estimating Engineer of Gammon since 1996.
28 Phil. 312 [1914] quoted in Central Bank of the Philippines vs. He was responsible for the preparation of proposals, MRT is raising questions of fact. Questions of fact are not
Court of Appeals, 63 SCRA 431 [1975]) "negotiations, mobilization, and meetings with and among the proper in a Petition for Review under Rule 45. This Court can no
parties involved in the Project."210 longer entertain factual issues, unless there are compelling and
Applying the foregoing test to the instant case, the Court finds cogent reasons, as when the findings were ''drawn from a
the evidence of private respondents •insufficient to be Delos Santos testified that "the average competitive percentage vacuum or arbitrarily reached, or are grounded entirely on
considered within the purview of "best evidence." The bare of profit in the construction industry, in Gammon's experience, speculation or conjectures, are conflicting or are premised on
assertion of private respondent Salvador Chua that he lost an [was] 5% and [that] the Net Cost Estimate was properly set at the supposed evidence and contradicted by the evidence on
average of P18,000.00 per month is inadequate if not P65,194,050.93."211 record or when the inference made is manifestly mistaken or
speculative and should be admitted with extreme caution absurd."225
especially because it is not supported by independent evidence. CIAC granted the award of lost profits based on Delos Santos'
Private respondents could have presented such evidence as testimony.212 The Court of Appeals affirmed this finding and The findings of fact in the case at bar was arrived at by CIAC, a
reports on the average actual profits earned by their gasoline found that the award for lost profits was not grounded on pure quasi-judicial body, the jurisdiction of which is confined to
business, their financial statements, and other evidence of speculation as "documentary evidence is not absolutely construction disputes. "[F]indings of fact of administrative
profitability which could aid the court in arriving with reasonable necessary ... to prove a claim for lost profit."213 It found that agencies and quasi-judicial bodies, which have acquired
certainty at the amount of profits which private respondents Delos Santos was competent to testify on the matter.214 In any expertise because their jurisdiction is confined to specific
failed to earn. Private respondents did not even present any case, it ruled that CIAC shall act without regard to technicalities matters, are generally accorded not only respect, but finality
instrument or deed evidencing their claim that they have or legal forms, in accordance with justice and equity and the when affirmed by the Court of Appeals."226
transferred their right to operate their gasoline station to their merits of the case.215 It also noted CIAC's finding that this
relatives. We cannot, therefore, sustain the award of Court upheld as reasonable 18% as expected profit Moreover, arbitration proceedings are not bound by the
P18,000.00 a month as unrealized profits commencing from estimate.216 technical rules of evidence in judicial proceedings. Arbitrators
October 16, 1984 because this amount is not amply justified by are to ascertain the facts in each case by all reasonable means
the evidence on record.201 MRT contests this finding and argues that Delos Santos is not without regard to technicalities of law or procedure.227
an expert witness.217 It claims that Delos Santos' testimony
IV.B was not sufficient because there is no proof of his experience, Thus, under Section 13.5 of the CIAC Revised Rules of
and his functions consist only of preparing project proposals, Procedure Governing Construction Arbitration:
As to the reimbursement award for engineering services, design negotiations, mobilization, and meetings with and among the
work, site de-watering, and clean-up, MRT argues that it was parties in the Project.218 It holds that Delos Santos' testimony Section 13.5 Evidence. — The parties may offer such evidence
not supported by sufficient documentary evidence as only 2% was bare, insufficient, self-serving, and unsubstantiated by as they desire and shall produce such additional documents and
of the claims have official receipts.202 It argues that invoice, independent evidence, like audited financial statements or other witnesses as the Arbitral Tribunal may deem necessary to clear
debit notes, and summaries are not proof of payment. An reports on past projects.219 understanding of facts issues for a judicious determination of
invoice is a mere detailed statement of the items, price, and the dispute(s). The Arbitral Tribunal shall act according to
charges of the things invoiced203 while a debit memo is merely MRT also avers that the 5% lost profits should not be based on justice and equity and merits of the case, without regard to
an advice to the receiver of an outstanding debt.204 the last net estimate of the contract cost because it must be technicalities or legal forms and need not be bound by any
based on the contract price agreed upon. It argues that basing technical rule of evidence. Evidence shall be taken in the
Gammon nonetheless insists that it was able to prove its it on the revised scope of work and a greatly increased foreign presence of the Arbitral Tribunal and all of the parties, except
entitlement to the reimbursements.205 It avers that official exchange rate would unjustly enrich Gammon.220 where any of the parties is absent, or has waived his right to be
receipts are not the only documentary evidence to prove the present.
claim of damages. Invoices and debit notes are allowed. Debit On the other hand, Gammon insists that its claim for lost profits
notes do not require an official receipt as additional was sufficiently substantiated. It asserts that there need not be 13.5.1
documentation.206 absolute certainty in its amount to be able to recover lost Order to produce documentary evidence. Upon motion of either
profits.221 It argues that "lost profits cannot be denied in a or both of the parties, or on its own initiative, the Arbitral
The Court of Appeals found that there are sufficient bases for construction contract on the ground of business Tribunal may direct any person, board, body, tribunal, or
the award of Gammon's reimbursement claims.207 It ruled that uncertainty."222 It also holds that loss of profits can be proven government office, agency or instrumentality, or corporation to
MRT failed to prove that the evidence was insufficient and that on the basis of experience and the industry standard by which it produce real or documentary evidences necessary for the
Gammon's computations were erroneous.208 It found that can be calculated, if there is any.223 proper adjudication of the issues.
Gammon provided the best available documentary evidence,
through invoices, debit notes, and official receipts.209 Gammon asserts that MRT did not refute the 5% amount given 13.5.2
by Delos Santos or quantify how much Gammon is actually Order to give testimony. The Arbitral Tribunal may, likewise,
IV.C entitled to. It notes that MRT presented no evidence contrary to direct any person to give testimony at any proceedings for
what was testified and that this Court has accepted. 10% profit arbitration.
Thus, the findings of fact of CIAC are binding, respected, and Velasco, Jr., (Chairperson), Bersamin, Martires, and Gesmundo, 00579411
final. They are not reviewable by this Court, especially when JJ., concur. 10/02/95
affirmed by the Court of Appeals.228 "A review of the CIAC's P922,614.15
findings of fact would have had the effect of 'setting at naught 127341312
the basic objective of a voluntary arbitration and would reduce 11/22/95
arbitration to a largely inutile institution."'229 FIRST DIVISION P169,287.00
Unfortunately, the checks were all dishonored by the DBP upon
The only exceptions subject to this rule were laid out in Uniwide G.R. Nos. 206841-42, January 19, 2018 presentment for payment with the reason "Account Under
Sales Realty and Resources Corp. v. Titan-Ikeda Construction Garnished" stamped at the back of the checks and as shown by
and Development Corporation:230 ARMANDO GO, Petitioner, v. EAST OCEANIC LEASING AND the check return slips.13 East Oceanic duly informed Go of the
FINANCE CORPORATION, Respondent. dishonor of said checks and demanded that he make good or
As a rule, findings of fact of administrative agencies and quasi- pay the same, but the latter failed to do so.14
judicial bodies, which have acquired expertise because their DECISION
jurisdiction is confined to specific matters, are generally By reason of the dishonored checks, Go's Joan became due and
accorded not only respect, but also finality, especially when DEL CASTILLO, J.: demandable with an outstanding balance of P2,814,054.84,
affirmed by the Court of Appeals. In particular, factual findings excluding interest and other charges, based on a Statement of
of construction arbitrators are final and conclusive and not We resolve the Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 Account15 dated January 24, 1996.16
reviewable by this Court on appeal. This rule, however admits of the Rules of Court, assailing the July 16, 2012 Decision1 and
of certain exceptions. the April 8, 2013 Order2 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Thus, on February 7, 1996, East Oceanic filed a Complaint17
Branch 23, Cebu City in Civil Case Nos. CEB-18366 and CEB- against Go before the RTC for collection of a sum of money with
In David v. Construction Industry and Arbitration Commission, 21918. prayer for preliminary attachment. The case was docketed as
we ruled that, as exceptions, factual findings of construction Civil Case No. CEB-18366 (collection case).
arbitrators may be reviewed by this Court when the petitioner The Antecedent Facts
proves affirmatively that: (1) the award was procured by In his Answer with Counterclaim,18 Go argued that the
corruption, fraud or other undue means; (2) there was evident On March 22, 1995, petitioner Armando Go (Go) obtained a Promissory Note is void, given that it had "failed to comply with
partiality or corruption of the arbitrators or of any of them; (3) loan from respondent East Oceanic Leasing and Finance the mandatory requirements set up by the Bangko Sentral ng
the arbitrators were guilty of misconduct in refusing to hear Corporation (East Oceanic) in the amount of P14,062,888.00,3 Pilipinas and the decisions of the Supreme Court applying and
evidence pertinent and material to the controversy; (4) one or payable in monthly instalments of P169,287.00 until fully paid, interpreting the same. Hence, the interests and charges
more of the arbitrators were disqualified to act as such under as evidenced by a Promissory Note4 that Go executed on the contained therein are null and void."19 He thus requested for a
Section nine of Republic Act No. 876 and willfully refrained from same day. proper accounting of his loan in order to determine the amount
disclosing such disqualifications or of any other misbehavior by that he actually owed from East Oceanic.20
which the rights of any party have been materially prejudiced; Notably, Go's loan application was approved on the basis of the
or (5) the arbitrators exceeded their powers, or so imperfectly report and recommendation of Theodore Sy (Sy), then East While the collection case was pending, East Oceanic filed a
executed them, that a mutual, final and definite award upon the Oceanic's Managing Director, which specified that the purpose Complaint for Damages21 dated April 14, 1998 with the RTC
subject matter submitted to them was not made. of the loan was for the upgrading of the bus fleet and against Sy, alleging that the corporation suffered a loss in the
replacement of old units of Oriental Bus Lines, a bus company amount of P3,000,000.00 due to the latter's false report and
Other recognized exceptions are as follows: (1) when there is a owned by Go.5 recommendation pertaining to the real purpose of Go's loan
very clear showing of grave abuse of discretion resulting in lack application, i.e., to pay off an existing loan to Sto. Niño de Cebu
or loss of jurisdiction as when a party was deprived of a fair Go subsequently issued six post-dated checks in favor of East Finance Corporation, as well as his financial status.22 The case
opportunity to present its position before the Arbitral Tribunal or Oceanic, all drawn from his account at the Development Bank was docketed as Civil Case No. CEB-21918 (damages case).23
when an award is obtained through fraud or the corruption of of the Philippines - Ormoc Branch (DBP):6
arbitrators, (2) when the findings of the Court of Appeals are Upon East Oceanic's motion,24 and finding the evidence
contrary to those of the CIAC, and (3) when a party is deprived Check No. adduced in the collection case to be likewise pertinent to the
of administrative due process.231 (Citations omitted) Date damages case, the RTC ordered the cases to be consolidated.25
However, petitioner failed to prove that any of these exceptions 12734087 The Regional Trial Court Ruling
are present in the case at bar. Thus, this Court will no longer 06/22/95
disturb CIAC's factual findings, which were affirmed by the P169,287.00 In its Decision dated July 16, 2012, the RTC rendered judgment
Court of Appeals. 12734098 as follows:
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Court of Appeals P169,287.00 1) Ordering defendant Theodore Sy to pay plaintiff the
October 14, 2011 Decision and January 25, 2012 Resolution in 12734109 following:
CA-G.R. SP No. 98569 are hereby AFFIRMED. 08/22/95
P169,287.00 a) P3,000,000.00 as actual damages with 6% interest computed
SO ORDERED. 127341210 from the time of the filing of the case;
10/22/95 b) P300,000.00 as attorney's fees; and,
P169,287.00 c) P30,000.00 as x x x litigation expenses.
of due process and fair play. It is likewise demanded by the due To be sure, the RTC resolved all the issues that it had
2) Ordering defendant Armando Go to pay plaintiff the sum of process clause of the Constitution. The parties to a litigation enumerated in the assailed Decision. The only problem is that
P2,814,054.84 plus 6% interest to be computed from the time should be informed of how it was decided, with an explanation the issues it resolved pertain exclusively to the damages case,
of the filing of the complaint. of the factual and legal reasons that led to the conclusions of when it was tasked to decide all the issues in both the damages
the court. The court cannot simply say that judgment is case and the collection case. Simply put, the RTC failed to
So Ordered.26 rendered in favor of X and against Y and just leave it at that include in its listing (and to resolve) the issues relating to the
without any justification whatsoever for its action. The losing collection case which are expressly provided in the Pre-Trial
Go moved for reconsideration,27 arguing that the RTC Decision party is entitled to know why he lost, so he may appeal to the Order,41viz.:
is contrary to law because it failed to cite any factual and/or higher court, if permitted, should he believe that the decision
legal basis as to his civil liability to East Oceanic.28 The RTC, should be reversed. A decision that does not clearly and At the pre-trial conference, the parties agreed on the following:
however, denied the motion in its Order dated April 8, 2013. distinctly state the facts and the law on which it is based leaves
the parties in the dark as to how it was reached and is precisely ISSUES:
As a consequence, Go filed the present Petition for Review on prejudicial to the losing party, who is unable to pinpoint the
Certiorari before the Court, assailing the RTC's July 16, 2012 possible errors of the court for review by a higher tribunal. x x xxxx
Decision and April 8, 2013 Order. x34
Issue In this case, a review of the records shows that the RTC had Whether or not plaintiff is entitled to its claim against the
failed to clearly and distinctly state the facts and the law on defendant Armando Go as contained in the complaint in Civil
Go raises the sole issue of whether the assailed RTC Decision is which it based its ruling insofar as Go's civil liability to East Case No. CEB-18366;
void for having no basis in fact and in law as regards his civil Oceanic is concerned. There is absolutely no discussion at all in
liability to East Oceanic. the assailed Decision as to the RTC's ruling in the collection
case, particularly, on how it arrived at its conclusion finding Go Defendant Armando Go in CEB-18366:
The Court's Ruling liable to pay East Oceanic "the sum of P2,814,054.86 plus 6%
interest to be computed from the time of the filing of the
The Petition is impressed with merit. complaint."35 1.
Whether or not defendant Armando Go is liable to plaintiff for
The Constitution expressly provides that "'[n]o decision shall be The RTC listed the issues to be resolved in the assailed Decision damages as contained in the complaint;
rendered by any court without expressing therein clearly and as follows:
distinctly the facts and the law on which it is based. No petition 2.
for review or motion for reconsideration of a decision of the As agreed by the parties in the pre-trial hearing, the issues to Whether or not plaintiff is entitled to the writ of attachment
court shall be refused due course or denied without stating the be resolved are: prayed for;
basis therefor.”29
Whether or not defendant Theodore Sy is liable to plaintiff for 3.
This constitutional mandate is reflected in Section 1, Rule 36 of damages as contained in the complaint; Whether or not plaintiff is liable to defendant Armando Go for
the Rules of Court which states that: damages as contained in his counterclaim;42
Whether or not plaintiff is liable to defendant for damages as Given these circumstances, we find that the assailed Decision is
Sec 1. Rendition of judgments and final orders. - A judgment or contained in his counterclaim; void insofar as the collection case is concerned, as it contained
final order determining the merits of the case shall be in writing neither an analysis of the evidence of East Oceanic and Go as
personally and directly prepared by the judge, stating dearly Whether or not plaintiff is guilty of forum shopping because it regards the outstanding balance of the latter's loan obligation,
and distinctly the facts and the law on which it is based, signed filed a separate case against defendant Armando Go seeking to nor a reference to any legal basis in reaching its conclusion as
by him, and filed with the clerk of court.30 recover the same amount that it is seeking to recover from to Go's civil liability to East Oceanic.43 Clearly, the RTC failed to
defendant Theodore Sy; and, meet the standard set forth in Section 14, Article VIII of the
The Court, too, issued Administrative Circular No. 1 dated Constitution, and in so doing, deprived Go of his right to due
January 28, 1988 which required all judges to make ''complete Whether or not plaintiff is liable to defendant Theodore Sy for process "since he was not accorded a fair opportunity to be
findings of facts in their decisions, scrutinize closely the legal the payment of the amount of P600,000.00 representing the heard by a fair and responsible magistrate."44
aspects of the case in the light of the evidence presented, and cash dividend of defendant Theodore Sy as a stockholder of
avoid the tendency to generalize and to form conclusions plaintiff.36 It is significant to note that the present case involves an appeal
without detailing the facts from which such conclusions are In its lengthy 42-page Decision, the RTC concluded that Sy "did by certiorari from the RTC (which rendered the assailed
deduced."31 not observe honesty and good faith and was therefore Decision and Order in the exercise of its original jurisdiction)
dishonest and in bad faith in the performance of his duties and directly to the Supreme Court under Section 1,45 Rule 45 of the
In Yao v. Court of Appeals,32 the Court emphasized that "[t]he is thus liable to plaintiff for damages."37 It also ruled that: a) Rules of Court. Since the Court's jurisdiction in this case is
parties to a litigation should be informed of how it was decided, East Oceanic is not liable to Sy for damages as stated in his limited to resolving only questions of law, or in particular, the
with an explanation of the factual and legal reasons that led to counterclaim;38 b) East Oceanic is not guilty of forum issue on the validity of the assailed RTC Decision and Order
the conclusions of the court,"33viz.: shopping;39 and c) East Oceanic is not liable to Sy for the insofar as the collection case is concerned, we cannot rule on
payment of P600,000.00 representing the latter's cash dividend the amount of Go's liability to East Oceanic.
Faithful adherence to the requirements of Section 14, Article as a stockholder.40
VIII of the Constitution is indisputably a paramount component
We thus deem it appropriate to remand the case to the RTC for the name of petitioner's parents, spouses Sixto Gatchalian and
further proceedings to allow said court to come up with a Liceria Gatchalian. On June 2, 2011, petitioner filed a Complaint WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appealed Decision dated
decision in Civil Case No. CEB-18366 that fully complies with for Ejectment with Damages against respondents Cesar Flores, December 9, 2011 by Branch 78 of the Metropolitan Trial Court
Section 14, Article VIII of the Constitution, taking into Jose Paolo Araneta (sic), Corazon Quing and Cynthia Flores of Parañaque docketed under Civil Case No. 2011-49 is
consideration the evidence on record and its ruling in Civil Case (respondents) with the Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC) of REVERSED and the Complaint dated June 2, 2011 is herewith
No. CEB-21918. Parafiaque City, Branch 77 and docketed as Civil Case No. 2011- DISMISSED for lack of merit. SO ORDERED.9
WHEREFORE, we GRANT the Petition for Review on Certiorari. Aggrieved, petitioner appealed to the CA. The latter in its
The Decision dated July 16, 2012 and the Order dated April 8, The survey conducted on the property established that the lot Decision10 dated March 13, 2015, reversed the RTC and
2013 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 23, Cebu City, insofar of Segundo Mendoza encroached a portion of Road Lot 23 reinstated the ruling of the MeTC. However, upon
as Civil Case No. CEB- 18366 is concerned, are REVERSED and which the Gatchalian's had tolerated. But after several years, reconsideration, the CA reversed itself and affirmed the RTC,
SET ASIDE. The records are hereby REMANDED to said the lot of Segundo Mendoza was sold and 'subdivided among thus:
Regional Trial Court for further proceedings and for the the new owners including herein respondents. When the latter
rendition of judgment in accordance with the mandate of demonstrated acts of gross ingratitude to the Gatchalian family, WHEREFORE, respondent's Motion for Reconsideration is hereby
Section 14, Article VIII of the Constitution. petitioner and his family were constrained to withdraw their GRANTED. Accordingly, we REVERSE and SET ASIDE our
tolerated possession, use and occupation of the portion of Road findings in our Decision dated March 13, 2015. The instant
SO ORDERED. Lot 23. Verbal and written demands to vacate were then served petition fore review is hereby DISMISSED and the Decision
upon them but remained unheeded. Their dispute reached the dated June 8, 2012 of the Regional Trial Court of Parafiaque
Sereno, C.J., (Chairperson), Leonardo-De Castro, Jardeleza, and Lupong Tagapamayapa but all in vain. Hence, the filing of the City, Branch 196 in Civil Case No. 12- 0050 is UPHELD.
Tijam, JJ., concur. ejectment case against the respondents.
For their part, respondents denied that they usurped the
FIRST DIVISION property of petitioner. In fact, it was the Gatchalians who have Hence, this petition.
encroached on Road Lot 23 when they put up a fence in their
January 19, 2018 (respondents) property. They insisted that Road Lot 23 is a Petitioner claimed that the CA committed grave error in ruling
public road and is now known as "Don Juan Street Cat- that the private character of Road Lot 23 has been stripped by
G.R. No. 225176 Mendoza". In the subdivision plan of the GAT Mendoza Housing Municipal Ordinance No. 88-04, series of 1988 constituting the
area, Road Lot 23 is constituted as a right of way. Respondents said road lot as a public right-of-way. Petitioner also claimed
ESMERALDO GATCHALIAN, duly represented by SAMUEL believed that petitioner has no cause of action against them and that the CA erred in stating that by virtue of laches, the road lot
GATCHALIAN, Petitioner has no authority to file the instant case because it is the City has been converted to public property of the municipality.
vs. Government of Parañaque which has the right to do so.5
CESAR FLORES, JOSE LUIS ARANETA, CORAZON QUING, and Petitioner further alleged that the road lot is still private
CYNTHIA FLORES, Respondents On December 9, 2011, the MeTC rendered a Decision6 ordering property it being covered by TCT No. 79180 under the name of
respondents to vacate Road Lot 23, thus: Spouses Sixto Gatchalian and Liceria Gatchalian. The mere
DECISION usage by the public of the road lot does not make it public
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby property. To convert the same to public property, it must be
TIJAM, J.: rendered as follows ordering the defendants CESAR FLORES, expropriated by the government or the registered owner must
JOSE PAOLO ARANETA, CORAZON QUING AND CYNTHIA donate or sell the same to the government.
Before Us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of FLORES and all persons claiming rights under them, to wit:
the Rules of Court filed by Esmeraldo Gatchalian, represented The petition is granted.
herein by Samuel C. Gatchalian (petitioner) assailing the 1) to vacate the 140.50 square meter portion of the Road (Lot
Amended Decision1 dated October 23, 2015 and Resolution2 23) encroached by them which is covered by TCT No. 79180 At the outset, petitioner filed before the MeTC an action for
dated June 15, 2016 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP and located at Don Juan St., Barangay Vitalez, Paranaque City; ejectment against the respondents. It is settled that in
No. 126530, which affirmed the Decision3 dated June 8, 2012 ejectment proceedings, the only issue for the Court's resolution
of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 196 of Parañaque City 2) to pay reasonable amount of rental in the amount of is, who between the parties is entitled to the physical or
in Civil Case No. 12-0050, dismissing the complaint for ₱20,000.00 a month plus legal rate of interest reckoned from material possession of the subject property. Issues as to
ejectment filed by petitioners against Cesar Flores, Jose Paolo4 June 2, 2011 until the defendants shall have fully vacated the ownership are not involved, except only for the purpose of
Araneta, Corazon Quing and Cynthia Flores (collectively as encroached portion of the Road (Lot 23); determining the issue of possession.12
respondents), which was originally filed in the Metropolitan Trial
Court (Me TC), Branch 77 of Parañaque City, in Civil Case No. 3) ₱20,000.00 as and (sic) for Attorney's fees; In the instant case, petitioner asserts that he is entitled to the
2011-49. possession of the road lot being one of the co-owners of the
4) Cost of suit. same since it is registered under the name of petitioner's
The pertinent facts as found by the CA are as follows: parents. While respondents do not claim ownership of the
SO ORDERED.7 subject lot, they argued that the road lot is now public property
Petitioner is one of the co-owners of a parcel of land (Road Lot because of Ordinance No. 88-04, series of 1988 constituting it
23) covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 79180 located at Respondents appealed the same to the RTC, which reversed the as "Don Juan St. Gat-Mendoza". As such, petitioner cannot evict
Brgy. Vitalez, Parañaque City. Road Lot 23 is registered under ruling of the MeTC in its Decision8 dated June 8, 2012, to wit: respondents.
person in whose name the title appears. The owner is entitled
It is undisputed that the road lot is registered under the name to all the attributes of ownership of the property, including On November 21, 2003, BCDA filed a complaint against herein
of petitioner's parents. Even the respondents did not dispute possession. The person who has a torrens title over a land is petitioner The Manila Banking Corporation ("TMBC") and
this fact. It is also undisputed that the municipal government entitled to possession thereof. As such, petitioner can file an Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas ("BSP"), seeking to expropriate a
has not undertaken any expropriation proceedings to acquire ejectment case against herein respondents who encroached parcel of land covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No.
the subject property neither did the petitioner donate or sell the upon a portion of petitioner's property. 308513-R of the Registry of Deeds of Pampanga, registered in
same to the municipal government.1âwphi1 Therefore, absent the name of TMBC with a total area of Ten Million Two Hundred
any expropriation proceedings and without any evidence that WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is GRANTED. Forty Thousand square meters (10,240,000 sq.m.) situated in
the petitioner donated or sold the subject property to the The Amended Decision dated October 23, 2015 and Resolution Barangay Dolores, Municipality of Porac, Province of Pampanga
municipal government, the same is still private property. dated June 15, 2016 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. ("Subject Property"). The area to be affected by expropriation
126530 are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Decision was estimated to be One Hundred Eighty-Six Thousand Three
In the case of Woodridge School, Inc. v. ARB Construction Co., dated December 9, 2011 of the Metropolitan Trial Court in Civil Hundred Fifty-Five square meters (186,355 sq.m.), more or
Inc. 13, this Court held that: Case No. 2011-49 is REINSTATED. less.4 BCDA also alleged that the subject property was classified
as agricultural land and had the zonal value of P30 per square
In the case of Abellana, Sr. v. Court of Appeals, the Court held SO ORDERED. meter at the time of filing of the complaint.5
that "the road lots in a private subdivision are private property,
hence, the local government should first acquire them by NOEL GIMENEZ TIJAM According to BCDA, the subject property was being expropriated
donation, purchase or expropriation, if they are to be utilized as Associate Justice to pave the way for the implementation of the Subic-Clark-
a public road." Otherwise, they remain to be private properties Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX) Project of the national government.
of the owner-developer. The SCTEX Project was supposed to provide the shortest, direct
THIRD DIVISION and efficient link among vital development areas in Central
Contrary to the position of petitioners, the use of the Luzon, more specifically among three prime economic zones
subdivision roads by the general public does not strip it of its January 22, 2018 (Subic Bay Special Economic Zone in Zambales, Clark Special
private character. The road is not converted into public property Economic Zone in Pampanga and the Hacienda Luisita Industrial
by mere tolerance of the subdivision owner of the public's G.R. No. 230144 Park in Tarlac) and significantly alleviate the worsening traffic
passage through it. To repeat, "the local government should condition of the North Luzon Expressway. BCDA further claimed
first acquire them by donation, purchase or expropriation, if THE MANILA BANKING CORPORATION, Petitioner that "the government will suffer immense and irreparable
they are to be utilized as a public road."14 vs. damage if this project will not proceed as scheduled by reason
BASES CONVERSION AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, of the failure to negotiate with supposed owner after diligent
As reiterated in the recent case of Republic of the Philippines, Respondent efforts to do so."6
represented by the Department of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH) v. Sps. Llamas15, this Court held that: DECISION BCDA prayed for the issuance of a writ of possession upon
payment to the landowner of an amount equivalent to 100% of
As there is no such thing as an automatic cessation to [the] VELASCO, JR., J.: the value of the subject property based on the current zonal
government of subdivision road lots, an actual transfer must valuation, pursuant to Section 4(a) of RA 7227, and thereafter,
first be effected by the subdivision owner: "subdivision streets The Case an order of expropriation requiring the defendants to answer
belonged to the owner until donated to the government or until within the time specified in the summons and authorizing BCDA
expropriated upon payment of just compensation."16 Before the Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under to take the property sought to be expropriated for public
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court assailing the Decision1 dated purpose as stated in the complaint.7
Since the local government of Parañaque has not purchased nor October 26, 2016 and the Resolution2 dated February 22, 2017
undertaken any expropriation proceedings, neither did the of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CAG. R. CV No. 104234, which Prior to the filing of the complaint on June 21, 1999, it appears
petitioner and his siblings donate the subject property, the reversed and set aside the Order dated August 28, 2014 of that the property was the subject of a Dacion En Pago Con
latter is still a private property and Ordinance No. 88-04 did not Branch 60, Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Angeles City, Pacto de Retro agreement between TMBC and the Central Bank
convert the same to public property. Pampanga, in Civil Case No. 03-11226. Board of Liquidators ("CB-BOL"). Pursuant to a revised
repayment plan, TMBC delivered several properties in
As to the CA's finding that by virtue of laches the subject The Facts settlement of the balance of its debt to CB-BOL amounting to
property has been converted into public property, We do not ₱2,265,953,378.83. On December 20, 2000, CB-BOL assigned
agree. Respondent Bases Conversion and Development Authority all its rights and interests under the Dacion agreement in favor
("BCDA") was created as a government corporation on March of the BSP. Thus, BSP sought the release of 100% of the value
It is well-settled that an "owner of [a] registered land does not 13, 1992 by virtue of Republic Act No. 7227 (RA 7227). It is of the property based on the current zonal valuation of the
lose his rights over a property on the ground of laches as long tasked mainly to manage the Clark and Subic military Bureau of Internal Revenue ("BIR"), in accordance with Section
as the opposing claimant's possession was merely tolerated by reservations/camps and their extensions and to adopt and 2, Rule 67 of the 1997 Rules of Procedure. TMBC opposed the
the owner."17 implement a comprehensive development plan for their motion and the issue was submitted for resolution at the trial
conversion into productive uses, with a view to promoting the during the pre-trial conference.8
A torrens title is irrevocable and its validity can only be economic and social development of the country (Section 4, RA
challenged in a direct proceeding.18 A torrens title is an 7227). Among the powers expressly granted to it is the power
indefeasible and impresciptible title to a property in favor of the to exercise the right of eminent domain (Section 5[k]).3
Records also reveal that a Final Offer to Buy dated October 9, Three Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand and Ten Pesos On October 6, 2011, the scheduled ocular inspection proceeded
2003 was sent by BCDA to TMBC, whereby BCDA offered the (Php5,366,010.00) was released in favor of TMBC and was with the attendance of the counsel/representative from BCDA,
price of P75 per square meter for the subject property.9 thereafter deposited in an escrow account with BSP pursuant to TMBC, BSP, and the three Commissioners. As directed, the
their compromise agreement.15 parties submitted their respective documentary evidence to the
On January 22, 2004, BCDA deposited the amount of Five Commissioners.20
Million Five Hundred Ninety Thousand and Six Hundred Fifty On August 14, 2009, the RTC conducted an ocular inspection of
Pesos (₱5,590,650) before the Office of the Clerk of Court of the subject property in the presence of counsels for TMBC and The Commissioners did not come up with a group report, but
Angeles, Pampanga. This amount was equivalent to the value of BCDA, and the nominee-appraiser of BCDA, Mr. Alberto Murillo, made individual reports after their ocular inspection and they
the actual affected area of the subject property based on the Jr. ("Mr. Murillo"), then City Assessor of Angeles City, received the documents submitted by the parties.21
then current zonal valuation provided by the BIR.10 Pampanga. On September 24, 2009, TMBC filed a motion to set
a second ocular inspection stating that the joint nominee of Engr. Tolosa submitted his Report dated November 2, 2011
The trial court issued a writ of possession on March 11, 2004 TMBC and BSP, Engr. Jose L. Ocampo ("Engr. Ocampo"), was where he concluded that:
and the subject property was placed in the possession of BCDA unable to attend the ocular inspection. Said motion was granted
on June 10, 2004.11 by the trial court and a second ocular inspection was conducted Based on our investigation and analysis of all relevant facts and
on December 3, 2009, this time attended by counsels for BCDA as supported by the accompanying narrative report, it is our
BCDA filed a Motion to Admit Supplemental Complaint, and Manila Bank, and Engr. Ocampo.16 opinion that the Market Value (for Just Compensation) of the
manifesting the reduction of the area to be taken from the land appraised as of October 6, 2011 is Php388 per square
original 186,355 sq.m. to One Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand Mr. Murillo submitted to the court his report on August 19, meter and is represented in the amount of SIXTY-SEVEN
Three Hundred Fifty-Five square meters (166,355 sq.m.) due to 2009. TMBC moved to set aside the said report on grounds that MILLION, ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SIX THOUSAND EIGHT
the realignment of the expressway. On April 11, 2007, BCDA it was filed even before he took his oath of office and that he HUNDRED NINETY-TWO (PhP67,146,892) PESOS subject to the
further amended its complaint by adding an area of Six failed to notify TMBC and BSP, nor were there hearings attached limiting conditions.22
Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-Four square meters (6,744 conducted for reception of evidence to aid him in reaching a
sq.m.), making the total affected area of the subject property fair, unbiased and comprehensive report on the fair market For his part, Engr. Lansangan made this recommendation in his
as One Hundred Seventy-Three Thousand Fifty-Nine square value of the property. In its comment, BCDA manifested that Report:
meters (173,059 sq.m.).12 another report will just be submitted, adding that there is no
necessity for Mr. Murillo to conduct any hearing since what was Inspection and Valuation
In its Answer, TMBC contended that the offered price of ₱30 per submitted is his individual report and TMBC's commissioner
square meter is way below the fair market value of the subject should submit his own recommendation and the matter of just We have personally inspected the property on October 6, 2011
property. It pointed out that the subject property's value lies in compensation will be left to the discretion of the court. TMBC and arriving at a reasonable valuation, I have researched price
the fact that it is the only remaining compact area of its size insisted that an order directing Mr. Murillo to re-submit his information from reputable sources and also giving
and nature within the Province of Pampanga; the proposed Commissioner's Report would be greatly prejudicial as he had consideration to the:
project would cut the property into two by the construction of already shown bias in this case, failed to apply any basic
fences on both sides thereby rendering inaccessible one side to standards of his office, and never accorded the parties an equal a. Highest and best use at the property; and
the other and its value would substantially depreciate. Just opportunity to be heard.17
compensation should, thus, include expected depreciation of the b. Zoning and current land usage in the locality
remaining areas.13 Meanwhile, Engr. Ocampo requested to withdraw as
commissioner on account of his deteriorating health. He was In view of the foregoing, it is of the opinion of the
In its Order dated April 29, 2005, the RTC declared that BCDA replaced by Engr. Roger F. Tolosa, Jr. ("Engr. Tolosa"), who Commissioner that the Fair Market Value of the affected
has clearly established its lawful right to take the property was nominated by both TMBC and BSP. In its Order dated June property is Three Hundred Fifty Pesos (Php 350.00) per square
sought to be expropriated for public use or purpose described in 30, 2011, the RTC resolved to: (1) set aside Mr. Murillo's report meter.23
the complaint upon the payment of just compensation. After dated August 18, 2009; (2) appoint Engr. Tolosa as
termination of pre-trial, the parties were ordered to submit their Commissioner vice Engr. Ocampo; (3) appoint the Municipal On the other hand, the Report of Mr. Murillo dated October 24,
nominations for the commissioners who will assist the trial court Assessor of Porac, Pampanga as Commissioner in this case; (4) 2011 stated that-
in arriving at the just compensation for the subject property.14 direct Engr. Tolosa and the Municipal Assessor to take their
oath of office; and (5) direct the three Commissioners, parties Still I maintained my appraisal at Thirty Pesos per square meter
Meanwhile, TMBC filed a motion to release payment which was and their counsels to conduct an ocular inspection on August 9, (₱30.00/sq.m.) based at the time of taking. It is my honest
opposed by BSP. Subsequently, they agreed for the release of 2011 and submit their respective reports within 30 days. opinion that the Thirty Pesos per square meter (₱30.00/sq.m.)
the entire amount (initial payment of BCDA) to TMBC to be Municipal Assessor Myrna V. Lumanlan declined her be paid as just compensation to the owner. It is reasonable and
deposited by the latter in an escrow account with BSP, without appointment and instead recommended Engr. Glen I. fair enough to both parties concerned considering that they are
prejudice to the eventual determination of the just Lansangan ("Engr. Lansangan"), Municipal Planning and only agricultural lands which have a lower value than industrial
compensation, and who between BSP and TMBC is entitled to Development Officer of Porac, Pampanga.18 or commercial lots. Besides it is the general public who will
the expropriation proceeds. On June 19, 2008, the RTC denied benefit from the use of the SCTEX and not the government.
TMBC's motion for release of payment for being premature as The final group of Commissioners consisted of Mr. Murillo, Engr.
there is still a need to determine who between TMBC and BSP is Tolosa, and Engr. Lansangan. On October 6, 2011, they took It is therefore recommended that the appraised value of Thirty
entitled to the proceeds of the property. However, pursuant to their respective oaths of office.19 Pesos per square meter (₱30.00/sq.m.) be approved as basis
the RTC's Order dated March 12, 2009, TMBC's motion for for the payment of just compensation of the above mentioned
reconsideration was granted and the amount of Five Million property owner.24
possession on March 3, 2004, the plaintiff Bases Conversion Petitioner TMBC claims that the CA's Decision and Resolution
During the hearings, the three Commissioners testified and the Development Authority is directed to pay the balance of twenty are contrary to law and prevailing jurisprudence.
parties presented their respective evidence. After the formal seven million five hundred fifteen thousand and two hundred
offer of evidence and submission of the parties' respective ten pesos (Php27,515,210.00) to defendant the Manila Banking First, the trial court's determination of just compensation in its
memorandum, the case was submitted for decision. Corporation which shall earn interest at the rate of 12% per September 4, 2012 Decision and August 28, 2014 Order had
annum or the prevailing rate of interest whichever is lower from legal and factual basis which were existing at the time of the
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court the time of actual taking on November 23, 2003[.] taking of the property, contrary to the pronouncement of the
CA. TMBC reiterated the pertinent portions of the RTC's
In a Decision25 dated September 4, 2012, the RTC ordered SO ORDERED.31 September 4, 2012 Decision, which relied on factors such as
respondent BCDA to pay petitioner TMBC the amount of ₱250 character and utility of the property, sales and holding prices of
per square meter as just compensation for the property taken. Respondent BCDA elevated the case to the CA, seeking to similar land within the immediate vicinity, and the highest and
The dispositive portion of the RTC Decision reads: reverse the RTC's determination of just compensation and best use of the property, in determining that P250 per square
imposition of 12% interest rate for the unpaid balance of the meter was the appropriate just compensation for the subject
WHEREFORE, the Court hereby renders judgment ordering the just compensation. property at the time of its taking. TMBC also argued that the
plaintiff to pay the defendants, the amount of Two Hundred August 28, 2014 Decision of the RTC was based on clear and
Fifty Pesos Per Square Meter (Php. 250.00/ per sq. m.), or a Ruling of the Court of Appeals unequivocal reasons and used the comparative approach in
total of Thirty Seven Million Eight Hundred Ninety Eight fixing the just compensation at ₱190 per square meter.35
Thousand and Seven Hundred Forty Pesos (Php. 37,898,740.00) Pursuant to the Resolution dated July 18, 2016 issued by the
representing the principal balance on the just compensation due CA, BSP was dropped as a party from the title of the case after Second, TMBC asserts that the CA failed to make a ruling on
on the taking of a total affected area of One Hundred Seventy submitting proof of the "Release and Cancellation" executed by whether the September 4, 2012 Decision of the RTC was
Three Thousand Fifty Nine Square Meters (173,059 sq. m.) that BSP in favor of TMBC concerning the subject property.32 already final and executory, considering that the motion for
is covered by TCT 671482- R and TCT 671484- R; both derived reconsideration filed by BCDA was defective as it did not contain
from the mother title- TCT 308513- R in the name of Manila On October 26, 2016, the CA rendered the assailed Decision, any notice of hearing. Since the motion for reconsideration was
Banking Corporation; plus twelve [percent] (12%) interest per giving due course to the petition and ruling in favor of a mere scrap of paper which did not toll the running of the
annum, from November 21, 2003 until fully paid. respondent BCDA. The dispositive portion of the assailed period to appeal, then the RTC's September 4, 2012 Decision
Decision reads: had become final and executory.36
WHEREFORE, the appeal is GRANTED. The Order dated August Third, TMBC argues that contrary to the CA's observation, the
Respondent BCDA filed a Motion for Reconsideration27 dated 28, 2014 of the Regional Trial Court of Angeles City, Pampanga, RTC did not merely "solely and primarily rely on the valuation
November 21, 2012. However, petitioner pointed out that BCDA Branch 60 in Civil Case No. 03-11226 is hereby REVERSED and made by the DPWH Provincial Appraisal Committee." It also
failed to put a notice of hearing in its motion. In an attempt to SET ASIDE. finds error in the CA's pronouncement that the trial court
remedy this procedural infirmity, BCDA file a Manifestation and "should have given weight to the actual and reliable data
Motion on January 3, 2013, praying that the motion be heard. Just compensation for the portions of the property of The consisting of the tax declarations, zonal valuation and
This was opposed by TMBC in a Comment/Opposition dated Manila Banking Corporation consisting of 173,059 square documentary evidence in the sales of the SCTEX Project" since
January 17, 2013.28 meters, expropriated by BCDA for the SCTEX Project, is hereby there are other factors which must also be considered under the
fixed at Php75.00 per square meter, or a total of Twelve Million law in determining Just compensation.37
Nevertheless, the RTC issued an Order dated July 26, 2013, Nine Hundred Seventy Nine Thousand Four Hundred Twenty
reopening the case and requiring the parties to submit judicial Five Pesos (Php12,979,425.00). Since BCDA already deposited TMBC cited Section 5 of Republic Act No. 897438 (RA 8974)
affidavits to hear the case anew. TMBC moved for the the amount of Five Million Three Hundred Sixty Six Thousand which included the standards for the courts to use in the
reconsideration of the July 26, 2013 Order and for the and Ten Pesos (Php5,366,010.00), BCDA is DIRECTED to pay to determination of just compensation. It argued that the CA erred
declaration that the trial court's September 4, 2012 Decision be TMBC the balance of Seven Million Six Hundred Thirteen in fixing the just compensation based on the selling prices in
declared final and executory.29 Thousand Four Hundred Fifteen Pesos (Php7,613,415.00), deeds of absolute sale of similarly affected landowners in the
which shall earn interest at the rate of 12% per annum from vicinity for the SCTEX project and in disregarding factors such
Without acting on TMBC' s motion for reconsideration, the R TC November 21, 2003 up to June 30, 2013, and 6% per annum as size of the property and the "highest and best use of the
granted BCDA's motion for reconsideration in an Order30 dated from July 1, 2013 until fully paid. Said amount shall further earn land," as well as the appraisal of a similar property in the area
August 28, 2014 fixing the just compensation at ₱190 per sq.m. interest at 6% per annum from the date of the finality of this made by the Provincial Appraisa1 Committee.39
The dispositive portion of the August 28, 2014 Order reads: Decision until full payment.
Finally, TMBC finds error in the CA's pronouncement that the
WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the motion for SO ORDERED.33 award of interest of 6% per annum should be reckoned from
reconsideration is given due course, the decision dated July 1, 2013. Instead, it argues that considering the case is not
September 4, 2012 is hereby reconsidered[.] Judgment is Petitioner TMBC's Motion for Reconsideration was denied in the yet final and executory as the case is still pending appeal, then
hereby rendered fixing the just compensation of the subject lot assailed Resolution dated February 22, 2017.34 the 12% interest should continue to accrue, and the 6%
at ₱190.00 per square meter or a total of thirty two million eight interest should only begin to accrue upon the finality of
hundred eighty one thousand and two hundred ten pesos Hence, this petition. judgment of this case.40
(Php32,881,210.00)[.] Considering that five million three
hundred sixty six thousand and ten pesos (Php5,366,010) had The Petition In compliance with this Court's July 3, 2017 Resolution,41
been deposited as a condition for the issuance of writ of respondent BCDA filed its Comment42 dated August 29, 2017.
It argued that the CA was correct in finding that the RTC did that while the trial court based its first valuation on the
not have factual and legal bases in determining just The Court's Ruling recommendations of the commissioners, it did not give any
compensation at ₱190. BCDA asserts that the CA considered all explanation on how it arrived at the amount of ₱250 per square
applicable factors to this case in its determination of just The petition lacks merit. meter. As for the second valuation of Pl90, the CA observed
compensation.43 It further contends that there was no need for that the trial court gave more weight to two documents
the CA to decide on the validity of its motion for reconsideration Failure to include a notice of hearing in a motion for included in Engr. Tolosa's Report, specifically: 1) Resolution No.
since it was already rendered moot and academic by the trial reconsideration is not fatal where the other party was given the 12-2006 of the DPWH Provincial Appraisal Committee which
court's action on the same.44 opportunity to be heard fixed the just compensation of an expropriated land for the
Porac Mancatian Dike Project at ₱190 per square meter; and 2)
BCDA also refutes TMBC's argument that the CA erred in not Rule 15, Section 4 of the Rules of Court requires every motion Deed of Absolute Sale between TMBC and DPWH over the
factoring in the "highest and best use of the land," citing to be set for hearing by the applicant and to give notice of such property taken in the area for the price of ₱190 per square
Republic of the Philippines represented by the DPWH v. Spouses hearing to the other party at least three days before the date of meter.55
Tan Song Bok, et al. 45 (Tan Song Bok case). It pointed out the hearing. Section 5 of the same Rule mandates that the
that unlike in the Tan Song Bok case where there were no notice of hearing should be addressed to all parties concerned We agree with the findings of the appellate court.
relevant evidence for the court to determine just and should specify the time and date of the hearing which must
not be later than ten (10) days after the filing of the motion. Section 5 of RA 897 4 provides:
compensation except for the highest and best use of the land, Where a motion has no notice of hearing, it is considered pro
BCDA presented other pieces of evidence which were properly forma and does not affect the reglementary period for the Section 5. Standards for the Assessment of the Value of the
taken into consideration by the CA, specifically, the deeds of appeal or the filing of the requisite pleading.49 Land Subject of Expropriation Proceedings or Negotiated Sale. -
absolute sale executed with landowners in Porac, Pampanga In order to facilitate the determination of just compensation,
indicating a value of P60 to P7 5 for parcels of land adjacent Nevertheless, this Court has relaxed procedural rules when a the court may consider, among other well-established factors,
and contiguous to the subject property and similarly acquired rigid application of these rules only hinders substantial the following relevant standards:
for the SCTEX Project. justice.50 The rules of procedure are mere tools designed to
facilitate the attainment of justice. Their strict and rigid (a) The classification and use for which the property is suited;
BCDA further noted that the Tan Song Bok case had already application especially on technical matters, which tends to
been superseded by the case of Secretary of Public Works and frustrate rather than promote substantial justice, must be (b) The developmental costs for improving the land;
Highways, et al. v. Spouses Tecson46 (Tecson case), where this avoided. Even the Revised Rules of Court envisions this
Court ruled that just compensation is determined by considering liberality. Technicality, when it deserts its proper office as an aid (c) The value declared by the owners;
the value of the property at the time of actual taking.47 to justice and becomes its great hindrance and chief enemy,
deserves scant consideration from the courts.51 Yet, the (d) The current selling price of similar lands in the vicinity;
Relying on the Tecson case, BCDA argued that the CA correctly relaxation of its rules is subject to certain conditions and for
ruled on the rate of interest to be applied where the interest liberality to be applied, it must be assured that the adverse (e) The reasonable disturbance compensation for the removal
rate shall be 12% for the period beginning November 21, 2003 party has been afforded the opportunity to be heard through and/or demolition of certain improvements on the land and for
until June 30, 2013, and 6% from July 1, 2013 until fully pleadings filed in opposition to the motion.52 the value of improvements thereon;
In the present case, the records reveal that TMBC was given (f) The size, shape or location, tax declaration and zonal
The Issues the opportunity to be heard when it filed a comment/opposition valuation of the land;
to the motion for reconsideration, assailing the same and raising
Petitioner TMBC raised the following issues: substantive arguments for its dismissal.53 Moreover, the R TC (g) The price of the land as manifested in the ocular findings,
went a step further and directed the parties to submit judicial oral as well as documentary evidence presented; and
1. Whether respondent BCDA's Motion for Reconsideration of affidavits of their witnesses with documentary exhibits to
the September 4, 2012 Decision of the RTC tolled the running substantiate their respective positions.54 Clearly, the (h) Such facts and events as to enable the affected property
of the period to appeal the said decision. requirements of procedural due process were substantially owners to have sufficient funds to acquire similarly-situated
complied with and such compliance justified a departure from a lands of approximate areas as those required from them by the
2. Whether the CA erred in reversing and setting aside the literal application of the rule on notice of hearing. government, and thereby rehabilitate themselves as early as
RTC's Decision and Order on its determination of just possible.
compensation and interest. The Court of Appeals was correct in reversing the trial court and
in fixing the just compensation at ₱75 per square meter There is no question that at the time of taking of the subject
3. Whether the CA erred in awarding just compensation at the property, it was classified as agricultural land, based on the
rate of ₱75 per square meter, instead of ₱250 per square meter For the second and third issues raised by petitioner, the Court records of the Municipal Assessor's Office of Porac,
as originally ordered by the RTC in its September 4, 2012 shall discuss them jointly considering they are closely Pampanga.56 As observed by Mr. Murillo in his Commissioner's
Decision, or ₱190 per square meter as reconsidered by the RTC interrelated. Report, the subject property consists of sugar land and sand
in its August 28, 2014 Order. deposits. He further noted that while there were allegations that
In reversing and setting aside the trial court's determination of the property was reclassified to industrial land, there was no
4. Whether the CA was correct in imposing an interest rate of just compensation, the CA reviewed the reports submitted by sign of industrial development at the time of the ocular
12% per annum from November 21, 2003 up to June 30, 2013, the commissioners, as well as the trial court's September 4, inspection except for the construction of the SCTEX project.57
and 6% per annum from July 1, 2013 until full payment. 2012 Decision and the August 28, 2014 Order. The CA noted
We could not give any weight to Engr. Lansangan's Report since Province of Pampanga. BCDA' s offer to buy the subject The Court of Appeals committed no reversible error in modifying
he did not provide any explanation for arriving at his property at Php75.00 per square meter was the same selling the interest rates to be imposed on the just compensation
recommendation of P350 per square meter as just price of its neighboring properties affected by the same
compensation for the subject property, except for his infrastructure project. Such price is also based on the following For the final issue raised by petitioner, it argues that the award
declaration that he arrived at the same based on the price factual considerations: (1) the nature of the subject property as of interest of 6% per annum as imposed under the BSP -
information he had researched from reputable sources, as well agricultural land with no improvements ("no electricity, no road Monetary Board (BSP-MB) Circular No. 799, Series of 2013,
as the highest and best use of the property and the zoning and outlet and not accessible to regular mode of transportation"); should only be reckoned from the date of finality of judgment
current land usage in the locality.58 (2) the zonal valuation by the BIR (Php30.00 per square and not from July 1, 2013 as ruled by the CA.
meter); and (3) tax declarations ("Agricultural-Sugar")
During his testimony, Engr. Lansangan clarified that his indicating the total market value of the subject property at Petitioner is mistaken.
recommendation was based on the reclassification of the Php27,400.92.64 (citations omitted)
property to residential, commercial and industrial areas, the BIR In the landmark case of Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Court of
Zonal Valuation as industrial area with assessed value of ₱200 Time and again, this Court has ruled that the determination of Appeals, the Court laid down the guidelines regarding the
per square meter, and the value for residential area at ₱500 per just compensation must be based on reliable and actual data, manner of computing legal interest, particularly declaring that
square meter, the average of which is ₱350 per square as explained in Republic of the Philippines v. C. C. Unson when judgments of the court awarding a sum of money become
meter.59 However, Engr. Lansangan's recommendation was Company, Inc.,65 to wit: final and executory, the rate of legal interest shall be 12% per
erroneous since it was established that the subject property was annum from such finality until its satisfaction, since this interim
not included in the area which was reclassified by the In Republic v. Asia Pacific Integrated Steel Corporation, the period is deemed to be by then an equivalent to a forbearance
province.60 Furthermore, the reclassification was made after Court defined just compensation "as the full and fair equivalent of credit.66
the time of taking of the subject property; thus, any change in of the property taken from its owner by the expropriator. The
valuation as a result thereof would have no bearing on the measure is not the taker's gain, but the owner's loss. The word With the issuance of BSP-MB Circular No. 799, Series of 2013,
amount of just compensation. 'just' is used to intensify the meaning of the word however, which became effective on July 1, 2013, in the
'compensation' and to convey thereby the idea that the absence of an express stipulation as to the rate of interest that
As for Engr. Tolosa's Report, a review thereof shows that his equivalent to be rendered for the property to be taken shall be would govern the parties, the rate of legal interest for loans or
recommendation to set the just compensation for the subject real, substantial, full, and ample. Such 'just'-ness of the forbearance of any money, goods or credits and the rate
property at the amount of ₱388 per square meter was mostly compensation can only be attained by using reliable and actual allowed in judgments shall no longer be twelve percent (12%)
based on the market approach, where the value of the land is data as bases in fixing the value of the condemned property. per annum but shall now be six percent (6%) per annum
based on sales and listings of comparable properties within the Trial courts are required to be more circumspect in its effective July 1, 2013. Consequently, the twelve percent (12%)
vicinity.61 While this approach is an acceptable basis to evaluation of just compensation due the property owner, per annum legal interest shall apply only until June 30, 2013,
determine just compensation, We note that the data gathered considering that eminent domain cases involve the expenditure and from July 1, 2013 the new rate of six percent (6%) per
by Engr. Tolosa on which he relied his recommendation were of public funds." annum shall be the prevailing rate of interest when
based on current market values at the time of the ocular applicable.67
inspection which was on October 6, 2011- almost eight years The Court further stated in National Power Corporation v.
from the time of taking of the subject property m November Tuazon, that "[t]he determination of just compensation in In the recent case of Secretary of the Department of Public
2003. expropriation cases is a function addressed to the discretion of Works and Highways v. Spouses Tecson,68 the Court explained:
the courts, and may not be usurped by any other branch or
In arriving at the amount of ₱250 per square meter, the trial official of the government. This judicial function has Lastly, from finality of the Court's Resolution on reconsideration
court relied on the eight DPWH transactions of neighboring constitutional raison d'etre; Article III of the 1987 Constitution until full payment, the total amount due to respondents-
properties as relevant market data on the actual value of the mandates that no private property shall be taken for public use movants shall earn a straight six percent (6%) legal interest,
subject property in November 2003.62 The R TC failed to without payment of just compensation." Legislative enactments, pursuant to Circular No. 799 and the case of Nacar. Such
consider the nine Deeds of Absolute Sale between BCDA and as well as executive issuances, fixing or providing for the interest is imposed by reason of the Court's decision and takes
several landowners for the sale of properties situated in method of computing just compensation are tantamount to the nature of a judicial debt.
Barangay Dolores, Porac, Pampanga with selling price ranging impermissible encroachment on judicial prerogatives. They are
from ₱60 to ₱75 per square meter, which were executed not binding on courts and, at best, are treated as mere Clearly, the award of interest on the value of the land at the
between March 2004 and September 2008. The RTC reasoned guidelines in ascertaining the amount of just compensation. time of taking in 1940 until full payment is adequate
that the BCDA allegedly failed to establish the proximity of (citations omitted) compensation to respondents movants for the deprivation of
these properties with the subject property.63 their property without the benefit of expropriation proceedings.
Based on the foregoing, We find that the CA committed no Such interest, however meager or enormous it may be, cannot
As correctly observed by the CA, however, the properties reversible error in reversing and setting aside the trial court's be inequitable and unconscionable because it resulted directly
subject of the nine deeds of absolute sale were directly determination of just compensation and in fixing the just from the application of law and jurisprdence-standards that
contiguous and adjacent to the subject property, to wit: compensation of the subject property at ₱75 per square meter. have taken into account fairness and equity in setting the
The CA, guided by the standards set in RA 8974, took into interest rates due for the use or forbearance of money. Thus,
We hold that the RTC committed reversible error for it is plainly consideration the documentary evidence presented by the adding the interest computed to the market value of the
obvious that the areas expropriated for the SCTEX project are parties to determine the appropriate value of the property at property at the time of taking signifies the real, substantial, full
contiguous and adjacent properties.1âwphi1 Specifically, the the time it was taken in November 2003. and ample value of the property. Verily, the same constitutes
lands covered by no less than nine (9) Deeds of Absolute Sale due compliance with the constitutional mandate on eminent
are all situated in Barangay Dolores, Municipality of Porac, domain and serves as a basic measure of fairness.
obligation to pay the compressor to Davao Diamond in four Before he wrote the letter to [Davao Diamond], [Leanillo] had
From the foregoing, it is clear that the CA was correct in installments as it was indispensable in the mining operations of already paid [Davao Diamond] the purchase price for the
imposing an interest on the just compensation at the rate of Double A.7 compressor in four installments. Thus was evidenced by Cash
12% per annum from November 21, 2003 up to June 30, 2013, Vouchers all dated in 1998 x x x and the corresponding receipts
and 6% per annum from July 1, 2013 until full payment. The RTC, upon posting of the bond, granted the writ of replevin issued in behalf of [Davao Diamond] by Atty. George Cabebe x
and the compressor was delivered to respondent. x x, each for P50,000.00.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision dated Thus, when [respondent] wrote the [Davao Diamond], that he
October 26, 2016 and the Resolution dated February 22, 2017 During the trial, respondent alleged that he was once a was voluntarily surrendering the compressor and the pump he
of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 104234 are hereby financier and operator of a gold mine in Davao del Norte but effectively surrendered whatever rights and interest he might
AFFIRMED. when he ran out of funds, petitioner and Major Efren Alcuizar have on the compressor and the pump. He was aware that he is
(Alcuizar) took over the mining operations. When petitioner and no longer the owner of the compressor. No evidence was
SO ORDERED. Alcuizar also ran out of funds, Lucia Sanchez Leanillo (Leanillo) adduced by [respondent] to prove that there was a prior
became the financier of the mining operations.8 It appears that existing arrangement with him and Leanillo as far as the
PRESBITERO J. VELASCO, JR. Leanillo paid for the installments of the compressor on account payment of the account with [Davao Diamond] was concerned.
Associate Justice of a separate contract of sale entered into by Davao Diamond It is very strange indeed for him to have written the letter
with her. despite knowing that it had been paid for by [Leanillo], unless it
was intended to pave the way for [Leanillo] to acquire full
FIRST DIVISION Ruling of the RTC ownership of the compressor and to ensure that [Davao
Diamond] will be free from legal liability in selling the
G.R. No. 197920, January 22, 2018 After trial on the merits, the RTC in its Decision9 dated May 5, compressor to Leanillo. x x x.
2003, ruled in favor of the petitioner, thus:
MANLANGIT, Respondent. WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the
[petitioner] and against [respondent]: Thus, it is quite clear that as of August 5, 1999, [respondent]
DECISION has no more right and interest over the compressor and the
dismissing the complaint for lack of cause of action; pump by reason of his voluntary surrender of these items to
TIJAM, J.: [Davao Diamond]. x x x.11
dissolving the writ of seizure and declaring [respondent] to be
Before Us is a petition for review on certiorari1 under Rule 45 of not entitled to the possession of the [compressor]; Ruling of the CA
the Rules of Court filed by Demosthenes R. Arbilon (petitioner)
assailing the Decision2 dated January 14, 2011 of the Court of ordering the return of the possession of the [compressor] with Upon appeal, the CA in its Decision12 dated January 14, 2011
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 00038, which reversed and set its accessories, if any, to [petitioner] and [Leanillo], and if this is reversed the RTC ruling and held that respondent is the owner
aside the Decision3 dated May 5, 2003 of the Regional Trial no longer possible for [respondent] and/or the surety company, of the compressor, thus:
Court (RTC) of Davao City, Branch 33 in Civil Case No. 27,498- the Capital Insurance & Surety Company, Inc., to pay the value
99 dismissing the case filed by Sofronio Manlangit (respondent) of said [compressor], with interest at the legal rate from the WHEREFORE, the assailed decision is SET ASIDE and a new one
and ordering the return of the possession of the Atlas Copco time [petitioner] was dispossessed of said compressor; rendered:
Compressor (compressor) to petitioner.
to pay [petitioner] the sum of P15,000.00 for and as attorney's 1. Declaring [respondent] the owner of the (1) unit
This case stemmed from a Complaint4 for recovery of fees, plus P5,000.00 as litigation expenses; and [compressor] with Serial No. ARP 695174 and thus entitled to
possession of personal properties with writ of replevin and/or its possession;
sum of money, with damages and attorney's fees filed by all other claims for damages are denied.
respondent against petitioner. Costs of suit against [respondent]. 2. Ordering [petitioner] to reimburse [respondent's] litigation
expenses in the amount of P2,250.60 and attorney's fee[s] in
In his complaint, respondent alleged that he purchased on SO ORDERED.10 the amount of P10,000.00.
credit one (1) compressor and one (1) unit of Stainless Pump, 3
horsepower, single phase for P200,000.00 and P65,000.00, The RTC in finding for the petitioner held that: SO ORDERED.13
respectively, from Davao Diamond Industrial Supply (Davao
Diamond). Respondent claimed that the compressor had been From all the foregoing, the following facts appears duly The CA held that the transaction between respondent and
in the possession of petitioner from November 1997 up to the established: Davao Diamond was a contract to sell since the stipulation in
time of the filing of the complaint, that despite demand, the Sales Invoice14 shows that the goods listed in the invoice
petitioner failed to return the same to respondent.5 [Respondent] purchased on installment from [Davao Diamond] shall remain the property of the seller until fully paid by the
on July 17, 1996, one (1) unit [compressor] and one (1) SS buyer. The CA further held that since Leanillo undisputedly paid
In his Answer with Counterclaim,6 petitioner argued that the Pump 3HP, among others; the installments on the compressor, the ownership over the
respondent is not the owner of the compressor. Petitioner He failed to pay the purchase price of these items; compressor was automatically vested on respondent. As such,
alleged that the ownership of the compressor was never vested He wrote [Davao Diamond] a letter on August 5, 1999, the owner of the compressor is respondent. Insofar as the
to respondent since the latter failed to pay the purchase price of voluntarily surrendering the compressor and the pump because payment of Leanillo is concerned, the CA held that such
P200,000.00. Petitioner alleged that he voluntarily assumed the he could not pay for it[;] payment is considered as a payment made by a third party
without the knowledge of the respondent, as such, Leanillo can valid between the parties and, at the very least, they serve as payment of respondent's account with Davao Diamond relative
recover the amount paid insofar as the same has been an acknowledgment that a business transaction has in fact to one (1) unit compressor."
beneficial to respondent. However, the CA ruled that there is transpired. Thus, the moment respondent affixed his signature
evidence to show that the payment made by Leanillo was taken thereon, he is bound by all the terms stipulated therein.17 The above-mentioned circumstances indubitably show that
from the partnership share of respondent. Therefore, Leanillo paid the compressor not in her own right but in behalf
respondent is no longer obligated to reimburse Leanillo of the The sales invoice contains the earmarks of a contract to sell of respondent. If indeed Davao Diamond sold the compressor to
amount it paid for the compressor. since the seller reserved the ownership of the thing sold until Leanillo and that the latter paid the compressor in accordance
the buyer fully paid the purchase price. We therefore agree with with her separate contract with Davao Diamond, such fact
The Issues the CA that the agreement between respondent and Davao would have appeared in the receipts. Sadly, that is not the case.
Diamond is a contract to sell. As such, the mere delivery of the There is nothing in the records that would compel Us to declare
Hence, petitioner filed the instant petition raising the following compressor to respondent does not make him the owner of the that there is an independent contract of sale between Leanillo
issues to be resolved: same. and Davao Diamond.

