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Computer Communication and Networking

08ES Sections I-II

Dr. Faisal Karim Shaikh

DEWSNet Group
Dependable Embedded Wired/Wireless Networks

DEWSNet MUET Jamshoro

© Neeraj Suri
Dependable Embedded Wired/Wireless Networks
EU-NSF ICT March 2006
Course Structure and Contact Info

 Schedule
 Timetable, check out!

 Exams
 2-3 mid exams (can be surprise :)
 Home assignments
 Presentations in class (voluntarily)
 Final Exam

 Faisal K. Shaikh
 Office Hours (TL125): Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00 and
by appointment

Intro/Overview 2
Relevant Literature + Lecture Foils
 Data and Computer Communications, Eighth Edition
 W. Stallings

 Internetworking With TCP/IP

 Douglas E. Comer

 Computer Networks
 Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Books are available (in limited numbers!) from the library

 Its not an end ;) Internet is open for all and for me too

 Slides are available on the lecture’s homepage
 I will try to upload the foils shortly before /after the lecture
 Username: ccn, password: 08ESSec12
Intro/Overview 3
The Trends in Computing Technology



Late 1990s

Now and Tomorrow ?

Intro/Overview 4
Computing Evolution

Intro/Overview 5
What isn’t an Embedded System?

 response

sensors motes



Intro/Overview 6
DEWSNet Related Areas

Intro/Overview 7
Reliable Information Transport for WSN

 Information Transport is a Core


 Responsiveness is Critical
different applications
 different responsiveness requirements

 Modeling
 Reliability Framework

 Mobility-
Mobility-aware Information Aggregation

(Ra) (Rr)

Reliability of inf. transport = Ra * Rr

Intro/Overview 8
Dependable Ad-hoc Sensor Networks
 Applications
 Car2Car communication WAVE
• Cooperative driving
• Announcements WLAN
 Tracking & monitoring
 Measurement ZigBee
 Disaster rescue

 Research challenges
 Energy (efficiency, maintenance..)
 Frequent failures (detection, diagnosis..)
 Safety-critical applications
 Reliable communication

Intro/Overview 9
Monitoring and Diagnosis via Global Maps
 Global maps of the WSN field
 Energy, connectivity, temperature etc.
 Are of high interest for
 network designers
 administrators
 Research Issues
 Efficient collection of information
 Map construction
 Maps for enhancing
 Functionality
 Dependability
 Security

Example: Energy maps

Intro/Overview 10
Related works for students
 Projects
 Setting up simulation environment for WSN on Sun Solaris (Sun
Fire Server)
 Deployment of protocols on sensor nodes
 Building and implementing protocols on robots

 Contact me if you are interested!

• I hope many of you will be interested 

Intro/Overview 11
Data Communications

Intro/Overview 12
Contemporary Data Comms
 trends
 traffic growth at a high & steady rate
 development of new services
 advances in technology
 significant change in requirements
 emergence of high-speed LANs
 corporate WAN needs
 digital electronics

Intro/Overview 13
A Communications Model

Intro/Overview 14
Data Communications Model

Intro/Overview 15
 growth of number & power of computers is driving need
for interconnection
 also seeing rapid integration of voice, data, image &
video technologies
 two broad categories of communications networks:
 Local Area Network (LAN)
 Wide Area Network (WAN)

Intro/Overview 16
Local Area Networks
 smaller scope
 Building or small campus
 usually owned by same organization as attached devices
 data rates much higher
 switched LANs, eg Ethernet
 wireless LANs

Intro/Overview 17
Metropolitan Area Networks
 middle ground between LAN and WAN
 private or public network
 high speed
 large area

Intro/Overview 18
Wide Area Networks
 Large geographical area
 Crossing public rights of way
 Rely in part on common carrier circuits
 Technologies in use
 Circuit switching
 Packet switching
 Frame relay
 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

Intro/Overview 19
Circuit Switching
 Dedicated communications path established for the
duration of the conversation
 e.g. telephone network

Intro/Overview 20
Packet Switching
 Data sent out of sequence
 Small chunks (packets) of data at a time
 Packets passed from node to node between source and
 Used for terminal to computer and computer to
computer communications

Intro/Overview 21
Frame Relay
 Packet switching systems have large overheads to
compensate for errors
 Modern systems are more reliable
 Errors can be caught in end system
 Most overhead for error control is stripped out

Intro/Overview 22
Asynchronous Transfer Mode
 Evolution of frame relay
 Little overhead for error control
 Fixed packet (called cell) length
 Anything from 10Mbps to Gbps
 Constant data rate using packet switching technique

Intro/Overview 23
The Internet
 Internet evolved from ARPANET
 first operational packet network
 applied to tactical radio & satellite nets also
 had a need for interoperability
 led to standardized TCP/IP protocols

Intro/Overview 24
Internet Elements

Intro/Overview 25
Example Configuration

Intro/Overview 26
 Introduced data communications needs
 Communications model
 Defined data communications
 Overview of networks
 Internet intro

Intro/Overview 27
Home Assignment
Evolution of Internet Infrastructure in Pakistan to
support Education Sector

 Due date: In one week

 Mode: via email only!!
 Use your university email (if you find any difficulty do let me know)
 In subject line must put [08ESSecI/II-your student ID]

 What to send : Document 3-4 pages


 Use your mind, do not copy paste 

Intro/Overview 28

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