1) whether or not the CA erred when it ruled that respondent is The next question now is whether the respondent has complied Having ruled that Leanillo paid the compressor in behalf of
the owner of the compressor, hence entitled to its possession; with his obligation to fully pay the purchase price? respondent, the latter has therefore complied with his obligation
and 2) whether or not the money used by Leanillo to pay the to fully pay the compressor. Ownership of the compressor can
compressor came from respondent's partnership share. Leanillo claimed that she paid for the installments on the now legally pass to respondent. As such, the latter has the right
compressor. However, she claimed that Davao Diamond to possess the compressor since possession is an attribute of
While the case filed by respondent before the RTC was only for entered into an independent contract of sale with her while ownership.
recovery of possession of the compressor, the parties however respondent claimed that the money used by Leanillo to pay the
raised the issue of ownership during the trial in the RTC. Thus, compressor came from his partnership share. What becomes of Leanillo's payment? Is the respondent obliged
when they raised the issue of ownership, while this Court may to reimburse to Leanillo the price of the compressor?
pass upon the issue of ownersip, the same is limited to the It is a settled doctrine in civil cases that he who alleges a fact
determination of who between the parties has a better right to has the burden of proving it and a mere allegation is not Respondent claimed that there is nothing to be reimbursed
possess the property. This adjudication, however, is not a final evidence.18 It is incumbent upon Leanillo to prove that Davao since the money used by Leanillo to pay the compressor came
and binding determination on the issue of ownership. Since the Diamond sold the compressor to her independent of the from his partnership share. We do not agree.
determination of ownership is merely provisional, the same is contract to sell with respondent.
not a bar to an action between the same parties involving title A perusal of the records of the case reveal that respondent
to the property.15 Other than the self-serving statements of Leanillo, no other failed to raise this as an issue during the trial. In fact, it was not
evidence was presented to support her allegation that Davao one of the issues22 contained in the pre-trial order. Therefore,
To determine who has the better right to possession of the Diamond entered into a separate contract with her. In fact, at the same cannot be considered in the resolution of the case.
compressor, examination of the contract between respondent the time Leanillo paid the compressor in 1998, there is no
and Davao Diamond is in order. The CA is of the opinion that evidence that Davao Diamond revoked, rescinded or cancelled As We held in the case of LICOMCEN, Inc. v. Engr. Abainza,23
the contract between respondent and Davao Diamond is merely the contract to sell with respondent. all issues that the parties intend to raise during the trial must be
a contract to sell, as such, mere delivery of the thing sold does raised during the pre-trial, thus:
not result to the transfer of ownership to the buyer. Moreover, it must be considered that in view of the existing
contract to sell between respondent and Davao Diamond, the Pre-trial is primarily intended to insure that the parties properly
In a contract to sell, the seller explicitly reserves the transfer of latter cannot simply sell the property to petitioner. A contact to raise all issues necessary to dispose of a case. The parties must
title to the buyer until the fulfillment of a condition, that is, the sell is a bilateral contract whereby the prospective seller, while disclose during pretrial all issues they intend to raise during the
full payment of the purchase price. Title to the property is expressly reserving the ownership over the thing sold despite trial, except those involving privileged or impeaching matters.
retained by the seller until the buyer fully paid the price of the the delivery thereof to the prospective buyer, binds himself to Although a pre-trial order is not meant to catalogue each issue
thing sold. sell the property exclusively to the prospective buyer upon full that the parties may take up during the trial, issues not included
payment of the purchase price.19 Thus, in the absence of any in the pre-trial order may be considered only if they are
As found by the CA and undisputed by the respondent, the revocation or cancellation of the contract to sell with impliedly included in the issues raised or inferable from the
Sales Invoice No. 8291116 covering the disputed compressor respondent, Davao Diamond cannot legally sell the compressor issues raised by necessary implication. x x x.24 (Citation
contained the following stipulation: to petitioner. omitted)

Note: It is hereby agreed that the goods listed to this invoice Nevertheless, the records of the case show that Leanillo paid Hence, the issue of whether there is a partnership that is
shall remain the property of the seller until fully paid by the the compressor in behalf of respondent. existing between petitioner, Leanillo and respondent and
buyer. Failure of the buyer to pay the goods as agreed upon, whether the partnership share of respondent was used to pay
the seller may extra-judicially take possession of the goods and The answer of petitioner to the complaint of respondent stated the compressor are not impliedly included or is inferable from
dispose them accordingly. that the former voluntarily assumed paying the compressor the issues raised in the pre-trial order. As such, the same
since the same was beneficial to the mining operations of cannot be considered during the trial. Even if We rule that the
While the sales invoice is not a formal contract to sell, the sales Double A.20 Further, the receipts21 issued by Davao Diamond said issues were included or inferable by necessary implication
invoice is nevertheless the best evidence of the transaction to Leanillo state that the same is "in partial payment of the from the issues raised in the pre-trial order, respondent still
between the respondent and Davao Diamond. Sales invoices are existing account incurred by respondent" and is "in partial failed to present an iota of evidence to prove that the
commonly recognized in ordinary commercial transactions as partnership exist or that his partnership shares were used to
pay off the compressor. Mere allegation without sufficient proof May 18, 2009
is not evidence of the existence of a fact or of the truthfulness DECISION Villarica Pawnshop, Inc.
of an allegation. Mar. 2000 - Jun. 2000
GESMUNDO, J.: P68,922.03
Since respondent failed to prove that the money used to pay Feb. 20, 2009
the compressor was respondent's partnership share nor the Condonation statutes—being an act of liberality on the part of
existence of a partnership among them, the payment of Leanillo the State—are strictly construed against the applicants unless Jan. 2000 - Jun. 2000
can be considered as payment by a third party. Under Article the laws themselves clearly state a contrary rule of P21,353.70
1236 of the Civil Code, it is provided that: interpretation. Feb. 26, 2009

Article 1236. The creditor is not bound to accept payment or This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Jan. 2005 - Aug. 2005
performance by a third person who has no interest in the Rules of Court filed by petitioners H. Villarica Pawnshop, Inc., P699,850.34
fulfillment of the obligation, unless there is a stipulation to the HL Villarica Pawnshop, Inc., HRV Villarica Pawnshop, Inc. and Mar. 2, 2009
contrary. Villarica Pawnshop, Inc., (petitioners) seeking to reverse and set
aside the Decision1 dated February 26, 2016 and Resolution2 Jan. 1997 - Jan. 2009
Whoever pays for another may demand from the debtor what dated November 2, 2016, of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA- P2,491,998.08
he has paid, except that if he paid without the knowledge or G.R. SP No. 140916, which affirmed the Resolution3 dated Apr. 7, 20097
against the will of the debtor, he can recover only insofar as the November 6, 2013, and Order4 dated January 21,2015, of the On January 7, 2010, Congress enacted R.A. No. 9903, otherwise
payment has been beneficial to the debtor. (Emphasis ours) Social Security Commission (SSC) denying petitioners' claim for known as the Social Security Condonation Law of 2009, which
refund. took effect on February 1, 2010. The said law offered
Under the above-cited provision, Leanillo has the right to delinquent employers the opportunity to settle, without penalty,
demand reimbursement from respondent since it is undisputed The Antecedents their accountabilities or overdue contributions within six (6)
that Leanillo was the one who paid for the compressor in behalf months from the date of its effectivity.8
of respondent. Nevertheless, since Leanillo was never Petitioners are private corporations engaged in the pawnshop
impleaded as a party in this case, this Court has not acquired business and are compulsorily registered with the Social Consequently, petitioners thru its President and General
any jurisdiction over her person, and as such, We cannot grant Security System (SSS) under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8282,5 Manager Atty. Henry P. Villarica, sent separate Letters,9 all
any relief in her favor. "It is well-settled that courts cannot otherwise known as the Social Security Law of 1997.6 dated July 26, 2010, to the different branches of the SSS
grant a relief not prayed for in the pleadings or in excess of seeking reimbursement of the accrued penalties, which they
what is being sought by a party to a case."25 This however is In 2009, petitioners paid their delinquent contributions and have paid in 2009, thus:
without prejudice to any action that may be brought by Leanillo accrued penalties with the different branches of the SSS in the
to claim reimbursement from respondent. following manner:
Amount Claimed
WHEREFORE, the foregoing considered, the petition is DENIED. PETITIONER 1. Diliman Branch
The Decision dated January 14, 2011 of the Court of Appeals in DELINQUENCY P860,452.6210
CA-G.R. CV No. 00038 is hereby AFFIRMED in that respondent PERIOD
Sofronio Manlangit is the lawful owner and possessor of the AMOUNT PAID 2. Manila Branch
Atlas Copco Compressor. This, however, is without prejudice to (Contribution and Penalty) P1,005,805.2811
any claim for reimbursement which may thereafter be filed DATE PAID
against respondent. H. Villarica Pawnshop, Inc. 3. Caloocan Branch
Jan. 2006 - Oct. 2006 P5,376.3212
SO ORDERED. P1,461,640.24
Apr. 23, 2009 4. San Francisco Del Monte Branch
Sereno, C.J., (Chairperson), Leonardo-De Castro, Del Castillo, P3,119,400.1513
and Jardeleza, JJ., concur. Jul. 2007 - Dec. 2007
Invoking Section 4 of R.A. No. 9903 and Section 2 (f) of the
Apr. 2007- Jun. 2007 SSC Circular No. 2010-004 or the Implementing Rules and
THIRD DIVISION P710,199.08. Regulations of R.A. No. 9903 (IRR), petitioners claimed that the
May 1, 2009 benefits of the condonation program extend to all employers
G.R. No. 228087, January 24, 2018 who have settled their arrears or unpaid contributions even
Mar. 2008 - Dec. 2008 prior to the effectivity of the law.14
INC., HRV VILLARICA PAWNSHOP, INC. AND VILLARICA Sept. 2005 - Dec. 2006 In a Letter15 dated August 16, 2010, the SSS - San Francisco
PAWNSHOP, INC., Petitioners, v. SOCIAL SECURITY P2,544,525.28 Del Monte Branch denied petitioner Villarica Pawnshop, Inc.'s
COMMISSION, SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM, AMADOR M. Jun. 20, 2009 request for refund amounting to P3,119,400.15 stating that
MONTEIRO, SANTIAGO DIONISIO R. AGDEPPA, MA. LUZ N. HRV Villarica Pawnshop, Inc. there was no provision under R.A. No. 9903 allowing
BARROS-MAGSINO, MILAGROS N. CASUGA AND JOCELYN Q. Jan. 2009 - May 2009 reimbursement of penalties paid before its effectivity.16
GARCIA, Respondents. P132,176.32
In another Letter17 dated September 16, 2010, petitioner HRV The CA Ruling SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH PAYMENT OF THE PENALTY, THUS
Villarica Pawnshop, Inc. was likewise informed that its RENDERING IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR PETITIONERS TO PAY THEIR
application for the refund of the accrued penalty had been In its decision dated February 26, 2016, the CA affirmed the ARREARS WITHOUT PAYING THE PENALTY
denied because R.A. No. 9903 does not cover accountabilities ruling of the SSC. It held that the intent of the legislature in
settled prior to its effectivity.18 enacting R.A. No. 9903 was the remission of the three percent WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN
(3%) per month penalty imposed upon delinquent contributions RULING THAT RESPONDENT SSC CORRECTLY INTERPRETED
In like manner, the applications for refund filed by petitioners H. of employers as a necessary consequence of the late payment THE TERM 'ACCRUED' UNDER THE SSS CONDONATION LAW OF
Villarica Pawnshop, Inc. and HL Villarica Pawnshop, Inc. were or non-remittance of SSS contributions. The CA found that the 2009 TO MEAN UNPAID. IF THIS INTERPRETATION WERE TO
both denied in separate letters dated October 4, 201019 and IRR of R.A. No. 9903 used the word "unpaid" to emphasize the BE UPHELD, THOSE WHO HAVE UNPAID ACCRUED PENALTIES
October 15, 2010,20 respectively, for the same reason of being accrued penalty that may be waived therein, thus, it WOULD BE IN A BETTER POSITION THAN THOSE WHO
filed outside the coverage of R.A. No. 9903.21 presupposes that there was still an outstanding obligation at the DECIDED TO SETTLE BOTH THE ARREARS IN CONTRIBUTION
time of the effectivity of the law, which may be extinguished AND THE ACCRUED PENALTIES. CERTAINLY, THE LAW NEVER
As a result, petitioners filed their respective Petitions22 before through remission. It highlighted that lawmakers did not include INTENDED INJUSTICE.31
the SSC seeking reimbursement of the 3% per month penalties within the sphere of R.A. No. 9903 those employers whose Petitioners argue that the last proviso of Section 4 of R. A. No.
they paid in 2009 essentially claiming that they were entitled to penalties have already been paid prior to its effectivity. The CA 9903 "clearly extends the benefit of the waiver" to employers
avail of the benefits under R.A. No. 9903 by reason of equity added that it would be absurd for obligations that have already who have settled their arrears before the effectivity of the law,
because "one of the purposes of the law is to favor employers, been extinguished to be subjected to condonation. hence, to allow the refund of the corresponding penalties
regardless of the reason for the non-payment of the arrears in paid;32 that the "equity provision" in Section 4 of R.A. No. 9903
contribution;" and that the interpretation of the SSS "is Citing Mendoza v. People28(Mendoza), the CA further ruled that should be interpreted to include a refund of penalties already
manifestly contrary to the principle that, in enacting a statute, there was no violation of the equal protection clause because paid if such law is to be given any effect;33 and that a refund
the legislature intended right and justice to prevail." there was a substantial distinction between those delinquent should be allowed because there is no substantial distinction
employers who paid within the six (6) month period from the between employers who paid their accrued penalties before and
In its Answer23 dated March 14, 2012, the SSS prayed for the effectivity of the law and those who paid outside of the said after the effectivity of the R.A. No. 9903.34
dismissal of the petitions for utter lack of merit. It maintained availment period. It underscored that only the former class was
that petitioners were not entitled to avail of the condonation expressly covered by R.A. No. 9903. The CA concluded that In its Comment,35 the SSC counters that since petitioners have
program under R.A. No. 9903 because they were not petitioners' stand, that those who paid prior to the effectivity of already paid their unremitted contributions and accrued
considered delinquent at the time the law took effect in 2010; R.A. No. 9903 can avail of the condonation and refund, would penalties before the effectivity of R.A. No. 9903, there is
and that there was nothing more to condone on the part of open the floodgates to numerous claims for reimbursement nothing left to be condoned or waived; that, at the time of their
petitioners for they have settled their obligations even before before the SSS, which could lead to a depletion of its resources payment, there was no remission of accrued penalty yet; that
the enactment of the law. The SSS explained that the term to the detriment of the public's best interest. The fallo of the CA R.A. No. 9903 does not contain a provision allowing the
"accrued penalties" had been properly defined as unpaid ruling reads: reimbursement of accrued penalty which was paid prior to its
penalties under the IRR and, considering that laws granting effectivity; that the CA correctly interpreted the term "accrued
condonation constitute acts of benevolence on the part of the WHEREFORE, foregoing considered, the instant petition is penalty" to mean "unpaid" by using the definition provided in
State, they should be strictly construed against the applicant.24 hereby DISMISSED. The Resolution dated November 6, 2013 Section 1 (d) of the IRR; and that the ruling in Mendoza had
and the Order dated January 21, 2015 of the Social Security already recognized that Congress refused to allow a sweeping,
The SSC Ruling Commission in SSC Case Nos. 11-19521-11, 11-19522-11, 11- non-discriminatory condonation to all delinquent employers
19523-11 and 11-19524-11 are AFFIRMED. when it provided a fixed period for the availment of the
In its Resolution25 dated November 6, 2013, the SSC denied all condonation program under R.A. No. 9903. 36
the petitions for lack of merit. It ruled that petitioners were not SO ORDERED.29
entitled to the benefits of the condonation program under R.A. In its Comment,37 the SSS avers that the payments made by
No. 9903 in view of the full payment of their unpaid obligations Petitioners moved for reconsideration but it was denied by the petitioners before the effectivity of R.A. No. 9903 are valid
prior to the effectivity of the law on February 1, 2010. As CA in its resolution dated November 2, 2016.30 payments which cannot be the subject of reimbursement; that
petitioners did not have unpaid contributions at the time the law petitioners are no longer considered delinquent employers when
took effect, the SSC held that there could be no remission or Hence, this petition anchored on the following grounds: R.A. No. 9903 took effect; that petitioners erroneously
refund in their favor. The dispositive portion of the said interpreted the "equity provision" to include a right to a refund
resolution states: WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN of penalties paid; and that laws granting condonation constitute
RULING THAT RA NO. 9903 DOES NOT INCLUDE PETITIONERS an act of benevolence and should be strictly construed against
WHEREFORE, all four (4) petitions filed by petitioners against IN ITS COVERAGE, CONSIDERING THAT: the applicant.38
the SSS are hereby DENIED for lack of merit.
Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration but it was denied THE LAW AND THUS, ARE ENTITLED TO A WAIVER OF THEIR
by the SSC in an Order27 dated January 21, 2015. ACCRUED PENALTIES. Sections 2 and 4 of the R.A. No. 9903 specifically provide:

Undeterred, petitioners appealed before the CA. PRIOR TO RA NO. 9903, EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO Section 2. Condonation of Penalty. — Any employer who is
SETTLE THEIR ARREARS IN CONTRIBUTIONS delinquent or has not remitted all contributions due and payable
to the Social Security System (SSS), including those with (b) Those with pending or approved proposal under the penalties waived provided that they either remit their delinquent
pending cases either before the Social Security Commission, Installment Payment Scheme of the SSS (Circular No. 9-P) contributions or submit a proposal to pay their delinquencies in
courts or Office of the Prosecutor involving collection of pursuant to SSC Resolution No. 380 dated 10 June 2002; installments (on the condition that there will be no default in
contributions and/or penalties, may within six (6) months from subsequent payments) within the "availment period" spanning
the effectivity of this Act: (c) Those with pending or approved application under the six (6) months from R.A. No. 9903's effectivity.
Program for Acceptance of Properties Offered Through Dacion
(a) remit said contributions; or En Pago of the SSS (Circular No. 6-P) pursuant to SSC The Court finds that employers who have paid their unremitted
Resolution No. 29 dated 16 January 2002; contributions and already settled their delinquent contributions
(b) submit a proposal to pay the same in installments, subject as well as their corresponding penalties before R.A. No. 9903's
to the implementing rules and regulations which the Social (d) Those with cases pending before the SSC, Courts or Office effectivity do not have a right to be refunded of the penalties
Security Commission may prescribe: Provided, That the of the Prosecutor involving collection of contributions and/or already paid, which shall be discussed in seriatim.
delinquent employer submits the corresponding collection lists penalties;
together with the remittance or proposal to pay installments: Verba legis interpretation of R.A. No. 9903
Provided, further, That upon approval and payment in full or in (e) Those against whom judgment had been rendered involving
installments of contributions due and payable to the SSS, all collection of contributions and/or penalties but have not It is the duty of the Court to apply the law the way it is
such pending cases filed against the employer shall be complied with the judgment, and; worded.40 Basic is the rule of statutory construction that when
withdrawn without prejudice to the refiling of the case in the the law is clear and unambiguous, the court is left with no
event the employer fails to remit in full the required delinquent (f) Those who, before the effectivity of the Act, have settled all alternative but to apply the same according to its clear
contributions or defaults in the payment of any installment contributions but with accrued penalty. [emphasis supplied] language.41 The courts can only pronounce what the law is and
under the approved proposal. what the rights of the parties thereunder are.42 Fidelity to such
Under R.A. No. 9903 and its IRR, an employer who is a task precludes construction or interpretation, unless
xxxx delinquent or has not remitted all contributions due and payable application is impossible or inadequate without it.43 Thus, it is
to the SSS may avail of the condonation program provided that only when the law is ambiguous or of doubtful meaning may
Section 4. Effectivity of Condonation. — The penalty provided the delinquent employer will remit the full amount of the unpaid the court interpret or construe its true intent.44
under Section 22 (a) of Republic Act No. 8282 shall be contributions or would submit a proposal to pay the delinquent
condoned by virtue of this Act when and until all the delinquent contributions in installment within the six (6)-month period set Parenthetically, the "plain meaning rule" or verba legis in
contributions are remitted by the employer to the SSS: by law. statutory construction enjoins that if the statute is clear, plain
Provided, That, in case the employer fails to remit in full the and free from ambiguity, it must be given its literal meaning
required delinquent contributions, or defaults in the payment of Under Section 4 of R.A. No. 9903, once an employer pays all its and applied without interpretation.45 This rule of interpretation
any installment under the approved proposal, within the delinquent contributions within the six month period, the is in deference to the plenary power of Congress to make, alter
availment period provided in this Act, the penalties are deemed accrued penalties due thereon shall be deemed waived. In the and repeal laws as this power is an embodiment of the People's
reimposed from the time the contributions first become due, to last proviso thereof, those employers who have settled their sovereign will.46 Accordingly, when the words of a statute are
accrue until the delinquent account is paid in full: Provided, delinquent contributions before the effectivity of the law but still clear and unambiguous, courts cannot deviate from the text of
further, That for reason of equity, employers who settled have existing accrued penalties shall also benefit from the the law and resort to interpretation lest they end up betraying
arrears in contributions before the effectivity of this Act shall condonation program. In that situation, there is still something their solemn duty to uphold the law and worse, violating the
likewise have their accrued penalties waived. [emphases to condone because there are existing accrued penalties at the constitutional principle of separation of powers.
supplied] time of the effectivity of the law. Section 1 (d) of the IRR
defines accrued penalties as those that refer to the unpaid three Concomitantly, condonation or remission of debt is an act of
On the other hand, Sections 1 and 2 of the IRR of R.A. No. percent (3%) penalty imposed upon any delayed remittance of liberality, by virtue of which, without receiving any equivalent,
9903 state: contribution. the creditor renounces the enforcement of the obligation, which
is extinguished in its entirety or in that part or aspect of the
Section 1. Definition of Terms. — Unless the context of a certain Accordingly, R.A. No. 9903 covers those employers who (1) same to which the remission refers.47 It is essentially
provision of this Circular clearly indicates otherwise, the term: have existing delinquent contributions and/or (2) have accrued gratuitous for no equivalent is received for the benefit given.48
penalties at the time of its effectivity. Relatedly, waiver is defined as a voluntary and intentional
xxx relinquishment or abandonment of a known existing legal right,
Evidently, there is nothing in R.A. No. 9903, particularly Section advantage, benefit, claim or privilege, which except for such
(d) "Accrued penalty" refers to the unpaid three percent (3%) 4 thereof, that benefits an employer who has settled their waiver the party would have enjoyed; the voluntary
penalty imposed upon any delayed remittance of contribution m delinquent contributions and/or their accrued penalties prior to abandonment or surrender, by a capable person, of a right
accordance with Section 22 (a) of R.A. No. 1161, as amended. the effectivity of the law. Once an employer pays all his known by him to exist, with the intent that such right shall be
delinquent contributions and accrued penalties before the surrendered and such person forever deprived of its benefit; or
Section 2. Who may avail of the Program. — Any employer who effectivity of R.A. No. 9903, it cannot avail of the condonation such conduct as warrants an inference of the relinquishment of
is delinquent or has not remitted all contributions due and program because there is no existing obligation anymore. It is such right; or the intentional doing of an act inconsistent with
payable to the SSS may avail of the Program, including the the clear intent of the law to limit the benefit of the claiming it.49 On the other hand, refund is an act of giving back
following: condonation program to the delinquent employers.39 or returning what was received.50 In cases of monetary
obligations, a claim for refund exists only after the payment has
(a) Those not yet registered with the SSS Also, the provisions of R.A. No. 9903 and its IRR state that been made and, in the act of doing so, the debtor either
employers may be accorded the benefit of having their accrued delivered excess funds or there exists no obligation to pay in
the first place. This right arises either by virtue of solutio protection to [SSS] members and their beneficiaries against the The SSS (through the SSC)64 is empowered to issue the
indebiti as provided for in Articles 2154 to 2163 of the Civil hazards of disability, sickness, maternity, old age, death, and necessary rules and regulations for the effective implementation
Code or by provision of another positive law, such as tax laws other contingencies resulting in loss of income or financial of R.A. No. 9903.65 Quasi-legislative power is exercised by
or amnesty laws.51 burden,"56 Court should adopt a rule of statutory interpretation administrative agencies through the promulgation of rules and
which ensures the financial viability of the SSS. regulations within the confines of the granting statute and the
A plain reading of Section 4 of R.A. No. 9903 shows that it does doctrine of non-delegation of powers from the separation of the
not give employers who have already settled their delinquent Here, the State stands to lose its resources in the form of branches of the government.66
contributions as well as their corresponding penalties the right receivables whenever it condones or forgoes the collection of its
to a refund of the penalties paid. What was waived here was receivables or unpaid penalties. Since a loss of funds ultimately Accordingly, with the growing complexity of modem life, the
the amount of accrued penalties that have not been paid prior results in the Government being deprived of its means to multiplication of the subjects of governmental regulations, and
to the law's effectivity—it does not include those that have pursue its objectives, all monetary claims based on condonation the increased difficulty of administering the laws, the rigidity of
already been settled. should be construed strictly against the applicants. In the case the theory of separation of governmental powers has, to a large
of SSS funds, the Court in Social Security System v. Commission extent, been relaxed by permitting the delegation of greater
The words "condoned", "waived" and "accrued" are on Audit57 had emphatically explained in this wise: powers by the legislative and vesting a larger amount of
unambiguous enough to be understood and directly applied discretion in administrative and executive officials, not only in
without any resulting confusion. As discussed earlier, the word THE FUNDS contributed to the Social Security System (SSS) are the execution of the laws, but also in the promulgation of
''condonation" is the creditor's act of extinguishing an obligation not only imbued with public interest, they are part and parcel of certain rules and regulations calculated to promote public
by renunciation and the word "waive" is an abandonment or the fruits of the workers' labors pooled into one enormous trust interest.67 Stated differently, administrative agencies are
relinquishment of an existing legal right. On the other hand, the fund under the administration of the System designed to insure necessarily authorized to fill in the gaps of a statute for its
term "accrue" in legal parlance means "to come into existence against the vicissitudes and hazards of their working lives. In a proper and effective implementation. Hence, the need to
as an enforceable claim."52 Thus, the phrases "shall be very real sense, the trust funds are the workers' property which delegate to administrative bodies—the principal agencies tasked
condoned" and "shall likewise have their accrued penalties they could turn to when necessity beckons and are thus more to execute laws in their specialized fields—the authority to
waived" under Section 4 of the R.A. No. 9903 can only mean personal to them than the taxes they pay. It is therefore only promulgate rules and regulations to implement a given statute
that, at the time of its effectivity, only existing penalties may be fair and proper that charges against the trust fund be strictly and effectuate its policies.68
extinguished or relinquished. No further interpretation is scrutinized for every lawful and judicious opportunity to keep it
necessary to clarify the law's applicability. intact and viable in the interest of enhancing the welfare of In the instant case, Section 30 of the R.A. No. 8282 and Section
their true and ultimate beneficiaries. [emphasis supplied] 5 of R.A. No. 9903 gave the SSS the power to promulgate rules
Prospective application of R.A. No. 9903 and regulations to define the terms of social security-related
To this end, the Court upholds and abides by this canon of laws that may have a likelihood of being subjected to several
Statutes are generally applied prospectively unless they interpretation against applicants of the benefits of R.A. No. interpretations. This is exactly what the SSS did when it defined
expressly allow a retroactive application. It is a basic principle 9903 as a recognition to the constitutional policies of freeing the the term "accrued penalties'' to mean "unpaid penalties" so as
that laws should only be applied prospectively unless the people from poverty through policies that provide adequate to make it unequivocal and prevent confusion as to the
legislative intent to give them retroactive effect is expressly social services58 and affording full protection to labor.59 It is applicability of R.A. No. 9903. More importantly, since the
declared or is necessarily implied from the language used.53 consistent with the congressional intent of placing a primary ascription of the meaning of "unpaid penalties" to "accrued
Absent a clear contrary language in the text and, that in every importance in helping the SSS increase its funds through penalties" bear a reasonable semblance and justifiable
case of doubt, the doubt will be resolved against the retroactive stimulating cash inflows by encouraging delinquent employers connection, it should not be disturbed and altered by the courts.
operation of laws.54 to settle their accountabilities.60 Thus, R.A. No. 9903 shall be
understood as not to include a refund of penalties paid before Delinquent contributions and penalties may be paid separately
Here, R.A. No. 9903 does not provide that, prior to its its effectivity.
effectivity, penalties already paid are deemed condoned or There is no existing statutory or regulatory provision which
waived. What Section 2 of the law provides instead is an It is the essence of judicial duty to construe statutes so as to requires the simultaneous or joint payment of corresponding
availment period of six (6) months after its effectivity within avoid such a deplorable result of injustice.61 Simply put, courts penalties along with the payment of delinquent contributions.
which to pay the delinquent contributions for the existing and are not to give words meanings that would lead to absurd or Consequently, it is possible that a class of employers who have
corresponding penalties to be waived or condoned. This only unreasonable consequences.62 This is to preserve the intention settled their delinquent contributions but have not paid the
means that Congress intends R.A. No. 9903 to apply of Congress—the branch which possesses the plenary power for corresponding penalties before the effectivity of R.A. No. 9903,
prospectively only after its effectivity and until its expiration. all purposes of civil government.63 may exist. As adequately pointed out by the SSC:69

Interpretation in favor of social justice Logically, only existing obligations can be extinguished either by It is worthy to note that there is no provision in RA 8282, as
payment, loss of the thing due, remission or condonation, amended, nor in any SSS Circular or Office Order that requires
Even if there is doubt as to the import of the term "accrued confusion or merger or rights, compensation, novation, employers to settle their arrears in contributions simultaneously
penalties," condonation laws—especially those relating to social annulment of contract, rescission, fulfillment of a resolutory with payment of the penalty. On the contrary, in its sincere
security funds—are construed strictly against the applicants. condition, or prescription. Interpreting R.A. No. 9903 in such a effort to be a partner in nation[-]building, along with the State's
way that it extinguishes an obligation which is already declared policy to establish, develop, promote and perfect a
Social justice in the case of the laborers means compassionate extinguished is simply absurd and unreasonable. sound and viable tax-exempt social security system suitable to
justice or an implementation of the policy that those who have the needs of the Philippines, the SSS is empowered to accept,
less in life should have more in law.55 And since it is the State's Rule-making power of the SSS process and approve applications for installment proposal
policy to "promote social justice and provide meaningful evincing that employers are not required to settle their arrears
in contributions simultaneously with the payment of the penalty. amend, distort, remodel, or rewrite the law, or give the law a Bersamin (Acting Chairperson), Leonen, and Jardeleza,* JJ.,
[emphasis supplied] construction which is repugnant to its terms.79 In enacting a concur.
law, it is the sole prerogative of Congress—not the Judiciary—to Martires, J., on official leave.
The Court finds that the aforementioned assertion of the SSC is determine what subjects or activities it intends to govern limited
not without any legal basis as Section 4 (c) of the R.A. No. 8282 only by the provisions set forth in the Constitution. SECOND DIVISION
Significantly, petitioners have already paid not only their GR. No. 199081, January 24, 2018
Section 4. Powers and Duties of the Commission and SSS. - delinquent contributions but also their corresponding penalties
before the enactment and effectivity of R.A. No. 9903. Because ASIGA MINING CORPORATION, Petitioner, v. MANILA MINING
xxxx of this observation, petitioners cannot anymore be considered CORPORATION AND BASIANA MINING EXPLORATION
as "delinquent" under the purview of R.A. No. 9903 and are not CORPORATION, Respondents.
(6) To compromise or release, in whole or in part, any within the class of "delinquent employers."80 Simply put, they
interest, penalty or any civil liability to SSS in connection with are not similarly situated with other employers who are DECISION
the investments authorized under Section 26 hereof, under such delinquent at the time of the law's effectivity. Accordingly,
terms and conditions as it may prescribe and approved by the Congress may treat petitioners differently from all other REYES, JR., J.:
President of the Philippines; and xxx (emphasis supplied) employers who may have been delinquent.
Based on the foregoing, the SSS—through the SSC—is Under the Mineral Resources Decree of 1974, as amended, and
authorized to address any act that may undermine the Verily, this Court cannot—in the guise of interpretation—modify as properly interpreted by established jurisprudence,
collection of penalties due from delinquent employers subject the explicit language of R.A. No. 9903 in waiving the collection abandonment by non-performance of the annual work
only to the condition in Section 26 of the same law that the of accrued penalties to also include claims for refund. It obligation could be declared only after the observance of due
potential revenues being compromised "are not needed to meet obviously violates the Trias Politica Principle entrenched in the process.
the current administrative and operational expenses." Thus, very fabric of democracy itself. While violation of the equal
petitioners' claim that "a class of employers who simply paid the protection clause may be a compelling ground for this Court to
arrears in contribution but did not settle their penalties due nullify an arbitrary or unreasonable legislative classification, it The Case
does not exist"70 is erroneous. may not be used as a basis to extend the scope of a law to
classes not intended to be covered.81 Therefore, R.A. No. 9903,
There is no violation of the equal protection clause which waived outstanding penalties, cannot be expanded to Challenged before the Court via this Petition for Review on
allow a refund of those which were already settled before the Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court is the Decision1
There is a substantial distinction between employers who paid law's effectivity. of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 100335,
prior and subsequent to R.A. No. 9903's effectivity. The equal promulgated on May 12, 2011, which affirmed in toto the
protection clause guarantees that no person or class of persons Final note Decision2 dated July 31, 2007 of the Mines Adjudication Board
shall be deprived of the same protection of laws which is (MAB) of the Department of Environment and Natural
enjoyed by other persons or other classes in the same place Settling the contributions in arrears within the availment period Resources (DENR). Likewise challenged is the subsequent
and in like circumstances.71 However, the concept of equal only entitles delinquent employers to a remission of their Resolution3 promulgated on October 24, 2011 which upheld the
protection does not require a universal application of the laws corresponding accrued and outstanding penalties—not a refund earlier decision.
to all persons or things without distinction; what it simply of the penalties which have already been paid. There is nothing
requires is equality among equals as determined according to a in R.A. No. 9903 which explicitly imposes or even implicitly The Antecedent Facts
valid classification.72 recognizes a positive or natural obligation on the part of the
SSS to return the penalties which have already been settled
In other words, equal protection simply requires that all persons before its effectivity. Petitioner Asiga Mining Corporation (Asiga) was the holder of
or things similarly situated should be treated alike, both as to mining claims over hectares of land located in Santiago, Agusan
rights conferred and responsibilities imposed.73It does not It is absurd to revive obligations that have already been del Norte. These claims, known as MIRADOR and CICAFE, were
forbid discrimination as to things that are different.74 Neither is extinguished by payment or performance just to be re- granted unto Asiga by virtue of the Mining Act of 1936.4
it necessary that the classification be made with mathematical extinguished by condonation or remission so that it may create Subsequently, when the law was amended by the Mineral
nicety.75 Congress is given a wide leeway in providing for a a resulting obligation on the basis of solutio indebiti. More Resources Decree of 1974,5 the petitioner had to follow
valid classification;76 especially when social or economic importantly, there is no violation of the equal protection clause registration procedures so that its earlier mining claims,
legislation is at issue.77 Hence, legislative classification may because there is a substantial distinction in the classes of MIRADOR and CICAFE, could be recognized under the new law.
properly rest on narrow distinctions, for the equal protection employers. Therefore, the Court deems it fitting to deny Following their successful application, their mining claims over
guaranty does not preclude the legislature from recognizing petitioners' claim for refund for lack of substantial and legal the subject area were upheld. Two decades later, the Mineral
degrees of evil or harm, and legislation is addressed to evils as basis. Resources Decree of 1974 was amended and superseded by the
they may appear.78 Mining Act of 1995.6 Like before, Asiga was again required by
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The February 26, 2016 the supervening law to undergo registration procedures so that
Correspondingly, the primordial duty of the Court is merely to Decision and November 2, 2016 Resolution of the Court of its mining claims could be recognized anew.
apply the law in such a way that it shall not usurp legislative Appeals in CA- G.R. SP No. 140916 are AFFIRMED in toto.
powers by judicial legislation and that in the course of such Hence, on March 31, 1997, Asiga applied with the Mines and
application or construction, it should not make or supervise SO ORDERED. Geosciences Bureau (MGB) to convert its mining claims into a
legislation, or under the guise of interpretation, modify, revise, Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) as required by
the Mining Act of 1995 and its implementing rules and Production Sharing Agreement Applications whose areas
regulations. overlapped Asiga's existing and valid mining claims, "MIRADOR"
and "CICAFE" as shown herein and in the records of the Mines Thus, the dispositive portion of the decision of the CA reads:
As fate would have it, it was during this application process and Geosciences Bureau, Region XIII, Surigao City should be
when Asiga discovered that its mining claims overlapped with amended accordingly and excluded therefrom Petitioner's said WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is
that of respondent Manila Mining Corporation (respondent valid and existing mining claims. But respondent's Mineral DISMISSED. The Decision dated 31 July 2007 of the Mines
MMC), by about 1,661 hectares, and of respondent Basiana Production Sharing Agreement applications whose areas fell in Adjudication Board is AFFIRMED in toto.12
Mining Exploration Corporation (respondent BMEC) by 214 areas open for mining locations and those which fell within
hectares.7 petitioner's abandoned claims should remain as they are.9
After the dismissal of Asiga 's motion for reconsideration, Asiga
As it happened, each of the respondents had pending filed this petition for review on certiorari.
applications for MPSA over the overlapping subject areas which The respondents appealed to the Mines Adjudication Board
were filed way earlier than the petitioner's application. (MAB) reiterating their arguments of prescription and The Issues
Respondent MMC applied for MPSA over Cabadbaran and abandonment, to which the MAB agreed. In the dispositive
Santiago, Agusan del Norte as early as November 26, 1992. portion of its Decision dated July 31, 2007, the MAB said:
Respondent BMEC, on the other hand, made a similar The petitioner raised the following arguments:
application as early as October 3, 1995. After satisfying the WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the Decision of the
initial mandatory requirements, respondents MMC and BMEC Panel of Arbitrators dated December 24, 1998 in POA CASE NO. A — The [CA] committed grave error in law in instantly
published and posted their respective Notices of Application for XIII-09-97 is hereby REVERSED AND SET ASIDE. The Regional divesting petitioner of its existing rights over its mining claims
MPSA in a newspaper of general circulation for two (2) Director of the Mines and Geosciences Regional Office No. XIII, for alleged failure to submit its Annual Work Obligations report,
consecutive weeks, and posted the same in the bulletin boards Surigao City is hereby ordered to give due course to the valid the decision being inconsistent with existing doctrines requiring
of concerned government agencies.8 Application for Mineral Production Sharing Agreement No. APSA- field investigation on the actual work done and summary
0007-X of Manila Mining Corporation and APSA No. 00047-X hearing to determine propriety of cancellation for abandonment
Upon knowledge of the foregoing, and to protect its interest Basiana Mining Exploration Corp., subject to compliance with of claims.
over the subject area, Asiga filed before the MGB-CARAGA the existing mining law and its implementing rules and
Regional Office an Adverse Claim with Petition for Preliminary regulations.10 B — The [CA] committed grave error in law in holding that
Injunction against the respondents MMC and BMEC, and prayed petitioner's failure to pay occupation fees within thirty (30) days
for the exclusion of the area applied for by the respondents from the filing of Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA)
from the bounds of its mining claims. It asserted that: (1) it has Aggrieved, Asiga filed a Petition for Review under Rule 43 of the conversion amounts to abandonment, the finding being
vested right to the approved and existing mining claims that Rules of Court before the CA. It assailed the MAB decision completely incompatible with DAO Memorandum Order No. 97-
were awarded to it since 1975; (2) it has preferential right to arguing that: (1) holders of valid and existing mining claims 07 which allows payment of fees within 30 days from final
enter into any mode of mineral agreement with the government cannot be divested of their rights by mere failure to file adverse termination or resolution of pending cases or dispute of claims.
for the period up to 14 September 1997; and (3) the claim within the prescribed 30-day period from publication of
respondents' MPSA applications are null and void because the new mining applications; and (2) the decision ignored the new C — The [CA] committed grave error in law in sustaining the
areas applied for encroached on Asiga's mining claims and thus, grace period of September 15, 1997 provided under DAO 97-07 cancellation of petitioner's mining claim in favor of respondents
were closed to application. (Series of 1997) within which to file an MPSA application and Manila Mining Corporation (MMC) and Basiana Mining
pay the required fees. Exploration Corporation (BMEC).13
The respondents MMC and BMEC, on the other hand, separately
filed a Motion to Dismiss on grounds of prescription and On May 12, 2011, the CA promulgated the assailed decision. It In sum, petitioner Asiga comes before this Court to ask for the
abandonment of mining claims. Collectively, they averred that: ruled that Asiga cannot be considered a holder of valid and resolution of only one issue: whether or not Asiga could be
(1) Asiga's adverse claim is rendered void by prescription as it existing mining claims. The Court of Appeals said that: considered to have abandoned its mining claim over the
was only filed more than thirty (30) days from the date of the hectares of land located in Santiago, Agusan del Norte on the
first publication of respondents' Notice of Application for MPSA; Clearly, ASIGA was duty bound to conduct actual work on its basis of (a) non-submission of the affidavit of annual work
(2) Asiga did not substantiate the alleged encroachment since it mining claims and to file an AWWO showing proof of its obligations, and (b) non-payment of fees. An answer to this
failed to submit documents that would prove such claim; (3) compliance before Mines Regional Officer concerned within sixty query will serve as the fulcrum around which the rights of the
Asiga already abandoned its mining claims because it failed to (60) days from the end of the year in which such work petitioner and the respondents could be ascertained.
file an Affidavit of Annual Work Obligation (AAWO) showing its obligation was required. Significantly. it is provided that failure
work performance over the subject mining areas for more than to comply with the said obligations for two (2) consecutive This Court's Ruling
two (2) consecutive years. years shall result to an automatic abandonment of ASIGA's
mining claims.
On December 24, 1998, the Panel of Arbitrators organized by The petition is impressed with merit.
the MGB-CARAGA Regional Office rendered a Decision in favor It is an established fact—as found by both POA and MAB—that
of Asiga, the dispositive portion of which states: ASIGA had, indeed, failed to file an AAWO nor to conduct actual Based on the facts as borne by the records of this case, the
work on its mining claims ever since it was granted a leasehold Court is of the considered opinion that Asiga did not abandon its
WHEREFORE, finding petitioner's adverse claim unnecessary, right over the same. Consequently, pursuant to Section 27 mining claims over the subject area. To rule that it did on the
the same is hereby dismissed. Respondents Manila Mining aforequoted, ASIGA's mining claims were deemed abandoned basis merely of the non-submission of the affidavit and the non-
Corporation and Basiana Mining Corporation's Mineral by operation of law. x x x.11 payment of fees, without considering the relevant implementing
rules and regulations of the law as well as settled jurisprudence In 1980, this provision was once again amended. Section 5 of Resources Development Decree of 1974. As how it was in
on the matter, would cause undue injury to a right granted— P.D. No. 1677 retained the "automatic abandonment" provision Santiago, to arrive at an answer, the subject matter of the
and thus protected by law—unto the petitioner. and further included that, should a verification be conducted provision must first be clarified. Is it the non-submission of the
and it was discovered that no work was actually accomplished proof of the compliance—the affidavit of annual work
The notion of "automatic abandonment" being invoked by the despite the submission of an affidavit to that effect, the obligation—for two consecutive years, or is it the actual non-
respondents is provided for in Section 27 of the Mineral owner/lessee shall likewise automatically lose all the rights compliance of the annual work obligation for two consecutive
Resources Development Decree of 1974. And as early as 1990, appurtenant to his/her mining claims. As stated by this decree: years that would become the basis for the declaration of
the Court has already ruled on the proper interpretation of this abandonment of mining claims?
provision in the case of Santiago v. Deputy Executive SECTION 5. Section 27 of Presidential Decree No. 463 as
Secretary.14 In no uncertain terms, the Court has already amended by Section 15 of Presidential Decree No. 1385, is The Court opines that it is the latter.
established that there is no rule of automatic abandonment with further amended to read, as follows:
respect to mining claims for failure to file the affidavit of annual The title of Section 27 was changed in the latest amendment
work obligations.15 Sec. 27. Proof of Annual Work Obligations. — The claim from "Proof of Annual Work Obligations" as written in the
owner/lessee shall submit proof of compliance with the annual Mineral Resources Development Decree of 1974, P.D. No. 1385,
As originally worded, Section 27 of the Mineral Resources work obligations by filing an affidavit therefor and the and P.D. No. 1677 to "Annual Work Obligations" under P.D. No.
Development Decree of 1974 provided that the failure of a claim statement of expenditures and technical report in the prescribed 1902. The latest version indicates that there is focus on the
owner to submit a sworn statement of its compliance with its form in support thereof with the Mines Regional Officer annual work obligations imposed upon claim owners or lessees,
annual work obligations for two (2) consecutive years shall concerned within sixty (60) days from the end of the year in and not merely on the submission of proof to this requirement.
"cause the forfeiture of all rights to his claim." Particularly, it which the work obligations is required: Provided, That failure of Indeed, as ruled in Santiago, the essence of this provision is to
states that: the claim owner to comply therewith for two (2) consecutive exact compliance of the obligations imposed upon claim owners
years shall constitute automatic abandonment of the mining or lessees who are granted the privilege of exploring and/or
SECTION 27. Proof of Annual Work Obligations. — The claim claim: Provided, further, That if it is found upon field verification exploiting the Philippines' natural resources.
owner shall submit proof of compliance with the annual work that no such work was actually done on the mining claim, the
obligations by filing a sworn statement with the Director within claim owner/lessee shall likewise automatically lose all his rights Thus, when Section 27 included the phrase "failure of the
sixty (60) days from the end of the year in which the work thereto notwithstanding submission of the aforesaid claimowner to comply therewith," the phrase was referring to
obligation is required, in a form to be prescribed by regulation. documents.17 (Emphasis supplied) the actual work obligations required of the claim owners, and
Failure of the claim owner to file such proof of compliance for not merely the submission of the proof of the actual work
two (2) consecutive years shall cause the forfeiture of all rights obligations. This is the proper interpretation of this section. As
to his claim. Finally, Section 27, as it now stands, was modified by Section 2 explained by Justice Paras in Santiago:
of P.D. No. 1902:
Under the Consolidated Mines Administrative Order (CMAO),
In 1978, Section 15 of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1385 SECTION 2. Section 27 of Presidential Decree No. 463, as implementing PD 463, as amended, the rule that has been
amended this specific provision. Instead of merely causing the amended by Section 15 of Presidential Decree No. 1385 and consistently applied is that it is the failure to perform the
forfeiture of the mining rights upon failure to comply with the Section 5 of Presidential Decree No. 1677, is further amended required assessment work, not the failure to file the AAWO that
required submissions, the section then provided for an to read as follows: gives rise to abandonment. Interpreted within the context of PD
"automatic abandonment" of the mining claims, viz: 1902, the last amending decree of PD 463, it is intended,
SECTION. 27. Annual Work Obligations. — The among others, to accelerate the development of our natural
SECTION 15. Section 27 of the same Decree is hereby amended claimowner/lessee shall submit proof of compliance with the resources and to accelerate mineral productions, abandonment
to read as follows: annual work obligations by filing an affidavit therefor and the under the aforequoted Sec. 27 refers to the failure to perform
statement of expenditures and technical report in the prescribed work obligations which in turn is one of the grounds for the
SECTION 27. Proof of Annual Work Obligations. — The claim form in support thereof with the Mines Regional Officer cancellation of the lease contract (Sec. 43(a), Consolidated
owner/lessee shall submit proof of compliance with the annual concerned within one hundred and twenty (120) days from the Mines Administrative Order, implementing PD 463).18
work obligations by filing an affidavit therefor and the end of the year in which the work obligation is required: (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
statement of expenditures and technical report in the Provided, That failure of the claimowner to comply therewith for
prescribe[d] form in support thereof with the Mines Regional two (2) consecutive years shall constitute automatic
Officer within sixty (60) days from the end of the year in which abandonment of the mining claim: Provided, further, That, if it Even the then Ministry of Natural Resources, now Department
the work obligation is required: Provided, That failure of the is found upon field verification that no such work was actually of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), was of the
claimowner to comply therewith for two (2) consecutive years done on the mining claim, the claimowner/lessee shall likewise opinion that it is the failure to perform actual work obligations
shall constitute automatic abandonment of the mining claims: automatically lose all his rights thereto notwithstanding that would give rise to abandonment. It further interpreted the
Provided, Further, That, if it is found upon field verification that submission of the aforesaid documents: Provided, finally, That provision as one which is more of convenience than substance,
no such work was actually done on the mining claims, the the Director, in cases of unstable peace and order conditions and that the claim owners or lessees are not precluded from
claimowner/lessee shall likewise lose all his rights thereto and/or involvement in mining conflicts may grant further proving their actual compliance through other means. Again, in
notwithstanding submission of the aforesaid documents.16 extensions. (Emphasis supplied) Santiago:
(Emphasis supplied)
The question of whether or not the failure to submit AAWO for
What is being asked of this Court by the respondents is a re- more than two (2) consecutive years constitutes abandonment
interpretation of this most recent iteration of the Mineral as ground for cancellation of a mining lease contract has been
the subject matter of many cases in the Ministry of Natural Agreement applications pursuant to Section 273 of the IRR on
Resources (now Department of Environment and Natural In this case, nothing on record indicates that the foregoing or before September 15, 1997; Provided, that the holder of
Resources). Public respondent made the following significant requirements have been complied with. There were no notices such a mining claim or lease/quarry application involved in a
findings, to quote: sent to Asiga, which either notified it of its non-compliance to mining dispute/case shall instead file on or before said deadline
Section 27 or notified it of the cancellation of its mining claims. a Letter of Intent to file the necessary Mineral Agreement
In a number of cases, the MNR answered the question in the Thus, on the basis of the foregoing, it could not be said that the application; Provided, further, That if the mining claim or
negative. x x x. As there explained, it is the continued failure to petitioner has abandoned its mining claims over the disputed lease/quarry application is not determined to be invalid in the
perform the annual work obligations, NOT the failure to file parcels of land. dispute/case, the claimant or applicant shall have thirty (30)
AAWO, that gives rise to abandonment as ground for days from the final resolution of the dispute/case to file the
cancellation of a mining lease contract; that compliance with Further, with regard to the payment of occupational fees, a necessary Mineral Agreement application; Provided, finally, that
AAWO requirements, not being related to the essence of the reading of DENR Department Administrative Order (DENR DAO) failure by the claimant or applicant to file the necessary Mineral
acts to be performed, is a matter of convenience rather than No. 97-07, the "Guidelines in the Implementation of the Agreement application within said thirty (30)-day period shall
substance; and that non-submission of AAWO does not preclude Mandatory September 15, 1997 Deadline for the Filing of result in the abandonment of such claim or application, after
the lessee from proving performance of such working obligation Mineral Agreement Applications by Holders of Valid and Existing which, any area covered by the same shall be opened for
in some other way.19 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied) Mining Claims and Lease/Quarry Applications and for Other Mining Applications. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
Purposes," would reveal that the petitioner is correct in
asserting that the payment thereof could be completed upon
Further, in declaring claim owners or lessees to have the resolution of the present dispute. These provisions could not be any clearer. In cases where a
abandoned their mining claims, due process must primarily be claim owner or lessee is involved in a mining dispute, it shall
observed. In fact, in the recent case of Yinlu Bicol Mining The CA was partially correct when it quoted Section 9 of DENR just submit a "Letter of Intent to file the necessary Mineral
Corporation v. Trans-Asia Oil and Energy Development DAO No. 97-07 and found that it is the duty of the holder of a Agreement application." The actual mineral agreement
Corporation,20 the Court, through Justice Bersamin, had valid and existing mining claim to "present proof of full payment application, however, should only be filed within thirty (30) days
occasion to discuss that the basic tenets of due process require of the occupation fees and/or minimum work obligations or a from the final resolution of the dispute of the case. Necessarily,
that notice be given to the claim owners if their mining claims Letter of Commitment undertaking to pay such amount within therefore, and contrary to the CA ruling, the 30-day period
are to be considered cancelled. Yinlu ruled: thirty (30) days from the date of the filing of its Mineral within which to pay the occupational fees would only commence
Agreement Application."23 Section 9 provides: to run from the filing of the actual mineral agreement
The failure of Yinlu's predecessor-in-interest to register and application, and not before.
perform annual work obligaitons did not automatically mean SECTION 9. Occupational Fees and Work Obligations — In case
that they had already abandoned their mining rights, and that of any deficiency in the payment of occupation fees and/or Considering that the present case is the very mining dispute
such rights had already lapsed. For one, the DENR itself minimum work obligations required, no Mineral Agreement referred to in Section 8 of DENR DAO No. 97-07, then, contrary
declared that it had not issued any specific order cancelling the applications by holders of valid and existing mining claims and to the MAS and CA decisions, Asiga is correct in asserting that it
mining patents. Also, the tenets of due process required that lease/quarry applications shall be accepted without proof of full has thirty (30) days from the finality of this decision to pay in
Yinlu and its predecessor-in-interest be given written notice of payment of such deficiency or a Letter-Commitment to pay such full the occupational fees as required by Section 9 thereof.
their non-compliance with PO No. 463 and the ample amount within thirty days from the date of filing of the Mineral
opportunity to comply. If they still failed to comply despite such Agreement Application. Failure to present proof of full payment Resultantly, the disputed parcel of land covered by respondent
notice and opportunity, then written notice must further be upon the filing of the Mineral Agreement application or within MMC's MPSA application which overlapped with Asiga's claim by
given informing them of the cancellation of their mining thirty days from filing of said Letter-Commitment shall result in about 1,661 hectares, and the parcel of land covered by
patents. In the absence of any showing that the DENR had the denial of the application, after which the area covered respondent BMEC's MPSA application which overlapped by 214
provided the written notice and opportunity to Yinlu and its thereby shall be open for Mining Applications. (Emphasis and hectares, should be excluded in the respondents' MPSA
predecessors-in-interest to that effect, it would really be underscoring supplied) application. This is because the petitioner's mining claims are
inequitable to consider them to have abandoned their patents, "valid and existing mining claims" as defined in Section 5(c) of
or to consider the patents as having lapsed.21 (Emphasis and DENR DAO No. 97-07,24 and are therefore, as provided for in
underscoring supplied, citations omitted) However, the CA failed to consider Section 8 of the same Section 19(c) of the Mining Act of 1995,25 closed to other
administrative order which, in cases when the holder of the mining applications.
mining claim is involved in a mining dispute/case, allowed the
And so, by jurisprudential rulings, there is no "automatic submission of the actual mineral agreement application thirty WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision of the Court of
abandonment" on the basis of the non-submission of the AAWO (30) days from the final resolution of the dispute/case. Section Appeals dated May 12, 2011, and the subsequent Resolution
alone. If the claim owners or lessees did indeed fail to perform 8 reads: dated October 24, 2011 are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
their obligations as required in Section 27 of the Mineral The Decision of the Panel of Arbitrators, Mines and Geosciences
Resources Development Decree of 1974, as amended, then the Section. 8. Claimants/Applicants Required to File Mineral Bureau, Region 13 dated December 24, 1998 is hereby
cancellation of their mining claims could only be considered Agreement Applications REINSTATED.
proper upon observance of due process, which, according to
Yinlu, takes the form of: (1) a written notice of non-compliance Only holders of mining claims and lease/quarry applications filed SO ORDERED.
to the claim owners and lessees and an ample opportunity to prior to the effectivity of the Act which are valid and existing as
comply; and (2) in the event of the claim owners' and lessees' defined in Section 5 hereof who have not filed any Mineral
failure to comply, a written notice effecting the cancellation of Agreement Applications over areas covered by such mining SECOND DIVISION
their mining claims.22 claims and lease/quarry applications are required to file Mineral
G.R. No. 208638, January 24, 2018 In order to enjoin the foreclosure, petitioners instituted an WHETHER OR NOT PETITIONERS ARE ENTITLED TO
action for damages with Temporary Restraining Order and DAMAGES; and
SPOUSES FRANCISCO ONG AND BETTY LIM ONG, AND Preliminary Injunction against BPI praying for P23,570,881.32
Petitioners, v. BPI FAMILY SAVINGS BANK, INC., Respondent. P500,000.00 as attorney's fees, litigation expenses and costs of THE LAND OF HEREIN PETITIONERS.7
suit. Ruling of the Court
On November 10, 2008, the trial court rendered its Decision,4 The Court finds merit in the petition.
REYES, JR., J.: disposing, thus:
In fine, petitioners contend that the CA in its assailed decision
This is a Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the Rules of WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the Court hereby erred in ruling that that there was no perfected contract
Court, as amended, seeking to reverse and set aside the resolves in favor of the plaintiffs and against the defendant between the parties with respect to the omnibus credit line and
Decision1 dated January 31, 2013 and Resolution2 dated bank for the latter to pay the former the above-cited sum of that being so, no delay could be attributed to BPI, the
August 16, 2013 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. Php20,469,498.00 by way of actual damages and successor-in-interest of BSA. Petitioners likewise pointed out
92348 Php500,000.00 by way of attorney's fees. that it was error for the CA to delve into the matter regarding
existence or perfection of a contract, especially when such issue
The Facts No pronouncement as to costs. was never raised by BPI in any of its pleadings or proceedings
in the lower court.
Spouses Francisco Ong and Betty Lim Ong and Spouses Joseph SO ORDERED.5
Ong Chuan and Esperanza Ong Chuan (collectively referred to As a rule, a contract is perfected upon the meeting of the minds
as the petitioners) are engaged in the business of printing BPI thereafter appealed to the CA averring that the court a quo of the two parties. It is perfected by mere consent, that is, from
under the name and style "MELBROS PRINTING CENTER.3 erred when it ruled that petitioners were entitled to damages. the moment that there is a meeting of the offer and acceptance
BPI posited that petitioners are liable to them on the principal upon the thing and the cause that constitute the contract.8
Sometime in December 1996, Bank of Southeast Asia's (BSA) balance of the mortgage loan agreement.
managers, Ronnie Denila and Rommel Nayve, visited In the case of Spouses Palada v. Solidbank Corporation, et al.,9
petitioners' office and discussed the various loan and credit The CA reversed the decision of the lower court and ruled in this Court held that under Article 1934 of the Civil Code, a loan
facilities offered by their bank. In view of petitioners' business favor of BPI, the dispositive portion of which states: contract is perfected only upon the delivery of the object of the
expansion plans and the assurances made by BSA's managers, contract. In that case, although therein petitioners applied for a
they applied for the credit facilities offered by the latter. WHEREFORE, in the light of the foregoing, the assailed Decision P3,000,000.00 loan, only the amount of P1,000,000.00 was
dated 10 November 2008 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch approved by therein respondent bank because petitioners
Sometime in April 1997, they executed a real estate mortgage 49, Manila, in Civil Case No. 02-105189 is hereby REVERSED became collaterally deficient. Nonetheless, the loan contract
(REM) over their property situated in Paco, Manila, covered by and SET ASIDE. The Complaint for Damages below is was deemed perfected on March 17, 1997, the date when
Transfer Certificate of Title No. 143457, in favor of BSA as DISMISSED for lack of merit. petitioners received the P1,000,000.00 loan, which was the
security for a P15,000,000.00 term loan and P5,000,000.00 object of the contract and the date when the REM was
credit line or a total of P20,000,000.00. SO ORDERED. constituted over the property.10

With regard to the term loan, only P10,444,271.49 was released Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration but the same was Applying this to the case at bench, there is no iota of doubt that
by BSA (the amount needed by the petitioners to pay out their denied by the CA in a Resolution dated August 16, 2013, viz.: when BSA approved and released the P3,000,000.00 out of the
loan with Ayala life assurance, the balance was credited to their original P5,000,000.00 credit facility, the contract was
account with BSA). Finding no new matter of substance which would warrant the perfected.
modification much less the reversal of the assailed decision,
With regard to the P5,000,000.00 credit line, only plaintiffs-appellees' motion for reconsideration is hereby The conclusion reached by the appellate court that only the
P3,000,000.00 was released. BSA promised to release the DENIED for lack of merit. term loan of P15,000,000.00 was proved to have materialized
remaining P2,000,000.00 conditioned upon the payment of the into an actual contract while the P5,000,000.00 omnibus line
P3,000,000.00 initially released to petitioners. SO ORDERED.6 credit remained non-existent is ludicrous. A careful perusal of
the records reveal that the credit facility that BSA extended to
Petitioners acceded to the condition and paid the P3,000,000.00 Aggrieved, petitioners filed the present petition. petitioners was a credit line of P20,000,000.00 consisting of a
in full. However, BSA still refused to release the P2,000,000.00. term loan in the sum of P15,000,000.00 and a revolving
Petitioners then refused to pay the amortizations due on their The Issues omnibus line of P3,000,000.00 to be used in the petitioner's
term loan. printing business. In separate Letters both dated January 31,
WHETHER OR NOT THERE WAS ALREADY AN EXISTING AND 1997, BSA approved the term loan and the credit line. Such
Later on, BPI Family Savings Bank (BPI) merged with BSA, thus, BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN PETITIONERS AND BSA WITH approval and subsequent release of the amounts, albeit
acquired all the latter's rights and assumed its obligations. BPI REGARD TO THE OMNIBUS CREDIT LINE; delayed, perfected the contract between the parties.
filed a petition for extrajudicial foreclosure of the REM for
petitioners' default in the payment of their term loan. WHETHER OR NOT BSA INCURRED DELAY IN THE Loan is a reciprocal obligation, as it arises from the same cause
PERFORMANCE OF ITS OBLIGATIONS; where one party is the creditor and the other the debtor.11 The
obligation of one party in a reciprocal obligation is dependent
upon the obligation of the other, and the performance should petitioners' consent, its successor BPI cannot be permitted to
ideally be simultaneous. This means that in a loan, the creditor BPI insists that it acted in good faith when it sought foreclose the loan for the reason that its successor BSA violated
should release the full loan amount and the debtor repays it extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgage and that it was not the terms of the contract even prior to petitioners' justified
when it becomes due and demandable.12 responsible for acts committed by its predecessor, BSA. Good refusal to continue paying the amortizations.
faith, however, is not an excuse to exempt BPI from the effects
In this case, BSA did not only incur delay in releasing the pre- of a merger or consolidation, viz.: The trial court pointed out that based on the evidence
agreed credit line of P5,000,000.00 but likewise violated the presented by petitioners, the latter conformed to the acquisition
terms of its agreement with petitioners when it deliberately Section 80. Effects of merger or consolidation. - The merger or of the loan precisely because BSA promised them working
failed to release the amount of P2,000,000.00 after petitioners consolidation shall have the following effects: capital for the expansion of their business, viz.:
complied with their terms and paid the first P3,000,000.00 in
full. The default attributed to petitioners when they stopped 1. The constituent corporations shall become a single Clear from the plaintiffs' evidence actually presented and
paying their amortizations on the term loan cannot be sustained corporation which, in case of merger, shall be the surviving marked is the fact that plaintiffs conformed to the acquisition of
by this Court because long before they sent a Letter to BSA corporation designated in the plan of merge; and, in case of the loan principally upon the promise by BSA that the working
informing the latter of their refusal to continue paying consolidation, shall be the consolidated corporation designated capital would be made available to plaintiffs on time for the
amortizations, BSA had already reneged on its obligation to in the plan of consolidation; opening of classes, for plaintiffs to be able to secure their
release the amount previously agreed upon, i.e., the machineries and meet the orders of their clients.16
P5,000,000.00 covered by the credit line. xxxx
The subsequent refusal of BSA in releasing the maximum
Article 1170 of the Civil Code enumerates the instances when 4. The surviving or the consolidated corporation shall thereupon amount agreed upon, transgressed the very purpose of
parties to a contract may be held liable for damages, viz.: and thereafter possess all the right, privileges, immunities and petitioners in availing the credit facility. Clearly, given the
franchises of each of the constituent corporations; and all nature of petitioners' business, time is of the essence as they
Article 1170. Those who in the performance of their obligations property, real or personal, and all receivable due on whatever needed to have the orders ready before opening of classes.
are guilty of fraud, negligence, or delay, and those who in any account, including subscriptions to shares and other choses in
manner contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for damages. action, and all and every other interest of, or belonging to, or To emphasize the injury caused to the petitioners due to the
due to each constituent corporation, shall be deemed bank's delay and subsequent refusal to release the omnibus
It bears stressing that petitioners entered into a credit transferred to and vested in such surviving or consolidated loan, the petitioners testified as follows:
agreement with BSA to enable them to buy machineries and corporation without further act or deed; and
equipment for their printing business. On its face, it can be And the 4.2 was released... When we originally received the
gleaned that the purpose of the credit agreement with BSA was 5. The surviving or consolidated corporation shall be responsible Php 4. 2 Million, we could not push through with our plan in our
indeed to assist and finance petitioner's business by way of and liable for all the liabilities and obligations of each of the business, sir.
providing additional funds as working capital or revolving constituent corporations in the same manner as if such Q
fund.13 surviving or consolidated corporation had itself incurred such The fact that the bank did not allow you to avail of the omnibus
liabilities or obligations; and any pending claim, action, or line, what is the effect to your business?
The direct consequences therefore of the acts of BSA are: the proceeding brought by or against any of such constituent
machinery and equipment that were essential to petitioners' corporations may be prosecuted by or against the surviving or
business and requisite for its operations had to be procured so consolidated corporation. The rights of creditors or liens upon A
late in time and had crippled the printing of school supplies, the property of any of such constituent corporations shall not be Because I have already manufactured the notebooks for St.
hence, petitioners were constrained to cancel purchase orders impaired by such merger or consolidation. Applying the Michael and I already sent them to supermarkets and family
of their clients to petitioners' damage.14 pertinent provisions of the Corporation Code, BPI did not only stores like SM and Gaisano and they have PO coming, I cannot
acquire all the rights, privileges and assets of BSA but likewise deliver the goods because of lack of funds. They kept calling
BSA claims that the release of the amount covered by the credit acquired the liabilities and obligations of the latter as if BPI itself and confirming about their PO Because of this my reputation is
line was subject to the "availability of funds" thus only a part of incurred it. going down.
the proceeds of the entire omnibus line was released.
Moreover, Section 1(e) of the Articles of Merger dated (TSN dated November 28, 2002 pp. 28-29)
Assuming for the sake of discussion that the funds at the time November 21, 2001 provides that all liabilities and obligations of
were insufficient to cover the entire P5,000,000.00, BSA should BSA shall be transferred to and become the liabilities and Witness:
have at least informed petitioners in advance so that the latter obligations of BPI in the same manner as if it had itself incurred And the 4.2 was released... When we originally received the
could have resorted to other means to secure the amount such liabilities or obligations.15 Php 4. 2 Million, we could not push through with our plan in our
needed for their printing business. The omnibus line was business, sir.
approved and became effective on January 1997 yet BSA did Pursuant to such merger and consolidation, BPI's right to
not allow petitioners to draw from the line until November 1997. foreclose the mortgage on petitioner's property depends on the Court:
Moreover, BSA downgraded petitioners' drawdown to only status of the contract and the corresponding obligations of the Why?
P3,000,000.00 despite the clear wordings of their credit parties originally involved, that is, the agreement between its Witness:
agreement whereby petitioners were allowed to draw any predecessor BSA and petitioner. Because it was not sufficient and money came to us very late
portion or all of the omnibus line not to exceed P5,000,000.00. with the lines of our plans, because we are supposed to
The almost 10 months delay in releasing the amount applied for Since BSA incurred delay in the performance of its obligations manufacture notebooks, school items in time for the school
by petitioners negates good faith on the part of BSA. and subsequently cancelled the omnibus line without
opening in June, and it was delayed, your Honor. We continued principal obligation, such that enforcement of the mortgage money or as active instruments of business and commerce,
paying our amortization for two years. We paid almost 7 million. contract will depend on whether or not there has been a banks have attained an ubiquitous presence among the people,
violation of the principal obligation. While a creditor and a who have come to regard them with respect and even gratitude
(TSN dated September 24, 2007 pp. 13 and 14) debtor could regulate the order in which they should comply and most of all, confidence. For this reason, banks should guard
with their reciprocal obligations, it is presupposed that in a loan against injury attributable to negligence or bad faith on its
Q the lender should perform its obligation - the release of the full part.22 Thus, the Court finds it proper to likewise award
How important is your working capital to your business? loan amount - before it could demand that the borrower repay exemplary damages in the amount of P100,000.00.
A the loaned amount. In other words, Guariña Corporation would
The omnibus line is the most important in the business. not incur in delay before DBP fully performed its reciprocal Finally, as to the matter concerning attorney's fees, the Court
obligation.19 finds the P500,000.00 awarded by the trial court to be
excessive and should accordingly be reduced to P300,000.00.
Court: Since the credit facility that BSA extended to petitioners was a
The question is, why is it important? credit line total of P20,000,000.00, its refusal to release the WHEREFORE, in light of the foregoing, the petition is hereby
A: balance on the omnibus line prevented full performance of its GRANTED. The Decision dated January 31, 2013 of the Court of
Because I need capital for my business to replenish my supply obligation to petitioners. There being no release of the full loan Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 92348 is hereby REVERSED and SET
and to pay the labor and materials amount, no default could be attributed to petitioners. In other ASIDE. The questioned extrajudicial foreclosure of real estate
words, foreclosure was premature. mortgage is likewise declared VOID. Respondent BPI Family
Atty. Cinco: Savings Bank, Inc. is hereby ORDERED to pay petitioners
and when you said the proceeds of the omnibus line was In Metropolitan Bank v. Wong,20 the Court declared: Spouses Francisco Ong and Betty Lim Ong and Spouses Joseph
released only on November 10, 1997, how did this affect your Ong Chuan and Esperanza Ong Chuan the amount of
business? While the law recognizes the right of a bank to foreclose a P2,772,000.00 as actual or compensatory damages;
A: mortgage upon the mortgagor's failure to pay his obligation, it P100,000.00 as exemplary damages; P300,000.00 as attorney's
My business suffered badly because I already got the orders is imperative that such right be exercised according to its clear fees; and interest of six percent (6%) per annum on all the
from the department stores and book stores. mandate. Each and every requirement of the law must be amounts of damages reckoned from the finality of this decision.
complied with, lest, the valid exercise of the right would end. It
must be remembered that the exercise of a right ends when the SO ORDERED.
(TSN dated September 17, 2004 pp. 43-44)17 right disappears, and it disappears when it is abused especially
The CA, on the other hand, is of the opinion that the delay and to the prejudice of others.21 Carpio (Chairperson), Bersamin,* Perlas-Bernabe, and Caguioa,
damages claimed by the petitioners are mere cloaks to hide JJ., concur.
their obligations in the mortgage loan agreement. BPI was remiss in its duty of looking into the transaction
involving the mortgage it sought to foreclose. As BSA's
The Court disagrees. successor-in-interest, it cannot feign ignorance of transactions SECOND DIVISION
entered into by the former especially when it seeks to benefit
No evidence was ever presented in the lower courts showing from the same by foreclosing the mortgage thereon. G.R. No. 210504, January 24, 2018
that the petitioners defaulted in paying their amortizations on
the term loan prior to their refusal which was mainly grounded Anent the propriety of awarding damages, the Court upholds HEIRS OF ALFONSO YUSINGCO, REPRESENTED BY THEIR
on BSA's failure to release the amount covered by the omnibus the ruling of the trial court that actual damages in the amount ATTORNEY-IN-FACT, TEODORO K. YUSINGCO, Petitioners, v.
line. Petitioners' continuous payment of amortizations even of P2,772,000.00 is proper. Said amount is the computed total AMELITA BUSILAK, COSCA NAVARRO, FLAVIA CURAYAG AND
during the period between January 1997 and November 1997 difference in interest paid to other sources and that which LIXBERTO1 CASTRO, Respondents.
(when BSA incurred delay in releasing the omnibus line credit) should have only been paid to BSA had the latter complied with
is inconsistent with the appellate court's finding that petitioners the terms of the agreement. However, with regard to the claim DECISION
intended to hide their obligations in the mortgage loan of damages representing petitioners' unrealized profits of
agreement. Petitioners' refusal to continue paying was only P23,570,881.32, the Court agrees with the CA that petitioners PERALTA, J.:
prompted by BSA's refusal to abide by the terms of the failed to prove with a reasonable degree of certainty, premised
contract. Thus, it would be the height of injustice to allow BPI upon competent proof and on the best evidence obtainable, the Before the Court is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule
to foreclose on the mortgage despite violation of its predecessor actual amount of loss. Although petitioners were able to present 45 of the Rules of Court assailing the Decision2 of the Court of
BSA of its principal obligation. in evidence purchase orders, company records and checks, the Appeals (CA), Cagayan de Oro City, dated July 31, 2013 in CA-
Court agrees with the appellate court that these are insufficient G.R. SP No. 04500. The questioned CA Decision set aside the
In the case of Development Bank of the Philippines v. Guariña as they are self-serving. Although petitioners claimed that these Joint Decision3 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 30,
Agricultural and Realty Development Corp.,18 the Court ruled orders were cancelled, no other evidence was adduced to prove Surigao City, dated August 17, 2011, which affirmed with
that a debtor cannot incur delay unless the creditor has fully such fact of cancellation. modification the February 25, 2011 Omnibus Judgment4 of the
performed its reciprocal obligation, viz.: Municipal Trial Court in Cities (MTCC), Branch 1, Surigao City, in
The law allows the grant of exemplary damages to set an five (5) consolidated cases for accion publiciana and/or recovery
It is true that loans are often secured by a mortgage constituted example for the public good. The banking system has become of possession.
on real or personal property to protect the creditor's interest in an indispensable institution in the modern world and plays a
case of the default of the debtor. By its nature, however, a vital role in the economic life of every civilized society. Whether The pertinent factual and procedural antecedents of the case
mortgage remains an accessory contract dependent on the as mere passive entities for the safe-keeping and saving of are as follows:
2. Defendant Amelita Busilak to pay the plaintiffs a monthly WHEREFORE, the assailed Omnibus Judgment dated February
On August 11, 2005, herein petitioners filed five separate (5) compensation of 1,200.00 for the use of the property occupied 25, 2011 of the Municipal Trial Court in Cities, Branch 1, Surigao
Complaints5 for accion publiciana and/or recovery of possession by her at 2763 P. Reyes cor. Narciso Sts., Surigao City, City is AFFIRMED WITH MODIFICATION as to the judgment
against herein respondents and a certain Reynaldo Peralta. The computed from the time of the filing of the complaint on August against defendants Reynaldo Peralta and Adriano Solamo who
suits, which were subsequently consolidated, were filed with the 11, 2005 until she vacates the subject property; did not file an appeal therefrom. x x x
MTCC of Surigao City, which were later raffled to Branch 1
thereof. Petitioners uniformly alleged in the said Complaints 3. Defendant Cosca Navarro to pay the plaintiffs a monthly SO ORDERED7
that: they are owners of three (3) parcels of land, denominated compensation of P2,120.00 for the use of the property occupied
as Lot Nos. 519, 520 and 1015, which are all located at by her located at 03240 Borromeo St., Surigao City, computed
Barangay Taft, Surigao City; they inherited the lots from their from the time of the filing of the complaint on August 11, 2005 Herein respondents then filed with the CA a petition for review
predecessor-in-interest, Alfonso Yusingco; they were in until she vacates the subject property; under Rule 42 of the Rules of Court assailing the
possession of the said properties prior to and at the start of the abovementioned Joint Decision of the RTC.
Second World War, but lost possession thereof during the war; 4. Defendant Flavia Curayag to pay the plaintiffs a monthly
after the war, petitioners discovered that the subject properties compensation of P1,760.00 for the use of the property occupied On July 31, 2013, the CA promulgated its Decision granting the
were occupied by several persons, which prompted petitioners by her located at 03818, Narciso St., Surigao City, computed petition of herein respondents. The CA disposed as follows:
to file separate cases for accion reivindicatoria and recovery of from the time of the filing of the complaint on August 11, 2005
possession against these persons; during the pendency of these until she vacates the subject property; WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Joint Decision
cases, herein respondents entered different portions of the dated August 17, 2011 of the Regional Trial Court, 10th Judicial
same properties and occupied them without the knowledge and 5. Defendant Lexberto Castro to pay the plaintiffs a monthly Region, Branch 30, Surigao City is SET ASIDE and a new one
consent of petitioners; petitioners were forced to tolerate the compensation of P1,500.00 for the use of the property occupied rendered: (1) SETTING ASIDE the Omnibus Judgment dated
illegal occupation of respondents as they did not have sufficient by her located at SLB Pension House, Borromeo St., Surigao February 25, 2011 of the Municipal Trial Court in Cities, Branch
resources to protect their property at that time and also City, computed from the time of the filing of the complaint on 1, Surigao City, in consolidated civil cases for Accion Publiciana
because their ownership was still being disputed in the earlier November 27, 2007 until he vacates the subject property; and/or Recovery of Possession, and (2) DISMISSING the
cases filed; subsequently, the cases which they earlier filed consolidated cases for lack of merit.
were decided in their favor and they were declared the owners 6. Defendants Reynaldo Peralta and Adriano Solamo to pay the
of the subject properties; thereafter, petitioners demanded that plaintiffs a monthly compensation of P2,000.00 for the use of SO ORDERED.8
respondents vacate the said properties, but the latter refused. the property occupied by them located at 04286, Navarro St.,
Surigao City, computed from the time of the filing of the
In their Answer, respondents raised essentially similar defenses, complaint on November 27, 2007 until they vacate the subject The CA ruled that the RTC and CA Decisions used by the MTCC
contending, in essence, that: they have been in possession of property in holding that herein petitioners are owners of the subject
the subject properties for more than thirty (30) years; properties and are, thus, entitled to legal possession thereof,
petitioners never actually possessed the said parcels of land and 7. All the defendants to pay the cost of the suit. are based on a previous accion reivindicatoria, which is a suit in
that they never had title over the same; thus, petitioners' claim personam. The CA held that, being an action in personam, the
would be in conflict with and inferior to respondents' claim of SO ORDERED.6 judgments in the said case binds only the parties properly
possession. impleaded therein. Since respondents were not parties to the
said action, the CA concluded that they could not be bound by
After the issues were joined, trial ensued. The MTCC held that: in an earlier case for accion reivindicatoria the judgments declaring petitioners as owners of the disputed
(Civil Case No. 1645) decided by the Court of First Instance of properties. Hence, petitioners' present actions to recover
On February 25, 2011, the MTCC, Branch 1, Surigao City issued Surigao Del Norte on June 8, 1979 and affirmed by the CA in its possession of the said properties from respondents, on the
an Omnibus Judgment in favor of herein petitioners and Decision dated August 30, 1982 (CA-G.R. No. 66508-R), which basis of the said judgments, must fail.
disposed as follows: became final and executory on December 18, 1986, herein
petitioners were declared the true and lawful co-owners of the Aggrieved by the CA Decision, herein petitioners are now before
subject properties; on the other hand, evidence showed that this Court via the instant petition for review on certiorari
WHEREFORE, premises considered judgment is hereby rendered respondents were mere intruders on the lots in question; thus, contending that the assailed CA Decision is replete with legal
in favor of the plaintiffs, Heirs of Alfonso Yusingco, represented as judicially-declared owners of the said lots, petitioners are infirmities, to wit:
by their attorney-in-fact Teodoro E. Yusingco, against entitled to possession thereof as against respondents whose
defendants Flavia Curayag, Cosca Navarro, Amelita Busilak, entries into the said properties are illegal. 1. When Honorable Court of Appeals held that the prior
Lexberto Castro, Reynaldo Peralta and Adriano Solamo judgments declaring herein petitioners as the true and lawful
ordering: Herein respondents filed an appeal with the RTC of Surigao co-owners of the property did not bind herein respondents, as
City. they were not parties to the actions, saying that these were an
1. Defendants Flavia Curayag, Cosca Navarro, Amelita Busilak, accion reivindicatoria and an action for recovery of possession,
Lexberto Castro, Reynaldo Peralta and Adriano Solamo and all On August 17, 2011, the RTC, Branch 30, Surigao City, hence in personam, and as such, they bound only the parties
those claiming rights under them to vacate the premises of the rendered a Joint Decision, which affirmed, with modification, properly impleaded and duly heard or given an opportunity to
lots respectively occupied by them and to remove their the Omnibus Judgment of the MTCC. The dispositive portion of be heard; even if such principle is inapplicable in the instant
improvements from the premises and restore possession to the the RTC Joint Decision reads, thus: case.
2. When Honorable Court of Appeals impliedly ruled that herein elapsed since defendant had turned plaintiff out of possession On the other hand, the evidence for the defendants showed
respondents would have a better right of possession over the or defendant's possession had become illegal, the action will be, that they are mere intruders on the lots in question. They are
subject matter property over herein petitioners, despite the not one of the forcible entry or illegal detainer, but an accion occupying their respective portions simply as places to stay with
rulings in the prior judgments showing the contrary. publiciana. On the other hand, accion reivindicatoria is an action intention of acquiring the said properties in the event that they
to recover ownership also brought in the proper regional trial are public lands and not owned by any private person.
court in an ordinary civil proceeding.
The petition is meritorious. It is noted that while the defendants had declared their houses
and improvements for tax purposes, not one of them had
The issues raised in the instant petition boil down to the basic Accion reivindicatoria or accion de reivindicacion is, thus, an declared in his name the lot in which his house or improvement
question of whether or not the final and executory decisions action whereby the plaintiff alleges ownership over a parcel of is built on. They just waited for the Yusingcos to show proof of
rendered in a previous accion reivindicatoria, finding petitioners land and seeks recovery of its full possession.11 It is a suit to their ownership of the lot.
to be the lawful owners of the subject properties, are binding recover possession of a parcel of land as an element of
upon respondents. ownership.12 The judgment in such a case determines the It was indeed revealing that while professing that the lots are
ownership of the property and awards the possession of the public land, the defendants never bothered to apply under any
This Court rules in the affirmative. property to the lawful owner.13 It is different from accion of the legal modes of acquiring land of the public domain for
interdictal or accion publiciana where plaintiff merely alleges the portion occupied by them. Obviously, their physical
At the outset, the Court finds it proper to look into the nature of proof of a better right to possess without claim of title.14 possession of the premises was not under claim of ownership or
the actions filed by petitioners against respondents. A perusal of in the concept of an owner. Hence, the defendants' possession
the complaints filed by petitioners shows that the actions were On the basis of the above discussions, it is clear that the lower cannot ripen into ownership by prescription as claimed by them.
captioned as "Accion Publiciana and/or Recovery of Possession." courts did not err in ruling that the suits filed by petitioners are They are intruders, plain and simple, without any right of
However, the Court agrees with the ruling of the lower courts accion reivindicatoria, not accion publiciana, as petitioners seek possession to be protected.
that the complaints filed were actually accion reivindicatoria. to recover possession of the subject lots on the basis of their
ownership thereof. The plaintiff[s] [herein petitioners] prayed that their right of
In a number of cases,10 this Court had occasion to discuss the possession of the lots is entitled to protection under the law. In
three (3) kinds of actions available to recover possession of real Proceeding to the main issue in the instant petition, there is no the case at bar, the evidence showed that the defendant's
property, to wit: dispute that the RTC Decision in Civil Case No. 1645 and the CA [herein respondents'] entry into and possession of the disputed
Decision in CA-G.R. CV No. 66508-R used by the MTCC in the premises was illegal from the beginning and remain to be so
x x x (a) accion interdictal; (b) accion publiciana; and (a) accion present case as bases in holding that herein petitioners are until the present. There is no question, therefore, that as
reivindicatoria owners of the subject properties and are, thus, entitled to legal between the plaintiffs [herein petitioners] who had been
possession thereof, are judgments on a previous case for accion judicially declared the owners of the land and the defendants
Accion interdictal comprises two distinct causes of action, reivindicatoria, which was filed by petitioners against persons [herein respondents] who are mere squatters therein, the
namely, forcible entry (detentacion) and unlawful detainer other than herein respondents. former are entitled to such legal protection.21
(desahuico) [sic]. In forcible entry, one is deprived of physical
possession of real property by means of force, intimidation, It is settled that a judgment directing a party to deliver
strategy, threats, or stealth whereas in unlawful detainer, one possession of a property to another is in personam.15 It is On the basis of the foregoing, the CA erred in ruling that the
illegally withholds possession after the expiration or termination conclusive, not against the whole world, but only "between the judgments of the RTC (in Civil Case No. 1645) and the CA (in
of his right to hold possession under any contract, express or parties and their successors in interest by title subsequent to CA-GR. CV No. 66508-R) on the suit for accion reivindicatoria
implied. The two are distinguished from each other in that in the commencement of the action."16 An action to recover a filed by petitioners against persons other than herein
forcible entry, the possession of the defendant is illegal from parcel of land is a real action but it is an action in personam, for respondents are not binding upon the latter. Respondents,
the beginning, and that the issue is which party has prior de it binds a particular individual only although it concerns the right being trespassers on the subject lots are bound by the said
facto possession while in unlawful detainer, possession of the to a tangible thing.17 Any judgment therein is binding only judgments, which find petitioners to be entitled to the
defendant is originally legal but became illegal due to the upon the parties properly impleaded and duly heard or given an possession of the subject lots as owners thereof.
expiration or termination of the right to possess. opportunity to be heard.18 However, this rule admits of the
exception that even a non-party may be bound by the judgment WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. The July 31,
The jurisdiction of these two actions, which are summary in in an ejectment suit19 where he is any of the following: (a) 2013 Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 04500
nature, lies in the proper municipal trial court or metropolitan trespasser, squatter or agent of the defendant fraudulently is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Omnibus Judgment of the
trial court. Both actions must be brought within one year from occupying the property to frustrate the judgment; (b) guest or Municipal Trial Court in Cities, Branch 1, Surigao City, dated
the date of actual entry on the land, in case of forcible entry, occupant of the premises with the permission of the defendant; February 25, 2011, is REINSTATED.
and from the date of last demand, in case of unlawful detainer. (c) transferee pendente lite; (d) sublessee; (e) co-lessee; or (f)
The issue in said cases is the right to physical possession. member of the family, relative or privy of the defendant.20 SO ORDERED.

Accion publiciana is the plenary action to recover the right of In the instant case, the Court finds no cogent reason to depart Carpio, (Chairperson), Perlas-Bernabe, Caguioa, and Reyes, Jr.,
possession which should be brought in the proper regional trial from the findings and conclusions of the MTCC, as affirmed by JJ., concur.
court when dispossession has lasted for more than one year. It the RTC, that respondents are mere intruders or trespassers
is an ordinary civil proceeding to determine the better right of who do not have a right to possess the subject lots. Thus, the
possession of realty independently of title. In other words, if at Court adopts the discussion of the MTCC on the matter, to wit:
the time of the filing of the complaint more than one year had SECOND DIVISION
Aggrieved, petitioners filed a Petition for the Determination of
G.R. No. 213945, January 24, 2018 Just Compensation before the RTC, sitting as Special Agrarian The dispositive portion of the RTC ruling reads:
Court (SAC), of Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental and prayed for
LUCILA YARED AND HEIRS OF THE LATE ERNESTO YARED, the following: (1) the determination of just compensation in an WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court finds for the
SR., Petitioners, v. LAND BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, amount not less than of P7,067,426.91; (2) payment of legal Petitioners, and hereby DIRECTS the Respondent Land Bank to
Respondent. interest on the basis of recomputed initial valuation of Land pay the following: (1) the remaining balance of the just
Bank from 1996 until the finality of this case due to the delay compensation to the Petitioners in the amount of Eleven Million
DECISION caused by the inaction of DARAB in resolving the amount of just Five Hundred Thirty-Seven Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-
compensation; and (3) payment of attorney's fees and filing Eight Pesos (P11,537,478.00), with legal interest of 12% per
REYES, JR., J.: fee.8 annum reckoned from September 25, 1996 up to the time when
the whole amount is actually paid; (2) to pay attorney's fees in
Before this Court is a petition for review on certiorari1 under On its part, Land Bank argued that the valuation of TCT No. ST- the amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00); (3)
Rule 45 filed by Lucila C. Yared and the Heirs of Ernesto Yared, 27 depends on the data used, including but not limited to the exemplary damages in the amount of One Hundred Thousand
Sr. namely, Ma. Magdalena Lourdes Y. Ng, Ma. Carmela Y. Annual Gross Production (AGP), Selling Price (SP), Market Value Pesos (P100,000.00); (4) unpaid Commissioner's fees in the
Malayang, Lucila C. Yared, Mary Anne Martha Y. Naldo, Ma. per Tax Declaration (MV) and the actual receipt of the claim amount of Fifteen Thousand (P15,000.00); and (5) cost of suit.
Teresa Y. de Leon, Ernesto C. Yared, Jr., and Joseph Ray C. folder from Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR). Land Bank
Yared (petitioners, for brevity), seeking to set aside the arrived at the initial valuation of P7,067,426.91 following the SO ORDERED.14
Decision2 dated April 20, 2012 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in provisions of DAR Administrative Order No. 6, Series of 1992
C.A. G.R. SP No. 05773, which affirmed with modification (by pursuant to the valuation formula as provided for by Sec. 17 of Ruling of the CA
deleting the award of legal interest, exemplary damages and R.A. No. 6657. Rejecting the argument of the petitioners, Land
attorney's fees) the Decision3 dated January 31, 2011 of the Bank averred that the adjacent property (TCT No. ST-27) may In a Decision15 dated April 20, 2012, the CA affirmed with
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Dumaguete City, Branch 32, not necessarily be similar in land valuation to the contested modification the decision of the trial court. While the CA upheld
directing Land Bank of the Philippines (Land Bank) to pay the property of the petitioners. Finally, Land Bank argued that it the applied formula in determining the land valuation, the CA
remaining balance of just compensation with legal interest and was prompt in its deposit of the initial valuation of just nonetheless deleted legal interest due to the absence of any
attorney's fees, exemplary damages, unpaid Commissioners' compensation on the property and attributed fault on the delay in the payment of just compensation. The appellate court
fees and cost of suit. release due to petitioners' non-compliance with the likewise deleted the award of exemplary damages and
documentary requirements.9 attorney's fees in the absence of bad faith on the part of Land
The Antecedents Bank. The dispositive portion of the decision reads:
Ruling of the RTC
Petitioners were the registered owners of a parcel of land WHEREFORE, premised considered, the petition is PARTLY
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. ST-27 with a In a Decision10 dated January 31, 2011, the trial court GRANTED. The January 31, 2011 Decision of the [RTC] Branch
total area of 134.895 hectares located in Bais City, Negros recomputed the initial valuation of Land Bank due to the bank's 32 of Dumaguete City is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION. The
Oriental. Sometime in 1996, the property was placed under the failure to reconsider the other relevant factors of sales award of 12% interest, one hundred thousand pesos (PhP
coverage of Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) transactions, cost of acquisition and mortgage value in the 100,000.00) exemplary damages and fifty thousand pesos (PhP
under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657,4 compulsory acquisition computation of just compensation. The trial court noted the 50, 000.00) attorney's fees shall be DELETED.
scheme of the government. Land Bank initially valued the bank's disregard of the other mandatory factors in the
property at P7,067,426.91 and deposited the amount, in cash computation of just compensation due to lack of earnest efforts SO ORDERED.16
and agrarian reform bonds, to the account of the petitioners, as in ensuring the procurement of the necessary data. In arriving
evidenced by the certification and inscription in TCT No. ST-27 at the total land compensation, the trial court followed the Discontented, Land Bank filed its Petition for Review on
dated September 25, 1996.5 alternative formula of Land Value (LV) = [Capitalized Net Certiorari before this Court entitled as "Land Bank of the
Income (CNI) x 0.9] + [Market Value (MV) x 0.1], considering Philippines v. Lucila Yared, Heirs of Ernesto Yared, Sr. "17
Dissatisfied with the valuation, the petitioners initiated a case the absence of comparable sales data.11 disputing the decision of the CA. On July 30, 2012, the Court
before the Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board denied the petition for failure to sufficiently show any reversible
(DARAB) docketed as DARAB Case No. JC-RVII-NEG-22-CO. On As compensation for the time lost and delay, an award of legal error in the assailed CA decision to warrant the exercise of the
August 22, 2001, DARAB directed Land Bank to recompute the interest was imposed on the difference between the initial Court's discretionary appellate jurisdiction. On December 18,
initial valuation of the property. In compliance, Land Bank deposit of P7,067,426.91 and judicially determined 2012, the denial of the petition became final and executory.18
submitted a manifestation and motion dated November 8, 2011 compensation of P18,604,478.00 from September 25, 1996 until
with a re-evaluation of the property in the amount full payment of just compensation. The trial court likewise Meanwhile, the petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration
P11,366,366.15.6 awarded attorney's fees and exemplary damages considering before the CA on May 28, 2012 but the same was denied in a
that the petitioners were compelled to litigate in court for the Resolution dated July 3, 2014. Hence, this present petition.
After seven years from the submission of Land Bank's payment of just compensation and to serve as an example for
manifestation and motion and petitioners' several motions to "public good as a form of deterrent to the repetition of this The Issue
resolve the case, DARAB acted on the resolution of the case on oppressive practice by government agencies."12 Finally, the
July 1, 2008, by rejecting the amount submitted by Land Bank RTC ordered the payment of P15,000.00 as Commissioner's fee, The lone issue before the Court is whether or not legal interest
and reverting to the initial valuation of P7,067,426.91, as the in view of the indispensability of the appointment of shall be imposed on the unpaid balance of P11,537,478.00
proper amount of just compensation.7 Commissioners to aid in the judicial determination of just reckoned from the time of taking until full payment of just
compensation.13 compensation.
While the LBP immediately paid the remaining balance on the the time of taking was imposed due to delay in the payment of
Ruling of the Court just compensation due to the petitioners after this Court had just compensation to the landowner; the obligation to
fixed the value of the expropriated properties, it overlooks one compensate the landowners is deemed to be an effective
The petitioners allege that the CA erred when it deleted the essential fact - from the time that the State took the petitioners' forbearance on the part of the State.32
award of legal interest on the unpaid balance of just properties until the time that the petitioners were fully paid,
compensation despite the incurred delay on the part of the almost 12 long years passed. This is the rationale for imposing In Land Bank v. Kho33 as further affirmed in Heirs of Pablo
government. They argue on the imposition of legal interest on the 12% interest - in order to compensate the petitioners for Feliciano v. Land Bank34 and Land Bank v. Heirs of Jose
the payment of unpaid balance of just compensation, following the income they would have made had they been properly Tapulado,35 the Court provided a guideline in the award of
the Court's decisions in Apo Fruits Corporation, et al. v. Land compensated for their properties at the time of the taking.28 interest in expropriation cases in line with the amended interest
Bank of the Philippines,19Land Bank of the Philippines v. Rivera, (Emphasis Ours) rate pursuant to Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas-Monetary Board
et al.,20Land Bank of the Philippines v. Santiago, Jr.21 and (BSP-MB) Circular No. 799, series of 2013, as affirmed in Nacar
Land Bank v. Nable.22 The Court recognizes that the owner's loss is not limited to his v. Gallery Frames, et al.36 As held:
property alone but includes its income-generating potential. The
In its Comment, Land Bank disputes the award considering the government, upon its taking of the landholding, must properly 3. Interest may be awarded as may be warranted by the
absence of delay upon immediate deposit of P7,067,426.91 on compensate the landowner through its payment of the full circumstances of the case and based on prevailing
September 25, 1996. In the same way, Land Bank stressed on valuation of the property with imposition of legal interest. This jurisprudence. In previous cases, the Court has allowed the
the earned interest of the deposited amount of just is the only way to achieve a fair exchange for the property and grant of legal interest in expropriation cases where there is
compensation, thus, there is no more reason to grant additional the potential income loss of the landowner.29 delay in the payment since the just compensation due to the
interest. landowners was deemed to be an effective forbearance on the
In the recent case of Land Bank v. Phil-Agro Industrial part of the State. Legal interest on the unpaid balance shall be
The petition is granted. Corporation,30 the Court explained that the award of interest is pegged at the rate of 12% p.a. from the time of taking on May
in the nature of damages for delay in payment which makes the 27, 2002 until June 30, 2013 only. Thereafter, or beginning July
The concept of just compensation has long been settled by the obligation on the part of the government one of forbearance to 1, 2013, until fully paid, the just compensation due the
Court as the full and fair equivalent of the property which must ensure prompt payment of the value of the land and limit the landowners shall earn interest at the new legal rate of 6% p.a.
be paid to the owners of the land within a reasonable time from opportunity loss of the owner. in line with the amendment introduced by BSP-MB Circular No.
its taking.23 This is because without prompt payment, 799, series of 2013.
"compensation cannot be considered "just" inasmuch as the From the foregoing, the Court agrees with the trial court that
property owner is being made to suffer the consequences of the petitioners have been painstakingly waiting for a very long Similar rulings were upheld in Land Bank v. Miguel Omengan37
being immediately deprived of his land while being made to time for the payment of their property. Land Bank could have and Land Bank v. Dalauta38 imposing an interest on just
wait for a decade or more before actually receiving the amount expedited the proceedings had it considered all the relevant compensation or the balance thereof with a rate of 12% per
necessary to cope with his loss."24 factors mandated by law in its determination of just annum from the time of taking until June 30, 2013. Thereafter,
compensation. To make the matters worse for the petitioners, the rate of six percent (6%) interest per annum shall be
In Republic of the Philippines, et al. v. Judge Mupas, et al.,25 DARAB ordered Land Bank to recompute the property valuation imposed until full payment, pursuant to the modification
the Court elucidated that just compensation does not only refer only to revert back to the initial valuation of P7,067,426.91 after introduced by BSP-MB Circular No. 799 as affirmed in Nacar.
to the full and fair equivalent of the property taken; it also for more than six years of inaction. Clearly, these factual
means, equally if not more than anything else, payment in full circumstances fall within the purview of the contemplated delay Applying the foregoing jurisprudence, an interest rate of 12%
without delay. It is presumed that there is delay if the in just compensation. per annum shall be imposed on the amount of P11,537,478.00
government failed to pay the property owner the full amount of representing the difference between the initial deposit of
just compensation on the date of taking. Accordingly, to In contrast, the Court cannot subscribe to the contention of P7,067,426.91 and actual compensation as judicially determined
equalize the effect of losing the income-generating potential of Land Bank that there is no need to impose additional interest on to be P 18,604,478.00 reckoned from September 25, 1996 until
the property, the Court imposed an interest on the unpaid just compensation since the deposited amount of initial June 30, 2013. Thereafter, an interest rate of six percent (6%)
compensation from the time of taking until full payment.26 valuation is already earning interest since 1996. It is worth per annum shall be imposed until full payment.
stressing that while indeed there was an immediate deposit of
Similar ruling on the imposition of interest was concurred with partial payment in the name of the petitioners, it is significant to WHEREFORE, after judicious review of the records, the Court
in the 2010 Resolution of Apo Fruits:27 point out that 21 years have already passed since the taking of resolves to DIRECT the respondent Land Bank of the Philippines
the property. A lost opportunity in the interest-earning potential to pay the remaining balance of P11,537,478.00 at a rate of
[I]f property is taken for public use before compensation is of the difference between the initial valuation and final amount twelve percent (12%) legal interest per annum from September
deposited with the court having jurisdiction over the case, the adjudged is too substantial to be considered as the full 25, 1996 until July 30, 2013 and at a rate of six percent (6%)
final compensation must include interest[s] on its just value to requirement of just compensation. legal interest per annum from July 1, 2013 until full payment of
be computed from the time the property is taken to the time just compensation.
when compensation is actually paid or deposited with the court. As to the rate of imposable interest and reckoning period, the
In fine, between the taking of the property and the actual Court concurs with the recent jurisprudential doctrines imposing SO ORDERED.
payment, legal interests] accrue in order to place the owner in a legal interest on just compensation reckoned from the time of
position as good as (but not better than) the position he was in taking. In Carpio (Chairperson), Peralta, Perlas-Bernabe, and Caguioa, JJ.,
before the taking occurred. concur.
Land Bank v. Edgardo Santos,31 an interest of 12% per annum
on the unpaid balance of the just compensation reckoned from
SECOND DIVISION authentic documents.5 On the other hand, the title of Gambito's Contrary to the MTC's ruling, the RTC held that Bacena's
predecessor-in-interest is evidently null and void ab initio counterclaim partakes of a direct attack on Gambito's title.
G.R. No. 225929, January 24, 2018 because it was derived from a Deed of Sale, dated December
16, 1994 which supposedly signed by vendor Pascual although The RTC likewise found that the title in the name of Bacena was
JOSE V. GAMBITO, Petitioner, v. ADRIAN OSCAR Z. BACENA, she was already dead, having died on August 25, 1988 or after regularly issued as he and his predecessors have been in
Respondent. a period of seven years. Moreover, the signatory-vendor, Covita undisturbed possession, occupation and utilization of Lot No.
denied that she ever signed the Deed of Sale which is 1331 as early as October 1, 1913 when it was cadastrally
RESOLUTION supposedly that of her husband, Mariano G. Mateo, supposedly surveyed and even before it; has always been declared for
signifying his conformity to the sale, is likewise a fake signature taxation purposes with taxes thereof duly paid yearly; and that
REYES, JR., J.: of her husband because he was already dead at the time of the as private property, it is not within the jurisdiction of the Bureau
execution of the document having died on June 14, 1980.6 of Lands to grant it to public land application.14
This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari1 under Rule 45 of the
Rules of Court, assailing the Decision2 dated April 8, 2016 and By way of counterclaim, Bacena prayed, among others, that The RTC awarded damages in favor of Bacena.
Resolution3 dated July 19, 2016 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in Gambito's Title (TCT No. T-149954) and that of his
CA-G.R. SP No. 140980. predecessor-in-interest, Luz, TCT No. T-92232 and the Deed of Ruling of the CA
Sale, basis of TCT No. T-92232 as null and void; and to declare
The Antecedents that title of Bacena, OCT No. P-21262, valid and effective and On appeal, the CA, in its Decision15 dated April 8, 2016,
be cleared/quieted of any cloud thereto.7 affirmed the RTC's Decision dated November 21, 2014. The CA
The records show that before the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of agreed with the findings and ruling of the RTC.
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, Jose V. Gambito (Gambito) filed a Ruling of the MTC
complaint for quieting of title, declaration of nullity of title, Undaunted, Gambito filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the
specific performance and damages over a parcel of land located After the parties' presentation of evidence, the MTC rendered a said decision of the CA which was however denied in its
in La Torre South, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, against Adrian Decision8 dated March 11, 2014 in favor of Gambito. The MTC Resolution16 dated July 19, 2016.
Oscar Z. Bacena (Bacena), one of the defendants therein. considered the defense's position as a collateral attack on
Gambito's title.9 The MTC ruled that the issue on the validity of Hence, this petition for review on certiorari.
Gambito alleged before the MTC that he is the true and title, whether or not fraudulently issued, can only be raised in
registered owner of a certain parcel of land located in La Torre action expressly instituted for that purpose. In support of the petition, Gambito assails the decision of the
South, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya containing an area of 8,601 CA claiming that it is not in consonance with law and
square meters, more or less, under Transfer Certificate of Title Moreover, the MTC ruled that in successive registrations, where jurisprudence. The underlying issues presented by Gambito for
(TCT) No. T-149954. The said parcel of land was acquired by more than one certificate is issued in respect of a particular resolution are as follows, viz.:
him through a Deed of Donation executed on July 9, 2008 by estate or interest in land, the person claiming under the prior
his mother, Luz V. Gambito (Luz), who held said property under certificate is entitled to the estate or interest, and here, the The decision did not properly address the important issue on
TCT No. 92232. Her mother, Luz, acquired the same property origin of Gambito's title was issued in 1916 and while Bacena's laches;
from Dominga Pascual (Pascual) and her co-owner, Rosalina title was only issued on February 25, 1999.10 The decision misapplied the concept of transferee in good faith;
Covita (Covita), through a Deed of Sale dated December 16, and
1994 which finds its origin from Original Certificate of Title Ruling of the Regional Trial Court The decision misappreciated the objection on the award for
(OCT) No. R-578 issued on March 30, 1916.4 damages.
Aggrieved, Bacena appealed before the Regional Trial Court Ruling of the Court
Gambito claimed that through his efforts, he discovered that (RTC) of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, Branch 27, which granted
Bacena surreptitiously secured before the Community the appeal in a Decision11 rendered on November 21, 2014. The petition is denied.
Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO), a patent
title, Katibayan ng Orihinal na Titulo Bilang P-21362 covering In its ruling, the RTC laid that in an action for quieting of title, it The decision of the CA is in consonance with law and
4,259 sq m, more or less, which was a part and portion of the is an indispensable requisite that the plaintiff or complainant jurisprudence
same lot registered in Gambito's name under TCT No. T- has a legal or an equitable title to or interest in the real On the issue of laches, the decision of the CA properly
149954. Gambito further alleged that he is aware his parents property subject of the action, which is however wanting at the addressed the important issue thereon and the CA correctly
filed a protest before the CENRO, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya time Gambito filed his verified Complaint.12 held that it should be Bacena and not the Gambito who should
on August 31, 2007 against Bacena but the same was later invoke laches.
withdrawn by his parents upon realization that said office is not The RTC also noted that Gambito's title was derived through a
the proper forum and that the order of dismissal was issued on certificate of title which was based on a falsified Deed of Sale Laches is defined as the failure or neglect for an unreasonable
April 8, 2009 and thus there is a need to clear up the cloud cast which was made to appear to have been signed by the parties and unexplained length of time to do that which, by exercising
by the title of Bacena over his ancient title. who were long dead at the time of its execution.13 due diligence, could or should have been done earlier; it is
negligence or omission to assert a right within a reasonable
Bacena, in his defense, alleged that the folder of Petronila Moreover, the RTC found that Bacena's title has become time, warranting a presumption that the party entitled to assert
Castriciones (Castriciones), survey claimant of Lot No. 1331, indefeasible and incontrovertible as it has been possessed by it either has abandoned it or declined to assert it.17
Cad 45, La Torre, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, is supported by Bacena and his predecessors-in-interest and never been
the records of the CENRO, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. The title occupied by Gambito and his mother. It should be noted that the CA found that Bacena has no reason
OCT No. P-21362 was regularly issued and was based on to doubt his own ownership and possession of Lot No. 1331, as
established in this case obtained through the right of Moreover, in Ingusan v. Heirs of Aureliano I. Reyes,19 the Court
Castriciones. Moreover, it was Gambito who disturbed that happened to pass upon falsified documents involving properties, In sum, the Court finds that the decision of the CA is in
open, continuous, peaceful, adverse and notorious possession thus: consonance with law and jurisprudence.
of Bacena and his predecessors-in-interest. Thus, Bacena is not
expected to assert his right for having possession and title to There is no doubt that the deed of donation of titled property, WHEREFORE, in light of the foregoing, the petition is hereby
the land in dispute and the CA is correct when it found that cancellation of affidavit of loss and agreement of subdivision DENIED. The Decision dated April 8, 2016 issued by the Court
Bacena has no reason to doubt his own ownership and with sale, being falsified documents, were null and void. It of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 140980 is AFFIRMED.
possession of Lot No. 1331. Hence, the Court is in accord with follows that TCT Nos. NT-241155, NT-241156, NT-239747 and
the CA when it held that laches cannot apply and it should be NT-239748 which were issued by virtue of these spurious SO ORDERED.
Bacena and not Gambito who should invoke laches. documents were likewise null and void.20
Carpio (Chairperson), Peralta, Perlas-Bernabe, and Caguioa, JJ.,
Private ownership of land—as when there is prima facie proof of In this case, it is an established fact that the fraud referred to concur.
ownership like a duly registered possessory information or a by the CA is the fraud on the transfer of the property from
clear showing of open continuous, exclusive, and notorious Pascual and Covita to Luz on the basis of fake signatures THIRD DIVISION
possession, by present or previous occupants—is not affected considering that the vendor signatories therein are all dead. As
by the issuance of a free patent over the same land.18 such, by applicability of the foregoing jurisprudence, the deed is G.R. No. 189609, January 29, 2018
considered a forged deed and hence null and void. Thus, Luz's
While Gambito assails both the RTC and CA on the principle of title is null and void which transferred nothing by Deed of VICTORIA N. RACELIS, IN HER CAPACITY AS ADMINISTRATOR,
laches on the uninterrupted existence of OCT No. R-578 of 98 Donation to her son Gambito, the petitioner herein. Hence, the Petitioner, v. SPOUSES GERMIL JAVIER AND REBECCA JAVIER,
years, it should be noted that the CA found, it was certain that CA did not misapply the concept of transferee in good faith by Respondents.
when the cadastral survey was conducted in 1913 to 1914, considering the fraud in the transfer of the property to Luz
there were already two survey claimants, one of which is consequently ending up with Gambito. DECISION
Castriciones. Thus, OCT No. R-578 should not have included Lot
No. 1331, as there was already a supervening event that On the issue that the CA decision misappreciated the objection LEONEN, J.:
transpired from the time it was applied for until the title was on the award for damages, Gambito's argument that he cannot
issued. Moreover, here it established that Castriciones is the be in bad faith deserves scant consideration. Lessees are entitled to suspend the payment of rent under
previous occupant with open continuous, exclusive, and Article 1658 of the Civil Code if their legal possession is
notorious possession as above contemplated. Hence, OCT No. Good faith is ordinarily used to describe that state of mind disturbed. Acts of physical disturbance that do not affect legal
R-578 issued as a free patent, by application, cannot affect denoting "honesty of intention, and freedom from knowledge of possession is beyond the scope of this rule.
Castriciones' previous occupation with open continuous, circumstances which ought to put the holder upon inquiry;21 an
exclusive, and notorious possession. honest intention to abstain from taking any unconscientious In a contract to sell, the payment of earnest money represents
advantage of another, even through technicalities of law, the seller's opportunity cost of holding in abeyance the search
On the issue of transferee in good faith, the decision of the CA together with absence of all information, notice, or benefit or for other buyers or better deals. Absent proof of a clear
did not misapply the concept of transferee in good faith. belief of facts which render the transaction unconscientious."22 agreement to the contrary, it should be forfeited if the sale does
not happen without the seller's fault. The potential buyer bears
While Gambito argues that the CA misapplied the concept of The CA in its resolve as to the award of damages referred to the burden of proving that the earnest money was intended
transferee in good faith for the reason that bad faith has died the RTC's basis of the awards. As can be gleaned from the CA's other than as part of the purchase price and to be forfeited if
when Pascual, inherited the property from Venancio Pascual, Resolution dated July 19, 2016, viz.: the sale does not occur without the seller's fault.
We disagree.
The trial court discussed the basis of the awards, yet petitioner, Through this Petition for Review,1 petitioner Victoria N. Racelis
Under Section 53 of Presidential Decree No. 1529, known as the aside from his self-serving claim that there was no bad faith, (Racelis) challenges the Court of Appeals January 13, 2009
Property Registration Decree, in all cases of registration failed to discuss the lack of sufficient basis for the grant of Decision2 and September 17, 2009 Resolution,3 which ordered
procured by fraud, the owner may pursue all his legal and awards.23 her to reimburse the sum of P24,000.00 to respondents
equitable remedies against the parties to such fraud without Spouses Germil Javier and Rebecca Javier (the Spouses Javier).
prejudice, however, to the rights of any innocent holder for In this connection, the RTC in its Decision24 dated November
value of a certificate of title. After the entry of the decree of 21, 2014, laid down its basis in concluding the award for Before his death, the late Pedro Nacu, Sr. (Nacu) appointed his
registration on the original petition or application, any damages finding absence of good faith on the part of Gambito daughter, Racelis,4 to administer his properties,5 among which
subsequent registration procured by the presentation of a by taking a second hard look into the facts and circumstances was a residential house and lot located in Marikina City.6 Nacu
forged duplicate certificate of title, or a forged deed or other obtaining on the manner by which the appellee, who was the requested his heirs to sell this property first.7 Acting on this
instrument, shall be null and void. notary public who notarized the Last Will and Testament and request, Racelis immediately advertised it for sale.8
who as expected fully knew the rights of the appellant over the
In this case, Gambito is not an innocent holder for value for the lot in question.25 Thus, it is evident that Gambito's state of In August 2001, the Spouses Javier offered to purchase the
reason that he is a donee acquiring the property gratuitously by mind had no honesty of intention and had no freedom from Marikina property. However, they could not afford to pay the
a Deed of Donation and not by purchase. Hence, the concept of knowledge of circumstances which ought to put him upon price of P3,500,000.00.9 They offered instead to lease the
an innocent purchaser for value cannot apply to him. inquiry. Hence, Gambito's claim that the CA decision property while they raise enough money. Racelis hesitated at
misappreciated the objection on the award for damages is first but she eventually agreed.10 The parties agreed on a
incorrect. month-to-month lease and rent of P10,000.00 per month.11
This was later increased to P11,000.00.12 The Spouses Javier Racelis.29 Racelis was absolved from liability.30 The Spouses The Spouses Javier moved for reconsideration. In its April 24,
used the property as their residence and as the site of their Javier no longer interposed an appeal.31 2007 Order,51 the Regional Trial Court reduced the Spouses
tutorial school, the Niño Good Shepherd Tutorial Center.13 Javier's unpaid rentals by their advanced rental deposit. They
Meanwhile, Racelis filed a complaint for ejectment against the were ordered to pay P54,000.00 instead.52
Sometime in July 2002, Racelis inquired whether the Spouses Spouses Javier before the Metropolitan Trial Court in Marikina
Javier were still interested to purchase the property. The City. The case was docketed as Civil Case No. 04-7710.32 The Spouses Javier appealed the Regional Trial Court January
Spouses Javier reassured her of their commitment and even 15, 2007 Decision and April 24, 2007 Order.
promised to pay P100,000.00 to buy them more time within In her Complaint,33 Racelis alleged that she agreed to lease the
which to pay the purchase price.14 property to the Spouses Javier based on the understanding that On January 13, 2009, the Court of Appeals rendered a
they would eventually purchase it.34 Racelis also claimed that Decision53 declaring the Spouses Javier justified in withholding
On July 26, 2002, the Spouses Javier tendered the sum of they failed to pay rent from March 2004 to September 200435 rental payments due to the disconnection of electrical service
P65,000.00 representing "initial payment or goodwill money." and the balance of P7,000.00 for the month of February, or a over the property.54 Nevertheless, the Court of Appeals stated
15 On several occasions, they tendered small sums of money to total of P84,000.00.36 Racelis prayed that the Spouses Javier that they were not exonerated from their obligation to pay
complete the promised P100,000.00,16 but by the end of 2003, be ordered to: (1) vacate the leased premises; (2) pay accrued accrued rent. On the other hand, Racelis was bound to return
they only delivered a total of P78,000.00. 17 Meanwhile, they rent; and (3) pay moral and exemplary damages, and attorney's the sum of P78,000.00 in view of her waiver. The Court of
continued to lease the property. They consistently paid rent but fees.37 Appeals, by way of compensation, reduced the liability of the
started to fall behind by February 2004. 18 Spouses Javier by their advanced rent and the sum of
In their Answer,38 the Spouses Javier averred that they never P78,000.00. Accordingly, Racelis was ordered to reimburse the
Realizing that the Spouses Javier had no genuine intention of agreed to purchase the property from Racelis because they amount of P24,000.00 to the Spouses Javier.55 The dispositive
purchasing the property, Racelis wrote to inform them that her found a more affordable property at Greenheights Subdivision in portion of this Decision stated:
family had decided to terminate the lease agreement and to Marikina City. They claimed that the amount of P78,000.00 was
offer the property to other interested buyers.19 In the same actually advanced rent.39 WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the petition is
letter, Racelis demanded that they vacate the property by May GRANTED. The assailed decision is REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
30, 2004.20 Racelis also stated that: During trial, the Spouses Javier vacated the property and Herein respondent RACELIS is ordered to reimburse herein
moved to their new residence at Greenheights Subdivision40 on petitioners in the amount of P24,000.00 on the counterclaim.
It is a common practice that earnest money will be forfeited in September 26, 2004.41 The Metropolitan Trial Court then
favor of the seller if the buyer fails to consummate [the] sale determined that the only issue left to be resolved was the SO ORDERED.56
after the lapse of a specified period for any reason so that we amount of damages in the form of unpaid rentals to which
have the legal right to forfeit your P78,000 on account of your Racelis was entitled.42 Racelis moved for reconsideration but her motion was denied in
failure to pursue the purchase of the property you are leasing. the Court of Appeals September 17, 2009 Resolution.57
However, as a consideration to you, we undertake to return to On August 19, 2005, the Metropolitan Trial Court rendered a
you the said amount after we have sold the property and Decision43 dismissing the complaint. It ruled that the Spouses On November 25, 2009, Racelis filed a Petition for Review58
received the purchase price from [the] prospective buyer.21 Javier were entitled to suspend the payment of rent under before this Court to which the Spouses Javier filed a
Article 1658 of the Civil Code due to Racelis' act of Comment.59 On July 1, 2010, Racelis filed a Reply.60
The Spouses Javier refused to vacate due to the ongoing disconnecting electric service over the property.44 The
operation of their tutorial business. They wrote Racelis on Metropolitan Trial Court declared that the Spouses Javier's Petitioner asserts that the Court of Appeals erred in applying
March 16, 2004, informing her of their inability to purchase the obligation had been extinguished. Their advanced rent and Article 1658 of the Civil Code in favor of respondents.
property at P3,500,000.00 because "Mrs. Rebecca Javier's plan deposit were sufficient to cover their unpaid rent.45 Respondents cannot invoke the right given to lessees under
for overseas employment did not materialize."22 They also Article 1658 of the Civil Code. Petitioner claims that she was
informed her that they had "purchased a more affordable The Metropolitan Trial Court, however, did not characterize the justified in causing the temporary disconnection of electrical
lot."23 They insisted that the sum of P78,000.00 was advanced P78,000.00 as advanced rent but as earnest money. service over the property because respondents were remiss in
rent and proposed that this amount be applied to their Accordingly, Racelis was ordered to return the P78,000.00 due paying rent. However, assuming that respondents were entitled
outstanding liability until they vacate the premises.24 to her waiver in the Letter dated March 4, 2004.46 to suspend the payment of rent pursuant to Article 1658 of the
Civil Code, petitioner argues that the suspension should only be
Disagreeing on the application of the P78,000.00, Racelis and On appeal, the Regional Trial Court rendered a Decision47 temporary or for an intervening period.61
the Spouses Javier brought the matter to the barangay for reversing the Metropolitan Trial Court August 19, 2005 Decision.
conciliation. Unfortunately, the parties failed to reach a The Regional Trial Court held that the Spouses Javier were not Petitioner likewise claims that she did not expressly waive her
settlement.25 During the proceedings, Racelis demanded the justified in suspending rental payments.48 However, their right over the initial payment of P78,000.00 but merely
Spouses Javier to vacate the premises by the end of April 30, liability could not be offset by the P78,000.00. The Regional extended an offer to reimburse this amount, which respondents
2004.26 However, the Spouses Javier refused to give up Trial Court explained that the parties entered into two (2) rejected. Hence, she is entitled to retain it and it cannot be
possession of the property and even refused to pay rent for the separate and distinct contracts—a lease contract and a contract used to offset respondents' accrued rent.62
succeeding months.27 of sale. Based on the evidence presented, the P78,000.00 was
not intended as advanced rent, but as part of the purchase Respondents do not dispute their liability to pay accrued rent.
On May 12, 2004, Racelis caused the disconnection of the price of the property.49 The Regional Trial Court ordered the However, they insist that their liability should be offset by the
electrical service over the property forcing the Spouses Javier to Spouses Javier to pay accrued rent and declared that they may initial payment of P78,000.00. Respondents argue that
purchase a generator.28 This matter became the subject of a recover the P78,000.00 in a separate proceeding.50 petitioner waived her right over this, amount. Hence, it can be
complaint for damages filed by the Spouses Javier against applied to pay their obligation.63
.... petitioner was no longer obligated to maintain respondents in
The issues for this Court's resolution are: the "peaceful and adequate enjoyment of the lease for the
True it is that, pursuant to paragraph 3, of article 1554, the entire duration of the contract."77 Therefore, respondents
First, whether or not respondents Spouses Germil and Rebecca lessor must maintain the lessee in the peaceful enjoyment of cannot use the disconnection of electrical service as justification
Javier can invoke their right to suspend the payment of rent the lease during all of the time covered by the contract, and to suspend the payment of rent.
under Article 1658 of the Civil Code; and that, in consequence thereof, he is obliged to remove such
obstacles as impede said enjoyment; but, as in warranty in a Assuming that respondents were entitled to invoke their right
Second, whether or not the P78,000.00 initial payment can be case of eviction (to which doctrine the one we are now under Article 1658 of the Civil Code, this does exonerate them
used to offset Spouses Germil and Rebecca Javier's accrued examining is very similar, since it is necessary, as we have from their obligation under Article 1657 of the civil Code "to pay
rent. explained, that the cause of eviction be in a certain manner the price of the lease according to the terms stipulated."78
imputable to the vendor, which must be understood as saying Lessees who exercise their right under Article 1658 of the Civil
I that it must be prior to the sale), the obstacles to enjoyment Code are not freed from the obligations imposed by law or
which the lessor must remove are those that in some manner or contract.
A contract of lease is a "consensual, bilateral, onerous and other cast doubt upon the right by virtue of which the lessor
commutative contract by which the owner temporarily grants himself executed the lease and, strictly speaking, it is this right Moreover, respondents' obligation to pay rent was not
the use of his property to another who undertakes to pay rent that the lessor should guarantee to the lessee.69 (Citations extinguished when they transferred to their new residence.
therefor."64 omitted, emphasis supplied) Respondents are liable for a reasonable amount of rent for the
use and continued occupation of the property upon the
Article 1658 of the Civil Code allows a lessee to postpone the The principle in Goldstein was reiterated in Chua Tee Dee v. expiration of the lease. To hold otherwise would unjustly enrich
payment of rent if the lessor fails to either (1) "make the Court of Appeals.70 respondents at petitioner's expense.
necessary repairs" on the property or (2) "maintain the lessee in
peaceful and adequate enjoyment of the property leased." This In Chua Tee Dee, the lease contract stated that the lessor was II
provision implements the obligation imposed on lessors under obliged to "maintain the [lessee] in the quiet peaceful
Article 1654(3) of the Civil Code.65 possession and enjoyment of the leased premises during the Respondents admit their liability to pay accrued rent for the
effectivity of the lease."71 The lessees were harassed by continued use and possession of the property. However, they
The failure to maintain the lessee in the peaceful and adequate claimants of the leased property. Hence, the lessee withheld take exception to the proper treatment of the P78,000.00 initial
enjoyment of the property leased does not contemplate all acts rental payments for the lessor's failure to comply with his payment. Throughout the proceedings, respondents insist that
of disturbance.66 Lessees may suspend the payment of rent contractual obligation.72 this amount was intended as advanced rent. Hence, it can be
under Article 1658 of the Civil Code only if their legal possession used to offset their obligation.79
is disrupted.67 In Goldstein v. Roces:68 Citing Goldstein, this Court in Chua Tee Dee struck down the
lessee's argument and held that "[t]he duty 'to maintain the Respondents' argument is unmeritorious.
Nobody has in any manner disputed, objected to, or placed any lessee in the peaceful and adequate enjoyment of the lease for
difficulties in the way of plaintiff's peaceful enjoyment, or his the duration of the contract' mentioned in [N]o. 3 of [Article The P78,000.00 initial payment cannot be characterized as
quiet and peaceable possession of the floor he occupies. The 1654] is merely a warranty that the lessee shall not be advanced rent. First, records show that respondents continued
lessors, therefore, have not failed to maintain him in the disturbed in his legal, and not physical, possession." to pay monthly rent until February 2004 despite having
peaceful enjoyment of the floor leased to him and he continues Furthermore, this Court found that there was no disturbance in delivered the P78,000.00 to petitioner on separate dates in
to enjoy this status without the slightest change, without the the lessee's legal possession because her right to possess the 2003.80 Second, as observed by the Metropolitan Trial Court,
least opposition on the part of any one. That there was a property was neither questioned nor raised as an issue in any respondents indicated in the receipt that the P78,000.00 was
disturbance of the peace or order in which he maintained his legal proceeding. Hence, she was not entitled to suspend the initial payment or goodwill money. They could have easily
things in the leased story does not mean that he lost the payment of rent.73 stated in the receipt that the P78,000.00 was advanced rent
peaceful enjoyment of the thing rented. The peace would instead of denominating it as "initial payment or goodwill
likewise have been disturbed or lost had some tenant of the In this case, the disconnection of electrical service over the money." Respondents even proposed that the initial payment be
Hotel de Francia, living above the floor leased by plaintiff, leased premises on May 14, 200474 was not just an act of used to offset their accrued rent.81
continually poured water on the latter's bar and sprinkled his physical disturbance but one that is meant to remove
bar-tender and his customers and tarnished his furniture; or respondents from the leased premises and disturb their legal Both the Metropolitan Trial Court and the Regional Trial Court
had some gay patrons of the hotel gone down into his saloon possession as lessees. Ordinarily, this would have entitled rejected respondents' assertion that the P78,000.00 was
and broken his crockery or glassware, or stunned him with respondents to invoke the right accorded by Article 1658 of the advanced rent and characterized it as earnest money.82
deafening noises. Numerous examples could be given to show Civil Code.
how the lessee might fail peacefully to enjoy the floor leased by Under Article 1482 of the Civil Code, whenever earnest money
him, in all of which cases he wo[u]ld, of course, have a right of However, this rule will not apply in the present case because is given in a contract of sale,83 it shall be considered as "proof
action for the recovery of damages from those who disturbed the lease had already expired when petitioner requested for the of the perfection of the contract."84 However, this is a
his peace, but he would have no action against the lessor to temporary disconnection of electrical service. Petitioner disputable presumption, which prevails in the absence of
compel the latter to maintain him in his peaceful enjoyment of demanded respondents to vacate the premises by May 30, contrary evidence. The delivery of earnest money is not
the thing rented. The lessor can do nothing, nor is it incumbent 2004.75 Instead of surrendering the premises to petitioner, conclusive proof that a contract of sale exists.85
upon him to do anything, in the examples or cases mentioned, respondents unlawfully withheld possession of the property.
to restore his lessees peace. Respondents continued to stay in the premises until they moved The existence of a contract of sale depends upon the
to their new residence on September 26, 2004.76 At that point, concurrence of the following elements: (1) consent or meeting
of the minds; (2) a determinate subject matter; and (3) price any other buyers. It is a show of commitment on the part of the SET ASIDE. Respondents Spouses Germil and Rebecca Javier
certain in money or its equivalent.86 The defining characteristic party who intimates his or her willingness to go through with are ordered to pay petitioner Vanessa N. Racelis the sum of
of a contract of sale is the seller's obligation to transfer the sale after a specified period or upon compliance with the P54,000.00, representing accrued rentals, with interest at the
ownership of and deliver the subject matter of the contract. conditions stated in the contract to sell. rate of six percent (6%) per annum from the date of the finality
Without this essential feature, a contract cannot be regarded as of this judgment until fully paid.
a sale although it may have been denominated as such.87 Opportunity cost is defined as "the cost of the foregone
alternative."96 In a potential sale, the seller reserves the SO ORDERED.
In a contract of sale, title to the property passes to the buyer property for a potential buyer and foregoes the alternative of
upon delivery of the thing sold. In contrast, in a contract to sell, searching for other offers. This Court in Philippine National Bank Velasco, Jr., (Chairperson), Bersamin, and Gesmundo, JJ.,
ownership does not pass to the prospective buyer until full v. Court of Appeals97 construed earnest money given in a concur.
payment of the purchase price. The title of the property contract to sell as "consideration for [seller's] promise to Martires, J., On official leave as per Letter dated January 18,
remains with the prospective seller.88 reserve the subject property for [the buyer]."98 The seller, "in 2018.
excluding all other prospective buyers from bidding for the
In a contract of sale, the non-payment of the purchase price is subject property ... [has given] up what may have been more
a resolutory condition that entitles the seller to rescind the lucrative offers or better deals."99 FIRST DIVISION
sale.89 In a contract to sell, the payment of the purchase price
is a positive suspensive condition that gives rise to the Earnest money, therefore, is paid for the seller's benefit. It is G.R. No. 230404, January 31, 2018
prospective seller's obligation to convey title.90 However, non- part of the purchase price while at the same time proof of
payment is not a breach of contract but "an event that prevents commitment by the potential buyer. Absent proof of a clear IN THE MATTER OF THE INTESTATE ESTATE OF REYNALDO
the obligation of the vendor to convey title from becoming agreement to the contrary, it is intended to be forfeited if the GUZMAN RODRIGUEZ; ANITA ONG TAN, Petitioner, v.
effective."91 The contract would be deemed terminated or sale does not happen without the seller's fault. The potential ROLANDO C. RODRIGUEZ, RACQUEL R. GEGAJO*, ROSALINDA
cancelled, and92 the parties stand "as if the conditional buyer bears the burden of proving that the earnest money was R. LANDON, REYNALDO C. RODRIGUEZ, JR., ESTER R.
obligation had never existed."93 intended other than as part of the purchase price and to be FULGENCIO, RAFAEL C. RODRIGUEZ AND REYNEST C.
forfeited if the sale does not occur without the fault of the RODRIGUEZ, Respondents.
Based on the evidence on record, petitioner and respondents seller. Respondents were unable to discharge this burden.
executed a contract to sell, not a contract of sale. Petitioner DECISION
reserved ownership of the property and deferred the execution There is no unjust enrichment on the part of the seller should
of a deed of sale until receipt of the full purchase price. In her the initial payment be deemed forfeited. After all, the owner TIJAM, J.:
Letter dated March 4, 2004, petitioner stated: could have found other offers or a better deal. The earnest
money given by respondents is the cost of holding this search in Before Us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari,1 assailing the
It was our understanding that pending your purchase of the abeyance. Decision2 dated June 13, 2016 and Resolution3 dated March 3,
property you will rent the same for the sum of P10,000.00 2017 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 105665
monthly. With our expectation that you will be able to purchase This Court notes that respondents were even unable to meet filed by petitioner Anita Ong Tan (Anita).
the property during 2002, we did not offer the property for sale their own promise to pay the full amount of the earnest money.
to third parties. We even gave you an extension verbally for Of the P100,000.00 that respondents committed to pay, only The Facts of the Case
another twelve months or the entire year of 2003 within which P78,000.00 was received in irregular tranches. To rule that the
we could finalize the sale agreement and for you to deliver to us partial earnest money should even be returned is both Respondents Rolando Rodriguez, Racquel Gegajo, Rosalinda
the amount of P3.5 Million, the agreed selling price of the inequitable and would have dire repercussions as a precedent. Landon, Reynaldo Rodriguez, Jr., Ester Fulgencio, Rafael
property. However, to this date, we are not certain whether or Rodriguez and Reynest Rodriguez are children of Reynaldo
not you have the capacity to purchase the property. The Although petitioner offered to return the earnest money to Rodriguez (Reynaldo) and Ester Rodriguez (Ester), who died on
earnest money of P100,000 that we initially agreed upon only respondents, it was conditioned upon the sale of the property to August 27, 2008 and September 11, 2004 respectively.4
reached P78,000 as of date accumulated through several another buyer.100 Petitioner cannot be said to have expressly
installments during 2003. It is not our intention to wait for a waived her right to retain the earnest money. Petitioner's offer Reynaldo and Ester left several properties to their surviving
long time to dispose the property since you are very much was even rejected by respondents, who proposed that the children. On February 13, 2009, respondents executed an
aware of the situation of my mother.94 (Emphasis supplied) earnest money be applied instead to their unpaid rent.101 Extrajudicial Settlement of the Estate of the late Reynaldo and
In this case, since respondents failed to deliver the purchase Therefore, respondents' unpaid rent amounting to
price at the end of 2003, the contract to sell was deemed P84,000.00102 cannot be offset by the earnest money. On the other hand, Anita is a co-depositor in a Joint Account
cancelled. The contract's cancellation entitles petitioner to retain However, it should be reduced by respondents' advanced under the name Anita Ong Tan and Reynaldo with account
the earnest money given by respondents. deposit of P30,000.00. As found by the Regional Trial Court, number 003149-0718-56 in the Bank of the Philippine Islands
petitioner failed to establish that respondents' advanced deposit (BPI). When Reynaldo passed away, said joint account
Earnest money, under Article 1482 of the Civil Code, is had already been consumed or deducted from respondents' continued to be in active status.6
ordinarily given in a perfected contract of sale.95 However, unpaid rent.103
earnest money may also be given in a contract to sell. On August 31, 2009, BPI sent a letter to Anita and informed her
WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review is GRANTED. The January that her joint account with Reynaldo would become dormant if
In a contract to sell, earnest money is generally intended to 13, 2009 Decision and September 17, 2009 Resolution of the no transaction will be made. As such, Anita decided to withdraw
compensate the seller for the opportunity cost of not looking for Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 98928 are REVERSED and her funds. BPI, however, required her to submit additional
requirements, one of which is the extrajudicial settlement of the Undaunted, respondents filed an appeal before the CA. is joint is not conclusive of the fact that the owners thereof
heirs of Reynaldo.7 To comply with the same, Anita approached have equal claims over the funds in question.
respondents and asked them to sign a waiver of rights to the In a Decision15 dated June 13, 2016, the CA reversed the ruling
said joint account. Respondents refused to sign the waiver as of the RTC. In giving credence to respondents' contention, the In line with this, it is also indispensable to consider whether or
they believed that the funds in the said joint account belonged CA maintained that the presumption of co-ownership as regards not there exists a survivorship agreement between the co-
to their father.8 the nature of joint accounts was not sufficiently overturned, as depositors. In said agreement, the co-depositors agree that
Anita failed to prove that she is indeed the sole owner of the upon the death of either of them, the share pertaining to the
Respondents then submitted documents to BPI for the release funds therein. The CA disposed thus: deceased shall accrue to the surviving co-depositor or he can
of half of the funds deposited in said joint account.9 withdraw the entire deposit.20
WHEREFORE, the instant appeal is hereby PARTIALLY
BPI withheld the release of the funds because of the conflicting GRANTED. The assailed Order dated March 13, 2015 and Order It must be noted that there exists no survivorship agreement
claims between Anita and respondents.10 dated May 25, 2015 of the Region[al] Trial Court [,] Branch 74, between Anita and Reynaldo. Hence, it is but rightful to
Ma1abon City is hereby MODIFIED. determine their respective shares based on evidence presented
In 2011, Anita filed before the trial court a petition for the: (a) during trial.
settlement of the Intestate Estate of the late Reynaldo; and (b) The bank deposit under the Joint Account number 003149-
issuance of letters of administration to any competent neutral 0718-56 is to be divided in equal shares between Petitioner- On this note, the Court agrees with the findings of the lower
willing person, other than any of the heirs of Reynaldo. appellee on one hand and the Respondents-appellants on the court that Anita sufficiently proved that she owns the funds in
other on a 50-50 proposition. the BPI joint account exclusively.
Anita alleged that the funds used to open the BPI joint account
were her exclusive funds, which came from her East West Bank SO ORDERED.16 It can be gleaned from the records that the money in the BPI
(East West) account. To prove her claim, she presented as joint account amounts to One Million Twenty-One Thousand
evidence a Debit Memo from East West Bank, which was used Anita filed a motion for reconsideration, which was denied in a Eight Hundred Sixty-Eight Pesos and Thirty Centavos
for the issuance of a Manager's Check in the amount of One Resolution17 dated March 3, 2017, thus: (P1,021,868.30), and it is undisputed that said amount came
Million Twenty-One Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty- Eight and from Anita's personal account with East West. In East West,
30/100 Pesos (P 1,021,868.30), which exact amount was WHEREFORE, petitioner-appellee's Motion for Reconsideration is Anita opened a Trust Placement in August 2007 with the
deposited to the BPI joint account.11 Anita presented the hereby DENIED for lack of merit. amount of Two Million Fourteen Thousand Twenty-Four Pesos
testimony of Mineleo Serrano, Branch Manager of East West in and Twenty-Five Centavos (P2,014,024.25). Based on East
Tomas Morato, to corroborate her testimony that the subject SO ORDERED.18 West's records, as testified to by its Branch Manager, two
amount came from her East West account.12 withdrawals were subsequently made: first, in the amount of
The Issue One Million Twenty-One Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-Eight
Respondents filed a Motion to Dismiss, arguing that the funds Pesos and 30 Centavos (P1,021,868.30); and second, in the
deposited in the BPI joint account belonged exclusively to In sum, the sole issue in this case is whether or not the CA amount of One Million Three Thousand One Hundred Eleven
Reynaldo. erred in declaring Anita and Reynaldo as co-owners of the Pesos and Eleven Centavos (P1,003,111.11). In all such
subject bank deposits despite the evidence submitted by Anita withdrawals, manager's checks were issued.
In 2014, Rolando Rodriguez was appointed and took his oath as to prove otherwise.
an administrator of the subject estate. The exact amount which was first withdrawn from the East
The Ruling of the Court West account, i.e., One Million Twenty-One Thousand Eight
In an Order13 dated March 13, 2015, the Regional Trial Court Hundred Sixty-Eight Pesos and Thirty Centavos
(RTC) ruled in favor of Anita. The RTC held that Anita A joint account is one that is held jointly by two or more natural (P1,021,868.30), was the exact amount used to open the BPI
sufficiently adduced evidence to rebut the presumption that the persons, or by two or more juridical persons or entities. Under joint account. Notable is the fact that these transactions
funds deposited under the BPI joint account of Anita and such setup, the depositors are joint owners or co-owners of the occurred within the same day on November 14, 2007.21 It is
Reynaldo were owned by them in common. The fallo reads: said account, and their share in the deposits shall be presumed also significant to consider that no further transaction in said
equal, unless the contrary is proved.19 The nature of joint joint account was made after the same was opened until the
WHEREFORE, petitioner's claim against the estate of deceased accounts is governed by the rule on co-ownership embodied in death of Reynaldo.
Reynaldo G. Rodriguez is hereby GRANTED. Accordingly, Article 485 of the Civil Code, to wit:
Rolando Rodriguez, in his capacity as the appointed With all these, it is apparent that Anita owned the funds
Administrator of the intestate estate of Reynaldo G. Rodriguez, Art. 485. The share of the co-owners, in the benefits as well as exclusively as she sufficiently overturned the presumption under
is hereby directed to withdraw, together with the petitioner, the in the charges, shall be proportional to their respective the law. It bears stressing that despite the evidence shown by
funds under Joint Account No. 003149-0718-56 deposited with interests. Any stipulation in a contract to the contrary shall be Anita, respondents failed to refute her evidence, other than
the Bank of the Philippine Islands, Kamuning Branch, Quezon void. their bare allegations that Anita and Reynaldo had an amorous
City and the entire proceeds thereof be given to petitioner. relationship and that Anita had no source of income to sustain
The portions belonging to the co-owners in the co-ownership the funds in a bank.22
SO ORDERED.14 shall be presumed equal, unless the contrary is proved.
The Court also takes note of the fact that respondents admitted
Respondents filed a motion for reconsideration, but it was While the rule is that the shares of the owners of the joint that they knew the existence of the joint account, yet they still
denied in an Order dated May 25, 2015. account holders are equal, the same may be overturned by failed to include the same in the list of included properties in
evidence to the contrary. Hence, the mere fact that an account the inventory when they executed an extrajudicial settlement.
Their failure to include said joint account in the list of the items is embodied in respondents' claim of ownership over the funds the latter four parcels of land located in Baruan, Agno,
owned by Reynaldo for the purposes of determining his estate in said joint account to the exclusion of Anita, when in fact said Pangasinan (subject property).
obviously refutes their claim that Reynaldo was the sole owner funds in the joint account was neither mentioned nor included
of the funds in said joint account. in the inventory of the intestate estate of the late Reynaldo. On March 3, 1997, during the trial of the case, Romualdo died.
Therefore, respondents impliedly agreed to submit the issue of
Taken together, the Court finds the ruling of the trial court that ownership before the trial court, acting as an intestate court, Consequently, on July 6, 1998, a Motion for Substitution4 was
Anita is the sole owner of the funds in question proper. when they raised an affirmative relief before it. To reiterate, the filed by the decedent's wife, Felisa, and their children Flordeliza
exercise of the trial court of its limited jurisdiction is not Sagun, Reynaldo Lastimosa, Recto Lastimosa (Recto), Rizalina
Lastly, noteworthy is the fact that even if the probing arms of jurisdictional, but procedural; hence, waivable. Ramirez (Rizalina), Lily Lastimosa, and Avelino Lastimosa (Heirs
an intestate court is limited, it is equally important to consider ofLastimosa).
the call of the exercise of its power of adjudication especially so WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition is GRANTED.
when the case calls for the same, to wit: The Decision dated June 13, 2016 and Resolution dated March On March 16, 2004, the RTC Branch 55 rendered a Decision,5
3, 2017 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 105665 are declaring the Heirs of Nivera as the absolute owners of the
While it may be true that the Regional Trial Court, acting in a REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Accordingly, the Order dated March parcels of land in question, and thereby ordering the Heirs of
restricted capacity and exercising limited jurisdiction as a 13, 2015 of the Regional Trial Court of Malabon City, Branch 74 Lastimosa to vacate the lands and to surrender possession
probate court, is competent to issue orders involving inclusion is REINSTATED. thereof. The dispositive portion of the decision of the RTC
or exclusion of certain properties in the inventory of the estate Branch 55, reads:
of the decedent, and to adjudge, albeit, provisionally the SO ORDERED. WHEREFORE, this Honorable Court renders judgment:
question of title over properties, it is no less true that such
authority conferred upon by law and reinforced by Sereno, C.J., (Chairperson), Leonardo-De Castro, Del Castillo, a. Declaring the [Heirs of Nivera] absolute owners of the parcels
jurisprudence, should be exercised judiciously, with due regard and Jardeleza, JJ., concur. of land in question as described in the Amended Complaint, and
and caution to the peculiar circumstances of each individual ordering the [Heirs of Lastimosa] to surrender possession
case.23 thereof and vacate the same;
The facts obtaining in this case call for the determination of the b. Ordering the [Heirs of Lastimosa], jointly and severally, to
ownership of the funds contained in the BPI joint account; for G.R. No. 213972, February 05, 2018 pay the [Heirs of Nivera] actual damages in the amount of Php
the intestate estate of Reynaldo has already been extrajudicially 270,000.00 for 1975 to 1995, and Php 10,000.00 annually from
settled by his heirs. The trial court, in this case, exercised sound FELICITAS L. SALAZAR, Petitioner, v. REMEDIOS FELIAS, ON 1996 and through all the subsequent years until actual
judiciousness when it ruled out the inclusion of the BPI joint HER OWN BEHALF AND REPRESENTATION OF THE OTHER possession shall have been restored to the [Heirs of Nivera];
account in the estate of the decedent. HEIRS OF CATALINO NIVERA, Respondents. attorney's fees and litigation expenses in the amount of Php
21,000.00; and costs.
Equally important is the rule that the determination of whether DECISION
or not a particular matter should be resolved by the Court of SO ORDERED.6
First Instance in the exercise of its general jurisdiction or of its REYES, JR., J.: The Heirs of Lastimosa did not file an appeal against the trial
limited jurisdiction as a special court (probate, land registration, court's ruling.
etc.) is in reality not a jurisdictional question. It is in essence a The movant's claim that his/her property is exempt from
procedural question involving a mode of practice "which may be execution for being the family home is not a magic wand that Meanwhile, Felicitas Salazar (Felicitas), daughter of Romualdo,
waived."24 will freeze the court's hand and forestall the execution of a final along with Recto and Rizalina filed a Petition for Annulment of
and executory ruling. It is imperative that the claim for Judgment dated June 22, 2006 with the CA. Felicitas sought the
Such waiver introduces the exception to the general rule that exemption must be set up and proven. nullification of the RTC Branch 55's Decision dated March 16,
while the probate court exercises limited jurisdiction, it may 2004, and the corresponding Writs of Execution and Demolition
settle questions relating to ownership when the claimant and all This treats of the petition for review on certiorari1 under Rule issued pursuant thereto.7 In her Petition for Annulment of
other parties having legal interest in the property consent, 45 of the Revised Rules of Court seeking the reversal of the Judgment, Felicitas claimed that she was deprived of due
expressly or impliedly, to the submission of the question to the Decision2 dated December 62013, and Resolution3 dated process when she was not impleaded in the case for Recovery
probate court for adjudgment.25 August 7, 2014, rendered by the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA- of Ownership, before the RTC Branch 55.8
G.R. CV No. 97309, which affirmed the execution of the final
Such waiver was evident from the fact that the respondents and executory judgment issued by the Regional Trial Court, On June 5, 2008, the Former Tenth Division of the CA rendered
sought for affirmative relief before the court a quo as they Branch 55, Alaminos, Pangasinan (RTC Branch 55). a Decision,9 in CA-G.R. SP No. 95592, dismissing the Petition
claimed ownership over the funds in the joint account of their for Annulment of Judgment. The CA refused to give credence to
father to the exclusion of his co-depositor. The Antecedent Facts the contention that the Heirs of Nivera are at fault for failing to
implead Felicitas as a party defendant in the action for recovery
In this case, the Court notes that the parties submitted to the On February 28, 1990, private respondent Remedios Felias, of ownership. Rather, the failure to include Felicitas in the
jurisdiction of the intestate court in settling the issue of the representing the heirs of Catalino Nivera (Heirs of Nivera) filed a proceedings was due to the fault of the Heirs of Lastimosa, who
ownership of the joint account. While respondents filed a Complaint for Recovery of Ownership, Possession and Damages neglected to include her (Felicitas) in their Motion to Substitute.
Motion to Dismiss, which hypothetically admitted all the against the Spouses Romualdo Lastimosa (Romualdo) and The CA further ratiocinated that since the RTC acquired
allegations in Anita's petition, the same likewise sought Felisa Lastimosa (Fe1isa). The former sought to recover from jurisdiction over the person of the original defendants Romualdo
affirmative relief from the intestate court. Said affirmative relief
and Felisa, the outcome of the case is binding on all their heirs Undeterred, Felicitas filed the instant petition for review on
or any such persons claiming rights under them.10 certiorari20 under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Court seeking Concomitantly, neither may the parties object to the execution
the reversal of the assailed CA decision and resolution. by raising new issues of fact or law. The only exceptions thereto
On June 3, 2009, this Court affirmed the CA decision in the are when: "(i) the writ of execution varies the judgment; (ii)
Petition for Annulment of Judgment.11 The Court's ruling The Issue there has been a change in the situation of the parties making
became final, as per Entry of Judgment, on October 5, 2009. execution inequitable or unjust; (iii) execution is sought to be
The main issue for this Court's resolution rests on whether the enforced against property exempt from execution; (iv) it
Meanwhile, the Heirs of Lastimosa filed with the RTC Branch 55 CA erred in ordering the execution of the Decision dated March appears that the controversy has been submitted to the
an Urgent Motion to Order the Sheriff to Desist from Making 16, 2004. judgment of the court; (v) the terms of the judgment are not
Demolition dated April 24, 2010. The Motion to Desist was clear enough and there remains room for interpretation thereof;
premised on the fact that the Sheriff cannot execute the lower In seeking the reversal of the assailed decision, Felicitas claims or (vi) it appears that the writ of execution has been
court's decision considering that Felicitas had an aliquot share that the Writ of Execution and Demolition issued by the RTC improvidently issued, or that it is defective in substance, or
over the property, which had not yet been partitioned.12 Branch 55 was executed against the wrong party.21 She points issued against the wrong party, or that the judgment debt has
out that she was not impleaded in the case for recovery of been paid or otherwise satisfied, or the writ was issued without
At about the same time, the Heirs of Nivera filed a Motion for ownership and possession, and thus the decision cannot bind authority."31
Execution and Demolition dated May 28, 2010. The Motion for her.22 Felicitas argues that she was deprived of her property as
Execution was anchored on the fact that the Decision dated an heir without due process, as she was left out of the In the case at bar, there is no dispute that in as early as March
March 16, 2004, in the case for recovery of ownership, proceedings, "completely unable to protect her rights."23 In 16, 2004, the RTC Branch 55 of Alaminos, Pangasinan rendered
possession and damages had long attained finality.13 addition, Felicitas contends that the execution cannot continue a Decision in the case for Recovery of Ownership, Possession
as the Writ of Execution is being enforced against property that and Damages, ordering the Heirs of Lastimosa to vacate the
On July 9, 2010, the RTC Branch 55 issued an Order granting is exempt from execution, as what is sought to be demolished is subject properties and surrender them to the Heirs of Nivera.
the Motion for Execution and Demolition, and denying the her family home. In this regard, Article 155 of the Family Code There is no dispute that this ruling of the RTC had become final
Motion to Desist.14 The dispositive portion of the order reads: ordains that the family home shall be exempt from execution.24 and executory. Pursuant thereto, the lower court issued a Writ
After going over the allegations in both motions, the Court of Execution and Demolition.
resolves to deny the motion, to order the Sheriff to desist from On the other hand, the Heirs of Nivera counter that the petition
making demolition filed by the defendants through counsel, it for review on certiorari is nothing but a dilatory tactic employed This notwithstanding, Felicitas seeks to prevent the execution of
appearing that the grounds raised in the said motion are by Felicitas to overthrow and delay the execution of the the same order, arguing that the writ was issued against the
already mooted by the subsequent filing of the motion for judgment rendered in as early as March 16, 2004.25 The Heirs wrong party; and that the property sought to be executed is
execution and demolition filed by plaintiff through counsel. of Nivera maintain that Felicitas' claim that she was deprived of exempt from execution.
her property as an heir without due process of law has already
The motion for execution and demolition is hereby granted. been settled with finality in the Petition for Annulment of The Court is not persuaded.
Judgement, which was dismissed by the CA, and this Court.26
Accordingly, let [a] Writ of Execution and Demolition issue to Likewise, anent the claim that the subject property is exempt It must be noted at the outset that the matter of whether
satisfy judgement rendered in this case. from execution, the Heirs of Nivera aver that Felicitas failed to Felicitas was deprived of due process of law for not having been
present an iota of evidence to prove her claim. On the contrary, impleaded in the case for recovery of ownership and possession
SO ORDERED.15 Felicitas herself admitted in her pleadings that she does not has long been settled with finality.
Dissatisfied with the ruling, the Heirs of Lastimosa16 filed an reside in the subject property in Alaminos, but actually lives in
appeal before the CA, questioning the Writ of Execution and Muñoz, Nueva Ecija.27 Moreover, the subject property belonged In the decision of the CA in the case for Petition for Annulment
Demolition issued by the lower court. to the Heirs of Nivera in as early as the 1950s, thereby negating of Judgment (CA-G.R. SP No. 95592),32 the Former Tenth
Felicitas' claim that it is her family home.28 Division of the CA squarely and judiciously passed upon the
On December 6, 2013, the Fifteenth Division of the CA rendered issue of whether the. judgment of the lower court in the action
the assailed Decision17 dismissing the appeal on the following Ruling of the Court for recovery of ownership and possession was void for failure to
grounds, to wit: (i) the Heirs of Lastimosa availed of the wrong implead Felicitas. The CA held that:
remedy by filing an appeal, instead of a petition for certiorari The petition is bereft of merit. Finally, the intimation of the petitioners that private respondent
under Rule 65; (ii) the matter pertaining to the non-inclusion of is at fault for failing to implead [Felicitas] as party defendant in
Felicitas is already barred by res judicata, as it has been settled Nothing is more settled than the rule that a judgment that is this case is patently without basis. It must be recalled that the
with finality in CA-G.R. SP No. 95592, and affirmed by the final and executory is immutable and unalterable. It may no lower court acquired jurisdiction over the person of the original
Supreme Court in G.R. No. 185056; and (iii) the execution of longer be modified in any respect, except when the judgment is defendants Romualdo and Feliza Lastimosa. Hence, the
the decision rendered by the RTC Branch 55 is proper void, or to correct clerical errors or to make nunc pro tunc outcome of this case is binding on all the heirs or persons
considering that case has long attained finality. The dispositive entries. In the same vein, the decision that has attained finality claiming rights under the said defendants. When [Romualdo]
portion of the assailed CA decision reads: becomes the law of the case, regardless of any claim that it is died on March 3, 1997, the defendants filed an Urgent Motion
ACCORDINGLY, the appeal is DENIED. The assailed Order dated erroneous. Any amendment or alteration which substantially to Substitute Other Heirs of the said defendant listing the
April 6, 2011 is AFFIRMED.18 affects a final and executory judgment is null and void for lack names of the heirs to be substituted. It is therefore crystal clear
Felicitas filed a Motion for Reconsideration against the same of jurisdiction, including the entire proceedings held for that that if [Felicitas] was not impleaded in this case as party
Decision, which was denied by the CA in its Resolution19 dated purpose.29 Accordingly, the court cannot refuse to issue a writ defendant being the daughter of [Romualdo], that omission
August 7, 2014. of execution upon a final and executory judgment, or quash it, could not be attributed to the private respondent but the
or stay its implementation.30 defendants themselves.33 (Underscoring in the original)
This ruling of the CA was affirmed by this Court in the opposed to something merely possible, or that which is merely rendered by the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 97309 are
Resolution dated June 3, 2009, and attained finality as per Entry presumptive or constructive.40 AFFIRMED in toto.
of Judgment. Markedly, it is crystal clear that the issues
pertaining to Felicitas' non-inclusion in the proceedings, and the Guided by the foregoing jurisprudential tenets, it becomes all SO ORDERED.
consequent validity of the lower court's judgment have long too apparent that Felicitas cannot conveniently claim that the
attained finality. It bears reiterating that a judgment that is final subject property is her family home, sans sufficient evidence Carpio, (Chairperson), Peralta, Perlas-Bernabe, and Caguioa,
and executory cannot be altered, even by the highest court of proving her allegation. It bears emphasis that it is imperative JJ., concur.
the land. This final judgment has become the law of the case, that her claim must be backed with evidence showing that the
which is now immutable. home was indeed (i) duly constituted as a family home, (ii)
constituted jointly by the husband and wife or by an unmarried SECOND DIVISION
Additionally, as an heir of the original defendants in the action head of a family, (iii) resided in by the family (or any of the
for recovery of ownership, Felicitas is bound by the decision family home's beneficiaries), (iv) forms part of the properties of G.R. No. 226208, February 07, 2018
rendered against her predecessors-in-interest. Thus, there is the absolute community or the conjugal partnership, or of the
nothing that exempts her from the enforcement of the Writ exclusive properties of either spouse with the latter's consent, AGNES COELI BUGAOISAN, Petitioner, v. OWI GROUP MANILA
ofExecution. or property of the unmarried head of the family, and (v) has an AND MORRIS CORPORATION, Respondents.
actual value of Php 300,000.00 in urban areas, and Php
In another attempt to thwart the execution of the RTC's final 200,000.00 in rural areas. DECISION
and executory judgment, Felicitas claims that the execution
cannot proceed, as the subject property is her family home and A perusal of the petition, however, shows that aside from her REYES, JR., J.:
is therefore exempt from execution. bare allegation, Felicitas adduced no proof to substantiate her
claim that the property sought to be executed is indeed her This is a petition for review on certiorari1 pursuant to Rule 45 of
Indeed, the family home is a real right which is gratuitous, family home. the Rules of Court, as amended, seeking to partially annul,
inalienable and free from attachment, constituted over the reverse and set aside the Decision2 dated February 24, 2016
dwelling place and the land on which it is situated. It confers Interestingly, Felicitas admitted in her Motion for and Resolution3 dated August 3, 2016 of the Court of Appeals
upon a particular family the right to enjoy such properties.34 It Reconsideration dated December 23, 2013, and her Petition for (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 131670, which modified the Decision4 of
cannot be seized by creditors except in certain special cases.35 Annulment of Judgment dated June 22, 2006, that she is, and the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) dated May 31,
has always been a resident of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija.41 Similarly, 2013 and denied Agnes Coeli Bugaoisan's (petitioner) partial
However, the claim that the property is exempt from execution the address indicated in Felicitas' petition for review on motion for reconsideration, respectively.
for being the movant's family home is not a magic wand that certiorari is Muñoz, Nueva Ecija.42
will freeze the court's hand and forestall the execution of a final
and executory ruling. It must be noted that it is not sufficient Equally important, the Court takes judicial notice of the final The Facts
for the claimant to merely allege that such property is a family ruling of the RTC Branch 55 in the case for recovery of
home. Whether the claim is premised under the Old Civil Code ownership, that the subject property has belonged to the Heirs A complaint for constructive illegal dismissal and payment of
or the Family Code, the claim for exemption must be set up and of Nivera since the 1950s.43 This automatically negates salary for the unexpired portion of the employment period,
proved.36 Felicitas' claim that the property is her family home. moral and exemplary damages, and attorney's fees was filed by
the petitioner against respondents OWI Group Manila, Inc.
In fact, in Ramos, et al. v. Pangilinan, et al.,37 the Court, citing Undoubtedly, Felicitas' argument that the property subject of (OWI) and Morris Corporation (Morris) (collectively referred to
Spouses Kelley, Jr. v. Planters Products, Inc., et al.,38 laid down the writ of execution is a family home, is an unsubstantiated as the respondents) and Marlene D. Alejandrino before the
the rules relative to the levy on execution of the family home, allegation that cannot defeat the binding nature of a final and NLRC. The case was docketed as NLRC NCR OFW CASE No.
viz.: executory judgment. Thus, the Writ of Execution and (L)01-0032-12. In that case, the petitioner alleged that on May
No doubt, a family home is generally exempt from execution Demolition issued by the RTC Branch 55 must perforce be given 6, 2011 she responded to an advertisement that she saw from
provided it was duly constituted as such. There must be proof effect. OWI regarding a job opening in Australia. She sent a copy of
that the alleged family home was constituted jointly by the her resume online and was thereafter scheduled for an
husband and wife or by an unmarried head of a family. It must In fine, an effective and efficient administration of justice interview at OWI's office in Makati.5
be the house where they and their family actually reside and requires that once a judgment has become final, the winning
the lot on which it is situated. The family home must be part of party should not be deprived of the fruits of the verdict. The OWI is the agent of Morris here in the Philippines. OWI offered
the properties of the absolute community or the conjugal case at bar reveals the attempt of the losing party to thwart the petitioner full time employment after she underwent a series of
partnership, or of the exclusive properties of either spouse with execution of a final and executory judgment, rendered by. the three interviews and did a cooking demonstration. The following
the latter's consent, or on the property of the unmarried head court thirteen (13) long years ago. The Court cannot sanction were the terms and conditions of her employment:
of the family. The actual value of the family home shall not such vain and obstinate attempts to forestall the execution of a Position Chef
exceed, at the time of its constitution, the amount of P300,000 final ruling. It is high time that the case be settled with finality Employee Collective Agreement (ECA) Level Hospitality,
in urban areas and P200,000 in rural areas.39 and the ruling of the RTC Branch 55 be given full force and Stream, Level 4
In addition, residence in the family home must be actual. The effect. Work Status Fulltime
law explicitly mandates that the occupancy of the family home, Annual Salary AUS$60,000 per annum. Please refer to
either by the owner thereof, or by any of its beneficiaries must WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is clause 4.13.3 of the accompanying ECA
be actual. This occupancy must be real, or actually existing, as DENIED for lack of merit. Accordingly, the Decision dated Superannuation An additional 9% of the Annual Salary
December 6, 2013 and Resolution dated August 7, 2014,
Leave 152 hours/20 days paid annual leave & 76 hours/10 Petitioner did not heed the advice of the on-site nurse. Instead, AUS$137,500.00 - As salary for the remaining period of her 2-
days paid personal leave (sick and carers) she went back to her work. In the morning of November 14, year employment contract
Appended to the offer of full-time employment was the 2011, she was distraught when the tingling sensation and Php200,000.00 - As moral damages
petitioner's employment contract with Morris, a foreign numbness on both of her hands worsened. Consequently, she Php200,000.00 - As exemplary damages
corporation based in Australia. It was stated that her term of was again brought to the on-site nurse. Thereafter, she was Ten (10%) percent of the total monetary award as attorney's
employment was for one year. Petitioner was later medically flown to Perth, Australia for an extensive medical test.13 fees
cleared to work as chef for Morris by OWI's accredited clinic.6 Payment can be made in Australian Dollars or its equivalent in
Several physicians, including Morris' preferred physician, Philippine Peso at the time of payment.
On September 25, 2011, petitioner flew from Manila to Perth, conducted a series of medical examinations on petitioner. She
Australia. Upon arrival, she was asked to sign another offer of was diagnosed to be suffering from Bilateral CTS and was SO ORDERED.20 (Emphasis and underlining Ours)
full-time employment by Morris. It was indicated in the offer declared unfit to work for several days. Dr. Timothy Hewitt On appeal, the NLRC sustained the findings of the LA with
that her position would be of a breakfast chef and she would strongly advised her to undergo surgery.14 regard to the existence of constructive dismissal, the solidary
receive an annual salary of AUS$75,000.00. She was likewise liability of the respondents, and the award of petitioner's salary
entitled to a paid annual leave of 190 hours or 25 days.7 Petitioner filed a compensation claim with the Worker's for the unexpired portion of her two-year employment contract.
Position Chef Compensation and Injury Management (WCIM) of Australia to
Annual Salary AUS$75,000 per annum. Please refer to seek compensation for her wages while she was still unfit for Respondents filed a Motion for Reconsideration but the same
clause 4.13.3 of the accompanying ECA work or reimbursement of her medical expenses. Her was denied by the NLRC in its Resolution dated July 22, 2013.
application, however, was denied.15
xxxx Aggrieved, respondents filed with the CA a Petition for Certiorari
On December 23, 2011, Morris' representative met with under Rule 65 assailing the NLRC's decision and resolution, with
Morris Corporation Australia Pty Ltd will pay your economy class petitioner to inform her that she already exhausted her paid prayer for issuance of. Temporary Restraining Order and/or Writ
airfare to Australia and one return flight to the Philippines once annual leaves. Nevertheless, they assured her that they would of Preliminary Injunction.
your 457 visa or your right to work in Australia has expired. If not be terminating her employment. She must, however, be
your contract is terminated by either party during the first 2 declared fit for work before they would allow her to report On February 24, 2016, the CA issued its first assailed Decision
years of employment with Morris Corporation, you will be back.16 in favor of petitioner, the pertinent portion of which reads as
expected to return the full cost of the above stated travel.8 follows:
(Emphasis Ours) Although still employed, petitioner had no other means to Pursuant to the Master Employment Contract between
On October 2, 2011, petitioner was deployed to Morris' mining support her daily sustenance and the required medication for [petitioner] and [Morris], which was submitted to the Philippine
site in Randalls Kalgoorlie, Australia. She was tasked to prepare her CTS due to the fact that she would not be receiving salary Overseas Employment Agency on 10 June 2011, the term of the
breakfast buffet for Morris' 85 employees all by herself. Due to until declared fit to go back to work. She decided to tender her contract for employment was for one (1) year. Her period of
the sheer number of employees, petitioner had to work through resignation letter and left for the Philippines. Thus, she was employment started when she arrived in Perth, Australia on 25
the night in order to serve breakfast on time. It was only then repatriated and arrived in the Philippines on December 25, September 2011 and ended three (3) months later. Accordingly,
did she learn that after cooking the dishes, she was also the 2011. Respondents, commiserating with petitioner's plight, paid [petitioner] is entitled to receive total amount of AUS$56,250,
one who was tasked to wash the dishes. Overwhelmed with her for her transportation and reimbursed her expenses for her which represents her salary for the unexpired portion of her
duties and concerned for her safety when she goes to work at excess baggage and meal expenses.17 employment contract.21 (Emphasis and underlining Ours)
night, petitioner raised her concerns to the attention of Morris.9 The dispositive portion of the CA Decision dated February 24,
Respondents were later surprised to learn that petitioner filed a 2016, reads:
Morris refused to give her an assistant to aid her in her duties labor complaint against them on January 6, 2012. She averred WHEREFORE, there being no grave abuse of discretion
because the Randalls mining site is relatively small and the in her Position Paper18 that she was illegally dismissed and was amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction committed by the
tasks can be done by one chef. Nevertheless, Morris tried to not paid her salaries, overtime pay and medical expenses. NLRC, the petition is DISMISSED for lack of merit. The Decision
accommodate her by transferring her to its mining site in of the NLRC dated 31 May 2013 is hereby AFFIRMED with
Golden Grove, Geraldton, Western Australia. The mining site in In a Decision dated December 28, 2012, the Labor Arbiter (LA) MODIFICATION. [Petitioner] is awarded with the amount of
Golden Grove is bigger but petitioner worked with a team.10 ruled that the petitioner was illegally dismissed from AUS$56,250 or its current equivalent in Philippine Peso,
employment. It was found that the respondents committed representing her unpaid salaries for the unexpired portion of
On October 20, 2011, petitioner was transferred to Morris' gross misrepresentation and bad faith in inducing petitioner to her one (1) year emplovment contract. The rest of the Decision
mining site in Golden Grove, Geraldton, Western Australia. She work for them. Respondents ordered her to manually prepare a stands. A legal interest of 6% per annum of the total monetary
still performed the same task only this time she had to prepare breakfast buffet for 600 workers all by herself. According to the awards from finality of this decision until full satisfaction is
a breakfast buffet for Morris' 550 mining workers.11 LA, petitioner's CTS was caused or at least aggravated by likewise imposed.
respondents' oppressive acts. Furthermore, the tenor of her
On the evening of November 12, 2011, while preparing the resignation letter and the immediate filing of the labor The [LA] is hereby ORDERED to compute the total monetary
breakfast for the following day, petitioner felt a tingling complaint evinced that she did not voluntarily tender her benefits awarded and due the [petitioner] in accordance with
sensation followed by numbness on both of her hands. She was resignation.19 Thus, the LA disposed as follows: this decision.
referred to Morris' on-site nurse, who gave her pain reliever. WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby
She was diagnosed to be suffering from Carpal Tunnel rendered declaring the dismissal of [petitioner] as unjust and SO ORDERED.22 (Emphasis and underlining Ours)
Syndrome (CTS) and was advised to undergo an intensive illegal. As such, respondents are hereby ordered to pay, jointly Petitioner moved for partial reconsideration of the CA decision
examination for confirmation.12 and severally, [petitioner] the following sums: insofar as it :ruled that petitioner's Overseas Employment
Contract was only for one (1) year, instead of two (2) years as findings of the NLRC, ruling that no grave abuse of discretion should have raised the issue at the earliest possible opportunity
ruled by the LA and the NLRC. could be attributed to the latter when it issued its Decision or raised it as error on the part of the NLRC, thus,
dated May 31, 2013 and Resolution dated July 22, 2013. strengthening its claim of abuse of discretion committed by the
On August 3, 2016, the CA issued its assailed Resolution23 However, the appellate court modified the aforesaid decision by latter. This issue, however, remained unraised.
denying petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration, the pertinent reducing the award of unpaid salaries due the petitioner on the
portions of which read as follows: ground that the basis should be the first contract of A writ of certiorari may be issued only for the correction of
Thus, we note from the Master Employment Contract that the employment which had a duration of only one (1) year. errors of jurisdiction or grave abuse of discretion amounting to
[petitioner] signed and submitted with the Philippine Overseas lack or excess of jurisdiction. It cannot be used for any other
Employment Agency on 10 June 2011, that it was explicitly On the other hand, the NLRC decision affirmed the ruling of the purpose, as its function is limited to keeping the inferior court
states [sic] that the duration of her contract was for one (1) LA insofar as it concerned, among others, the award of within the bounds of its jurisdiction.27
year. petitioner's unpaid salaries for the unexpired portion of her
employment contract which was adjudged to be two (2) years, The supervisory jurisdiction of a court over the issuance of a
Certainly, employment contracts that were approved and viz.: writ of certiorari cannot be exercised for the purpose of
verified by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby reviewing the intrinsic correctness of a judgment of the lower
may still be substituted or altered from the time the parties rendered declaring the dismissal of [petitioner] as unjust and court - on the basis either of the law or the facts of the case, or
actually signed the same up to its expiration even without illegal. As such, respondents are hereby ordered to pay, jointly of the wisdom or legal soundness of the decision.28 Even if the
approval of the DOLE. Provided, however, that the employee and severally, [petitioner] the following sums: findings of the court are incorrect, as long as it has jurisdiction
was not prejudiced and the modifications made were in AUS$137,500.00 - As salary for the remaining period of her 2- over the case, such correction is normally beyond the province
accordance with the minimum standards, terms and conditions year employment contract of certiorari.29 Where the error is not one of jurisdiction, but an
of employment set by the POEA-SEC for contracts of error of law or fact - a mistake of judgment - appeal is the
employment of land-based workers. Php200,000.00 - As moral damages remedy.30

Here, it is not clear from the letter of offer of full time Php200,000.00 - As exemplary damages Applying this to the case at bench, the supervisory jurisdiction
employment that [petitioner's] employment contract was of the CA under Rule 65 was confined only to the determination
extended to two (2) years. All the same, the absence of Ten (10%) percent of the total monetary award as attorney's of whether or not the NLRC committed grave abuse of
[petitioner's] signature in the said letter evinced the fact that fees. discretion in deciding the issues brought before it on appeal. To
[petitioner] did not accept such offer. Settled is the rule that Payment can be made in Australian Dollars or its equivalent in recapitulate, the CA is allowed to consider the factual issues
contracts are perfected by mere consent. That is, a contract is Philippine Peso at the time of payment. only insofar as they serve as the basis of the jurisdictional error
perfected upon the meeting of the offer, which must be certain, imputed to the lower court or in this case, the NLRC.
and the absolute acceptance upon the thing and the cause SO ORDERED.26 (Emphasis and underlining Ours)
which shall constitute the contract.24 (Emphasis and The primary issue now that must be resolved is whether or not What, then, is the "question of law" that must be resolved by
underlining Ours) the CA was correct when it went beyond the issues of the case this Court in a Rule 45 petition assailing a decision of the CA on
Hence, this petition. and the assigned errors raised by respondents when it filed the a Rule 65 certiorari petition?
The Issues certiorari petition under Rule 65.
WHETHER OR NOT THE CA GRAVELY ERRED WHEN IT RULED In the case of Montoya v. Transmed Manila Corporation/Mr.
THAT PETITIONER'S EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT WITH MORRIS The Rules of Court is clear and unambiguous in this regard. A Ellena, et al.,31 the Court ruled:
WAS FOR ONLY ONE (1) YEAR AS PER ITS POEA petition for certiorari is governed by Rule 65 of the Revised In a Rule 45 review, we consider the correctness of the assailed
MASTEREMPLOYMENTCONTRACT Rules of Court, which reads: CA decision, in contrast with the review for jurisdictional error
Section 1. Petition for certiorari. - When any tribunal, board or that we undertake under Rule 65. Furthermore, Rule 45 limits
WHETHER OR NOT SAID CONTRACT WAS VALIDLY MODIFIED officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions has acted us to the review of questions of law raised against the assailed
BY MORRIS' SUBSEQUENT "OFFER OF FULLTIME without or in excess of its or his jurisdiction, or with grave CA decision. In ruling for legal correctness, we have to view the
EMPLOYMENT" FOR AT LEAST TWO (2) YEARS THUS abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of its or his CA decision in the same context that the petition for certiorari it
ENTITLING HER TO THE UNPAID SALARIES FOR THE jurisdiction, and there is no appeal, or any plain, speedy, and ruled upon was presented to it; we have to examine the CA
UNEXPIRED PORTION OF THE TWO-YEAR CONTRACT.25 adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law, a person decision from the prism of whether it correctly determined the
Ruling of the Court aggrieved thereby may file a verified petition in the proper presence or absence of grave abuse of discretion in the NLRC
court, alleging the facts with certainty and praying that decision before it, not on the basis of whether the NLRC
In a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45, only judgment be rendered annulling or modifying the proceedings decision on the merits of the case was correct. In other words,
questions of law may be raised, in contrast with jurisdictional of such tribunal, board or officer, and granting such incidental we have to be keenly .aware that the CA undertook a Rule 65
errors which are essentially the basis of Rule 65. Simply put, in reliefs as law and justice may require. review, not a review on appeal, of the NLRC decision challenged
a Rule 65, petition for certiorari filed with the CA, the latter before it. This is the approach that should be basic in a Rule 45
must limit itself to the determination of whether or not the xxxx review of a CA ruling in a labor case.32
inferior court, tribunal, board or officer exercising judicial or To eradicate confusion, what respondents filed with the CA was Similarly, the petition before the Court involves mixed questions
quasi-judicial functions acted without, in excess of or with grave a special civil action for certiorari, under Rule 65 of the Revised of law and fact. Respondents, in its Comment claim that the
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. Rules of Court. The issues raised by respondents before the present petition must be denied for the reason that only
appellate court ascribed grave abuse of discretion on the part of questions of law must be raised in a petition for review under
In resolving said questions of jurisdiction, the CA ruled in favor the NLRC in resolving the merits of the case. If respondents Rule 45. They are correct.
of petitioner and public respondent NLRC. It affirmed the wanted to question the matter regarding contract duration, it
To reiterate, the CA correctly affirmed the findings of the NLRC
in that: (1) petitioner was illegally dismissed; and (2) petitioner WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is hereby FACTUAL ANTECEDENTS
was entitled to her unpaid salaries for the unexpired portion of GRANTED. The Decision dated February 24, 2016 and
the employment contract, damages and attorney's fees. Resolution dated August 3, 2016 of the Court of Appeals in CA- G.R. No. 188666
However, it departed from the issues presented by the parties G.R. SP No. 131670 are AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION insofar
and decided by the labor tribunals when it modified the award as the award of petitioner Agnes Coeli Bugaoisan unpaid (Ejectment Case)
of unpaid salaries to petitioner notwithstanding the fact that salaries is concerned. The Decision dated May 31, 2013 of the
neither party ever raised as an issue the matter regarding National Labor Relations Commission with respect to the award On 16 November 1999, respondents filed a Complaint for
duration of petitioner's employment contract. The labor of unpaid salaries to petitioner Agnes Coeli Bugaoisan for the Ejectment with Prayer for Injunction8 against petitioners on the
tribunals ruled that the award of unpaid salaries should be the unexpired portion of her two-year contract with respondents basis of a Deed of Absolute Sale9 executed in the former's favor
amount corresponding to the unexpired portion of the OWI Group Manila, Inc. and Morris Corporation is hereby by Feliza, the registered owner of the property. Immediately
employment contract which is two (2) years. The CA, on the REINSTATED. after the sale, respondents allegedly (1) took possession of the
other hand, modified the award on the ground that the second land;10 (2) employed a relative to act as caretaker thereof;11
contract was not clear as to whether or not the original duration SO ORDERED. and (3) received the fruit of the mango trees planted
of one (1) year had been extended. Thus, applying the thereon.12
pertinent provisions of the Civil Code regarding perfection of Carpio, (Chairperson), Peralta, Perlas-Bernabe, and Caguioa,
contracts, it posits that the one (1) year period should be JJ., concur. Respondents also asserted that they benevolently allowed
applied. petitioners to take actual possession of the property after the
sale because the parties were all blood relatives.13 This
Without an iota of doubt, this is a question of fact that is peaceful arrangement continued until 3 October 1999, the day
outside the scope of a petition for review under rule 65. The CA petitioners allegedly harassed and threw stones at the
is only tasked to determine whether or not the NLRC committed FIRST DIVISION individuals hired by respondents to spray the mango trees with
grave abuse of discretion in its appreciation of factual issues chemical fruit inducers.14 This act of ingratitude supposedly
presented before it by any parties. The CA is not given December 14, 2017 prompted respondents to send petitioners a demand letter to
unbridled discretion to modify factual findings of the NLRC and vacate the property.15
LA, especially when such matters have not been assigned as G.R. No. 188666
errors nor raised in the pleadings. Because the demand to vacate went unheeded, respondents
SPOUSES JUAN and ANTONINA CANO, ROLANDO CANO and filed an ejectment complaint before the Municipal Trial Court in
With regard to the issues brought to the Court in this present JOSEPHINE "JOSIE" CANOAQUINO, Petitioners Cities (MTCC) of San Carlos City, Pangasinan.16 They prayed
petition, it bears stressing that this Court's review of a CA ruling vs. for (a) an order directing petitioners to vacate the property and
is limited to: (i) ascertaining the correctness of the CA's decision SPOUSES ARTURO and EMERENCIANA CANO, Respondents pay moral damages and attorney’s fees to the former;17 and
in finding the presence or absence of grave abuse of discretion; (b) an injunction to restrain petitioners from performing acts
and (ii) deciding any other jurisdictional error that attended the DECISION that would disturb or harass respondents or the latter's agents
CA's interpretation or application of the law.33 in violation of their right of ownership and possession over the
SERENO, CJ.: property.18
Clearly, the appellate court found no grave abuse of discretion
committed by the NLRC as enunciated in the dispositive portion These consolidated Petitions for Review involve a dispute over In an Answer with Affirmative and/or Special Defenses and
of its assailed decision, viz.: possession and ownership of a parcel of land located in the Counterclaim,19 petitioners denied the allegations in the
WHEREFORE, there being no grave abuse of discretion Barrio of Palaming, City of San Carlos, Pangasinan. Petitioners Complaint. They claimed ownership of the property on the basis
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction committed by the Juan and Antonina Cano anchor their claim upon a donation of (l) a donation propternuptias20 executed in their favor by
NLRC, the petitio11 is DISMISSED for lack of merit x x x.34 propternuptias allegedly made by Feliza1 Baun in their favor in Feliza on 30 May 1962; and (2) their continuous possession of
There being no grave abuse of discretion, the CA erred when it 1962. Respondents Arturo and Emerenciana Cano, on the other the land since they were born, or for more than 63 years at the
ruled that petitioner's employment contract with Morris was for hand, claim that they purchased the land from Feliza in 1982 time of the filing of the suit for ejectment.21 They also asserted
only one (1) year. and caused the annotation of the Deed of Absolute Sale on the that the Deed of Absolute Sale cited by respondents was a
Original Certificate of Title (OCT) No. 62276 covering the falsified instrument.22
The Court is precluded from doing an independent review of property.
this factual matter since it has already been decided by the The MTCC Ruling
labor tribunals, unless the CA, in the certiorari petition, The Petition in G.R. No. 188666 assails the Decision2 and the
ascertains that the NLRC acted with grave abuse of discretion. Resolution3 of the Fourth Division of the Court of Appeals (CA) In a Decision23 dated 21 February 2000, the MTCC dismissed
Absent such determination, factual findings of the NLRC are in CA-G.R. SP No. 104200, which affirmed the Regional Trial the Complaint for lack of merit. Citing an Ocular Inspection
deemed conclusive and binding even on this Court. Court (RTC) Resolution4 ordering petitioners to vacate the Report submitted by the sheriff who investigated the disputed
property and surrender possession thereof to respondents. property, the court noted that three semi-concrete houses
In light of the foregoing, the Court considers the findings of fact Meanwhile, the Petition in G.R. No. 190750 questions the CA owned by petitioners, as well as several mango trees, were
of the LA, as affirmed by the NLRC, final and conclusive, in the Decision5 and the Resolution,6 which affirmed the RTC standing on the land. These improvements were considered as
absence of proof that the latter acted without, in excess of or Decision7 confirming respondents' ownership of the property. evidence of laches on the part of respondents and justified the
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of The factual background and the proceedings held in each case dismissal of the Complaint:
jurisdiction. will be discussed in turn.
Plaintiffs[’] failure to raise a restraining arm to the defendants’ defendantsappellees, was in possession of the property, first as Deed of Absolute Sale.41 Assuming that she had agreed to the
introduction of several improvements on the disputed property a tenant prior to 1982 and as the owner thereof from 1982 sale, this second transaction conveyed nothing to
in a span of almost eighteen (18) years is simply contrary to onwards. respondents.42 Finally, petitioners assert that even if the
their claim of ownership. donation propternuptias is assumed to be invalid, they still have
Indeed, as provided under Section 51, 2nd paragraph, P.D. a better right over the property as they have already
Thus, the plaintiffs[’] long inaction or passivity in asserting their 1529, "the act of registration shall be the operative act to established their ownership by virtue of acquisitive
alleged rights over the disputed property will preclude them convey or affect the [l]and insofar as third parties are prescription.43
from recovering the same under the equitable principle of concerned, and in all cases under this Decree, the registration
laches. shall be made in the office of the Registrar of Deeds for the In their Comment,44 respondents deny the allegation that they
province or city where the land lies." As between the two were aware of petitioners' claim over the property at the time
xxxx transactions, the donation and the sale, respectively, concerning they purchased it.45 They also assert that after they had
the subject parcel of land in the name of Felisa Baun, plaintiffs- purchased the lot, they had the Tax Declarations transferred to
If, indeed the plaintiffs are very assertive of their claim of appellants who have registered the sale in their favor [have] a their names, and that they henceforth paid the realty taxes
ownership over the disputed property, they should have filed a preferred right over the defendants-appellees who have not thereon up to the present.46 Respondents likewise pray for the
judicial action for recovery of possession or ejectment before or registered their title.30 dismissal of the Petition for raising factual issues that have
at the time of the construction of two (2) additional houses of already been resolved by the lower courts.47
defendant Juan Cano's children, namely defendants Rolando The CA Ruling
Cano and Josie Aquino, and NOT merely paying realty taxes and During the pendency of G.R. No. 188666, a second Petition
securing Tax Declarations, only on December 22, 1999 On appeal,31 the CA upheld the RTC ruling and declared that docketed as G.R. No. 190750 was filed before this Court. As will
considering that tax receipts and tax declarations are only prima the registered transaction should prevail over the earlier be discussed, the second case involves the same property and
facie evidence of ownership and possession (Heirs of Leopoldo unregistered right:32 the same parties, but pertains specifically to the issue of
Vencilao, Sr., et al. vs. CA, April 1, 1998).24 ownership.
It is not contested that the property in question is a registered
As to the issue of ownership, the MTCC ruled in favor of land with Original Certificate of Title No. 62276. It is also G.R. No. 190750
petitioners. It upheld the validity of the donation propter uncontested that the sale in favor of respondents herein have
nuptias in view of the absence of a declaration by a proper been annotated on the title. On the other hand, the purported (Quieting of Title Case)
forum that the instrument was null and void25 and the lack of Donation PropterNuptias in favor of petitioners herein has not
evidence that Feliza was indeed incapable of signing her name been annotated in the Title of the property subject of this case. The dispute in G.R. No. 190750 stemmed from a Complaint for
on the instrument of donation.26 Quieting of Title, Declaration of Nullity of Document, Ownership
xxxx and Damages48 filed by petitioners with the RTC of San Carlos
The following circumstances were likewise deemed consistent City, Pangasinan.49 The suit was instituted while the ejectment
with the claim of ownership by petitioners: (a) their payment of annotated in the title and the donation in favor of petitioners, case in G.R. No. 188666 was pending.
realty taxes on the property; (b) the continued registration of the effective and binding transfer is that covered by the Deed of
the title to the property in the name of their mother, Feliza; and Sale.33 In the Complaint, petitioners claimed absolute ownership over
(c) the execution of the donation propter nuptiasprior to the the subject property citing the donation propternuptias
Deed of Sale.27 The CA denied the Motion for Reconsideration filed by executed in their favor,50 as well as their possession of the land
petitioners,34 prompting them to file the Petition for Review in since 1962. They further alleged that the quieting of title was
The RTC Ruling G.R. No 188666.35 necessary, because respondents were claiming ownership of the
same lot on the basis of a spurious and simulated deed of sale.
While the RTC initially affirmed the MTCC Decision and Proceedings before the Court
considered the claim of respondents barred by laches,28 it In their Sworn Answer,51 respondents sought the dismissal of
subsequently reversed its own ruling. In a Resolution dated 27 Before this Court, petitioners contend that the non-registration the Complaint on the following grounds: (1) failure to comply
May 2008,29 the RTC declared respondents as the true owners of the donation propternuptias in their favor does not make with a condition precedent, i.e., the conduct of barangay
of the property on account of the registered Deed of Absolute their claim inferior to that of respondents.36 Citing Article 749 conciliation proceedings; (2) forum shopping; (3) laches; (4)
Sale in their favor. This instrument was considered as evidence of the Civil Code, the petitioners argue that donations of prescription; and (5) failure to state a cause of action.52 They
of a preferred right as against petitioners' claim based on an immovable property are considered valid so long as these are also asserted that the signature of Feliza on the instrument of
unregistered donation propternuptias: made in a public document.37 They also claim that registration donation was spurious, considering that she did not know how
does not vest ownership over any particular property, but is to write and could only affix her thumbmark to legal documents.
The Court notes that the Deed of Absolute Sale executed in merely an evidence of title thereto.38 Moreover, registration
favor of plaintiffs-appellants over the portion pertaining to Felisa was supposedly unnecessary in this case, because respondents The RTC Ruling
Baun is registered on the title itself. This registration is proof of were "manifestly aware of the petitioners' existing interest in
their ownership over the land, the purpose of which is to quiet the property, albeit not registered,"39 as petitioners were in In a Decision53 dated 27 May 2008, the RTC declared
title to land and to put a stop forever to any question of the possession of the property at the time it was allegedly respondents the rightful owners of the property.54 While
legality of the title. Not only that, the annotation on the said purchased.40 affirming the validity of both the donation propternuptias made
title says that that portion pertaining to the share of Felisa Baun in favor of petitioners and the Deed of Absolute Sale presented
is tenanted by plaintiff-appellant[,] Arturo Cano. Clearly, Petitioners also emphasize that the donation propternuptias was by respondents, the trial court declared that the sale prevailed
plaintiff-appellant, before and at the time he was ousted by the executed by Feliza 20 years before the alleged execution of the
over the donation because of the operative fact of to present any documentary evidence to prove payment of defendants-appellees, which effected the transfer of ownership
registration.55 The RTC explained: taxes due from the property.57 of the subject parcel of land from the fonner to the latter.63

The formalities required by law having been established on the On the basis of its determination that respondents were the Petitioners sought reconsideration of the Decision, but the CA
two (2) documents (Donation Propter Nuptias for the plaintiffs rightful owners of the property, the RTC declared that they had denied the motion in its Resolution dated 14 December 2009.64
and Deed of Absolute Sale for the defendants), We now the right to possess it.58 Moreover, since petitioners were
proceed to determine which between these documents prevails staying on the property by the mere tolerance of the real Proceedings before this Court
over the other. The Court finds the right of the defendants owners, the trial court ruled that it was incumbent upon them
superior over that of the plaintiffs. to vacate the land59 and to pay respondents for actual Petitioners filed a Petition for Review before this Court65
damages caused by the dispossession.60 seeking the reversal of the above CA Decision and Resolution.
Section 51, 2nd paragraph, P.D. 1529 provides, "the act of They contend that the CA erred in declaring the donation
registration shall be the operative act to convey or affect the The CA Ruling propternuptias invalid on the ground of lack of acceptance by
land insofar as third persons are concerned and in all cases the donee. It allegedly made that declaration even if the
under this Decree, the registration shal1 be made in the office Petitioners sought the reversal of the RTC Decision, but the CA applicable provisions of the Civil Code did not impose that
of the Registrar of Deeds for the province or city where the land dismissed the appeal for lack of merit.61 The appellate court requirement.66 They assert that since the donation had been
lies. agreed with the trial court's ruling that respondents were the validly made, Feliza sold nothing to respondents in 1982, as she
rightful owners of the property, albeit on a different ground; had already divested herself of ownership over that same
It is settled in this jurisdiction that the maxim "Prior est in that is, the invalidity of the donation propternuptias executed by property in 1962.67
tempore. Potior est injure." (He who is first in time is preferred Feliza in their favor:
in right) is observed in land registration matters. As between The Comment68 filed by respondents on the Petition in G.R. No.
the two transactions, the donation and the sale, respectively, The document captioned as Donation Property Nuptias does not 190750 raises substantially the same arguments as those found
concerning the subject parcel of land in the name of Felisa show that plaintiffs-appellants, as the donees, accepted the in their Comment in G.R. No. 188666.
Baun, the defendants who have registered the sale in their subject parcel of land as a gift from the donor. Neither have the
favor have a preferred right over the plaintiffs have not plaintiffs-appellants presented any other document that would Consolidation of Cases
registered their title, even if the latter are in actual possession evidence such acceptance and notification to the donor. Hence,
of the property involved.56 it is our considered view that the ownership over the subject Considering that the two Petitions involved identical parties
parcel of land did not pass to plaintiffs-appellants by reason of litigating over the same property, the two cases were
The RTC also noted that respondents presented sufficient their failure to accept the donation as required by law. And, by consolidated by the Court in a Resolution69 dated 17 March
evidence to prove their possession of the property since 1982, necessary consequence, considering that Felisa retained the 2010. Petitioners were thereafter ordered to file a consolidated
while petitioners failed to submit proof in support of the latter's ownership over the subject parcel of land, she can validly sell reply to the Comments filed in both petitions.70
claim of ownership and occupancy: the same, as she did in 1982, in favor of defendants-
appellees.62 (Emphases omitted) In their Consolidated Reply,71 petitioners point out that the two
Moreover, as established by evidence, the house on which cases involve not only the issue of possession, but also of
plaintiffs stay was once the ancestral house of the family of The CA also emphasized that respondents were purchasers in ownership.72 Consequently, they argue that the findings of the
Felissa Baun. It was likewise the only house standing on the good faith, as there was nothing in OCT No. 62276 itself or in lower courts on possession were not controlling in this case.73
land in question until the dispute between the parties arose in the circumstances of the sale that could have warned them that They also reiterate their arguments on the validity of the
1999. The annotation on TCT no. 62276 in 1982 that defendant the property was being claimed by others: donation in their favor.74
Arturo Cano is the tenant of the subject parcel of land would
show that indeed it was defendant Arturo Cano who possessed [E]very person dealing with registered land may safely rely on ISSUES
and took care of the land prior to the said year until he the correctness of its certificate of title and the law will not
purchased the same in 1982. Defendants, after the sale[,] had oblige him to go beyond what appears on the face thereof to The consolidated Petitions present the following issues for
declared the subject property for taxation purposes in their determine the condition of the property. This rule applies to resolution:
names. Likewise, from 1982 up to 2005, defendants religiously defendants-appellees who are purchasers in good faith of the
paid the realty tax due from (sic) the subject property. Their subject parcel of land. There was nothing in TCT No. 62276 or (1) Whether the CA erred in nullifying the donation
possession however was disturbed in 1999, the year he was the circumstances surrounding the subject parcel of land that propternuptias executed by Feliza in favor of petitioners
disallowed entry by the plaintiffs. Aside from defendants' could have warned or made them suspicious that other persons because of the absence of an express acceptance by the donee
registered ownership over the parcel of land in question, the tax have a claim over the land. At the time they purchased the
declaration and annual tax payments bolster the fact of their subject parcel of land in 1982, the same remains covered by (2) Whether the CA erred in declaring that respondents are the
ownership of the subject lot. TCT No. 62276 in the name of Felisa, and her co-owners, and rightful owners of the property
the donation of the land by Felisa to plaintiffs-appellants does
Plaintiffs on the other hand failed to present evidence that not appear in said TCT. Likewise, as the trial court found based (3) Whether the CA erred in awarding the possession of the
indeed they are the legitimate owners of the subject parcel of on the evidence on record, only the ancestral house of Felisa property to reepondents
land. Except for their present possession of the subject was standing on the subject parcel of land at the time the latter
property, they and their children failed to present evidence that sold it to defendants-appellees. In view thereof, the reliance of OUR RULING
the subject land and the improvements, particularly the houses defendants-appellees on TCT No. 62276 when they purchased
standing thereon, are declared in their names. They also failed the subject parcel of land is supported by law. We also find no We DENY the Petitions.
defect in the Deed of Absolute Sale executed by Felisa and
While we disagree with certain pronouncements of the CA in longer part of the current Family Code, donations
respect of the validity of donations propternuptias, we affirm its It is settled that only laws existing at the time of the execution propternuptias made thereafter are now subject to the rules on
ultimate conclusion that respondents are the rightful owners of of a contract are applicable thereto.78 The donation ordinary donations83 including those on the formal requisites
the property and are consequently entitled to possession propternuptias in this case was executed on 30 May 1962,79 for validity. As a result, donations of immovables under the
thereof. while the provisions on such donations under the Civil Code Family Code, including those made by reason of marriage, must
were still in force and before the Family Code took effect on 3 now be expressly accepted by the donee in a public
Written acceptance and notification to August 1988.. The formal requisites for the validity of the instrument.84
the donor are not required for donation should therefore be determined in accordance with the
donations propter nuptias executed following provisions of the Civil Code: The CA correctly ruled that
under the Civil Code. respondents are the rightful owners
ARTICLE 126. Donations by reason of marriage are those which of the property.
Disposing of a preliminary matter, we clarify our position with are made before its celebration, in consideration of the same
respect to the pronouncement of the CA in G.R. No. 190750 and in favor of one or both of the future spouses. The validity of the donation propternuptias executed by Feliza in
that the donation propternuptias executed in favor of petitioners favor of petitioners, however, does not detract from our
was invalid. ARTICLE 127. These donations are governed by the rules on ultimate conclusion that respondents are the rightful owners of
ordinary donations established in Title III of Book III, except as the property. On this point, we agree with the CA that the prior
In the CA Decision affirming the RTC ruling in the action for to their form which shall be regulated by the Statute of Frauds; unregistered donation does not bind respondents, who are
quieting of title, the appellate court invalidated the donation and insofar as they are not modified by the following articles. innocent purchasers for value. Hence, it correctly declared them
propter nuptias because of petitioners' failure to comply with the rightful owners of the subject property.
the formal requirement of acceptance. The CA explained: ARTICLE 129. Express acceptance is not necessary for the
validity of these donations. The unregistered donation propter
When applied to a donation of an immovable property, the law nuptias does not bind third persons.
further requires that the donation be made in a public In Valencia v. Locquiao,80 we explained the effect of these Civil
document and that the acceptance thereof be made in the Code provisions on the formal requirements for donations Pursuant to Article 709 of the Civil Code, all rights over
same deed or in a separate public instrument; in cases where propternuptias: immovable property must be duly inscribed or annotated on the
the acceptance is made in a separate instrument, it is mandated Registry of Deeds before they can affect the rights of third
that the donor be notified thereof in an authentic form, to be Unlike ordinary donations, donations propternuptias or persons. The provision states:
noted in both instruments. The acceptance of the donation by donations by reason of marriage are those "made before its
the donee is indispensable. Where the deed of donation fails to celebration, in consideration of the same and in favor of one or Art. 709. The titles of ownership, or other rights over
show the acceptance, or where the formal notice of the both of the future spouses." The distinction is crucial because immovable property, which are not duly inscribed or annotated
acceptance, made in a separate instrument, is either not given the two classes of donations are not governed by exactly the in the Registry of Property shall not prejudice third persons.
to the donor or else not noted in the deed of donation and in same rules, especially as regards the formal essential requisites.
the separate acceptance, the donation is null and void. The same rule is enunciated in Presidential Decree No. (P.D.)
xxxx 1529, or the Property Registration Decree, specifically Sections
The document captioned as Donation Propter Nuptias does not 51 and 52 thereof, which provide:
show that plaintiffs-appellants, as the donees, accepted the Under the New Civil Code, the rules are different. Article 127
subject parcel of land as a gift from the donor. Neither have thereof provides that the form of donations propternuptias are SECTION 51. Conveyance and other dealings by registered
plaintiffs-appellants presented any other document that would [sic] regulated by the Statute of Frauds. Article 1403, paragraph owner - x x x But no deed, mortgage, lease, or other voluntary
evidence such acceptance and notification to the donor. Hence, 2, which contains the Statute of Frauds requires that the instrument, except a will purporting to convey or affect
it is our considered view that the ownership over the subject contracts mentioned thereunder need be in writing only to be registered land, shall take effect as a conveyance or bind the
parcel of land did not pass to plaintiffs-appellants by reason of enforceable. However, as provided in Article 129, express land, but shall operate only as a contract between the parties
their failure to accept the donation as required by law. And, by acceptance "is not necessary for the validity of these and as evidence of authority to the Register of Deeds to make
necessary consequence, considering that Felisa retained the donations." Thus, implied acceptance is sufficient.81 (Emphases registration.
ownership over the subject parcel of land, she can validly sell supplied)
the same, as she did in 1982, in favor of defendants- The act of registration shall be the operative act to convey or
appellees.75 (Emphases in the original) Given that this old rule governs this case, it is evident that the affect the land insofar as third persons are concerned, x x x.
CA erroneously invalidated the donation propternuptias in favor
We note that petitioners do not deny that they never accepted of petitioners. The absence of proof that the gift was accepted SECTION 52. Constructive notice upon registration. Every
the donation in their favor. They insist, though, that acceptance in a public instrument is not controlling, since implied conveyance, mortgage, lease, lien, attachment, order,
of the gift was not required, since the donation propternuptias acceptance - such as the celebration of marriage and the judgment, instrument or entry affecting registered land shall, if
was executed on 30 May 1962, or while the Civil Code was still annotation of this fact in the OCT82 - must be deemed registered, filed or entered in the office of the Register of Deeds
in effect.76 Thus, they contend that the CA erred in applying sufficient. for the province or city where the land to which it relates lies,
the ordinary rules of donation to the instrument herein,77 when be constructive notice to all persons from the time of such
the applicable provisions were in fact Articles 126 to 134 of the We must clarify that the foregoing rule applies only to donations registering, filing or entering.
Civil Code. propternuptias made prior to the Family Code (as in this case).
At the time, Article 129 of the Civil Code allowed acceptance of
We agree with petitioners on this point. those donations to be made impliedly. Since that provision is no
In Gonzales v. Court of Appeals, we explained the significance mere possession of the disputed property, was held to be purchaser in good faith, and hence does not merit the
of the foregoing provisions to unregistered donations as equivalent to registration. protection of the law.
Lamentably, in this case, Pineda did not even allege, much less In particular, the Court has consistently held that that a buyer
From the foregoing provisions, it may be inferred that as prove, that Arcalas had actual knowledge of her claim of of a piece of land that is in the actual possession of persons
between the parties to a donation of an i1nmovabk property, all ownership and possession of the property at the time the levy other than the seller must be wary and should investigate the
that is required is for said donation to be contained in a public was registered. The records fail to show that Arcalas knew of rights of those in possession. Without such inquiry, the buyer
document. Registration is not necessary for it to be considered Pineda's claim of ownership and possession prior to Pineda’s can hardly be regarded as a buyer in good faith.95
valid and effective. However, in order to bind third persons, the filing of her third party claim before the Quezon City RTC.
donation must be registered in the Registry of Property (now Hence, the mere possession of the subject property by Pineda, Here, petitioners maintain that they had prior physical
Registry of Land Titles and Deeds). Although the non- absent any proof that Arcalas had knowledge of her possession possession of the land, and that they built permanent structures
registration of a deed of donation shall not affect its validity, the and adverse claim of ownership of the subject property, cannot thereon even before respondents' acquisition of the property
necessity of registration comes into play when the rights of be considered as equivalent to registration.90 from Feliza. Citing the findings of the MTC during the ocular
third persons are affected, as in the case at bar. inspection conducted in G.R. No. 188666, petitioners argue that
In the absence of proof that respondents participated in the the permanent structures and the trees found on the disputed f
xxxx transaction, or had knowledge of petitioners' interest over the property prove their possession thereof over a considerable
land at the time the property was purchased in 1982, this Court period of time.96 They insist that respondents cannot feign
It is undisputed in this case that the donation executed by must rule that they are not bound by the unregistered ignorance of these facts; hence, the latter cannot claim to be
Ignacio Gonzales in favor of his grandchildren, although in donation.91 Hence, the conveyance had no effect as to innocent purchasers for value.97
writing and duly notarized, has not been registered in respondents.
accordance with law. For this reason, it shall not be binding We are not persuaded.
upon private respondents who did not participate in said deed Respondents are innocent
or had no actual knowledge thereof. Hence, while the deed of purchasers for value. The Court notes that petitioners have failed to sufficiently
donation is valid between the donor and the donees, such deed, establish their assertion. Notably, the RTC in both the cases for
however, did not bind the tenants-farmers who were not parties The acquisition of the property by respondents must likewise be ejectment and quieting of title declared that it was respondent
to the donation. As previously enunciated by this Court, non- respected because they were innocent purchasers for value. Arturo Cano who was in possession of the property as a tenant
registration of a deed of donation does not bind other parties They had every right to rely on OCT No. 62276 insofar as it prior to and at the time of the sale in 1982, based on the
ignorant of a previous transaction (Sales vs. Court of Appeals, indicated that (1) one-fourth of the property was owned by annotation on the title to the property (OCT No. 62276).
211 SCRA 858 [1992)).86 (Emphases supplied) Feliza; and (2) the land was subject only to the encumbrances
annotated on the title, which did not include the donation In its Decision dated 27 May 2008, the RTC in G.R. No. 190750
In this case, petitioners do not deny that the donation propternuptias in favor of petitioners. dismissed the case filed by petitioners for quieting of title on the
propternuptias was never registered. Applying the rule laid basis of the following findings of fact:
down in Gonzales, the conveyance of the property in their favor Our ruling is rooted in the general principle that persons dealing
is not considered binding on third persons, who had no with registered land have the right to completely rely on the x x x The annotation on TCT no. 62276 in 1982 that defendant
participation in the deed or any actual knowledge thereof.87 Torrens title issued over the property.92 Buyers are not Arturo Cano is the tenant of the subject parcel of land would
The Court is convinced that respondents fall within the scope of required to go beyond what the certificate of title indicates on show that indeed it was defendant Arturo Cano who possessed
this rule. its face,93 provided the acquisition of the land is made in good and took care of the land prim· to the said year until he
faith, that is, without notice that some other person has a right purchased the same in 1982.
The records of both the cases for ejectment and the quieting of to, or interest in, the property.
title are bereft of evidence of respondents' participation in or Defendants, after the sale[,] had declared the subject property
actual knowledge of the deed. In fact, petitioners never made Nevertheless, the protection granted by law to innocent for taxation purposes in their names. Likewise, from 1982 up to
that assertion in any of their submissions before the courts. purchasers for value is not absolute. In Lausa v. Quilaton,94 the 2005, defendants religiously paid the realty tax due from (sic)
Instead, they focused on their claim that respondents were Court explained: the subject property. Their possession however was disturbed
aware of the former’s possession of the property.88 in 1999, the year he was disallowed entry by the plaintiffs.
Jurisprudence has established exceptions to the protection Aside from defendants' registered ownership over the parcel of
We emphasize, however, that in order for prior unregistered granted to an innocent purchaser for value, such as when the land in question, the tax declaration and annual tax payments
interest to affect third persons despite the absence of purchaser has actual knowledge of facts and circumstances that bolster the fact of their ownership of the subject lot.
registration, the law requires actual knowledge of that interest. would compel a reasonably cautious man to inquire into the
Nothing less would suffice. As we explained in Pineda v. status of the lot; or of a defect or the lack of title in his vendor; xxxx
Arcalas,89 mere possession of the property is not enough: or of sufficient facts to induce a reasonably prudent man to
inquire into the status of the title of the property in litigation. x x x The Court further notes that prior to defendants' purchase
True, that notwithstanding the preference given to a registered of the land, they were the ones tilling the subject land as
lien, this Court has made an exception in a case where a party The presence of anything that excites or arouses suspicion tenants.1âwphi1 Clearly, therefore, prior to 1982 and
has actual knowledge of the claimant’s actual, open, and should then prompt the vendee to look beyond the certificate thereafter, defendants were in possession of the subject land as
notorious possession of the disputed property at the time the and investigate the title of the vendor appearing on the face of tenants and thereafter as registered owners. Their possession,
levy or attachment was registered. In such situations, the actual the certificate. One who falls within the exception can neither however, was disturbed in 1999 when plaintiffs, who as
notice and knowledge of a prior unregistered interest, not the be denominated as innocent purchaser for value nor a established are staying on the subject lot upon the tolerance of
the defendants were disallowed entry by the former.98 It must be emphasized that the Petitions before us were filed respondents, it is evident that petitioners must now vacate the
(Emphasis supplied) under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. As such, our mandate is land.
limited to only a review of errors of law.102 It is not our place
On the other hand, the RTC in G.R. No. 188666 ordered the to analyze the factual findings of the lower courts and weigh Accordingly, we rule that the CA committed no reversible error
ejectment of petitioners from the property, upon a finding that the evidence all over again. 103 At most, our inquiry should in declaring respondents as the rightful owners of the land in
respondents had been in continuous possession of the land only pertain to whether these findings are sufficiently supported the action for the quieting of title; and in ordering petitioners to
even prior to their purchase thereof in 1982: by evidence. vacate the property in the ejectment case.

Not only that, theannotation on the said title says that that In this case, the determinations made by the CA and the RTC as As a final point, the Court is aware that our ruling will affect the
portion pertaining to the appellant, before and at the time he to the party in possession of the property, and the structures structures currently standing on the property, which petitioners
was ousted by the defendants-appellees, was in possession of standing on the land at a specific point of time, are entitled to claim to own. Our decision may then engender certain issues of
the property, first as a tenant prior to 1982 and as the owner deference. These factual determinations are supported by the accession, particularly the right to reimbursement of expenses
thereof from 1982 onwards. annotation on OCT No. 62276, the tax declarations submitted and payment of damages. Unfortunately, these matters were
by petitioners and other pieces of evidence that show that only not raised by any of the parties before this Court or any of the
xxxx the ancestral house of the seller was standing on the land. lower courts. The dearth of evidence on this point likewise
prevents us from making any pronouncement on the matter.
x x x Likewise, from 1982 up to 2005, plaintiffs-appellants Considering that the factual findings of the lower courts are These questions must perforce be dealt with in another
religiously paid the realty tax due from the subject property. consistent with the evidence on record, we affirm their proceeding.
The plaintiffs-appellants have explained on the observation of conclusion that respondents are innocent purchasers for value
this Court that prior to the purchase plaintiffs-appellants were who had no reason to investigate further or to go beyond what WHEREFORE, the Petitions are DENIED. The Court of Appeals
already in possession at that time, being the tenants thereof. was stated in the OCT. Having acquired the land in good faith, Decision and Resolution dated 29 April 2009 and 3 July 2009,
Their possession however was disturbed in October 3, 1999, the respondents' claim of ownership must be upheld. respectively, in CA-G.R. SP No. 104200, and the Decision and
day plaintiff-appellant Arturo was disallowed entry by the Resolution dated 30 September 2009 and 14 December 2009,
defendants-appellees. Aside from plaintiffs-appellants' Acquisitive prescription does respectively, in CA-G.R. CV No. 91587 are hereby AFFIRMED.
registered ownership over the parcel of land in question, the tax not apply to registered land.
declaration and tax payments bolster the fact of their ownership SO ORDERED.
of the subject lot.99 (Emphases supplied) The assertion of petitioners that they acquired ownership of the
property by virtue of their open, continuous, adverse and MARIA LOURDES P.A. SERENO
In their petition, petitioners allude to three semi-concrete exclusive possession thereof for more than 60 years104 is Chief Justice
houses and several trees currently standing on the land as likewise untenable.
evidence of their possession thereof. However, they have failed
to prove that these structures were already in place at the time As early as 1902, when Act No. 496 created the Torrens system FIRST DIVISION
of the sale in 1982. In fact, the RTC and the CA in the case for of registration, the law already declared that registered land
quieting of title declared that the only house standing on the cannot be acquired by prescription or adverse possession.105 December 14, 2017
property was the ancestral house of the seller, Feliza, when the This principle is currently found in Section 47 of P.D. 1529:
Deed of Sale was executed. The RTC declared: G.R. No. 214805
Section 47. Registered land not subject to prescriptions. No title
Moreover, as established by evidence. the house on which to registered land in derogation to that of the registered owner MARIANITO PADILLA and ALFREDO JAVALUYAS, Petitioners
plaintiffs stay was once the ancestral house of the family of shall be acquired by prescription or adverse possession. vs.
Felissa Baun. It was likewise the only house standing on the UNIVERSAL ROBINA CORPORATION, represented by its Senior
land in question until the dispute between the parties arose in Respondents are entitled to Vice President, JOHNSON ROBERT GO, Respondents
1999.100 x x x. (Emphasis supplied) possession of the property.
This finding was affirmed by the CA in its Decision dated 30 In view of our ruling in favor of respondents on the issue of
September 2009: ownership, we likewise conclude that they are entitled to DEL CASTILLO, J.:
possession of the land in question. They have the right to enjoy
At the time they purchased the subject parcel of land in 1982, and dispose of it without limitations other than those imposed This Petition for Review on Certiorari1 assails the April 22, 2014
the same remains covered by TCT No. 62276 in the name of by law.106 Decision2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R CV No. 93260
Felisa, and her co-owners, and the donation of the land by reversing and setting aside the December 13, 2008 Decision3 of
Felisa to plaintiffs-appellants does not appear in said TCT. Our ruling on ownership also renders immaterial the issue of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Gapan City, Branch 36, in Civil
Likewise, as the trial court found based on the evidence on tolerance raised by petitioners. Since their supposed title over Case No. 1495 for damages and injunction with preliminary
record, only the ancestral house of Felisa was standing on the the land - based on the donation propter nuptias and on their injunction. TI1e trial court declared the obligations of
subject parcel of land at the time the latter sold it to claim of acquisitive prescription - has been defeated by the petitioners Marianito Padilla (Padilla) and Alfredo Javaluyas
defendants-appellees. 101 (Emphasis supplied) registered Deed of Absolute Sale, petitioners clearly have no (Javaluyas) to respondent Universal Robina Corporation (URC)
right to remain on the property. Regardless of whether or not extinguished, ordered the release of the real estate mortgages
We find no reason to overturn the foregoing factual findings. their prior possession of the property had been tolerated by executed by petitioners in favor of URC, and made permanent
the Writ of Preliminary Injunction enjoining the extrajudicial 3. The obligation of the MORTGAGOR and/or PRINCIPAL in case to issue the Notices of Auction Sale10 for lack of a notarial
foreclosure of petitioners' mortgaged properties. of their default shall earn an interest at the rate of 16% per commission.
annum until fully paid.
Factual Antecedents In its Answer Ad Cautela, 11 URC alleged that complainants had
4. The parties agree and stipulate that ownership in the thing no cause of action; that the terms and conditions of its
This case stemmed from a Complaint4 for Damages filed by purchase[d] will not be transferred to the MORTGAGOR and/or agreement with complainants were clearly indicated in the
several poultry Farmers, namely Eduardo Pineda,Simplicio Ortiz PRINClPAL until they have fully paid the price. CCAREMs duly signed by them; that it was compelled, under the
Luis, Jose Bantigue, Azucena Vergara, Eduardo Guingon and CCAREM, to foreclose extrajudicially the properties mortgaged
herein petitioners (complainants) against URC on May 26, 1995, 5. In case the thing purchased should be lost, damaged or when complainants defaulted in their payment; that it never
before the RTC of Gapan City, Branch 36. destroyed without the fault of the COMP ANY-MORTGAGEE, or ordered the condemnation of the defective chickens; that the
by reason of fortuitous events or force majeure - like death of cause of the chicks' stunted growth was complainants' lack of
The facts, as culled from the records of the case, are as follows: day-old chicks or chickens by reason of any sickness, disease, care in the growing of the chicks; and that it supplied the
"peste or NCD," theft, robbery, typhoon, fire, flood and others - complainants with feeds of good quality. In its Amended
For various years, URC, a corporation engaged in the the risk of loss shall be borne by the MORTGAGOR and/or Answer,12 URC further claimed that the venue of complainants'
manufacture and sale of various agro-industrial products, PRINCIPAL and their liability to pay their obligation to case was improperly laid.
sold/supplied on credit day-old chicks and poultry feeds to COMPANY-MORTGAGEE is not extinguished. The MORTGAGOR
complainants who, in turn, provided the labor, poultry houses, and/or PRINCIPAL are still obligated to pay the day-old chicks, On July 14, 1995, the RTC issued an Order13 restraining URC
electricity and water facilities to care and grow these chicks poultry feeds and other products purchased from the from selling the real properties of complainants. After the
until they are ready for harvest after 50 days, more or less. URC COMPANY-MORTGAGEE. hearing on the prayer for preliminary injunction, the RTC, in its
had the option of buying from complainants the full-grown Order dated January 18, 1998,14 issued a Writ of Preliminary
broiler chickens that met the target harvest weight at an agreed x x x x6 Injunction prohibiting the extrajudicial foreclosure of
price per kilo. Liquidation was made within 15 days after the complainants' real properties mortgaged under the CCAREMs
harvest by setting off the price of the full grown broiler chickens The business relationship between URC and complainants upon complainants' filing of an injunction bond. A motion for
with the amount of purchases made by complainants on credit. continued for years and the CCAREMS were renewed yearly. reconsideration was filed by URC questioning the legal basis of
Thus, if the purchases on credit were greater than the value of However, sometime in the year 1993, complainants informed the Writ of Preliminary Injunction, but was, however, denied by
the chickens harvested, complainants paid the balance to URC, URC of the stunting or slow growth and high mortality rate of the RTC in an Order dated October 7, 1998.15 Both the January
but if it were otherwise, complainants received their respective the chickens. They claimed that URC supplied them with low 18, 1998 and October 7, 1998 Orders of the RTC were affirmed
paybacks or earnings. quality feeds with high aflatoxin content and class B or junior by the CA upon appeal by URC, which became final on July 27,
day-old chicks. Meanwhile, the stunted chickens that failed to 2001.16
Documents entitled Continuing Credit Accommodation with Real meet the standard target weight for harvest were rejected by
Estate Mortgage (CCAREM)5 were executed by the parties URC and were condemned (beheaded). As a result, Meanwhile, complainants, except petitioners, withdrew their
whereby URC agreed to extend a continuous credit complainants incurred outstanding obligations. URC made complaints and opted to settle their respective outstanding
accommodation in favor of each complainant, for the latter's several demands for complainants to settle their unpaid obligations with URC under the CCAREMs. They recanted their
purchases of day-old chicks, poultry feeds, and other obligations under the CCAREMs,7 but they refused to pay. previous allegation that the stunting growth of the chicks was
agricultural products from the former, while each complainant Hence, on June 25, 1995, URC filed an application for extra due to URC's fault and instead attributed the same to local
put up a real estate mortgage. The relevant terms and judicial foreclosure of the real estate mortgages on pestilence and oversight on their part in the care of the
conditions of the CCAREM are as follows: complainants' respective properties under the CCAREMs. chicks.17 Petitioners, on the other hand, insisted on URC's fault,
hence, trial proceeded only with respect to them.
xxxx Proceedings before the Regional Trial Court
During the hearing, petitioners testified that they were contract
I. AS TO CREDIT ACCOMMODATION - On May 26, 1995, complainants filed a Complaint8 for damages, growers of URC by virtue of CCAREMs signed by them;18 that
docketed as Civil Case No. 1495, with the RTC of Gapan City, as per their agreement with URC, they would take care and
1. It is agreed upon by the parties that all purchases will be Branch 36, against URC. The complainants claimed that they grow the chicks supplied by URC for more or less forty-five (45)
paid not later than sixty (60) days from the date of every incurred losses and sustained damages from the stunting/slow to fifty (50) days;19 that sometime in May 1993, they noticed
purchase. Any purchase not paid or settled within the said growth of the chickens as a result of the low quality feeds with that the chicks, which they described as "small and runts" and
period will automatically make all subsequent purchases due high aflatoxin content and class B or junior day-old chicks "maliit at bansot," were not growing normally;20 that they
and payable even before their due dates. supplied by URC in evident bad faith. Since the stunting and reported the matter to URC which prompted the latter to send a
eventual condemnation/death of the chickens was due to URC's representative who later told them that the cause of the
2. The MORTGAGOR and/or PRINCIPAL will be considered in fault, complainants claimed that their obligation to pay URC was stunting growth of the chickens was the purported defective
default if they fail to pay their obligation upon maturity with or extinguished. Complainants thereafter filed an Amended feeds supplied by URC;21 and that URC decided to
without demand and it is agreed that a certified statement by Complaint9 to include, as a nominal party defendant, Notary condemn/discard those chickens that did not satisfy the
the COMP ANYMORTGAGEE, as to the amount due from the Public Olivia V. Jacoba (Notary Public Jacoba), and, as standard target weight for harvest.22 Petitioners added that
MORTGAGOR and/or PRINCIPAL will be accepted by the latter additional cause of action, the issuance of an ex-parte since the slow growth of the chicks was caused by URC's fault,
as conclusive evidence of their obligation. restraining order and a preliminary injunction prohibiting Notary their obligation was extinguished.23
Public Jacoba from selling their real properties at the scheduled
public auction for the extrajudicial foreclosure of the real estate URC, on the other hand, presented as witness William Lim (Lim)
mortgages, claiming that Notary Public Jacoba had no authority who testified that he was the National Sales Manager of URC,
and as such, was responsible for the monitoring of sales The CA struck down for being improper the foreclosure sale
activities and delivery of chicks and poultry feeds to the [3] to pay the cost of suit. made at the instance of Notary Public Jacoba who lacked the
company's customers.24 He testified that URC entered into necessary notarial commission. However, in recognizing URC's
continuing credit accommodation contracts with complainants, SO ORDERED.35 right to avail of the remedy of foreclosure as provided under the
by virtue of CCAREMs,25 wherein URC, under a buy back CCAREM, the CA lifted the permanent injunction issued by the
arrangement, would sell on credit chicks to complainants, who, In declaring petitioners' contractual obligation with URC as trial court to allow URC to initiate other foreclosure proceedings
in turn, would grow the chicks according to their own extinguished, the trial court found the CCAREMs as against the mortgaged properties of petitioners.
management without URC' s intervention. URC would thereafter unconscionable and against public policy for being a contract of
offer to buy back the full-grown broiler chickens at an agreed adhesion which contained terms that were heavily weighed in The CA further denied URC's claim for exemplary damages since
price.26 In 1993, URC was compelled to investigate several favor of URC. It held that what the parties entered into was there was no showing that petitioners exhibited bad faith in
complaints regarding the slow growth of the chickens, which actually a growing agreement whereby petitioners, as contract dealing with URC.
investigation revealed that the cause of the stunted growth was growers, took care and grew the broiler chicks supplied by URC
some viral infection causing respiratory problems among the which retained ownership of the chicks. The delivery of the The dispositive portion of the Decision reads:
chickens and not due to defective feeds as falsely alleged by chicks to petitioners did not transfer its ownership to them nor
complainants.27 Lim denied that the feeds supplied by URC make the relationship of the parties one of a buy back WHEREFORE, the Appeal is GRANTED. The Decision dated 13
were defective since it passed quality control28 or that URC arrangement considering that the contract growers had no right December 2008 of Branch 36, Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
ordered the condemnation of the chickens, explaining that only to sell the broiler chickens to others except to URC and that Gapan City is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
complainants, as owner thereof, can dispose of the same.29 URC controlled the operation and growing of the chicks by
Since URC only harvested those chickens that met the standard exclusively supplying poultry feeds and agricultural products, as ACCORDINGLY, this Court hereby:
weight and since the value of the full grown ones was not well as by giving orders of condemnation. As the owner of the
enough to pay for the amount of chicks and poultry feeds broiler chicks/chickens, URC should bear the loss. At the same 1. DECLARES plaintiff-appellee Marianito Padilla liable to pay
purchased from URC, complainants incurred outstanding time, the trial court found petitioners not guilty of negligence in defendant-appellant Universal Robina Corporation the following
obligations prompting URC to initiate foreclosure proceedings the care of the chicks as to hold them liable for the loss. Since amounts: (a) ₱368,009.10 as principal; (b) ₱213,844.97 as
when complainants refused to pay on demand.30 neither of the parties was shown to be at fault by interest; and (c) ₱l45,463.52 as attorney's fee;
preponderance of evidence, the RTC held that each had to bear
Checker, Live Broiler Chicken Checker, and Materials their respective losses and accordingly was not entitled to 2. DECLARES plaintiff-appellee Alfredo Javaluyas liable to pay
Coordinator.31 According to Del Pilar, he attended a meeting damages against each other. defendant-appellant Universal Robina Corporation the following
called by the management of URC wherein it was discussed that amounts: a) ₱272,069.26 in principal; (b) ₱213,844.9737 as
the cause of the stunted growth was the poultry feeds supplied Proceedings before the Court of Appeals interest; and (c) ₱l45,463.5238 as attorney's fee;
by URC. During that meeting, URC also ordered the
condemnation of the stunted chickens.32 On cross-examination, URC appealed to the CA, assailing the trial court ruling that it 3. LIFTS the Permanent Injunction issued by Branch 36,
he stated that he was ordered by Lim to witness the entered into a growing agreement with petitioners; that it Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Gapan City on the Foreclosure of
condemnation and in the process, prepared/issued the retained ownership of the broiler chickens; that the CCAREMs plaintiffs-appellees' Real Estate Mortgage. However, the
corresponding condemnation reports.33 were unconscionable and against public policy; and that the foreclosure sale of TCT Nos, NT-186419, P-108280, and NT-
obligations of petitioners were extinguished. It also claimed that 191940; and TCT No. 196756 made with the participation of
On December 13, 2008, the trial court rendered a Decision,34 the trial court erred in ordering the release of the real estate Notary Public Olivia-Velasco Jacoba is declared VOID and of NO
the dispositive portion of which reads: mortgages executed by petitioners; in making permanent the EFFECT;
writ of injunction; and in ordering it to pay attorney's fees and
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is rendered: the cost of suit. 4. DENIES defendant-appellant's claim for exemplary damages
for lack of merit.
a) declaring the obligations of Alfredo Javaluyas and Marianito On April 22, 2014, the CA rendered a Decision36 granting URC's
Padilla to Universal Robina Corporation under the latter's appeal. The CA held that petitioners' acquiescence to the terms SO ORDERED.39
statements of account both dated 03 January 1997, in the and provisions of the CCAREMs made it a binding agreement
amount of Php624,872.04 and Php727,317.59 respectively, between the parties that should govern and delineate their Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration40 of the CA
extinguished; respective rights and obligations. Under the CCAREM, URC shall Decision, arguing that they have proven by preponderance of
only be accountable if the loss, damage, or destruction of the evidence that the cause of the stunted growth of the broiler
b) making the Writ of Preliminary Injunction, enjoining the URC subject livestock was due to its fault, which, in this case, was chickens was the low-quality poultry feeds supplied by URC.
to desist from foreclosing extrajudicially the properties not proven. In ruling in favor of URC, the CA held that there They averred that Del Pilar's testimony as regards the admission
mortgaged by Alfredo Javaluyas and Marianito Padilla was no credible evidence, except mere self-serving claims, that by URC of its fault in supplying defective feeds, as well as the
permanent; URC supplied contaminated poultry feeds which affected the failure of respondent URC's lone witness to deny this admission,
growth of the broiler chicks. No veterinarians or nutritionists were enough evidence to prove their cause. This motion for
c) ordering defendant Universal Robina Corporation: were presented to prove petitioners' claims. The CA therefore reconsideration was, however, denied by the CA in its
ruled that petitioners should bear the loss of the broiler Resolution41 of September 17, 2014.
1) to release the real estate mortgages executed by Alfredo chickens and are liable to pay URC their outstanding obligations
Javaluyas and Marianito Padilla in its favor; plus interest and attorney's fees in accordance with the Issue
provisions of the CCAREM.
2) to pay the sum of Php50,000.00 as attorney's fee; and Hence, this present Petition on the sole ground that:
It bears stressing that both the RTC and the CA found no Court:
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED WHEN IT RULED evidence of fault or negligence on the part of URC. The CA
THAT THE LOSS, DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION OF THE SUBJECT affirmed the finding of the trial court that there was no basis to Where is your proof?
LIVESTOCKS WAS NOT DUE TO URC'S F AULT.42 the allegation that the stunted growth of the broiler chickens
was caused by the purported low-quality poultry feeds supplied A I saw it personally, sir.51
Petitioners aver that the testimony of Del Pilar, a disinterested by URC. Suffice it to say that factual findings of the trial court,
witness, on what actually transpired during a meeting when adopted by the CA, are binding and conclusive on this In light of the ruling in Nutrimix, it is incumbent on petitioners
conducted by URC when the latter, through Lim, admitted that Court.45 Besides, this Court has already ruled that the finding to establish the liability of URC on the basis of breach of implied
the stunted growth of the broiler chicks was due to the poultry of negligence is a question of fact which it cannot look into as warranty. No evidence, however, was adduced. They even
feeds it supplied, should be given weight and credence. Not the Court is not a trier of facts.46 failed to dispute Lim's testimony that the feeds passed quality
having been denied by Lim when he was presented as witness, control and of the possibility that other ingredients from other
this positive testimony and admission deserves great weight to In any event, the Court finds no compelling reason to deviate sources were mixed to the feeds. As correctly observed by the
establish the fault or negligence of URC. Hence, their obligation from the finding of the lower courts inasmuch as it is supported CA, there was nothing in the records, except self-serving claims,
was already extinguished due to URC's admission of fault. by the evidence and records of the case. It was held, in the which proves that URC delivered low-quality feeds tainted with
case of Nutrimix Feeds Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 47 that high aflatoxin and other harmful components. There were no
Our Ruling the manufacturer or seller of animal feeds cannot be held liable veterinarians/nutritionists or any other credible evidence
for any damage allegedly caused by the product in the absence presented by petitioners to confirm that the poultry feeds
The Petition is unmeritorious. of proof that the product was defective. The defect of the supplied by URC were contaminated or affected the growth of
product requires evidence that there was no tampering with, or the broiler chicks. The documentary evidence proffered by
At the outset, it must be stated that the CCAREMs executed and changing of the animal feeds.48 The Court explained that "[i]n petitioners, to wit: 1) Notices of Auction Sale52 of the
signed by the parties govern their rights and obligations the sale of animal feeds, there is an implied warranty that it is properties mortgaged under the CCAREMs, 2) Certifications53 of
considering that the validity of its provisions was not assailed by reasonably fit and suitable to be used for the purpose which the Clerks of Court of RTC Gapan and Cabanatuan City stating
petitioners. both parties contemplated."49 that Notary Public Jacoba had no notarial commission, and 3)
Condemnation Mortality Rate Reports54 showing the number of
The threshold issue is whether or not there is sufficient In this case, URC maintains that it is unlikely that it supplied its disposed/condemned broiler chickens, do not prove any liability
evidence to establish URC's fault or negligence for the customers with defective poultry feeds because if it were, it on URC of its alleged supply of defective feeds.
defective/stunted growth of the broiler chickens as would would not have passed quality control.50 Further, there is
extinguish petitioners' obligation under the CCAREM. Paragraph evidence showing the possibility of tampering with the poultry Petitioners, however, insist that the cause of the stunted growth
5 of the CCAREM provides that: feeds in the hands of the poultry farmers. On cross- of the broiler chicks was the defective poultry feeds supplied by
examination, Lim testified in this manner: URC, and that URC caused the condemnation of the chickens,
In case the thing purchased should be lost, damaged or based on the alleged admission made by Lim during a meeting
destroyed without the fault of the COMP ANY-MORTGAGEE, or Court: called by the URC management. In addition, they aver that Lim
by reason of fortuitous events or force majeure - like death of never denied this purported admission when he was presented
day-old chicks or chickens by reason of any sickness, disease, Q. So, there was no instance where the growers ever bought in court.
"peste or NCD," theft, robbery, typhoon, fire, flood and others - feeds from other sources?
the risk of loss shall be borne by the MORTGAGOR and/or The Court is not persuaded.
PRINCIPAL and their liability to pay their obligation to COMP A. There [were] instances [when] they bought other ingredients
ANY-MORTGAGEE is not extinguished. The MORTGAGOR and/or from other source[ s ], sir. For one, nowhere in the testimonies of Del Pilar was it
PRINCIPAL are still obligated to pay the day-old chicks, poultry categorically stated that Lim admitted that URC delivered
feeds and other products purchased from the COMPANY- Q. I am asking you feeds not ingredients. defective feeds. While he testified that it was Lim who ordered
MORTGAGEE.43 the condemnation of the stunted chickens,55 it was the Satellite
A. It is added to the feeds, sir, so it becomes part of the feeds. Farm Manager of URC's Satellite Poultry Farm (not Lim) who
Based on the foregoing, URC is accountable only if the loss, discussed the problems regarding the feeds. The testimony of
damage, or destruction of the broiler chickens was due to its Court: Del Pilar is summarized as follows:
fault, otherwise, petitioners should bear the loss and their
obligation to pay the day-old chicks and poultry feeds In this case, did you find [that] the plaintiff added ingredients Court:
purchased from URC is not extinguished. to the feeds?
Q As a Live Broiler Checker for a long time, do you know what
"[I]t is basic rule in civil cases that the party making the A There [were] instances, sir. could have caused this stunted growing of the chickens of these
allegations has the burden of proving them by a preponderance Contract Growers?
of evidence.1âwphi1 The parties must rely on the strength of Court:
their own evidence and not upon the weakness of the defense A What was discussed in the Office is regarding the feeds, sir.
offered by their opponent."44 The Court finds that petitioners Did you personally see that they mix[ ed] or add[ ed] some
failed to prove by preponderance of evidence their claims ingredients to the feeds that you suppl[ied]? Q Who discussed the problem regarding the feeds?
against URC as to extinguish their obligation under the contract.
A Yes, sir. A The Satellite Farm Manager, sir. And [the feeds] was the
subject matter, the Satellite Manager of [Universal Robina
Corporation] [who] also [had] a poultry, and when they used Q How did you confirm it, Mr. witness? DECISION
other brand of feeds[,] the chicken [grew], sir.
A I talked with the farm manager, sir. They used other feeds for DEL CASTILLO, J.:
Q What are these Satellites? the chicken and the chickens grew well, sir.
Assailed in this Petition for Review on Certiorari1 are the August
A [Universal Robina Corporation] rented empty poultry and they Q So, in other words, Mr. witness, you were not able to witness 13, 2009 Decision2 and February 22, 2012 Resolution3 of the
put their chickens there, sir. this because it was only told to you? Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 02296, which affirmed
with modification the March 19, 2007 Decision4 of the Regional
Q In other words, this Satellite Poultry [was] practically A Yes, sir. Trial Court (RTC) of Barotac Viejo, Iloilo, Branch 66, in LRC
managed by Universal Robina Corporation? Case No. 02-195.
Q In other words, Mr. witness, since you were not able to see
A Yes, sir. the chickens, you were not able to confirm it? Factual Antecedents

Q And this Satellite Poultry [also] suffered stunted growing of A Yes, sir.57 On February 2, 2002, Tomas R. Leonidas (herein petitioner)
their chicken? filed an application for land registration5 (Application) covering
Lim was URC's Sales Manager and Del Pilar was clearly not Lot 566 and Lot 1677 which are both situated in Concepcion,
A Yes, sir. referring to him but to URC's Satellite Farm Manager. This Iloilo (collectively, subject lots).
alleged admission on the part of URC's Satellite Farm Manager
Q And it was discussed in the Office that the one problem that as revealed by Del Pilar, however, is undeniably hearsay Petitioner alleged that he inherited the subject lots from his
caused the stunted growth was the feeds? because it was not based on the witness' personal knowledge parents, Ponciano Leonidas, Jr. (Ponciano) and Asuncion Roxas
but on the knowledge of some other person who was never de Leonidas (Asuncion); that as evidenced by the 1-fay 17, 193
A Yes, sir. presented on the witness stand.58 Parenthetically, Del Pilar's 7 Certificate of Sale issued by the Provincial Treasurer of Iloilo,
testimony regarding the Satellite Farm Manager's admission can the subject lots, then covered by Tax Declaration (TD) No. 722,
Q How did it happen that you were present during that be admitted merely for the purpose of establishing such were purchased by Asuncion when auctioned due to
discussion? utterance but not to establish its truth.59 Hence, Del Pilar's delinquency in the payment of real property taxes by the
testimony did not sufficiently establish the truth of the claim original owners, the heirs of Inis Luching; that Asuncion
A There was a meeting called by the management and I was that the feeds supplied by URC were defective, which could immediately took possession of the subject lots and exercised
included there in the meeting, and the condemnation [of the have affected the growth of the broiler chickens. dominical rights thereover notoriously, continuously, and
chickens] was ordered, sir. exclusively; that upon Asuncion’s death in 1986, Ponciano
In fine, petitioners failed to prove by preponderance of evidence succeeded to the ownership and possession of the subject lots;
Q Now, they discussed about the problem [of] the stunted the fault or negligence of URC. For this reason, petitioners can that after Ponciano’s death in l 991, the subject lots became his
growth, you said the problem is the feeds, do you know what be held liable for their unsettled obligations under the CCAREMs (petitioner’s) own exclusive property; that he permitted and
feeds they are referring [to]? they executed in favor of URC. tolerated the occupation of some portions of the subject lots by
Juanito Tisolan, Pancing Guevarra, Carmencita Guevarra, Delia
A The Robina feeds, sir. WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review on Certiorari is DENIED. .Aspera-Ecleo, Victorino Mosqueda, Nora Binas, Crisanto
The assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals dated April 22, Amangas (Amangas),6 Rosana Vasquez, Henry Asturias, Ronnie
Q The same feeds provided by the Universal Robina Corporation 2014 in CA-G.R. CV No. 93260 is AFFIRMED. Astorias, Antonio Asturias, and Jacob Narciso; that as far as
to the Contract Growers? known to him (petitioner), the following are the owners of all
SO ORDERED. adjoining properties, i.e. the owners of Lot 564, Lot 565 Lot
A Yes, sir.56 1578, and Lot 1677, Mansueto Sicad, Francisco Aspero, Brigido
MARIANO C. DEL CASTILLO Celestial, and Eugenio Bondoc, Jr. who are all from Poblacion,
xxxx Associate Justice Concepcion, Iloilo, and Carmen Paoli of unknown address; that
Lot 566 is bounded on the west by the provincial road and the
Cross-Examination (petitioner) does not claim any portion thereof; that the latest
assessed value of the subject lots is ₱52, 660.00 as certified by
Atty. A. Garcia: the Provincial Treasurer of Iloilo; that to the best of his
FIRST DIVISION knowledge and belief, there is no mortgage or encumbrance of
Q Mr. witness, you mentioned that you knew that the problem any kind whatsoever affecting the subject lots except for taxes
is the feeds because you heard it being discussed in the December 14, 2017 due thereon; that a certain Tomas Vargas (Tomas), however,
company, is that correct? had declared a portion of the subject lots in his name for
G.R. No. 201031 taxation purposes; but that Tomas died shortly after the end of
A Yes, sir. the Second World War, and the whereabouts of his heirs, if any,
TOMAS R. LEONIDAS, Petitioner are unknown, despite his diligent search to locate them in
Q Were you able to confirm it? vs. Concepcion, Iloilo, and elsewhere.
A Yes, sir. Respondents Petitioner also alleged that he was 77 years old, Filipino, a
resident of No. 55 Chestnut St., West Fairview, Quezon City,
and married to Ofelia Gustilo Leonidas (Ofelia); that attached to not exclusively owned by the petitioner, as this Lot 566 had also year 1994 in the names of Asuncion and Ponciano and covering
his Application were original Survey Plans with photographic been divided into two lots, viz. Lot 566-A and Lot 566-B; that he Cadastral Lot No. 566, TD 0114_ for the year 2003 in the
copies each, the Tracing Cloth Plan land Management Service, (Tancredo) is the owner of Lot 566-A as shown in the RPTA Tax names of Asuncion and Ponciano and covering CadastraJ Lot
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Mapping project in the Municipal of Concepcion, Iloilo; that the No. 1677-A, TD 0118 for the year 2003 in the names of
Region VI, Iloilo City, in lieu of the surveyor’s Certificate, petitioner's allegation that the owners of the property covered Asuncion and Ponciano and covering Cadastral Lot No. 1677-B,
Technical Description with three photographic copies, the by TD 772 became delinquent in the payment of the tax due TD 0116 for the year 2003 in the names of Asuncion and
Certificate in quadruplicate of the Provincial Treasurer showing thereon, for which reason the Provincial Treasurer of Iloilo Ponciano and covering Cadastral Lot No. 566-A; and TD 0117
the latest assessed value of the subject lots, and a copy of the allegedly sold the same to Asuncion, was not at all true; that for the year 2003 in the names of Asuncion and Ponciano and
muniment of title to prove ownership of the subject lots, with the property covered by TD 772 was not sold at public auction covering Cadastral Lot No. 566-B,17 tax receipts for the years
the original to be presented at the trial. because the forfeiture was lifted prior to the public auction sale; 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1994, 2002 and 2003,
and that the fact that the Office of the Provincial Treasurer of statement of the assessed value issued by the Provincial
Petitioner thus prayed that the subject lots be brought under Iloilo did not have a copy of the Certificate of Sale dated May Assessor of Iloilo on March 26, 1996, Lot No. 566's Blue Print
the operation of the Property Registration Decree7 (PD 1529) 17, 1937 bolstered the argument that petitioner’s allegation is Survey Plan with technical description, Lot l 677’s Blue Print
and that the titles thereto be registered and confirmed in his questionable. Tancredo thus prayed that the petitioner's Survey Plan with technical description, Certificate of
name. Application be denied insofar as the portions covered by the Unavailability of Surveyor's Certificate of Survey for Lots 566
TDs in the name of Tomas (disputed portions) are concerned. and 1677, and Survey Inspection Report dated August 28, 1997
The Republic of the Philippines (Republic), represented by the for Lot Nos. 566 and 1677 issued by Peñaflorida,18 i.e. CENRO
Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), opposed the said On March 21, 2003, another Opposition10 to the Application Report dated August 28, 1997, to the effect that the subject lots
Application. The Republic claimed that neither the petitioner nor was filed by Moncerat A. Sicad-De Julian, Gil A. Sicad, are free from liens and encumbrances, and are moreover within
his predecessors-in-interest had been in continuous, exclusive, represented by his wife, Elizabeth Sicad, Teresita A. Sicad- the alienable and disposable area. Pursuant to the RTC's
and notorious possession and occupation of the subject lots Bayuran, Villaluz Sicad-Zarriz, Eden A. Sicad, and Melchor Sicad, directive, petitioner also offered as additional evidence the
since June 12, 1945, or prior thereto, as required by Section 48 represented by his wife, Elena D. Sicad, (Elena; collectively, the originally-approved subdivision plan covering Lot No. 1677, Csd-
of Commonwealth Act (CA) No. 141, as amended by PD 1073; Sicads) all represented by their attorney-in-fact, Elena.11 These 06-008798 to prove the identity and location of the easement
that the petitioner’s muniment/s of title, tax declarations, and oppositors claimed that they are the heirs of the late Mansueto for public use;19 and a certification by Joel B. Diaz, CENRO at
tax payment receipts did not constitute competent and Sicad (Mansueto) who was the owner of a portion of the subject Sara, Iloilo, to the effect that Lot No. 1677, Pls 1099, situated in
sufficient evidence of either a bona fide acquisition of the lots (Sicads’s contested portion); that the Sicads's contested Brgy; Loong, Concepcion, Iloilo, with an area of 8,062 square
subject lots, and neither did the petitioner's bare claim of open, portion was bought by Mansueto from Asturias as evidenced by meters was issued Patent No. 063015-92-846 dated May 28,
continuous, exclusive, and notorious possession and occupation the Deed of Definite Sale of a Parcel of Land described as Doc. 1992 in the name ofFlordeluz Sedigo, but that Lot No. 1677 has
thereof in the concept of owner since June 12, 1945, or prior No. 75, Page No. 35, Book No. 1, Series of 1950 of the notarial doubled with the lot situated at Poblacion, Concepcion, Iloilo in
thereto, amount to convincing proof of his claim of possession register of notary public Crespo Celestial; that the Sicads's the name of the Heirs of Ponciano and that this latter lot is not
and ownership over the subject lots; that, although the contested portion had been in the possession of Mansueto covered by any public land application filed with the CENRO in
petitioner's muniments of title might appear genuine, the tax during the latter's lifetime; that they had been in possession of Sara, Iloilo, which explained why no patent has been issued
declarations and/or tax payments showing the pretended the Sicads’s contested portion since Mansueto's death; that part therefor, hence indicating that this other Lot No. 1677, Pls
possession were, in fact, of recent vintage; that the claim of of the Sicads’s contested portion had already been registered 1099, which is situated in Brgy. Aglusong, Concepcion, Iloilo is
ownership in fee simple on the basis of a Spanish title or grant under Original Certificate of Title (OCT) No. F-36795; and that entirely different from Lot No. 1677, which is situated in Sitio
could no longer be availed of by petitioner who had failed to file the petitioner had never been in possession of the lots subject Loong, Poblacion, Concepcion, Iloilo.20
an appropriate application therefor within the period of six of his Application. The Sicads thus prayed that the petitioner's
months from Feb1uary 16, 1976, as required by PD 892; and Application be dismissed, insofar as it concerned the Sicads’s The petitioner likewise submitted in evidence an Ocular
that the subject lots are portions of the public domain belonging contested portion as set forth in the aforesaid Deed of Definite Inspection Report covering an ocular inspection earlier ordered
to the Republic which are not subject to private appropriation. Sale; and that the Sicads’s contested portion be registered by the RTC.21
Thus, the Republic prayed that the petitioner's Application be instead in their names.
denied and that the subject lots be declared part of the public Ruling of the Regional Trial Court
domain. At the trial, the petitioner presented himself and Geronimo C.
Pefiaflorida (Peñaflorida), Land Management Inspector, DENR, In its Decision dated March 19, 2007, the RTC disposed of this
On March 11, 2003, Tancredo Vargas (Tancredo) also filed an Community Environment and Natural Resources Office case in this wise:
Opposition8 to the Application. Tancredo averred that he is (CENRO), at Sara, lloilo as witnesses.12 On the other hand,
Tomas' legitimate son and compulsory heir; that during Tomas's Catalino Guinez, Emeliana Isturias Matulac, and Elena testified WHEREFORE, general default having been declared and the
lifetime, the latter was the absolute and exclusive owner of a for the Sicads.13 For his part, Tancredo presented himself and a [A]pplication supported by evidence, the adjudication and
certain parcel of land located at Loong, Concepcion, Iloilo, forn1er overseer or tenant of the Vargas family,14 Jose Etchona registration of portion of Lot No. 566 with an area of 3.1161
which parcel of land is bounded on the north by the seashore, (Etchona).15 Then on August 8, 2003, the petitioner filed his hectares and portion of Lot 1677 with an area of 3. 7255
on the south by Severino Asturias (Asturias),9 on the east by Formal Offer hectares, all of Concepcion Cadastre, together with all the
the seashore, and on the west by Asturias and Braulio Celestial; improvements thereon are hereby ordered in favor of applicant
that this parcel of land had an area of 36,237 square meters of Evidence16 wherein he submitted the Certificate of Sale [petitioner], of legal age, married to [Ofelia], Filipino, and
and was covered by TD No. 3549 in Tomas's name; that the dated May 17, 1937, TD 014134 for the year 1976 in Asuncion's resident of Fairview, Quezon City, Philippines. Portions of Lot
petitioner does not exclusively own Lot 1677 since it had been name and covering Cadastral Lot Nos. 1, 2, and 3 PSU-216090, [No.] 1677 with an area of 2.3642 hectares and portion of Lot
split into two, viz. Lot 1677-A and Lot 1677-B; that he TD 0037 for the year 1994 in the names of Asuncion and [No.] 566 with an area of 1.1782 hectares are hereby
(Tancredo) is the owner of Lot 1677-A; that Lot 566 was also Ponciano and covering Cadastral Lot No. 1677, TD 0036 for the adjudicated in favor of [Tancredo ], of legal age, single, Filipino,
and resident of Lawa-an Village, Balantang, Jaro, Iloilo City, the Sicads' contested portion because what was shown to have lots all came back to him after the death of his father Ponciano
Philippines which portions shall be segregated in a proper been sold by Asturias to Mansueto pertained to a lot measuring was indicative of the fact that he was really unaware of the
subdivision survey and to follow the description of the plan of only two hectares, 52 acres, and 92 ares, a parcel of land at par existence of the subject lots; that his Application was even
Municipal Assessor of Concepcion, Iloilo commensurate to Lot with the land covered by the aforementioned free patent issued opposed by Tancredo and by the Sicads who claimed exclusive
1677-A under [T.D.] No. 054822 and 566-A under [T.D.] No. to Mansueto. possession over certain portions of the subject lots; that
0550. petitioner's failure to explain why he or his predecessors-in-
The RTC emphasized that it is well-entrenched in jurisprudence interest declared the subject lots for taxation purposes only in
The easement of right of way of the lots, highways, streets, that alienable public land openly, continuously, and exclusively 1976, was inconsistent with his claim of possession thereover
alleys, shorelines and other portion[s] of land not specified as possessed by a person personally or through his predecessors- since 1937; and that it is an axiom of the law that the burden of
lots located within the borders of the land covered by this case in-interest for at least 30 years becomes ipsojure private proof in a land registration case rests upon the applicant who
are declared to be the properties of the [Republic]. property by mere lapse of time, or by completion of said period must present clear, positive, and convincing evidence
pursuant to Section 48(b) of CA 141, as amended by RA 1942 establishing the alleged possession and occupation in good
The Clerk of Court is directed to forward copies of this decision and RA 3872. faith, and for the period required by law.
to all government agencies concerned.
Ruling of the Court of Appeals On the other hand, the CA ruled that Tancredo had sufficiently
And finally, the Administrator, Land Registration Authority, is proven his open, continuous, exclusive, and notorious
hereby directed, after this decision shall have become final for Only the petitioner and the Republic filed their respective possession and occupation for the period required by law, over
which he shall be duly advised by specific order of this Court, to Notices of Appeal24 which were given due course by the RTC in the portions of the subject lots he was claiming in the concept
issue [a] decree of registration and title in accordance with the its Order of May 25, 2007.25 These notices of appeal were of an owner; that Tomas's adverse claims were annotated on
amended plan on file in the record. consolidated and docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 02296. In a the TDs issued in Asuncion’s name covering the disputed
Decision dated August 13, 2009, the CA disposed as follows: portions, i.e. TD 014134, 0114, and 0117 ;28 that Tomas
SO ORDERED.23 declared the disputed portions for taxation purposes in his
WHEREFORE, the Decision dated March 19, 2007 is modified, as name as early as 1945; that Tancredo himself testified that
The RTC held that petitioner had sufficiently established that his follows: 1.) the portion pertaining to the award of [Lot No.] 566 Tomas first used the disputed portions as rice land and
predecessors-in-interest had possessed and owned a parcel of with an area of3.1161 hectares and [Lot No.] 1677 with an area converted the same into coconut land in the 1960s; that
land in Barangay Loong, Concepcion, Iloilo to the extent not of 3.7255 hectares to [petitioner], is REVERSED and SET Tancredo’s witness, Etchona, likewise testified that Tomas
covered by Tancredo’s Opposition; that while petitioner and his ASIDE; and 2.) the portion pertaining to the award of [Lot No.] employed him and Domingo Celestial not only to cultivate, but
predecessors-in-interest might not have been in actual 1677 with an area of 2.3642 hectares and [Lot No.] 566 with an also to guard the disputed portions, and that Tomas himself
possession of the subject lots at all time, they nonetheless had area of 1.1782 hectares in favor of [Tancredo] is AFFIRMED. appropriated the harvest from the disputed portions and
been consistently visiting the same; and that petitioner’s claim introduced improvements thereon; and that even petitioner
of possession and ownership is supported by documents SO ORDERED.26 himself admitted in his Application that Tomas had declared the
consisting of the Certificate of Sale issued by the Provincial disputed portions in his (Tomas’) name for taxation purposes.
Treasurer of Iloilo on May 17, 1937, the tax declarations in The CA held that, contrary to the Republic's stance, the records
Asuncion's name for the years 1976, 1994, and 2003, the showed that there had been compliance with the jurisdictional Petitioner moved for reconsideration29 but was denied by the
official receipts showing payments of real estate taxes thereon, requirements of publication, posting, and notice; that petitioner CA in its Resolution of February 22, 2012.30
and the statement of the assessed value issued by the had properly identified the subject lots; that the subject lots had
Provincial Assessor of Iloilo on May 26, 1996. The RTC stressed already been classified as alienable and disposable at the time Issue
that the period of possession by petitioner and his that petitioner filed the Application in 2002, pursuant to the
predecessors-in-interest sufficed to confer a registrable title CENRO Report dated August 28, 1997 issued by Peñaflorida; Before this Court, petitioner now raises the following issue:
upon petitioner. that it has been held that "[a] certification by the CENRO of the
DENR stating that the subject lots are found to be within the [Whether] the [CA] gravely abused its discretion in denying the
The RTC likewise ruled that Tancredo was also able to establish alienable and disposable site per land classification project map registration of [his] already vested title [over] Lot [Nos.] 566
a superior claim with respect to his disputed portions; that all of is sufficient evidence to show the real character of the land and 1677 of the Concepcion, Iloilo Cadastre as his private
the tax declarations in Asuncion's name continuously bore the subject of the application;"27 that these notwithstanding, property, and in awarding some portions thereof in favor of
annotation acknowledging Tomas's adverse claim relative to petitioner failed to prove with the requisite evidence the kind of [Tancredo] in this land registration proceeding.31
Tancredo's disputed portions; that Tomas's open and possession and the length of time required by law for the
continuous possession for more than the required number of registration of the subject lots in his name, because his lone Petitioner’s arguments
years was sufficiently shown by a tax declaration issued as early testimony did not suffice to establish his and his predecessors-
as the year 1945; that the overseers and other persons in-interest’s alleged open, continuous, exclusive, and notorious Petitioner insists in his Petition,32 Consolidated Reply,33 and
authorized to manage Tancredo's disputed portions were never possession over the subject lots since June 12, 1945, or earlier; Memorandum34 that the CA erred in finding that he failed to
driven out by petitioner; and that Tancredo had visited the that petitioner's alleged acts of swimming in, and planting trees prove that he and his predecessors-in-interest had been in
disputed portions more frequently than petitioner who, as the on the subject lots, his having finished high school at the open, continuous, exclusive, and notorious possession and
evidence shows, has his permanent residence in Quezon City, Victorino Salcedo High School in the neighboring town of Sara, occupation of the subject lots since June 12, 1945, or earlier,
Metro Manila. Iloilo, and his having left the subject lots when he attended and that there is indubitable evidence that the subject lots were
college - all these neither added up nor supported his assertion in fact sold in a tax sale on May 1 7, 1937 by the gove1nment
With regard to the claim of the Sicads, the RTC held that of dominion or ownership· over the subject lots; that his through the Provincial Treasurer of Iloilo; that he filed the
Mansueto and his successors-in-interest had no more interest in allegation that his childhood memories regarding the subject present Application so that an OCT can be issued in his name as
evidence of his vested title over the subject lots; that assuming Application, or to render judgment ordering the reversion to incomplete title under CA 141 and
that the subject lots are still part of the public domain, he is public ownership of the subject lots would amount to grave PD 1529
nevertheless still entitled to have the subject lots registered in abuse on the part of the judiciary.
his name by reason of his and his predecessors-in-interest's "The Regalian doctrine, embodied in Section 2, Article XII of the
exclusive possession and occupation thereof for more than 30 The Republic’s Arguments 1987 Constitution, provides that all lands of the public domain
years, as compared to Tancredo's possession which supposedly belong to the State, which is the source of any asserted right to
began only in 1945; that under the Land Registration Act, as In its Comment35 and Memorandum,36 the Republic counters ownership of land."39 "[Commonwealth Act No. 141, in turn,]
amended, the possessor is deemed to have acquired by that the instant Petition merely raises questions of fact which goven1s the classification and disposition of lands of the public
operation of law the right to a government grant upon are proscribed under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Court; that domain. Section 11 [thereof] provides, as one of the modes of
compliance with the conditions therefor, which was just what he this Court is not a trier of facts; that petitioner's case does not disposing public lands that are suitable for agriculture, the
did in this case; that the confirmation proceeding is a mere fall under any of the exceptions to the rule that factual findings 'confirmation of imperfect or incomplete titles.’ Section 48
formality and the registration thereunder does not confer title of the CA are invariably binding upon the Supreme Court; and [thereof], on the other hand, enumerates those who are
but merely recognizes a title that is already vested; that that the assailed CA Decision should not be disturbed because considered to have acquired an imperfect or incomplete title
rejection of his vested title to the questioned lots will occasion the CA had amply justified the reversal of the RTC Decision over public lands and, therefore, entitled to confirmation and
loss of confidence in the government's sales of forfeited which was erected upon the petitioner's failure to substantiate registration under the Land Registration Act [now PD 1529]."40
property by reason of tax delinquency; that the CA erred in his claim of ownership over the subject lots. The latter law then "specifies who are qualified to apply for
finding that the TDs in Asuncion's name carried Tomas's registration of land."41 Taken together, all the foregoing
adverse claim, as the attached copies thereof did not bear any Tancredo’s Arguments provide for the requisites for the confirmation and registration
such annotations; that the CA also erred in stating that of an imperfect and incomplete title, thus -
petitioner did not present any TDs to support his claim of In his Comment37 and Memorandum,38 Tancredo maintains
ownership over the subject lots for the reason that the CA that the disputed portions had been in the absolute possession x x x In particular, Section 14 (l) [of PD 1529] in relation to
Decision itself mentioned that he submitted a TD for the year and dominion of Tomas; that the findings of the RTC and the Section 48 (b) of[CA] 141, as amended by Section4 of P.D. No.
1976; that contrary to the CA's findings, he did testify that he CA regarding petitioner's ineligibility to obtain title to the 1073, states:
had visited the subject lots every so often to plant trees after he disputed portions due to non-compliance with the requirements
and his parents left Concepcion in 1945, and that such of the law, and for insufficiency of evidence, should not be SEC. 14. Who may apply. -The following persons may file in the
improvements were reflected in his exhibits; that the CA disturbed; that the CA’s finding that petitioner's TDs bore the proper Court of First Instance [now Regional Trial Court] an
likewise erred in holding that he only came to know about the annotated claims of Tomas on the subject lots is a factual application for registration of title to land, whether personally or
subject lots after the death of his father, Ponciano, for the fact finding and should not be disturbed; that petitioner's possession through their duly authorized representatives:
is that he did testify that he and his cousins used to swim in the is not the possession required by law for purposes of land
sea near the subject lots, as early as when he was 12 years old; registration because petitioner failed to present evidence that (1) Those who by themselves or through their predecessors-in-
that the CA moreover erred in concluding that Tancredo had would prove actual, notorious, continuous, and exclusive interest have been in open, continuous, exclusive and notorious
successfully established his claims over the disputed portions of possession and occupation of the subject lots; that the evidence possession and occupation of alienable and disposable lands of
the subject lots because the TDs in Asuncion's name are all adduced by petitioner is self-serving, hence undeserving of any the public domain under a bonafide claim of ownership since
annotated with Tomas’s adverse claim, and that Tomas had weight; that the origin of the disputed portions as pointed out June 12, 1945, or earlier.
declared said disputed portions in his name as early as 1945; by the RTC is Assessor's Lot No. 337, which is individually
that the tax declarations supposedly in Tomas's name were identified after the Cadastral Survey as Lot Nos. 1676- A, 1677- xxx xxx xxx
neither presented nor offered in evidence; that Tancredo A, and 566-A, all of the Concepcion (Iloilo) Cadastre; that
admitted during his cross-examination that Tomas’s 1945 tax petitioner is barred or estopped from questioning the identity of Section 48. The following described citizens of the Philippines,
declaration was procured notwithstanding the fact that the the disputed portions that had been adjudicated to him occupying lands of the public domain or claiming to own any
subject lots had already been declared in Asuncion’s name; that (Tancredo ), as the lack of sufficient identification pertained to such lands or an interest therein, but whose titles have not
Tancredo did not comply with the pertinent provisions of the the subject lots that petitioner himself was trying to register; been perfected or completed, may apply to the Court of First
Land Registration Act, as amended, because he did not present and that the issues raised by petitioner were factual in nature, Instance [now Regional Trial Court] of the province where the
evidence to prove the specific date in 1945 when Tomas and the same is proscribed under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules land is located for confirmation of their claims and the issuance
acquired the disputed portions, or how Tomas in fact acquired of Court. of a certificate of title therefor, under [PD 1529], to wit:
the same; that besides these, Tancredo could not identify the
disputed portions that he was claiming; that if Tancredo wanted The fundamental issues to be resolved in this case are: (1) xxx xxx xxx
to vindicate his claims of ownership over the disputed portions, Whether the petitioner is entitled to obtain a title over the
then Tancredo should institute the proper action before a court subject lots; and (2) Wether Tancredo has established, by his (b) Those who by themselves or through their predecessors-in-
of general jurisdiction, and not in the land registration court, as own evidence, that he was qualified to acquire title over the interest have been in open, continuous, exclusive and notorious
the subject lots were no longer part of the public domain; that disputed portions claimed by him. possession and occupation of [alienable and disposable lands]
the issue of whether the sale by the government to Asuncion on of the public domain, under a bonafide claim of acquisition of
May 17, 1937 changed the classification of the subject lots from The Court’s Ruling ownership, since June 12, 1945, or earlier, immediately
public to private is of first impression and should be resolved by preceding the filing of the application for confirmation of title
the Supreme Court EnBanc; and that the circumstances The Petition is denied. except when prevented by war or force majeure. These shall be
obtaining in this case are exceptions to the rule that only conclusively presumed to have performed all the conditions
questions of law are allowed in a petition filed pursuant to Rule Requisites for the confirmation and essential to a Government grant and shall be entitled to a
45 of the Revised Rules of Court; and that to deny his registration of an imperfect and certificate of title under the provisions of this chapter.
It is worth stressing, however, that the foregoing ruling is the the subject lots for taxation purposes only in 1976, this despite
Based on these legal parameters, applicants for registration of exception, not the rule. As explicitly elucidated in Republic v. his claim that his predecessors-in-interest had been in
title under Section 14 (1) must sufficiently establish: (1) that Vega:46 possession and occupation of the subject lots since 1937, as
the subject land forms part of the disposable and alienable allegedly shown in the Provincial Treasurer’s Certificate of Sale.
lands of the public domain; (2) that the applicant and his It must be emphasized that the present ruling on substantial It is settled that intermittent and irregular tax payments run
predecessors-in-interest have been in open, continuous, compliance applies pro hac vice. It does not in any way detract counter to a claim of ownership or possession.51
exclusive and notorious possession and occupation of the same; from our rulings in Republic v T.A.N Properties, Inc., and similar
and (3) that his possession has been under a bonafide claim of cases which impose a strict requirement to prove that the public Second, even assuming for argument's sake that petitioner’s
ownership since June 12, 1945, or earlier. land is alienable and disposable, especially in this case when the predecessors-in-interest had paid the balance of the delinquent
Decisions of the lower court and the [CA] were rendered prior tax payment, petitioner nonetheless failed to prove his and his
These triple requirements of alienability and possession and to these rulings. To establish that the land subject of the predecessors-in-interests actual, notorious, exclusive and
occupation since June 12, 1945 or earlier under Section 14 (1) application is alienable and disposable public land, the general continuous possession of the subject lots for the length of time
are indispensable prerequisites to a favorable registration of rule remains: all applications for original registration under [PD required by law.
title to the property. Each element must necessarily be proven 1529] must include both (1) a CENRO or PENRO certification
by no less than clear, positive and convincing evidence; and (2) a certified true of the original classification made by the To be sure, petitioner's failure to explain what happened after
otherwise, the application for registration should be denied.42 DENR Secretary. his family supposedly left the subject lots in 1941, when the war
broke out, vis-a-vis his failure to prove that he had indeed
Petitioner did not cite the specific provision of CA 141 upon As an exception, however, the courts - in their sound discretion introduced valuable improvements in the subject lots during the
which he based his Application. Neve1theless, the allegations and based solely on the evidence presented on record - may time that he and his parents had been allegedly in actual
therein seem to establish the fact that his claim is one of approve the application, pro hac vice, on the ground of possession and occupation thereof, cast doubts upon his claim
imperfect title under the above- quoted Section 48(b) of CA 141 substantial compliance showing that there has been a positive of actual possession and occupation thereof. Withal, petitioner's
in relation to Section 14(1) of PD 1529 act of government to show the nature and character of the land testimony of having swum near the subject lots, of having
and an absence of effective opposition from the government. planted trees thereon, and his having finished high school at the
The subject lots are considered This exception shall only apply to applications for registration Victorino Salcedo High School in the neighboring town of Sara
alienable and disposable lands of the currently pending before the trial court prior to this Decision can hardly be considered as acts of dominion or ownership over
public domain and shall be inapplicable to all future applications. the subject lots. Besides, petitioner did not present clear and
(Underscoring and emphases in the original)47 convincing evidence that the subject lots had indeed been
The first· requirement is complied with in the case at bench. cultivated by him or by his predecessors-in-interest for the
Notwithstanding that only a CENRO certification covering the That said, we hold that both the petitioner and Tancredo failed period of time required by law. Needless to say, all these
subject lots was presented in the instant case, the subject lots to establish clearly and convincingly their respective rights to failings weaken his claim that he has been a bonafide possessor
are considered alienable and disposable lands of the public registration of imperfect titles under CA 141 and PD 1529, as and occupant of the subject lots in the manner and for the
domain because of this Court’s ruling that an application for will be discussed below. period prescribed by law, to wit:
land registration may be granted despite the absence of the
DENR Secretary's certification, provided that the same was Petitioner failed to prove possession The possession contemplated by Section 48 (b) of [CA] 141 is
pending at the time Republic v. Vega43 was promulgated on of the subject lots in the manner and actual, not fictional or constructive. In Carlos v. Republic of the
January 17, 2011. In Republic v. Alora,44 this Court expressly for the period required by law Philippines, the Court explained the character of the required
clarified this matter in this wise: possession, as follows:
First off, petitioner failed to establish bonafide possession and
x x x [I]n Republic v. T.A.N Properties, Inc., which was ownership over the subject lots since June 12, 1945 or earlier. The law speaks of possession and occupation. Since these
promulgated on 26 June 2008 x x x we held that applicants for His contention that his predecessors-in-interest became the words are separated by the conjunction and, the clear intention
land registration must present a copy of the original owners of the subject lots pursuant to the May 17, 1937 of the law is not to make one synonymous with the other.
classification approved by the DENR Secretary and certified as Certificate of Sale48 of the Forfeited Real Property issued by the Possession is broader than occupation because it includes
true copy by the legal custodian of the official records. x x x Provincial Treasurer of Iloilo appears to be consistent with the constructive possession. When, therefore, the law adds the
fact that TD 3549 in Tomas’s name which was found by the CA word occupation, it seeks to delimit the all-encompassing effect
x x x In Republic v. Serrano [(decided on 24 February 2010)], as issued in 1945 bears an annotation stating that such is "[ c of constructive possession, Taken together with the words
we allowed the approval of a land registration application even ]ontested by [Asuncion]".49 Even then, the Certificate of Public open, continuous, exclusive and notorious, the word occupation
without the submission of the certification from the DENR Sale indicated that the balance of the purchase price in the serves to highlight the fact ti1at for an applicant to qualify, his
Secretary. As this ruling presented an apparent contradiction amount of ₱29.44, was yet to be paid on or before December possession must not be a mere fiction. Actual possession of a
with our earlier pronouncement in Republic v. T.A.N Properties, 31, 1937.50 land consists in the manifestation of acts of dominion over it of
Inc., we sought to harmonize our previous rulings in Republic v. such a nature as a party would naturally exercise over his own
vega [(decided on 17 January 201 l)]. We then said that the No incontrovertible proof was, however, presented to establish property.52 (Emphases in the original)
applications for land registration may be granted even without the fact that this balance of the purchase price in the said
the DENR Secretary's certification provided that the application amount of ₱29 .44 had indeed been paid on or before Oddly enough, while in its Decision the RTC appeared to have
was currently pending at the time Republic v. vega was December 31, 193 7. In addition, the CA also correctly pointed granted petitioner’s Application, said Decision seemed to have
promulgated. x x x45 out that even as petitioner was able to submit TDs and indulged in a bit of non-sequitur when it said that "[petitioner]
evidence of tax payments only for a few years, he nevertheless and his predecessors were not in actual possession of the
failed to explain why he or his predecessors-in-interest declared [subject Jots] all the time" x x x.53 Simply said, the -A
effectively ruled that since petitioner failed to prove that he or Q: You have siblings, meaning brothers and sisters?
his predecessors-in-interest had indeed performed the required A: Because the plan of the heirs is, if the property [is
acts of possession and occupation, or specific acts of dominion registered] in my father[']s name [then] the title should be A: Yes, Sir.
over the subject lots, it stands to reason that registration transferred in my name.
thereof in his name cannot be allowed. Q: You said a while ago that you succeeded to the ownership of
xxxx the [subject lots] when your father died in 1985, how about
Tancredo also failed to establish your siblings[?] [Did they] not succeed to the [ownership of the
possession and occupation over the Q: Your tax receipts correspond only [to] the year 2003, how subject lots?]
disputed portions in the manner and about other tax receipts?
for the period required by law A: They sign[ed] a deed of adjudication in favor of me[.] I have
A: I [will just [try] to find out if the Provincial Treasurer’s Office a copy and it was notarized.
At this juncture, we shall revisit the uniform finding by both the still has the copy.
RTC and the CA, which in effect upheld Tancredo's right to xxxx
register the disputed portions in his name (as an exception to Q: Even just a certification stating that you [continued] in
the settled rule that questions of fact are proscribed in a Rule paying realty tax from 1946 up to 2003? Q: In your [O]pposition you said that you were authorized?
45 petition since a correct evaluation of the facts will yield a
different conclusion).54 A: Yes, I can ask the provincial treasurer for that matter. A: Yes, Sir.

First off, Tancredo failed to show that his or his predecessor- Q: When you secure[d] the tax declaration[,] you [knew] that Q: By whom?
ininterest’s possession and occupation over the disputed the lot was also declared in the name of [Asuncion], is it not?
portions had been under a bonafide claim of ownership since A: By my brothers and sisters.
June 12, 1945, or earlier. We are inclined to agree with A: Yes, Your Honor.
petitioner's posture that Tancredo failed to adduce clear and Q: Where is your authority?
convincing evidence which established the origin or antecedents Q: That was in the office of the Municipal Assessor?
of Tomas's straightforward possession and occupation, or claim A: I can produce it. I can pass [sic] it anytime.
of ownership, over the disputed portions. Consider the following A: Yes, Your Honor.
exchange/s between/among Tancredo, the petitioner, and the Q: You did not [s]tate in your [O]pposition that you have your
Court - Q: Did you verify if they were paying taxes also? siblings with you?

[Petitioner]: (to the witness[, Tancredo]) A: No, Your Honor. A: Because the property was given to me by my father. 56

Q: When did your father acquire this property? Q: You did not? Nonetheless, there is nothing in the records to support or
confirm Tancredo’s claim that the property was in fact deeded
A: In 1945. A: I [did] not[,] Your Honor. over to him by his father, Tomas.

Q: From whom? Q: If that is the case[,] why did you [say] a while ago that you In Buenaventura v. Pascual,57 this Court affirmed the lower
[knew]. only [about] the case of [petitioner] when this case was courts' dismissal of the claims for registration of imperfect titles
A: I have no idea. filed because the tax declaration itself [stated] that the lot was because, among others, both the applicant and oppositors failed
also declared in the name of [Asuncion]? to adduce evidence as to how they acquired the subject
xxxx property from their respective predecessors-in-interest, i.e.,
A: Although I have already seen the notation on the tax whether by succession or by donation or by some other mode.
Q: Did you not ask your father from whom he acquired this declaration that they also [secured a] tax declaration [over] the Furthermore, we stressed therein that the applicant failed to
property? [disputed Portions]. I did not mind it Your Honor because they prove the manner by which her predecessors-in-interest
did not openly claim ownership over the [disputed portions]. possessed the subject property.
A: No, I did not. And in the same manner[.] Your Honor[,] in their tax
declaration it is also indicated that the [disputed portions] is Then, again, Tancredo also failed to establish that he and his
Q: As a matter of fact[,] until the death of your father[,] you also declare[d] in the name of [Tomas].55 predecessors-in-interest had/have been in open, continuous,
have not ask[ed] him from whom did he acquire the property? exclusive and notorious possession and occupation of the
More than this, Tancredo did not present clear, convincing disputed portions since June 12, 1945, or prior thereto.
A: No, Sir. evidence to support his claim that the disputed portions were in
fact transferred to him by his father, Tomas. Tancredo merely If anything, the records showed that Tancredo merely
xxxx testified that the disputed portions were given to him solely by submitted photocopies of four tax declarations which were
Tomas, an act that was allegedly consented to by his siblings. attached as annexes to his Opposition.1âwphi1 These included
COURT: (to the witness[, Tancredo]) Thus- the 1945 TD 3549 as adverted to by the CA in the records58
pertaining to a 3.6237-hectare lot in an unstated cadastral lot,
Q: Your father died in 1995 [,] why did you not [cause] the [Petitioner]: (to the witness, Tancredo) TD 0548 covering an 813-hectare lot in Cadastral Lot No. 1676-
transfer of tax declaration in your name or to the heirs? A,59 TD 0549 for a 2.3642-hectare lot in Cadastral Lot No.
1677-A,60 and TD 0550 concen1ing a 1.1782-hectare lot in AND ZENAIDA D. AMISTOSO, Petitioners, v. ELMER T. in CA-G.R. CV No. 70128 (October 17, 2003 CA Decision)
Cadastral Lot No. 566-A.61 All four TDs are in Tomas's name, VALLECER, REPRESENTED BY EDGAR VALLECER, Respondent. reversing the RTC ruling. It found that Benjy failed to show
without copies of the dorsal portions thereof, and bearing proof of his capacity to sue on respondent's behalf and that the
annotations stating either "[c]ontested by [Asuncion]" or "[a]lso DECISION CLT issued by the DAR acknowledges petitioners as "deemed
declared in the name of [Asuncion] or [Ponciano]". owner" of the land after full payment of its value. Having
PERLAS-BERNABE, J.: proven full compliance for the grant of title, petitioners have a
It would thus appear that Tancredo had erected his right to the land which must be respected.19 This CA Decision
opposition/claim to the lots in question upon the said Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari1 are the became final and executory on November 4, 2003,20 and
photocopies of four tax declarations whose authenticity or Decision2 dated February 24, 2016 and the Resolution3 dated consequently, a Writ of Execution21 was issued on May 9,
genuineness is open to the most serious doubts. And, even on August 10, 2016 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 2005.
the assumption that the said tax declarations are in fact 06720, which upheld the Resolution4 dated May 28, 2014 and
authentic and genuine, still it is settled that tax declarations are the Order5 dated December 3, 2014 of the Regional Trial Court Thereafter, or on July 18, 2012, respondent filed a Complaint22
not conclusive proof of ownership. If anything, tax declarations of Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte, Branch 28 (RTC) in Civil Case for quieting of title, ownership, possession, and damages with
are merely corroborative of a person's claim of possession. More No. L-298, denying the Motion to Hear and Resolve Affirmative preliminary injunction against petitioners, docketed as Civil Case
than that, as elsewhere indicated, intermittent and irregular tax Defenses filed by petitioners Heirs of Victor Amistoso, namely: No. L-298, subject of the present case. Asserting ownership
payments, as in this case, do not really provide strong support Venezuela A. Dela Cruz, Flora A. Tulio, Wilfredo D. Amistoso, over the property under TCT No. T-44214 and tax declarations,
for a claim of ownership or possession.62 Rufino D. Amistoso, Vicente D. Amistoso, Maximo D. Amistoso, and citing petitioners' unlawful possession and occupation
and Zenaida D. Amistoso (petitioners) for their failure to thereof despite repeated demands to vacate, respondent
It is axiomatic of course that "[i]t is the policy of the State to substantiate their affirmative defenses of res judicata, claimed that: petitioners' CLT does not contain the technical
encourage and promote the distribution of alienable public lands prescription, and laches. description of the property which it purportedly covers; the
as a spur to economic growth and in line with the social justice tenancy relationship from which petitioners anchor their
ideal enshrined in the Constitution. At the same time, the law The Facts possession pertains to the portion of the adjacent land that
imposes stringent safeguards upon the grant of such resources belongs to Maria Kho Young with whom they admittedly have
lest they fall into the wrong hands to the prejudice of the Sometime in March 1996, respondent Elmer T. Vallecer the tenancy relationship; and the October 17, 2003 CA Decision
national patrimony."63 This ruling controls the present case. (respondent), through his brother Dr. Jose Benjy T. Vallecer involving Civil Case No. S-606, annotated on his TCT No. T-
(Benjy), filed a Complaint6 for recovery of possession and 44214, constitutes a cloud on his title.23 Thus, respondent
As a final note: All of the foregoing discussion showed that the damages against petitioners, docketed as Civil Case No. S-606,7 prayed for the court to: restrain and prohibit petitioners from
issues raised in this case have all been previously resolved and involving a 2,265-square meter parcel of land, located in continuing to usurp his real rights on the property as owner
determined by settled jurisprudence; hence, there is no reason Labason, Zamboanga del Norte, described as Lot C-7-A and thereof; prevent or prohibit them from dealing and negotiating
to grant petitioner's prayer for this case to be referred to or covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-442148 (TCT T- the property with any person for any purpose; prohibit or
heard by the Court EnBanc, as this is not a case of first 44214) and Tax Declaration No. 93-73299 under respondent's prevent them from obstructing and preventing the free passage,
impression at all. name. He claimed that he purchased the property sometime in possession, use, and appropriation of the property and its fruits;
June 1990 after confirming with the Department of Agrarian declare him as the absolute owner of the property; and order
WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby DENIED. We Reform (DAR) that the property was not tenanted. When he petitioners to vacate the property and remove all structures and
AFFIRMwithMODIFICATION the August 13, 2009 Decision and started making preparations for the construction of a improvements introduced thereon at their expense.24
the February 22, 2012 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA- commercial building on the property, petitioners, with the aid of
G.R. CV No. 02296 in that the award by the Regional Trial Court their workers, agents, representatives, and/or employees, Petitioners, for their part, filed an Answer with Counterclaim
of Barotac Viejo, Iloilo, Branch 66 in LRC Case No. 02~ 195 of stopped or barred him by force, threats, and intimidation. and Affirmative Defenses25 invoking res judicata, prescription
Lot No. 1677 with an area of 2.3642 hectares and Lot No. 566 Despite repeated demands10 and explanations made by the and laches. In support thereof, they pointed out that the
with an area of 1.1 782 hectares, both in favor of respondent Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer (MARO)11 of the DAR during October 17, 2003 CA Decision stemming from Civil Case No. S-
Tancredo Vargas, is OVERTURNED and NULLIFIED a pre- litigation conference that no landlord-tenancy relationship 606 had already become immutable. Likewise, they moved to
ever existed between them as regards the property, petitioners hear and resolve the affirmative defense.26
SO ORDERED. continued to refuse him from entering and enjoying possession
of his property.12 Thus, he prayed for the court to, among The RTC Ruling
MARIANO C. DEL CASTILLO others, order petitioners, with their representatives, agents,
Associate Justice employees, and assigns, to vacate the property and pay In a Resolution27 dated May 28, 2014, the RTC denied
damages.13 petitioners' Motion to Hear and Resolve Affirmative Defenses for
lack of merit, declaring that the principle of res judicata would
In their defense,14 petitioners claimed that they have been in not apply in view of the lack of identity of causes of action. It
SECOND DIVISION actual, peaceful, and continuous possession of the land as held that in contrast to Civil Case No. S-606, which involves
evidenced by Certificate of Land Transfer No. 0-00262315 (CLT) recovery of possession, Civil Case No. L-298 is essentially one
G.R. No. 227124, December 06, 2017 issued in November 1978 to their predecessor-in-interest Victor for declaration of ownership. It also ruled that since the land is
Amistoso (Victor) by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 27.16 covered by a Torrens title, it can no longer be acquired by
HEIRS OF VICTOR AMISTOSO, NAMELY: VENEZUELA A. DELA prescription or be lost by laches.28
CRUZ, FLORA A. TULIO, WILFREDO D. AMISTOSO, RUFINO D. On January 8, 2001, the RTC declared respondent as the
AMISTOSO, VICENTE D. AMISTOSO, MAXIMO D. AMISTOSO, absolute owner of the subject property under his name.17 On Aggrieved, petitioners moved for reconsideration29 which the
appeal, the CA rendered a Decision18 dated October 17, 2003 RTC denied in an Order30 dated December 3, 2014. Undaunted,
they elevated the case before the CA via a petition for therein and regardless of the defenses set up in the court or prohibit him from entering and enjoying possession of his
certiorari,31 arguing that Civil Case No. L-298 for quieting of upon a motion to dismiss by the defendant.39 property. He thus prayed for the court to order petitioners, with
title is barred by res judicata, and that respondent lacked cause their representatives, et al., to vacate the property and pay
of action.32 In this case, a reading of the material allegations of damages.45
respondent's complaint in Civil Case No. L-298 and even
The CA Ruling petitioners' admissions readily reveals that there is neither a At this point, it is apt to clarify that the CA erroneously classified
tenancy relationship between petitioners and respondent, nor Civil Case No. S-606 as an accion reivindicatoria, or a suit which
In a Decision33 dated February 24, 2016, the CA affirmed the had petitioners been the tenant of respondent's predecessors- has for its object the recovery of possession of real property as
RTC ruling. It held that the RTC did not gravely abuse its in-interest. In fact, respondent did not even question the owner and that it involves recovery of ownership and
discretion in holding that Civil Case No. L-298 is not barred by validity of petitioners' CLT nor sought for its cancellation. possession based on the said ownership.46 As plaintiff in Civil
res judicata, considering that Civil Case No. S-606 filed by Rather, what respondent sought was for a declaration that the Case No. S-606, respondent never asked that he be declared
respondent is anchored on his right to possess the real property property covered by his Torrens title is different from the the owner of the land in question, but only prayed that he be
as the registered owner; while Civil Case No. L-298 was filed in property covered by petitioners' CLT in order to quiet his title allowed to recover possession thereof from petitioners. As such,
order to clear his title over the land and remove all adverse and remove all adverse claims against it. Clearly, this is not an Civil Case No. S-606 should have instead, been properly
claims against it.34 agrarian dispute that falls within the DARAB's jurisdiction. classified as an accion publiciana, or a plenary action to recover
the right of possession of land.47 Hence, while petitioners were
Dissatisfied, petitioners moved for reconsideration,35 Proceeding to the main issue, petitioners contend that Civil Case acknowledged by the DAR as "deemed owners" of the land in
additionally arguing that the RTC lacked jurisdiction to cancel No. S-606 and Civil Case No. L-298 were founded on the same Civil Case No. S-606, such declaration was merely provisional as
their CLT. The CA denied petitioners' motion in a Resolution36 facts, allegations, and arguments, and sought the same relief, it was only for the purpose of determining possession. In
dated August 10, 2016; hence, this petition. i.e., to cancel their CLT. Considering that the October 17, 2003 Gabriel, Jr. v. Crisologo,48 the Court thoroughly discussed the
CA Decision stemming from Civil Case No. S-606 had already nature and purpose of an accion publiciana:
The Issues Before the Court attained finality, the same constitutes res judicata to Civil Case
No. L-298.40 Also known as accion plenaria de posesion, accion publiciana is
The essential issue for the Court's resolution is whether or not an ordinary civil proceeding to determine the better right of
Civil Case No. L-298 is barred by res judicata. The Court disagrees. possession of realty independently of title. It refers to an
ejectment suit filed after the expiration of one year from the
The Court's Ruling "Res judicata literally means 'a matter adjudged; a thing accrual of the cause of action or from the unlawful withholding
judicially acted upon or decided; a thing or matter settled by of possession of the realty.
The petition lacks merit. judgment."' It also refers to the "rule that an existing final
judgment or decree rendered on the merits, and without fraud The objective of the plaintiffs in accion publiciana is to recover
Preliminarily, petitioners insist, albeit belatedly, that the RTC or collusion, by a court of competent jurisdiction, upon any possession only, not ownership. When parties, however, raise
had no jurisdiction over the complaint in Civil Case No. L-298, matter within its jurisdiction, is conclusive of the rights of the the issue of ownership, the court may pass upon the issue to
considering that what is sought to be cancelled is their CLT; parties or their privies, in all other actions or suits in the same determine who between the parties has the right to possess the
hence, an agrarian dispute falling within the jurisdiction of the or any other judicial tribunal of concurrent jurisdiction on the property. This adjudication, nonetheless, is not a final and
DARAB.37 points and matters in issue in the first suit."41 binding determination of the issue of ownership; it is only for
the purpose of resolving the issue of possession, where the
The argument is specious. For res judicata to absolutely bar a subsequent action, the issue of ownership is inseparably linked to the issue of
following requisites must concur: (a) the former judgment or possession. The adjudication of the issue of ownership, being
In order to classify a matter as an agrarian dispute which falls order must be final; (b) the judgment or order must be on the provisional, is not a bar to an action between the same parties
under the jurisdiction of the DARAB, it must be first shown that merits; (c) it must have been rendered by a court having involving title to the property. The adjudication, in short, is not
a tenancy relationship exists between the parties. For such jurisdiction over the subject matter and parties; and (d) there conclusive on the issue of ownership.49 (Emphases and
relationship to be proven, it is essential to establish all its must be between the first and second actions, identity of underscoring supplied)
indispensable elements, namely: (a) that the parties are the parties, of subject matter, and of causes of action.42
landowner and the tenant or agricultural lessee; (b) that the On the other hand, in Civil Case No. L-298, respondent asserted
subject matter of the relationship is an agricultural land; (c) that In this case, the Court finds that Civil Case No. S-606 did not his ownership over the property by virtue of his Torrens title,
there is consent between the parties to the relationship; (d) bar the filing of Civil Case No. L-298 on the ground of res and alleged that petitioners' tenancy relationship actually
that the purpose of the relationship is to bring about agricultural judicata as the causes of action in the two cases are not the pertains to the portion of the adjacent land that belongs to
production; (e) that there is personal cultivation on the part of same. Maria Kho Young with whom petitioners admittedly have the
the tenant or agricultural lessee; and (f) that the harvest is tenancy relationship. Respondent also claimed that petitioners'
shared between the landowner and the tenant or agricultural In particular, in Civil Case No. S-606, respondent alleged that CLT does not contain the technical description of the property
lessee.38 he purchased the property after confirming with the DAR that it which it purportedly covers and therefore does not show that
was not tenanted; that petitioners, with their workers and/or their alleged tenancy right falls on his property.50 Thus, the
Moreover, it is well-settled that the jurisdiction of the court over representatives, stopped or barred him by force, threats, and October 17, 2003 CA Decision stemming from Civil Case No. S-
the subject matter of the action is determined by the material intimidation from entering and occupying the property; and that 606 and petitioners' unlawful possession and claim of ownership
allegations of the complaint and the law at the time the action despite repeated demands43 and explanations made by the constitute a cloud on his title over the property. Accordingly,
was commenced, irrespective of whether or not the plaintiff is MARO44 that no landlord-tenant relationship ever existed respondent prayed for the court to declare him as the absolute
entitled to recover all or some of the claims or reliefs sought between them as regards the property, petitioners continued to owner of the property, and restrain and prohibit petitioners
from performing and/or continuing to perform act/s that affect All told, the October 17, 2003 CA Decision involving Civil Case actual possession of the same property since 1958 when
his possession and enjoyment thereof as owner.51 No. S-606 did not bar the filing of Civil Case No. L-298 that petitioner Diaz mortgaged it to Salvador Sr.
seeks to determine the issue of the property's ownership, clear
Clearly, the complaint in Civil Case No. L-298 is, as indicated respondent's title over the property, and remove all adverse On July 30, 1992, petitioners and Salvador Sr. entered into a
herein, one for quieting of title pursuant to Article 47652 of the claims against it. Compromise Agreement where they agreed to amicably settle
Civil Code. In Green Acres Holdings, Inc. v. Cabral,53 the Court the civil case provided that: (a) Salvador Sr. will vacate and
discussed: WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision dated surrender the property to petitioner Diaz within a period of one-
February 24, 2016 and the Resolution dated August 10, 2016 of and-a-half (1 ½)years or on January 31, 1994; and (b) Diaz
Quieting of title is a common law remedy for the removal of any the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 06720 are hereby shall pay to Salvador Sr. the sum of ₱1,600.00 on or before
cloud upon, doubt, or uncertainty affecting title to real property. AFFIRMED. January 31, 1993. On August 10, 1992, the MTCC issued a
Whenever there is a cloud on title to real property or any Resolution approving the Agreement.
interest in real property by reason of any instrument, record, SO ORDERED.
claim, encumbrance, or proceeding that is apparently valid or For failure of Salvador Sr. and his family to vacate the subject
effective, but is in truth and in fact, invalid, ineffective, Carpio (Chairperson), Peralta, Caguioa, and Reyes, Jr., JJ., property in accordance with the Compromise Agreement, Diaz
voidable, or unenforceable, and may be prejudicial to said title, concur. filed on February 1, 1994 an Ex-Parte Motion for Execution. The
an action may be brought to remove such cloud or to quiet the MTCC granted the motion for execution on February 4, 1994. A
title. In such action, the competent court is tasked to determine writ of execution was then issued, commanding the sheriff to
the respective rights of the complainant and the other SECOND DIVISION cause Salvador Sr., or anyone acting in his behalf, to vacate the
claimants, not only to place things in their proper places, and property and surrender complete possession thereof to Diaz.
make the claimant, who has no rights to said immovable, December 6, 2017
respect and not disturb the one so entitled, but also for the By sheer tolerance, petitioners allegedly chose not to implement
benefit of both, so that whoever has the right will see every G.R. No. 209376 the writ of execution, and allowed Salvador Sr. and his family to
cloud of doubt over the property dissipated, and he can stay on the property, subject to the condition that they will
thereafter fearlessly introduce any desired improvements, as JOSE DIAZ, JR. (herein substituted by his legal heirs VERONICA vacate the same when petitioners need it. Meanwhile, Salvador
well as use, and even abuse the property. BOLAGOT-DIAZ and RIO ANGELA BOLAGOT-DIAZ) and Sr. passed away.
ADELINA D. McMULLEN, Petitioners
For an action to quiet title to prosper, two indispensable vs. On February 9, 2009, or after more than fifteen (15) years from
requisites must concur: (1) the plaintiff or complainant has a SALVADOR VALENCIANO, JR., [deceased] substituted by the issuance of the writ of execution, petitioners sent a demand
legal or equitable title or interest in the real property subject of MADELINE A. VALENCIANO, RANIL A. VALENCIANO, letter to Salvador Jr., who refused to vacate the property
the action; and (2) the deed, claim, encumbrance, or ROSEMARIE V. SERRANO, SHEILA V ALENCIANOMOLO and despite notice.
proceeding claimed to be casting a cloud on his title must be JOHN-LYN VALENCIANO-V ARGAS, Respondent
shown to be in fact invalid or inoperative despite its prima facie On June 1, 2009, petitioners filed against Salvador Jr. a
appearance of validity or legal efficacy.54 (Emphasis and DECISION Complaint4 for unlawful detainer which was docketed as Civil
underscoring supplied) Case No. 5570. Petitioners claimed to be the lawful and
PERALTA, J.: registered owners of the property covered by TCT No. 20126,
Based on the foregoing, it is clear that the causes of action in and subject of the previous case for unlawful detainer docketed
Civil Case Nos. S-606 and L-298 are different from each other. This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari of the Court of as Civil Case No. 3931. Attached to their complaint was a
And thus, the ruling in the former would not operate as res Appeals Decision1 dated April 30, 2013, which reversed and set certified copy of TCT No. 20126, Tax Declaration No. 01300117,
judicata on the latter. aside the Decision2 dated July 9, 2010 of the Regional Trial and a Certification from the Office of the Treasurer of the City
Court of Legazpi City, and reinstated the Decision3 dated of Legaspi stating that realty taxes for the subject property are
Moreover, it should be pointed out that petitioners' attack on January 5, 2010 of the Municipal Trial Court in the Cities declared in the name of Jose and Adelina Diaz for 2008 and
the validity of respondent's Torrens title in Civil Case No. S-606 (MTCC), dismissing the complaint for unlawful detainer on the previous years.
by claiming that their father Victor became the owner of the ground of res judicata.
subject property by virtue of the CLT issued to him in 1978 In his Answer with Affirmative Defense and Counterclaim,5
constitutes a collateral attack on said title. It is an attack The facts are undisputed. Salvador Jr. contended that the complaint was barred by res
incidental to their quest to defend their possession of the judicata in view of the judicially-approved Compromise
property in an accion publiciana, not in a direct action aimed at On June 2, 1992, a complaint for unlawful detainer was filed by Agreement in the first unlawful detainer case between
impugning the validity of the judgment granting the title.55 petitioners Jose Diaz, Jr. and his sister Adelina D. McMullen petitioners and his father, Salvador Sr. He also claimed that he
Time and again, it has been held that a certificate of title shall against Salvador Valenciano Sr., the father of respondent and his predecessor-in-interest have been occupying the subject
not be subject to a collateral attack and that the issue of the Salvador Valenciano Jr. In their complaint docketed as Civil property in the concept of an owner for more than forty-five
validity of title can only be assailed in an action expressly Case No. 3931, petitioners alleged that they are the lawful and (45) years, and have declared the same in their names for
instituted for such purpose.56 Hence, any declaration the CA registered owners of a parcel of land (Lot No. 163-A) located at taxation purposes, paying taxes therefor. Attached to the
may have made in its October 17, 2003 Decision stemming from Rosario St., Old Albay, Legazpi City, and covered by Transfer Answer was Tax Declaration No. 02917 and the Sworn
Civil Case No. S-606 cannot affect respondent's ownership over Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 20126. On the other hand, Statement of the True Current and Fair Market Value of Real
the property nor nullify his Torrens title, as the adjudication was Salvador Jr. countered that his father, Salvador Valenciano Sr., Estate Properties both issued under the name of Salvador Sr.
only for the purpose of resolving the issue of possession. and the rest of his family have been in open, peaceful and
On January 5, 2010, the MTCC rendered a judgment in favor of
Salvador Jr., dismissing the complaint on the ground of res On April 30, 2013, the CA rendered a Decision, the dispositive Second, petitioners insist that there is no identity of parties in
judicata. The MTCC found that there is substantial identity of portion of which states: the first and second cases for unlawful detainer because he
parties in the first and second unlawful detainer cases because cannot be considered as successor-in-interest of his father
Salvador Jr. is the successor-in-interest of his father, who is the WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is Salvador Sr. Petitioners stress that prior to the death of
defendant in the first case, and he is the new possessor of the GRANTED. The RTC Decision dated 09 July 2010 in Civil Case Salvador Sr., he had already entered into a Compromise
same property subject of the second case. With respect to the No. 10897 is REVERSED and SETASIDE. The MTCC Decision Agreement with them whereby he acknowledged and affirmed
identity of the subject matter and cause of action, the MTCC dated 05 January 2010 in Civil Case No. 5570 is thereby their legal right of possession of the subject property. As such,
held that the first and second actions for unlawful detainer were REINSTATED. Without costs. it cannot be said that Salvador Jr.’s occupation of the property
both based on tolerance, and that the acts of dispossession or was by mere transference of rights or by stepping into the
unlawful withholding of possession were the same wrong SO ORDERED.7 shoes of his father, because there was nothing to transmit or
alleged and prayed for by petitioners in both Complaints. The step into, as the Compromise Agreement had effectively barred
MTCC ruled that the second action is barred by res judicata The CA held that the R TC erred in ruling that there is no the same.
because the same evidence in the first action would support identity of parties in the two unlawful detainer cases, and that
and establish the cause of action in the second action, namely, there is no judgment on the merits in the first case. Since Third, petitioners assert that there is a variance in the cause of
the TCT to prove ownership, and the written demand to vacate, petitioners and Salvador Sr. envisioned an end to the litigation action in the two unlawful detainer cases, which negates the
as proof of breach. of the first case, subject to compliance with the respective existence of res judicata. They claim that the occupation of
obligations under the. Compromise Agreement, the CA ruled Salvador Jr. is based on his own right and distinct from that of
Aggrieved, petitioners filed an appeal before the RTC. that the MTCC resolution approving the Agreement had the his father. They also submit that Salvador Jr.’s occupation is
same effect of an ordinary court judgment, which is a judgment akin to that made through stealth and strategy, which is forcible
On July 9, 2010, the RTC rendered a Decision, finding the on the merits that immediately became final and executory. The entry.
appeal meritorious and holding that the August 10, 1992 MTCC CA noted that there is substantial identity of parties in both
Resolution approving the Compromise Agreement was not a cases because Salvador Jr. is the son of the defendant in the In his Comment, Salvador Jr. argues that all the elements of
judgment on the merits, hence, the principle of res judicata first case, and they have shared interest and occupied the same resjudicata are present. With respect to the element of final
does not apply. Since both parties claim ownership over Lot property prior to the filing of such case. The CA also stated that judgment on the merits, he cites the well-settled rule that a
163-A, the RTC made a provisional determination that after the issuance of the writ of execution in the first case and Compromise Agreement, once approved by order of the court,
petitioners' TCT No. 20126 vested them better title than the lapse of the period for its implementation, petitioners slept is immediately final and executory with the force of res judicata,
Salvador Jr. The dispositive portion of the Decision reads: on their rights for 15 years, which is beyond the period to and becomes more than a mere private contract binding upon
enforce a judgment under the Statute of Limitations; hence, the parties, as the court's sanction imbues it with the same
WHEREFORE, Premises Considered, the lower court's (MTCC, estoppel by laches bars the filing of the second case. effect as any other judgment. Anent the element of identity of
Branch 3, Legazpi City) judgment dated 05 January 2010 in Civil parties, Salvador Jr. points out that he and petitioners are
Case No. 5570 is set aside, ·and thus this Court renders Unconvinced by the CA Decision, petitioners filed a motion for substantially the same parties as those who were involved in
judgment, as follows, to wit: reconsideration which was denied for lack of merit. the first unlawful detainer case, because he is the son and
successor-in-interest of the defendant in the said case.
1. Ordering the appellee Salvador Valenciano, Jr., as well as his In this Petition for Review on Certiorari, petitioners argue that
agents, representatives, privies, successors-in-interest, or any the CA decided a question of substance not in accord with laws The petition is meritorious.
other person/s claiming any right to possess under him to leave and jurisprudence when it reversed the RTC Decision, and held
and vacate Lot 163-A, and thereafter transfer possession of this that all the elements of res judicata are present.8 Res judicata applies in the concept of "bar by prior judgment" if
lot to the appellants Jose Diaz, Jr. and Adelinda D. McMullen; the following requisites concur: (1) the former judgment or
The core issue to be resolved is whether petitioners' subsequent order must be final; (2) the judgment or order must be on the
2. Ordering the appellee Salvador Valenciano, Jr. to pay rentals unlawful detainer case against Salvador Jr. involving the same merits; (3) the decision must have been rendered by a court
for the use of Lot 163-A in the amount of 500 pesos per month property is barred by res judicata and estoppel by laches due to having jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties; and
from the time that the complaint in this case was filed in court a previous unlawful detainer case they had filed against his (4) there must be, between the first and the second action,
until such time that he will vacate this lot; father, which was subject of a judicially-approved Compromise identity of parties, of subject matter, and of causes of action.9
Agreement that was never executed by mere tolerance of
3. Ordering the appellee Salvador Valenciano, Jr. to pay the petitioners. Apart from petitioners' insistence as to the absence of the three
appellants Jose Diaz, Jr. and Adelinda D. McMullen the sums of requisites -judgment on the merits, identity of parties, and
30,000 pesos and 20,000 pesos as attorney's fees and litigation Petitioners argue that the CA erred in ruling that res judicata identity of causes of action - the presence of all the other
expenses, respectively; and bars the second complaint for unlawful detainer because of the elements of res judicata are beyond dispute. As can be gleaned
absence of three (3) elements, namely: final judgment on the from the records and allegations in the Complaints docketed as
4. Ordering the appellee Salvador Valenciano, Jr. to pay the merits, identity of parties, and of cause of action. Civil Case Nos. 3931 and 5570, the Compromise Agreement in
costs of suit. the first unlawful detainer case involving the same property in
First, petitioners assert that the Compromise Agreement was a Legazpi City subject of the second unlawful detainer case, is
SO ORDERED.6 mere consensual contract that cannot be considered as a already final and executory, as it was duly approved by the
judgment on the merits, because there was no actual MTCC ofLegazpi City, which has jurisdiction over the ejectment
Dissatisfied with the RTC Decision, Salvador Jr. filed a petition adjudication of the respective rights, contention and issues case and the parties.
for review before the Court of Appeals. raised by the opposing parties.
Anent the first disputed requisite of res judicata, a judgment is Agreement. Indeed, the Resolution was a judgment on the Jr.’s occupation is akin to forcible entry made through stealth
said to be "on the merits" when it amounts to a legal merits, thus satisfying the third element of res judicata. 19 and strategy - an allegation that is nowhere to be found in the
declaration of the respective rights and duties of the parties Complaints.
based upon disclosed facts.10 It is that which rendered by the In Palarea v. De Anzon,20 the Court rejected appellants'
court after the parties have introduced their respective argument questioning the validity of the judgment upon the The Rules of Court defines cause of action as an act or omission
evidence, with the primary objective in view of concluding contention that the lower court, in merely transcribing the by which a party violates a right of another.25 One of the tests
controversies or determining the rights of the parties.11 Compromise Agreement, has failed to make findings of fact and to determine the identity of causes of action so as to warrant
"Merits" has been defined as a matter of substance in law, as conclusions of law in the decision, as the law requires. The application of res judicata is the "same evidence rule." In
distinguished from a matter of form; it refers to the real or Court held that in contemplation of law, the lower court is ascertaining the identity of causes of action, the test is to look
substantial grounds of action or defense, as contrasted with deemed to have adopted the same statement of facts and into whether or not the same evidence fully supports and
some technical or collateral matter raised in the course of the conclusions of law made and resolved by the parties themselves establishes both the present and the former causes of action.26
suit. in their Compromise Agreement; and their consent has If the answer is in the affirmative, the former judgment would
rendered it both unnecessary and improper for the court to still be a bar; otherwise, that prior judgment would not serve as
The Court held in one case12 that a ruling based on a motion to make preliminary adjudication of the matters thereunder such a bar to the subsequent action.27 In an unlawful detainer
dismiss, without any trial on the merits or formal presentation covered. case, the evidence needed to establish the cause of action
of evidence, can still be a judgment on the merits. Even a would be the lease contract and the violation of that lease.28
dismissal on the ground of failure to state a cause of action may Equally devoid of merit is petitioners' stance that there is no However, in this case where a person occupies the land of
operate as res judicata on a subsequent case involving the substantial identity of parties between the first unlawful another at the latter’s tolerance or permission, without any
same parties, subject matter, and causes of action, provided detainer case where Salvador Sr. was the defendant, and the contract between them, what must be· proven is that such
that the order of dismissal actually ruled on the issues raised.13 second case where Salvador Jr. is the defendant. There is possession is by mere tolerance, and that there was a breach of
What appears to be essential to a judgment on the merits is identity of parties where the parties in both actions are the implied promise to vacate the land upon demand.
that it be a reasoned decision, which clearly states the facts and same, or there is privity between them, or they are successors-
the law on which it is based.14 in-interest by title subsequent to the commencement of the Applying the "same evidence rule," the Court cannot fully agree
action, litigating for the same thing and under the same title with the MTCC that the evidence necessary to obtain affirmative
Contrary to petitioners’ view and the RTC ruling that the and in the same capacity.21 Privity exists between a decedent in the second unlawful detainer case based on tolerance is the
Compromise Agreement approved by the MTCC does not and his heir, next of kin, devisee, or legatee, and a judgment same as in the first one which· is also based on tolerance. While
constitute as a judgment on the merits, jurisprudence holds that for or against a decedent prior to his death will conclude such petitioners correctly rely on the same transfer certificate of title
a judgment based on Compromise Agreement is a judgment on persons as to all matters in issue in the case and determined by (TCT No. 20126) as proof of ownership and right to possession
the merits,15 wherein the parties have validly entered into the judgment.22 In this case, substantial identity of parties in of the property subject of both cases, the Court finds that
stipulations and the evidence was duly considered by the trial both unlawful detainer cases is aptly underscored by the CA: separate and distinct demand letters are required to prove the
court that approved the Agreement.16 different breaches of implied promise to vacate the property,
In the instant case, it is undisputed that petitioner Valenciano namely, the demand letter29 addressed to Salvador Sr., and the
A judgment by Compromise is a judgment embodying a [Salvador Jr.] is the son of the deceased Salvador [Sr.], against demand letter dated February 9, 2009 addressed to Salvador Jr.
Compromise Agreement entered into by the parties in which whom the First Case was instituted.1âwphi1 In his Position It bears stressing the refusal to comply with the first demand to
they make reciprocal concessions in order to terminate a Paper, petitioner Valenciano [Salvador Jr.] stated that he, his vacate constitutes a cause of action for unlawful detainer in Civil
litigation already instituted.17 A Compromise approved by final father Salvador, and the rest of their family have been in "open, Case No. 3931, while the refusal to comply with the second
order of the court has the force of res judicata between the peaceful, and actual possession" of Lot No. 163-A until the demand to vacate creates a different cause of action for
parties, and cannot and should not be disturbed except for vices institution of the First Case. Moreover, petitioner Valenciana unlawful detainer in Civil Case No. 5570. The first case deals
of consent or forgery, it being the obvious purpose of such [Salvador Jr.] likewise alleged that after the death of his father, with Salvador Sr.'s possession by mere tolerance of petitioners,
Compromise to settle once and for all the issues involved and he continued the possession of the said lot up to the present. while the second case refers to Salvador Jr.’s possession by
bar all future disputes and controversies.18 Clearly, the mere tolerance, which arose when they neglected to execute
Resolution dated August 10, 1992 of the MTCC approving the Considerably, petitioner Valenciano [Salvador Jr.] and Salvador the judgment in the first case.
Compromise Agreement has the same effect as an ordinary [Sr.] during the latter's lifetime, have shared the same interest
judgment, which immediately became final and executory with over the said property and have occupied the same Lot prior to The CA thus committed reversible error when it overlooked that
the force of res judicata. As correctly noted by the CA: the institution of the First Case. Such identity of interest is fact that the cause of action in the first unlawful detainer case is
sufficient to make them privy-in-law, thereby satisfying the Salvador Sr.’s breach of the implied promise to vacate the
[O]nce stamped with judicial imprimatur, a Compromise requisite of substantial identity of parties.23 property being occupied by his family by mere tolerance of
Agreement becomes more than a mere contract binding upon petitioners, whereas the cause of action in the second case is
the parties. Having the sanction of the court and entered as its Considering further that family, relatives, and other privies of another breach of implied promise to vacate the same property
determination of the controversy, it has the force and effect of the defendant are as much bound by the judgment in an by Salvador Jr., the son and successor-in-interest of Salvador
any other judgment. Thus, the Resolution approving the ejectment case as the party from whom they derive their Sr., despite the judicially-approved Compromise Agreement
Compromise Agreement had the same effect of an ordinary possession,24 petitioners cannot claim that there is no identity which petitioners neglected to enforce even after the issuance
court judgment, which immediately became final and executory of parties in the first and second unlawful detainer cases. of a writ of execution.
as to those who are bound thereby. Verily, [petitioners] and
Salvador [Sr.] envisioned an end to the litigation of the First Be that as it may, petitioners are partly correct that there is no The CA likewise erred in ruling that petitioners' inaction for a
Case except only as regards to the compliance with [the] identity of cause of action between the first and second period of about 15 years after the issuance of the writ of
respective obligations thereunder in the conclusion of the said unlawful detainer cases, but not for the reason that Salvador execution calls for the application of the equitable doctrine of
estoppel by laches under Article 1144 (3)30 of the New Civil tax declaration36 dated October 13, 1978 and a sworn MCGEORGE FOOD INDUSTRIES INC., CEBU GOLDEN FOODS
Code. Suffice it to state that said provision pertains to the statement of the current and fair market value thereof dated INDUSTRIES, INC., and TYKE PHILIP LOMIBAO, Respondents
prescriptive period to enforce or revive a final judgment. June 23, 1983, both under the name of his father, Salvador Sr.
Granted that respondents can no longer enforce the judgment In contrast, petitioners' claim over the subject property is based DECISION
in the first unlawful detainer case due to the lapse of the on TCT No. 20126,37 a tax declaration38 and a certification39
reglementary period to execute the same, they can still file a of payment of realty taxes issued under the name of petitioner PERALTA, J.:
similar action involving the same property based on the Diaz Jr. Considering the principles that tax declarations and
different cause of action. realty tax payments are not conclusive proof of ownership or Before this Court is a petition for review1 via Rule 45 of the
possession, and that a certificate of title under the Torrens Rules of Court assailing the Decision2 dated September 28,
Under Article 1144 (3), in relation to Article 115231 of the New system serves as evidence of an indefeasible title to the 2012 and Resolution3 dated January 31, 2013 of the Court of
Civil Code and Section 6, Rule 3932 of the Rules of Court, once property in favor of the person whose name appears thereon, Appeals (CA), Cebu City in CA-G.R. CV No. 03079, which
a judgment becomes final and executory, the prevailing party the Court holds that petitioners have proven by preponderant reversed and set aside the Decision4 of the Regional Trial Court
may have it executed as a matter of right by mere motion evidence better right to ownership and possession of the (RTC) Branch 22, Cebu City and denied the motion for
within five (5) years from the date of entry of judgment. If such subject property, and that Salvador Jr.’s occupation is by mere reconsideration, respectively.
party fails to have the decision enforced by a motion after the tolerance of petitioners.
lapse of 5 years, the same judgment is reduced to a right of The facts are as follows:
action which must be enforced by the institution of a petition in The oft-repeated rule is that a person who occupies the land of
a regular court within ten (10) years from the time the another at the latter's tolerance or permission, without any On September 17, 2000, the petitioners, spouses Ed Dante (Ed)
judgment becomes final; otherwise, the judgment can no longer contract between them, is bound by an implied promise that he and Mary Ann Latonio (Mary Ann); accompanied their eight-
be executed, for being barred by laches. Verily, the said will vacate the same upon demand, failing which a summary month-old child Ed Christian to a birthday party at the
provisions on enforcement and revival of judgment do not apply action for ejectment is the proper remedy against him.40 Since McDonald's Restaurant, Ayala Center, Cebu City.
to the filing of a subsequent action which is based on a different Salvador Jr.’s occupation is by mere tolerance of petitioners, he
cause of action. is bound by an implied promise that he will vacate the property During the party and as part of the birthday package,
upon demand. His status is analogous to that of a lessee or McDonald's presented two mascots – "Birdie" and "Grimace" -
In Limpan Investment Corporation v. Sy,33 the Court held that tenant whose term of lease has expired but whose occupancy to entertain and dance for the guests. Respondent Tyke Philip
although the first action of the owner for the ejectment of the continued by tolerance of the owner.41 Lomibao (Lomibao )5 was the person inside the "Birdie" mascot
tenant was dismissed by the court under a judgment that suit.
became final and executory, such dismissal does not preclude On a final note, the adjudication of ownership in an ejectment
the owner from making a new demand upon the tenant to case may be necessary to decide the question of material After the mascots danced, guests had their pictures taken with
vacate should the latter again fail to pay the rents due. This is possession, but such determination is merely provisional, as it them. Intending to have her child's photo taken with the
because the second demand for the payment of the rents and will not bar or prejudice an action between the same parties mascots, Mary Ann placed Ed Christian on a chair in front of the
for the surrender of the possession of the leased premises and involving title to the property, if and when such action is mascot "Birdie." The mascot positioned itself behind the child
the refusal of the tenant to vacate constitutes a new cause of brought seasonably before the proper forum.42 and extended its "wings" to give a good pose for the camera.
action. Thus, the action on the first case could not serve as a
bar to the second action for ejectment. WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition for Review on As photos were about to be taken, Mary Ann released her hold
Certiorari is GRANTED. The Decision dated April 30, 2013 of the of Ed Christian. Seconds later, the child fell head first from the
Significantly, as the registered owners, petitioners' right to eject Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 115316 is REVERSED and chair onto the floor.
any person illegally occupying their property cannot be barred SET ASIDE, while the Decision dated July 9, 2010 of the
by laches.34 In Labrador v. Pobre, 35 the Court held that: Regional Trial Court of Legazpi City, Branch 5, in Civil Case No. Several guests attended to Ed Christian. Meanwhile, the
10897 is REINSTATED. employees of respondent McDonald’s Cebu Golden Food6 (Cebu
... As a registered owner, petitioner has a right to eject any Golden Food) assisted petitioners in giving first aid treatment to
person illegally occupying his property. This right is SO ORDERED. Ed Christian. Petitioners, nevertheless, remained and continued
imprescriptible and can never be barred by laches. In Bishop v. with the party and left only after the party was over.
Court of Appeals, we held, thus: DIOSDADO M. PERALTA
Associate Justice At about 9:30 in the evening of the same day, Mary Ann called
As registered owners of the lots in question, the private up Cebu Golden Food to inform them that their doctor advised
respondents have a right to eject any person illegally occupying them to get an x-ray examination on Ed Christian. Cebu Golden
their property. This right is imprescriptible. Even if it be Food then assured her that they were willing to shoulder the
supposed that they were aware of the petitioners' occupation of SECOND DIVISION expenses for the x-ray examination of Ed Christian. Later,
the property, and regardless of the length of that possession, McDonald’s reimbursed Mary Ann for the expenses incurred
the lawful owners have a right to demand the return of their December 6, 2017 relative to the x-ray examination. It further offered to pay the
property at any time as long as the possession was expenses for the CT scan to be conducted on Ed Christian.
unauthorized or merely tolerated, if at all. This right is never G.R. No. 206184
barred by laches. For some time, nothing was heard from petitioners.
SPOUSES ED DANTE LATONIO AND MARY ANN LATONIO and Nonetheless, a staff of Cebu Golden Food visited the Latonios in
It bears emphasis that Salvador Jr.’s claim of right of ownership the minor ED CHRISTIAN LATONIO, Petitioners their residence to follow up the results of the CT scan test. The
and possession of the subject property is merely anchored on a vs. staff was met by the brother of Mary Ann, who allegedly
repeatedly shouted at them saying that they would file a case 1. ₱900,000.00 as Moral Damages; which is in a better position to determine the same. The trial
against Cebu Golden Food. Thus, Cebu Golden Food reported court has the distinct advantage of actually hearing the
the incident to their licensor, McGeorge Food Industries, Inc. 2. ₱50,000.00 as Exemplary Damages, and testimony of and observing the deportment of the witnesses.
Nevertheless, the rule admits of exceptions such as when its
Sometime in October 2000, McGeorge received a Letter from 3. ₱300,000.00 as Attorney's fees. evaluation was reached arbitrarily, or it overlooked or failed to
the lawyer of the Latonios regarding the September 17, 2000 appreciate some facts or circumstances of weight and
incident. In its reply, McGeorge immediately assured the The case against defendant McGeorge Food Industries Inc., is substance which could affect the result of the case,12 as what
Latonios that the health and safety of all McDonald's customers hereby dismissed for lack of evidence. happened in the instant case.
is its utmost concern and that the best medical and hospital
care would be made available to Ed Christian. SO ORDERED. In the instant case, there is no dispute that petitioners suffered
damages because of Ed Christian's fall. However, as to the
McGeorge also sent its Field Service Director, together with its Aggrieved, Cebu Golden Food and Lomibao filed an appeal issues on negligence and proximate cause, the Court of Appeals
lawyer, to meet with the Latonios and their lawyers to assure before the Court of Appeals-Cebu City. and the trial court gave contradicting findings.
them that McDonald's was ready to assist in whatever medical
attention would be required of Ed Christian. On September 28, 2012, in its assailed Decision, the Court of As the action is predicated on negligence, the relevant law is
Appeals reversed the trial court's decision and said that the trial Article 2176 of the Civil Code, which states that-
During the meeting, McGeorge agreed to contact a neurologist court overlooked substantial facts and circumstances which, if
for consultation to ensure Ed Christian’s health. McGeorge properly considered, would justify a different conclusion and Whoever by act or omission causes damage to another, there
conferred and consulted with two neurosurgeons at the St. alter the results of the case. The dispositive portion of the being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage
Luke's Medical Center and the Makati Medical Center, who both decision reads, thus: done. Such fault or negligence, if there was no pre-existing
recommended to first study the x-ray results and CT scan to contractual relation between the parties, is called quasi-delict
determine the extent of the injury sustained by the baby. WHEREFORE, the appeal is GRANTED. The Decision dated 03 and is governed by the provisions of this chapter.
March 2009 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 22, Cebu City is
Thereafter, McGeorge relayed the doctor’s requirement to the REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Civil Case No. CEB-26126 is The trial court held that the proximate cause of Ed Christian's
Latonios who initially agreed to give McGeorge copies of the x- DISMISSED for lack of merit. The compulsory counterclaims of fall and the resulting injury was Lomibao’s act of holding the
ray and CT scan results. However, the Latonios had a change of defendants-appellants are DENIED. No costs. baby during the party which was purportedly prohibited under
heart and informed McGeorge that they had decided against the rules and policy of the establishment.
lending them the x-ray and CT scan results and other related SO ORDERED.8
medical records. We disagree.
Thus, the instant petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules
Instead, the Latonios sent a Letter to McGeorge demanding for of Court brought before this Court raising the sole issue of: Indeed, the testimony of Mary Ann herself on cross-examination
compensation in the amount of Fifteen Million Pesos Whether the Court of Appeals erred in ruling that the proximate is telling. Thus:
(₱15,000,000.00). cause of Ed Christian’s fall was the negligence of petitioner
Mary Ann Latonia. 9 xxxx
As their demand remained unheeded, the Latonios caused the
publication of the accident in the local newspaper, Sun Star The trial court held Cebu Golden Food is liable because the Q. And when you said that you informed the mascot, what
Cebu on February 8, 2001 with a headline "Food outlet sued for proximate cause of Ed Christian’s fall is the negligence of their exact words did you use?
₱.9 M damages". Simultaneously, the Latonios also instituted a employee, Lomibao. On the other hand, the Court of Appeals
complaint for damages and attorney's fees against McGeorge. reversed the trial court's decision and held that Ed Christian’s A. I tap (sic) him on his side and then I called him that I am
mother, Mary Ann, is liable because the proximate cause of the going to have the taking of pictures with my baby.
On March 3, 2009, the RTC, in Civil Case No. CEB-26126, issued child's fall was Mary Ann's act of leaving her eightmonth- old
a Decision,7 the dispositive portion of which reads: child, Ed Christian, in the "hands" of Lomibao who was at the xxxx
time wearing the Birdie mascot costume.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby Q. Now did you wait for the mascots to make a reply?
rendered in favor of the plaintiffs and against defendants Tyke We find no merit on this instant petition.
Philip Lomibao and Cebu Golden Foods, Inc., finding defendant A. He was looking at me and he look (sic) at my face.
Tyke Philip Lomibao liable for acts of negligence causing the fall The principle is well-established that this Court is not a trier of
of baby Ed Christian Latonio and correspondingly, finding facts. Therefore, in an appeal by certiorari under Rule 45 of the Q. Did he make a reply?
defendant Cebu Golden Foods, Inc. liable solidarily with Rules of Court, only questions of law may be raised. The
defendant Tyke Philip Lomibao, pursuant to Article 2180 of the resolution of factual issues is the function of the lower courts A. No, Ma’am.
New Civil Code inasmuch as defendant Cebu Golden Foods, Inc. whose findings on these matters are received with respect and
was the employer of defendant Tyke Philip Lomibao. are, as a rule, binding on this Court.10 Q. Did you see his eyes looking at you?

Accordingly, defendants Tyke Philip Lomibao and Cebu Golden However, this rule is subject to certain exceptions. One of these A. No, Ma’am.
Foods, Incorporated, are hereby ordered to pay to the plaintiffs is when the findings of the appellate court are contrary to those
the following: of the trial court.11 It is also settled that the appellate courts x x x.13
will not as a general rule disturb the findings of the trial court,
ATTY. ABELLA A. There was an opening of the costume near the mouth. If the Q: Can you tell us or can you give us any reason why you move
mascot cannot see, then how can he play with the kids? (sic) to the side?
Q. You said that you told the mascot that you were leaving the A: Because I motioned my husband already that he would take
Q. And at the time you already observed that the person was baby to him? a picture of the baby and the mascot before I left and I am so
wearing a thick leather suit? sure that the baby is securely (sic) with the mascot holding the
A. Ipat (sic) him. baby.19
A. Yes.
Q. Did you see the ears of the person inside the mascot? xxxx
Q. Did you actually see the body of the person who lift (sic)
your baby then? A. No. Q. And your child at that time was eight (8) months old?

A. No. Q. Did you even know if there was an opening for the ears at A: Yes, ma’am.
the person wearing the mascot costume?
Q. Did you see the hands inside the costume? Q: He cannot stand on his own?
A. No, but I was nearer the mascot.
A. Of course, I cannot see the hands. A: He can stand but he has to have support.
x x x.17
Q. Did you see the arms of the person inside the mascot? Q: He cannot walk on his own at that time?
We agree with the appellate court that despite Mary Ann’s
A. I cannot because he is (sic) wearing a costume.14 insistence that she made sure that her baby was safe and A: At that time with support."
secured before she released her grasp on Ed Christian, her own
COURT testimony revealed that she had, in fact, acted negligently and x x x.20
carelessly, to wit:
Q. You were not sure that when you handed the baby it was More telling is the ratiocination of the Court of Appeals, which
firmly held by the mascot? Q. Now when you said that you made sure that the mascot was we quote with approval:
holding your baby, what action did you do to insure that?
A. I placed the baby in front of the mascot. Indeed, it is irresponsible for a mother to entrust the safety,
A. When I saw that the mascot was holding my baby so I make even momentarily, of her eight-month-old child to a mascot, not
Q. You were not aware about the hands when you turned over (sic) a motion to my husband for the picture taking so I left to mention a bird mascot in thick leather suit that had no arms
the baby because it was a mascot? beside. I backed off a little bit. to hold the child and whose diminished ability to see, hear, feel,
and move freely was readily apparent. Moreover, by merely
A. I was sure because I can feel the hands and my baby was x x x x. tapping the mascot and saying "papicture ta", Mary Ann Latonio
standing in front of him; and he is doing like this (witness cannot be said to have "told, informed and instructed the
demonstrating).15 Q. I will not risk my baby if I am not sure that the mascot was mascot that she was letting the mascot hold the baby
not inserting his hands over my baby when I left the scene. The momentarily." Releasing her grasp of the baby without waiting
ATTY. ABELLA (sic) I am sure that the baby was already safe in the hands of for any indication that the mascot heard and understood her is
the mascot. just plain negligence on the part of Mary Ann.
Q. Did you see the eyes of the person inside the mascot
costume? Q. When you say that you make (sic) sure you just relied on To Our mind, what is more in accord with human experience
your sight? and dictates of reason is that a diligent mother would naturally
A. No. ensure first and foremost the safety of her child before
A. Yes, ma'am.18 releasing her hold on him. Such is not the case here. Mary Ann
Q. Were you aware if there were openings for the eyes of the Latonio, in placing Ed Christian on a chair and expecting a bird
person inside the mascot? xxxx mascot to ensure the child's safety, utterly failed to observe the
degree of diligence expected of her as a mother of an eight-
A. Yes, I was aware. Q: Did you check what part of your child's body was in contact month- old baby.21
in any part of the mascot’s body?
Q. The eyesin this mascot costume actually had no opening? Clearly, based on the foregoing, Mary Ann’s negligence was the
A: Partly it was here on the waist of the child until (sic) the proximate cause of Ed Christian’s fall which caused him injury.
A. Yes, no opening.16 armpit. Proximate cause is defined as –

COURT Q: Now you said that you move (sic) further to the side from that cause, which, in natural and continuous sequence,
where your baby was standing, is that your testimony? unbroken by any efficient intervening cause, produces the
Q. You entrusted the baby even if there was no opening of the injury, and without which the result would not have occurred.
eyes? A: Yes, ma’am. And more comprehensively, the proximate legal cause is that
acting first and producing the injury, either immediately or by
setting other events in motion, all constituting a natural and and staff, they cannot be made liable to pay for the damages Council Approved Medical Centers Association (GAMCA) and as
continuous chain of events, each having a close causal prayed for by the petitioners. such, authorized to conduct medical examinations of
connection with its immediate predecessor, the final event in prospective applicants for overseas employment.6
the chain immediately effecting the injury as a natural and To warrant the recovery of damages, there must be both a right
probable result of the cause which first acted, under such of action for a legal wrong inflicted by the defendant, and On January 10, 2008, respondent referred prospective applicant
circumstances that the person responsible for the first event damage resulting to the plaintiff therefrom.1âwphi1 Wrong Jonathan V. Raguindin (Raguindin) to petitioner for a pre-
should, as an ordinary prudent and intelligent person, have without damage, or damage without wrong, does not constitute deployment medical examination in accordance with the
reasonable ground to expect at the moment of his act or default a cause of action, since damages are merely part of the remedy instructions from GAMCA.7 After undergoing the required
that an injury to some person might probably result allowed for the injury caused by a breach or wrong.24 examinations, petitioner cleared Raguindin and found him "fit
therefrom.22 for employment," as evidenced by a Medical Report8 dated
Many accidents occur and many injuries are inflicted by acts or January 11, 2008 (Medical Report).9
Here, it is beyond dispute that the cause of Ed Christian’s fall is omissions which cause damage or loss to another but which
traceable to the negligent act of Mary Ann of leaving him in the violate no legal duty to such other person, and consequently Based on the foregoing, respondent deployed Raguindin to
"hands" of Lomibao who was wearing the Birdie mascot suit. create no cause of action in his favor. In such cases, the Saudi Arabia, allegedly incurring expenses in the amount of
We noted that "hands" and "wings" were used interchangeably consequences must be borne by the injured person alone. The P84,373.41.10 Unfortunately, when Raguindin underwent
during the testimonies of the witnesses, thus, causing law affords no remedy resulting from an act which does not another medical examination with the General Care Dispensary
confusion. However, it must be stressed that while indeed amount to a legal injury or wrong.25 of Saudi Arabia (General Care Dispensary) on March 24, 2008,
Lomibao has hands of his own, at the time of the incident he he purportedly tested positive for HCV or the hepatitis C virus.
was wearing the Birdie mascot suit. Suffice it to say that the WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision dated The Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Ministry
Birdie mascot suit have no hands but instead have wings. September 28, 2012 and Resolution dated January 31, 2013 of of Health) required a re-examination of Raguindin, which the
Lomibao cannot possibly hold or grasp anything while wearing the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 03079 are hereby General Care Dispensary conducted on April 28, 2008.11
the thick Birdie mascot suit. In fact, even if he wanted to hold AFFIRMED. However, the results of the re-examination remained the same,
Ed Christian or anything, he could not possibly do so because i.e., Raguindin was positive for HCV, which results were
he was wearing the Birdie mascot suit which do not even have SO ORDERED. reflected in a Certification12 dated April 28, 2008 (Certification).
hands or fingers to be able to hold or grasp firmly. An undated HCV Confirmatory Test Report13 likewise conducted
DIOSDADO M. PERALTA by the Ministry of Health affirmed such finding, thereby leading
Notably, while the CA and the trial court made conflicting Associate Justice to Raguindin's repatriation to the Philippines.14
rulings on the negligence of Cebu Golden Food and Lomibao,
they, however, concur on Mary Ann's own negligence. The trial Claiming that petitioner was reckless in issuing its Medical
court's summation of Mary Ann's own negligence is as follows: Report stating that Raguindin is "fit for employment" when a
SECOND DIVISION subsequent finding in Saudi Arabia revealed that he was
xxxx positive for HCV, respondent filed a Complaint15 for sum of
G.R. No. 217426, December 04, 2017 money and damages against petitioner before the Metropolitan
A review of their testimonies would reveal that although we Trial Court of Mandaluyong City, Branch 60 (MeTC). Respondent
ascribe negligence of defendant Lomibao we, likewise, ST. MARTIN POLYCLINIC, INC., Petitioner, v. LWV essentially averred that it relied on petitioner's declaration and
unraveled that plaintiff herself was not entirely blameless. CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, Respondent. incurred expenses as a consequence. Thus, respondent prayed
Therefore, plaintiff Mary Ann Latonio was likewise negligent. for the award of damages in the amount of P84,373.41
Why was she negligent can be traced to the fact as established DECISION representing the expenses it incurred in deploying Raguindin
that she left her eight-month-old baby on top of a chair to the abroad.16
temporary custody of a mascot. Even if the baby was only left PERLAS-BERNABE, J.:
for a few seconds or minutes that could already spell a disaster, In its Answer with compulsory counterclaim,17 petitioner denied
in fact, it really happened. The baby fell from the chair and Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari1 are the liability and claimed that: first, respondent was not a proper
went straight into the floor head first. Even if she already Decision2 dated July 11, 2014 and the Resolution3 dated party in interest for lack of privity of contract between them;
informed and told the mascot that she was leaving the baby to February 27, 2015 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP second, the MeTC had no jurisdiction over the case as it
his hold she should not have let go of her grip because as a No. 125451, which affirmed with modification the Decision4 involves the interpretation and implementation of a contract of
mother she ought to exercise the commensurate prudence and dated December 15, 2011 and the Order dated May 25, 2012 of employment; third, the action is premature as Raguindin has
case. the Regional Trial Court of Mandaluyong City, Branch 211 (RTC) yet to undergo a post-employment medical examination
in SCA Case No. MC11-879 (Civil Case No. 21881), and thereby following his repatriation; and fourth, the complaint failed to
x x x."23 ordered herein petitioner St. Martin Polyclinic, Inc. (petitioner) state a cause of action as the Medical Report issued by
to pay respondent LWV Construction Corporation (respondent) petitioner had already expired on April 11, 2008, or three (3)
Thus, all the aforementioned circumstances lead us to no other temperate damages in the amount of P50,000.00. months after its issuance on January 11, 2008.18
conclusion than that the proximate cause of the injury sustained
by Ed Christian was due to Mary Ann's own negligence. The Facts The MeTC Ruling

All told, in the absence of negligence on the part of respondents Respondent is engaged in the business of recruiting Filipino In a Decision19 dated December 17, 2010, the MeTC rendered
Cebu Golden Foods and Lomibao, as well as their management workers for deployment to Saudi Arabia.5 On the other hand, judgment in favor of respondent and ordered petitioner to pay
petitioner is an accredited member of the Gulf Cooperative
the amount of P84,373.41 as actual damages, P20,000.00 as not enjoy the presumption of regularity as petitioner is merely Article 2176. Whoever by act or omission causes damage to
attorney's fees, and the costs of suit.20 an accredited clinic.35 Finally, the CA ruled that petitioner could another, there being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for
not disclaim liability on the ground that Raguindin tested the damage done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no pre-
At the onset, the MeTC held that it had jurisdiction over the positive for HCV in Saudi Arabia after the expiration of the existing contractual relation between the parties, is called a
case, since respondent was claiming actual damages incurred in Medical Report on April 11, 2008, noting that the General Care quasi-delict and is governed by the provisions of this Chapter.
the deployment of Raguindin in the amount of P84,373.41.21 It Dispensary issued its Certification on April 28, 2008, or a mere
further ruled that respondent was a real party in interest, as it seventeen (17) days from the expiration of petitioner's Medical The elements of a quasi-delict are: (1) an act or omission; (2)
would not have incurred expenses had petitioner not issued the Report.36 Hence, the CA concluded that "it is contrary to the presence of fault or negligence in the performance or non-
Medical Report certifying that Raguindin was fit to work. human experience that a newly-deployed overseas worker, such performance of the act; (3) injury; (4) a causal connection
as Raguindin, would immediately contract a serious virus at the between the negligent act and the injury; and (5) no pre-
On the merits, the MeTC found that respondent was entitled to very beginning of a deployment."37 existing contractual relation.44
be informed accurately of the precise condition of Raguindin
before deploying the latter abroad and consequently, had However, as the records are bereft of evidence to show that As a general rule, any act or omission coming under the
sustained damage as a result of the erroneous certification.22 respondent actually incurred the amount of P84,373.41 as purview of Article 2176 gives rise to a cause of action under
In this relation, it rejected petitioner's contention that Raguindin expenses for Raguindin's deployment, the CA deleted the award quasi-delict. This, in turn, gives the basis for a claim of
may have contracted the disease after his medical examination of actual damages and instead, awarded temperate damages in damages.45 Notably, quasi-delict is one among several sources
in the Philippines up to the time of his deployment, there being the amount of P50,000.00.38 of obligation. Article 1157 of the Civil Code states:
no evidence offered to corroborate the same.23
Aggrieved, petitioner filed a motion for partial Article 1157. Obligations arise from:
Aggrieved, petitioner appealed to the RTC, contending,24 reconsideration,39 which the CA denied in a Resolution40 dated
among others, that respondent failed to comply with the February 27, 2015; hence, this petition. (1) Law;
requirements on the authentication and proof of documents (2) Contracts;
under Section 24,25 Rule 132 of the Rules of Court, considering The Issue Before the Court (3) Quasi-contracts;
that respondent's evidence, particularly the April 28, 2008 (4) Acts or omissions punished by law; and
Certification issued by the General Care Dispensary and the HCV The essential issue advanced for the Court's resolution is (5) Quasi-delicts.
Confirmatory Test Report issued by the Ministry of Health, are whether or not petitioner was negligent in issuing the Medical
foreign documents issued in Saudi Arabia. Report declaring Raguindin "fit for employment" and hence, However, as explained by Associate Justice Marvic M.V.F.
should be held liable for damages. Leonen (Justice Leonen) in his opinion in Alano v. Magud-
The RTC Ruling Logmao46 (Alano), "Article 2176 is not an all-encompassing
The Court's Ruling enumeration of all actionable wrongs which can give rise to the
In a Decision26 dated December 15, 2011, the RTC dismissed liability for damages. Under the Civil Code, acts done in
petitioner's appeal and affirmed the MeTC Decision in its The petition is granted. violation of Articles 19, 20, and 21 will also give rise to
entirety.27 Additionally, the RTC pointed out that petitioner can damages."47 These provisions - which were cited as bases by
no longer change the theory of the case or raise new issues on I. the MTC, RTC and CA in their respective rulings in this case -
appeal, referring to the latter's argument on the authentication read as follows:
of respondent's documentary evidence.28 At the outset, it should be pointed out that a re-examination of
factual findings cannot be done acting on a petition for review Article 19. Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and
Petitioner's motion for reconsideration29 was denied in an on certiorari because the Court is not a trier of facts but reviews in the performance of his duties, act with justice, give everyone
Order30 dated May 25, 2012. Dissatisfied, petitioner elevated only questions of law.41 Thus, in petitions for review on his due, and observe honesty and good faith.
the case to the CA.31 certiorari, only questions of law may generally be put into issue.
This rule, however, admits of certain exceptions, such as "when Article 20. Every person who, contrary to law, willfully or
The CA Ruling the inference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd or negligently causes damage to another, shall indemnify the latter
impossible"; or "when the findings are conclusions without for the same.
In a Decision32 dated July 11, 2014, the CA affirmed the RTC citation of specific evidence on which they are based."42
Decision, with the modification deleting the award of actual Finding a confluence of certain exceptions in this case, the Article 21. Any person who willfully causes loss or injury to
damages and instead, awarding temperate damages in the general rule that only legal issues may be raised in a petition for another in a manner that is contrary to morals, good customs,
amount of P50,000.00.33 review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court would or public policy shall compensate the latter for the damage.
not apply, and the Court retains the authority to pass upon the
The CA held that petitioner failed to perform its duty to evidence presented and draw conclusions therefrom.43 "[Article 19], known to contain what is commonly referred to as
accurately diagnose Raguindin when it issued its Medical Report the principle of abuse of rights, sets certain standards which
declaring the latter "fit for employment", considering that he II. must be observed not only in the exercise of one's rights, but
was subsequently found positive for HCV in Saudi Arabia.34 also in the performance of one's duties."48 Case law states that
Further, the CA opined that the Certification issued by the An action for damages due to the negligence of another may be "[w]hen a right is exercised in a manner which does not
General Care Dispensary is not a public document and in such instituted on the basis of Article 2176 of the Civil Code, which conform with the norms enshrined in Article 19 and results in
regard, rejected petitioner's argument that the same is defines a quasi-delict: damage to another, a legal wrong is thereby committed for
inadmissible in evidence for not having been authenticated. which the wrongdoer must be held responsible. But while Article
Moreover, it remarked that petitioner's own Medical Report does 19 lays down a rule of conduct for the government of human
relations and for the maintenance of social order, it does not have these courts mentioned) any law as basis for which preponderance of evidence.60 (Emphasis and underscoring
provide a remedy for its violation. Generally, an action for damages may be recovered due to petitioner's alleged negligent supplied)
damages under either Article 20 or Article 21 would [then] be act. In its amended complaint, respondent mainly avers that
proper."49 Between these two provisions as worded, it is Article had petitioner not issue a "fit for employment" Medical Report The records of this case show that the pieces of evidence
20 which applies to both willful and negligent acts that are done to Raguindin, respondent would not have processed his mainly relied upon by respondent to establish petitioner's
contrary to law. On the other hand, Article 21 applies only to documents, deployed him to Saudi Arabia, and later on - in view negligence are: (a) the Certification61 dated April 28, 2008; and
willful acts done contra bonos mores.50 of the subsequent findings that Raguindin was positive for HCV (b) the HCV Confirmatory Test Report.62 However, these
and hence, unfit to work - suffered actual damages in the issuances only indicate the results of the General Care
In the Alano case, Justice Leonen aptly elaborated on the amount of P84,373.41.52 Thus, as the claimed negligent act of Dispensary and Ministry of Health's own medical examination of
distinctive applications of Articles 19, 20 and 21, which are petitioner was not premised on the breach of any law, and not Raguindin finding him to be positive for HCV. Notably, the
general provisions on human relations, vis-a-vis Article 2176, to mention the incontestable fact that no pre-existing examination conducted by the General Care Dispensary, which
which particularly governs quasi-delicts: contractual relation was averred to exist between the parties, was later affirmed by the Ministry of Health, was conducted
Article 2176 - instead of Articles 19, 20 and 21 - of the Civil only on March 24, 2008, or at least two (2) months after
Article 19 is the general rule which governs the conduct of Code should govern. petitioner issued its Medical Report on January 11, 2008.
human relations. By itself, it is not the basis of an actionable Hence, even assuming that Raguindin's diagnosis for HCV was
tort. Article 19 describes the degree of care required so that an III. correct, the fact that he later tested positive for the same does
actionable tort may arise when it is alleged together with Article not convincingly prove that he was already under the same
20 or Article 21. Negligence is defined as the failure to observe for the protection medical state at the time petitioner issued the Medical Report
of the interests of another person, that degree of care, on January 11, 2008. In this regard, it was therefore incumbent
Article 20 concerns violations of existing law as basis for an precaution and vigilance which the circumstances justly upon respondent to show that there was already negligence at
injury. It allows recovery should the act have been willful or demand, whereby such other person suffers injury.53 the time the Medical Report was issued, may it be through
negligent. Willful may refer to the intention to do the act and evidence that show that standard medical procedures were not
the desire to achieve the outcome which is considered by the As early as the case of Picart v. Smith,54 the Court elucidated carefully observed or that there were already palpable signs
plaintiff in tort action as injurious. Negligence may refer to a that "the test by which to determine the existence of negligence that exhibited Raguindin's unfitness for deployment at that
situation where the act was consciously done but without in a particular case is: Did the defendant in doing the alleged time. This is hardly the case when respondent only proffered
intending the result which the plaintiff considers as injurious. negligent act use that reasonable care and caution which an evidence which demonstrate that months after petitioner's
ordinarily prudent person would have used in the same Medical Report was issued, Raguindin, who had already been
Article 21, on the other hand, concerns injuries that may be situation? If not, then he is guilty of negligence."55 Corollary deployed to Saudi Arabia, tested positive for HCV and as such,
caused by acts which are not necessarily proscribed by law. This thereto, the Court stated that "[t]he question as to what would was no longer "fit for employment".
article requires that the act be willful, that is, that there was an constitute the conduct of a prudent man in a given situation
intention to do the act and a desire to achieve the outcome. In must of course be always determined in the light of human In fact, there is a reasonable possibility that Raguindin became
cases under Article 21, the legal issues revolve around whether experience and in view of the facts involved in the particular exposed to the HCV only after his medical examination with
such outcome should be considered a legal injury on the part of case. Abstract speculation cannot here be of much value x x x: petitioner on January 11, 2008. Based on published reports
the plaintiff or whether the commission of the act was done in Reasonable men govern their conduct by the circumstances from the World Health Organization, HCV or the hepatitis C
violation of the standards of care required in Article 19. which are before them or known to them. They are not, and are virus causes both acute and chronic infection. Acute HCV
not supposed to be, omniscient of the future. Hence[,] they can infection is usually asymptomatic,63 and is only very rarely
Article 2176 covers situations where an injury happens through be expected to take care only when there is something before associated with life-threatening diseases. The incubation
an act or omission of the defendant. When it involves a positive them to suggest or warn of danger."56 period64 for HCV is two (2) weeks to six (6) months, and
act, the intention to commit the outcome is irrelevant. The act following initial infection, approximately 80% of people do not
itself must not be a breach of an existing law or a pre-existing Under our Rules of Evidence, it is disputably presumed that a exhibit any symptoms.65 Indisputably, Raguindin was not
contractual obligation. What will be considered is whether there person takes ordinary care of his concerns and that private deployed to Saudi Arabia immediately after petitioner's medical
is "fault or negligence” attending the commission of the act transactions have been fair and regular.57 In effect, negligence examination and hence, could have possibly contracted the
which necessarily leads to the outcome considered as injurious cannot be presumed, and thus, must be proven by him who same only when he arrived thereat. In light of the foregoing,
by the plaintiff. The required degree of diligence will then be alleges it.58 In Huang v. Philippine Hoteliers, Inc.:59 the CA therefore erred in holding that "[h]ad petitioner more
assessed in relation to the circumstances of each and every thoroughly and diligently examined Raguindin, it would likely
case.51 (Emphases and underscoring supplied) [T]he negligence or fault should be clearly established as it is have discovered the existence of the HCV because it was
the basis of her action. The burden of proof is upon [the contrary to human experience that a newly-deployed overseas
Thus, with respect to negligent acts or omissions, it should plaintiff]. Section 1, Rule 131 of the Rules of Court provides that worker, such as Raguindin, would immediately have contracted
therefore be discerned that Article 20 of the Civil Code concerns "burden of proof is the duty of a party to present evidence on the disease at the beginning of his deployment"66
"violations of existing law as basis for an injury", whereas the facts in issue necessary to establish his claim or defense by
Article 2176 applies when the negligent act causing damage to the amount of evidence required by law." It is then up for the While petitioner's Medical Report indicates an expiration of April
another does not constitute "a breach of an existing law or a plaintiff to establish his cause of action or the defendant to 11, 2008, the Court finds it fitting to clarify that the same could
pre-existing contractual obligation." establish his defense. Therefore, if the plaintiff alleged in his not be construed as a certified guarantee coming from
complaint that he was damaged because of the negligent acts petitioner that Raguindin's medical status at the time the report
In this case, the courts a quo erroneously anchored their of the defendant, he has the burden of proving such was issued on January 11, 2008 (i.e., that he was fit for
respective rulings on the provisions of Articles 19, 20, and 21 of negligence. It is even presumed that a person takes ordinary employment) would remain the same up until that date (i.e.,
the Civil Code. This is because respondent did not proffer (nor care of his concerns. The quantum of proof required is April 11, 2008). As earlier intimated, the intervening period
could very well account for a number of variables that could Notably, the foregoing provision applies since the Certification
have led to a change in Raguindin's condition, such as his does not fall within the classes of public documents under WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. Accordingly, the
deployment to a different environment in Saudi Arabia. If at all, Section 19, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court68 - and hence, must Decision dated July 11, 2014 and the Resolution dated February
the expiration date only means that the Medical Report is valid - be considered as private. It has been settled that an unverified 27, 2015 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 125451 are
and as such, could be submitted - as a formal requirement for and unidentified private document cannot be accorded REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and a NEW ONE is entered,
overseas employment up until April 11, 2008; it does not, by probative value.69 In addition, case law states that "since a DISMISSING the complaint of respondent LWV Construction
any means, create legal basis to hold the issuer accountable for medical certificate involves an opinion of one who must first be Corporation for lack of merit.
any intervening change of condition from the time of issuance established as an expert witness, it cannot be given weight or
up until expiration. Truly, petitioner could not be reasonably credit unless the doctor who issued it is presented in court to SO ORDERED.
expected to predict, much less assure, that Raguindin's medical show his qualifications. It is precluded because the party
status of being fit for employment would remain unchanged. against whom it is presented is deprived of the right and Carpio (Chairperson), Peralta, Caguioa, and Reyes, Jr., JJ.,
Thus, the fact that the Medical Report's expiration date of April opportunity to cross-examine the person to whom the concur.
11, 2008 was only seventeen (17) days away from the issuance statements or writings are attributed. Its executor or author
of the General Care Dispensary's April 28, 2008 Certification should be presented as a witness to provide the other party to
finding Raguindin positive for HCV should not - as it does not - the litigation the opportunity to question its contents. Being
establish petitioner's negligence. mere hearsay evidence, failure to present the author of the SECOND DIVISION
medical certificate renders its contents suspect and of no
IV. probative value,"70 as in this case. G.R. No. 217426, December 04, 2017

At any rate, the fact that Raguindin tested positive for HCV Similarly, the HCV Confirmatory Test Report issued by the ST. MARTIN POLYCLINIC, INC., Petitioner, v. LWV
could not have been properly established since the courts a Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia should have also been CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, Respondent.
quo, in the first place, erred in admitting and giving probative excluded as evidence. Although the same may be considered a
weight to the Certification of the General Care Dispensary, public document, being an alleged written official act of an DECISION
which was written in an unofficial language. Section 33, Rule official body of a foreign country,71 the same was not duly
132 ofthe Rules of Court states that: authenticated in accordance with Section 24,72 Rule 132 of the PERLAS-BERNABE, J.:
Rules of Court. While respondent provided a translation73
Section 33. Documentary evidence in an unofficial language. - thereof from the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos, Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari1 are the
Documents written in an unofficial language shall not be Bureau of External Relations, Office of the President, the same Decision2 dated July 11, 2014 and the Resolution3 dated
admitted as evidence, unless accompanied with a translation was not accompanied by a certificate of the secretary of the February 27, 2015 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP
into English or Filipino. To avoid interruption of proceedings, embassy or legation, consul-general, consul, vice-consul, or No. 125451, which affirmed with modification the Decision4
parties or their attorneys are directed to have such translation consular agent or any officer in the foreign service of the dated December 15, 2011 and the Order dated May 25, 2012 of
prepared before trial.67 Philippines stationed in Saudi Arabia, where the record is kept, the Regional Trial Court of Mandaluyong City, Branch 211 (RTC)
and authenticated by the seal of his office.74 in SCA Case No. MC11-879 (Civil Case No. 21881), and thereby
A cursory examination of the subject document would reveal ordered herein petitioner St. Martin Polyclinic, Inc. (petitioner)
that while it contains English words, the majority of it is in an To be sure, petitioner - contrary to respondent's contention75 - to pay respondent LWV Construction Corporation (respondent)
unofficial language. Sans any translation in English or Filipino has not changed its theory of the case by questioning the temperate damages in the amount of P50,000.00.
provided by respondent, the same should not have been foregoing documents. As petitioner correctly argued, it merely
admitted in evidence; thus their contents could not be given amplified its defense76 that it is not liable for negligence when The Facts
probative value, and deemed to constitute proof of the facts it further questioned the validity of the issuances of the General
stated therein. Care Dispensary and Ministry of Health. In Limpangco Sons v. Respondent is engaged in the business of recruiting Filipino
Yangco77, the Court explained that "[t]here is a difference x x x workers for deployment to Saudi Arabia.5 On the other hand,
Moreover, the due execution and authenticity of the said between a change in the theory of the case and a shifting of the petitioner is an accredited member of the Gulf Cooperative
certification were not proven in accordance with Section 20, incidence of the emphasis placed during the trial or in the Council Approved Medical Centers Association (GAMCA) and as
Rule 132 of the Rules of Court: briefs." "Where x x x the theory of the case as set out in the such, authorized to conduct medical examinations of
pleadings remains the theory throughout the progress of the prospective applicants for overseas employment.6
Section 20. Proof of private document. - Before any private cause, the change of emphasis from one phase of the case as
document offered as authentic is received in evidence, its due presented by one set of facts to another phase made prominent On January 10, 2008, respondent referred prospective applicant
execution and authenticity must be proved either: by another set of facts x x x does not result in a change of Jonathan V. Raguindin (Raguindin) to petitioner for a pre-
theory x x x".78 In any case, petitioner had already questioned deployment medical examination in accordance with the
(a) the validity of these documents in its Position Paper79 before instructions from GAMCA.7 After undergoing the required
By anyone who saw the document executed or written; or the MeTC.80 Hence, there is no change of theory that would examinations, petitioner cleared Raguindin and found him "fit
(b) preclude petitioner's arguments on this score. for employment," as evidenced by a Medical Report8 dated
By evidence of the genuineness of the signature or handwriting January 11, 2008 (Medical Report).9
of the maker. All told, there being no negligence proven by respondent
(c) through credible and admissible evidence, petitioner cannot be Based on the foregoing, respondent deployed Raguindin to
Any other private document need only be identified as that held liable for damages under Article 2176 of the Civil Code as Saudi Arabia, allegedly incurring expenses in the amount of
which it is claimed to be. above-discussed. P84,373.41.10 Unfortunately, when Raguindin underwent
another medical examination with the General Care Dispensary in the Philippines up to the time of his deployment, there being of actual damages and instead, awarded temperate damages in
of Saudi Arabia (General Care Dispensary) on March 24, 2008, no evidence offered to corroborate the same.23 the amount of P50,000.00.38
he purportedly tested positive for HCV or the hepatitis C virus.
The Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Ministry Aggrieved, petitioner appealed to the RTC, contending,24 Aggrieved, petitioner filed a motion for partial
of Health) required a re-examination of Raguindin, which the among others, that respondent failed to comply with the reconsideration,39 which the CA denied in a Resolution40 dated
General Care Dispensary conducted on April 28, 2008.11 requirements on the authentication and proof of documents February 27, 2015; hence, this petition.
However, the results of the re-examination remained the same, under Section 24,25 Rule 132 of the Rules of Court, considering
i.e., Raguindin was positive for HCV, which results were that respondent's evidence, particularly the April 28, 2008 The Issue Before the Court
reflected in a Certification12 dated April 28, 2008 (Certification). Certification issued by the General Care Dispensary and the HCV
An undated HCV Confirmatory Test Report13 likewise conducted Confirmatory Test Report issued by the Ministry of Health, are The essential issue advanced for the Court's resolution is
by the Ministry of Health affirmed such finding, thereby leading foreign documents issued in Saudi Arabia. whether or not petitioner was negligent in issuing the Medical
to Raguindin's repatriation to the Philippines.14 Report declaring Raguindin "fit for employment" and hence,
The RTC Ruling should be held liable for damages.
Claiming that petitioner was reckless in issuing its Medical
Report stating that Raguindin is "fit for employment" when a In a Decision26 dated December 15, 2011, the RTC dismissed The Court's Ruling
subsequent finding in Saudi Arabia revealed that he was petitioner's appeal and affirmed the MeTC Decision in its
positive for HCV, respondent filed a Complaint15 for sum of entirety.27 Additionally, the RTC pointed out that petitioner can The petition is granted.
money and damages against petitioner before the Metropolitan no longer change the theory of the case or raise new issues on
Trial Court of Mandaluyong City, Branch 60 (MeTC). Respondent appeal, referring to the latter's argument on the authentication I.
essentially averred that it relied on petitioner's declaration and of respondent's documentary evidence.28
incurred expenses as a consequence. Thus, respondent prayed At the outset, it should be pointed out that a re-examination of
for the award of damages in the amount of P84,373.41 Petitioner's motion for reconsideration29 was denied in an factual findings cannot be done acting on a petition for review
representing the expenses it incurred in deploying Raguindin Order30 dated May 25, 2012. Dissatisfied, petitioner elevated on certiorari because the Court is not a trier of facts but reviews
abroad.16 the case to the CA.31 only questions of law.41 Thus, in petitions for review on
certiorari, only questions of law may generally be put into issue.
In its Answer with compulsory counterclaim,17 petitioner denied The CA Ruling This rule, however, admits of certain exceptions, such as "when
liability and claimed that: first, respondent was not a proper the inference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd or
party in interest for lack of privity of contract between them; In a Decision32 dated July 11, 2014, the CA affirmed the RTC impossible"; or "when the findings are conclusions without
second, the MeTC had no jurisdiction over the case as it Decision, with the modification deleting the award of actual citation of specific evidence on which they are based."42
involves the interpretation and implementation of a contract of damages and instead, awarding temperate damages in the Finding a confluence of certain exceptions in this case, the
employment; third, the action is premature as Raguindin has amount of P50,000.00.33 general rule that only legal issues may be raised in a petition for
yet to undergo a post-employment medical examination review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court would
following his repatriation; and fourth, the complaint failed to The CA held that petitioner failed to perform its duty to not apply, and the Court retains the authority to pass upon the
state a cause of action as the Medical Report issued by accurately diagnose Raguindin when it issued its Medical Report evidence presented and draw conclusions therefrom.43
petitioner had already expired on April 11, 2008, or three (3) declaring the latter "fit for employment", considering that he
months after its issuance on January 11, 2008.18 was subsequently found positive for HCV in Saudi Arabia.34 II.
Further, the CA opined that the Certification issued by the
The MeTC Ruling General Care Dispensary is not a public document and in such An action for damages due to the negligence of another may be
regard, rejected petitioner's argument that the same is instituted on the basis of Article 2176 of the Civil Code, which
In a Decision19 dated December 17, 2010, the MeTC rendered inadmissible in evidence for not having been authenticated. defines a quasi-delict:
judgment in favor of respondent and ordered petitioner to pay Moreover, it remarked that petitioner's own Medical Report does
the amount of P84,373.41 as actual damages, P20,000.00 as not enjoy the presumption of regularity as petitioner is merely Article 2176. Whoever by act or omission causes damage to
attorney's fees, and the costs of suit.20 an accredited clinic.35 Finally, the CA ruled that petitioner could another, there being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for
not disclaim liability on the ground that Raguindin tested the damage done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no pre-
At the onset, the MeTC held that it had jurisdiction over the positive for HCV in Saudi Arabia after the expiration of the existing contractual relation between the parties, is called a
case, since respondent was claiming actual damages incurred in Medical Report on April 11, 2008, noting that the General Care quasi-delict and is governed by the provisions of this Chapter.
the deployment of Raguindin in the amount of P84,373.41.21 It Dispensary issued its Certification on April 28, 2008, or a mere
further ruled that respondent was a real party in interest, as it seventeen (17) days from the expiration of petitioner's Medical The elements of a quasi-delict are: (1) an act or omission; (2)
would not have incurred expenses had petitioner not issued the Report.36 Hence, the CA concluded that "it is contrary to the presence of fault or negligence in the performance or non-
Medical Report certifying that Raguindin was fit to work. human experience that a newly-deployed overseas worker, such performance of the act; (3) injury; (4) a causal connection
as Raguindin, would immediately contract a serious virus at the between the negligent act and the injury; and (5) no pre-
On the merits, the MeTC found that respondent was entitled to very beginning of a deployment."37 existing contractual relation.44
be informed accurately of the precise condition of Raguindin
before deploying the latter abroad and consequently, had However, as the records are bereft of evidence to show that As a general rule, any act or omission coming under the
sustained damage as a result of the erroneous certification.22 respondent actually incurred the amount of P84,373.41 as purview of Article 2176 gives rise to a cause of action under
In this relation, it rejected petitioner's contention that Raguindin expenses for Raguindin's deployment, the CA deleted the award quasi-delict. This, in turn, gives the basis for a claim of
may have contracted the disease after his medical examination
damages.45 Notably, quasi-delict is one among several sources tort. Article 19 describes the degree of care required so that an III.
of obligation. Article 1157 of the Civil Code states: actionable tort may arise when it is alleged together with Article
20 or Article 21. Negligence is defined as the failure to observe for the protection
Article 1157. Obligations arise from: of the interests of another person, that degree of care,
Article 20 concerns violations of existing law as basis for an precaution and vigilance which the circumstances justly
(1) Law; injury. It allows recovery should the act have been willful or demand, whereby such other person suffers injury.53
(2) Contracts; negligent. Willful may refer to the intention to do the act and
(3) Quasi-contracts; the desire to achieve the outcome which is considered by the As early as the case of Picart v. Smith,54 the Court elucidated
(4) Acts or omissions punished by law; and plaintiff in tort action as injurious. Negligence may refer to a that "the test by which to determine the existence of negligence
(5) Quasi-delicts. situation where the act was consciously done but without in a particular case is: Did the defendant in doing the alleged
intending the result which the plaintiff considers as injurious. negligent act use that reasonable care and caution which an
However, as explained by Associate Justice Marvic M.V.F. ordinarily prudent person would have used in the same
Leonen (Justice Leonen) in his opinion in Alano v. Magud- Article 21, on the other hand, concerns injuries that may be situation? If not, then he is guilty of negligence."55 Corollary
Logmao46 (Alano), "Article 2176 is not an all-encompassing caused by acts which are not necessarily proscribed by law. This thereto, the Court stated that "[t]he question as to what would
enumeration of all actionable wrongs which can give rise to the article requires that the act be willful, that is, that there was an constitute the conduct of a prudent man in a given situation
liability for damages. Under the Civil Code, acts done in intention to do the act and a desire to achieve the outcome. In must of course be always determined in the light of human
violation of Articles 19, 20, and 21 will also give rise to cases under Article 21, the legal issues revolve around whether experience and in view of the facts involved in the particular
damages."47 These provisions - which were cited as bases by such outcome should be considered a legal injury on the part of case. Abstract speculation cannot here be of much value x x x:
the MTC, RTC and CA in their respective rulings in this case - the plaintiff or whether the commission of the act was done in Reasonable men govern their conduct by the circumstances
read as follows: violation of the standards of care required in Article 19. which are before them or known to them. They are not, and are
not supposed to be, omniscient of the future. Hence[,] they can
Article 19. Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and Article 2176 covers situations where an injury happens through be expected to take care only when there is something before
in the performance of his duties, act with justice, give everyone an act or omission of the defendant. When it involves a positive them to suggest or warn of danger."56
his due, and observe honesty and good faith. act, the intention to commit the outcome is irrelevant. The act
itself must not be a breach of an existing law or a pre-existing Under our Rules of Evidence, it is disputably presumed that a
Article 20. Every person who, contrary to law, willfully or contractual obligation. What will be considered is whether there person takes ordinary care of his concerns and that private
negligently causes damage to another, shall indemnify the latter is "fault or negligence” attending the commission of the act transactions have been fair and regular.57 In effect, negligence
for the same. which necessarily leads to the outcome considered as injurious cannot be presumed, and thus, must be proven by him who
by the plaintiff. The required degree of diligence will then be alleges it.58 In Huang v. Philippine Hoteliers, Inc.:59
Article 21. Any person who willfully causes loss or injury to assessed in relation to the circumstances of each and every
another in a manner that is contrary to morals, good customs, case.51 (Emphases and underscoring supplied) [T]he negligence or fault should be clearly established as it is
or public policy shall compensate the latter for the damage. the basis of her action. The burden of proof is upon [the
Thus, with respect to negligent acts or omissions, it should plaintiff]. Section 1, Rule 131 of the Rules of Court provides that
"[Article 19], known to contain what is commonly referred to as therefore be discerned that Article 20 of the Civil Code concerns "burden of proof is the duty of a party to present evidence on
the principle of abuse of rights, sets certain standards which "violations of existing law as basis for an injury", whereas the facts in issue necessary to establish his claim or defense by
must be observed not only in the exercise of one's rights, but Article 2176 applies when the negligent act causing damage to the amount of evidence required by law." It is then up for the
also in the performance of one's duties."48 Case law states that another does not constitute "a breach of an existing law or a plaintiff to establish his cause of action or the defendant to
"[w]hen a right is exercised in a manner which does not pre-existing contractual obligation." establish his defense. Therefore, if the plaintiff alleged in his
conform with the norms enshrined in Article 19 and results in complaint that he was damaged because of the negligent acts
damage to another, a legal wrong is thereby committed for In this case, the courts a quo erroneously anchored their of the defendant, he has the burden of proving such
which the wrongdoer must be held responsible. But while Article respective rulings on the provisions of Articles 19, 20, and 21 of negligence. It is even presumed that a person takes ordinary
19 lays down a rule of conduct for the government of human the Civil Code. This is because respondent did not proffer (nor care of his concerns. The quantum of proof required is
relations and for the maintenance of social order, it does not have these courts mentioned) any law as basis for which preponderance of evidence.60 (Emphasis and underscoring
provide a remedy for its violation. Generally, an action for damages may be recovered due to petitioner's alleged negligent supplied)
damages under either Article 20 or Article 21 would [then] be act. In its amended complaint, respondent mainly avers that
proper."49 Between these two provisions as worded, it is Article had petitioner not issue a "fit for employment" Medical Report The records of this case show that the pieces of evidence
20 which applies to both willful and negligent acts that are done to Raguindin, respondent would not have processed his mainly relied upon by respondent to establish petitioner's
contrary to law. On the other hand, Article 21 applies only to documents, deployed him to Saudi Arabia, and later on - in view negligence are: (a) the Certification61 dated April 28, 2008; and
willful acts done contra bonos mores.50 of the subsequent findings that Raguindin was positive for HCV (b) the HCV Confirmatory Test Report.62 However, these
and hence, unfit to work - suffered actual damages in the issuances only indicate the results of the General Care
In the Alano case, Justice Leonen aptly elaborated on the amount of P84,373.41.52 Thus, as the claimed negligent act of Dispensary and Ministry of Health's own medical examination of
distinctive applications of Articles 19, 20 and 21, which are petitioner was not premised on the breach of any law, and not Raguindin finding him to be positive for HCV. Notably, the
general provisions on human relations, vis-a-vis Article 2176, to mention the incontestable fact that no pre-existing examination conducted by the General Care Dispensary, which
which particularly governs quasi-delicts: contractual relation was averred to exist between the parties, was later affirmed by the Ministry of Health, was conducted
Article 2176 - instead of Articles 19, 20 and 21 - of the Civil only on March 24, 2008, or at least two (2) months after
Article 19 is the general rule which governs the conduct of Code should govern. petitioner issued its Medical Report on January 11, 2008.
human relations. By itself, it is not the basis of an actionable Hence, even assuming that Raguindin's diagnosis for HCV was
correct, the fact that he later tested positive for the same does finding Raguindin positive for HCV should not - as it does not - the litigation the opportunity to question its contents. Being
not convincingly prove that he was already under the same establish petitioner's negligence. mere hearsay evidence, failure to present the author of the
medical state at the time petitioner issued the Medical Report medical certificate renders its contents suspect and of no
on January 11, 2008. In this regard, it was therefore incumbent IV. probative value,"70 as in this case.
upon respondent to show that there was already negligence at
the time the Medical Report was issued, may it be through At any rate, the fact that Raguindin tested positive for HCV Similarly, the HCV Confirmatory Test Report issued by the
evidence that show that standard medical procedures were not could not have been properly established since the courts a Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia should have also been
carefully observed or that there were already palpable signs quo, in the first place, erred in admitting and giving probative excluded as evidence. Although the same may be considered a
that exhibited Raguindin's unfitness for deployment at that weight to the Certification of the General Care Dispensary, public document, being an alleged written official act of an
time. This is hardly the case when respondent only proffered which was written in an unofficial language. Section 33, Rule official body of a foreign country,71 the same was not duly
evidence which demonstrate that months after petitioner's 132 ofthe Rules of Court states that: authenticated in accordance with Section 24,72 Rule 132 of the
Medical Report was issued, Raguindin, who had already been Rules of Court. While respondent provided a translation73
deployed to Saudi Arabia, tested positive for HCV and as such, Section 33. Documentary evidence in an unofficial language. - thereof from the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos,
was no longer "fit for employment". Documents written in an unofficial language shall not be Bureau of External Relations, Office of the President, the same
admitted as evidence, unless accompanied with a translation was not accompanied by a certificate of the secretary of the
In fact, there is a reasonable possibility that Raguindin became into English or Filipino. To avoid interruption of proceedings, embassy or legation, consul-general, consul, vice-consul, or
exposed to the HCV only after his medical examination with parties or their attorneys are directed to have such translation consular agent or any officer in the foreign service of the
petitioner on January 11, 2008. Based on published reports prepared before trial.67 Philippines stationed in Saudi Arabia, where the record is kept,
from the World Health Organization, HCV or the hepatitis C and authenticated by the seal of his office.74
virus causes both acute and chronic infection. Acute HCV A cursory examination of the subject document would reveal
infection is usually asymptomatic,63 and is only very rarely that while it contains English words, the majority of it is in an To be sure, petitioner - contrary to respondent's contention75 -
associated with life-threatening diseases. The incubation unofficial language. Sans any translation in English or Filipino has not changed its theory of the case by questioning the
period64 for HCV is two (2) weeks to six (6) months, and provided by respondent, the same should not have been foregoing documents. As petitioner correctly argued, it merely
following initial infection, approximately 80% of people do not admitted in evidence; thus their contents could not be given amplified its defense76 that it is not liable for negligence when
exhibit any symptoms.65 Indisputably, Raguindin was not probative value, and deemed to constitute proof of the facts it further questioned the validity of the issuances of the General
deployed to Saudi Arabia immediately after petitioner's medical stated therein. Care Dispensary and Ministry of Health. In Limpangco Sons v.
examination and hence, could have possibly contracted the Yangco77, the Court explained that "[t]here is a difference x x x
same only when he arrived thereat. In light of the foregoing, Moreover, the due execution and authenticity of the said between a change in the theory of the case and a shifting of the
the CA therefore erred in holding that "[h]ad petitioner more certification were not proven in accordance with Section 20, incidence of the emphasis placed during the trial or in the
thoroughly and diligently examined Raguindin, it would likely Rule 132 of the Rules of Court: briefs." "Where x x x the theory of the case as set out in the
have discovered the existence of the HCV because it was pleadings remains the theory throughout the progress of the
contrary to human experience that a newly-deployed overseas Section 20. Proof of private document. - Before any private cause, the change of emphasis from one phase of the case as
worker, such as Raguindin, would immediately have contracted document offered as authentic is received in evidence, its due presented by one set of facts to another phase made prominent
the disease at the beginning of his deployment"66 execution and authenticity must be proved either: by another set of facts x x x does not result in a change of
theory x x x".78 In any case, petitioner had already questioned
While petitioner's Medical Report indicates an expiration of April (a) the validity of these documents in its Position Paper79 before
11, 2008, the Court finds it fitting to clarify that the same could By anyone who saw the document executed or written; or the MeTC.80 Hence, there is no change of theory that would
not be construed as a certified guarantee coming from (b) preclude petitioner's arguments on this score.
petitioner that Raguindin's medical status at the time the report By evidence of the genuineness of the signature or handwriting
was issued on January 11, 2008 (i.e., that he was fit for of the maker. All told, there being no negligence proven by respondent
employment) would remain the same up until that date (i.e., (c) through credible and admissible evidence, petitioner cannot be
April 11, 2008). As earlier intimated, the intervening period Any other private document need only be identified as that held liable for damages under Article 2176 of the Civil Code as
could very well account for a number of variables that could which it is claimed to be. above-discussed.
have led to a change in Raguindin's condition, such as his Notably, the foregoing provision applies since the Certification
deployment to a different environment in Saudi Arabia. If at all, does not fall within the classes of public documents under WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. Accordingly, the
the expiration date only means that the Medical Report is valid - Section 19, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court68 - and hence, must Decision dated July 11, 2014 and the Resolution dated February
and as such, could be submitted - as a formal requirement for be considered as private. It has been settled that an unverified 27, 2015 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 125451 are
overseas employment up until April 11, 2008; it does not, by and unidentified private document cannot be accorded REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and a NEW ONE is entered,
any means, create legal basis to hold the issuer accountable for probative value.69 In addition, case law states that "since a DISMISSING the complaint of respondent LWV Construction
any intervening change of condition from the time of issuance medical certificate involves an opinion of one who must first be Corporation for lack of merit.
up until expiration. Truly, petitioner could not be reasonably established as an expert witness, it cannot be given weight or
expected to predict, much less assure, that Raguindin's medical credit unless the doctor who issued it is presented in court to SO ORDERED.
status of being fit for employment would remain unchanged. show his qualifications. It is precluded because the party
Thus, the fact that the Medical Report's expiration date of April against whom it is presented is deprived of the right and Carpio (Chairperson), Peralta, Caguioa, and Reyes, Jr., JJ.,
11, 2008 was only seventeen (17) days away from the issuance opportunity to cross-examine the person to whom the concur.
of the General Care Dispensary's April 28, 2008 Certification statements or writings are attributed. Its executor or author
should be presented as a witness to provide the other party to
THIRD DIVISION Unit and measure its actual floor area. Engr. Tagal issued a
About a week prior to the auction, Poole-Blunden visited the certification stating that the total floor area of the Unit was only
November 29, 2017 unit for inspection. He was accompanied by a representative of 74.4 square meters.21 Poole-Blunden gave UnionBank a copy of
UnionBank. The unit had an irregular shape; it was neither a Engr. Tagal's certification on July 12, 2005.22
G.R. No. 205838 square nor a rectangle and included a circular terrace. Poole-
Blunden did not doubt the unit's area as advertised. However, In a letter dated February 1, 2006, UnionBank explained:
JOSEPH HARRY WALTER POOLE-BLUNDEN, Petitioner he found that the ceiling was in bad condition, that the parquet
vs. floor was damaged, and that the unit was in need of other [T]he total area of the subject unit based on the ratio allocation
UNION BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respondent substantial repairs to be habitable.9 maintenance cost submitted by the developer to HLURB is 98
square meters (60 square meters as unit area and 38 square
DECISION On the day of the auction, Poole-Blunden inspected the Master meters as share on open space). On the other hand, the actual
Title of the project owner to the condominium in the name of area thereof based on the measurements made by its surveyor
LEONEN, J.: Integrated Network (TCT No. 171433) and the Condominium is 74.18 square meters which was much higher than the unit
Certificate of Title of UnionBank (CCT No. 36151) to verify once area of 60 square meters that was approved by HLURB.23
Banks are required to observe a high degree of diligence in their again the details as advertised and the ownership of the unit.
affairs. This encompasses their dealings concerning properties Both documents were on display at the auction venue.10 Poole-Blunden's dissatisfaction with UnionBank's answer
offered as security for loans. A bank that wrongly advertises the prompted him to file his Complaint for Rescission of Contract
area of a property acquired through foreclosure because it Poole-Blunden placed his bid and won the unit for and Damages with the Regional Trial Court, Makati City.24
failed to dutifully ascertain the property's specifications is ₱2,650,000.00.11 On May 7, 2001, Poole-Blunden entered into
grossly negligent as to practically be in bad faith in offering that a Contract to Sell with UnionBank. This Contract stipulated that On April 20, 2010, the Regional Trial Court dismissed Poole-
property to prospective buyers. Any sale made on this account Poole-Blunden would pay 10% of the purchase price as down Blunden's complaint for lack of merit. The dispositive portion of
is voidable for causal fraud. In actions to void such sales, banks payment12 and that the balance shall be paid over a period of its Decision read:
cannot hide under the defense that a sale was made on an as- 15 years in equal monthly instalments, with interest of 15% per
is-where-is basis. As-is-where-is stipulations can only annum starting July 7, 2001.13 WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant complaint for
encompass physical features that are readily perceptible by an rescission of contract and damages is hereby DISMISSED for
ordinary person possessing no specialized skills. Poole-Blunden started occupying the unit in June 2001. By July lack of merit. The counterclaim is likewise DENIED.
20, 2003, he was able to fully pay for the Unit, paying a total
This resolves a Petition for Review on Certiorari1 under Rule 45 amount of ₱3,257,142.49.14 SO ORDERED.25
of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure praying that the assailed
November 15, 2012 Decision2 and February 12, 2013 In late 2003, Poole-Blunden decided to construct two (2) On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the ruling of the
Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 95369 be additional bedrooms in the Unit. Upon examining it, he noticed Regional Trial Court.26 It noted that the sale was made on an
reversed and set aside and that judgment be rendered annulling apparent problems in its dimensions. He took rough "as-is-where-is" basis as indicated in Section 12 of the Contract
or rescinding the Contract to Sell between petitioner Joseph measurements of the Unit, which indicated that its floor area to Sell.27 Thus, Poole-Blunden supposedly waived any errors in
Harry Walter Poole-Blunden (Poole-Blunden) and respondent was just about 70 square meters, not 95 square meters, as the bounds or description of the unit.28 The Court of Appeals
Union Bank of the Philippines (UnionBank). advertised by UnionBank.15 added that Poole-Blunden failed to show, by clear and
convincing evidence that causal fraud can be attributed to
The assailed Court of Appeals Decision affirmed the April 20, Poole-Blunden got in touch with an officer of UnionBank to raise UnionBank.29 It added that the sale was made for a lump-sum
2010 Decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 65, Makati the matter, but no action was taken.16 On July 12, 2004, Poole- amount and that, in accordance with Article 1542, paragraph 1
City which dismissed the Complaint for Rescission of Contract Blunden wrote to UnionBank, informing it of the discrepancy. of the Civil Code,30 Poole-Blunden could not demand a
and Damages filed by Poole-Blunden against respondent He asked for a rescission of the Contract to Sell, along with a reduction in the purchase price.31
UnionBank.4 The assailed Court of Appeals Resolution denied refund of the amounts he had paid, in the event that it was
Poole-Blunden's Motion for Reconsideration.5 conclusively established that the area of the unit was less than Following the denial of his Motion for Reconsideration, Poole-
95 square meters.17 Blunden filed the present Petition before this Court.32
Sometime in March 2001, Poole-Blunden came across an
advertisement placed by Union Bank in the Manila Bulletin. The In a letter dated December 6, 2004,18 UnionBank informed Poole-Blunden charges UnionBank with fraud in failing to
ad was for the public auction of certain properties. One of these Poole-Blunden that after inquiring with the Housing and Land disclose to him that the advertised 95 square meters was
properties was a condominium unit, identified as Unit 2-C of T- Use Regulatory Board (HLURB), the Homeowners' Association of inclusive of common areas.33 With the vitiation of his consent
Tower Condominium (the "Unit"), located at 5040 P. Burgos T-Tower Condominium, and its appraisers, the Unit was as to the object of the sale, he asserts that the Contract to Sell
corner Calderon Streets, Makati City.6 UnionBank had acquired confirmed to be 95 square meters, inclusive of the terrace and may be voided. He insists that UnionBank is liable for breach of
the property through foreclosure proceedings "after the the common areas surrounding it.19 warranty despite the "as-is-where-is" clause in the Contract to
developer defaulted in the payment of its loan from Sell.34 Finally, he assails the Court of Appeals' application of
[UnionBank]."7 Poole-Blunden was not satisfied with UnionBank's response as Article 1542 of the Civil Code.35
the condominium's Master Title expressly stated that the
The Unit was advertised to have an area of 95 square meters. "boundary of each unit are the interior surfaces of the perimeter For resolution is the sole issue of whether or not respondent
Thinking that it was sufficient and spacious enough for his walls, floors, ceilings, windows and doors thereof."20 Thus, he Union Bank of the Philippines committed such a degree of fraud
residential needs, Poole-Blunden decided to register for the sale hired an independent geodetic engineer, Engr. Gayril P. Tagal as would entitle petitioner Joseph Harry Walter Poole-Blunden
and bid on the unit.8 (Engr. Tagal) of the Filipinas Dravo Corporation, to survey the to the voiding of the Contract to Sell the condominium unit
identified as Unit 2C, T-Tower Condominium, 5040 P. Burgos measuring not just the inside of the unit, sir, but including also For there to be a valid contract, all the three (3) elements of
corner Calderon Streets, Makati City. the terrace, and the common area.39 (Emphasis supplied) consent, subject matter, and price must be present.41 Consent
wrongfully obtained is defective. The party to a contract whose
I Respondent has not disavowed Atty. Cruz's testimony. In its consent was vitiated is entitled to have the contract rescinded.
Comment, it merely asserted that the "[e]xtensive reference to Accordingly, Article 1390 of the Civil Code42 stipulates that a
No longer in dispute at this juncture is how the Unit's interior the [transcript of stenographic notes] is unmistakable proof that contract is voidable or annullable even if there is no damage to
area is only 74.4 square meters. While respondent has the litigated issue is one of fact, not of law" and insisted that the contracting parties where "consent is vitiated by mistake,
maintained that the Unit's total area is in keeping with the this Court should not take cognizance of the present Petition.40 violence, intimidation, undue influence or fraud."
advertised 95 square meters, it has conceded that these 95
square meters is inclusive of outside spaces and common areas. Respondent's insistence on how common spaces should be Under Article 1338 of the Civil Code "[t]here is fraud when,
included in reckoning the Unit's total area runs afoul of how through insidious words or machinations of one of the
Even before litigation commenced, in a December 6, 2004 Republic Act No. 4726, otherwise known as the Condominium contracting parties, the other is induced to enter into a contract
letter,36 respondent informed petitioner that, following inquiries Act, reckons what forms part of a condominium unit. which, without them, he would not have agreed to." However,
with the HLURB, the Homeowners' Association of T-Tower not all instances of fraud enable the voiding of contracts. Article
Condominium, and its appraisers, it had confirmed that the Section 3(b) of the Condominium Act defines a condominium 1344 clarifies that in order to make a contract voidable, the
Unit's 95 square meters was inclusive of "the terrace and the unit, as follows: fraud "should be serious and should not have been employed by
common areas surrounding it."37 both contracting parties."43
Section 3. As used in this Act, unless the context otherwise
During trial, respondent's former Assistant Vice President of the requires: Thus, Tankeh v. Development Bank of the Philippines44
Asset and Recovery Group, Atty. Elna N. Cruz (Atty. Cruz), .... explained, "There are two types of fraud contemplated in the
testified on how there would have been documents (such as an performance of contracts: dolo incidente or incidental fraud and
appraisal report) relating to inspections made by respondent's (b) "Unit" means a part of the condominium project intended dolo causante or fraud serious enough to render a contract
personnel at the time the unit was being offered as a collateral for any type of independent use or ownership, including one or voidable."45 The fraud required to annul or avoid a contract
to a loan. These would have concerned the unit's area.38 She more rooms or spaces located .in one or more floors (or part or "must be so material that had it not been present, the
affirmed respondent's statements in its December 6, 2004 letter parts of floors) in a building or buildings and such accessories defrauded party would not have entered into the contract."46
and indicated that, based on an appraisal report, the declared as may be appended thereto. The fraud must be "the determining cause of the contract, or
95 square meters was not exclusive to the Unit's interiors but must have caused the consent to be given."47
included common areas: Section 6(a) of the Condominium Act specifies the reckoning of
a condominium unit's bounds. It also specifies that areas of Petitioner's contention on how crucial the dimensions and area
Q: So my impression, Madam Witness, is that before you common use "are not part of the unit": of the Unit are to his decision to proceed with the purchase is
accepted the property as a collateral, Union Bank already knew well-taken. The significance of space and dimensions to any
what was the actual area of the unit? Section 6. Unless otherwise expressly provided in the enabling buyer of real property is plain to see. This is particularly
or master deed or the declaration of restrictions, the incidents significant to buyers of condominium units in urban areas, and
A: Yes, sir. of a condominium grant are as follows: even more so in central business districts, where the scarcity of
space drives vertical construction and propels property values.
Q: But you do not know what was the actual area as found by (a) The boundary of the unit granted are the interior surfaces of It would be immensely guileless of this Court to fail to
your inspector? the perimeter walls, floors, ceilings, windows and doors thereof. appreciate how the advertised area of the Unit was material or
The following are not part of the unit bearing walls, columns, even indispensable to petitioner's consent. As petitioner
A: It would be 95 square meters as per the record, sir. floors, roofs, foundations and other common structural emphasized, he opted to register for and participate in the
elements of the building; lobbies, stairways, hallways, and other auction for the Unit only after determining that its advertised
Q: That was the actual findings of your inspector, Madam areas of common use, elevator equipment and shafts, central area was spacious enough for his residential needs.48
Witness? heating, central refrigeration and central air-conditioning
equipment, reservoirs, tanks, pumps and other central services III
A: Yes, sir. and facilities, pipes, ducts, flues, chutes, conduits, wires and
other utility installations, wherever located, except the outlets The significance of the Unit's area as a determining cause of the
Q: What's your basis for saying that? thereof when located within the unit. (Emphasis supplied.) Contract to Sell is readily discernible. Falsity on its area is
attributable to none but to respondent, which, however, pleads
A: The appraisal report, sir. Thus, the unit sold to petitioner was deficient in relation to its that it should not be considered as having acted fraudulently
advertised area. This advertisement having been made by given that petitioner conceded to a sale on an as-is-where-is
Q: Do you have now with you that appraisal report showing respondent, it is equally settled there was a falsity in the basis, thereby waiving "warranties regarding possible errors in
that the actual area of the unit is indeed 95 square meters? declarations made by respondent prior to, and with the boundaries or description of property."49
intention of enticing buyers to the sale. What remains in issue is
A: We gathered the appraisal report and in the December 06, whether or not this falsity amounts to fraud warranting the Section 12 of the Contract to Sell spells out the "as-is-where-is"
2004 letter that we gave Mr. Blunden, we consulted the voiding of the Contract to Sell. terms of the purchase:
appraiser of the Bank and we were informed that the area was
indeed 95 square meters. But that area was brought about by II Section 12. The BUYER recognizes that he is buying the
property on an "as-is-where-is" basis including errors in
boundaries or description of property, if any etc. and among In Hian v. Court of Tax Appeals,51 this Court construed an as- outside it. These observations represent the full extent of what
others, he shall be responsible for the eviction of the occupants is-where-is stipulation as pertaining to the "physical condition" was readily perceptible to petitioner. The precise measurement
on the property, if any, or for the repair of the property, if of the thing sold and "not to [its] legal situation."52 As further of the Unit's area, in contrast, could only be determined by
needed. It shall be understood that the SELLER makes no explained in National Development Company v. Madrigal Wan someone with specialized or technical capabilities. While
warranty whatsoever on the authenticity, accuracy, or title over Hai Lines Corporation:53 ordinary persons, such as petitioner, may hold such opinions
property.50 (Emphasis supplied.) that the Unit looks small, their perception could not be
In Hian vs. Court of Tax Appeals, we had the occasion to ascertained until after an examination by someone equipped
Reliance on Section 12's as-is-where-is stipulation is misplaced construe the phrase "as is, where is" basis, thus: with peculiar skills and training to measure real property.
for two (2) reasons. First, a stipulation absolving a seller of Indeed, petitioner's suspicions were not roused until years after
liability for hidden defects can only be invoked by a seller who "We cannot accept the contention in the Government's he had occupied the Unit and confirmed until after a
has no knowledge of hidden defects. Respondent here knew Memorandum of March 31, 1976 that Condition No. 5 in the certification was issued by a surveyor.
that the Unit's area, as reckoned in accordance with the Notice of Sale to the effect that 'The above-mentioned articles
Condominium Act, was not 95 square meters. Second, an as-is- (the tobacco) are offered for sale 'AS IS' and the Bureau of Any waiver of warranties under Section 12 of the Contract to
where-is stipulation can only pertain to the readily perceptible Customs gives no warranty as to their condition' relieves the Sell could have only been concerned with the readily apparent
physical state of the object of a sale. It cannot encompass Bureau of Customs of liability for the storage fees in dispute. As subpar condition of the Unit. A person not equipped with
matters that require specialized scrutiny, as well as features and we understand said Condition No. 5, it refers to the physical technical knowledge and expertise to survey real property could
traits that are immediately appreciable only by someone with condition of the tobacco and not to the legal situation in which not reasonably be expected to recognize deficiencies in
technical competence. it was at the time of the sale, as could be implied from the right measurement at the first instance especially if that property was
of inspection to prospective bidders under Condition No. 1 [.]" of "irregular shape," "neither square nor rectangle," and having
A seller is generally responsible for warranty against hidden (Emphasis ours) a "circular terrace."59
defects of the thing sold. As stated in Article 1561 of the New
Civil Code: The phrase "as is, where is" basis pertains solely to the physical IV
condition of the thing sold, not to its legal situation. In the case
Article 1561. The vendor shall be responsible for warranty at bar, the US tax liabilities constitute a potential lien which Contrary to the Court of Appeals' assertion, Article 1542 of the
against the hidden defects which the thing sold may have, applies to NSCP's legal situation, not to its physical aspect. Civil Code does not bar the voiding of the Contract to Sell.
should they render it unfit for the use for which it is intended, Thus, respondent as a buyer, has no obligation to shoulder the
or should they diminish its fitness for such use to such an same.54 Article 1542 of the Civil Code states:
extent that, had the vendee been aware thereof, he would not
have acquired it or would have given a lower price for it; but A condominium unit's area is a physical attribute. In Hian's Article 1542. In the sale of real estate, made for a lump sum
said vendor shall not be answerable for patent defects or those contemplation, it appeared that the total area of a condominium and not at the rate of a certain sum for a unit of measure or
which may be visible, or for those which are not visible if the unit is a valid object of an as-is-where-is clause. However, while number, there shall be no increase or decrease of the price,
vendee is an expert who, by reason of his trade or profession, as-is-where-is clauses exclusively apply to the physical although there be a greater or less area or number than that
should have known. attributes of a thing sold, they apply only to physical features stated in the contract.
that are readily observable. The significance of this Court's
Article 1566, paragraph 2 states the seller's liability for hidden pronouncements in Hian and National Development Company The same rule shall be applied when two or more immovables
defects shall be inapplicable if there is a stipulation made to the are in clarifying that legal status, which is a technical matter are sold for a single price; but if, besides mentioning the
contrary. However, a mere stipulation does not suffice. To be perceptible only by lawyers and regulators, cannot be boundaries, which is indispensable in every conveyance of real
fully absolved of liability, Article 1566, paragraph 2 also requires encompassed by an as-is-where-is stipulation. Hian and estate, its area or number should be designated in the contract,
a seller to be unaware of the hidden defects in the thing sold. National Development Company are not a sweeping the vendor shall be bound to deliver all that is included within
approbation of such stipulations' coverage of every corporeal said boundaries, even when it exceeds the area or number
Article 1566. The vendor is responsible to the vendee for any attribute or tangible trait of objects being sold. Thus, in Asset specified in the contract; and, should he not be able to do so,
hidden faults or defects in the thing sold, even though he was Privatization v. T.J. Enterprises,55 the as-is-where-is stipulation he shall suffer a reduction in the price, in proportion to what is
not aware thereof. was understood as one which "merely describes the actual state lacking in the area or number, unless the contract is rescinded
and location of the machinery and equipment sold,"56 and because the vendee does not accede to the failure to deliver
This provision shall not apply if the contrary has been nothing else. Features that may be physical but which can only what has been stipulated. (Emphasis supplied.)
stipulated, and the vendor was not aware of the hidden faults be revealed after examination by persons with technical
or defects in the thing sold. (Emphasis supplied.) competence cannot be covered by as-is-where-is stipulations. A Article 1542 has nothing to do with annulling fraudulently made
buyer cannot be considered to have agreed "to take possession sales. What it is concerned with is the proportionate reduction
It is clear from the records that respondent fully knew that the of the things sold 'in the condition where they are found and of the purchase price in relation to the measurable units of the
Unit's area, reckoned strictly in accordance with the from the place where they are located'"57 if the critical defect is thing sold. Petitioner does not seek a reduction of the purchase
Condominium Act, did not total 95 square meters. Respondent one which he or she cannot even readily sense. price. He seeks judicial relief to have the entirety of his
admits that the only way the Unit's area could have amounted purchase annulled, his consent having been fraudulently
to 95 square meters was if some areas for common use were In inspecting the Unit prior to the auction sale, petitioner took obtained. By filing an action under Article 1390 of the Civil
added to its interior space. It acknowledged knowing this fact note of its actual state: "he noticed that the ceilings were down, Code, petitioner declared that his consent to the entire subject
through the efforts of its appraisers and even conceded that [that] there was water damage from the leaks coming from the matter of the contract was vitiated. What suffices as relief is the
their findings were documented in their reports. unit above, and [that] the parquet floor was damaged."58 He complete annulment of the sale, not the partial reimbursement
also took note of its irregular shape and the circular terrace upon which Article 1542 is premised.
the proper protocols or procedure . . . and in selecting and and prudence, than private individuals in their dealings, even
Likewise, Article 1542 does not contemplate the seller's delivery supervising its employees.65 (Emphasis supplied) those involving registered lands. Banks may not simply rely on
to the buyer of things other than the agreed object of the sale. the face of the certificate of title. Hence, they cannot assume
While it is true that petitioner did not buy the unit on a per- Banks assume a degree of prudence and diligence higher than that, simply because the title offered as security is on its face
square-meter basis, it remains that what he bought was a that of a good father of a family, because their business is free of any encumbrances or lien, they are relieved of the
condominium unit. A condominium unit's bounds are reckoned imbued with public interest66 and is inherently fiduciary.67 responsibility of taking further steps to verify the title and
by "the interior surfaces of [its] perimeter walls, floors, ceilings, Thus, banks have the obligation to treat the accounts of its inspect the properties to be mortgaged. As expected, the
windows and doors."60 It excludes common areas. Thus, when clients "meticulously and with the highest degree of care."68 ascertainment of the status or condition of a property offered to
petitioner agreed to purchase the Unit at a lump-sum price, he With respect to its fiduciary duties, this Court explained: it as security for a loan must be a standard and indispensable
never consented to including common areas as part of his part of a bank's operations. It is of judicial notice that the
purchase. Article 1542's concern with a ratable reduction of the The law imposes on banks high standards in view of the standard practice for banks before approving a loan is to send
price delivered by the buyer assumes that the seller correctly fiduciary nature of banking. Section 2 of Republic Act No. 8791 its representatives to the property offered as collateral to assess
delivered, albeit deficiently, the object of the sale. ("RA 8791"), which took effect on 13 June 2000, declares that its actual condition, verify the genuineness of the title, and
the State recognizes the "fiduciary nature of banking that investigate who is/are its real owner/s and actual possessors.72
In any case, for Article 1542 to operate, "the discrepancy must requires high standards of integrity and performance." This new (Citations omitted)
not be substantial."61 Article 1542 remains anchored on a provision in the general banking law, introduced in 2000, is a
sense of what is reasonable. An estimate given as a premise for statutory affirmation of Supreme Court decisions, starting with Credit investigations are standard practice for banks before
a sale should be "more or less" the actual area of the thing the 1990 case of Simex International v. Court of Appeals, approving loans and admitting properties offered as security. It
sold.62 Here, the area advertised and stipulated in the Contract holding that "the bank is under obligation to treat the accounts entails the assessment of such properties: an appraisal of their
to Sell was 95 square meters but the actual area of the unit was of its depositors with meticulous care, always having in mind value, an examination of their condition, a verification of the
only 74.4 square meters.63 By no stretch of the imagination can the fiduciary nature of their relationship. authenticity of their title, and an investigation into their real
a 21.68% deficiency be discounted as a mere minor owners and actual possessors.73 Whether it was unaware of
discrepancy. This fiduciary relationship means that the bank's obligation to the unit's actual interior area; or, knew of it, but wrongly
observe "high standards of integrity and performance" is thought that its area should include common spaces,
V deemed written into every deposit agreement between a bank respondent's predicament demonstrates how it failed to
and its depositor. The fiduciary nature of banking requires exercise utmost diligence in investigating the Unit offered as
By definition, fraud presupposes bad faith or malicious intent. It banks to assume a degree of diligence higher than that of a security before accepting it. This negligence is so inexcusable; it
transpires when insidious words or machinations are good father of a family. Article 1172 of the Civil Code states is tantamount to bad faith.
deliberately employed to induce agreement to a contract. Thus, that the degree of diligence required of an obligor is that
one could conceivably claim that respondent could not be guilty prescribed by law or contract, and absent such stipulation then Even the least effort on respondent's part could have very easily
of fraud as it does not appear to have crafted a deceptive the diligence of a good father of a family. Section 2 of RA 8791 confirmed the Unit's true area. Similarly, the most cursory
strategy directed specifically at petitioner. However, while prescribes the statutory diligence required from banks — that review of the Condominium Act would have revealed the proper
petitioner was not a specific target, respondent was so callously banks must observe "high standards of integrity and reckoning of a condominium unit's area. Respondent could have
remiss of its duties as a bank. It was so grossly negligent that performance" in servicing their depositors.69 (Citations omitted) exerted these most elementary efforts to protect not only
its recklessness amounts to a wrongful willingness to engender clients and innocent purchasers but, most basically, itself.
a situation where any buyer in petitioner's shoes would have The high degree of diligence required of banks equally holds Respondent's failure to do so indicates how it created a
been insidiously induced into buying a unit with an actual area true in their dealing with mortgaged real properties, and situation that could have led to no other outcome than
so grossly short of its advertised space. subsequently acquired through foreclosure, such as the Unit petitioner being defrauded.
purchased by petitioner. In the same way that banks are
In Spouses Carbonell v. Metropolitan Bank and Trust "presumed to be familiar with the rules on land registration," VI
Company,64 this Court considered gross negligence, in relation given that they are in the business of extending loans secured
to the fiduciary nature of banks: by real estate mortgage,70 banks are also expected to exercise The Regional Trial Court and the Court of Appeals gravely erred
the highest degree of diligence. This is especially true when in finding that causal fraud is not attendant in this case. Quite
Gross negligence connotes want of care in the performance of investigating real properties offered as security, since they are the contrary, it is evident that respondent orchestrated a
one's duties; it is a negligence characterized by the want of aware that such property may be passed on to an innocent situation rife for defrauding buyers of the advertised unit.
even slight care, acting or omitting to act in a situation where purchaser in the event of foreclosure. Indeed, "the Therefore, the assailed Decision and Resolution must be
there is duty to act, not inadvertently but wilfully and ascertainment of the status or condition of a property offered to reversed, the Contract to Sell between petitioner and
intentionally, with a conscious indifference to consequences it as security for a loan must be a standard and indispensable respondent be annulled, and petitioner be refunded all the
insofar as other persons may be affected. It evinces a part of a bank's operations":71 amounts he paid to respondent in respect of the purchase of
thoughtless disregard of consequences without exerting any the Unit.
effort to avoid them. When the purchaser or the mortgagee is a bank, the rule on
innocent purchasers or mortgagees for value is applied more Under Article 2232, in relation to Article 2229 of the Civil Code,
In order for gross negligence to exist as to warrant holding the strictly.1âwphi1 Being in the business of extending loans "[i]n contracts and quasi-contracts, the court may award
respondent liable therefor, the petitioners must establish that secured by real estate mortgage, banks are presumed to be exemplary damages if the defendant acted in a wanton,
the latter did not exert any effort at all to avoid unpleasant familiar with the rules on land registration. Since the banking fraudulent, reckless, oppressive, or malevolent manner," "by
consequences, or that it wilfully and intentionally disregarded business is impressed with public interest, they are expected to way of example or correction for the public good." By awarding
be more cautious, to exercise a higher degree of diligence, care exemplary damages to petitioner, this case shall serve as an
example and warning to banks to observe the requisite care and This resolves a Petition for Review on Certiorari1 under Rule 45 away.16 He explained that his house was also used by his son,
diligence in all of their affairs. of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure praying that the assailed Gilbert, as a store for various merchandise such as food,
Court of Appea October 25, 2012 Decision2 and October 8, beverages, and feeds. His house adjoined an M. Lhuillier
Consistent with Article 2208 of the Civil Code,74 respondent is 2013 Resolution3 in CA-G.R. CV No. 02583 be reversed and set pawnshop, which had a big signboard.17 Emilio presented a
equally liable to petitioner for attorney's fees and the costs of aside. module simulating how the fire broke out in relation to the
litigation. location of the electric posts and his house.18 He alleged that
The assailed Court of Appeals October 25, 2012 Decision VECO posts were transferred to their current location because
WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The assailed November reversed the January 4, 2006 Decision4 of Branch 11, Regional of a roadwidening project. This transfer caused the sagging
15, 2012 Decision and February 12, 2013 Resolution of the Trial Court, Cebu City in Civil Case No. CEB-23694, which found wire of VECO to constantly touch M. Lhuillier's signboard, which,
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 95369 are REVERSEDand herein respondent M. Lhuillier Pawnshop and Jewelry (M. in tum, led to the breaking and burning of the wire.19 The
SET ASIDE. Lhuillier) negligent and liable for the fire which burned down the burning cut wire went swinging on top of and landed on Emilio's
properties of Emilio G. Alfeche (Emilio), Gilbert Alfeche (Gilbert), roof; thus, it caused the fire that burned his house.20
The Contract to Sell entered into by petitioner Joseph Harry and Emmanuel Manugas (Manugas). The Court of Appeals
Walter Poole-Blunden and respondent Union Bank of the reversed the trial court decision and found herein petitioner Mignonette, the wife of Gilbert, corroborated Emilio's testimony
Philippines is declared null and void. Respondent is ordered to Visayan Electric Company, Inc. (VECO) liable in M. Lhuillier's that the fire came from the burning end of the electric wire near
pay petitioner the amount of ₱3,257,142.49 to refund the stead. M. Lhuillier's signage. She presented pictures showing the
amounts petitioner has paid to purchase Unit 2C of T-Tower location of their store and an electric post near M. Lhuillier's
Condominium located at 5040 P. Burgos corner Calderon The assailed Court of Appeals October 8, 2013 Resolution signage.21
Streets, Makati City. This refund shall earn legal interest at denied VECO's Motion for Reconsideration.5
twelve percent (12%) per annum from the date of the filing of Rabor testified that while in the highway on his way home, he
petitioner's Complaint for Rescission of Contract and Damages On the night of January 6, 1998, a fire broke out at 11th Street, noticed a spark in the electric line near M. Lhuillier's signboard.
up to June 30, 2013; and six percent (6%) per annum, South Poblacion, San Fernando, Cebu, which burned down the He ran towards Emilio's house to warn the Alfeches, but before
reckoned from July 1, 2013 until fully paid. house and store of respondent Emilio and his son, respondent getting there, the wire had dropped on the roof and caused a
Gilbert (the Alfeches),6 and the adjacent watch repair shop fire.22
Respondent is ordered to pay petitioner ₱100,000.00 as owned by respondent Manugas.7 It was alleged that the cause
exemplary damages, ₱100,000.00 as attorney's fees, and the of the fire was the constant abrasion of VECO' s electric wire Manugas attested that he owned the shop composed of "a small
costs of litigation. with M. Lhuillier's signboard.8 booth with a roof and glass window"23 beside Emilio's house.
This shop was burned along with his tools, watches, and other
SO ORDERED. The next day, the Alfeches and Manugas reported the incident equipment. He identified the police blotter stating the extent of
to the police9 and to the Sangguniang Bayan of San the damage.24
MARVIC M.V.F. LEONEN Fernando.10 Upon Emilio, Gilbert, and Manugas' request for site
Associate Justice inspection, the Sangguniang Bayan of San Fernando eventually VECO countered with testimonies of the following persons, in
passed Resolution No. 12 requesting VECO to inspect the area addition to other documentary and object evidence: Engr.
and to repair faulty wires. The Alfeches and Manugas sent a Benedicto Banaag (Engr. Banaag), Engr. Simeon Lauronal
THIRD DIVISION letter to the management of VECO asking for financial (Engr. Lauronal), Candelario L. Melencion (Melencion), Engr.
assistance, which VECO denied. VECO asserted that the fire was Felipe Constantino (Engr. Constantino), Engr. Edwin Chavez
November 29, 2017 due, not to its fault, but to that of M. Lhuillier.11 (Engr. Chavez), and Engr. Miguel Ornopia (Engr. Ornopia).

G.R. No. 209910 As their initial claim for financial assistance was not satisfied, Engr. Banaag, an electrical engineer and a lawyer who had
the Alfeches and Manugas filed a Complaint for Damages been working with VECO for 35 years,25 testified that VECO
VISAYAN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC., Petitioner against VECO and M. Lhuillier before the Regional Trial Court of sent two (2) superintendents and a general foreman to inspect
vs. Cebu City.12 the site.26 The inspectors found that the cause of the incident
EMILIO G. ALFECHE, GILBERT ALFECHE, EMMANUEL was the constant rubbing of the wires of VECO with M.
MANUGAS, AND M. LHUILLIER PAWNSHOP AND JEWELRY, During pre-trial, M. Lhuillier admitted that it was the owner of Lhuillier's signage.27 He also stated that M. Lhuillier's signage
Respondents the signboard at its branch in San Fernando, Cebu. M. Lhuillier "was placed long after VECO installed their poles,"28 the
and VECO admitted that a fire destroyed the Alfeches' and relocation of which was made after the fire broke out.29 He
DECISION Manugas' properties on January 6, 1998.13 claimed that their wirings and installations are in full compliance
with the National Building Code and the Philippine Electrical
LEONEN, J.: The Alfeches and Manugas presented testimonial, documentary, Code, which allowed them to install their poles one half (Y2)
and object evidence. They presented as witnesses Emilio, meter inside the road-right-of-way and at least three (3) meters
An electric distribution company is a public utility presumed to Manugas, Mignonette Alfeche (Mignonette), and Rodolfo Rabor away from any structure.30 According to him, it was M. Lhuillier
have the necessary expertise and resources to enable a safe (Rabor ).14 which violated the National Building Code by placing their
and effective installation of its facilities. Absent an indication of signage near their pole, thereby causing the abrasion and the
fault or negligence by other actors, it is exclusively liable for Emilio testified that between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. of fire.31
fires and other damages caused by its haphazardly installed January 6, 1998, he was awakened as their house was
posts and wires. buming.15 He went out and saw a cut wire swinging and The Municipal Engineer of San Fernando, Cebu, Engr. Lauronal,
burning at the top of his roof, about three (3) to four (4) meters averred that there was a road-widening project, which started
in September 1997, and an accompanying construction of the spread] towards the firewall at the left side where the signage Following the denial of its Motion for Reconsideration, VECO
drainage system, which commenced on October 6, 1997, in the of M. Lhuillier was situated."46 filed the present Petition.54
Alfeches' and Manugas' area.32 Their team asked the mayor to
seek the relocation of VECO's posts as these would be affected The Regional Trial Court ruled that the proximate cause of the VECO insists that it is M. Lhuillier, and not itself, which should
by the drainage construction. VECO relocated its posts and injury suffered by the Alfeches and Manugas was the negligence be held liable for the fire.55 Asserting that it was impossible for
consequently, its wires moved closer to the signage of M. of M. Lhuillier. It noted that based on Engr. Banaag's testimony, its negligence to have caused the fire, it claims that its posts
Lhuillier with a distance of only eight (8) inches between M. Lhuillier installed its signage long after VECO moved its were relocated only after the fire occurred.56 It adds that it was
them.33 He also mentioned that the old location of VECO posts poles.47 Thus, it was its negligence in installing and positioning an error for the Court of Appeals to rely on Emilio's testimony,
left a hole in the middle of the drainage.34 its signage which led to the abrasion of VECO's power line and, which it characterized as "self-serving."57 It asserts that no
ultimately, the fire.48 witness ever corroborated Emilio's testimony that the posts
Melencion, an employee of VECO for 41 years, attested that he were relocated before the fire.58 It also challenges the findings
knew of the installation of the electric wires in the area.35 On appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed the Regional Trial of the Court of Appeals regarding Engr. Lauronal's testimony,
Court decision and found VECO liable in M. Lhuillier's stead.49 claiming that he lacked personal knowledge as to when the
Engr. Constantino, also a VECO employee, testified that The Court of Appeals gave greater credence to the testimonies posts were relocated and that he never testified that they were
sometime in the last week of December, there was a complaint of Rabor and Engr. Lauronal, considering them to be impartial relocated before the fire.59 It adds that although the picture
that the voltage in 11th Street, South Poblacion, San Fernando, witnesses.50 It noted that the relocation of the posts came shown by Engr. Lauronal was alleged to have been taken one
Cebu was low. Upon inspection, he noticed that VECO's wires before the fire, occasioned by the road widening and drainage (1) day after the fire occurred, it was only presented three (3)
near the signage of M. Lhuillier were newly installed. He noted projects.51 Thus, VECO transferred the poles and the lines to a years after trial had commenced. This was supposedly the only
that the wire used in the area was "a No. 4 aluminum standard, distance of merely eight (8) inches from M. Lhuillier's signboard. basis of Engr. Lauronal' s testimony pointing to the hole where
secondary system."36 This, in turn, caused the abrasion of power lines and the fire: the posts were previously located.60 VECO also argues that the
picture was not properly authenticated as required under the
Engr. Chavez was presented by VECO as an expert witness.37 These pieces of evidence move this Court to rule that it was Rules on Evidence.61
He noted that there were two (2) kinds of secondary systems VECO, not defendant-appellant M. Lhuillier, which was
used by utility companies: the line-to-line system and the line- extremely remiss of its duty to ensure safe and secure M. Lhuillier counters that Engr. Lauronal's statements clearly
to-ground system.38 According to him, in a line-to-ground transmission lines. It was utterly negligent of VECO to have showed that the relocation of the posts was made before the
system, if one (1) of its wires was cut off, the flow of electricity allowed the transfer of the posts closer to the households fire. It emphasizes that Engr. Lauronal stated during cross-
would just continue; hence, this system was more likely to without ensuring that they followed the same safety standards examination that the relocation was made because of the
cause fire.39 they used during the original installation of the posts. It must drainage project which was undertaken from October 6, 1997 to
be emphasized that VECO, as the only electric distribution November 28, 1997.62 It further underscores that the contact
Engr. Ornopia asserted that VECO used the line-to-line system company in San Fernando, takes full charge and control of all between VECO's cables and its own signage would not have
for safety purposes.40 Further, he stated that he personally the electric wires installed in the locality. It has the sole power happened had VECO not relocated its posts.63
conducted area inspections and that there was no report and responsibility to transfer its wires to safe and secured
regarding any irregularity in the signage of M. Lhuillier.41 places for all its consumers. However, they undoubtedly failed For resolution is the sole issue of whether or not the Court of
to observe the reasonable care and caution required of it under Appeals erred in ruling that petitioner Visayan Electric Company
M. Lhuiller presented as its witnesses Ernesto G. Solon (Solon), the circumstances. Hence, they are negligent.52 Inc.'s negligence, rather than that of respondent M. Lhuillier
Jose Edgar Camuta (Camuta), Randy Adlawan (Adlawan), and Pawnshop and Jewelry, was the proximate cause of the fire
Rolando Baranquil (Baranquil). The dispositive portion of the assailed Court of Appeals Decision which razed the properties of respondents Emilio Alfeche,
read: Gilbert Alfeche, and Emmanuel Manugas.
Solon verified that he installed the signage of M. Lhuillier and
emphasized that it was free from any obstacle upon WHEREFORE, the instant appeal is GRANTED. The Decision of I
installation.42 He noted that, in every installation, he would the Regional Trial Court Branch 11 of Cebu City dated 04
consider several factors: January 2006 is SET ASIDE and a New One Entered declaring The case before this Court is replete with factual issues.
defendant-appellee VISA YAN ELECTRIC COMP ANY (VECO) Ordinarily, it is not for this Court to review factual issues in
[T]hat the signage would not touch the electrical wirings of negligent and liable for the damages suffered by the plaintiffs- petitions such as the present Rule 45 Petition which may only
VECO, both primary and secondary wires, for safety purposes; appellees. The defendant-appellee VECO is ordered to pay the raise questions of law.64 This rule, however, admits certain
that no pipes of [Metropolitan Cebu Water District] would be hit plaintiffs-appellees the following as temperate damages, to wit: exceptions:
in making a hole; that the primary wires would have a distance
of at least two (2) meters from the high tension wires; the 1. To Emilio Alfeche, the amount of ₱185,000.00 (1) when the factual findings of the Court of Appeals and the
secondary wires would not touch the signage and, that the trial court are contradictory;
signage [would] not be hit by the passing vehicles.43 2. To Gilbert Alfeche, the amount of ₱800,000.00
(2) when the findings are grounded entirely on speculation,
Camuta claimed that he won the contract to install M. Lhuillier's 3. To Emmanuel Manugas, the amount of ₱65,000.00 surmises, or conjectures;
signage in 1995. He testified that before installing the signage,
they had to ensure that it was "free from any obstacle."44 The award of moral damages is deleted. (3) when the inference made by the Court of Appeals from its
findings of fact is manifestly mistaken, absurd, or impossible;
Adlawan, an M. Lhuillier employee,45 held that "[the fire] SO ORDERED.53
started at the back of the house at the right portion [and
(4) when there is grave abuse of discretion in the appreciation be the main cause of the fire. These flow[s] of events reveal
of facts; that the negligent act of defendant-appellee VECO in VECO has also attempted to discredit the statements of its own
transferring its pole without providing the necessary witness, Engr. Lauronal.
(5) when the appellate court, in making its findings, goes precautionary and safety measure was the natural and probable
beyond the issues of the case, and such findings are contrary to result of the fire which caused damage to plaintiffs-appellees.69 On cross examination, Engr. Lauronal indicated that VECO's
the admissions of both appellant and appellee; posts were transferred ahead of the fire. He definitely stated
This Court's inquiry proceeds from settled truth as to the that VECO's posts were affected by the drainage project and
(6) when the judgment of the Court of Appeals is premised on a immediate, factual cause of the fire. What is in dispute is that they had to be relocated.70 According to him, the project
misapprehension of facts; whether VECO or M. Lhuillier was negligent to have engendered commenced on October 6, 1997 and was already completed on
the confluence of proximity, abrasion, and short circuiting. November 28, 1997,71 well ahead of the occurrence of the fire
(7) when the Court of Appeals fails to notice certain relevant in the evening of January 6, 1998. He also stated that had it not
facts which, if properly considered, will justify a different III been for the transfer, VECO's wires would not have touched M.
conclusion; Lhuillier's signage.72
VECO attempts to altogether skirt any imputation of negligence
(8) when the findings of fact are themselves conflicting; by painting a scenario of impossibility. It claims that its wires Atty. Dalawampu (to the witness)
could not have caused the fire by touching M. Lhuillier's signage
(9) when the findings of fact are conclusions without citation of as its posts were not transferred until after the fire occurred. Q- Mr. Witness, you said that there was a road widening project
the specific evidence on which they are based; and at 11th Street, am I correct?
VECO's position is negated not only by the entire corpus of
(10) when the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are evidence but, more basically, by common sense. A- Yes, ma'am.
premised on the absence of evidence but such findings are
contradicted by the evidence on record.65 To reiterate, the Regional Trial Court and the Court of Appeals Q- You also said that there was a drainage project along the
are consistent in holding that proximity, abrasion, and short area, correct?
The findings of the Regional Trial Court and of the Court of circuiting led to the fire. Common sense dictates that the wires
Appeals differ in this case. The Regional Trial Court found that and signage could never have rubbed against each other, or the A- Yes, ma' am.
"had not defendant [M.] Lhuillier installed its signage in such a wires abraded and short circuited, had they not been in close
manner that it will come in contact with the secondary lines of proximity. Common sense also shows that they could not have Q-You said that there was a monitoring, were you aware that in
defendant VECO, there could have been no short circuit which been in close proximity had not either the wires or the signage the construction of the drainage at 11th Street, the VECO posts
caused the fire."66 On the other hand, the Court of Appeals moved closer to the other. The testimonies of Solon and were affected, were you aware of that?
found that "one VECO post was affected by the road widening Camuta were definite that when M. Lhuillier's signage was
work. Due to the transfer, the VECO wire already touched the installed in 1995, it was free from any obstacle. No allegation A-Our monitoring team requested the mayor of San Fernando to
signboard of M. Lhuillier pawnshop."67 In the interest of was made, let alone proof presented, that the signage had been request VECO to relocate their posts, ma'am.
arriving at a definite determination of the attendant liabilities, relocated in the interim. In contrast, a plethora of evidence
this Court exercises its power of review. attests to the relocation of VECO's posts and wires. Heeding Q-Your monitoring team of your office requested the municipal
VECO's position demands not only this Court's disregard of the mayor of San Fernando to ask VECO to relocate the posts
II preponderant evidence against VECO but also this Court's because they were affected by the construction of drainage,
acceptance of the absurdity and the impossibility that VECO's meaning the drainage project had to pass through on that area
Despite the Regional Trial Court's and the Court of Appeals' posts and wires must have moved closer to M. Lhuillier' s where the VECO posts were located, am I correct?
divergence on the liabilities of VECO and M. Lhuillier, they are signage by some unseen, even supernatural, force.
consistent in finding that the immediate cause of the fire was A-Yes, ma'am.
the short circuiting of VECO's wires. This short circuiting, in VECO's position is not only inherently impossible. Credible
turn, happened because VECO's wires had been abraded or testimonies also militate against it. These testimonies remain ....
stripped of their insulation by their constant rubbing with M. credible despite VECO' s attempts at undermining them.
Lhuillier's signage. The Regional Trial Court and the Court of Q- Here is a VECO post as shown on this picture marked as
Appeals are consistent in this regard. VECO attempts to discredit Emilio by characterizing him as a Exhibit N-1. Can you tell this Honorable Court in the monitoring
biased witness, he being one (1) of the plaintiffs. done by your office if this VECO post marked as Exhibit N-1
The Regional Trial Court's statement that "there could have used to be located here on this hole marked as Exhibit N-5?
been no short circuit which caused the fire"68 had M. Lhuillier The fact of Emilio's being a plaintiff does not amount to bias
installed its signage in a way that it would not touch VECO's against VECO vis-a-vis M. Lhuillier. That is, Emilio has not been A-We didn't care anymore where the VECO post will be
secondary lines accepts as truth how the confluence of shown to be actively impeding VECO's attempt to evade liability relocated, ma[']am.
proximity, abrasion, and short circuiting led to the fire. For its and to impute it instead to M. Lhuillier. In fact, his act of suing
part, the Court of Appeals stated: both VECO and M. Lhuillier indicates a lack of preference for Q-My question is, can you tell this Honorable Court if this post
any of them. It indicates, rather, his sole interest in the marked as Exhibit N-1 used to be in this hole, located in this
The constant abrasion led to the failure of the insulation satisfaction of his claim for damages. Having brought an action hole marked as Exhibit N-5, that is the question?
thereby causing a short circuit which eventually led to the against both VECO and M. Lhuillier, Emilio manifests intent to
breaking and the burning of the wire. The burned and cut wire submit to judicial wisdom the determination of which between A-Yes, the previous location of the post was this hole marked as
which fell on the roof of plaintiff-appellees' house was proven to VECO and M. Lhuillier has been negligent and is liable. N-5, ma[']am.
municipal engineer overseeing and liaising local projects. It is
Q-This post which you are referring to is this Exhibit N-1, Q-Engr. Lauronal, there was no change in the location or also particularly notable that Engr. Lauronal maintained a sense
correct? situation of the wires connecting the 2 VECO posts after the of objectivity and neutrality, speaking plainly of the facts, as he
fire, there was none yet? knew them, despite having been presented as VECO's own
A-Yes, ma'am. witness.
A- Yes, there was no change, ma’am.73
Q- But as shown on this picture Exhibit N, the VECO post at the Engr. Banaag was VECO's sole witness on when it relocated its
other end of the street which was marked as Exhibit N-6 was On further cross-examination, Engr. Lauronal stated: posts, claiming that the relocation happened after the fire.76
not removed nor relocated? While VECO has made much of the supposed biases of other
Atty. Dinsay (to the witness) witnesses, it is Engr. Banaag's testimony which should be
A-Only the VECO post was relocated, ma'am. treated with skepticism, he having admittedly worked for and
Q-Because of the drainage project they have to move the post a represented VECO for 35 years.77
Q- So, the only post that was relocated was Exhibit N-1, little bit inward to the left, correct?
correct? In any case, even Engr. Banaag's own testimony militates
A-Yes, sir. against VECO. In his testimony, he conceded that "the
A-Yes, ma'am. proximate cause of the fire was the breaking of the secondary
Q-Engr. Lauronal, there was a gap from the electrical line to the wire forcibly caused by the abrasion of the signage of M.
.... signage of M. Lhuillier at about 8 inches, correct? Lhuillier."78 Engr. Banaag's conclusion, juxtaposed with VECO's
claim that its posts and wires were not transferred until after
Q- Because of the relocation, the wire connecting the two (2) A-That's correct, sir. the fire, strains credulity. Again, it runs afoul of common sense
posts, Exhibit N-1 and Exhibit N-6, was necessarily moved also to claim that the wires and signage rubbed against each other if
closer to the houses along the area at the left? Q-Since you are an engineer, can you estimate from this pole they had not been previously placed in close proximity.
where you said the poles used to be and to the present location Certainly, someone must have placed them close to each other
A-Of course, it will be moved also because the VECO post was of the post marked as Exhibit N-1, can you please give us an before they rubbed at each other. With an utter dearth of
moved. estimate as to how far that is? evidence indicating that it was the signage that moved, no
reasonable conclusion is left other than that the wires and posts
Q-And the movement of the post on Exhibit N-1 was towards or A-I can't give you an estimate, all I know is that the post was were moved. This transfer could not have been effected by
closer to the houses along the area? transferred. anyone other than the electricity utility company responsible for
their installation and maintenance, VECO.
A-Yes, ma'am. Q-Can you tell whether the transfer from that former hole to
the present position would be more than 8 inches? IV
Q-The drainage project which you are testifying before this
Honorable Court was constructed or was undertaken on October A-I think more than 8 inches, sir. Thus, the Court of Appeals was correct in ruling that VECO's
6, 1997, am I correct? negligence was the proximate cause of the injury suffered by
Q-And, therefore, you would also say that had it not been for respondents Emilio, Gilbert, and Manugas. All the elements for
A- Yes, ma'am. the fact that the post was moved more than 8 inches where it is liability for a quasidelict under Article 2176 of the Civil Code79
now located, the electrical wire would not have touched the have been shown to be attendant on VECO's part. The elements
.... signage of M. Lhuillier, correct? of a quasi-delict are:

Q-You mean to say that the duration of the construction should A-Yes, Sir.74 (1) the damages suffered by the plaintiff; (2) the fault or
be up to November 28, 1997? negligence of the defendant or some other person for whose
Different from what VECO suggests, Engr. Lauronal was not act he must respond; and
A-Yes, ma'am. entirely dependent on Exhibit "N." On the contrary, when
initially presented with Exhibit "N," he attempted to shrug it off (3) the connection of cause and effect between the fault or
Q-Because of the transfer of this VECO post marked as Exhibit by answering, "We didn't care anymore where the VECO post negligence and the damages incurred.80
N-1, the wire connecting the two (2) posts Exhibit N-7 and N-1, will be relocated."75 Moreover, while he referenced Exhibit "N,"
had to touch the signage of M. Lhuillier, am I correct? the substance of Engr. Lauronal's testimony was not the On the first element, it is undisputed that the Alfeches and
intricacies of Exhibit "N" and the veracity or the peculiarities of Manugas suffered damage because of the fire. What has
A-The distance of the wire from the M. Lhuillier signage was its features. The substance of his testimony, rather, was how hitherto remained unresolved is which between VECO and M.
about 8 inches, the clearance, and they also placed a plastic VECO's posts and wires were transferred on account of road- Lhuillier is liable to indemnify them.
material so that the wires will not touch the signage of M. widening and drainage projects, well ahead of the fire on
Lhuillier, Ma'am. January 6, 1998 and how these transfers brought VECO's wires Fault is "a voluntary act or omission which causes damage to
closer to M. Lhuillier's signage. the right of another giving rise to an obligation on the part of
Q- Engr. Lauronal, you are aware that the fire took place on [another]."81 On the other hand, "[n]egligence is the failure to
January 6, 1998, in that area? Also contrary to VECO's suggestion that Engr. Lauronal was observe for the protection of the interest of another person that
incompetent on the matters he had testified to, his testimony degree of care, precaution and vigilance which the
A-- Yes, ma'am. deserves great weight, he having testified in his capacity as the circumstances justly demand."82
On April 12, 1999, Del Rosario and Boston entered into a Real
Between VECO and M. Lhuillier, it is VECO which this Court finds MARVIC M.V.F. LEONEN Estate Mortgage whereby the former, representing himself as
to have been negligent. Associate Justice single, mortgaged six (6) parcels of land located at 300 Kanlaon
St., Sta Mesa Heights, Quezon City to the latter for Seventeen
M. Lhuillier was not negligent in installing its signage. It Million Pesos (Phpl7,000,000.00) at an interest rate of 4 per
installed its signage in 1995 well before the road-widening and centum (4%) monthly within a period of six (6) months. Said
drainage projects commenced and ahead of VECO's relocation THIRD DIVISION parcels of land registered under the name of Del Rosario has a
of its posts. Solon and Camuta both emphasized that the total land area of four thousand five hundred thirty three and
signage was installed free of any obstacle. Other than VECO's November 27, 2017 60/100 (4,533.60) square meters and are covered by transfer
evasive accusations, there is no proof to the contrary. certificates of title numbered as follows: RT-71666 (375141),
G.R. No. 193228 RT- 71665 (375139), RT-71668 (375142), RT-71669 (375140),
It was VECO that was negligent. It is apparent that it RT-71667 (375138) and RT-72517 (129992). The fair market
transferred its posts and wires without regard for the hazards BOSTON EQUITY RESOURCES, INC., and WILLIAM value of the said parcels of land is One Hundred Thirteen Million
that the transfer entailed, particularly with respect to the HERNANDEZ, Petitioners and Three Hundred Forty Five Thousand Pesos
installations which had previously been distant from the wires vs. (Phpl13,345,000.00).
and posts but which had since come into close proximity. EDGARDO D. DEL ROSARIO, Respondent
However, records indicated that only two certificates of title
VECO is a public utility tasked with distributing electricity to DECISION were attached. On May 3, 1968, the Register of Deeds of
consumers. It is its duty to ensure that its posts are properly Quezon City issued TCT No. RT-72517 (129992) covering Six
and safely installed. As the holder of a public franchise, it is to BERSAMIN, J.: Hundred Thirty Seven Square Meters and Eighty Square
be presumed that it has the necessary resources and expertise Decimeters (637.8) to Edgardo del Rosario. Likewise, TCT
to enable a safe and effective installation of its facilities. By The two-bidder rule is not applicable during the public auction No.RT-71665 (375139) was issued to Edgardo del Rosario on
installing its posts and wires haphazardly, without regard to of the mortgaged assets foreclosed pursuant to Act No. 3135.1 February 3, 1988. This title covered Five Hundred Forty Seven
how its wires could come in contact with a previously installed But the mortgage itself and the extrajudicial foreclosure thereof Square Meters and Ninety Square Decimeters (547.9).
signage, VECO failed to act in keeping with the diligence should nonetheless be nullified for lack of the written consent to
required of it. the mortgage of conjugal assets by the spouse of the Thereafter, additional loan obligations amounting to Fifteen
mortgagor. Million Pesos (Php15,000,000.00) was obtained by Del Rosario.
Proximate cause is defined as "that cause which, in natural and Thus, on September 8, 1999, the Real Estate Mortgage
continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient intervening The Case previously executed was amended to include the Fifteen Million
cause, produces the injury and without which the result would Pesos additional loan and adopting therein all the terms and
not have occurred."83 Petitioner Boston Equity Resources, Inc. (Boston Equity), the conditions stated in the Real Estate Mortgage.
mortgagee who was also the highest bidder of the assets under
VECO' s negligence was the proximate cause of the damage mortgage, hereby seeks the review and reversal of the adverse On various dates, Del Rosario paid a total amount of Three
suffered by the Alfeches and Manugas. It is settled that the decision promulgated on April 28, 2010,2 whereby the Court of Million One Hundred Seventy Eight Thousand Six Hundred Sixty
confluence of proximity, abrasion, and short-circuiting led to the Appeals (CA) annulled the real estate mortgage (REM), its Seven Pesos (Php3,178,667.00) represented by encashed
fire. The first of these-proximity arose because of VECO's amendment and the foreclosure proceedings taken pursuant to Checks and Twenty Five Million Pesos (Php25,000,000.00) on
relocation of posts and wires. Installed in such a manner that its the REM. December 8, 1999, as evidenced by the Official Receipt No.
wires constantly touched M. Lhuillier's signage, this "led to the 14019 in favor of Boston to obtain a release from the Thirty
failure of the insulation thereby causing a short circuit which Antecedents Two Million Pesos (Php32,000,000.00) loan as stated in the
eventually led to the breaking and burning of the wire."84 It Certification issued by Josephine Sha, Finance Manager of
was this burning wire that fell on the Alfeches' residence's roof The assailed decision of the CA recited the following factual and Boston.
and burned down their house and store, as well as Manugas' procedural antecedents, viz.:
adjacent shop. On December 9, 1999, Boston issued a Cash Voucher to Del
Plaintiff-appellant Edgardo Del Rosario ... was married to herein Rosario representing the excess payment by the latter of Seven
VECO would have this Court sustain a flimsy excuse for evading plaintiff-intervenor-appellant Rosie Gonzales Del Rosario on Million Two Hundred Fifty Seven Thousand and Two Hundred
liability. Attempting to break the all too apparent causal March 9, 1968 and their marriage has been blessed with three Pesos (Php 7,257,200.00) on the Thirty Two Million Peso[s]
connection between its negligence and the injury suffered by children, herein plaintiffs-intervenors-appellants, Christina, Peter loan.
the plaintiffs, it would insist on absurdities that strain common and Paul, all surnamed Del Rosario.
sense and vainly attempt to discredit even its own witness. This On various dates in the year 2000, Del Rosario again obtained
Court finds no merit in VECO's pretenses and sustains the Court Defendant-appellee Boston Equity Resources, Inc., ... is a several loans totaling Thirty Four Million Four Hundred
of Appeals decision. private corporation duly registered and operating under the Thousand Pesos (Php 34,400,000.00) but because Boston made
laws of the Philippines with defendant-appellee William an advanced deduction of interest (Php 11,660,347.00), he was
WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review on Certiorari is DENIED. Hernandez as its president. able to receive only Twenty Two Million Seven Hundred Thirty
The Court of Appeals October 25, 2012 Decision and October 8, Nine Thousand and Six Hundred Fifty Three Pesos
2013 Resolution in CA-G.R. CV No. 02583 are AFFIRMED. Defendant Mercedes Gatmaitan is impleaded in her capacity as (Php22,739,653.00) from the said loan.
Ex-Officio Sheriff of the Quezon City Regional Trial Court.
Thereafter, on February 21, 2001, Boston sent a Demand Letter On August 27, 2007,7 the RTC dismissed Edgardo's complaint, REQUIRES AT LEAST TWO OR MORE PARTICIPATING BIDDERS
to Del Rosario for the payment of Fifty Two Million and Nine disposing thusly: IN THE AUCTION SALE.
Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php 52,900,000.00), claiming it to be
the principal amount Del Rosario owed to the former excluding WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the instant Complaint for III
penalties and other charges. In response to Boston's demand Declaration of Nullity of Extrajudicial Foreclosure & Sheriff's Sale
letter, Del Rosario sent a Letter dated March 8, 2001 asking is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit. Accordingly, the Writ of THE COURT OF APPEALS, WITH ALL DUE RESPECT,
Boston to furnish him an accurate and specific statement of Preliminary Injunction issued on June 19, 2002 is hereby lifted. COMMITTED AN ERROR WHEN IT DECLARED THAT
account, so that he can properly settle his obligation as the PLAINTIFFAPPELLANT IS ENTITLED TO A "PROPER
amount alleged in the demand letter was not accurate since it SO ORDERED.8 ACCOUNTING" OF HIS OUTSTANDING OBLIGATION.12
included the commission of Nelia So.
Edgardo, Rosie and the Del Rosario children separately Ruling of the Court
Instead of heeding Del Rosario's requests for an accurate appealed to the CA, which ultimately overturned the RTC's
statement of account, on March 13, 2001, Boston sent another ruling through the assailed decision of April 28, 2010, decreeing The appeal, albeit meritorious on the non-applicability of the
Demand Letter to Del Rosario this time seeking the payment for as follows: two-bidder rule and the efficacy of the publication of the public
the amount of Fifty One Million Four Hundred Thousand Pesos auction, should fail on the ground that the REM and its
(Php 51,400,000.00). Through a Letter dated May 31, 2001, Del WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant appeal is hereby amendment were void for lack of the written consent to the
Rosario asked for [an] additional time to settle his obligation. GRANTED. The Decision of RTC Branch 224 of Quezon City in mortgage of Rosie, the spouse.
Civil Case No. Q-02-46788 is REVERSED AND SET ASIDE and a
Boston did not grant Del Rosario's request for time to settle his new one entered declaring the nullity of the subject Real Estate I.
loan but proceeded to foreclose Del Rosario's properties by Mortgage and its Amendment, and all the proceedings The CA erred in annulling the extrajudicial
causing the publication of the Notice of Foreclosure in Maharlika emanating therefrom. foreclosure sale for failure to have at least
Pilipinas on May 31, June 7 and June 14, 2001. two bidders during the foreclosure sale
As a consequence, the Ex-Officio Sheriff of Quezon City sent a That only Boston Equity had participated in the bidding during
Notice of Extra-Judicial Sale of Real Property Under Act 3135 The CA opined that the REM, having involved conjugal the foreclosure sale did not constitute a defect that nullified or
(As Amended) dated May 28, 2001 to Del Rosario saying that properties, had required the written consent of Rosie for its voided the foreclosure sale considering that the Court had
the parcels of land shall be sold at a public auction on June 27, validity; that the REM and its amendment were consequently already dispensed with the two-bidder rule for purposes of the
2001 in order to satisfy his Php 52.9 Million debt with Boston. In null and void; that the extrajudicial foreclosure sale was further foreclosure sale of private properties.13
the said sale, Boston was declared the sole bidder for the null and void for failure to comply with the procedure mandated
properties in the amount of Seventy Five Million Pesos (Php by A.M. No. 99-10-05-0 (Procedure in Extra-Judicial Foreclosure The extrajudicial foreclosure of a mortgage with the special
75,000,000.00).3 of Mortgage) requiring at least two bidders during the public power of attorney to sell the security being inserted in or
auction; and that Boston Equity could not validly consider attached to the deed of mortgage is governed by Act No. 3135,
As the offshoot of the foregoing antecedents, Edgardo brought Edgardo's loan account to be in default without first giving him particularly the following provisions:
his complaint for the declaration of the nullity of the extra a proper accounting.10
judicial foreclosure of the REM and the sheriff's sale on May 8, Sec. 3. Notice shall be given by posting notices of the sale for
2002 against Boston Equity in the Regional Trial Court in With the CA denying their motion for reconsideration on August not less than twenty days in at least three public places of the
Quezon City (RTC). The case, docketed as Civil Case No. Q-02- 6, 2010,11 the petitioners appeal. municipality or city where the property is situated, and if such
46788, was initially assigned to Branch 78.4 property is worth more than four hundred pesos, such notice
Issues shall also be published once a week for at least three
On May 14, 2002, the RTC granted Edgardo's prayer for the consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the
issuance of the temporary restraining order (TRO), and The petitioners insist on the following errors: municipality or city.
enjoined Boston Equity from consolidating title and from
obtaining a writ of possession respecting the mortgaged I Sec. 4. The sale shall be made at public auction, between the
properties.5 hours or nine in the morning and four in the afternoon; and
THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN RULING THAT THE shall be under the direction of the sheriff of the province, the
On May 21, 2002, the late Rosie Gonzales Del Rosario (Rosie), MORTGAGE EXECUTED BY EDGARDO IS NULL AND VOID justice or auxiliary justice of the peace of the municipality in
the spouse of Edgardo, and their children, namely: Christina, BECAUSE OF THE ALLEGED LACK OF CONSENT OF ROSIE, which such sale has to be made, or a notary public of said
Peter and Paul, all surnamed Del Rosario, filed in the RTC their WIFE OF EDGARDO IN THE MORTGAGE CONTRACT AND ITS municipality, who shall be entitled to collect a fee of five pesos
motion to admit their complaint-in-intervention on the basis that AMENDMENT. each day of actual work performed, in addition to his expenses.
they had a legal interest as the co-owners of the mortgaged
properties by reason of the same forming part of the conjugal II Sec. 5. At any sale, the creditor, trustee, or other persons
partnership of gains of Rosie and Edgardo. They joined the authorized to act for the creditor, may participate in the bidding
prayer of Edgardo for the declaration of the nullity of the THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THE and purchase under the same conditions as any other bidder,
promissory notes, the REM and its amendment, and the EXTRAJUDICIAL FORECLOSURE SALE OF THE PROPERTIES unless the contrary has been expressly provided in the
extrajudicial foreclosure of the REM and the ensuing sheriff's MORTGAGED WAS NULL AND VOID FOR ITS FAIL URE TO mortgage or trust deed under which the sale is made.
Sec. 6. In all cases in which an extrajudicial sale is made under effect of the publication of the originally scheduled sale. Prior conclusions as predicated on surmises, conjectures, and
the special power hereinbefore referred to, the debtor, his publication of the extrajudicial foreclosure sale in a newspaper suppositions to the effect that he had not really known his total
successors in interest or any judicial creditor or judgment of general circulation operates as constructive notice to the obligations.18
creditor of said debtor, or any person having a lien on the whole world. (Bold underscoring supplied for emphasis only)
property subsequent to the mortgage or deed of trust under The CA's conclusions were legally and factually unwarranted.
which the property is sold, may redeem the same at any time Conformably with the foregoing, the foreclosure sale of the
within the term of one year from and after the date of the sale; mortgaged properties at the public auction held on June 27, The foreclosure of the REM is proper once the debtor has
and such redemption shall be governed by the provisions of 2007 could not be invalidated for its non-compliance with the incurred default or delay in performing his obligation. Mora
sections four hundred and sixty-four to four hundred and sixty- two-bidder rule. solvendi, or debtor's default, is defined as the delay in the
six, inclusive, of the Code of Civil Procedure, in so far as these fulfillment of an obligation by reason of a cause imputable to
are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act. II. the debtor. Three requisites are necessary to support a finding
Publication of the notice of the foreclosure sale of default - first, the obligation is already demandable and
As its aforequoted provisions indicate, Act No. 3135 does not in Maharlika Pilipinas was not void liquidated; second, the debtor delays his performance; and
require the participation of at least two bidders at the public third, the creditor judicially or extrajudicially requires the
auction. In A.M. No. 99-10-05-0 dated January 30, 2001 (Re: The respondents submit that the publication of the notice of the debtor's performance.19
Procedure in Extra-Judicial Foreclosure of Mortgage), therefore, foreclosure sale in the newspaper Maharlika Pilipinas was
the Court, acting on letters containing observations and ineffectual because Maharlika Pilipinas was not a newspaper of "A debt is liquidated when the amount is known or is
proposals about the rules of procedure to be undertaken in the general circulation as required by Section 3 of Act No. 3135, determinable by inspection of the terms and conditions of the
extrajudicial foreclosure of mortgages as embodied in Circular supra.14 In support of their submission, they cite Metropolitan relevant promissory notes and related documentation."20 Thus,
A.M. No. 99-10-05-0 (inclusive of the bidding requirements, and Bank and Trust Company, Inc. v. Penajiel,15 where the Court the failure of Boston Equity to furnish the detailed statement of
the publication of notices), expressly resolved: held that Maharlika Pilipinas was not a newspaper of general account to Edgardo did not ipso facto result in his obligation
circulation. The petitioners counter that the publication had being still unliquidated. Indeed, the terms and conditions of his
After due deliberation on the points raised by the parties and been made in a newspaper of general circulation in Quezon obligation were readily ascertainable and determinable from the
considering the report of the OCA, the Court resolved as City. REM and its amendment; hence, the petitioners had properly
follows: considered him in default upon his having failed to settle his
The submission of the respondents fails to persuade. obligation despite their demand. For this reason, any
1. Paragraph 5 of the Circular A.M. No. 99-10-05-0 provides: discrepancy in the amounts stated in the demand letters of
The respondents, as the parties alleging the non-compliance Boston Equity did not genuinely hinder the legitimate effort to
No auction sale shall be held unless there are at least two (2) with the requisite of publication in the extrajudicial foreclosure recover on the obligation.
participating bidders, otherwise the sale shall be postponed to of the mortgage pursuant to Act No. 3135, had the burden of
another date. If on the new date set for the sale there shall not proving their allegation. They failed in that regard, for a reading IV.
be at least two bidders, the sale shall then proceed. The names of the ruling in Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company, Inc. v. The petitioners could not raise for the first time
of the bidders shall be reported by the sheriff or the notary Peñafiel only indicates that Maharlika Pilipinas was not on appeal the issue of Rosie's consent to the
public who conducted the sale to the Clerk of Court before the considered a newspaper of general circulation in Mandaluyong mortgage contract and its amendment
issuance of the certificate of sale. City, the place where the public auction of the property in
question took place.16 With the public auction involved herein The petitioners are submitting for the first time in this appeal
It is contended that this requirement is not found in Act No. having been held in Quezon City, and there being no showing that Rosie had consented to the REM and its amendment by
3135 and that it is impractical and burdensome, considering by the respondents that Maharlika Pilipinas was not a affixing her signature as a witness thereto, as Edgardo's
that not all auction sales are commercially attractive to newspaper of general circulation in Quezon City, the publication spouse; and that the proceeds of the loan obtained by Edgardo
prospective bidders. undertaken by Boston Equity was presumed as compliant with had redounded to the benefit of the family, and thus rendered
Section 3 of Act No. 3135.17 the mortgaged properties, albeit conjugal in character, liable for
The observation is well taken. Neither Act No. 3135 nor the the obligation. They argue that changing the legal theory of
previous circulars issued by the Court governing extrajudicial III. one's defense was not altogether prohibited as long as the
foreclosures provide for a similar requirement. The two-bidder There was no need for an accounting factual basis of such theory would not require the presentation
rule is provided under P.D. No. 1594 and its implementing rules of Edgardo's obligation of evidence that was not yet part of the records of the case.21
with respect to contracts for government infrastructure projects before he could be held in default
because of the public interest involved. Although there is a The respondents posit, however, that the documentary
public interest in the regularity of extrajudicial foreclosure of The CA concluded that the petitioners had hastily considered evidence belatedly submitted by the petitioners to prove the
mortgages, the private interest is predominant. The reason, Edgardo to have been already in default despite the discrepancy supposed consent of Rosie to the REM and its amendment was
therefore, for the requirement that there must be at least two in the amount demandable from him; and that he was entitled inadmissible for lack of proper authentication;22 that the
bidders is not as exigent as in the case of contracts for to a proper accounting in order to properly inform him of his petitioners' insistence that Rosie had known of the REM and its
government infrastructure projects. outstanding obligation. amendment was a factual matter that went beyond the purview
of the Court's review in this appeal; that the petitioners thereby
On the other hand, the new requirement will necessitate The petitioners disagree with the CA's conclusions, and contend changed their theory for the first time in this appeal; and that
republication of the notice of auction sale in case only one that the discrepancy as to the amount of Edgardo's obligation the REM and its amendment were null and void for lack of the
bidder appears at the scheduled auction sale. This is not only between the two demand letters given by Boston Equity to him written consent of Rosie as the mortgagor's spouse.23
costly but, more importantly, it would render naught the binding was reconcilable as ruled by the RTC. They dismiss the CA's
We uphold the respondents' position. further evidence on the matter before the new issue may be mortgage was not valid, the principal obligation that the
considered. x x x mortgage guaranteed was not thereby rendered null and void.
The submission by the petitioners regarding Rosie's having The liability of the debtor under the principal contract of the
consented to the REM and its amendment by virtue of her The exception is still not proper. Although the respondents, who loan subsisted despite the illegality of the REM. That obligation
signature thereon as an instrumental witness was not among are considered the adverse party, could belie the petitioners' matured and became demandable in accordance with the
the issues framed and joined by the parties during the trial in claim by merely maintaining their position that Rosie had not stipulation pertaining to it. What was lost was only the right to
the RTC. For the petitioners to make the submission only now is consented to the REM and its amendment, the petitioners' new foreclose the REM as a special remedy for satisfying or settling
impermissible. Questions raised on appeal must be within the contention would still entail the presentation of additional the debt that was the principal obligation. In case of its nullity,
issues the parties framed at the start; hence, issues not raised evidence by the respondents to enable them to properly meet the mortgage deed remained as evidence or proof of the
before the trial court cannot be raised for the first time on and respond to the new theory. As such, allowing the debtor's personal obligation, and the amount due to the creditor
appeal. The Court will not deal with and resolve issues not petitioners to raise the new theory was still not permissible. could be enforced in an ordinary action.31
properly raised and ventilated in the lower courts. To allow such Moreover, to allow the new theory to be pursued would also
new issues on appeal contravenes the basic rule of fair play and necessarily involve the Court in the consideration and WHEREFORE, the Court DENIES the petition for review on
justice, and is violative of the adverse party's constitutional right ascertainment of factual issues, a task that the Court could not certiorari; AFFIRMS the decision promulgated on April 28, 2010;
to due process.24 Verily, points of law, theories, issues, and discharge through this mode of appeal that is limited to the and ORDERS the petitioners to pay the costs of suit.
arguments not brought to the attention of the trial court are consideration and determination of questions of law.
barred by estoppels, and cannot be considered by a reviewing SO ORDERED.
court.25 As a consequence, the findings of the CA on the lack of Rosie's
written consent to the REM and its amendment stand LUCAS P. BERSAMIN
The petitioners propose that this case falls within the exception, unrefuted.1âwphi1 Such findings warrant the nullification not Associate Justice
and urge the Court to allow the change of legal theory on only of the REM and its amendment, but also of all the
appeal because the factual bases for the new theory would not proceedings taken to foreclose the REM. Such invalidity applied
require the presentation of further evidence by the adverse to the entire mortgage, even to the portion corresponding to
party as to enable it to properly meet the issue raised under the the share of Edgardo in the conjugal estate.28 Article 124 of the FIRST DIVISION
new theory. They argue that their new theory could be verified Family Code clearly so provides:
from documents already forming part of the records of the November 22, 2017
case. They cite in support of their urging the ruling in Art. 124. The administration and enjoyment of the conjugal
Homeowners Savings & Loan Bank v. Dailo.26 partnership shall belong to both spouses jointly. In case of G.R. No. 209544
disagreement, the husband's decision shall prevail, subject to
The petitioners' proposition is unacceptable. recourse to the court by the wife for proper remedy, which SPOUSES ELLIS R. MILES and CAROLINA RONQUILLO-MILES,
must be availed of within five years from the date of the Petitioners
The application of the exception allowing a change of theory on contract implementing such decision. vs.
appeal provided no additional evidence was necessary, has BONNIE BAUTISTA LAO, Respondent
been explained in Philippine Geothermal, Inc. Employees Union In the event that one spouse is incapacitated or otherwise
v. Unocal Philippines, Inc. (now known as Chevron Geothermal unable to participate in the administration of the conjugal DECISION
Philippines Holdings, Inc.)27 thusly: properties, the other spouse may assume sole powers of
administration. These powers do not include disposition or TIJAM, J.:
Respondent's contention that it falls within the exception to the encumbrance without authority of the court or the written
rule likewise does not lie. Respondent cites Quasha Ancheta consent of the other spouse. In the absence of such authority This resolves the Petition for Review on Certiorari1 under Rule
Pena and Nolasco Law Office v. LCN Construction Corp. and or consent, the disposition or encumbrance shall be void. 45 asasiling the Decision2 dated May 24, 2013 and Resolution3
claims that it falls within the exception since it did not present However, the transaction shall be construed as a continuing dated September 30, 2013 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-
any additional evidence on the matter: offer on the part of the consenting spouse and the third person, G.R. CV No. 95973.
and may be perfected as a binding contract upon the
In the interest of justice and within the sound discretion of the acceptance by the other spouse or authorization by the court The Antecedents
appellate court, a party may change his legal theory on appeal, before the offer is withdrawn by either or both offerors. (165a)
only when the factual bases thereof would not require This case stemmed from a complaint4 filed by petitioner
presentation of any further evidence by the adverse party in The petitioners' assertion that the mortgaged properties could Spouses Ellis and Carolina Miles (Petitioners) against spouses
order to enable it to properly meet the issue raised in the new be made liable for the obligation contracted solely by Eduardo Ricardo and Cresencia Ocampo (spouses Ocampo), spouses
theory. on the basis that the proceeds of the loan had redounded to the Rodora and Reynaldo Jimenez, Bonnie Bautista Lao
benefit of the family is also unwarranted. The mortgage was (respondent), Atty. Mila Flores, in her capacity as the Register
However, this paragraph states that it is the adverse party that but an accessory agreement, and was distinct from the principal of Deeds, Makati City and Atty. Engracio M. Escasinas, Jr., in his
should no longer be required to present additional evidence to contract of loan. What the CA declared void was the REM. Since capacity as the Clerk of Court VII and Ex-Officio Sheriff of the
contest the new claim, and not the party presenting the new the REM was an encumbrance on the conjugal properties, the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Makati City.
theory on appeal. Thus, it does not matter that respondent no contracting thereof by Edgardo sans the written consent of
longer presented additional evidence to support its new claim. Rosie rendered only the REM void and legally inexistent.29 The Petitioners claimed that on March 28, 1983, they became
The petitioner, as the adverse party, should not have to present petitioners could still recover the loan from the conjugal registered owners in fee simple of a parcel of land in Makati
partnership in a proper case for the purpose.30 Where the City, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 1204275
(subject property). They averred that before they left for the The appellate court reversed the trial court and ruled that
United States, they entrusted the duplicate of the TCT of the The Ruling of the RTC respondent is a mortgagee in good faith. The dispositive portion
subject property to their niece, defendant Rodora Jimenez of its Decision17 states:
(Rodora) so that she may offer it to interested buyers. They In a Decision14 dated January 14, 2009, the RTC ruled in favor
claimed that no written Special Power of Attorney (SPA) to sell of petitioners. The dispositive portion of the Decision reads: WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant Appeal is
the property was given to Rodora. GRANTED and the Decision dated 14 January 2009 of the
In view of the foregoing antecedents, judgment is rendered in Regional Trial Court of Makati City, Branch 146, in Civil Case No.
They alleged that Rodora and spouses Ocampo conspired and favor of the plaintiffs and against the defendants, as follows: 99-1986 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE in so far as defendant-
made it appear, through a falsified Deed of Donation dated April appellant Bonnie S. Lao is concerned.
21, 1998, that petitioners were donating the subject property to 1. Declaring Transfer Certificate of Title No. 21234 in the name
spouses Ocampo. As a result, TCT No. 120427 was cancelled of [Spouses Ocampo] as null and void and of no legal force and Accordingly, the Real Estate Mortgage dated 22 December 1998
and a new one, TCT No. 2123146 was issued in the name of effect and TCT No. 120427 in the name of Ellis Miles is hereby between defendant Spouses Ricardo Ocampo and Cresencia
spouses Ocampo. restored; Ocampo and defendant-appellant Bonnie S. Lao is hereby
declared VALID and with LEGAL FORCE and EFFECT.
Later on, petitioners claimed that through falsification, evident 2. The Deed of Donation dated 21 April 1998, Deed of Absolute
bad faith and fraud, spouses Ocampo caused the execution of a Sale, Special Power of Attorney and all other documents SO ORDERED.18
falsified Real Estate Mortgage7 in favor of respondent Lao, with resulting to the cancellation of TCT No. 120427 as well as the
the subject property as security, in exchange of a loan in the Real Estate Mortgage dated 22 December 1998 inscribed under Petitioners' motion for reconsideration was likewise denied in
amount of Php2,500,000. Since the spouses Ocampo failed to Entry No. 21772/T-212314, they are declared null and void and the CA's Resolution dated September 30, 2013.
pay the loan, respondent foreclosed the mortgage. of no legal force and effect whatsoever;
Hence, this petition.
Alleging that there was collusion among the defendants, 3. [Respondent] is hereby ordered to voluntarily and peacefully
petitioners prayed that TCT No. 21234 in the name of spouses surrender to the Court the Owner's Duplicate of TCT No. The Ruling of the Court
Ocampo be cancelled, and TCT No. 120427 under their name 212314 within fifteen (15) days from finality of the judgment for
be restored. They also prayed for the nullification of the Deed of purposes of cancellation; The only issue for Our resolution is whether or not the CA erred
Donation8 dated April 21, 1998, the mortgage executed by in ruling that respondent is a mortgagee in good faith.1âwphi1
spouses Ocampo in favor of respondent and the cancellation of 4. Ordering the Register of Deeds of Makati City to cancel all of
the mortgage inscription on the title of the property. the entries appearing at the dorsal portion of TCT No. 120427, In this petition, petitioners alleged that respondent never
conducted an investigation on the title of spouses Ocampo and
For their part, all the defendants denied petitioners' claim that 5. Ordering defendants [Rodora] and [spouses Ocampo] jointly the status of the subject property when she entered into a
there was collusion among them. and severally to pay [petitioners] the amount of ₱572,940.00 mortgage contract with the spouses Ocampo. They also
(sic) representing their airfare from the USA to the Philippines; conclude that respondent was not diligent when she dealt with
For defendant Rodora, she claimed that she is related to the spouses Ocampo through one Carlos Talay.
petitioners by consanguinity, and by affinity to spouses 6. Ordering defendants Jimenez and [spouses Ocampo] jointly
Ocampo. She admitted to the sale of the subject property to and severally to pay [petitioners] the amount of ₱l,000,000.00 At the outset, We note that the issue of whether a mortgagee is
spouses Ocampo. She however claimed that the sale was with as moral and exemplary damages; and in good faith generally cannot be entertained in a petition filed
petitioners' knowledge and consent through a SPA9 dated July under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as
10, 1997. She claimed that petitioners communicated the same 7. Ordering defendants Jimenez and [spouses Ocampo] jointly amended.19 This is because the ascertainment of good faith or
via overseas call. She claimed that the agreement was for and severally to pay [petitioners] the amount of ₱500,000.00 as the lack thereof, and the determination of negligence are
spouses Ocampo to pay the consideration within two months and for attorney's fees. factual matters which lay outside the scope of a petition for
from the execution of the Deed of Sale on February 13, 1998.10 review on certiorari.20 However, a recognized exception to this
The compulsory counterclaim of defendants are denied for lack rule is when the RTC and the CA have divergent findings of fact
Spouses Ocampo maintained that they acquired the property in of merit. Likewise, for failure to prove the same, [respondent]'s as in the case at bar.21
good faith and for value. They offered in evidence a SPA cross-claim against defendants Jimenez and [spouses Ocampo]
purportedly executed by petitioners authorizing Rodora to sell are denied. There is indeed a situation where, despite the fact that the
the property and a Deed of Sale11 purportedly executed by mortgagor is not the owner of the mortgaged property, his title
Rodora in their favor.12 SO ORDERED.15 being fraudulent, the mortgage contract and any foreclosure
sale arising therefrom are given effect by reason of public
Meanwhile, respondent alleged that she entered into a Only respondent appealed to the CA. Meanwhile, it appears that policy.22 This is the doctrine of "the mortgagee in good faith"
mortgage contract with spouses Ocampo without knowledge the trial court issued a writ of execution16 dated July 8, 2010, based on the rule that buyers or mortgagees dealing with
that their title thereon was defective. She claimed that at the implementing paragraphs 4 to 7 of its January 14, 2009 property covered by a Torrens Certificate of Title are not
time of the mortgage, the subject property was in the name of Decision. required to go beyond what appears on the face of the title.
spouses Ocampo and there was nothing in the title which
suggested that it was fraudulently acquired. She even claimed The Ruling of the CA Indeed, a mortgagee has a right to rely in good faith on the
that she conducted an ocular inspection on the property to certificate of title of the mortgagor of the property given as
determine if there were other occupants thereon but none were security, and in the absence of any sign that might arouse
found.13 suspicion, the mortgagee has no obligation to undertake further
investigation. This doctrine presupposes, however, that the connotes an honest intention to abstain from taking Armamento could have occurred after the mortgage was
mortgagor, who is not the rightful owner of the property, has unconscientious advantage of another.28 In Manaloto, et al. v. already executed, and even during the pendency of the case.
already succeeded in obtaining Torrens title over the property in Veloso III29, the Court defined good faith as"an honest
his name and that, after obtaining the said title, he succeeds in intention to abstain from taking any unconscientious advantage Neither is respondent's act of filing a foreclosure suit instead of
mortgaging the property to another who relies on what appears of another, even through the forms or technicalities of the law, a criminal case against spouses Ocampo indicative of her bad
on the title. together with an absence of all information or belief of fact faith. In Sps. Yap and Guevarra v. First e-Bank Corp.,35 this
which would render the transaction unconscientious. In Court already recognized that if the debtor fails (or unjustly
The Court, in the case of Andres, et al. v. Philippine National business relations, it means good faith as understood by men of refuses) to pay his debt when it falls due and the debt is
Bank23 ,explained the dynamics of the burden of discovery in affairs. "30 secured by a mortgage and by a check, the creditor has three
said doctrine, to wit: options against the debtor and the exercise of one will bar the
In this case, respondent's decision to deal with the mortgagors exercise of the others. The remedies include foreclosure and
The doctrine protecting mortgagees and innocent purchasers in through a middleman, does not equate to bad faith. At the filing of a criminal case for violation of BP 22 (Bouncing Checks
good faith emanates from the social interest embedded in the outset, it bears to stress that the spouses Ocampo were already Law). Verily, when respondent opted to foreclose, he merely
legal concept granting indefeasibility of titles. The burden of the registered owners of the property at the time they entered exercised a privilege granted to him by law as a secured
discovery of invalid transactions relating to the property covered into a mortgage contract with respondent. Hence, respondent creditor. Hence, without sufficient justification, We cannot
by a title appearing regular on its face is shifted from the third was justified in relying on the contents of TCT No. 212314 and impute bad faith on respondent by her exercise of such right.
party relying on the title to the co-owners or the predecessors is under no legal" obligation to further investigate. Likewise,
of the title holder. Between the third party and the co-owners, it there is nothing in the records, and neither did petitioners point WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED for lack of merit. The the
will be the latter that will be more intimately knowledgeable to anything in the title which would arouse suspicions as to the Decision dated May 24, 2013 and Resolution dated September
about the status of the property and its history. The costs of spouses Ocampo's defective title to the subject property. 30, 2013 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 95973 are
discovery of the basis of invalidity, thus, are better borne by hereby AFFIRMED.
them because it would naturally be lower. A reverse While arguably, respondent's decision to use a middleman in
presumption will only increase costs for the economy, delay her transactions with the mortgagors could be characterized as SO ORDERED.
transactions, and, thus, achieve a less optimal welfare level for risky or reckless, the same does not establish a corrupt motive
the entire society.24 on the part of respondent, nor an intention to take advantage NOEL GIMENEZ TIJAM
of another person. Indeed, bad faith does not simply connote Associate Justice
In cases where the mortgagee does not directly deal with the bad judgment or negligence.31
registered owner of real property, the law requires that a higher
degree of prudence be exercised by the mortgagee.25 We also note respondent's insistence that she conducted an
ocular inspection on the subject property and found that the lot First DIVISION
In this case, the title of the property under the name of spouses was vacant before she decided to enter into a mortgage
Ocampo was already registered as early as May 6, 1998, while contract with spouses Ocampo. This fact remained November 20, 2017
the real estate mortgage was executed December 16, 1998. uncontroverted throughout the trial before the RTC. We agree
Hence, it is clear that respondent had every right to rely on the with respondent that the allegation set forth in spouses G.R. No. 211564
TCT presented to her insofar as the mortgagors' right of Ocampo's Manifestation and Motion to Set Aside Decision32
ownership over the subject property is concerned. against Defendants Spouses Ocampo dated November 3, 2009 BENJAMIN EVANGELISTA, Petitioner
cannot be appreciated to contradict the established fact that vs.
Petitioners and the RTC however claims that respondent is in respondent made an ocular inspection of the subject property. SCREENEX,1 INC., represented by ALEXANDER G, YU,
bad faith considering that she did not directly deal with the The pertinent portion of the said manifestation states: Respondent
mortgagors, and dealt with them only through respondent's
agent, Carlos Talay. 2. However, long before the said decision was rendered, the DECISION
plaintiffs have already taken possession of the property subject
We find otherwise. of this litigation by way of recovering their ownership thereof; SERENO, CJ.:

Petitioners' line of argument is non-sequitur and is simply 3. In fact, plaintiffs had long been leasing the subject property This is a Petition2 for Review on Certiorari seeking to set aside
insufficient to controvert respondent's good faith as mortgagee. to a certain JUAN ARMAMENTO, a barangay kagawad of Pio del the Decision3 and Resolution4 rendered by the Court of Appeals
Pilar; (CA) Manila, Fifth Division, in CA-G.R. SP No. 110680.
In ascertaining good faith, or the lack of it, which is a question
of intention, courts are necessarily controlled by the evidence as 4. The foregoing facts render the decision of the Court moot ANTECEDENT FACTS
to the conduct and outward acts by which alone the inward and academic insofar as defendants Spouses Ocampo are
motive may, with safety, be determined. Good faith, or want of concerned, no longer enforceable against them, having in effect The facts as summarized by the CA are as follows:
it, is capable of being ascertained only from the acts of one been satisfied.33
claiming its presence, for it is a condition of the mind which can Sometime in 1991, [Evangelista] obtained a loan from
be judged by actual or fancied token or signs.26 Good faith, or Suffice it to state that the aforesaid statements are mere respondent Screenex, Inc. which issued two (2) checks to
want of it, is not a visible, tangible fact that can be seen or allegations, not presented during trial, and are unsupported by [Evangelista]. The first check was UCPB Check No. 275345 for
touched, but rather a state or condition of mind which can only any evidence.34 Hence, We cannot accord weight to them. ₱l,000,000 and the other one is China Banking Corporation
be judged by actual or fancied token or signs.27 Good faith Certainly, it is plausible that the lease to the aforesaid Check No. BDO 8159110 for ₱500,000. There were also
vouchers of Screenex that were signed by the accused payment. The trial court pointed out, though, that the
evidencing that he received the 2 checks in acceptance of the prosecution failed to prove the third element; i.e. at the time of As to the defense of prescription, the same cannot be
loan granted to him. the issuance of the check to the payee, the latter did not have successfully invoked in this appeal. The 10-year prescriptive
sufficient funds in, or credit with, the drawee bank for payment period of the action under Art. 1144 of the New Civil Code is
As security for the payment of the loan, [Evangelista] gave two of the check in full upon its presentment.9 In the instant case, computed from the time the right of action accrues. The terms
(2) open-dated checks: UCPB Check Nos. 616656 and 616657, the court held that while prosecution witness Alexander G. Yu and conditions of the loan obligation have not been shown, as
both pay to the order of Screenex, Inc. From the time the declared that the lawyer had sent a demand letter to only the checks evidence the same. It has not been shown
checks were issued by [Evangelista], they were held in safe Evangelista, Yu failed to prove that the letter had actually been when the loan obligation was to mature such that there is no
keeping together with the other documents and papers of the received by addressee. Because there was no way to determine basis to show or from which to infer, when the cause of action
company by Philip Gotuaco, Sr., father-in-law of respondent when the five-day period should start to toll, there was a failure (non-payment of the loan) which would give the obligee the
Alexander Yu, until the former's death on 19 November 2004. to establish prima facie evidence of knowledge of the right to seek redress for the non-payment of the obligation,
insufficiency of funds on the part of Evangelista.10 Hence, the accrued. In other words, the reckoning point of prescription has
Before the checks were deposited, there was a personal court acquitted him of the criminal charges. not been established.
demand from the family for [Evangelista] to settle the loan and
likewise a demand letter sent by the family lawyer.5 Ruling on the civil aspect of the cases, the court held that while Prosecution witness Alexander G. Yu was not competent to
Evangelista admitted to having issued and delivered the checks state that the loan was contracted in 1991 as in fact, Yu
On 25 August 2005, petitioner was charged with violation of to Gotuaco and to having fully paid the amounts indicated admitted that it was a few months before his father-in-law
Batas Pambansa (BP) Blg. 22 in Criminal Case Nos. 343615-16 therein, no evidence of payment was presented.11 It further (Philip Gotuaco) died when the latter told him about accused's
filed with the Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC) of Makati City, held that the creditor's possession of the instrument of credit failure to pay his obligation. That was a few months before
Branch 61.6 The Information reads: was sufficient evidence that the debt claimed had not yet been November 19, 2004, date of death of his father-in-law.
paid.12 In the end, Evangelista was declared liable for the
That sometime in 1991, in the City of Makati, Metro Manila, corresponding civil obligation.13 At any rate, the right of action in this case is not upon a written
Philippines, a place within the jurisdiction of this Honorable contract, for which reason, Art. 1144, New Civil Code, on
Court, the above-named accused, did then and there, willfully, The dispositive portion of the Decision14 reads: prescription does not apply.21
unlawfully and feloniously make out, draw, and issue to
SCREENEX INC., herein represented by ALEXANDER G. YU, to WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered acquitting the accused In a Decision22 dated 18 December 2008, the R TC dismissed
apply on account or for value the checks described below: BENJAMIN EVANGELISTA for failure of the prosecution to the appeal and affirmed the MeTC decision in toto.23 The
establish all the elements constituting the offense of Violation of Motion for Reconsideration24 was likewise denied in an Order25
Check No. Date Amount B.P. 22 for two (2) counts. However, accused is hereby ordered dated 19 August 2009.
United Coconut AGR 616656 12-22-04 ₱l to pay his civil obligation to the private complainant in the total
Planters Bank AGR 616657 12-22-04 500,000.00 (₱l,500,000) plus twelve (12%) percent interest per annum
said accused well knowing that at the time of issue thereof, said from the date of the filing of the two sets of Information until Evangelista filed a petition for review26 before the CA insisting
accused did not have sufficient funds in or credit with the fully paid and to pay the costs of suit. that the lower court erred in finding him liable to pay the sum
drawee bank for the payment in full of the face amount of such with interest at 12% per annum from the date of filing until full
check upon its presentment which check when presented for SO ORDERED.15 payment. He further alleged that witness Yu was not competent
payment within ninety (90) days from the date thereof, was to testify on the loan transaction; that the insertion of the date
subsequently dishonored by the drawee bank for the reason THE RULING OF THE RTC on the checks without the knowledge of the accused was an
"ACCOUNT CLOSED" and despite receipt of notice of such alteration that avoided the checks; and that the obligation had
dishonor, the said accused failed to pay said payee the face Evangelista filed a timely Notice of Appeal16 and raised two been extinguished by prescription.27
amount of said checks or to make arrangement for full payment errors of the MeTC before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
thereof within five (5) banking days after receiving notice. Makati City, Branch 147. Docketed therein as Criminal Case Nos. Screenex, Inc., represented by Yu, filed its Comment.28 Yu
08-1723 and 08-1724, the appeal posed the following issues: claimed that he had testified on the basis of his personal
CONTRARY TO LAW.7 (1) the lower court erred in not appreciating the fact that the dealings with his father-in-law, whom Evangelista dealt with in
prosecution failed to prove the civil liability of Evangelista to obtaining the loan. He further claimed that during the trial,
Petitioner pleaded not guilty when arraigned, and trial private complainant; and (2) any civil liability attributable to petitioner never raised the competence of the witness as an
proceeded.8 Evangelista had been extinguished and/or was barred by issue.29 Moreover, Yu argued that prescription set in from the
prescription.17 accrual of the obligation; hence, while the loan was transacted
THE RULING OF THE METC in 1991, the demand was made in February 2005, which was
After the parties submitted their respective Memoranda,18 the within the 10-year prescriptive period.30 Yu also argued that
The MeTC found that the prosecution had indeed proved the R TC ruled that the checks should be taken as evidence of while Evangelista claimed under oath that the loan had been
first two elements of cases involving violation of BP 22: i.e. the Evangelista's indebtedness to Gotuaco, such that even if the paid in 1992, he was not able to present any proof of
accused makes, draws or issues any check to apply to account criminal aspect of the charge had not been established, the payment.31 Meanwhile, Yu insisted that the material alteration
or for value, and the check is subsequently dishonored by the obligation subsisted.19 Also, the alleged payment by invoked by Evangelista was unavailing, since the checks were
drawee bank for insufficiency of funds or credit; or the check Evangelista was an affirmative defense that he had the burden undated; hence, nothing had been altered.32 Finally, Yu argued
would have been dishonored for the same reason had not the of proving, but that he failed to discharge.20 With respect to that Evangelista should not be allowed to invoke prescription,
drawer, without any valid reason, ordered the bank to stop the defense of prescription, the RTC ruled in this wise:
which he was raising for the first time on appeal, and for which We rule in favor of petitioner. Sec. 119. Instrument; how discharged. - A negotiable
no evidence was adduced in the court of origin.33 instrument is discharged:
A check is discharged by any other
The CA denied the petition.34 It held that (1) the reckoning act which will discharge a simple (a) By payment in due course by or on behalf of the principal
time for the prescriptive period began when the instrument was contract for the payment of money. debtor;
issued and the corresponding check returned by the bank to its
depositor;35 (2) the issue of prescription was raised for the first In BP 22 cases, the action for the corresponding civil obligation (b) By payment in due course by the party accommodated,
time on appeal with the RTC;36 (3) the writing of the date on is deemed instituted with the criminal action.47 The criminal where the instrument is made or accepted for his
the check cannot be considered as an alteration, as the checks action for violation of BP 22 necessarily includes the accommodation;
were undated, so there was nothing to change to begin with;37 corresponding civil action, and no reservation to file such civil
(4) the loan obligation was never denied by petitioner, who action separately shall be allowed or recognized.48 (c) By the intentional cancellation thereof by the holder;
claimed that it was settled in 1992, but failed to show any proof
of payment.38 Quoting the MeTC Decision, the CA declared: The rationale for this rule has been elucidated in this wise: (d) By any other act which will discharge a simple contract for
Generally, no filing fees are required for criminal cases, but the payment of money;
[t]he mere possession of a document evidencing an obligation because of the inclusion of the civil action in complaints for
by the person in whose favor it was executed, merely raises a violation of B.P. 22, the Rules require the payment of docket (e) When the principal debtor becomes the holder of the
presumption of nonpayment which may be overcome by proof fees upon the filing of the complaint. This rule was enacted to instrument at or after maturity in his own right. (Emphasis
of payment, or by satisfactory explanation of the fact that the help declog court dockets which are filled with B.P. 22 cases as supplied)
instrument is found in the hands of the original creditor not creditors actually use the courts as collectors. Because ordinarily
inconsistent with the fact of payment.39 no filing fee is charged in criminal cases for actual damages, the A check therefore is subject to prescription of actions upon a
payee uses the intimidating effect of a criminal charge to collect written contract. Article 1144 of the Civil Code provides:
The dispositive portion reads: his credit gratis and sometimes. upon being paid, the trial court
is not even informed thereof. The inclusion of the civil action in Article 1144. The following actions must be brought within ten
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is DENIED. The the criminal case is expected to significantly lower the number years from the time the right of action accrues:
assailed August 19, 2009 Order of the Regional Trial Court, of cases filed before the courts for collection based on
Branch 147, Makati City, denying petitioner's Motion for dishonored checks. It is also expected to expedite the 1) Upon a written contract;
Reconsideration of the Court's December 18, 2008 Decision in disposition of these cases. Instead of instituting two separate
Crim. Case Nos. 08-1723 and 08- 1724 are AFFIRMED. cases, one for criminal and another for civil, only a single suit 2) Upon an obligation created by law;
shall be filed and tried. It should be stressed that the policy laid
SO ORDERED.40 down by the Rules is to discourage the separate filing of the 3) Upon a judgment. (Emphasis supplied)
civil action. The Rules even prohibit the reservation of a
Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration,41 which was separate civil action, which means that one can no longer file a Barring any extrajudicial or judicial demand that may toll the
similarly denied in a Resolution42 dated 27 February 2014. separate civil case after the criminal complaint is filed in court. 10-year prescription period and any evidence which may
The only instance when separate proceedings are allowed is indicate any other time when the obligation to pay is due, the
Hence, this Petition,43 in which petitioner contends that the when the civil action is filed ahead of the criminal case. Even cause of action based on a check is reckoned from the date
lower court erred in ordering the accused to pay his alleged civil then, the Rules encourage the consolidation of the civil and indicated on the check.
obligation to private complainant. In particular, he argues that criminal cases. We have previously observed that a separate
the court did not consider the prosecution's failure to prove his civil action for the purpose of recovering the amount of the If the check is undated, however, as in the present petition, the
civil liability to respondent, and that any civil liability there might dishonored checks would only prove to be costly, burdensome cause of action is reckoned from the date of the issuance of the
have been was already extinguished and/or barred by and time-consuming for both parties and would further delay check. This is so because regardless of the omission of the date
prescription.44 the final disposition of the case. This multiplicity of suits must indicated on the check, Section 1753 of the Negotiable
be avoided.49 (Citations omitted) Instruments Law instructs that an undated check is presumed
Meanwhile, respondent filed its Comment,45 arguing that the dated as of the time of its issuance.
date of prescription was reckoned from the date of the check, This notwithstanding, the civil action deemed instituted with the
22 December 2004. So when the complaint was filed on 25 criminal action is treated as an "independent civil liability based While the space for the date on a check may also be filled, it
August 2005, it was supposedly well within the prescriptive on contract."50 must, however, be filled up strictly in accordance with the
period of ten (10) years under Article 1144 of the New Civil authority given and within a reasonable time.54 Assuming that
Code.46 By definition, a check is a bill of exchange drawn on a bank Yu had authority to insert the dates in the checks, the fact that
'payable on demand.51 It is a negotiable instrument - written he did so after a lapse of more than 10 years from their
OUR RULING and signed by a drawer containing an unconditional order to issuance certainly cannot qualify as changes made within a
pay on demand a sum certain in money.52 It is an undertaking reasonable time.
With petitioner's acquittal of the criminal charges for violation of that the drawer will pay the amount indicated thereon. Section
BP 22, the only issue to be resolved in this petition is whether 119 of the NIL, however, states that a negotiable instrument Given the foregoing, the cause of action on the checks has
the CA committed a reversible error in holding that petitioner is like a check may be discharged by any other act which will become stale, hence, time-barred. No written extrajudicial or
still liable for the total amount of ₱l.5 million indicated in the discharge a simple contract for the payment of money, to wit: judicial demand was shown to have been made within 10 years
two checks. which could have tolled the period. Prescription has indeed set
Art. 1249. The payment of debts in money shall be made in the Similarly in this case, we find that the delivery of the checks,
Prescription allows the court to currency stipulated, and if it is not possible to deliver such despite the subsequent failure to encash them within a period
dismiss the case motu proprio. currency, then in the currency which is legal tender in the of 10 years or more, had the effect of payment. Petitioner is
Philippines. considered discharged from his obligation to pay and can no
We therefore have no other recourse but to grant the instant longer be pronounced civilly liable for the amounts indicated
petition on the ground of prescription. Even if that defense was The delivery of promissory notes payable to order, or bills of thereon.
belatedly raised before the RTC for the first time on appeal from exchange or other mercantile documents shall produce the
the ruling of the Me TC, we nonetheless dismiss the complaint, effect of payment only when they have been cashed, or when WHEREFORE, the instant Petition is GRANTED. The Decision
seeking to enforce the civil liability of Evangelista based on the through the fault of the creditor they have been impaired. dated 1 October 2013 and Resolution dated 27 February 2014
undated checks, by applying Section 1 of Rule 9 of the Rules of in CA-G.R. SP No. 110680 are SET ASIDE. The Complaint
Court, to wit: In the meantime, the action derived from the original obligation against petitioner is hereby DISMISSED.
shall be held in the abeyance. (Emphasis supplied)
Section 1. Defenses and objections not pleaded. - Defenses and SO ORDERED.
objections not pleaded either in a motion to dismiss or in the This rule is similarly stated in the Negotiable Instruments Law
answer are deemed waived. However, when it appears from the as follows: MARIA LOURDES P.A. SERENO
pleadings or the evidence on record that the court has no Chief Justice, Chairperson
jurisdiction over the subject matter, that there is another action Sec. 186. Within what time a check must be presented. - A
pending between the same parties for the same cause, or that check must be presented for p:iyment within a reasonable time
the action is barred by a prior judgment or by statute of after its issue or the drawer will be discharged from liability
limitations, the court shall dismiss the claim. thereon to the extent of the loss caused by the delay.
(Emphasis supplied)
While it was on appeal before the RTC that petitioner invoked
the defense of prescription, we find that the pleadings and the These provisions were the very same ones we cited when we
evidence on record indubitably establish that the action to hold discharged a check by reason of the creditor's unreasonable or
petitioner liable for the two checks has already prescribed. unexplained delay in encashing it. In Papa v. Valencia,59 the
respondents supposedly paid the petitioner the purchase price
The delivery of the check produces of the lots in cash and in check. The latter disputed this claim
the effect of payment when through and argued that he had never encashed the checks, and that he
the fault of the creditor they have could no longer recall the transaction that happened 10 years
been impaired earlier. This Court ruled:

It is a settled rule that the creditor's possession of the evidence Granting that petitioner had never encashed the check, his
of debt is proof that the debt has not been discharged by failure to do so for more than ten (10) years undoubtedly
payment.55 It is likewise an established tenet that a negotiable resulted in the impairment of the check through his
instrument is only a substitute for money and not money, and unreasonable and unexplained delay.
the delivery of such an instrument does not, by itself, operate
as payment.56 Thus, in BPI v. Spouses Royeca,57 we ruled that While it is true that the delivery of a check produces the effect
despite the lapse of three years from the time the checks were of payment only when it is cashed, pursuant to Art. 1249 of the
issued, the obligation still subsisted and was merely suspended Civil Code, the rule is otherwise if the debtor is prejudiced by
until the payment by commercial document could actually be the creditor's unreasonable delay in presentment. The
realized.58 acceptance of a check implies an undertaking of due diligence
in presenting it for payment, and if he from whom it is received
However, payment is deemed effected and the obligation for sustains loss by want of such diligence, it will be held to operate
which the check was given as conditional payment is treated as actual payment of the debt or obligation for which it was
discharged, if a period of 10 years or more has elapsed from given. It has, likewise, been held that if no presentment is
the date indicated on the check until the date of encashment or made at all, the drawer cannot be held liable irrespective of loss
presentment for payment. The failure to encash the checks or injury unless presentment is otherwise excused. This is in
within a reasonable time after issue, or more than 10 years in harmony with Article 1249 of the Civil Code under which
this instance, not only results in the checks becoming stale but payment by way of check or other negotiable instrument is
also in the obligation to pay being deemed fulfilled by operation conditioned on its being cashed, except when through the fault
of law. of the creditor, the instrument is impaired. The payee of a
check would be a creditor under this provision and if its no-
Art. 1249 of the Civil Code specifically provides that checks payment is caused by his negligence, payment will be deemed
should be presented for payment within a reasonable period effected and the obligation for which the check was given as
after their issuance, to wit: conditional payment will be discharged.60 (Citations omitted
and emphasis supplied)

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